White poplar (Populus alba L.) stands in Ukraine: the current state, growth specificities and prospects of using for forest plantations - Sciendo

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White poplar (Populus alba L.) stands in Ukraine: the current state, growth specificities and prospects of using for forest plantations - Sciendo
FOLIA OECOLOGICA – vol. 48, no. 1 (2021), doi: 10.2478/foecol-2021-0008

 White poplar (Populus alba L.) stands in Ukraine: the current state,
 growth specificities and prospects of using for forest plantations

 Natalia Vysotska, Maksym Rumiantsev*, Oleksii Kobets

 Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G. M. Vysotsky,
 Pushkinska Str. 86, 61024, Kharkiv, Ukraine

 Vysotska, N., Rumiantsev, M., Kobets, O., 2021. White poplar (Populus alba L.) stands in Ukraine: the cur-
 rent state, growth specificities and prospects of using for forest plantations. Folia Oecologica, 48 (1): 63–72.

 The aim of the study was to assess the current state and evaluate the productivity of white poplar stands by
 natural zones within Ukraine and to define the prospects for their use for plantation forest cultivation. The ob-
 jects of the study were white poplar stands in Ukrainian forests grown on the area of more than 7,600 hectares
 in various natural zones, namely Polissya (forest zone in Ukraine), Forest-Steppe, and Steppe. The study was
 carried out based on the analysis of forest inventory data (Ukrainian forest fund database) containing given
 stand characteristics such as origin, age, diameter, height, type of forest site conditions, etc. The characteris-
 tics were estimated by grouping the plots by age. The growth specificities (dynamics of the main mensuration
 characteristics) and the productive capacity of the white poplar stands were analyzed based on the developed
 tables. It was found that white poplar stands are mainly concentrated in Steppe and Forest-Steppe in Ukraine.
 The stands are of coppice or artificial origin; they grow in moist fairly fertile, fresh fairly fertile and moist fer-
 tile sites. The age distribution of the white poplar stands is severely imbalanced due to a significant predomi-
 nance of stands aged over 40 years in all natural zones within Ukraine. More productive are the white poplar
 stands growing within Polissya and Forest-Steppe. The developed growth and productivity tables should be
 used when planning and prioritizing the relevant forestry interventions in white poplar stands.

 mathematical models, productive capacity, short-rotation plantations, white poplar (Populus alba L.), yield

Introduction 1975) and is continuing (Tkach, 1999; Lakida et al.,
 2011; Vysotska, 2017; Vysotska and Kobets, 2018).
Stands of white poplar (Populus alba L.) are of notable Populus alba L. is a widespread tree species (Zsuffa,
ecological and economic importance among the members 1993; Jakucs, 2002; Global Invasive Species, 2015;
of the genus Populus L. in the Ukrainian forests. They cover Taran and Dyachenko, 2018). It is of commercial
an area of more than 7,600 ha. They rank third among the importance through the following biotechnological
poplar forests in terms of the area after the aspen (Populus advantages: fairly rapid growth (Harfouche et al.,
tremula L.) (34,300 ha) and black poplar (Populus nigra 2007; Katanić et al., 2015), a simple method of in vitro
L.) (13,500 ha) stands (Vysotska and Tkach, 2016). The propagation (Klopfenstein et al., 1997; Kaldorf et al.,
study of poplar forests in Ukraine was initiated in the 2004), wide use in reclamative afforestation (Eichhorn
1960s (Starova, 1962; Lavrinenko et al., 1966; Redko, et al., 2006), especially as windbreaks in plains, as well as

*Corresponding author:
e-mail: maxrum-89@ukr.net
© 2021 Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

for landscaping (Ishchuk, 2016). It is also used in short- Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration (URIFFM).
rotation forestry (Klašnja et al., 2006) due to the high Data selection necessary for the further calculations was
biomass accumulation as a result of the formation of deep exported into the .xls format in Microsoft Excel 2016
root systems (Newman et al., 1997). White poplar stands in compliance with the developed algorithm (Vedmid et
are considered to be of superior productivity and wood al., 2006). The stand characteristics were estimated by
quality to stands of other poplar species (Mashkina et al., grouping the plots by age.
2016; Ehrst et al., 2019). The growth specificities (dynamics of the main
 P. alba is an indigenous species in river floodplains; mensuration characteristics) and the productive capacity
at the same time, it is intolerant to prolonged flooding. of the white poplar stands were analyzed based on the
White poplar prefers moist and damp relatively fertile developed tables. Mathematical modeling of poplar stand
and fertile forest sites (Borodina et al., 2008; González growth was carried out according to previously tested
et al., 2010). It forms predominantly pure closed stands, methods (Anuchin, 1982; Lakida et al., 2006; Miklush,
which inhibits the growth of other trees and shrubs species 2007; Hrom, 2010) using forest management materials
by reducing the available sunlight, nutrients, and water and mathematical statistics methods (Lapach et al.,
(Global Invasive Species, 2015). 2001). About 3,400 survey plots in white poplar stands
 P. alba regenerates mainly by natural seed way. It often have been analyzed to provide sufficient sampling for
produces shoots from accessory buds (González et al., the construction of mathematical models of growth. We
2010; Korshikov et al., 2008; Global Invasive Species, developed an electronic subcompartment database using
2015). Generally, artificial regeneration of poplar stands is the forest inventory data including 150 survey plots in
used in plantation forestry. Polissya zone, 1,550 survey plots in the Forest-Steppe and
 Plantation forestry with the use of fast-growing species 1,700 survey plots in the Steppe zone.
(including white poplar) is one of the ways to increase An important indicator for determining the course
productivity and sustainability of forests, to intensify wood of growth is the average height of the stand since it is
production, namely to improve wood quality, to reduce related to the other parameters; it has less variation than
growing time and to increase yield per unit area (Rusin, other stand characteristics. The Mitcherlich function was
2008; Tsarev et al., 2010). For example, poplar stands can applied to model the height. This function is widely used
produce technically suitable timber with a rotation period in modeling stand growth processes (Lakida et al., 2006).
of 20 years or even less (Tsarev et al., 2010). Poplar The age of 25 years was used as a basic one because white
wood is used as a raw material for biofuel production not poplar stands have the maximum stock volume at this age.
only in Ukraine but elsewhere in the world (Filimonova, The typological analysis of forests was done in
1962; Corenblit et al., 2016; Maksimenko et al., 2016; compliance with the main methodical statements of the
Holloway et al., 2017; Strenge et al., 2018). forest-ecological (Ukrainian) school of the forest typology
 The aim of the study was to assess the current state (Ostapenko and Tkach, 2002; Migunova, 2014; 2017).
and to evaluate the productivity of white poplar stands by
natural zones within Ukraine and define the prospects for
their use for plantation forest cultivation. Results

 About half of the white poplar stands area in the forest
Materials and methods fund of Ukraine are concentrated in Steppe – 49.4%.
 Their area in Forest-Steppe is 42.4% and in Polissya
The objects of the study were white poplar stands in 8.2% only. By origin, stands naturally regenerated from
Ukrainian forests. They cover a total area of more than seeds predominate in Polissya; their area is 55.8%. Forest-
7,600 hectares and grow in various natural zones, namely Steppe and Steppe zones are dominated by stands of
Polissya (forest zone in Ukraine), Forest-Steppe, and vegetative (coppice) origin, with 42.4% and 47.5% of the
Steppe. The study covered pure and mixed stands of area, respectively. In general, the forests of the country
various origin, namely coppice, naturally regenerated are dominated by white poplar stands of vegetative origin
from seeds and planted from seeds, within the white poplar (42.8%) and those regenerated artificially from seeds
range (Fig. 1). (31.0%) (Table 1). However, it should be noted that stands
 The study was carried out based on analysis of forest of vegetative origin have significantly lower productivity
management materials (database of Ukrainian forest compared to artificial stands planted from seeds.
fund), which contained certain forestry and mensuration The age distribution of the white poplar stands is
characteristics of stands (origin, age, diameter, height, severely imbalanced. The analysis of forest management
type of forest site conditions, etc.). To analyze the forest materials indicates a significant predominance of stands
area of white poplar stands, we developed an electronic aged over 40 years in all natural zones within Ukraine. For
subcompartment database using the forest inventory data example, in Polissya, their area is 76–83% depending on
of the Ukrderzhlisproekt Production Association as on the origin. They cover 57–77% in Forest-Steppe and 77–
2016, then converted it from the .vff into .mdb format 87% in the Steppe (Table 2). Such stands rapidly lose their
of MS Access by means of the NewUnPackOHOTA ecological functions. They need to be gradually replaced
programme developed in the Laboratory of New to continue to perform the essential environmental and
Information Technologies of the Ukrainian Research protective functions effectively.

Fig. 1

 Table 1
 Table 1
 Table 1. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands in the forest fund of Ukraine by origin within the natural zones
 Table 1. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands in the forest fund of Ukraine by origin within the natural zones
 The age distribution of the white poplar stands is severely imbalanced. The analysis of
 The age distribution of the white poplar stands is severely imbalanced. The analysis of
 forest management materials indicates a significant predominance of stands aged over 40
 forest management materials indicates a significant predominance of stands aged over 40
 years in all natural zones within Ukraine. For example, in Polissya, their area is 76–83%
 years in all natural zones within Ukraine. For example, in Polissya, their area is 76–83%
 depending on the origin. They cover 57–77% in Forest-Steppe and 77–87% in the Steppe
 depending on the origin. They cover 57–77% in Forest-Steppe and 77–87% in the Steppe
 (Table 2). Such stands rapidly lose their ecological functions. They need to be gradually
 (Table 2). Such stands rapidly lose their ecological functions. They need to be gradually
 replaced to continue to perform the essential environmental and protective functions
 replaced to continue to perform the essential environmental and protective functions
 Table 2
 Table 2
 Table 2. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands by 10 year age classes in natural zones
 Table 2. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands by 10 year age classes in natural zones
 Fig. 1. Distribution map of White poplarMost white poplar(Palancean
 (Populus stands grow inal.,
 moist relatively fertile sites. For example, the
 poplar stands grow et
 white alba) 2018).
 in moist relatively fertile sites. For example, the
Table 1 Fig. 1. Distribution map of Whiteproportion
 proportion of the stands in this forest site type is 76% for Polissya, 32% for Forest-Steppe,
 poplar (Populus alba)in(Pthis
 of the stands forest siteet type
 ALANCEAN al., 2018).
 is 76% for Polissya, 32% for Forest-Steppe,
 and 28% for the whole of Ukraine. The Steppe is dominated by stands in moist fertile sites
Table 1. Distribution of the area of white poplar standsand
 in the
 28% forest fund
 for the wholeof Ukraine
 of Ukraine.by origin
 The Steppe within the natural
 is dominated zones
Table 1. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands in the
 (32%). forest
 In thisfund of zone,
 natural Ukraine by origin
 the proportion within
 of standsthe naturalinbyzones
 stands in moist fertile sites
 moist relatively fertile sites is
Fig. 2 (32%). In this natural zone, the proportion of stands growing in moist relatively fertile sites is
 16%. Stands in moist fertile sites Origin
 are also common in Forest-Steppe and Steppe; they make
 16%. Stands in moist fertile sites are also common in Forest-Steppe and Steppe; they make
 30 Natural zones Units 31% and 16%Natural
 respectively (Table 3). Artificial from
 31% and 16% respectively (Table 3). Total
 Table 3
 vegetative seed seed
 25 Table 3
 Table 3. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands by types of forest site conditions in natural zones
 ha Table 3.100.1 350.6 poplar stands by types178.1 628.8zones
 Height, m

 Distribution of the area of white of forest site conditions in natural
 20 Polissya
 % 15.9 55.8 models for modal
 To develop mathematical 28.3stands’ growth, 100.0
 it is essential to determine
 15 ha To develop mathematical
 the1,371.1 976.4 models
 correlations between weighted
 for modal stands’ growth,3,231.9
 averages of884.4
 it is essential to determine
 their mensuration characteristics. We defined
 Forest-Steppe the correlations between weighted averages of their mensuration characteristics.
 10 % 42.4 and strength of
 the direction 30.2 100.0used theWe
 27.4mensuration metrics
 relationships between
 the direction and strength of relationships between mensuration metrics used the correlation
 ha 1,791.3 (Table 4). There
 coefficients 674.6 1,303.0
 were strong positive 3,768.9age (A), height (H),
 relationships between
 5 Steppe coefficients (Table 4). There were strong positive relationships between age (A), height (H),
 % 47.5 17.9 34.6
 diameter (D), the sum of cross-sectional areas per 1 ha (G) and stock 100.0 volume per 1 ha (M).
 0 ha
 diameter (D), the sum of cross-sectional areas per 1 ha (G) and stock volume per 1 ha (M).
 The3,262.5 2,001.6
 relationships between 2,365.5 and the stand
 those stand characteristics 7,629.6
 density (N) were either
 Total forest5fund 10 15
 of Ukraine 20 25 30 35 40 45 between
 The relationships 50 those55 stand 60characteristics
 65 31.0 70and the stand100.0density (N) were either
 % strong 42.8 26.2
 negative or very strong negative.
 negative or very strong negative.
 Table 4
 Table 4
 Polissya Forest-Steppe Steppe
 Table 4. Correlation matrix of mensuration characteristics of white poplar stands
 Table 4. Correlation matrix of mensuration characteristics of white poplar stands
 Most white poplar stands grow in moist relatively The following functions (1–3) are selected to
fertile sites. For example, the proportion of the stands in approximate the average height of modal stands:
 The following functions (1–3) are selected to approximate the average height of modal
this forest site type is 76% for Polissya, 32% for Forest-The following functions (1–3) are selected to approximate the average height of modal
Steppe, and 28% for the whole of Ukraine. The Steppe stands:
dominated by stands in moist fertile sites (32%). In this = 2.13 × (1 − −0.027× )1.06 × 25 
 (1) (1)
 = 2.13 × (1 − −0.027× )1.06 × 25 (1)
natural zone, the proportion of stands growing in moist − = 2.23 × (1 − −0.024× 1.01
 ) × 25 
relatively fertile sites is 16%. Stands in moist fertile sites − = 2.23 × (1 − −0.024× )1.01 × 25 
 (2) (2)
are also common in Forest-Steppe and Steppe; they make
31% and 16% respectively (Table 3). = 2.22 × (1 − −0.025× )1.04 × 25 
 (3) (3)
 To develop mathematical models for modal stands’Using the Mitcherlich function, we modeled the height dynamics for the white poplar
growth, it is essential to determine the correlations between
 stands. According to the developed mathematical relationships, stands growing within the
weighted averages of their mensuration characteristics. We Using the Mitcherlich function, we modeled the height
 Polissya zone have slightly greater heights compared to stands within the Forest-Steppe and
defined the direction and strength of relationships between dynamics for the white poplar stands. According to the
mensuration metrics used the correlation coefficients Steppe (Fig.developed
 2). The difference is 2–9%.
 mathematical relationships, stands growing
(Table 4). There were strong positive relationships between within the Polissya zone FIG. have2 slightly greater heights
age (A), height (H), diameter (D), the sum of cross- compared to stands within the Forest-Steppe and Steppe
 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.
sectional areas per 1 ha (G) and stock volume per 1 ha (Fig. 2). The difference is 2–9%.
(M). The relationships between those stand characteristics The average diameter is mostly influenced by age and
 The average diameter is mostly influenced by age and height, so the diameter to height
and the stand density (N) were either strong negative or height, so the diameter to height ratio (D/H) approximated
very strong negative. ratio (D/H) by
 functionsby functions
 (4–6) (4–6) to
 was used wasmodel
 used tothe
 average the average diameter:
 = −0.000024 × 2 + 0.0095 × + 1.094, R2 = 0.90 (4)
 = 0.000055 × 2 + 0.0115 × + 1.05, R2 = 0.92 (5)
 = −0.000128 × 2 + 0.014 × + 1.041, R2 = 0.83 (6)
Polissya zone have slightly greater heights compared to stands within the Forest-Steppe and
Steppe (Fig. 2). The difference is 2–9%.
 FIG. 2

 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.

 The average diameter is mostly influenced by age and height, so the diameter to height
ratio (D/H) approximated by functions (4–6) was used to model the average diameter:
 = −0.000024 × 2 + 0.0095 × + 1.094, R2 = 0.90 (4) One
 of the main stand characteristics is the sum of the
 cross-sectional areas of trunks (G). We have adopted it
 = 0.000055 × 2 + 0.0115 × + 1.05, R2 = 0.92 (5) in accordance
 (5) with the regulatory reference materials for
 poplar stands (Kashpor and Strochinskiy, 2013). It is
 = −0.000128 × 2 + 0.014 × + 1.041, R2 = 0.83 (6) (6)
 approximated by the function (7):
 Table 2
 One of the main stand characteristics is the sum of the cross-sectional areas of trunks
(G). We 2.
 have 2. Distribution
 adopted of the area
 it in accordance of
 with of white
 thewhite poplar
 regulatory stands by 10 year
 reference age classes in natural zones
 Table Distribution of the area poplar standsmaterials for poplar
 by 10 year age classes in natural zones
stands (KASHPOR and STROCHINSKIY, 2013). It is approximated by the function (7):
 Natural zones
 = −0.0408 2
 range, × + 3.385 × − 4.271, R2 = 0.99 (7)
 Polissya Forest-Steppe Steppe
 We usedyears
 forest management materials and data from the sample plots to determine the
density of the stands. The dynamicsha % of stocking are described
 of the relative density ha by % ha %
second-order polynomial functions (8–10): Vegetative regeneration
 = 0.000042 × 2 17.9 17.9
 − 0.00657 × + 0.889, R2 = 0.99 177.0 (8) 12.9 51.7 2.9
 − 2 − 0.00343 × + 0.762,
 11–20 = 0.000015 ×1.5 1.5 R2 = 0.99 110.5 (9) 8.1 117.2 6.5
 = 0.000036 × 2 − 0.00466
 21–30 1.3 × + 0.721, 1.3 R2 = 0.99 141.0 (10) 10.3 89.9 5.0
 31–40of the dynamics of tree
 1.5form factors was performed
 1.5 using form 147.3
 height (HF). 10.7 42.4 2.4
The dependence of form heights on age is described by third-order polynomials (11–13):
 41–50 1.7 1.7 191.0 13.9 210.9 11.8
 = 0.000014 × 3 − 0.00359 × 2 + 0.361 × + 0.608, R2 = 0.99 (11)
 51–60 26.6 26.6 191.2 14.0 313.1 17.4
 − = 0.000023 × − 0.00468 × + 0.392 × ,2 2
 R = 0.99 (12)
 61–70 1.3 1.3 240.1 17.5 218.1 12.2
 = 0.000021 × 3 − 0.0044 × 2 + 0.379 × , R2 = 0.99 (13)
 71–80 9.3 9.3 94.9 6.9 373.8 20.9
 The rest of the parameters for the stands were determined by the formulas accepted in
 81–90 – – 74.8 5.5 145.5 8.1
forest taxation (ANUCHIN, 1982; HROM, 2010). Determination coefficients in the range of
0.83–0.99 indicate a high validity of 39.0 38.9 Therefore, they were
 the determined dependencies. 2.8 used 0.2 141.5 7.9
to create yield – tables for white poplar
 and productivity/capacity – stands. 0.5 – 87.2 4.9
 Total 100.1 100.0 1,371.1 100.0 1,791.3 100.0
 Natural regeneration from seed
 1–10 9.2 2.6 28.8 3.0 17.4 2.6
 11–20 – – 26.0 2.7 19.9 2.9
 21–30 14.7 4.2 34.6 3.5 26.2 3.9
 31–40 26.1 7.4 103.6 10.6 23.6 3.5
 41–50 72.8 20.8 233.2 23.9 68.3 10.1
 51–60 98.1 28.0 219.9 22.5 155.5 23.1
 61–70 87.0 24.8 159.5 16.3 160.9 23.8
 71–80 42.7 12.2 112.4 11.5 139.6 20.7
 81–90 – – 51.0 5.2 29.0 4.3
 91–100 – – 7.4 0.8 7.8 1.2
 101–110 – – – – 26.4 3.9
 Total 350.6 100.0 976.4 100.0 674.6 100.0
 Artificial regeneration from seed
 1–10 – – 19.0 2.2 3.4 0.3
 11–20 1.5 0.8 38.3 4.3 15.6 1.2
 21–30 18.9 10.6 31.8 3.6 108.4 8.3
 31–40 6.7 3.8 106.0 12.0 159.0 12.2
 41–50 126.1 70.8 491.2 55.5 712.5 54.7
 51–60 22.2 12.5 139.1 15.7 226.2 17.4
 61–70 2.2 1.2 45.8 5.2 42.1 3.2
 71–80 0.5 0.3 11.3 1.3 18.5 1.4
 81–90 – – 1.9 0.2 14.7 1.1
 91–100 – – – – 2.3 0.2
 101–110 – – – – 0.3 –
 Total 178.1 100.0 884.4 100.0 1,303.0 100.0

Table 3
 Table 3. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands by types of forest site conditions in natural zones
 Table 3. Distribution of the area of white poplar stands by types of forest site conditions in natural zones
 Natural zones Total forest fund
 Forest site types Polissya Forest-Steppe Steppe of Ukraine
 ha % ha % ha % ha %
 Fresh relatively poor pine site
 2.3 0.4 43.0 1.3 160.6 4.3 205.9 2.7
 type (B2)
 Moist relatively poor pine site
 59.2 9.4 143.6 4.5 188.4 5.0 391.2 5.1
 type (B3)
 Fresh relatively fertile site
 32.0 5.1 954.0 29.5 592.9 15.7 1,578.9 20.7
 type (C2)
 Moist relatively fertile site
 479.1 76.2 1,015.7 31.4 606.5 16.1 2,101.3 27.5
 type (C3)
 Damp relatively fertile site
 16.3 2.6 110.5 3.4 289.7 7.7 416.5 5.5
 type (C4)
 Fresh fertile site type (D2) 25.9 4.1 298.2 9.2 474.8 12.6 798.9 10.5
 Moist fertile site type (D3) 3.4 0.5 571.6 17.7 1,195.6 31.7 1,770.6 23.2
 Other forest site types 10.6 1.7 95.3 3.0 260.4 6.9 366.3 4.8
 Total 628.8 100.0 3,231.9 100.0 3,768.9 100.0 7,629.6 100.0
Table 4
Table 4. Correlation matrix of mensuration characteristics of white poplar stands
 Table 4. Correlation matrix of mensuration characteristics of white poplar stands
 Mensuration N G M
 A (years) H (m) D (cm)
 characteristics Fig. 1 (stems ha-–1) (m2 ha–1) (m3 ha–1)
 Polissya and Forest-Steppe (in grey)
 A (years) 1 0.975 0.994 –0.769 0.873 0.980
 H (m) 0.979 1 0.994 –0.874 0.957 0.998
 D (cm) 0.993 0.996 1 –0.822 0.919 0.996
 N (stems ha–1) –0.784 –0.881 –0.837 1 –0.968 –0.846
 G (m2 ha–1) 0.897 0.968 0.940 –0.961 1 0.942
 M (m3 ha–1) 0.982 0.998 0.997 –0.851 0.955 1
 A (years) 1 – – – – –
 H (m) 0.978 1 – – – –
 D (cm) 0.979 0.999 1 – – –
 N (stems ha–1) –0.778 –0.878 –0.865 1 – –
 G (m2 ha–1) 0.921 0.980 0.974 –0.953 1 –
 Fig. 1. Distribution map of White poplar (Populus alba) (PALANCEAN et al., 2018).
 M (m3 ha–1) 0.989 0.997 0.998 –0.837 0.961 1
 Fig. 2
 Height, m

 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
 Age, years
 Polissya Forest-Steppe Steppe

 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands
 of white poplar.

Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.
 zone have
 Polissya slightly
 zone 2).have greater
 =The2.22 × heights
 function, compared
 we is−0.025× 
 − 2–9%.
 modeled theto
 )1.04 stands
 × 25 within
 dynamics theforForest-Steppe
 to stands stands
 withinwhite and
 thegrowing(3) within and
 Forest-Steppe the
Steppe (Fig. 2). The =
 difference −0.000024 × 2 + 0.0095 × + 1.094,
 2–9%. R2 = 0.90 (4)and
stands. Polissya
 Using zone
 the Mitcherlichthe2). have
 The slightly
 function, greater
 we is heights
 modeled the compared
 FIG. 2
 height to stands
 The average diameter is mostly influenced by age and height, so the diameter to height within
 for the the Forest-Steppe
 white the
 zone have(Fig. 2). developed
 The difference ×FIG.
 is +20.0115
stands. According
 (D/H) toslightly
 approximated greater byheights
 = 0.000055 compared
 functions to stands
 was used + within
 × 2 to standsthe
 model the
 2Forest-Steppe and
 = 0.92 within
 average the
 diameter: (5)
 − Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.
Steppe (Fig.
Polissya zone2). The slightly
 difference is
 greater 2–9%. heights 2compared FIG.
 to stands 2 ofwithin theof Forest-Steppe
 2 and
 2. Dynamic
 == −0.000128
 Fig. 2. Dynamicin ×
 of planted
 2 changes
 0.0140.0095 modal
 × ×of
 in height stands
 + planted
 + 1.094,
 modal poplar. =0.83
 RR2 =white 0.90poplar. (4)
 The average diameter is mostly (6)
Steppe (Fig. 2). 
 The difference is 2–9%. FIG. 2influenced by age and height, so the diameter to height
 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.
 Theratio average
 (D/H) ofdiameter
 The the mainis=diameter
 average mostly
 stand influenced× 2 +(4–6)
 by functions
 is mostly by isage
 0.0115 the
 wasand ×used
 sum height,
 + 1.05,
 tothe socross-sectional
 model the = average
 Rthe 0.92
 so thetoareas height
 diameter: of trunks (5)
 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in heightFIG.
 − of planted 2 influenced by
 modal stands of white poplar.
 and height, diameter to height
ratio (D/H)
 (G). ratio approximated
 We (D/H) haveThe adopted
 average by
 = functions
 it in accordance
 −0.000024 (4–6)
 by functions was
 2 with
 + used to
 0.0095 wasmodel
 used average
 to model
 1.094, reference diameter:
 the materials
 2 so
 2 Raverage= the diameter
 0.90 for poplar
 diameter: to height
 Fig. 2.=Dynamic
 −0.000128 changes in ×height
 +of0.014 planted × +stands
 modal 1.041, of white poplar.R = 0.83 (6) (4)
 Theratio (K(D/H)
 average diameter
 = −0.000024
 ASHPOR and=Sis−0.000024
 approximated 2 by
 × + influenced
 0.0095 ×, 2013).
 functions 2×+ (4–6)
 by Itage
 0.0095is approximated
 1.094,and×used height,
 + 1.094, =by
 so the
 0.90 the
 the function
 diameter 2
 = 0.90 to(7):
 height (4) volume of poplar stands in Forest-Steppe and Steppe is
 2 2 (4)
 One of−0.0408
 the main × stand R2 = 0.92 areas of trunks (5)
 2 +characteristics
 = 0.000055 × +is0.0115 the sum × of+the 1.05,cross-sectional
ratio (D/H)
 The approximated
 average = diameter by=functions
 is mostly
 −0.000024 (4–6)
 2 × was
 ×+ used
 0.0095 to model
 − 4.271,
 age and× the
 + average
 2 so the diameterR2==0.90
 R 0.99to height much
 (7) (4) smaller at the base age (70 years), 427 m3 ha–1, and
 × R+2 = 0.92 R2 =materials
 0.000055 × + 0.0115 2× + 1.05,
 (G). We have 
 it=in accordance
 0.000055 × with the regulatory
 + 0.0115 reference
 1.05, 0.92 (5) poplar (5) 3
ratio (D/H) We = used
 −0.000024 forest management
 = −0.000128
 by × 2 +(4–6)
 − × materials
 0.0095 2
 was +×0.014 2 +and
 used to data
 1.094, 1.041,
 the Rthe sample
 = 0.90
 average R22plots
 diameter: = 0.83 to determine (4) the 394 (6)m ha –1
 , respectively. Relative indicators of the stands
 (KASHPOR and STROCHINSKIY =2 0.000055, 2013). × +It0.0115 is approximated × +2 1.05, by theRfunction = 0.92 (7): (5)
 =of −0.000128
 stands. = used ×The 
 −0.000024 forest
 × stand
 + 0.014
 + 20.0095 × management
 + +the1.041,
 × + 1.094,
 × + materials
 1.041, R
 Rof2 = of
 2 =the
 0.90 and
 R 2 data
 = 0.83 from
 are described (6) byin Polissya
 (4) of trunks (6) exceed those of the stands in Forest-Steppe and
 ==of the main characteristics × +is1.05, the sumR cross-sectional
 R2 = 0.99 areas
 −0.0408 ×× 2 + +
 2 × − 4.271,
 = 0.92 (5) (7)
 second-order the
 One(G). of the main
 polynomial = plots
 −0.000128 to × determine
 + 0.014 × the + density
 1.041, of the R 2 stands. The
 = 0.83 the (6)Steppe by 13–31% and 20–44%, respectively. This
 WeWe One have ofstand
 used adopted
 the characteristics
 main itstand
 in accordance is the sum
 characteristics withof isdatathe regulatory
 the cross-sectional
 sum of the reference areas materials
 cross-sectional of trunks areasfor of poplar
 dynamics = forest
 = 0.000042 management
 of 2the
 × ×2relative materials
 − 0.00657 × and
 density ×+ 1.05,+of from
 0.889, R22the
 stocking= 0.92 sample R2plots
 are = described
 0.99 to determine (5) (8) the
 difference gradually decreases with age (Fig. 3). Forest-
(G). We = −0.000128
 have × + 0.014 × + 1.041, R = 0.83 (6)
 (G). adopted
 We (KOne have
 ASHPORof it theinand accordance
 adopted stand
 itdynamics with the
 in accordance , 2013). regulatory
 with Itisisthe reference
 regulatoryof the materials
 of reference the function for poplar
 materials areas
 (7): for of trunks
 of the second-order
 2 polynomial
 2 the relative
 − 0.00343 functions ×
 + (8–10):
 R 2
 = 0.99
 are described Steppe
 (9) stands have 8–18% higher productive capacity
stands (KOne (G).
 ASHPOR of the
 stands =We and
 ASHPOR =stand adopted×
 −0.0408 ×, in
 characteristics 2013).
 2accordance ×
 3.385 is,the
 2013). with
 −Itof the
 is the
 4.271, by Rthe=function
 approximated 0.83 reference
 by the (7):
 areas R2materials
 function trunks
 = 0.99 (6)for poplar
 (7): (7)
 = 0.000036
 × 2
 − 0.00466 × + 0.721, R 2
 = 0.99 (10)
 than Steppe stands. The difference also decreases with age.
 2 2
 = −0.0408 ×−0.0408
 and +S 3.385 ×2 + 2− 4.271, =
 Rmaterials0.99 (7)
(G). We have (K
 adopted itstand
 accordance with ,the
 the 2013). −It×
 ×regulatory is the
 reference by the 2 function
 for to(7):
 We 2 poplar
 ASHPOR = management
 × ×
 TROCHINSKIY 3.385 materials and
 4.271, data from the sample =R plots
 of= trunks
 0.99 determine (8)the (7)
 One of the main
 0.000042 −is0.00657 sum of + cross-sectional
 0.889, areas
 R 0.99 The poplar stands in Polissya have 9–13% lower stock
stands We
 (K used
 density Simulation
 and of Sthe of
 management the dynamics
 stands. The , 2013).2 of tree
 dynamics It and
 is formdata factors
 of the from the
 relative was by performed
 density plots
 functionof using
 to (7):
 stocking Rform
 = height
 are the (HF). the
 described by(7)
(G). We have adopted We =
 used −0.0408
 it in accordance
 − = 0.000015
 management +with 3.385
 × the
 materials − 4.271,
 and data
 2 regulatory reference materials
 − 0.00343 × + 0.762,
 from the sample
 R2 = for
 plots to
 0.99poplar (9) (9)
 determine volume when compared to the growth data of the white
densityThe dependence
 of second-order
 the stands.We of Sused of
 The ×form 2 heights on
 polynomial management of
 functions age
 the −is described
 (8–10): by third-order
 and data of from
 stocking Rpolynomials
 the 2 are described
 =of 0.99
 sample (11–13):
 plots by
 to determine the
stands (KASHPOR density
 = −0.0408 and
 the stands.
 + 3.385
 = 0.000036,×2013).
 TROCHINSKIY The ×dynamics
 32 − It0.00466 is of the
 approximated relative
 × 2+ 0.721, by density
 the function stocking
 R 2
 = 0.99 2
 are described
 (10) (10) poplar
 by stands in the Don floodplain (Ermolova, 2015).
 polynomial =polynomial
 functions × 
 (8–10): − 0.00359 ×from relative
 +the 0.361 × plots+of0.608, 2R = 0.99 (11)by
 We density
 used forest of the
 managementstands. The dynamics
 materials and of
 data the density
 sample stocking
 to determine are described
 the For (8) Forest-Steppe, the difference is 24–32% and Steppe,
 = −0.0408 =
 2 0.000042 functions
 × + 3.385 × − 4.271,
 × (8–10):
 − 0.00657 × + 0.889, 2
 R = 0.99 R = 0.99 (7)
 Simulation of the dynamics of tree 3 form factors was 2 performed 2 using form height (HF).
density We 
 of stands.
 the Simulation
 = 0.000042 polynomial
 The =× =2 functions
 dynamics −of of the
 0.00657 dynamics
 × (8–10):
 the × 0.00657
 2 + density
 0.00468 0.889, ×of of×tree +R0.762,
 stocking form=×0.99 , factors 2
 R2R= =0.99 0.99
 was(8) (12)
 used forest management
 = 0.000042
 − 0.000015
 materials × and× − data − from0.00343 × the +
 sample plotsare described
 to determine by
 the (8)
 The dependence of form heights 3on age2is described by third-order2polynomials (11–13):
density of the performed
 stands. == functions
 The =
 0.000036 ×× 0.000015
 −− × 0.0044
 ×− height
 2 ×
 0.00343 0.379
 × 0.762,
 +of + ×× The
 0.721, =dependence
 are describedRR2R 2
 2= =
 0.990.99 (9)
 by of (13)(10) (8)
 = 0.000014 × − 0.00359 × + 0.361 × + 0.608, R = 0.99 (11)
second-order The =form
 = rest
 Simulation ofheights
 the parameters
 = of × 
 − on
 2 2
 the=(8–10):− age
 dynamics for
 0.00657 is
 × of the
 2 described
 −× stands
 form were
 − 0.00343 by
 ×factors third-order
 + 0.721, RR 22
 +performed== 0.99
 0.762, using polynomials
 RR == 0.99 (8)
 0.99 height (HF).
 2 form
 (10) poplars in plantations
 − = 0.000023 × − 0.00468 × + 0.392 2
 × , R = 0.99 (12)
 The dependence
 of (A
 = 0.000042
 Simulation 0.000015
 of 0.000036
 of , 1982;
 2 ×−tree
 − 2
 age, 2010).
 on0.00343 0.00466
 × ×was
 is described
 tree +form Determination
 0.889, performed
 factors +
 by0.721,was using
 third-order coefficients
 RR == 0.99
 performed 0.99
 polynomials height
 2 in
 R = 0.99 the
 form range
 (11–13): of
 height (HF). (10)
 = 0.000021 × 3 − 0.0044 × 2 + 0.379 × , 2 R2 = 0.99 (13)
 In(11) the world, poplar stands are often grown as dense
The dependence
 The dependence indicate
 Simulation a of
 =heights high
 =× of
 0.000015 form validity
 on2 age is2described
 0.000014 −heights
 × of−on the
 tree by
 0.00359 third-order
 × + dependencies.
 × 0.762, was R2×=Therefore,
 0.361 0.99(11–13):
 + usingthey
 0.608, form were
 = (9)
 R(11–13): used
 0.99 (HF).
 The rest ofproductivity/capacity
 the parameters for the stands were determined by the formulas accepted plantations in with short rotation periods (Klašnja et al.,
 to create yield and tables for white poplar stands. 22(11)
 3 2
 The dependence
 the dynamics of ×
 =×form 2=−
 0.000014 of−0.000023
 tree on
 ×form 3age −×× 
 −+ 0.361
 0.00468 ×2 third-order
 ×performed ×+
 + 20.608,
 0.361 using
 + 2× 
 R0.392 R+×=0.608,
 = 0.99 0.99
 , (11–13):
 (10) 0.99 (11)
 = 0.000036
 0.00466 × 0.721,
 forest taxation − 
 (ANUCHIN, 1982; HROM , 2010). 2Determination coefficients in the range of 2006; Rédei et al., 2006; Andriychuk, 2007; Fang et al.,
 3 2 2
The dependence
 Simulation of
 − the=heights
 0.000014 age× is××
 0.000023 described
 −− × 3by−
 0.0044 ×third-order
 × +2 2
 + +
 0.379 ×2 , × R+
 0.361 using
 × 0.392
 , form ×=0.608,
 (11–13): 0.99
 , R 22 =
 R(HF). 0.99
 0.99 (11)
 0.83–0.99 indicate − 
 a high validity of the determined dependencies. Therefore, they were used 2007; Rusin, 2008; Tsarev et al., 2010; Fuchylo et al.,
 3 2 2 (13)
The dependence =
 of The
 form rest of×
 = × on
 3 − 0.00359
 0.000021 = −age 0.0044
 parameters 3×
 is×described − 
 for ×× 2 3 + 0.361
 0.0044 0.379
 − 0.00468 ×
 × 2 ,
 were +×0.379
 + 20.608,
 ×determined , R
 + 0.392
 polynomials by ×=the
 , R
 formulas = 0.99
 accepted (12)
 in Rédei et al., 2012; Tullus et al., 2012; Wang et al.,
 to create yield − 
 productivity/capacity tables for white poplar×stands. 2014;
 22 = 0.99
 2 (12)
 rest of
 = the
 taxation parameters
 (A 3for ×, the
 × parameters
 − ×stands
 1982; − 30.00468
 −H were
 × 2, stands
 + 2 +
 2 0.392
 +×0.379 by the
 Determination formulas
 , , Rby theaccepted
 coefficients Rin in
 the range (13)
 NUCHIN forROM the were formulas accepted 2014;in Mashkina et al., 2016), mainly on soils not suitable
 taxation (A , 1982; 3 HROM3, 2010).2 Determination coefficients R in
 22 the range of
 =the0.99 (13)
 forest= taxation
 − rest
 = 0.000023 of×NUCHIN
 (A the
 a high parameters
 , 1982; ×for
 − 0.00468 the for growing crops. Such plantations have high biomass
 the ,stands
 × 2
 + ×were determined
 , dependencies.
 0.392 × , byTherefore,
 coefficients formulas they
 in (12)accepted
 range usedin
 The indicate
 0.83–0.99 ayield
 create the validity
 indicate of 0.0044
 3 for
 a high
 NUCHIN ,the
 the determined
 1982; ×H
 validity of dependencies.
 2 tables
 ROM for white
 determined byTherefore,
 poplar R2they
 the formulas
 , dependencies. were in
 coefficients used
 = 0.99 thewere
 (13) yield
 rangeper unit area. Fluctuations in the current increment
 The rest of the parameters for the stands were determined
 = 0.000021 − 0.379
to create yield and productivity/capacity tablesoffor white poplar stands. were of poplar plantations on an industrial scale in Sweden, the
forest The0.83–0.99
 torest (A
 of indicate
 the and a high
 , 1982; validity
 HROM , stands
 parameters for the the determined
 were for dependencies.
 by the formulas accepted in forest taxation (Anuchin,
 NUCHIN determined poplar
 by the Therefore,
 formulas the rangethey
 accepted of
 in used
forest to create
 taxation (A ayield
 , productivity/capacity
 1982; of
 H the
 ROM ,determined
 2010). tables for white
 Determination poplar stands.
 1982; Hrom, 2010). Determination coefficients in the range
 coefficients they
 in thewere
 of United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain,
to create yield
0.83–0.99 and
 indicate ofproductivity/capacity
 a 0.83–0.99
 high validity ofindicate
 the tables a white
 determined high validity
 poplar stands.
 dependencies. of thethey
 Therefore, determined
 were used and the USA are within 5–13 m3 ha–1 per year on average,
 used to create yield sometimes even up to 36 m ha per year (Schweier, 2012;
 3 –1
to create yield and dependencies. Therefore,
 productivity/capacity they
 tables for white were
 poplar stands.
 and productivity/capacity tables for white poplar stands. Tullus et al., 2012; Henriksson and Henriksson, 2015;
 Taking into account the predominance – and sufficient Lindegaard et al., 2016). That should be taken into account
 representation in Steppe – of the moist relatively fertile when growing poplar plantations (Fuchylo et al., 2014).
 sites, the corresponding tables were developed describing Particularly relevant is the introduction of plantations on
 the growth patterns (dynamics of the main stand land unsuitable for agriculture, of which there are about 10
 characteristics) and the productive capacity of white million hectares in Ukraine (Kravchuk et al., 2013).
 poplar stands in this type of forest site conditions, a sketch Rytter et al. (2011) showed that poplar plantations,
 of which is presented in Table 5. including white poplars, were as cost-effective as
 cultivation of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten)
 in forest land and various grain and industrial crops on
 Discussion agricultural land in Sweden. In Estonia (Tullus et al.,
 2012), hybrid poplar plantations were found to have higher
 The productive capacity of poplar stands profitability than silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and
 other species planted on formerly arable land. Researchers
 According to the constructed yield tables, the most from Canada (Stanturf et al., 2001) and Serbia (Keča et
 Fig. 2. Dynamic changes in height of planted modal stands of white poplar.
 productive are the modal stands of Polissya. Their stock al., 2012) came to similar conclusions. According to their
 volume reaches 492 m ha at the age of 70. The stock data, the profitability of poplar plantations is higher than
 3 –1
 Fig. 3

 Stock volume, m3·ha-1

 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
 Age, years
 Polissya Forest-Steppe
 Steppe by Ermolova (2015)
 Fig. 3. Dynamics of stock volumes of white poplar stands.
 Fig. 3. Dynamics of stock volumes of white poplar stands.

Table 5
Table 5. Sketch
Table 5. Sketch of
 of yield
 yield and
 and productive
 productive capacity
 capacity tables
 tables for
 for white
 white poplar
 poplar stands
 stands in
 in moist
 moist relatively
 relatively fertile
 fertile type
 type of
 of forest
 forest site
conditions in various natural zones of Ukraine
conditions in various natural zones of Ukraine
 Tree stand indicators
 N G M ΔM (m3 ha–1 year–1)
 (years) H (m) D (cm) f
 (stems ha–1) (m2 ha–1) (m3 ha–1) average actual
 10 7.6 9.0 2,484 15.9 0.509 62 6.2 9.2
 20 13.8 17.6 1,099 26.7 0.471 174 8.7 11.4
 30 18.7 25.4 645 32.7 0.458 280 9.3 10.2
 40 22.5 32.4 428 35.3 0.452 359 9.0 7.2
 50 25.4 38.4 320 37.1 0.449 423 8.5 6.0
 60 27.6 43.6 253 37.8 0.447 466 7.8 3.6
 70 29.3 48.2 207 37.7 0.445 492 7.0 2.4
 10 7.2 8.4 2,382 13.1 0.483 46 4.6 7.0
 20 13.0 16.3 1,096 22.9 0.475 141 7.1 10.0
 30 17.5 23.5 657 28.5 0.468 233 7.8 9.0
 40 21.1 30.0 450 31.8 0.459 308 7.7 7.0
 50 23.9 35.6 338 33.6 0.452 362 7.2 5.0
 60 26.1 40.3 269 34.3 0.446 400 6.7 3.6
 70 27.9 44.2 225 34.5 0.444 427 6.1 2.6
 10 6.9 8.0 2,320 11.6 0.489 39 3.9 6.0
 20 12.5 15.9 1,025 20.4 0.476 122 6.1 8.6
 30 17.0 22.9 619 25.5 0.467 202 6.7 7.6
 40 20.5 28.6 444 28.5 0.458 268 6.7 6.2
 50 23.3 33.0 354 30.3 0.450 317 6.3 4.6
 60 25.4 36.1 310 31.7 0.444 358 6.0 3.8
 70 27.1 37.7 295 32.9 0.442 394 5.6 3.6

that of Manchurian red pine (Pinus tabuliformis Carr.), P. alba L. is one of the main forest-forming species in
Norway spruce, and black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) Hungarian forests, occupying 3.4% or about 64,000 ha of
(Wang et al., 2014). the total area (Rédei et al., 2006; 2010; 2012) and Rebola-
 The increase in the area of plantations with short Lichtenberg et al. (2019) have proved that the addition of
rotation period (including white poplar) around the world 20–30% of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the composition of
is due to the need to reduce the area of land used for food white poplar plantations leads to mutual advantages.
production, as well as environmental benefits of renewable The feature of Ukrainian forestry is mainly the
energy, and grants for afforestation of former agricultural environmental significance of forests and the high
 proportion, up to 50%, of the forests of limited exploitation,
land (Wang et al., 2014).
 as well as a significant proportion, 15.8%, of reserved
 Poplars (Populus spp.) are increasingly used in many
 forests, which has a steady upward trend. Therefore,
European countries for the short-rotation plantations for
 it is important to normalize the balance between the
biomass production as a sustainable energy source (Tullus consumption of timber resources and the regeneration of
et al., 2012). For example, in Italy, poplar plantations cover forests. One way of doing this is to establish plantations of
an area of over 100,000 ha (Fang et al., 2007). In Sweden, fast-growing tree species, which will significantly increase
energy crop plantations cover more than 20,000 ha the volume of small-scale production.
(Kravchuk et al., 2013). Poplar plantations cover 13.5% When selecting a site to establish a white poplar
of the total forested area in China (Wilske et al., 2009). In plantation, the ecological range of white poplar is to be
Poland, over 200 cultivars of poplars and willows are used considered. The humidity limit of the ecological range is
in plantation forestry (Andriychuk, 2007). arid soil.

Conclusions Anuchin, N.P., 1982. Lesnaya taksatsiya [Forest inventory].
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Among the members of genus Populus L., the white poplar Borodina, N.V., Kovalev, V.V., Rudnik, A.M., Emelyanova,
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of Ukraine are concentrated in the Steppe zone, making Polucheniye mezhvidovyh hibridov (Populus alba ×
49.4%. The stands cover 42.4% in the Forest-Steppe zone P. bolleana) × P. × сanescens s ispolzovaniyem kultury in
and only 8.2% in Polissya. The stands of natural seed origin vitro [The generation of interspecific hybrids in (Populus
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 The age distribution of the white poplar stands is Eichhorn, M.P., Paris, P., Herzog, F., Incoll, L.D.,
severely imbalanced due to the predominance of stands Liagre, F., Mantzanas, K., Mayus, M., Moreno, G.,
aged over 40 years in all natural zones within Ukraine. Papanastasis, V.D.J., Pilbeam, D., Pisanelli, A., Dupraz,
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