2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...

Page created by Mathew Harvey
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
“ Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged
  ...fantastic delivery in a beautiful setting”
– St Cuthbert’s Primary Teacher
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...

Welcome to The Bowes Museum                  picnic areas in our beautiful gardens
                                                                                       LEGO®: BUILDING                               PIRATES, PANTS
2019 Education Programme:                    and facilities to store coats and bags.   THE BOWES MUSEUM                              AND WELLYPHANTS
created to support children and              If you can’t find what you are looking    25 May-13 October 2019                        20 July-3 November 2019
young people’s learning and                  for, please contact our friendly          Everyone of all ages, from children to        Immerse yourself in Nick Sharratt’s world,
                                             award winning education team as           the young at heart, can see our Museum        find out about his childhood and what
skills development linked to the                                                       in a new way – recreate our history and
                                             we are experienced at adapting                                                          inspired him to become an illustrator and
National Curriculum.                                                                   collections in LEGO®! Start with building     meet a host of the characters that he has
                                             the programme to meet different
                                                                                       some of the objects from our collection       created throughout his career including
We combine exploration of the inspiring      ages and needs as well as creating        that tell the story of John and Joséphine     Tracy Beaker, Daisy, Hetty Feather
collections and exhibitions with             bespoke workshops for your teaching       before ending up in the Creation Station      and Pirate Pete.
engaging practical workshops; ‘hands         requirements and course specifications.   that explains how the Museum was built.
on’ experiences to excite curiosity with     The Bowes Museum was awarded the
opportunities for discussion.                Sandford Award in 2018, in recognition
We have dedicated fully accessible           of our outstanding contribution to
education rooms for schools to use           heritage education and learning within
for the duration of their visit; play and    the historic environment.

                                                                                       THE POWER AND THE                             NORMAN CORNISH:
“ The Bowes Museum has very dedicated and hard-working staff                           VIRTUE: GUIDO RENI’S                          THE DEFINITIVE
 in both education and outreach, who make the most of a unique                         DEATH OF LUCRETIA                             COLLECTION
 collection and Museum. The founders of the Museum, John and                           26 October-20 January 2020                    16 November-23 February 2020
   Joséphine Bowes would be proud of the work being done to                            This is the first exhibition outside London   Celebrating the centenary of acclaimed
                                                                                       dedicated to the Italian Baroque master       artist Norman Cornish MBE, this
           enlarge the horizons of pupils and students.                                Guido Reni, presenting the artist and his     major retrospective tells the story of
                                                                                       relevance in Western art history. This        his enduring career with the most
  While their strengths lie in art & design and history, they can                      exclusive exhibition will feature unique      comprehensive collection of his work
also cover technology, science and learning about a much wider                         works by the master from prestigious          ever assembled, including a number of
                                                                                       public and private collections that will      previously unseen pieces.
world than is normally available in a local or regional museum.”                       allow you to experience for the first time
                                 – Sandford Award Judge                                the mastery and the aesthetic quality of
                                                                                       Guido Reni’s masterpieces.
                                                                                                                                        EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
EARLY YEARS AND KEY STAGE 1                                                             HISTORY WORKSHOPS
                                                                                        4500 BC-100 AD                              3000 BC
 KEY          Museum           Outreach          SANTA’S ENCHANTED
1800-2000                                        WONDERLAND GROTTO
                                          1-22 December
                                          Visit Santa in his Winter Grotto and our
                                          magical toy workshop. Explore The Bowes
                                          Museum with an exciting Christmas
                                          themed trail and make some crafts with the
                                          team of friendly Elves.
                                          £6.50 and includes a special gift for every
                                          child. Special Offer £5.50 for Bookings
                                          made before 30th September.

                                            “ Thank you so much for a
                                                  wonderful day.”
                                              – Teesside High School, December 2018

                                          VOYAGE OF FESTIVITY
                                          A fun and engaging half day workshop
                                          designed for cultivating young children’s                                                 AMAZING EGYPTIANS
                                          skills and confidence in looking at and                                                   Handle and sketch replica Egyptian objects,
                                          responding to our Canaletto paintings.
                                          Meet Theo the Crocodile, make a carnival
                                                                                        STONE AGE TO IRON AGE                       have a go at writing on papyrus and make
                                                                                                                                    a clay shabti.
                                                                                        Learn about and handle prehistoric
TOYS FROM THE PAST                        mask and take part in singing action songs
                                                                                        artefacts, work in groups to develop
A hands-on fun workshop looking at        with musical instruments.                                                                 KS2 Curriculum links:
                                                                                        enquiry skills with historical recording.
toys throughout the ages, followed by a   Can be booked as a full day workshop, get                                                 History — study of earliest civilizations.
                                          further details from the education team.      Create a coil pot inspired by
practical activity designing and making                                                                                             Art and Design — to improve mastery of
                                                                                        Bronze Age beakers.
your own peg doll.                                                                                                                  techniques with drawing and clay.
                                          Learning Outcomes:
Early Years Foundation Stage/KS1          • Improve visual literacy.                    KS2 Curriculum links:                       SMSC — learning about the
Curriculum links:                         • Improve speaking and listening skills.      History — changes in Britain                world around them.
History — develop an awareness            • Learn how to engage with paintings.         from Stone Age to the Iron Age.
of the past.                                                                            Geography — types of settlement             “Delivered complex historical
Science — identify a variety of                                                         and land use.
                                                                                                                                        information in a fun and
everyday materials.                                                                     Art and Design — improve
Art and Design — use a range of                                                         mastery with clay.                             interactive way, excellent
materials creatively.                                                                   SMSC — learning about the                     links to Galleries artwork.”
SMSC — respond to cultural                                                              world around them.                                 – St Cuthbert’s Primary Teacher
opportunities outside the classroom.
                                                                                                                                        EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
HISTORY WORKSHOPS (CONT.)                                                                  1485-1603

753 BC -476 AD                               700 BC                                                     A TUDOR FEAST                      KS2 Curriculum links:
                                                                                                        Take part in a fantastic ‘Living   History — British history.
                                                                                                        History’ workshop, learn a         Art and Design — to improve
                                                                                                        dance and make a ‘tussy mussy’     mastery
                                                                                                        before creating a collage of a     of techniques using collage.
                                                                                                        Tudor King or Queen.               Science — recognise the impact
                                                                                                                                           of diet and lifestyle on the
                                                                                                                                           human body.
                                                                                                                                           PE — perform dances using a
                                                                                                                                           range of movement patterns.
                                                                                                                                           SMSC — Creative expression,
                                                                                                                                           understanding of Tudor culture.
                                                                                           1769 -1821

                                                                                                        NAPOLEON I, WHAT IF?               KS2/3 Curriculum links:
                                                                                                        Interactive retelling of           History — beyond 1066, local
                                                                                                        Napoleon’s life story and          history, John Bowes as a
                                                                                                        events which led to the battle     Victorian collector of historical
                                                                                                        of Waterloo in 1815, using         artefacts and souvenirs from
                                                                                                        the objects collected by John      the Napoleonic Wars.
                                                                                                        Bowes. Explore what might          SMSC — opportunities for BIG
                                                                                                        have happened to Britain if        questions and debate linked to
                                                                                                        Napoleon I had triumphed.          current themes.
ROMANS                                                                                                  How would the blockade of          Art and Design — to improve
Develop enquiry through historical writing   GREEK MYTHS AND LEGENDS                                    trade routes impact on British     mastery of techniques using
— what did I learn from this artefact?                                                                  Society? What would Britain        intaglio printing.
                                             Explore the history of the Greeks. Discover
Look at and handle real and replica                                                                     look like today?
                                             mythical stories and legends through the
Roman artefacts before making your           Museum’s collections. Develop enquiry
own Roman head pot.                          through historical writing — what did I       1837-1901
                                             learn from this artefact? Then make your
KS2 Curriculum links
History — the Roman Empire and its impact
                                             own Greek-style amphora.                                   VICTORIANS                         KS1/2 Curriculum links:
                                                                                                        Learn about the lifestyle of       History — compare aspects of
on Britain.                                  KS2 Curriculum links
                                                                                                        a wealthy Victorian through        life in different periods.
Geography — types of settlement and          History — a study of Greek life and its
                                                                                                        an exciting guided tour of the     English — practise correct letter
land use.                                    influence on the Western world.
                                                                                                        Museum before writing with         formation.
Design Technology — analysing a range of     Art and Design — improve mastery                           a dippy pen! Develop enquiry       Art and Design — to improve
existing products.                           of techniques using clay.                                  through historical writing         mastery of techniques using
English — using spoken language to           Design Technology — use a range of                         – what did I learn from this       pen and ink.
describe and enquire.                        tools to perform practical tasks.                          artefact? Children will also try
                                                                                                                                           SMSC — opportunities to ask
SMSC — learning about the world around       SMSC — learning about the world                            a basic printing technique.
                                                                                                                                           ‘big questions’.
them and early Christianity.                 around them.
                                                                                                                                     EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
       PORTRAITS                          Design Technology — follow
                                          design criteria to create a
       Learn what portraits can
                                          finished product.
       reveal from pose, setting and
       accessories. Children will         History — local history study,
                                          focusing on The Bowes
                                                                              ARTS AWARD AND ARTS MARK
       make sketches before creating
                                          Museum and its founders.
       a collage self portrait.
                                          SMSC — analysis of emotions/        DISCOVER ARTS AWARD IN A DAY
       KS1/2 Curriculum links:            ways in which people present
       Art and Design — understand        their personalities to the world.   Be inspired by an exhibition on display and    KS1/2/3/4 Curriculum links:
       historical and cultural            Sense of enjoyment learning         complete your Discover Arts Award in a day!    Art and Design — develop their awareness
       development of portrait            about themselves.                   To achieve the award you will:                 of types of art and design, working
       painting, work creatively using                                        • Explore the arts around the Museum and       creatively using a variety of materials.
       a variety of materials.                                                  take part in an art activity.                Learn about great artists in history.
                                                                              • Learn about artists and their work in your   English — participate in discussion and
                                                                                chosen exhibition.                           listen to the contributions of others.
       LANDSCAPES                         of landscape painting.
                                                                              • Record your experiences and share            SMSC — understanding and appreciation of
       Explore the history of landscape   Design Technology — follow
                                                                                with others!                                 the wide range of cultural influences.
       painting from the fourteenth to    design criteria to create a
       the nineteenth century and try     finished product.
       your hand at creating              Geography — identify key
       your own masterpiece using         topographical features
       watercolour paints or pastels.     including hills, mountains,
                                          coasts and rivers, as well as
       KS2/3 Curriculum links:            land use patterns.
       Art and Design — improve           History — changes in landscape
       mastery of art and design          over time caused by human
       techniques, including              activity, extending pupils
       drawing and painting.              chronological knowledge.
       Understand the cultural
       and historical development

       PATTERN POWER!                     KS1/2 Curriculum links:
       Explore patterned decoration in    Art and Design — understand
       the galleries and have a go at     the historical and cultural
       printing your own designs using    development of pattern making.
       block pattern techniques.          Design Technology — develop
                                          templates for printing and
                                          printing using a range
                                          of tools.                              Artsmark offers a strategic framework that will help you embed creativity in your
                                          Maths — patterns and                   school. Find out how your school can benefit from going on an Artsmark journey.
                                          sequences using mathematical           artsmark.org.uk
                                                                                                                                EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
CROSS CURRICULAR LEARNING                                                                        SECONDARY WORKSHOPS
                                                                                                 Mix and Match, all workshops delivered as a half day option.
Develop your curiosity and help us to understand
how a wind-up toy works with a bit of science and                                                             “A variety of sketching, sculpting and painting with
creativity. It’s more fun to work it out using our                                                           appropriate questioning and discussion… and excellent
LEGO® education kits to try out robotics and have a
go at coding. Session also includes making a simple
                                                                                                             demo’s to engage students.” – Sandhill View Academy Teacher, 2018
wind up toy to take home, investigation
and prediction.
Visit the Creation Station in our LEGO® exhibition                                                                                                            PORTRAITURE AND LIFE
from 25 May to 13 October.                                                                                                                                    DRAWING
KS1/2 Curriculum links: STEM                                                                                                                                  Learn how to create a portrait/life drawing,
                                                                                                                                                              following step by step guidance, using
Science — practical enquiry, making predictions                                                                                                               our collection of Fine Art as inspiration.
and testing them out.                                                                                                                                         Students will make sketches and studies
Computing — create a simple programme.                                                                                                                        before bringing paintings to life with
Design & Technology — design, make and evaluate.                                                                                                              costumes and props. Models fully clothed.
SMSC — teamwork.
                                                                                                                                                              HUMAN FORM
                        GANESHA                              KS1/2 Curriculum links:                                                                          Taking inspiration from our collection,
                                                                                                                                                              this workshop is an exploration of mixed
                        Create a shrine and discover         SMSC — celebration of different
                                                                                                                                                              media techniques – connecting drawing,
                        how Hindus worship. Learn            festivals and understanding and
                                                                                                                                                              sculpture and painting.
                        about and sketch Ganesha, the        respecting the beliefs of others.
                        elephant headed god and create       Geography — locate the world’s                                                                   It will include the use of fabrics, Plaster
                        a colourful collage during this      countries.                                                                                       of Paris, textured papers and acrylic
                                                                                                                                                              paint to represent the form, surface and
                        interactive workshop.                Art and Design — understand
                                                                                                                                                              uniqueness of the human body.
                        Educational box available free       the historical and cultural
                        of charge with booking.              development of art forms.
                                                                                                                                                              Using inspiration from original fashion
                                                                                                                                                              garments, students will explore surface
                       CREATIVE WRITING                      KS1/2/3 Curriculum links:                                                                        pattern and textures. Observations will be
                                                                                                                                                              recorded using a range of mixed media and
                       Develop your imagination, story       The Magic Key Adventure —
                                                                                                                                                              textile techniques. Designs will be created
                       and character building skills using   bring to life one of our Toys
                                                                                                                                                              into a 2D or 3D Fashion/textile adornment.
                       our collections as inspiration        and take it on a journey.
                       before taking part in a practical     Out of View — create a                                            Art and Design — experimenting using a range of materials.
                                                                                                             three workshops

                       arts activity of your choice.         monologue and use your
                                                                                                                               Design and Technology — textile techniques, properties of fabric.
                                                                                                 links for all

                                                             senses to develop character
                       Visit the new Pirates, Pants and                                                                        History — timeline of fashion and cultural references.
                                                             selecting one of our portrait
                       Wellyphants exhibition opening

                                                             paintings as a stimulus.                                          Literacy — research, discussion, key words to describe, annotation.
                       on the 20 July and be inspired by
                       the illustrations of Nick Sharratt.                                                                     Maths — patterns, measuring, creating and using templates.
                                                                                                                                                                  EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
SECONDARY WORKSHOPS (CONT.)                                                                           NOTES PAGE

                                                                                                      How many children?

                                                                                                      Any Special Requirements?

                                                                                                      Name and address of school?

                                                                                                                                        (Teachers and other adult helpers are free of charge)

                                                                                                                  SCAN THE ART, GET THE STORY
WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT?                                           LIBRARY AND                                  Enrich your cultural learning experience at The Bowes Museum by downloading the
We can create a bespoke workshop for you to enhance the             ARCHIVES                                     free app Smartify onto your smartphone or tablet. Students can learn more about
                                                                                                                 exhibits in a number of galleries including the Fashion and Textiles Gallery and
curriculum for all groups. We are currently able to offer:          Look out from the top of                     English Interiors Gallery.
Wet felting • Dry point etching • Mono-printing • Relief printing   The Bowes Museum and
                                                                                                                 Students can create their own collection of exhibits to share with others and use
Silk Painting • Clay work using air drying clay                     view the landscape. Our
                                                                                                                 for further study back in the classroom.
Please contact the education team to discuss                        library facilities are suitable
your specific needs.                                                for small study groups.
                                                                                                      Teacher pre-visit opportunity: Familiarise students
                                                                                                      with the exhibits and zoom in on particular paintings or
   THE BOWES MUSEUM | Resource Box                                                                    artefacts prior to your visit to the Museum.
   Available to loan from Durham Learning Resources. Contact our education team                       Develop your schemes of work with a specific focus on
   for more details.                                                                                  different objects which could link to different parts of                  Free Wifi: Bowes Guest
                                                                                                      the curriculum.                                                             Password: boweswifi
                                                                                                                                                             EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
                                                                                              PRIMARY TEACHER EVENT
DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2019                                                                    ‘Pirates, Pants and Wellyphants’
Please book early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited. Free.                        our new interactive and colourful
                                              Saturday 15th June, 11.00 -3.00                 Saturday 13th July, 10.00-3.00               PRIMARY AND SECONDARY
PICTURE THIS PROJECT                          Teacher and Family event, explore the new       This will delight children and link in       SCHOOL TEACHER OPEN DAY
Focused on the painting ‘Cattle               LEGO® exhibition with your family and take      with literacy and SMSC themes. See the       Saturday 16th October, 10.00-4.00
Market in Antwerp’                            part in our robotics workshops that are         work of the illustrator Nick Sharratt and    From Stone Age to present day, take
Friday 22nd March, 1.00-3.30                  planned for KS1, KS2 and KS3.                   the resources that are available to          part in workshops linked to the National
Find out how one painting can generate        Drop in event, please sign in on arrival        support learning.                            Curriculum and be inspired by our
a whole term’s planning and be used to        with education team.                            Drop in event, please sign in on arrival     collections and new exhibitions.
support creative development, improve                                                         with education team.                         Drop in event, please sign in on arrival
visual literacy, speaking and listening       Friday 5th July, 1.00-3.00
                                                                                                                                           with education team.
skills and how to engage with paintings.      Explore the LEGO® exhibition and have
                                                                                              Friday 6th September, 1.00-4.00
Suitable for Early Years and Primary          a go at the robotics workshops that are         Explore the LEGO® exhibition and have
Schools.                                      planned for KS1, KS2 and KS3.                   a go at the robotics workshops that are      PICTURE THIS PROJECT
                                                                                              planned for KS1, KS2 and KS3. See the        Friday 25th October, 1.00-3.30
                                                                                              work of the illustrator Nick Sharratt
TEACHER AND FAMILY                            SECONDARY AND FE                                and the resources that are available for
                                                                                                                                           Find out how one painting can generate
LEGO® EVENT                                   TEACHER EVENT                                   Pirates, Pants and Wellyphants.
                                                                                                                                           a whole term’s planning and be used to
                                                                                                                                           support creative development, improve
With BLOCKPARTIES delivering                  How our collections can inspire                                                              visual literacy, speaking and listening
LEGO® activities for children                 the next generation of designers                PRIMARY AND SECONDARY                        skills and how to engage with paintings.
attending with teachers.                      and artists.                                                                                 Suitable for Early Years and
Sunday 31st March, 11.00-3.00                 Tuesday 9th July, 10.00-4.00
                                                                                              SCHOOL TEACHER OPEN DAY
                                                                                                                                           Primary Schools.
                                                                                              Saturday 21st September, 10.00-4.00
Learn about the upcoming LEGO®                Join an action packed day, take part in a
                                                                                              Take part in learning activities linked
exhibition and the robotics workshops that    variety of skills based activities to support
                                                                                              to our collections and exhibitions, also     PRIMARY AND SECONDARY
are planned for KS1, KS2 and KS3.             creative development using our collections
                                              as inspiration.                                 explore the LEGO® exhibition for your        SCHOOL TEACHER OPEN DAY
Drop in event, please sign in on arrival
                                                                                              school and the robotics workshops that are   Saturday 8th February, 2020.
with education team.
                                                                                              planned for KS1, KS2 and KS3.                10.00-4.00
Friday 17th May, 1.00-3.00                                                                    Drop in event, please sign in on arrival     Take part in learning activities linked to
Find out about the upcoming LEGO®                                                             with education team.                         our collections and exhibitions.
exhibition for your school and take part in                                                                                                Drop in event, please sign in on arrival
the robotics workshops, planned for KS1,                                                      PIRATES, PANTS AND                           with education team.
KS2 and KS3.
                                                                                              Friday 27th September, 1.00-3.30                Booking required for all events
                                                                                              Our new interactive and colourful               unless otherwise specified.
                                                                                              exhibition; this will delight children and      For booking and more information
                                                                                              link in with literacy and SMSC themes.          please contact:
                                                                                              See the work of the illustrator Nick            education@thebowesmuseum.org.uk
                                                                                              Sharratt and the resources that are             or telephone 01833 694602 ext: 214
                                                                                              available to support learning.
                                                                                                                                               EDUCATION AT THE BOWES MUSEUM
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
Education Workshops Early Years Foundation Stage/KS1/2
Full day session (10.00-2.00) £5.00 per pupil, includes materials.
Half day session (10.00-11.30 or 12.30-2.00) £3.50 per pupil.
Education Workshops KS3/4
Full day session (10.00-2.00) £6.50 per pupil, includes materials.
Half day session (10.00-11.30 or 12.30-2.00) £4.50 per pupil.
Education Workshops All Key Stages
Discover Arts Award in a Day (10.00-2.00) £7.50 per pupil.
(Includes materials and an Arts Award certificate)
Self Guided Visits
Self guided visits must be booked through the education team.
(Includes an education space where available)
Under 16: £2.00 per pupil/16 -18: £6.00 per student.
2 hour session (maximum 30 children per session) £4.00 per pupil
(plus travel expenses)
Free Pre-Visit for Teachers
You and a guest are welcome to visit the Museum free of charge to
help you prepare for your visit. Please telephone in advance to book
your place and ensure you are not charged.
Prices are exclusive of VAT.

We require a minimum of 2 weeks notice for cancellation of
sessions for payment not to be levied.

For bookings and enquiries contact the education team:
Phone: (01833) 694602 Email: education@thebowesmuseum.org.uk
Visit: thebowesmuseum.org.uk

We can help you with your Artsmark journey
2019 EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR NURSERIES, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES - "Knowledgeable staff, children constantly engaged ...fantastic delivery in a ...
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