Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews

Page created by Thomas Hughes
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews

  Visitor Guide
  C O L U M B I A                           R I V E R

DR I V E | H IK E | LE A R N | CA MP | DIN E | DR I NK
         A pub licat io n o f t he Colu mbia G orge New s
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
Open Daily 6am-2pm         Extensive Breakfast & Lunch Menus
                                           Organic Eggs • Omelets made with love
         Breakfast & Lunch     Pancakes & Waffles made from scratch • Skillets • Organic Coffee
          FULL BAR AVAILABLE    Espressos & Lattes • Soups • Salads • Sandwiches • Hamburgers
               Easy Parking                      FAMILY FRIENDLY

                                                                                 10% OFF
  541-386-1127                                                                   YOUR TOTAL BILL
                                                                                 with this coupon
 1313 Oak Street                                                                 Not valid on holidays
   Hood River                                                                    or with any other offer.
                                                                                   Expires 5/31/2022
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
                WELCOME           7
                DRIVE             9
                HIKE             19
                WATERFALLS       23
                SIP              27
                MOVE             29
                LEARN            33
                CAMP             49
                DINE & DRINK     61
                EVENTS           73        Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   3
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
Visitor Guide
C O L U M B I A                   R I V E R

   Welcome to the Columbia River Gorge —
             461 square miles of pure
      playground awaiting your pleasure.
        If you’re not sure where to start,
   here is a wealth of suggestions to sample,
              savor and remember.
          Explore the guide online at
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
a r o l

           Visitor Guide
            C O L U M B I A                       R I V E R

                                                                                                                          C n al a
                                                                                                                           An     Your Best Friend
          DR I V E | HIK E | LE AR N | CAMP | DINE | DR INK

                                                                                                                                  for Real Estate
                  A publicat ion of t he Columbia G orge New s

                ABOUT THE COVER
                    Mt. Hood, Oregon
                                                                                                                                  in the Gorge!
             M A G A Z I N E S TA F F
             Publisher / Chelsea Marr

              The Dalles / Mark Gibson                                 Check out all the homes for sale:
                        Lisa Becharas                        
                                                                       OR & WA Broker
                       Chelsea Marr
                       Niki Piacente,
                        Kim Horton
                      Rachel Harrison


    PO Box 390 • Hood River, Oregon 97031
                                                                               Hood River’s Hidden Gem
    PHONE 541-386-1234                                                    877.386.2992
                                                                         Westcliff Lodge is nestled on 7+ acres of quiet wooded
                                                                                   overlooking the Columbia River Gorge.
                                                                          EVENTS & VENUE:
                                                                         57 Guest Rooms and Suites
                                                                          4070 Westcliff Drive, Hood River, OR 97031
                                                                         Amenities in each room: Microwave/Refrigerator
                                                                         Coffer Maker/Iron/Ironing Board
                                                                         Outdoor Event Space
                                                                         Gorge Viewpoint Site
                                                                                                                                             Interior photo by Michael Peterson
                                                                         Complimentary Wi-Fi
                                                                         Pet Friendly
                                                                         Picnic and BBQ Area
                                                                         Children’s Playground
6    Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                                            
                                                                         Fireplace and Kitchen Suites
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
plan your v isit ...
        State, federal and non-profit groups         Cars are only allowed to Access              A natural border between Oregon and
    are encouraging people to plan ahead          Multnomah Falls and the Historic Lodge       Washington, the Columbia River Gorge
    at before they head         from the Interstate 84 parking lot at        National Scenic Area encompasses nearly
    out to the Columbia River Gorge National      Exit 31. Parking or stopping in front of     300,000 acres of ecological, recreational,
    Scenic Area.                                  the Lodge on the Historic Columbia River     cultural and historical attractions.
        Increased visitation puts increased       Highway is not permitted. Reservations          The Gorge is immensely popular.
    pressure on the Gorge’s limited resources.    are not needed prior to 9 a.m. or after      “To avoid crowds, arrive early, come
    If you’re planning a trip to our region,      6 p.m.                                       mid-week, or visit trails further east.
    please help keep our communities safe            The also                One of the most important things you
    by following CDC and local health guide-      maintains an updated listing of public       can do is plan ahead — and there are
    lines and respecting the requests             lands recreation site status, the link can   some great resources on basic steps to
    of individual businesses. Always have         be found on the home page.                   prepare at,” said
    a Plan B and a Plan C in case your               Additional information is abundant,       Rachel Pawlitz, public affairs officer for
    destination is too crowded or closed.         including car-free itineraries, bike         the U.S. Forest Service.
    When recreating on trails, bring a face       itineraries and guided tours.                   Heavy traffic — by car, boat, bicycle
    covering and maintain at least 6 feet of         Visitors should also check the website    or foot — can have negative impacts,
    distance from other hikers and bikers.        for timely warnings and closures based       and visitors are encouraged to help
        Reservations are also now required        on weather; extreme fire conditions          protect the Gorge by carrying out trash,
    at Multnomah Falls, the Gorge’s most          and drought can result in prohibition of     refraining from picking wildflowers and
    popular destination.                          campfires in the National Scenic Area        staying on designated trails.
        In order to improve safety and            and closures of surrounding locations           Although maintained and updated
    congestion, all visitors to Multnomah         in summer; extreme winter weather can        regularly, even
    Falls (including children under 2 years)      close highways and access points             may be unable to keep up with closures,
    now require a reservation. Reserve            in winter.                                   mandates and restrictions relating to the
    your tickets at There is a $1           The website was developed by Friends      COVID-19 pandemic, especially those
    administrative fee for each ticket. Your      of the Columbia Gorge, the Oregon Tour-      related to private attractions and services.
    ticket reservation does not guarantee you     ism Commission, Travel Oregon, the U.S.      Visitors are encouraged to call ahead
    a parking space but if you arrive by car      Forest Service and Oregon Department         to check for current restrictions in
    you must have a reservation ticket to visit   of Transportation and is designed for        addition to having alternative plans in
    the falls. If you arrive by transit, you do   people planning to drive, hike or bike       place should a favorite location be
    not need to make a reservation: Simply        the Gorge.                                   unavailable — but don’t disrepair, the
    show you ticket from the Columbia Gorge          In addition to specific information on    Gorge has a lot to offer and a fresh
    Express, your Gorge Pass, or receipt from     popular Gorge sites, the website includes    favorite will certainly be found.
    the hop on/hop off services along the         a comprehensive listing of information
    Historic Highway (Sasquatch Shuttle or        sources under the “Resources” tab, as
    Water Fall Trolley).                          well as current news and recommended
                                                  precautions.                                                                    Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   7
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews
From intimate views to sweeping panoramas, lush forest and
farmland to arid high desert, the Columbia River Gorge has
something for everyone and these byways and backroads will
help you explore the best of it — or grab a map and stick a pin
in it. There are no wrong turns in the Gorge.
Visitor Guide 2021-22 - Townnews

     Columbia Gorge Loop                             Mount Hood Loop                                    Shorter Routes
     Dramatic views of the western Gorge from        Dramatic views of Mount Hood and the               Rowena Loops
     Crown Point and Cape Horn, and of the           scenic Hood River valley. From Hood River,         These offer spectacular driving on the
     eastern Gorge from Highway 14. Take a side      follow Highway 35 south through the                eastern end of the Historic Columbia
     trip on the Columbia River Historic Highway     community of Mt. Hood to the junction              River Highway. Start at Mosier and head East
     between Corbett and Ainsworth Park for          with Highway 26, then west on Highway 26           on Hwt 30 or The Dalles and head West on
     a look at some of the most spectacular          through Zigzag, Welches and Brightwood             Hwy 30 for a combination of up-close and
     waterfalls around, including misty and          to Gresham. From Gresham, head north to            panoramic views that regularly draw car
     majestic Multnomah Falls. From Troutdale,       Interstate 84 and the return trip to Hood          companies to film their commercials.
     follow the Columbia River Scenic Highway        River. To extend the trip, take a side trip from   For variety, loop back on the State
     east to Ainsworth State Park, then continue     Government Camp, going up the mountain             Road-Sevenmile Hill route for spectacular
     eastbound along Interstate 84 past Hood         to historic Timberline Lodge.                      panoramas of both the eastern and central
     River to The Dalles. Cross The Dalles Bridge                                                       Columbia Gorge.
     and head west on Highway 14 through             East Side Loop
     Lyle, Bingen, Stevenson, North Bonneville       Broad vistas of wide open wheatfields,             Dalles Mountain Road
     and Camas to Interstate 205. Cross the          Deschutes River Canyon and juniper                 An unpaved route through a working cattle
     Columbia River on Interstate 205 (Glenn         rangelands of the eastern Cascades.                ranch, deeded by its last owners to the
     Jackson Bridge) to Interstate 84, then return   From The Dalles, head south on Highway             state of Washington. The ranch is now part
     east to Troutdale.                              197 through Dufur, Tygh Valley and Maupin          of Columbia Hills State Park and the ranch
                                                     to the junction with Highway 97. Then go           house is a departure point for hikes and
     Mount Adams Loop                                northeast on Highway 97 to the historic            offers occasional historical and interpretive
     Scenic, backcountry route to the foothills      community of Shaniko, continuing north             programs. The rugged road itself travels
     of Mount Adams and the Klickitat River          through Grass Valley and Moro to Biggs             through spectacular viewing for wildflowers
     Canyon. From Bingen, follow Highway 141         Junction and Interstate 84 for the return          and wildlife. At the crest of the Columbia
     north through White Salmon, Husum and           journey westbound to The Dalles.                   Hills it meets up with paved roads toward
     BZ Corners to Trout Lake. Then head east on     Worthwhile extensions to this loop may             Centerville and Goldendale. From Interstate
     the Goldendale-Glenwood Road through            be made by traveling farther south on              84, turn north at The Dalles Exit 85 onto
     Glenwood, down the Klickitat River Canyon       Highway 97 to the Highway 216 junction,            Highway 197, turn right at the junction of
     toward Goldendale. After you’ve climbed         then back north through Antelope to                197 and Washington Highway 14, then take
     out of the canyon, head right back into it      Shaniko. Or, keep traveling south on High-         the next left.
     again by traveling south on Highway 142         way 97 to Madras, then follow Highway 26
     to Klickitat and Lyle. At Lyle, head west on    northwest to Warm Springs and the junction         Hood River Fruit Loop
     Highway 14 back to Bingen.                      with Highway 216. Follow Highway 216 east          A picturesque trip through the orchard
                                                     to Highway 197 near Maupin and the return          country of rural Hood River County. From
                                                     journey north to The Dalles.                       I-84 take the Hood River Bridge exit, travel
                                                                                                        south on Highway 35 to the community
                                                                                                        of Mount Hood, turn right through
                                                                                                        Parkdale and take the Dee Highway
                                                                                                        back to Hood River.

10   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                           
Gun Store
        2917 E. 2nd. St.
                                                      V i s i
                                                    The Dalles
Imprint Size:
          The 2.3333”W
                 Dallesx 2.275”H
          541-296-6706                                                                                                Historic buildings take
                                                                                                                     you back in time in this
                                                                                                                      quintessential western
                                                                                                                        outpost that once
                                                Building Relationships From Underground up                           maintained territory to
                                   PROFESSIONAL.                                                                      Montana. Engage in a
                                                                                                                        saloon or a travel
                                                                                                                       along the Columbia
                                                                                                                     as Lewis and Clark, you
                                                                                                                     can feel the heartbeat of
                                             3600 Crates Way, Suite 100 The Dalles, OR 97058
                                                              (541) 506-4000                                           the American West.
                                   OR CCB #101573       WA Lic. #CRESTCC066OK

                                   Destination: SUPER!                                                                                 • FREE Super Star
                                                                                                                                       • Swimming pool
                                                                                                                                       • Cable with HBO
                                                                                                                                       • Free WIFI Internet

      Althea Milosh
                                                                                                                                       • Free local calls
                                                                                                                                       • Pet friendly
                                                                                                                                       • Close to shopping
                                                                                                                                         & restaurants
       PSYCHIC READER                                                                                                                  • Microwave, fridge,
                                                                                                                                         coffee makers,
                                                                                                                                         iron & board
                                                                                                                                       • 100% Non Smoking

                                                                                                             609 Cherry Heights Road,
                                                                                                               The Dalles OR 97058
                                                                                                             Off Interstate 84 - Take Exit 84

                    email:                                                                                   1-800-800-8000 • 541-296-6888                                                                                    Fax: 541-296-4056
           phone 541-399-9915                                                                           
           FB: Renee Irwin Mal                                                                                  Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   11
Visit The Dalles:

                                                                      • Gorge Winery Tours
                                                                • Brew Pub and Distillery Tours
                                                               • Historic Columbia River Hwy 30
                                                                      • Mt. Hood Loop Tour
                                                                     • Event Transportation
                                                                         • Custom Tours
                                                                         • PDX Transfers

                                                               Like us on Facebook

12   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022            
The Dalles,
                                                        The Dalles, Oregon

                Simply Sunsational!

                                                                                                       2021-2022 13 13
“Stay a night in our Barn!”

      woman’s clothing,
      gifts & accessories
     for the NW lifestyle!                              2114 West 6th Street
       203 E 2nd Street,
        The Dalles, OR


          When you sign up for rewards.


       4 0 1 E 1 0 t h St. Th e D a l l e s
                                                            2014 West 7th Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058
              (541) 980-5001                          ~ (541) 769-0753

14   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                  
Live music, Wed thru Sun              Live music, Tue, Fri & Sat                     Live music, 7 days a week
Featuring: Waterfront Wednesdays       Featuring: Tuesday Night Tunes                   209 E. 2nd St., The Dalles, OR
1535 Bargeway Rd., The Dalles, OR                        541-370-2345                                                                    541-296-3070

                                                                         more entertainment
                                                                         FREEBRIDGE BREWING
                              THE DALLES                                 Live Music Events
                              OREGON                                     710 E. 2nd St., The Dalles, OR

                                                                         THE RIV CAFÉ

                                                                         Live Music Events
                                                                         401 E. 10th St., The Dalles, OR

     Thu & Fri night karaoke           Concerts – Shows – Live Music                    Concerts || Shows
                                                                                       CONCERTS     SHOWS ||Live
                                                                                                             LIVE Music
      Live music every Sat              221 E. 2nd St., The Dalles, OR             
                                                                                             Check the website calendar:
  2006 W. 7th St., The Dalles, OR          
         541-296-3172                           815-993-6585                                   541-298-8533
about The Dalles, OR as
 n Trail, but this historic
eard  about
 places        Thedrink
          to eat,    Dalles, OR as
                                                                                         tasting room
                                                                                                     306 Court St. - @gorgewinelibrary
                                                                                         wines from The Columbia River Gorge. The
                                                                                                       is a perfect spot for a catch-up with
                                                                                                   If you are up for a wine tasting, stop in this
                                                                                         a friend over a glasswine
                                                                                                   intimate    of wine.
                                                                                                                                                     owned f
                                                                                                                                                     place to
                                                                                                                   bar highlighting expertly crafted family a
                                                                                                   wines from The Columbia River Gorge. The          Taste wi
                                                                                                   tasting room is a perfect spot for a catch-up with
Dalles to Trail,
            the but   this
                 list of   historic
                         places                                                                    a friend over a glass of wine.

 with the
ough   places    to eat,
             Gorge.       drink and
                       Here                                                        14     Freebridge Brewing                                       16       Sun
                                                                                          710 E 2nd St. - @freebridgebrewing                                902 E
ure   Dalles
          checkto out.
                   the list of places
                                                                                                     Freebridge Brewing
                                                                                         Stroll down 2nd St. and you will stumble across
                                                                                             14 Mint building - home to Freebridge
                                                                                                                                                           Take a w
 g through the Gorge. Here                                                               the historic                                                      will 16
                                                                                                                                                                be in
                                                                                                      710 E 2nd St. - @freebridgebrewing
ake sure you check out.                                                                  Brewing. Freebridge is a microbrewery & pub and
                                                                                         the 1st to locally  brew 2nd
                                                                                                     Stroll down   in The
                                                                                                                        St.Dalles since
                                                                                                                            and you
                                                                                                                                      will stumble across a histori
                                                                                         Prohibition.  Indulge
                                                                                                     the historicinMint
                                                                                                                    some   amazing
                                                                                                                         building     pizzastotoFreebridge afternoo
                                                                                                                                   - home
                                                                                         pair with aBrewing.
                                                                                                      pint or two   of this locally made
                                                                                                                Freebridge is a microbrewerybeer. & pub andcider. H
                                                                                                     the 1st to locally brew in The Dalles since           their dri
                                                                                                    Prohibition. Indulge in some amazing pizzas to
                                                                                                    pair with a pint or two of this locally made beer.

   Smoke Wring BBQ
   801 E 2nd St. - @smokewringbbq
   If you   Smoke Wring BBQ
       15are in search of a cozy spot to
   indulge in amazing bbq, then add Smoke
              801 E 2nd St. - @smokewringbbq
   Wring BBQ to your list! This adorable
   food truck
 76space with
   all to enjoy.
                has an
             If you  areincredible
                         in search of
                           spots and
                       in amazing
                                      a cozy spot to
                                   bbq,  thenfor    Explore
                                              add Smoke
             Wring BBQ to your list! This adorable

    209 E 2nd
             food truck has an incredible outdoor
   Last Stop Saloon
             space with hangout spots and games for
             all St.
                 to enjoy.
                     - @laststopsaloon
                                                     7 The Dalles Art Center
                                                           220 E 4th St. - @thedallesartcenter

  Hungry?   Last Stop Saloon
     18 Artwork
            Grab a bite to eat at this
                    Credit: Denae
                                                              7 The Dalles Art Center
                                                          On the corner of 4th and Washington you will
                                                          spot a bright red old Carnegie Library - home to
  family-friendly restaurant and barManion
                                       that                           220 E 4th St. - @thedallesartcenter
                                                          The Dalles Art Center - a community hub for art.
            209 E 2nd St. - @laststopsaloon
  has something for everyone including tvs                Be sure to On
                                                                     stop in corner
                                                                             and explore
                                                                        the         of 4ththeir
                                                                                           and latest
                                                                                                Washington you will
623 E 2nd St. - @15milewinery                                           107 E 2nd St. -                      201 E 2nd St. - @thedallesw
farmstead. The tasting room is a cozy                            production center for women's clothing.                 explore souvenirs of The Gorge designed
o share  a glass
    A stop       of wine
           you won’t     with
                      want  tofriends and out the
                               miss, check                       We can tweak
                                                                          Lines the fit just for
                                                                                of Designs,      you.
                                                                                              more    Learn
                                                                                                    than just a great    by the team.   The shop
                                                                                                                                   In search      is filled
                                                                                                                                              of some       with
                                                                                                                                                         gifts    gift
                                                                                                                                                               to brin
     decorated   withmade
              wines   amazing
                           by a local art. old family
                                 150 year                        more at
                                                                          women's boutique, is also a design and         for the creative andtrip?
                                                                                                                                   from your   adventurous
                                                                                                                                                    Visit Themade
 ines ranging
    owned      from Gewürztraminer
           farmstead.  The tasting roomandis a cozy                       production center for women's clothing.        by us andexplore
                                                                                                                                    other small  makers.
                                                                                                                                            souvenirs  of The Gorge
ng Rosé
             share a and
                           of wine with friends and                       We can tweak the fit just for you. Learn                 by the team. The shop is filled
   family and decorated with amazing local art.
                                              4 Willow & Bark
                                                                          more at                              for the creative and adventuro
nshine      Mill
  Taste wines ranging from Gewürztraminer and
  Sparkling Rosé to Barbera and Syrah.                            203 E 2nd St. - @willowandbarkb
                                                                                                                   5 Sigman’s        Flowers
                                                                                                                                   by us and other small makers.
                                                                                                                     200 E 2nd St. - @sigmansflowers
E 2nd St. - @sunshinemillwinery
    Sunshine Mill
walk around this incredible space, and you                          4 Willow & Bark
                                                                 Willow + Bark is a contemporary women's
                                                                 clothing boutique featuring lifestyle                       5 Sigman’s Flower
                                                                                                                      Stepping into this locally owned flower
                                                                                                                      shop, your senses will be delighted with
 n awe of the amazing decor and
      902 E 2nd St. - @sunshinemillwinery                                  203 E 2nd St. - @willowandbarkb the amazing          200 E 2nd St. - @sigmansflo
                                                                                                                                   aromas of fresh flowers. T
nce at this family owned winery housed in                        clothing, accessories, and gifts for the
     100-year-old  flour mill.  Enjoy an space, and you          Pacific Northwest.  Quality,
                                                                          Willow + Bark        fit, and style women'sshop alsoStepping
                                                                                         is a contemporary                      has an adorable
                                                                                                                                          into this selection of
                                                                                                                                                    locally owne
          a walk around   this incredible                                                                             home gifts andyour
     sipping                                                     are essential. We boutique
                                                                          clothing  feature a featuring
                                                                                               great       lifestyle           shop,        senses will be deligh
         be inon local
               awe     wine,
                    of the   food, beer
                           amazing        and
                                      decor and
Here   on a weekend?    Check   out a movie  at housed in        selectionclothing,
                                                                           of NW made    productsand
                                                                                     accessories,    & gifts.
                                                                                                        gifts for the          the amazing aromas of fresh fl
    experience at this family owned winery
ive-in.   Open 100-year-old
    a historic, daily from 12-6.
                               flour mill. Enjoy an                       Pacific Northwest. Quality, fit, and style           shop also has an adorable sele

                                                                                                   9 Breezeway Antiques
                                                                                                                               home gifts and goodies.
                                                            8 Terra    Cotta
   afternoon sipping on local wine, food, beer and                        are essential. We feature a great
   cider. Here on a weekend? Check out a movie at                         selection of NW made products & gifts.
   their drive-in. Open daily from 12-6.                      214 Washington St. - @shopterracotta                        313 E 2nd St. - Open everyday

                                                                     8 Terra Cotta
                                                                 Terra Cotta is a women's boutique with a
                                                                 modern boho vibe. They offer women's                        9 Breezeway Antiq
                                                                                                                          You will find the most incredible treasu
                                                                             214 Washington St. - @shopterracottain this one-of-a-kind
                                                                                                                                     313 E 2nd St. antique shop. Mak
                                                                                                                                                       - Open everyd
                                                                 apparel, accessories, jewelry, shoes and                 sure to do more than one loop through
                                                                 gifts. FindTerra
                                                                              soulful styles
                                                                                   Cotta is aof color, eclectic
                                                                                              women's     boutique with a this beauty
                                                                                                                                           you  willthe
                                                                                                                                              find   always
                                                                 fashion and    trending
                                                                            modern    bohostyle
                                                                                                               women's something    in you
                                                                                                                                       this missed   the firstantique
                                                                                                                                            one-of-a-kind      time s
                                                                            apparel, accessories, jewelry, shoes and around. sure to do more than one loop
                                                                            gifts. Find soulful styles of color, eclectic           this beauty as you will always
                                                            10    Klindt’s Books                                    11
                                                                            fashion and trending style at Terra Cotta.   Herbal Revival
                                                                                                                                    something you missed the firs
                                                                  315 E 2nd St. - @klindtsbooks                           402 E 2nd around.
                                                                                                                                       St. - @herbalrevival

                                                                            Klindt’s Books
                                                                 Don’t miss your chance to stop in the
                                                                    10 bookstore in Oregon. This
                                                                                                                         This 11    Herbal Revival
                                                                                                                              fun and whimsical shop, is filled wit
                                                                                                                         natural herbal remedy products as well
                                                                          315 Eis2nd
                                                                 amazing gem          St. - @klindtsbooks
                                                                                  family-owned   and                               402 E 2nd St. - @herbalreviv
                                                                                                                         as unique and eco-friendly gifts to fill
                                                                         Don’t run
                                                                                            chance to stop in the        your home.
                                                                                                                                  This fun and whimsical shop, is
                                                                         oldest bookstore in Oregon. This                         natural herbal remedy product
                                                                         amazing gem is family-owned and                          as unique and eco-friendly gift
                                                            17    Cannon Packer
                                                                         independently run since 1870.                            your home.
                                                                  1006 E 2nd St. - @cannon_packer

                                                                            Cannon Packer
                                                                 A gourmet gift shop featuring an
                                                                     17 selection of home decor,
                                                                 musts for 1006   E 2nd St.
                                                                            your kitchen,    - @cannon_packer
                                                                                           and  cute items
                                                                 for baby. AFind us at gift
                                                                             gourmet   the roundabout    andan
                                                                                            shop featuring
                                                                 look for the copper roof.
                                                                           incredible selection of home decor,
                                                                           musts for your kitchen, and cute items
                                                                           for baby. Find us at the roundabout and
                                                                           look for the copper roof.

                                                        Visitor Information Center
                                                                   The Dalles Chamber
                                                                      404 W 2nd St.
                                                                   Visitor   Information Center
                                                                           The Dalles Chamber
                                                                              404 W 2nd St.
It’s hard to imagine any location with more hiking trails per
square mile than the Gorge. From short, tree-lined strolls
with family to rugged ridge treks, you’ll find something to
meet all tastes.

     Washington                                      welcome at this trailhead that offers two           Lewis & Clark Riverfront Trail,
     Dog Mountain Trail #147                         different loops that take you through grass-        The Dalles
     Rated: Most difficult.                          lands, scrub oaks and wildflowers in the            Length:10 miles.
     Length: 3.1 miles with 2,800-foot               spring. The lower loop offers grand views of        Rated: Easy.
     elevation gain. Premier wildlife and flower     the Columbia River while the upper loop of-         Paved flat pathway along the Columbia
     hike in May through early June. Watch           fers some great wildflower viewing in spring        River, winds from the Columbia Gorge Dis-
     out for poison oak on the lower reaches, and    months. The lower loop trailhead is located         covery Center (through a tunnel under the
     pack a windbreaker.                             at milepost 87 on Washington Highway 14.            railroad tracks) to downtown The Dalles and
        Access: Trailhead 13 miles east of Steven-   The upper loop is accessed by turning onto          out to The Dalles Boat Basin and Riverfront
     son on Washington Hwy. 14. Same trailhead       Dalles Mountain Road at milepost 84.5 on            Park. Also follows Chenoweth Creek, near
     leads to Augsberger Trail #4407, an eight-      Highway 14. Travel several miles past the           the animal shelter, and past Taylor Lake.
     mile route gaining 3,050 feet. Northwest        barns to the parking lot. Washington State          Watch for water fowl, ospreys, great blue
     Forest Pass required.                           Discover Pass required.                             herons and an occasional beaver.
        Weekend permits required and parking                                                             Access: Many different locations to get on
     restrictions apply. For more information:       Gifford Pinchot Forest                              the trail, including downtown The Dalles at                                                              the Union Street underpass, the Pocket Park
                                                     East Crater Trail #48
                                                                                                         at Crate’s Way in The Dalles, the Discovery
                                                     Length: 2.5 miles with moderate elevation
     Sam Walker Trail #4402                                                                              Center, and the Boat Basin (Exit 84 off I-84).
                                                     gain. One of several trails in the Indian Heav-
     Rated: Easy, universal access hike suitable     en Wilderness, located west of Trout Lake
     for all seasons. Length: 1.1 miles with         in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Trail
     elevation gain of 60 feet.                      passes small meadows, shallow lakes and al-         Mt. Hood National Forest
        Views of the Columbia River and              pine forest. Details at the Mt. Adams Ranger        Oregon
     Horsetail Falls. Trailhead 10 miles west        District in Trout Lake or visit the website at      Camas Trail #490A
     of Bonneville Dam on Washington                   Length: 3.1 miles.
     Highway 14.                                         Information: USDA Forest Service                One of many hikes in the Barlow Ranger
        Access: Turn south on Skamania Landing       website,            District on the Mt. Hood National Forest.
     Road and proceed one-quarter mile to park-      Trail-Park Pass information: 541-386-2333 or        This trail leads along Camas and Clear
     ing lot on west side of the road.                    creeks, with views of the White River Canyon
     Northwest Forest Pass required.                                                                     and Mt. Hood. Good spring or fall hike. For
                                                     Oregon                                              details, contact the Barlow Ranger Station
     Catherine Creek                                 Rowena Dell-                                        in Dufur, or visit the Forest Service website
     Rated: Easy.                                    Tom McCall Nature Preserve                          at
     Length: Several choices, including a 1.5-mile   Rated: Easy.
     paved, handicapped-accessible path on the       Offers stunning views of the Columbia               Umbrella Falls #667
     south side of the road with waterfall view-     Gorge, the mouth of the Klickitat River to          Length: 2 miles.
     point, interpretive signs, benches              the north, and a collection of spring wild-         One of many hikes on the Hood River
     and a stand of old-growth white oak along       flowers. Trailhead is at top of Rowena Loops.       Ranger District, Mt. Hood National Forest.
     the way. Unpaved, limited-access trails         This is a relatively small area with rolling ter-   This is a forested route to Umbrella Falls
     north of the road. Rolling, open country-       rain and small lakes. The dirt foot paths are       viewpoint, connecting with Sahalie Falls
     side abounds with wildflowers in the early      easy to follow and you won’t need a map.            Trail #667C. Details at Hood River Ranger
     spring. Located off old highway above              Access: Just 10 miles west of The Dalles         District in Mt. Hood south of Hood River,
     Washington Hwy. 14 between Bingen               on Columbia River Scenic Highway (Hwy.              or visit the website at
     and Lyle.                                       30). You can also access from I-84; take            dayhikes.htm.
        Access: From Bingen, turn north at Row-      the Rowena exit to Hwy. 30 and head west,
     land Lake and follow paved highway around       or take the Mosier exit to Hwy. 30 and              Historic Highway State Trail
     lake to plateau, and watch for parking area     head east.                                          A new waterfall stretch awaits hikers and
     on the north side of the road.                                                                      bikers at Starvation Creek, part of the
                                                     Mosier Twin Tunnels                                 Columbia River Historic Highway State Trail,
     Hamilton Mountain                               Rated: Easy to moderate.                            a years-long project to build a paved path
     Rated: Moderate to difficult.                   This section of the Columbia River Scenic           from Troutdale to The Dalles. A 1.2-mile
     Rigorous but rewarding climb to the top         Highway is closed to motorized vehicles;            route from Starvation Creek to Lindsey
     of Hamilton Mountain along Hamilton Creek       open to bicyclists and hikers. From Mosier          Creek, dedicated last fall, is ADA accessible
     with several waterfall viewpoints. Over-        end, it’s a fairly easy half-mile walk to the       and offers views of Starvation Creek Falls,
     looks Beacon Rock in the western Columbia       first outlook and the Twin Tunnels. Watch for       Cabin Creek Falls, and Hole-in-the-Wall Falls.
     Gorge.                                          the historic rock parapet railings. At the Twin     Adventures can access the trail from Exit
        Access: Take the state park access road      Tunnels you can still see some original rock        55 on Interstate 84. A new extension — 3.2
     north from Washington Hwy. 14 opposite          work built by Italian craftsmen.                    miles running from Lindsey Creek to Wyeth
     Beacon Rock.                                    Access: Parking at either end of trail, at          — is in the works, with construction begin-
                                                     Mosier or at Hood River (Mark O. Hatfield           ning in late spring and wrapping up this fall.
     Crawford Oaks Trail -                           trailhead). Parking pass, day or season, is
     Hiking, biking and equestrians are              required.

20   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                            
Rail to Trail and single track                       • East Indian Creek Trail, which stretches
along The Deschutes River                         from Third Street and Hazel Avenue to 12th
You can bike or hike for 32 miles along the       Street (now expanded by the Southside
site of last railroad war in North America        Connector). You can get to this section from
while enjoying the stunning views of rapids       downtown by taking the Second Street
in the fast-flowing Deschutes River in this       stairs, at State Street, and watching for the
arid region. Bring plenty of water in warmer      green Indian Creek trail signposts.
months and guard against puncture vine               • A middle piece: Trail head starts at
by using Slime in your innertubes if riding       the entrance of the Columbia Gorge
a bike. There is also several hiking only         Community College and continues to
trails including the Blackberry Trail, which      where it meets private property; access
includes some shade, The Riverview and            takes walkers to the Avalon neighborhood,
Ferry Springs trails. Trailheads are located at   along a busy stretch of Indian Creek Road.
the park which is 15 miles east of The Dalles.    Go south to Arrowhead Drive, turn west 100
No fee unless vehicle is left within the park     or so yards to where the trail picks up next
overnight. For more information, oregon-          to the 14th hole of Indian Creek GC, and                                    turns into West Indian Creek Trail.
                                                     • West Indian Creek Trail: Two trailheads
Indian Creek Trail, Hood River                    next to Hood River Valley High School, one
Bridges and boardwalks await pedestrians          next to the ball fields and one west of the
at the half-mile South Side Indian Creek          school parking lot, connecting to the Ar-
Trail, a new spoke of the trail network that      rowhead access.
brings a forest vibe inside Hood River’s city        The trail continues west across Alameda
limits. The original trail, which has been        Drive with a short loop around Barrett Park.
pieced together through the years, includes:

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                                                                       4000 Westcliff Dr | Hood River |541.386.5566                                                                   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   21

                                       Your Last Stop Before Adventure

22   Columbia River Gorge Visitor’s Guide 2019-2020           
They make great places for a picnic, and best of all, quite often
they’re just a short walk from your car. They’re the waterfalls of the
Columbia River Gorge, and they deserve a place on your family’s
vacation calendar.

     They make great places for a picnic, and best    OREGON                                               White River Falls
                                                      Multnomah Falls                                      Access: Car or hike.
     of all, quite often they’re just a short walk    Access: Car or hike.                                 A 1-mile round trip hike to the bottom of
                                                                                                           the falls gives majestic views of White River
     from your car.                                   After Yosemite Falls, this is the tallest falls in
                                                                                                           as it plunges 90 feet from a basalt shelf and
                                                      North America. Two million visitors a year
        They’re the waterfalls of the Columbia        flock to see this 620-foot plunge, fed by            tumbles into two separate pools before
                                                                                                           fanning out into a river below. At the base of
     River Gorge, and they deserve a place on         underground springs from Larch Mountain.
                                                                                                           the falls are the ruins of a hydropower plant
                                                      Its highest flow is during winter and spring.
     your family’s vacation calendar.                 Five flows of Yakima basalt are visible in the       which supplied electricity to The Sunshine
                                                      fall’s cliff face. You can view the falls from       Flour Mill in the Dalles from 1910 to
        Vertical basalt walls along the Gorge         your car, or take a network of trails up the         1960. Be careful. Swimming in the falls is
     are graced with the greatest concentration       falls. There’s also fine dining at Multnomah         prohibited due to the huge vortex in the
                                                      Falls Lodge (built in 1925 and on the                waterfall pools, causing multiple drownings.
     of waterfalls in North America, particularly     National Register of Historic Places) and            The roof of the powerhouse is also unstable.
                                                                                                           Visitors should not go inside. Steep, rugged
     along the Oregon side of the western             information at Multnomah Falls Visitor
                                                                                                           climbing. Bring water. Access: Take highway
     Gorge. It’s a matter of geology,                 Access: From I-84, take exit 31 to the               197 south of The Dalles and drive 30 miles
                                                      freeway parking lot.                                 and head east onto highway 216 at Tygh
     not coincidence.                                                                                      Valley. Entrance to the falls is seven miles
                                                         The Old Columbia River Highway is
                                                      closed, as of press time, due to the Eagle           ahead on the right. Maupin and river rafting
        The ancestral Columbia Gorge was a                                                                 on the Deschutes are within 10 miles.
     V-shaped river valley, but beginning around      Creek fire.
     15,000 years ago (at the end of the lat-                                                              Sherars Falls
     est ice age) a series of tremendous floods       Bridal Veil Falls
                                                      Car or short hike.                                   Access: Car
     swept westward from a glacial lake near the                                                           The immense volume of the Deschutes
     present-day border of Idaho and Montana.         Bridal Veil Creek abruptly drops twice in a
                                                      tiered waterfall. The upper falls is between         River slams through a horseshoe-shaped
        These “Bretz” floods, named after one                                                              bend at Sherars Falls, creating a rapid that
     of the geologists who discovered their           60 and 100 feet tall, the lower from 40 to 60
                                                      feet in height.                                      is both beautiful and unnerving in its shear
     traces, ripped the topsoil from eastern                                                               power. It is deemed unpassable by river
                                                         Parking is a mile west of Exit 28 off
                                                      Interstate 84. A short trail winds down to           hazard guides. Boaters, by law, are required
     Washington and carved away at the valley                                                              to portage around it. It is on lands of the
     walls of the Columbia Gorge, leaving steep       the base of the lower tier. Along the path,
                                                      look across the Columbia River for seasonal          Warm Springs Indians and visitors, at times,
     ramparts and tributaries abruptly hanging                                                             can watch Native Americans dip net for
     in midair.                                       views of falls on the Washington side of the
                                                      river. The nearby community of Bridal Veil           Salmon and Steelhead from platforms in
        The flood cycles lasted for thousands of                                                           the way of their ancestors. Sumac, sage and
     years. Many more thousands of years passed       maintains its post office, a popular place to
                                                      get a postmark for your wedding announce-            cheat grass flavor the effervescent air of this
     since the last flood, and each                                                                        dessert beauty. Take highway 197 south of
     winter brought another freeze-thaw cycle,        ments.
                                                                                                           The Dalles and drive 30 miles. Go East onto
     sculpting away the rock behind those                                                                  highway 216 at Tygh Valley. You will pass
     waterfalls.                                      Sheppard’s Dell
                                                      Access: Car or short hike.                           White River Falls. The entrance to Sherars
        As a result, several waterfalls now plunge                                                         Falls is 10 miles ahead on the right. Mau-
     into semi-circular amphitheaters; others         Tiered waterfall two miles west of Interstate
                                                      84’s Exit 28 on the Historic Columbia River          pin and river rafting on the Deschutes are
     fall out into midair, to be wafted away by                                                            within 10 miles.
     the wind.                                        Scenic Highway. Short, paved trail leads to
        Most waterfalls are limited to the Oregon     the top of the falls. Lower falls is a horsetail
     side of the Columbia River Gorge because         formation (40 to 60 feet drop); upper falls          WASHINGTON
     landslides modify the steepness on the           (35-50 feet) is a plunge formation.                  Dog Creek Falls
     Washington side. The entire region’s bed-        Exit 28 is closed, as of press time, due to the      1.25-mile hike. Located off Washington Hwy.
     rock material is tilted slightly southward.      Eagle Creek fire.                                    14 east of Wind Mountain.
     When it’s saturated by water, the upper
     basaltic layers on the north side of the river   Wah Gwin Gwin Falls                                  Hardy Falls
     slide into the gorge.                            Access: Car/short walk.                              1.25-mile hike.
        The greatest number of waterfalls is          One of the Gorge’s four highest waterfalls, at       A horsetail waterfall, about 100 feet high,
     accessible from a portion of the old             208 feet, is located behind the Columbia             located in Beacon Rock State Park west of
     Columbia River Highway (Hwy. 30), which          Gorge Hotel in Hood River. This falls flows          Stevenson. Turn off Washington Hwy. 14 to
     can be reached from Interstate 84.               from Phelps Creek dropping into the                  the park access road, drive to the picnic
        If you’re coming from Portland, take Exit     Columbia River. The name comes from                  area and trailhead to Hamilton Mountain.
     17 at Troutdale, Exit 18 from Lewis & Clark      Native American dialect meaning “rushing             Follow the trail 1.25 miles to reach two
     State Park, Exit 22 from Corbett.                and tumbling waters.”                                short spur paths; upper path to right leads
                                                                                                           to viewpoint overlooking the drop along
                                                                                                           Hardy Creek.

24   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                               
Shoreline Trail, Hood River
Length: 2.5 miles, flat asphalt and concrete surfaces, including three
sections completed in 2015 and 2016. Shoreline Trail runs from Best West-
ern Plus Hood River Inn’s east training beach to The Hook recreation area
at the far west of the Hood River waterfront, on land owned by both the
city and the port. Public restrooms are located at the Waterfront Park, Event
Site, and Marina. The City of Hood River built the newest section in March
2016, linking the existing Shoreline Trail to the water sports access ramps
on the Hook. Shoreline Trail connects The Hook, Waterfront Park, Event Site,
the new Nichols Basin trail (2015) and adjoining Hampton Inn trail section
(2016, in front of the hotel but on city land to the Hood River footbridge
(aka Rotary Sailpark), History Museum of Hood River County, Port of Hood
River marina, and Best Western/Hood River Marketplace commercial area.
Note: Just east of the marina, the trail goes under Hood River Interstate
Bridge, where it begins its eastern-most section; there, it goes in front of
the hotel but is open to the public.
   At the footbridge, walkers have the
option of taking the trail under the freeway and looping west along the
slough natural area and back to downtown Hood River.
   Near the footbridge in front of Hampton Inns, the trail overlooks
Nichols Natural Area, a habitat restoration project of Columbia Riverkeeper.
Please do not enter on foot.                                                 Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   25
The Gorge is known
                                                            for its breweries
                                                   and wineries, but is also
                                                         home to top-notch

                                                    coffee and tea houses,
                                                       many of which serve
                                                     locally-roasted brews.

from our window to yours             GROUND
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      Between pine-topped
                                                                                                                              CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON
      basalt cliffs and the
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      Locks offers majestic                                                                                      N                       (541) 374 - 9340
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                                                                    ^d  Z
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                                                                                    t^^ KE
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      micro brews add comfort                                 WŝnjnjĂĂ
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                                                               ^ŽƵƉ       tKZ>Ͳ&DKh^

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      at this pass- through on                                 ^ĂůĂĚƐ
                                                               ^ĂůĂĚƐ      ,ŽƌƐĞƌĂĚŝƐŚ͊
      the Pacific Crest Trail.                                  >>ŝŬĞ ƵƐ ŽŶ &ĂĐĞŬ ĨĨŽƌ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƉĞĐŝĂůƐ͊

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                                                          541.374.9310 500 WaNaPa St
                                                          Daily: 12 - 8, Closed Tues & Wed
                                                                                                                                  Saturday, 9am-1am
                                                                                                                                  Sunday, 9am-11pm
                                                                                                                     108 E Historic Columbia River Hwy

28   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                                             
Summer, fall, winter and spring, the Columbia Gorge is a
playground waiting for players: Get out on the water, stroll
the fairways or take to the slopes for world-class active fun.

                          Move                              and SUPers. Nearby Wells Island provides a     better opportunities for swimming, boat
                                                            wind shadow that makes this an ideal area      launching, and SUPing.
     Summer, fall, winter and spring, the Columbia          for beginners.
     Gorge is a playground waiting for players: Get         The Event Site                                 This small community is located on the far
     out on the water, stroll the fairways or take to the   Located on the east side of the Hood River     east end of the Gorge, Interstate 84 at Exit
                                                            Waterfront, the Event Site is the busiest      109. A mixture between intermediate and
     slopes for world-class active fun.                     location for water sports in the Gorge.        advanced, Rufus is touted to have some of
                                                            The lawn and beach will often be filled with   the biggest swells in the Gorge, and is
     WIND S PORTS                                           people engaging in a variety of activities;    used by both windsurfers and kiteboarders.
     During the warm summer months, the place               kiteboarders launch throughout the             Also features a boat launch.
     to be is the Columbia River, whether you’re            summer from the adjacent sandbar that
     interested in windsurfing, kiteboarding,               formed due to a debris flow from a flood a     Arlington
     stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) or other                decade ago.                                    Another small community located on the
     water sports. Thanks to both public and                                                               Oregon side of the east end of the Gorge
     private entities, there are many different             Swell City/The Hatchery                        (Exit 137 off I-84), the launch site at
     points of access to the Gorge’s waterway.              As the name suggests, an area that sees        Arlington was recently improved by the
     The Columbia Gorge Wind & Water                        some big swells on classic west wind days.     CGWA and offers advanced territory for
     Association (CGW2) has compiled an                     Both are popular windsurfing launch sites      both windsurfers and kiteboarders. Also
     exhaustive list of various Gorge beaches.              for more experienced sailors. The hatchery     features a boat launch.
     We’ve listed some of the more popular                  is next to the Spring Creek National Fish
     areas below, but for a complete list, go to            Hatchery, and both locations are on the
     the CGW2 website at                          Washington side of the river near milepost
                                                                                                           Doug’s Beach
                                                            56 of State Route 14.
                                                                                                           Located just east of Lyle, directly off SR 14
     OREGON                                                                                                at MP 74, and managed by Washington
     The Hook                                               Mayer State Park
                                                                                                           State Parks. This windsurfing site is also
     Located on the west side of the Hood River             While people have been known to windsurf
                                                                                                           considered to be a prime location for expert
     Waterfront, the Hook is a recently revamped            here (a picture on the park website shows
                                                                                                           sailors, especially when areas near Hood
     launch site for windsurfers, although it is            a stack of sails and boards at the park),
                                                                                                           River and White Salmon are busy.
     extremely popular with kayakers, canoers,              Mayer State Park’s sheltered cove provides

30   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                              
PARKING FEES                                    Summit Ski Area                                 GO LF
                                                Oldest ski area in the Pacific Northwest,
Note that effective June 2018, the Port of
                                                and the first on Mount Hood, established in
Hood River began charging for parking in                                                        Hood River Golf & Country Club
                                                1927. Skiing, family tubing, cross-country
                                                                                                850 Country Club Rd., Hood River. 18-hole,
portions of the Hood River Waterfront (in       and more. Located at the east end of
                                                                                                par-71. 541-386-3009;
addition to the existing paid lot at Event      Government Camp on Oregon Hwy. 26.
Site). Parking pay kiosks were installed        503-272-0256 or
                                                                                                Indian Creek Golf Course
for the following areas: On-street, Port-                                                       3605 Brookside Drive, Hood River.
                                                Mt. Hood Ski Bowl
way east of Second Street; on-street, First                                                     18-holes; 6,150 yards. 541-386-7770;
                                                Chairlifts and surface tows in the winter;
Street along Nichols Basin; the parking lot     dual alpine slide, miniature golf, mountain
known as Luhr Jensen Lot two blocks west        bike park and more in the summer,
                                                                                                China Creek Golf Course
of the Event Site, on the north side of Port-   87000 East Hwy. 26 at Goverment
                                                                                                1700 Railroad Ave., Hwy. 19 South, 9-hole,
                                                Camp. 503-272-3206, 503-222-BOWL
way. Kiosks require debit or credit cards.                                                      Arlington, 541-454-2000.
   All other on-street spaces remain free,
                                                                                                Condon Municipal Golf Course
including Second Street and those on            Other cross-country
                                                                                                North Lincoln St., Condon. Located 38 miles
Portway abutting Waterfront Park.               All the major resorts around Mount Hood
                                                                                                south of I-84, at the junction of
                                                offer cross-country opportunities, as do
                                                                                                Hwys. 19 and 206. 541-384-2711;
WINTER S PORTS                                  other areas. Try exploring Trillium Lake, two
Timberline Lodge                                miles east of Government Camp, and White
Classic Pacific Northwest lodge nestled         River, east of the Hwy 26 and Hwy 35 junc-
                                                                                                The Dalles Country Club
midway to the summit of Mt. Hood above          tion. In contrast to the developed slopes of
                                                                                                4550 Hwy 30 W, The Dalles, 9-hole, (addi-
Government Camp off Oregon Hwy. 26.             Mount Hood, Mount Adams in south-central
                                                                                                tional tee boxes offers 18-hole,
National Historic Landmark constructed          Washington State offers a wilderness experi-
                                                                                                par-72 round), private, 541-296-5252.
in 1937, with adjacent day lodge, multiple      ence, for both skiers and climbers. There’s
chairlifts and 3,590 vertical feet of winter    plenty of backcountry for cross-country
terrain from the top of Palmer to the bottom    and snow-shoeing, with access via the           WASHINGTON
of Victoria Station. 503-272-3311               communities of Trout Lake and Glenwood          Beacon Rock Golf Course
or                         in Klickitat County. The Mt. Adams Ranger       Milepost 37 on Hwy. 14, North Bonneville,
                                                Station is based in Trout Lake; call 509-395-   9-hole, additional set of tees available for 18
Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort                     3400. Finally, a network of cross-country ski   holes, 509-427-5730.
Largest night ski area in the United States,    trails — plus snowmobiling — is open on
also with day skiing, cross-country, snow-      the Wind River Ranger District in Skamania      Skamania Lodge Golf Course
boarding and multiple chairlifts. Located off   County. Routes such as the Hard Time Loop       1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way, Stevenson,
Oregon Hwy. 35 east of the Hwy. 26 junc-        and Scenic Loop are accessed from the Wind      18-hole, par-70, 800-293-0418,
tion. Plenty of summer hiking, too. Portland    River Highway. Call the Skamania County
snow-phone: 503-227-SNOW. Hood River            Chamber for details, at 509-427-8911 or
snow-phone: 541-386-SKIS.          800-989-9178.                                   Elk Ridge Golf Course at
                                                                                                Carson Hot Springs
Cooper Spur Ski Area                                                                            1 St. Martin Road, Carson, 18-hole,
Family-oriented resort on the north side of                                                     888-710-0969,
Mount Hood overlooking the Hood River
Valley. 541-352-6692 or                                                         Goldendale Golf Course
                                                                                                1901 N. Columbus Ave., Goldendale.
                                                                                                9-hole, 509-773-4705,                                                                    Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   31


          If whitewater, drifting or fishing are
     your thing, the world-renowned Deschutes
     River might be the ticket. And Maupin, Ore.
     is your place of destination — 40 miles
     south of The Dalles on Hwy. 197. The cool
     green water from underwater aquifers
     cuts through basalt in this arid section of
     the state. With several rafting companies
     to choose from, thrill seekers can ride out
     class-4 rapid “Oak Springs” or take a float
     in your life vest through the Elevator Shaft.
     Trips range from guided to self-guided
     and options of half, full and multi-day
     trips are available. Guided fishing trips
     for those seeking summer steelhead or
     wiley “Redside” trout are also on tap.
     The town offers a full range of services
     including food, supplies, restaurants,
     lodging, fuel, shuttles and fly-fishing shops.
        The White Salmon River also offers a thrill
     ride down a crystal blue, spring-fed stream
     complete with a 10 foot waterfall that can
     be run when water levels are safe.

32   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022
Ten thousand years before explorers, missionaries and
settlers ventured across the continent, a thriving people
gathered in the Columbia Gorge to fish, trade and
celebrate. Rich stories of past and present are honored
in the region’s museums and interpretive centers.

     Ten thousand years before explorers,              Families can enjoy the hands-on Learning      THE DALLES
                                                     Center, see photo above.                        Columbia Gorge Discovery Center
     missionaries and settlers ventured across the     Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, closed      and Wasco County Historical Museum
                                                     Thanksgiving, Christmas day and New Year’s,     This is the official interpretive center for
     continent, a thriving people gathered in        1600 Air Museum Road, Hood River. Adults        the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic
                                                     $16, Seniors/veterans $14, Kids (5-18) $7.
     the Columbia Gorge to fish, trade and             For details, call 541-308-1600 or look
                                                                                                     Area, located on Crate’s Point, just west of
                                                                                                     The Dalles off Old Highway 30. The Discov-
     celebrate. Rich stories of past and present     online at                       ery Center focuses on natural history and
                                                                                                     human cultures of the scenic area, with
     are honored in the region’s museums and         Hood River Distillers Museum                    hands-on exhibits, films and recordings on
                                                     HR Distillers tasting room, 301 Oak St., in-    subjects including Lewis & Clark, native flora
     interpretive centers.                           cludes an artifact-laden interpretive display   and fauna, the Ice Age and more. The Wasco
                                                     case and a looping video — inside an old        County Historical Museum features collec-
     OR EGON                                         bank vault — telling the company history        tions that illuminate both Native American
     HOOD RIVER                                      since its founding in 1934; noon to 6 p.m.      history and pioneer development. Open
     History Museum                                  daily.                                          daily except Thanksgiving, Christmas and
     of Hood River County                                                                            New Year’s, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
     With a wide-ranging collection of 12,000        PARKDALE                                        541-296-8600, or check the website at
     artifacts, it is a fun place to learn about     Hutson Museum                          Birds of prey show is 11
     people living in the Hood River Valley and      Adjoins Mt. Hood Railroad stop in Parkdale,     a.m. to 2 p.m. Location: Interstate 84 at exit
     Columbia Gorge. Port Marina Park in Hood        Hood River County. Eclectic collection          82, then follow signs 1.5 miles west.
     River. Hours: Open May through September,       features Native American arrowheads,
     10 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Saturday; 1-5 p.m.       taxidermy, rocks and minerals, and local        Fort Dalles Museum
     Sunday. 541-386-6772,       memorabilia. Open with the train arrivals,      The oldest historical museum in Oregon,
     and click on the “museum” link.                 11:30-1 p.m. For details, call 541-352-6808.    this museum was established just after the
                                                                                                     turn of the 20th century, preserving the
     Western Antique Aeroplane                                                                       legacy of this regionally strategic military
     and Automobile Museum                           CASCADE LOCKS                                   base. Fort Dalles (originally Camp Drum)
     WAAAM has the largest known collection of       Cascade Locks                                   was established in 1850, serving as a base of
     flying three cylinder radial engine aircraft    Historical Museum                               operations for U.S. Army troops. The ornate,
     in the world. One of the museum’s jewels        At 417 Portage Road within the Marine Park      wooden Surgeon’s Quarters is one of the
     is their 1917 Curtiss JN4D Jenny, serial No.    in Cascade Locks. Open daily, May through       fort’s last two surviving buildings, and
     001. The museum also features a wide range      September. Hours are noon - 5 p.m. every        houses a variety of tools, weapons, photos
     of cars. WAAAM is a living museum dedi-         day, closed Mondays (except holidays).          and other memorabilia from the 19th
     cated to the preservation and operation of      The museum’s newest exhibit features the        century. There’s an impressive collection
     antique aircraft and automobiles through        Pacific Crest Trail. 541-374-8535.              of antique vehicles and wagons. Visitors
     education, displays and participating in                                                        are also able to tour the Anderson house,
     events nationwide.                                                                              a hand-hewn wooden homestead crafted
                                                                                                     by Swedish immigrants in Wasco County.

34   Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022                                                        
There’s also a barn and granary. Fort            St. Peter’s Landmark                            DUFUR
Dalles Museum is located at W. 15th              Former Catholic Church in The Dalles,           Dufur Historical Museum
and Garrison streets in The Dalles.              preserved as a historical museum.               Located in the historic Schreiber Log Cabin
Admission for adults, $8, seniors 60 plus,       Completed in 1898, the building features        on Main Street, featuring pioneer living
$5, ages 7-17, $1, and free for children 6       Carrera Italian marble, Kilgen pipe organ       history exhibits, weaving, old photos, farm
and younger. Military discounts offered.         made of tigerwood, 40-foot stamped metal        implements and more. Museum open for
The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. – 5        ceilings and a 176-foot steeple topped by       the summer starting in June, Thursdays
p.m. from March through October. For more        a six-foot weathervane rooster crafted by       through Mondays. Call for hours: (
information, or call        Frank S. Gunning. Its stained glass windows     541-467-2205. (Dufur also hosts the
541-296-4547.                                    were created by the Povey Brothers of           annual Vintage Dufur Days, featuring work-
                                                 Portland, and many of these windows             ing steam-powered and horse-drawn an-
Original Wasco County Courthouse                 memorialize pioneer families.                   tique farm machinery, usually held second
This wood-frame, two-story building in The           A wooden Madonna inside the museum          weekend of August.)
Dalles once was the seat of government           was carved from the keel of a sailing ship
for the largest county in the United States,     that sank off the San Francisco coast in
when Wasco County extended all the way to        the 1850s. Third & Lincoln, The Dalles.         WAMIC
Montana. The old courthouse, constructed         Hours: 1 - 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday;          Smock Prairie Schoolhouse
in 1858, was nearly destroyed at least twice     11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays.      Wamic’s one-room schoolhouse and mu-
and was relocated on several occasions, but      541-296-5686.                                   seum located in Wamic, on the old Barlow
today it enjoys a permanent home, preserv-                                                       Trail. From The Dalles, drive south to
ing a unique heritage as one of the oldest       The Dalles School                               Tygh Valley, then west to Wamic.
courthouse buildings west of the Mississippi     District Historical
River. Open 11 a.m. -                            Archives Museum                                 SHANIKO
3 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday,              Contains memorabilia from both District         Sage Museum
 June through August, other times by             12 (1854-2004) and District 9 (1964-2004)       Classic auto and wagon collection located
appointment. Directions: Interstate 84 to        before the merger and up to present day         in the historic city of Shaniko, in southern
The Dalles, then take the City Center exit       as District 21. Displays include yearbooks,     Wasco County. The museum also has a dis-
toward downtown. Turn south just past the        photo albums, trophies, sport uniforms,         play of historic photos showing the boom
chamber, then left on West Second Place.         Booster Girl and other club records. El-        years of Shaniko, at one time the largest
410 West Second Place.                           ementary, junior high-middle schools, and       wool shipping capital in the world. The auto
541-296-4798.                                    high schools are represented. The museum        and wagon collection is open May-Sept. 10
                                                 is open every Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., May   a.m. - 5 p.m. and the rest of the museum is
Rorick House                                     through Sept. or by arrangement with Rym-       open all day every day year round. Shaniko
The oldest home in The Dalles was built by       mel Lovell, 541-296-6546, tlovell@netcnct.      itself has a mural tour and many historic
an officer stationed at Fort Dalles in 1850,     net. Museum location: 3601 West 10th St.,       buildings, including a restored and
and operates today as a historical museum        former Wahtonka High School entrance            recently-renovated hotel, the city hall and
with period furnishings and implements.          nearest athletic fields.                        jail, schoolhouse, wooden water tower, and
Open Memorial Day to Labor Day, Saturdays                                                        surviving portions of the original business
and Sundays, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                                               district, including old boardwalks. Shaniko
It’s located at 300 West 13th St., The Dalles.                                                   is located 57 miles south of Biggs Junction
541-296-1867.                                                                                    on Hwy. 97, a few miles north of its junction
                                                                                                 with Highway 197.                                                                     Columbia River Gorge Visitor Guide 2021-2022   35
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