Page created by Greg Benson
Second Grade
 Parent HandBook

 Mrs. Miller-Davis
John H. Vanderpoel
Humanities Academy
        Congratulations! You are officially a Second Grade Super Learner! My name is Mrs.
Miller-Davis and I will be your second grade teacher. I can’t wait to spend the next year learning
and growing with you!

Contact Information
        I will send home a weekly newsletter every Monday that describes what we will learn for
the week, spelling words, a homework schedule, and things that need your attention. In addition,
please feel free to contact me in the following ways:
        School Phone: 773-535-2690
        School Website: ​

         In efforts to conserve resources and to promote environmental awareness, every Monday
I will email the weekly newsletter to all parents. If you would prefer a hard copy of the newsletter,
please let me know.
         Each newsletter will contain information important to our classroom:
         • Curriculum Study Updates
         • Spelling words
         • Homework Schedule
         • School updates
         • Upcoming events/projects
         Important class and school wide information will be sent home in student’s Take Home
folders. Make sure to check the Take Home folders ​daily​.
         Please check your Class Dojo for updates on your student’s behavior and other events
taking place in our classroom.

Classroom Management
Class Rules:
    1. Follow directions quickly.
    2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
    3. Raise your hand for permission to leave you seat.
    4. Make smart choices.

   1. Verbal Warning
   2. Lose a dojo point
   3. Behavior Reflection sheet
   4. Parent phone call/meeting
We will be using ClassDojo as our classroom management tool. ClassDojo is a web based
program which allows teachers to track students’ behaviors (positive AND negative) easily and
efficiently. The program is based on points, and students can be given positive points for positive
behaviors. On the other hand, points can be taken away if students are demonstrating negative
behaviors. ​The following is a key for parents to understand the behaviors that are listed on the
Class Dojo:
     Following Directions​ – The student is following directions given by the teacher.
     Persistence – The student is trying their best to complete their assignment. They will keep
     trying to succeed at the task despite any challenges or difficulties.
     Homework Turned In – The student has completed AND turned his/her homework in on
     “Bucket Filler”​ – The student is being supportive, nice, and kind to other students.
     Participating​ – The student is participating in classroom discussions and activities.
     Working Hard​– The students is focused and working hard to complete their task. The
     student is focusing more on what they are doing and less time being distracted.
     Risk Taker​ – engaging in exploration beyond their safety zone.
     Accountable​ – Being able to take ownership of all actions.
     Inappropriate Physical Contact – The student has made inappropriate physical contact with
     others. This includes kicking, hitting, punching, etc.
     Destroying/Misusing Classroom Property – The student is destroying classroom material.
     Writing on desks, shelves, books, intentionally breaking classroom material are a few
     Not Following Directions​ – The student is not following the directions given by the teacher.
     No Homework ​– The student has not completed AND/OR did not turned his/her homework
     in on time.
     “Bucket Dipper”​ – The student is being rude, unkind, and unfriendly to other students.
     Off Task – The student is distracted from completing the task. They may be distracted by
     engaging in interactions with peers, playing with items, or engaged in any behavior that
     prohibits them from focusing on the assignment or task.
     Out of Uniform – The student’s uniform is not in compliance with the school’s uniform
One of the greatest features of ClassDojo is that it allows us to send parents a “behavior and
skills report” every Friday by e-mail. All you need to do is use the parent access code to get
signed up. Our hope is that this will help you better understand the progress of your student’s
behavior on a week-to-week basis

       Homework helps to establish an environment in which parents can interact
in purposeful ways to support their child's education. Homework reinforces learning and
provides practice for skills, concepts, and Common Core Standards taught in class. In addition to
complete paper assignments, students will be expected to visit the online learning websites to
complete their weekly and/or daily homework.
Homework is assigned daily.​ ​Students will be bringing home and returning the next day a
Take Home folder. This folder will contain homework, graded work, and class information. Graded
work and class information in the​ “Keep at Home” ​side does not need to be to be returned. All
work in the ​“Return to School”​ side must be completed and returned.
        Each week in the class newsletter a homework schedule will be included that lays out
what activities will be sent home to be completed. Homework is to be completed and turned in
the following day unless otherwise noted.
        Students will also complete a daily reading log. Each child should spend 15-30 minutes
reading each night. This reading may either be you reading to your child or your child reading to
you. After reading, please answer one comprehension question from the list in your Reading Log
folder. Questions and answers will be due on Tuesday, along with their Reading Log folder.
Reading Logs are distributed on Wednesdays and must be returned and completed by the
following Tuesday.
         Late homework will only be accepted if a child is absent. If a child is absent, homework
may be modified. Returning assignments in on time is an important part of being a responsible
student. ​All homework must be reviewed and signed by parents nightly​. Also, students are
expected to visit the online learning websites that are assigned for homework.
        Homework grades are 5% of a student’s grade. Homework is assessed for following
directions, quality, and completion. Below is the grading rubrics for Homework. You will be able
to follow your student’s daily homework progress through class dojo.

Daily Homework Rubric
                            1 Dojo Point             0 Dojo Points               -1 Dojo Points

 Following Directions       I knew what I was        I mostly knew what to       I was not sure what to
                            suppose to do and        do and followed             do and did not ask for
                            following directions     directions to the best of   help and the
                            precisely.               my abilities.               assignment is incorrect
                                                                                 or incomplete.

 Work Quality               My work was very neat.   My work was                 My work was messy.
                                                     somewhat neat.

 Completion                 My work was complete     My work was                 My work was not
                            and on time.             incomplete, but on          completed or not on
                                                     time.                       time.

Weekly Homework Grade Rubric

 Grade                  A (90%)            B (80%)             C (70%)               D (60%)

                        Student receives 4 Student receives 3 Students receives      Student receives 1
                        Homework Dojo      Homework Dojo      2 Homework Dojo        or less Homework
                        Points.            Points.            Points.                Dojo points.
       Frequently Used Websites
   ●   John H. Vanderpoel Humanities Academies Website
   ●   Spelling City
   ●   Class Dojo
   ●   Compass Learning (The Learning Odyssey)

       Due to CPS wellness policies and allergies in the classroom, we will not be celebrating
with food. However, if you would like to honor your child for their birthday, please consider
bringing in birthday pencils, erasers, or stickers. ​Please DO NOT send cupcakes or candy​. Please
remember that this is a learning environment and do not bring in items that make noise or have
small parts.

Arrival & Dismissal
       School starts promptly at 7:30am.​ Please be sure that your student arrives no later than
7:30am to allow for enough time to eat breakfast and complete morning work.
       Dismissal is at 2:30pm​. Students who are getting picked up will be able to pick up their
student near Door 2, just east of the playground. ​If you are picking up your child, please be
sure to pick them up at this location. ​Each child should give Mrs. Miller-Davis a high-five once
they see their parent or whoever is picking them up. ​This is for the safety of each child​.

Classroom Economy
        Super Learners will be participating in a “classroom economy”. Your student will apply
for a job and get hired. Students will create their own wallets that we keep in our class “bank”.
Our class bankers will give each student eight dollars to start. They will get paid every two weeks.
Students can save their money or spend it at our class store that opens up every other Friday.
Students will be able to purchase fancy pencils, fun erasers, mini notebooks, and more.

         When your child is ill, please call the office at 773-535-2690 and report your child’s
absence. All absences must be verified. In addition, you may feel free to email me when your
child is absent. When your child returns to school, please send him/her with a note stating the
reason for the absence. If your child becomes ill at school, he/she will be sent to the office and
your or one of the names listed on the emergency card will be contacted. Please notify us
immediately if any contact numbers change.
P.E. Days
       Your child must wear his/her P.E. uniform underneath their school uniform. DO NOT send
your child to school without his/her P.E. uniform beneath their school uniform. Appropriate gym
uniform is the: Vanderpoel gym t-shirt, Vanderpoel green gym shorts, and gym shoes.

       Throughout the year, the classroom will make special requests for various items. As we
progress, we tend to run low on our classroom items. Donation items may include supply
replacements or arts and crafts. A list of donation items will be sent home with each child
throughout the year.

        During our September Open House, parents are encouraged to sign up to volunteer in
our classroom. Volunteers will help pull students for individualized tasks and/or assist with
various classroom tasks, such as filing, stapling, etc. ​In order for you to be a classroom
volunteer, we are asking that you have a consistent schedule.​ Also, you will have to fill out a
volunteer form from the main office and go to a mandatory volunteer training.

Field Trips
       Field trips will take place throughout the school year. Parents are encouraged to
volunteer on trips. Each trip allows our class to have 6 chaperones due to limited seating on
transportation. Every parent will be able to chaperone a trip. To sign up for a trip, parents MUST
email me so that I can reserve a chaperone spot for them. All parents who wish to volunteer,
must complete the volunteer form in the main office and attend a mandatory volunteer training.

Grading Scale:
100-90% = A
89-80% = B
79-70% = C
69-60% = D
Below 60 = F

Projects ​15%
Quizzes ​25%
Exams ​40%
Homework ​5%
Daily Assignments ​15%
The codes for grading reflects students’ mastery of academic standards:
A = ​The student has mastered the 90% or more of the standards for that subject area.
B = ​The student has mastered 80%-89% of the standards for that subject area.
C = ​The student has mastered 70%-79% of the standards for that subject area​.
D = ​The student has mastered 60%-69% of the standards for that subject area.
F = ​The student has mastered 59% or below of the standards for that subject area.
Redo And Retake Policy
ReDo and ReTake:
ReDo of classroom assignments will be considered on an individual basis.
Students who receive less than 80% on tests, exams, and quizzes will be able to retest. Tests will
be sent home for a signature and review. Student must correct mistakes and return the test
before he/she will be allowed to retest. Students will only be able to retest once per

Relearning Plan
Teachers will review skills with individual students during small group instruction, planning
periods, or when the schedule permits. Students will be given modified assignments,
individualized support, and additional classroom support in order to gain mastery of subject

Literacy: ​Reading Street
The Common Core raises the level of expectations. Reading Street Common Core makes these
expectations attainable. It aligns instruction to the Common Core State Standards and meets the goals
of the Publishers’ Criteria. ​Combining research-based instruction with new tools to meet today's
challenges, every component and every lesson is designed for effective and efficient CCSS
Reading Street Common Core​ helps you prioritize instruction to support higher levels of reading
and writing.
    ● Increase text complexity in reading
    ● Provide accessible rigor
    ● Balance fiction and informational texts
    ● Build content-area knowledge
    ● Emphasize close reading
    ● Focus on informative/explanatory, argumentative/opinion, and narrative writing
    ● Implement performance assessments
    ● Integrate media and 21st century skills
Using a rich range of diverse print and digital media, ​Reading Street ​provides the instructional
support and materials you will only find in a program that was created to teach the rigor, intent,
and depth of the new Common Core State Standards.

Math: ​enVisionmath 2.0
enVision math 2.0​ Common Core is a comprehensive mathematics curriculum for Grades K-5. It
offers the flexibility of print, digital, or blended instruction. ​enVision math 2.0​ provides the focus,
coherence, and rigor of the Common Core State Standards. Project-based learning, visual
learning strategies, and extensive customization options empower every teacher and student.
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