Page created by Anthony Reid
      Women’s Health Service Education

                                          WOMEN’S HEALTH EDUCATORS

Enquiries                                womenshealtheducation@waikatodhb.health.nz
1. Booking Process …………………………..…………………………….……..Page 2

2. Recertification requirements ………………………………………………….Page 3

3. Breast feeding education……………………………………………………...Page 5

3. Colposcopy Education…………………………………………………………Page 6

4. Diabetes in Pregnancy courses ………………………………………………Page 7

   •   For core staff
   •   LMC
   •   Rural health professionals

5. Emergency maternity training for Wards ……………………………………Page 8

6. Family Violence                  ………………………………………Page 9

7. FSEP- RANCOG ………………………………………………………………Page 10

8. Midwifery Emergency Skills Refresher DHB …..…………………………,.Page 11

9. Mix and Match Workshop………………………………………………… ..Page 12

10. Neonatal Life Support ……………..……………………………………….Page 13

11. Preceptorship for Midwives…………………………………………………Page 14

13. Preceptorship for Nurses ……………………………………………………Page 15

14. PROMPT Course ……………………………………………………………Page 16

15. Rural Emergency maternity training………………………………………..Page 17

16. Smoke free training…………………………………………………………..Page 18

17. WDH Development and Certification………………………………………Pages 19-24

18. External Education Days..…………………………………………………..Page 26

19. Online education ……………………………………………………..………Page 27-30

20. DHB Staff Education Request Form ………………………………………Page 31

21. DHB Staff Course and Conference Education Form ……………………Page 32 & 33

22. DHB Staff Midwives MSR application form ………………………………Page 34

23. Educators Contacts and Campus Map ……………………………………Page 35

Booking Process

Employed with                                         External Health
  WDHB                                                 professional

    Health Professional identifies a course/s they          Health Professional identifies a course/s they
   would like to attend from the Education calendar       would like to attend from the Education calendar

       Education request form to CMM/CNM                           Health professional emails
                                                         womenshealtheducation@waikatodhb.health.nz to
                    Appendix 1                                         register for course

    Once the form is signed it must emailed from
                      CMM to                              Women's health educator check availablity and
                                                                    makes course booking.

   Confirmation will be sent via email with E placed
                     on roster                             Confirmation via Email is sent to participant.

   Course infomation +/- prereading will be sent to       Course infomation +/- prereading will be sent to
     participant one month proir to course date.            participant one month proir to course date.

                                                         Invoices will be sent separatly via DHB invoives 2
                 OTHER COURSES                                     weeks before start of course.

    External Courses/Coference - As above and also
  complete course and conference form (Appendix 2)                       Cancellation fees:
                      to CMM

                                                            A $20 administration fee will be charged for
  Learning and development courses - apply through       bookings cancelled by you up to 72 hours before the
         customer portal after CMM consent.

                                                         A $50 administration fee will be charged for bookings
                                                            cancelled by you 48 hours before the workshop.

                                                         No refunds will be given for bookings cancelled by
                                                             you 24 hours before the workshop or non
                                                                      attendance on the day.

Compulsory Midwifery Education

Recertification Programme 2017 – 2020
The Midwifery Council has made the following changes to the 2017 -20 programmes: it’s the professional
responsibility of all practicing midwives to maintain their competence to practice and retain evidence of their
continuing competence by:

   Education                                          Professional Development

       •   Combined emergency skills day –                •   Professional activities – minimum
           Annual attendance                                  eight (8) hours per annum
       •   Midwifery-focused education –                  •   MSR – once every three years, from
           minimum eight (8) hours per annum                  the due date of next MSR

For more details go to the Midwifery Council website          www.midwiferycouncil.health.nz

Compulsory Nurse Education

Recertification Programme 2017 – 2020
The Nursing Council sets standards for continuing competence, it’s the professional responsibility
of all practicing nurses to maintain their competence to practice and retain evidence of their
continuing competence by:

  Education and professional development
       •   completing 60 days (or 450 hours) of practice in the last 3 years
       •   completing 60 hours of professional development in the last 3 years
       •   meeting the Council's competencies for their scope of practice

For more details go to Nursing Council website www.nursingcouncil.org.nz

DHB Service

Colposcopy Education

Aim/Purpose of the Programme

To provide the opportunity for Nurses involved in colposcopy to have access to education that supports their
professional development and growth with clinical skills and knowledge relevant to their practice.

Content of the Programme

        •   Early detection of high changes
        •   Diagnosis and grading and cervical changes
        •   Interpreting results
        •   HPV and cervical cancer
        •   CNS role
        •   The Princess trials
        •   Consumer feedback

Date                            19th July and 8th November

Duration                        8 hours

Cost                            Free

Venue                           WDHB

Facilitator                     Meegan Farbeh-Tabrizi

Target Audience                 Nurses working in Colposcopy WDHB wide

Book                            Request through CMM

PLEASE NOTE; dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will
do our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Diabetes in Pregnancy

The diabetes team will roll out specific education for health workers involved with women and diabetes.

Specific Core midwife/nurse education – Details below
LMC education - TBA
Rural education –TBA

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

To provide up to date information, regarding care for a woman with diabetes and her journey through WDHB.
Facilitated by diabetes specialist team.

Content of the Programme

        • Gain understanding of the implication of diabetes in pregnancy, labour and postnatal for mother and baby.
        • Understand the protocols and applicable scenarios.
        • Gain understanding in the different types of insulin and equipment used in diabetes
        • Dietary Advice

Date(s)                         28th March
                                6th June
                                24th Oct

Duration                        8 hours

Cost                            DHB only

Venue                           Off Site

Facilitators                    Educators and Diabetes Team

Target Audience                 Core midwives and nurses working with diabetic mothers

Booking                         Request through CMM
Pre-requisite                   Online Pre-Reading

PLEASE NOTE Dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will do
our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Emergency Obstetric
                                                      Training for Ward

Aims/Purpose of the Programme
The purpose of this course is to provide Nurses, Midwives and SHO’s with a review of the incidence, risk factors,
signs/symptoms, medical management, nursing care, maternal/fetal implications, and relevant patient teaching related
to the most common complications that affect women during complex Antenatal or Postnatal period

Content of the Programme

    •   Scenario based obstetric emergencies such as postpartum haemorrhage, sepsis and neonatal resuscitation.

Date                             14th March
                                 11th July

Duration                         8 hours

Cost                             DHB Only

Venue                            WDHB – Waiora Simulation Centre

Facilitators                     Women’s Health Educators

Target Audience                  Nurses, Midwives and SHO’s working on Antenatal and
                                 Postnatal Ward
Booking                          Request through CMM

Pre-requisite                    Online Pre-Reading

PLEASE NOTE Dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will do
our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Family Violence

Aims/Purpose of the Programme
Core Violence Intervention Training will be offered to trained clinical staff from services where routine
enquiry is a requirement. Much of the revised training is aimed at gaining confidence in enquiry about
Intimate Partner violence and assessing risk for the women and any children.

Content of the Programme

   •   Principles of screening
   •   What to ask?
   •   Support and empower victims of abuse
   •   Assess risk
   •   Security
   •   Confidentiality
   •   Legalities

Date Full Day                  20th Feb, 20th March, 17th April, 22nd May, 19th June, 24th July, 21st
                               August, 25th Sept, 16th Oct, 20th Nov, 11th Dec

Duration                       8 hours

Cost                           Free

Venue                          WDHB

Facilitators                   Helene May or Annette Macken

Target Audience                Midwives and nurses in WDHB

Booking                        Request through CMM

PLEASE NOTE; dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will
do our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Fetal Surveillance Education Programme (FSEP)

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

The FSEP Full program runs for 8 hours and provides a solid foundation of information for all clinicians
involved in antenatal and intrapartum care. The Full program is structured to cumulatively build
understanding. Participants in the Full program also complete the FSEP MCQ assessment at the end of the
session. This is core education program and is suited to most clinicians requiring education or an update in

Content of the Programme

   •   The utero-placental unit, fetal heart rate control and basic fetal assessment
   •   The normal CTG, who to monitor and an introduction to the abnormal CTG
   •   The abnormal CTG focusing on decelerations, interpretation and management
   •   CTG workshop
   •   60 MCQ assessment

Dates                      18th April
                           20th June
                           1st November

Duration                   8 hrs

Cost                       $150 for non DHB

Venue                      WDHB

Facilitator                RANCOG educator

Target Audience            Multi-disciplinary audience, midwives and doctors.

Booking                    Request through CMM

PLEASE NOTE; dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will
do our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Midwifery Emergency Skill

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

Gives midwives the opportunity to practise and refresh on resuscitation techniques. Course designed
to meet requirements of Midwifery Council recertification programme for midwives, compulsory annual

Content of the Programme

       •   Maternal and New-born resuscitation,
       •   At least 2 of the following childbirth emergencies PPH, shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse, sepsis, uterine

Dates for 2017                        14th Feb, 7th and 21st March, 11th April, 16th May, 13th
                                      June, 12th Sept, 17th Oct, 14th Nov and 12th Dec
Duration                              8hrs

Cost                                  $100 non DHB

Venue                                 WDHB

Facilitators                           Deb Cox and Pip wright

Target Audience                       Midwives – Core and LMC

Pre-requisite/ Eligibility            Online Pre-reading will be sent to participant one month
                                      prior to course.

Booking                               Request through CMM

PLEASE NOTE; dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will
do our best to notify you of the changes by email.

Mix & Match

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

Concurrent sessions, expert speakers relating to gynaecology, midwifery and obstetrics.

Content of the Programme

    •   Content of the programme will be announced at a later date when speakers confirmed

Date                             19 September

Duration                         8 hrs

Cost                             Free

Venue                            Bryant education

Facilitators                     Meegan Tabeh-Tabrizi

Target Audience                  Health Professionals working or interested in woman’s health

Booking                          Request through CMM

PLEASE NOTE; dates venues and times are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances we will
do our best to notify you of the changes by email.

New-born Life Support
                                                         (NZRC) 1 day

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

This 1 day course gives healthcare professionals knowledge and skills for the standard management
of a new born collapse. The course concentrates on the importance of practical airway management -
ventilatory support -circulatory support and temperature control.

Content of the Programme
       •   Perform competent new born life support following the New Zealand resuscitation council
       •   Understand the process for initial resuscitation of all infants including the preterm.
       •   Gain knowledge of new born physiology as it relates to resuscitation

Dates                            15th March, 5th April, 17th April, 3rd May, 21st June, 26 July, 16
                                 Aug, 13th Sept and 6th Nov

Duration                         8 Hrs

Cost                             $275 (non DHB)

Venue                            Clinical Skills centre

Facilitators                     WDHB NLS instructor Group

Target Audience                  Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Anaesthetic staff

Pre-requisite/ Eligibility       Pre-reading will be sent to participant one month prior to

Contact to book                  Request through CMM


Preceptorship and
                                                 Refresher Course(s) for
Aims/Purpose of the Programme
This workshop/online programme is for anyone that preceptors students/new Grads and new midwifery colleagues in
Waikato DHB.

Content of the Programme

Refresher – 4 Hours
       •   Enhance midwives knowledge and understanding of preceptorship
       •   Discuss feedback strategies
       •   Explore ways to assess and manage under performance

Preceptor Course – 8hours (New to DHB or preceptorship)
       •   Identify the roles and responsibilities of the preceptor and preceptee
       •   Understand adult learning and teaching principles
       •   Identify effective communication strategies
       •   Discuss experiential learning opportunities
       •   Awareness of the assessment process, tools and application in context
       •   Identify blockages to learning

Dates                               Refresher – 1st, 8th & 21st Feb

                                    Full Day – 28th Feb and 2nd May

Cost                                Free

Venue                               Hockin

Facilitators                         Deb Cox and Pip Wright

Target Audience                     Midwives

Pre-requisite/ Eligibility          Pre-reading will be sent to participant one month prior to

Contact to book                     Request through CMM

Preceptorship- Nurses
                                                (Level 7)

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

To further enhance and develop the skills that enable nurses to facilitate the learning and development of staff and
students in patient care settings.

Content of the Programme

        •   Enhance nurses’ knowledge and understanding of preceptorship
        •   Identify the roles and responsibilities of the preceptor and preceptee
        •   Understand adult learning and teaching principles
        •   Identify effective communication strategies
        •   Discuss experiential learning opportunities
        •   Awareness of the assessment process, tools and application in context
        •   Identify blockages to learning
        •   Discuss feedback strategies
        •   Explore ways to assess and manage under performance

Date                                   Please check with the nurse educator as there are several
                                       courses running thru out the year
Duration                               2 days and 50 hrs self-directed learning

Cost                                   Application for funding

Venue                                  Wintec and WDHB

Facilitators                            Nursing Practice Development Team and Wintec

Target Audience                        Registered Nurses/Health Professionals who orientate new staff

Pre-requisite/ Eligibility             WDHB staff

Contact to Book                        Meegan.FarbehTabrizi@waikatodhb.health.nz

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

Provide an exciting one day multi-disciplinary course, training you to manage obstetric emergencies. The course uses
a mixture of lectures and simulated emergencies set in the most realistic environment possible – your delivery suite.
Gain confidence in working effectively and quickly with your colleagues during obstetric emergencies

Content of the Programme

        •   Teamwork
        •   Recognising the changing clinical picture
        •   Escalating and managing obstetric emergencies

                                      th        th            nd
Date                                 5 April, 5 July and 22        Nov

Duration                             8 hours

Cost                                 $100 non DHB

Venue                                Level 9 Auditorium and Delivery Suite

Facilitators                         Deb Cox and Pip Wright

Target Audience                      All clinicians responding to obstetric emergencies; Midwives,
                                     Obstetric doctors (all levels), Anaesthetic doctors (all levels).

Pre-requisite/ Eligibility           Pre-reading is required. PROMPT manual will be sent out to you one
                                     month out from date of course but is also available at the library.

Contact to Book                      Request through CMM

                                                          MATERNITY TRAINING

Aims/Purpose of the Programme

Provide an exciting one day multi-disciplinary course for health professionals working in the rural hospital
environment. Giving participants the opportunity to acquire essential skills and knowledge which may be needed for
the emergency management of a labouring /birthing woman and her new-born.

Content of the Programme

The course uses a series of scenarios based on obstetric emergencies such as shoulder dystocia, postpartum
haemorrhage, cord prolapse and neonatal resuscitation. Scenarios take place” in house” i.e. at their own hospital in
their birthing suite using the educators as actors, supplemented by a range of simple props to produce a high -fidelity
simulation experience. Real drugs, equipment and disposables are used. Attendees are expected to simulate ordering
blood, record vital signs, resuscitate any baby delivered and put out emergency or arrest calls exactly as they would in
real life.

Dates - 2017                          Taumaranui 6th and 7th August
                                      Te Kuiti   TBC
                                      Thames     30th and 31st October
                                      Tokoroa    29th May and 28th Nov

Duration                              8 hours

Cost                                  Free

Venue                                 In house training

Facilitators                          Pip Wright and Deb Cox

Target Audience                       All health professionals that may respond to obstetric emergencies
                                      in their rural area; Midwives- Core and LMC, GPs, Ed doctors
                                      /Nurses (EN & RN) and St Johns

Contact to Book                       Local Nurse Educator
                                      Rural CMM’s

Helping people to stop smoking MOH
Online generic training for all health
professionals .
                                            Once and for All Waikato stop smoking
                                            services. Lets get as many pregnant
                                            women as possible referred and on the road
                                            to a healthy pregnancy in 2018.

                                            Don't forget Once and For all now offer $300
                                            incentives for pregnant women who remain
                                            smoke free following their quit date and
https://koawatealearn.co.nz/                complete the 6 week programme.

                                            See the website
Heart Foundation new Stop Smoking on-line   http://www.onceandforall.co.nz/pregnant/
learning modules:
                                            Waikato DHB staff can use the yellow referral
                                            form to refer women. The woman will be
                                            contacted directly by a stop smoking advisor.

                                            Face to face training for Smokefree
                                            Champions and other practitioners.

                                            Book in by emailing
http://learnonline.health.nz/               Kate.Dallas@waikatodhb.health.nz


LINK Nurse Study Day

Introduction:       For registered nurses / registered midwives and nominated technicians who
                    will become medicine management link nurses/midwives/At in their area.

Prerequisites:      All compulsory modules required to be completed by any new staff member in
                    your clinical area on the generic medicines management course on moodle.
                    Pass mark 75% for modules except drug calcs = 100%

Dates & Location:   7th February (Waiora Level 4), 10th April (BEC LG8), 5th June (Waiora Level
                    4), 29th August (Waiora Level 4), 24th October (Waiora Level 4), 4th
                    December (Waiora Level 4)

Time:               0830-1630

Bookings:           Request through CMM

                                  LINK Nurse Forum

Introduction:       Opportunity for established LINK nurses to gather, discuss current audits,
                    quality improvement and motivate others with new ideas and approaches to
                    medicine management in the clinical area. Update of practice and current

Prerequisites:      LINK Nurse Study Day or previously transitioned IV Certificator

Dates:              13th March, 8th June, 24th September, 18th December

Time:               0800-1200 or 1230-1630

Bookings:           Request through CMM

CVAD Certification

Prerequisites:   Current Generic Infusion / Medicine Management Certification & compulsory
                 CVAD modules on Ko Awatea. Learning Contract to be completed prior to

Dates:           31st Jan, 28th Feb, 21st March, 27th April, 29th May, 13th June, 31st July,
                 26th Sep, 31st Oct, 13th Nov, 12th Dec

Venue:           Location dependent on availalbity. Confirmation prior to each day available on

Time:            0830-1630

Booking:         Request through CMM

                             Epidural Certification

Introduction:    Theory / workshop component of epidural management. This is required to be
                 completed before practical sign off in the clinical setting.

Prerequisites:   Have completed Ko Awatea Module ‘Infusion Therapy-Epidural Management’

Dates & Venue:   14th February (BEC LG14), 9th May (BEC LG14), 15th August (BEC LG10),
                 21st November (BEC LG15)

Time:            1230-1630

Bookings:        Request through CMM

Co-Ordinators Study Day

Introduction:          This day is designed for existing coordinators and active participation through
                       sharing ideas and experiences is a key element of the day.

                       Learning Contents

                 o    Global Overview of funding and planning – Operational Awareness
                 o    Communication – De-escalation & resilience
                 o    Bed Management
                 o    Leadership – Styles, Role modelling, Behaviours

Prerequisites:         Staff to have experience with co-ordination

Dates:                 11th April, 29th Aug and 21st Nov

Venue:                 Library Meeting Room 3

Time:                  0830-1630

Bookings:            Request through CMM

                            NETP Preceptor Education Days

Introduction:          These workshops target the main preceptor allocated to the NETP for each
                       intake. The workshops provide updates; discuss preceptor’s responsibilities
                       and how to effectively enhance NETP/NESP professional development in
                       their transition year

Prerequisites:         Assigned to NETP in upcoming intake

Dates:                 February 2nd 2018 or February 16th 2018

                       September – To be confirmed

Venue:                 LG 14/LG 15 BEC

Time:                  0800-1630

Bookings:              Request through CMM

Pebbles Leadership Programme

Introduction:            The Pebbles programme is a Waikato DHB Professional Development Unit
                         programme. Designed for clinically-based registered nurses and midwives, it
                         introduces purposeful development strategies to extend clinical leadership
                         expertise and/or prepare for senior roles. The aims of the programme is to
                         enhance the participants leadership competencies and abilities; to develop
                         registered nurse/midwife capability to lead and manage change in clinical
                         practice; and to support succession planning for registered nurses and

Prerequisites:           Candidate must be nominated by CNM/CMM

Dates:                   Group One: 6th March, 10th April, 15th May & 19th June
                         Group Two: 20th March, 17th April, 29th May, 17th July
                         Group Three & Four: Starting May & August (Dates TBC)

                                  Ngā Manukura o Āpōpō
                    Māori Nurses and Midwives clinical leadership programme.

Introduction:            The 8-day Clinical Leadership Training Programme consists of four 2-day
                         wānanga spread over a 4-month period. Key themes explored are leadership,
                         Maori models, clinical governance, change and resource management and
                         people management.

Prerequisites:           RN 3 or above of Maori Ethnicity


  •   Course 1:                                       •   Course 2:

  •   Wānanga 1 - 22 and 23 March 2018                •   Wānanga 1 - 30 and 31 August 2018

  •   Wānanga 2 - 26 and 27 April 2018                •   Wānanga 2 - 27 and 28 September 2018

  •   Wānanga 3 - 24 and 25 May 2018                  •   Wānanga 3 - 25 and 26 October 2018

  •   Wānanga 4 - 28 and 29 June 2018                 •   Wānanga 4 - 22 and 23 November 2018

Bookings:         Please contact Chris Baker or Nicky Nelson christine.Baker@waikatodhb.health.nz

Clinical Assessment Skills Workshop

Introduction:     A two day workshop run by Anne Evans-Murray focusing on clinical
                  assessment and critical thinking.

Prerequisites:    Not currently completing post graduate learning.

Dates:            26th/ 27th April and 6th/ 7th September - TBC

Venue:            Wintec Atrium

Bookings:         Request through CMM

                        Blood Transfusion Study Day

Introduction:     Run in conjunction with the NZ Blood Service, this day is aimed at registered
                  nurses at Waikato Hospital administering blood products or those who are
                  likely to work with patients receiving blood products.

Prerequisites:    Nil

Dates:            TBC – Most likely May & October

Venue:            TBC

Bookings:         Request through CMM


Course and Conference’s 2018


K2 Perinatal Training Programme:

Free to health professionals working with pregnant women

Fetal monitoring training is mandatory each year for midwives and doctors employed at the WDHB working
in maternity care – either online K2 or face to face teaching through the RANZCOG fetal surveillance
education programmes (FSEP).

       •   Acid base and fetal physiology
       •   Intrapartum cardiotocography
       •   Training simulator

Contact women’s health educators to create an account for the K2 Perinatal Training Programme.


Ko Awatea LEARN is a DHB focused eLearning and education community with a wide range of
programmes, courses, and community forums available to DHB staff.

Its goal is to create a collaborative environment for DHB staff to continue their learning journey at work,
helping develop a safe, competent and compliant workforce. We’re talking about skills like quality
improvement, patient safety, communication, leadership, and patient-centered care

LMC’s can have free access to online programmes, please contact women’s health educators to arrange.

The NSU offers on-line education for health practitioners who provide services within the antenatal and
new-born screening programmes. The NSU offers five eLearning Modules through LearnOnline.Health.nz.

•   HIV testing in pregnancy
    HIV testing in pregnancy - part of early pregnancy blood tests.

•   Antenatal Screening for Down syndrome and Other Conditions
    Screening can provide some information about the chance of your baby having Down syndrome or
    another condition. The screening options available provide a risk estimate for Down syndrome
    (trisomy21), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and some other rare genetic

•   Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme - heel prick test
    The Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme screens for rare but potentially serious disorders such as
    phenylketonuria (PKU), cystic fibrosis, and congenital hypothyroidism.

•   Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Programme
    Newborn hearing screening checks whether your baby hears well. If your baby has a hearing loss,
    finding it early will help their language, learning and social development. All eligible babies can have
    newborn hearing screening free of charge.

The NSU antenatal and newborn screening modules have been approved by the Midwifery Council of New
Zealand for professional development hours.

LearnOnline.Health.nz is a vocational training resource hub for New Zealand’s community of health
practitioners, providing a collaborative approach to educational resources for the health sector. There is a
growing number of courses available provided by different organisations for health workers either studying
or working in different fields of practice.

E-Learning: Practice Changing Educational Training Information



Maggie Banks http://www.birthspirit.co.nz/

Jane Townsend https://simply-midwifery.teachable.com

Deb Cox                  deborah.cox@waikatodhb.health.nz 027 8078948

Pip Wright               pip.wright@waikatodhb.health.nz       021 243 9655

Meegan Farbeh-Tabrizi   Meegan.farbehtabrizi@waikatodhb.health.nz 021 2219159

You can also read