2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc

Page created by Rick Klein
2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
2020 Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO          About Carter’s           People                                Product                            Planet                               GRI Index

Table of Contents
3    Message from CEO                     14 People                31 Our Sustainable
                                                                      Materials Journey
5    Carter’s Is                          15 Employees
     Committed to a                                                32 Launching
     Sustainable World                    16 Diversity and            Little Planet
7    Our Culture of                                                34 Our Commitment
                                          17 Employee
                                                                      to High-Quality,      About This Report
                                                                      Safe Products
8    ESG Governance                          and Well-being                                 This is Carter’s, Inc.’s first report about corporate social   and Exchange Commission from time to time
                                                                                            responsibility (CSR) and generally covers our efforts          under the headings “Risk Factors.” Also, due to the
9    Q&A with Antonio                     22 Protecting            36 Planet                during fiscal 2020. Some initiatives that were launched        developing nature of our initiatives, statements here
     Robinson, SVP of                        Human Rights in                                prior to fiscal 2020 and during fiscal 2021 are included       may be based on estimates and approximate data.

     Corporate Social                        Our Global Supply     37 Managing Our          in order to provide the most relevant information to
                                                                                                                                                           The report has been prepared in accordance with
     Responsibility                          Chain                    Environmental         stakeholders. References to 2020, 2019, and 2018 are
                                                                                            to calendar years, and references to fiscal 2020, fiscal       the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards: Core
                                                                      Impact                2019, and fiscal 2018 are to our financial fiscal years.       option. It focuses primarily on operations under our
10 Responding to                          26 Uplifting Our                                  Data are as of the date or for the period indicated.           direct control, but also includes discussions and
   COVID-19                                  Communities           38 Improving Our                                                                        data relating to operations outside of our direct
                                                                                            Fiscal 2020 (which ended on January 2, 2021) had 53
                                                                      Energy and            weeks, and fiscal 2019 (which ended on December 28,            control, as indicated. The disclosures included can
12 Protecting Customer                                                Emissions Footprint   2019) and fiscal 2018 (which ended on December 29,             be found in the GRI Index. We intend to publish a
   and Employee Data                      28 Product                                        2018) each had 52 weeks.                                       CSR report annually.
                                                                   38 Reducing Waste
13 Our Corporate                          29 Making Sustainable                             This report contains forward-looking statements within         “Carter’s” refers to Carter’s, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
   Social Responsibility                     Products Accessible   39 Managing Our Water    the meaning of the federal securities laws, including          Our trademarks and copyrights referred to in this
   Commitments                               to All                   Impact                statements with respect to our goals, commitments              report, including Carter’s, OshKosh, OshKosh B’gosh,
                                                                                            and programs. Such statements are based on current             Skip Hop, Child of Mine, Just One You, Simple Joys,
                                          30 Product Design,                                expectations only, and are subject to certain risks,           and Little Planet, many of which are registered in
                                             Innovation, and       42 GRI Index             uncertainties, and assumptions, including those                the United States and in over 10 0 other countries
                                             Stewardship                                    described in the our most recently filed Annual Report         and territories, are each the property of one or more
                                                                                            on Form 10-K and other reports filed with the Securities       subsidiaries of Carter’s, Inc.

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2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                         About Carter’s                    People                         Product                     Planet                        GRI Index

A Message to Our Stakeholders
                                                               On behalf of our more than 18,000 employees         Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic                The pandemic was not the only issue in the
                                                               worldwide, I am pleased to share Carter’s           was swift and successful. In the U.S., we            last year that required our attention. We were
                                                               inaugural Corporate Social Responsibility report.   temporarily suspended store operations               troubled by the racial injustice that continued
                                                                                                                   in the early stages of the pandemic and              to occur in 2020. Carter’s has zero tolerance for
                                                               For many generations, Carter’s has served the       focused on serving consumers through our             discrimination of any kind, and the events of
                                                               needs of families with young children. This         eCommerce capabilities. We also took                 this past year made it clear that there was more
                                                               report details our focus on future generations      measures to help ensure the health and               we could do.
                                                               through our sustainable and innovative              safety of our global workforce.
                                                               practices that will strengthen our Company, and                                                          During the year, we improved our diversity
                                                               support families who rely on us to be best in       Much of our workforce shifted to remote              and inclusion efforts and encouraged our
                                                               class in young children’s apparel.                  working arrangements and, as restrictions            employees to make their voices heard. We
                                                                                                                   eased over the course of the year, we instituted     also supported the Georgia Hate Crimes bill to
                                                               2020 was a year like no other. I am thankful        measures to protect our employees and safely         make clear our position against intolerance.
                                                               for Carter’s employees who demonstrated             welcome consumers back into our stores.
                                                               extraordinary resilience helping their families                                                          In 2020, we strengthened our responsible
                                                               and our Company through the pandemic.               While much of our business has returned to full      sourcing efforts to address social challenges
                                                               Together, they helped us respond to                 operations, we recognize that the risks related to   across our global supply chain. We were
                                  Michael D. Casey             unprecedented challenges and fulfill our            COVID-19 continue, and we will remain vigilant.      especially concerned about reports of forced
                                        Chairman &             responsibilities to our many stakeholders.                                                               labor in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
                              Chief Executive Officer

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2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                     People                       Product                    Planet                       GRI Index

“ These  initiatives represent meaningful market opportunities
  that can help support our growth objectives. ”

  Region (XUAR). Carter’s does not source                        more deeply, and promoting and appointing           In future communications, we intend to provide    Our employees across the world rose to
  products from the XUAR, and we are                             our Senior Vice President of Corporate Social       more detail about these commitments and           the challenges this past year with courage,
  steadfast in opposing forced labor and                         Responsibility, Antonio Robinson, to Carter’s       our progress towards them. These initiatives      selflessness, and perseverance. We believe
  any working conditions that fail to meet                       Leadership Team.                                    are aligned with our responsible culture of       the days ahead will be brighter, and that
  our high standards outlined in our                                                                                 supporting the interests of families with young   our efforts today are the beginning of a new
                                                                 We set qualitative and quantitative targets
  Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.                                                                            children and communities we serve. These          phase in Carter’s long and rich heritage of
                                                                 across key environmental and social issues,         initiatives also represent meaningful market      providing the best value and experience in
  To further ensure the integrity of our                         including, among others:                            opportunities that can help support our growth    young children’s apparel.
  global supply chain, we have launched a
                                                                 • Reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG)                 objectives. For example, we’re encouraged
  cotton traceability initiative to improve                                                                                                                            Sincerely,
                                                                   emissions at least 25% by 2030 and                by the strong consumer response to our Little
  visibility into our chain of custody, from
                                                                   developing a science-based target.                Planet apparel brand. Little Planet includes
  the textile mill to our customers.                                                                                 mostly organic cotton, certified by Global
                                                                 • Sourcing 100% sustainable cotton and
  We joined influential organizations, such as                                                                       Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), a leading
                                                                   polyester by 2030.
  the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, to amplify                                                                      global textile processing standard for organic
                                                                 • Improving the well-being of at least 10 million                                                     Michael D. Casey
  our focus on the environment. We also                                                                              fibers. This is only the beginning of what we     Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
                                                                   families and at least 1 million workers within    believe is possible as we provide families with
  strengthened our leadership and governance on
                                                                   our global value chain by 2030.                   sustainable and affordable apparel.
  these matters, engaging our Board of Directors

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2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                           About Carter’s                                   People                           Product                                Planet                             GRI Index

                                                                  Carter’s Is Committed to
                                                                  a Sustainable World
                                                                  Our mission is to serve the needs of all families with young children.                  At A Glance                                      Fiscal 2020     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018
                                                                  We are the largest branded marketer in North America of apparel
                                                                  exclusively for babies and young children.                                              Approximate Total Employees*                        18,000          20,300              21,000

                                                                  We own two of the most highly recognized and trusted brand                              Consolidated Net Sales                           $3.02 billion   $3.52 billion       $3.46 billion
                                                                  names in children’s apparel, Carter’s and OshKosh B’gosh; a leading                                                                                                      As of end of fiscal year.

                                                                  baby and young child lifestyle brand, Skip Hop; and a brand that
                                                                  focuses on sustainable clothing, Little Planet. We also have three                      For more information on our financial results,
                                                                  exclusive Carter’s brands: our Child of Mine brand, which we sell at                    please see our 2020 Annual Report.
                                                                  Walmart, our Just One You brand, which we sell at Target, and our
                                                                  Simple Joys brand, which we sell on Amazon.

                                                                  Our multi-channel, global business model, which includes retail
                                                                  stores, eCommerce, and wholesale sales channels, as well as
                                                                  omni-channel capabilities in the United States and Canada, enables
                                                                  us to reach a broad range of consumers around the world. We are
                                                                  listed on the New York Stock Exchange as “CRI.”

Our Family of Brands
We are proud to have served many
generations of families with young children
with our brands. For more information,
visit Our Brands.                                          1865      1895                                                               2001       2003                 2005                                2017                               2021

                                                                                                 OshKosh B’gosh was acquired by Carter’s in 2005
                                                                                                                                                               Skip Hop was acquired by Carter’s in 2017

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                       About Carter’s                People            Product   Planet                              GRI Index

Our Global Value Chain
We define our value chain to include the
people and businesses involved in making
and transporting our products, as well as
                                                               remainder primarily in Central America.
                                                               During fiscal 2020, approximately 76 percent
                                                               of our products were sourced from Cambodia,
                                                                                                                         North America
                                                                                                                                                North America
our customers and the communities where                        Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh.
we operate.                                                                                                               retail stores*      wholesale locations*
                                                               Our sourcing operations are based in Hong
We do not own any raw materials or                             Kong in order to facilitate better service and
manufacturing facilities. We source all of our
garments and other products from a global
network of third-party suppliers, which in fiscal
                                                               manage the volume of manufacturing in Asia.
                                                               We also have sourcing operations in Cambodia,
                                                               Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh to help
                                                                                                                                             countries in which our
2020 were primarily located in Asia, with the                  support these efforts.
                                                                                                                           worldwide*       wholesale customers and
                                                                                                                                               licensees operate*
                                                                                                                                                               *As of the end of fiscal 2020
Primary Offices

Corporate Headquarters

Hong Kong
Primary base
                                                                                           Atlanta, Georgia

of sourcing operations

                                                                                                                                                     Direct-to-consumer operations
                                                                                                                                                     Sourcing operations

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2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s              People          Product   Planet   GRI Index

Our Culture of Integrity
We believe that to succeed as a business and to positively impact families and our
communities, we must first create and maintain a diverse, inclusive, and supportive workplace
that fosters high employee engagement
Our Values                                                     Code of Ethics
Our values define who we are. We ask every                     Our Code of Ethics (Code) sets forth how
employee to guide their decisions, including the               we conduct our business, which is in a
treatment of others, by our five core values:                  manner that is consistent with our values,
                                                               our policies, and the law, and guides our
• Act with Integrity                                           decision making and actions that affect
• Inspire Innovation                                           our stakeholders. Our Code outlines
                                                               employee expectations and provides
• Exceed Expectations                                         guidance on how to identify and resolve
• Succeed Together                                             ethical concerns, and whom to contact
                                                               when questions arise.
• Invest in People
                                                               Ethics and integrity also form the
                                                               foundation of our relationships with
                                                               suppliers. We require our Tier 1 suppliers,
                                                               which manufacture our products, to
                                                                                                             Recent Recognitions
                                                               adhere to the high ethical standards
                                                               outlined in our Vendor Code of Ethics. They
                                                               must create and maintain a fair and safe
                                                               workplace for workers and comply with all
                                                               applicable legal and regulatory standards.

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                        People                      Product                    Planet                       GRI Index

ESG Governance
Our Board of Directors provides oversight                      quarterly or more frequent reviews of progress.      These initiatives are supported by other leaders   strategic plan that reflects, in part, the goals
of management and our business. Our Board                      These reviews include assessments of ongoing         through our cross-functional Diversity and         and initiatives disclosed in this report. The
has determined that all Board members are                      efforts related to climate change, global supply     Inclusion Steering Committee, Compliance           Corporate Social Responsibility team is
independent, other than Michael Casey, our                     chain compliance, diversity and inclusion (D&I),     Committee, and ESG Council. These bodies           responsible for the execution of our strategies,
Chairman and CEO.                                              and product sustainability, among other issues.      include employees from across our business,        and the ESG Council meets quarterly to review
                                                                                                                    including from the Finance, Human Resources,       progress. Because the SVP of CSR serves on the
The Board’s Nominating and Corporate                           Our Senior Vice President, Corporate Social          Legal, Marketing, Merchandising, Retail, and       Company’s Leadership Team, other executives
Governance Committee provides oversight                        Responsibility, who reports directly to our          Supply Chain teams.                                receive regular information and updates.
of the Company’s environmental, social, and                    Chairman and CEO, has responsibility for the
related governance (ESG) initiatives through                   Company’s ESG, D&I, and compliance initiatives.      In 2020, we developed a sustainability

                                                                   Board of Directors Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee (ESG oversight)

                                                                                                        Chairman and CEO

                                                                                                           SVP, Corporate

                                                                                       D&I Steering         Compliance             ESG
                                                                                       Committee            Committee             Council

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2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Carter's Inc
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                      People                        Product                  Planet                        GRI Index

Q&A with Antonio Robinson,
SVP of Corporate Social Responsibility
How does your role build on the work                           enhancing our social and environmental               Similarly, we also want to help workers
Carter’s has done over the years?                              impact. From how we source inventory to              across our global supply chain to succeed
We have been addressing aspects of                             how we engage consumer segments with                 economically. We will especially be seeking
sustainability for years, but we saw an                        sustainable offerings, our business strategy         to support women in our global value chain,
opportunity to create a more integrated                        is increasingly aligned with ESG benefits and        because we believe studies show that
approach to accelerate progress.                               coordinated across every functional area.            empowering women economically can help a
                                                                                                                    community thrive. We intend to partner with
In my prior role, I served as the Company’s                    How do you define “Diversity” and                    international organizations for this work.
Deputy General Counsel and Chief                               “Inclusion” and put them into action?                                                                 Antonio Robinson
Compliance Officer. Because of our                             We recognize that diversity includes the different   What is most meaningful to you personally        Senior Vice President,
innovative culture, I established the                          backgrounds, biographies, experiences, and           about your role and work?                        Corporate Social Responsibility
Company’s Diversity and Inclusion Steering                     perspectives that we all bring to work. We strive    My role allows me to have an imprint on
Committee to develop a formal strategy for                     to embrace those differences, which we believe       our culture and the strategic direction of
D&I as it relates to employees, customers,                     make us more inclusive and effective. These          the Company. As I share our strategy with
and our communities. From there, it became                     efforts are not limited to our workplace, but                                                         combination of recycled, certified, and organic
                                                                                                                    our employees, I am proud and excited
an appropriate step for me to lead our                         include our consumers and communities. For                                                            fibers. We are committed to using more
                                                                                                                    to experience their enthusiasm about our
strategy for all ESG matters in addition to                    example, we want all families to feel welcomed                                                        sustainable materials and packaging to reduce
                                                                                                                    sustainability and D&I efforts, and to see how
D&I and compliance.                                            when shopping for our products.                                                                       our greenhouse gas emissions and our waste to
                                                                                                                    they’re living our values.
                                                                                                                                                                     landfills. We are also exploring ways to promote
What value does ESG create for Carter’s?                       Over the years we have provided monetary and                                                          more efficient water use in the manufacturing of
In addition to generating value for shareholders,              product donations to organizations focused           Looking ahead, what are some of Carter’s
                                                                                                                                                                     our products.
our purpose extends to creating value for                      on a variety of childhood needs, but we more         greatest ESG opportunities?
employees, consumers, workers in our global                    recently decided to concentrate our community        We are in the early stages of our journey, but   As we make progress, we believe it will be
supply chain, and the communities where we                     efforts on early childhood education. We             are encouraged by the progress to date. Our      important to educate and bring our stakeholders
operate. ESG helps us look at opportunities                    believe that this focus can help ensure that all     focus on transitioning to sustainable cotton     with us on our journey, as preserving the planet
to drive innovation and operational efficiency                 kids, from every neighborhood, have a fair shot      and polyester by 2030 is especially meaningful   for future generations is a shared responsibility.
across the entire product life cycle while                     to succeed in life.                                  to us. We intend to achieve this through a

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                  People                          Product                Planet                      GRI Index

Responding to COVID-19
Keeping Our Employees Safe                                     • Conducted benchmarking of COVID-19
                                                                 practices to inform our own approach.
Last year we confronted challenges that tested                 • Launched virtual technology resources
our resilience as a business and as individuals.                 to support our teams across the world
                                                                 in communicating and collaborating,
Starting in March 2020, shortly after the
                                                                 and pivoted IT security to support the
COVID-19 pandemic struck, we took swift
                                                                 remote workforce.
action to protect our employees and customers
while ensuring business continuity. We shifted                 • Centralized reporting of positive COVID-19
more than 1,500 global office employees to                       cases to enable employee support and
remote working arrangements and temporarily                      contact tracing, including providing
suspended retail operations.                                     emergency pay during their quarantine
                                                                 period to employees testing positive.
Despite the many uncertainties in the early
                                                               • Developed a new personal leave option
phases of the pandemic, we were able to adapt
                                                                 that went beyond our existing policies
to the changing circumstances to help support
                                                                 and accommodated hundreds of employees
the health and safety of our global workforce
                                                                 who requested time away for self-care
and keep our employees apprised of our
                                                                 and to manage cases of COVID-19
response efforts. Among other measures, we:
                                                                 exposure, shelter-in-place orders, and
• Created pandemic working guidelines.                           childcare needs.
• Established safety protocols, which in the                   • Enhanced benefits, including expanded
  U.S. were informed by CDC guidelines for our                   back-up childcare and mental health support.   Unfortunately, the pandemic was such a            pandemic’s prolonged effects. U.S.
  in-person operations, including mandating                    We are committed to our employees                time. In 2020, after first having taken interim   employees affected by the job eliminations
  personal protective equipment (PPE) and                      and do our best to retain our workforce, but     measures such as temporary employee               received severance, the option to continue
  significantly increasing resources to clean and              there are times when circumstances make          furloughs, we ultimately found it necessary       health benefits, and outplacement services
  disinfect distribution centers and retail stores.            reductions unavoidable.                          to eliminate some roles as a result of the        to support their transition.

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Supporting Families                                            When our retail stores reopened for consumers,       Partnering with Our                                 Helping Our Communities
                                                               we were prepared. For example, in the U.S., we
To ensure that families could continue to                      instituted mask mandates, social distancing          Global Supply Chain                                 During the pandemic, we supported
access needed products during the pandemic,                    requirements, and store capacity limits                                                                  communities and front-line medical
                                                                                                                    The COVID-19 crisis not only challenged us, but
our largest distribution center, located in                    informed by CDC and local guidelines. We                                                                 professionals through product and PPE
                                                                                                                    our Tier 1 suppliers as well. As a result, when
Braselton, Georgia, remained operational.                      accelerated the launch of a planned “deliver                                                             donations and collaboration with longstanding
                                                                                                                    the pandemic began, we partnered with our
                                                               from store” capability, essentially converting our                                                       community partners. Among other efforts, we:
Our team quickly developed a strategy that                                                                          Tier 1 suppliers to modify orders and payment
                                                               retail stores into mini-distribution centers. We
kept the facility operational and allowed                                                                           terms. Our guiding principle was to support         • Donated more than 200,000 PPE items to
                                                               also launched curbside pickup as a convenient
us to continue serving families through our                                                                         those suppliers and to pay for the work that they     Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Quality
                                                               option for our customers.
eCommerce operations and by shipping to                                                                             performed. For example:                               Care for Children.
retailers and ultimately to our own stores.                    We are thankful for the efforts of all our                                                               • Contributed more than $9 million of clothing
                                                                                                                    • If an order had reached the sew/packing
                                                               employees during the pandemic to serve                                                                     to children and families in need.
                                                                                                                      stage, we asked the supplier to finish and
                                                               our customers.
                                                                                                                      ship these products to us.                        • Including qualifying donations by our
                                                                                                                    • If an order was at the cut stage, we made           employees, provided more than $40,000
                                                                                                                      case-by-case decisions to either finish the         through the Matching Gift Program.
                                                                                                                      order and purchase as inventory or to cancel      • During our back-to-school B’gosh Jeanius
                                                                                                                      the order. In the latter cases, we asked the        campaign, matched every pair of denim
                                                                                                                      supplier to submit raw material information         purchased and donated 100,000 additional
                                                                                                                      to us so that we could determine how best to        outfits to benefit Delivering Good.
                                                                                                                      settle that liability.
                                                                                                                                                                        Though the pandemic will hopefully wane
                                                                                                                    • If payment terms were extended, we also           as vaccinations increase, we plan to continue
                                                                                                                      helped the supplier renegotiate payment           seeking opportunities to support
                                                                                                                      terms with its vendors to help protect their      affected families.
                                                                                                                      cash flow.
                                                                                                                    As we moved through the pandemic, we were
                                                                                                                    able to reinstate some canceled purchase
                                                                                                                    orders and were able to accept some late
                                                                                                                    shipments. We have also established a
                                                                                                                    supply chain finance program which enables
                                                                                                                    participating Tier 1 suppliers to accelerate
                                                                                                                    receipt of payments where possible.

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Protecting Customer and Employee Data
Customers and employees entrust us with                        Information Security
their data, and we are committed to
honoring their privacy and securing their                      Management System
personal information.                                          Our approach to information security
We have established physical, electronic,                      management follows the National
and contractual safeguards designed to                         Institute of Standards and Technology
protect the security and privacy of customer                   (NIST) and Capability Maturity Model
and employee personal information.                             Integration (CMMI) security frameworks.
Our Privacy Policy describes the personal                      We conduct assessments throughout
information that we collect about our                          each year to validate the efficacy of the
customers, including how we may use it and                     control systems we operate. To maintain
when we share it with third parties.                           employee compliance with our policies,
                                                               we require and conduct annual training
                                                               in security awareness and procedures.

                                                               We strive to continuously improve our
                                                               security posture along the NIST/CMMI
                                                               frameworks and to remain informed by
    In October 2020, we                                        the changing privacy landscape, including
                                                               GDPR (Europe), CCPA (California), and
    celebrated National                                        LGPD (Brazil) privacy legislation.
    Cybersecurity Awareness
    Month by holding weekly
    learning sessions.

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Our Corporate Social Responsibility Commitments
We have established goals to improve the sustainability                                                                               Enhance the workplace
of our products over the coming decade                                                                                                and community
                                                                                                                                      environments within
                                                                                                                                      our global value chain
To help us focus our efforts, we previously
conducted a CSR issue assessment. This
study helped to identify the areas of greatest                                                                                          Increase diverse representation
importance to our Company’s success and                                                                                                 across our global value chain
to our stakeholders, including employees,                                                                                               Improve the well-being of at
customers, and investors. Applying the results                 Reduce the                                                               least 10 million families and at
of this assessment and other stakeholder input,                                                                                         least 1 million workers within
                                                               environmental                                                            our global value chain by 2030
our priority CSR issues are:
                                                               impacts of our
• Product quality and safety                                   products, packaging,
• Product design and innovation                                and operations
• Employee engagement                                                                                                                                    Increase the use
                                                                Reduce greenhouse gas
• Diversity and inclusion
                                                                emissions by at least 25
                                                                                                                                                         of certified and

                                                                                                                                                         sustainable materials

• Climate change                                                percent by 2030, and develop
• Workers’ rights                                               a science-based target                                                                   in our products
• Supply-chain management                                       Use more sustainable
                                                                packaging and reduce                                                                      Use 100 percent sustainable
Based on these insights, we have developed                      landfill waste                                                                            cotton and polyester fibers
three strategic pillars that guide our long-                                                                                                              by 2030
                                                                Promote efficient use of water
term CSR commitments: People, Product, and                                                                                                                Maintain high quality
                                                                in the manufacturing of our
Planet. In the years ahead, we plan to establish                                                                                                          and safety standards,
baselines and systems that can help us refine                                                                                                             including through industry
and measure progress towards our goals.                                                                                                                   certifications where
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Table of Contents                               CEO Letter     About Carter’s   People   Product   Planet   GRI Index

15 Employees
16 Diversity and Inclusion
17 Employee Engagement and
22 Protecting Human Rights in
   Our Global Supply Chain
26 Uplifting Our Communities

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Each day our employees strive to achieve
our mission by living our values
Through the passion and dedication of our
diverse team around the world, we are able                           Why it matters
to deliver on our commitment to consumers                      Our employees make our business
to provide high-quality children’s apparel and                 possible. We support them by seeking
accessories at affordable prices.                              to create and maintain an inclusive
We believe that by providing training,                         workplace culture that fosters high
development, and a supportive and                              employee engagement.
respectful workplace, we are able support
our employees in serving the needs of all                            Our progress
families with young children.
                                                               We are proud of the recognition we have
                                                               received as an employer, including as a
                                                               leading workplace for women and new
         Goals                                                 graduates.

• Increase racial and ethnic                                         Looking ahead
  diversity at the Vice President                              We intend to focus on measuring
  and District Manager levels                                  engagement, deepening inclusion and
                                                               collaboration, and increasing digital skills
                                                               in our workforce.

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Diversity and Inclusion                                                                                                                                                                 employee spotlight

                                                                                                                                                                                  Welcoming All Consumers
Our diversity and inclusion (D&I) commitment
focuses on our employees, consumers, and
We strive to create an environment where all                                                                                                                                                      Lee-Harrison
employees have a sense of belonging regardless                                                                                                                                                    VP of Demand Generation
of any dimension of difference, including ability,
race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age,
sexual orientation, genetics, veteran status, or
other status protected by federal, state, or local                                                                                                                            Our consumer base is always shifting. With
law.                                                                                                                                                                          each generation, we adapt to changes in our
                                                                                                                                                                              consumers’ lifestyles, values, identities, and
We are committed to ensuring that our                                                                                                                                         preferences. Each generation also becomes
workforce reflects our diverse world through a                 This committee includes senior leaders from                  strategic focus on employee, consumer, and        more diverse, in both their identities and in
range of efforts to broaden diversity and ensure               across the Company who are responsible for                   community engagement.                             their sources of information, which is especially
fairness across our global enterprise.                         assisting with the development of an integrated                                                                true of Millennials and Generation Z.
                                                                                                                            In 2020, we formalized responsibility for D&I
                                                               D&I strategy. We also established a Diversity
We uphold this inclusive culture by:                                                                                        under our SVP, Corporate Social Responsibility.   We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive
                                                               and Inclusion Advisory Council to support the
                                                                                                                            Our D&I efforts are overseen by our Board of      experience for all, and to do so, we continually
• Striving to recruit the most qualified,                      committee, composed of approximately 25
                                                                                                                            Directors through its Nominating and Corporate    evolve the ways we engage with different
  diverse talent available.                                    employees from a variety of functional areas
                                                                                                                            Governance Committee.                             consumer audiences to understand and
                                                               and locations who collectively support our
• Reinforcing our values and Code of Ethics to                                                                                                                                meet their needs. It’s not about adding a few
  set the standard for a respectful workplace.                                                                                                                                people of color to our marketing or a one-time
• Seeking to support and reward all                                                                                                                                           transaction. It’s about layering deep cultural
  employees equitably.                                         W o m e n at C a r te r ’s                                                                                     insights into our full consumer experience
                                                                                                                                                                              and building a long-term relationship in which

                                                                  33%                                              25%                     52%
• Educating employees on harassment,
  discrimination, and unconscious bias.
• Bringing our workforce together around
                                                                                                                                                             *                consumers think of Carter’s when they think of
                                                                                                                                                                              buying for people they love.
  cultural holidays and heritage celebrations.                                                                                                                                Accomplishing this means appreciating and
                                                               Board of Directors                              Leadership Team            VP & Director Level                 respecting everyone who shops with us, in an
In 2018, we established a cross-functional
Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee.                    *Global employee population as of the end of 2020
                                                                                                                                                                              authentic and personalized way.

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Employee Engagement and Well-being
Maintaining high engagement and retention                                     Recruitment
among our employees is a fundamental priority.
                                                                              We believe that strong employee engagement
We believe formal and informal mentoring                                      begins at the recruitment stage. We strive to
activities are essential ways in which we                                     enhance opportunity and D&I by developing a
fuel engagement. We also schedule regular                                     pipeline of successors for key positions through
cross-functional meetings with senior leaders                                 recruiting, formal succession planning, and
for all VPs, directors, and managers. To                                      development strategies.
measure engagement and identify areas for
improvement, we intend to conduct a global                                    Our recruitment strategy begins by identifying
employee survey in 2022.                                                      the kinds of talent we’ll need in order to adapt to

                                                                                                                                    changes in our industry and customer base. Our      interviewer panels, and to increase our team’s
                                                                                                                                    objective is to attract diverse, highly qualified   training in these important areas. We are proud
    We continually measure and monitor diversity metrics                                                                            talent, and to ensure candidates understand         of the recognition we have received for being
                                                                                                                                    the values and high standards we live by. We        one of the best employers for women, but we
    with respect to pay equity, retention, new hires, internal                                                                      believe this is aided by our reputation built on    are striving to do more to include members of
    promotions, and identified successors.                                                                                          providing an excellent employee experience.         other underrepresented groups in managerial
                                                                                                                                    The difficult circumstances of the pandemic         and other senior roles. We believe this approach
    In 2020, 65 percent of our new hires for U.S. roles were                                                                        have underscored this advantage, as we believe      is yielding results as we successfully compete
                                                                                                                                    our resilience during COVID-19 has helped us        for the skills our business strategies require
    racially or ethnically diverse.*                                                                                                attract top talent from other organizations and     while diversifying our hiring.
    *Includes corporate offices, retail, and distribution center positions.
                                                                                                                                                                                        We believe great hiring is only the beginning
                                                                                                                                    We also seek to be diverse and inclusive in         of a strong culture. To help ensure long-term
                                                                                                                                    our recruiting platforms, candidate slates, and     success and engagement, we also invest
                                                                                                                                                                                        in advancement, attractive benefits, and

Carter’s, Inc. • 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                                            17
Table of Contents                                          Message from CEO                                          About Carter’s                         People                       Product                 ESG Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planet                        GRI Index

Training and Career Development                                                       the topics most frequently searched in Carter’s                       Career Development in Our Retail Business
We provide meaningful growth opportunities                                            University, our internal learning program.                            As of the end of fiscal 2020, we had approximately 18,000 employees globally, of which
through onboarding programs, continuing                                               We also consider changing needs based on                              approximately 14,000 worked in our retail stores across North America. We’ve established
education, and mentoring programs.                                                    current events. Nearly all employees have                             both self-paced and accelerated career tracks that help these employees gain hands-on
We also offer a tuition assistance program                                            access to some form of training program.                              experience that can support advancement to more senior positions.
that supports eligible employees in continuing                                        Our on-the-job learning processes and formal
their education.                                                                      development programs include:
                                                                                                                                                                           Growth Charts
Along the way, our managers are expected to set                                       • Mentoring programs                                                                 Self-paced learning track to help motivated employees at all levels of
clear objectives and expectations and provide
                                                                                      • College programs                                                                   our retail organization advance in their careers
feedback to help employees achieve their goals
through Individual Development Plans. During                                          • Leadership development programs
2020, approximately 99 percent of employees                                             for corporate and retail employees                                                 Spark Your Development
received a performance review.* We also review                                                                                                                             Monthly training videos for all retail employees, covering leadership
                                                                                      We provide mandatory annual Code of Ethics
pay equity at the time of hire, during the annual                                                                                                                          topics such as accountability and empathy
                                                                                      training that addresses workplace harassment
and mid-year performance review process, and
                                                                                      and anti-discrimination education. We also
at the time of promotion.
                                                                                      have a multiyear plan for unconscious bias                                           Emerging Leaders Program
Each year, we create a training road map                                              awareness and inclusive leadership education.
                                                                                                                                                                           Self-nominated development program for all full-time managers seeking
that is informed by employee input, including
                                                                                                                                                                           advancement toward more senior store management roles

Fiscal 2020 Workplace Training†
                                                                                                                                                                           Store Manager Leadership Academy

~176,000 ~17,000                                                                                                         ~10
                                                                                                                                                                           Nomination-based development program designed to help Store Managers
                                                                                                                                                                           and General Managers build new skill sets to grow within their roles

        Total number of                                         Total number                                    Average hours of
                                                                                                                                                                           District Manager Leadership Academy
         training hours                                          of trainees                                 training per employee
                                                                                                                                                                           Nomination-based development program designed to help District Managers
*	Global employee population (corporate offices, distribution centers, and retail). Those who did not participate in the annual review process were                       enter the talent pipeline for corporate and field leadership positions
  mostly retail store associates in Mexico. We expect they will participate in the review process beginning in 2021.
    	Global employee population (corporate offices, distribution centers, and retail). Does not include retail onboarding, international operations, and
      certain other trainings.

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Employee Benefits and Well-being*                                                  Caring for children is an area we know well.
                                                                                   For example, in the U.S., we support all families
                                                                                                                                                                      Maternity and                                       Safety
Our employees fill many different
                                                                                   welcoming children into their lives—whether                                        Postpartum Support
roles outside of work as parents, partners,                                                                                                                                                                               We believe workplace safety is a critical aspect
                                                                                   through birth, adoption, or surrogacy—by                                           In 2018, we were the first children’s retailer to
caregivers and friends, so we design our                                                                                                                                                                                  of providing day-to-day well-being for
                                                                                   providing time off, reimbursements, parenting                                      provide U.S. employees with access to Maven,
benefits to support employee well-being                                                                                                                                                                                   employees. In the event an injury does occur,
                                                                                   resources, support for daycare, and back-up                                        a virtual resource dedicated to women’s
inside and outside of work.                                                                                                                                                                                               our employees have support to ensure that they
                                                                                   care.                                                                              and family health. This innovative platform         can get the treatment they need.
In the U.S., we believe we offer competitive                                                                                                                          connects working families with experts
                                                                                   In 2020, we were proud to provide more than
benefits, including health and welfare and                                                                                                                            and other parents to help them navigate             Additionally, all U.S. employees are eligible
                                                                                   17,000 hours of paid parental leave across our
retirement plans. We also provide a variety                                                                                                                           everything from maternity and fertility             for workers’ compensation, and we make
                                                                                   U.S. workforce. This benefit offers full-time
of leave options for eligible employees,                                                                                                                              concerns, to new parenthood, to returning to        temporary, light-duty positions available for
                                                                                   employees 160 hours of paid time off that can
including up to 26 weeks of Short-Term                                                                                                                                work after having a new child. With a network       employees with injury-related restrictions.
                                                                                   be taken at any point in their child’s first year.
Disability, a Long-Term Disability program,                                                                                                                           of doctors, including pediatricians, OBGYNs,
a medical leave program covering all                                                                                                                                  and mental health specialists, available for
full-time and part-time employees, and a                                           For more details on benefits, please visit our                                                                                          2020 Occupational Health and Safety Data
                                                                                   Benefits & Well-being page.                                                        video chat, Maven gives our employees the            Data based on workers directly employed by Carter’s
flexible personal leave program.                                                                                                                                      support they need anywhere, anytime.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Work-related injuries                                          36

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Days away, restricted, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           transferred (DART) rate**
     “It feels good that values that are so important                                                                                                                                                                      High-consequence
     to me personally are also important to the Company                                                                                                                                                                    work-related injuries***

     that I work for.”                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fatalities                                                      0

     —Lisa Born, SVP, Merchandising                                                                                                                                                                                       **	DART Rate = Number of OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              resulted in days away, restrictions, or transfers x 200,000 ÷ Employee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              hours worked.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ***	 Work-related injuries from which the worker cannot, does not,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6 months.

*	Benefits vary by country, role and location. For benefits outside of the U.S., we review local market trends and laws related to benefits and leaves of absence. We partner with our
  global benefits consultant and expand our Carter’s policies and programs where appropriate and feasible, with a focus on supporting employee well-being and families.

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Table of Contents                                     Message from CEO                                        About Carter’s            People                Product                 Planet              GRI Index

Workforce Demographics*
                                                                                                                        Total                    Board of    Leadership     VPs &        Supervisor -    Below
                                                                                                                      Employees                  Directors     Team       Directors      Sr. Managers   Manager

Male                                                                                                                   2,079      12%              67%          75%         47%                9%        12%
Female                                                                                                                 15,583     87%              33%          25%         52%                89%       86%
Not Recorded                                                                                                            333       2%                 -            -           -                2%        2%

Age Group
Under 30                                                                                                               10,479     58%                -            -           -                42%       65%
30-50                                                                                                                  5,506      31%              11%          25%         63%                45%       24%
50 & Above                                                                                                             2,010      11%              89%          75%         37%                12%       10%

Asian                                                                                                                    574       3%               -             -         5%                 2%        3%
Black/African American                                                                                                  2,964     17%               -           8%          6%                 10%       19%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander                                                                                                 40        -               -             -           -                  -         -
Hispanic/Latino                                                                                                         4,384     24%               -             -          5%                20%       26%
Native American                                                                                                           56        -               -             -           -                  -         -
White                                                                                                                   6,566     37%             100%          92%         73%                42%       34%
2 or More                                                                                                                598       3%               -             -           -                 3%        4%
Not Specified                                                                                                           2,813     16%               -             -         11%                23%       13%
*	Global employee population as of January 2, 2021. Ethnicity of non-U.S. employees is recorded as “Not specified”

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Table of Contents                                    Message from CEO                                         About Carter’s                                          People                                      Product                                       Planet                                     GRI Index

Hiring*                                                                                                                                                          Retention*
                                                                                             Total New Hires                           %                                                                                                Total Departures                Turnover Rate Retention Rate
Role Category                                                                                                                                                     Role Category
Corporate                                                                                              103                             1%                         Corporate                                                                       373                           25%                       75%
Distribution Center                                                                                   2,448                           28%                         Distribution Center                                                             525                           21%                       79%
Retail                                                                                                6,058                           70%                         Retail                                                                         6,556                          47%                       53%
Age Group                                                                                                                                                         Age Group
Under 30                                                                                              6,290                           73%                         Under 30                                                                       4,927                          47%                       53%
30-50                                                                                                 1,807                           21%                         30-50                                                                          1,911                          35%                       65%
50 & Above                                                                                             512                            6%                          50 & Above                                                                      615                           31%                       69%
Gender                                                                                                                                                            Gender
Male                                                                                                  1,265                           15%                         Male                                                                            771                           37%                       63%
Female                                                                                                7,026                           82%                         Female                                                                         6,589                          42%                       58%
Not Recorded                                                                                           318                            4%                          Not Recorded                                                                    94                            28%                       72%
Ethnicity                                                                                                                                                         Ethnicity
Asian                                                                                                  236                             3%                         Asian                                                                           174                           30%                       70%
Black/African American                                                                                2,285                           30%                         Black/African American                                                         1,246                          42%                       58%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander                                                                               14                              -                         Hawaiian/Pacific Islander                                                        22                           55%                       45%
Hispanic/Latino                                                                                       2,112                           27%                         Hispanic/Latino                                                                1,592                          36%                       64%
Native American                                                                                         23                              -                         Native American                                                                  25                           45%                       55%
White                                                                                                 2,664                           35%                         White                                                                          2,790                          42%                       58%
2 or More                                                                                              371                            5%                          2 or More                                                                       289                           48%                       52%
Not Specified                                                                                           0                               -                         Not Specified                                                                    4                            19%                       81%
Seniority                                                                                                                                                         Seniority
Below Manager                                                                                         7,822                           91%                         Below Manager                                                                  5,641                          44%                       56%
Supervisor - Sr. Managers                                                                              774                            9%                          Supervisor - Sr. Managers                                                      1,767                          37%                       63%
Director & Above                                                                                       13                               -                         Director & Above                                                                46                            19%                       81%
* All figures except ethnicity include global employee population from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Ethnicity data are U.S. only, from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. In the first and fourth quarters of fiscal 2020, the Company announced several organizational restructuring initiatives
which included a reorganization of staffing models across multiple functions to drive labor savings and increase efficiencies, the consolidation of certain functions into our corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and over 100 planned store closures by the end of fiscal 2021.

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                     About Carter’s              People   Product   Planet   GRI Index

Protecting Human Rights
in Our Global Supply Chain
We believe all workers and communities
deserve to be treated fairly and with dignity
We strive to be a responsible, responsive
employer and corporate citizen, and we expect                        Why it matters
the same from our suppliers, particularly in their
                                                               We seek to ensure that workers making
treatment of their workers.
                                                               our products are being properly
We carefully select the Tier 1 suppliers (which                compensated, are treated fairly, and are
manufacture our products) we work with                         provided with a safe work environment.
and we uphold our expectations through
training, monitoring, and our policies, which
                                                                     Our progress
are informed by the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.                                                  In recent years, we have increased our
                                                               work with multi-stakeholder organizations
                                                               to help improve aspects of our sourcing.
                                                                     Looking ahead
• Extend traceability of cotton                                As part of achieving our goal of improving
  to our fabric mills by 2025                                  the well-being of at least 1 million
                                                               workers, we intend to seek out new
• Improve the well-being of at least                           international partnerships and initiatives
  1 million workers in our global                              that educate and empower workers in our
  supply chain                                                 global value chain.

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                         People                                       Product                                        Planet                                    GRI Index

Social Compliance Management
Our Social Compliance Program is designed                      percent of our new Tier 1 suppliers relative to       Training                                                                           and safety. The program is updated periodically
to help ensure our Tier 1 suppliers operate                    our standards. We regularly audit our Tier 1          We have also developed a Tier 1 supplier                                           and provided to Tier 1 suppliers. Today, we
according to the requirements of our Vendor                    suppliers to verify compliance with our policies,     training program that provides specific                                            have teams working in Cambodia, China, and
Code of Ethics and Social Responsibility Policy,               as well as to improve working conditions and          guidance on compensation and benefits,                                             Bangladesh to better support our Tier 1 suppliers
which in some cases requires going above and                   labor practices in factories.                         employee documentation, and worker health                                          and enhance workplace conditions.
beyond their local laws.
                                                               Tier 1 suppliers must achieve a minimum
We set compliance targets for Tier 1 suppliers,                score, which is set by Carter’s based on
                                                               the type of product being produced. We                 Tier 1 Supplier Compliance                                                                                                    2020         2019
who own and operate the factories that
manufacture our products. We are in the                        contract with accredited and internationally           Number of Active Tier 1 suppliers                                                                                              100          110
process of extending visibility to Tier 2 and 3                recognized third party auditors to perform
                                                               these audits. We also conduct unannounced              Number of Active Factories                                                                                                     164 *        195
apparel suppliers who provide cotton-based
materials (such as yarns and fabrics) to Tier 1                audits. In addition, we survey workers to better       Number of Factories With a Passing Score                                                                                       155          191
                                                               understand their sentiments and treatment.
apparel suppliers.                                                                                                    Number of Factories With a Below Passing Score                                                                                     3          4
                                                               If an audit finds non-compliant practices, we
                                                               develop a corrective action plan to remediate          Number of Unannounced Audits Conducted                                                                                           69 **      105
Auditing                                                       areas of noncompliance. If the supplier fails
Our Social Responsibility Policy sets forth                    to demonstrate improvement, or meet our                *	There were six factories we were only able to audit virtually due to the pandemic; we therefore chose not to issue a score to those.
                                                                                                                     ** Due to pandemic restrictions, we paused the execution of unannounced factory audits in 2020.
requirements that Tier 1 suppliers must satisfy                requirements in the corrective action plan,
in order to do business with us. We screen 100                 we reserve the right to terminate our
                                                               working relationship.

Tier 1 Supplier Onboarding Procedure

                     Identification                                                            Qualification                                                                               Activation
     Phase                                                                       Phase                                                                                Phase

     1               Includes evaluation of country conditions
                     and review of Tier 1 supplier or factory
                     credentials and alignment with Carter’s
                     policies. Facilities reports may also be
                                                                                 2             Includes extensive reputation screening
                                                                                               and third-party audits for product safety,
                                                                                               social compliance and security. These
                                                                                               inform decision on whether or not to
                                                                                                                                                                      3                    Includes onboarding, production planning, and
                                                                                                                                                                                           recurring yearly assessments for compliance
                                                                                                                                                                                           with our policies. Additional training and
                                                                                                                                                                                           corrective action plans are put in place where
                     requested.                                                                contract Tier 1 supplier.                                                                   needed, based on assessment results.

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO           About Carter’s                         People                   Product                      Planet                        GRI Index

Partnering for Progress
We believe that many working-condition
challenges in our global supply chain are
complex or systemic and cannot be solved
by any one company alone. In many cases,                       As a member of the AAFA’s Social Responsibility Committee,              We are a signatory to the multi-stakeholder pledges
we believe multi-stakeholder dialogue and                      we learn and share best practices with industry peers.                  promoted by the Responsible Sourcing Network concerning
collaboration represent the most productive                    Additionally, we signed the AAFA’s Commitment to                        forced labor in Uzbekistan, which commit us to keeping
and effective approach to address industry-                    Responsible Recruitment, which seeks to eliminate                       cotton produced by forced labor in Uzbekistan and
wide issues.                                                   conditions that can lead to forced labor.                               Turkmenistan out of our products.
For example, the Alliance for Bangladesh
Worker Safety, in which we participated,
had a significant impact on safe garment
manufacturing conditions in that country.
We have participated for many years in
other important collective initiatives and                     We are a member of this locally managed organization,
organizations and also continue to forge                       which facilitates workplace safety for its members’ factories           We are members of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC).
new partnerships.                                              in Bangladesh.                                                          We intend to use the group’s suite of tools for the standardized
                                                                                                                                       measurement of value chain sustainability, the Higg Index, to
                                                                                                                                       drive environmental and social responsibility throughout our
                                                                                                                                       global supply chain.

                                                               To support our social and environmental goals in the sourcing
                                                               of sustainable fibers, we joined the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI),
                                                               the world’s largest sustainable cotton program. Together with           We are supporting Yarn Ethically & Sustainably Sourced (YESS),
                                                               its partners, BCI provides training on more sustainable farming         a new initiative focused on developing a scalable due diligence
                                                               practices to more than 2.3 million cotton farmers in 23 countries.      program to eliminate the use of forced labor in cotton production.

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Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                         About Carter’s                    People                        Product                Planet                       GRI Index

Preventing Forced Labor
We have no tolerance of forced labor, and we                   Freedom of Association
monitor our Tier 1 suppliers and events in the                 and Worker’s Rights
regions where we do business to maintain this
                                                               We do not tolerate endangerment or abuse of
standard to the best of our ability.
                                                               workers. At a minimum, all our Tier 1 suppliers
As an example, due to the government-                          must comply with these practices:
sanctioned use of forced labor in the harvesting
                                                               • The use of child labor or forced labor is
of cotton in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan,
                                                                 strictly prohibited. Tier 1 suppliers must
we prohibit the use of any cotton from those                     conduct due diligence throughout the
countries in our products and have signed                        recruitment and hiring process to prevent
the Uzbekistan Cotton Pledge created by the                      and address labor exploitation by third
Responsible Sourcing Network.                                    parties, such as labor brokers or contractors.
In addition, we do not have products                           • Tier 1 suppliers must never discriminate
manufactured in Xinjiang, China and we have                      based on any personal characteristic or
taken steps to ensure that our products do not                   belief, such as race, gender, age, nationality,
include materials produced by entities that may                  religion, social or ethnic origin, sexual         • The use of physical or mental                • Tier 1 suppliers must establish work
use forced labor.                                                orientation, pregnancy, family status, or           disciplinary practices, such as                schedules that are consistent with local legal
                                                                 political opinion. Tier 1 suppliers must            intimidation, psychological coercion,          requirements, including work hour limits.
We clearly specify our expectations on labor                                                                         threats, or harassment of any kind, is
                                                                 provide all employees with equal pay for                                                         • Tier 1 suppliers must recognize and respect
practices in our commercial relationships,                                                                           strictly prohibited. Tier 1 suppliers must
                                                                 work of equal value regardless of race,                                                            the rights of workers to participate in
including requiring that Tier 1 suppliers conduct                                                                    treat workers in a fair manner and with
                                                                 ethnicity, gender, or social class or status.                                                      a collective bargaining unit.
due diligence throughout the recruitment and                                                                         dignity and respect.
hiring process to prevent labor exploitation                   • Tier 1 suppliers must agree that no worker                                                       • Tier 1 suppliers must provide workers with
by third parties, such as labor brokers or                       pays a portion of their wage to retain their      • Tier 1 suppliers must compensate               safe, clean, and healthy working conditions,
contractors.                                                     job, that workers retain control of their           workers in a timely manner, with wages         by ensuring equipment safety, properly
                                                                 travel documents and have full freedom of           and benefits that comply with all local        ventilated and lit work areas, appropriate
We are also taking other preventative steps,                     movement, and that all migrant and foreign          and national laws.                             personal protective equipment, working fire
including expanding our visibility to Tier 2 and 3               workers are informed of the basic terms of        • All work must be conducted in                  alarms, and an emergency evacuation plan.
suppliers that provide cotton-based materials.                   their employment before leaving home.               legitimate work facilities.

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Uplifting Our Communities
Our community-focused program supports education and well-being for children and
engages employees through collective charitable efforts
Carter’s cares about the well-being of all                     culture, and we follow a three-pronged
children and believes that childhood should                    approach that involves our employees and                                                        Goals
be a celebration. We look for opportunities                    customers:
to nurture and protect children and to build
                                                               • Corporate giving: The Company provides
communities in which children can thrive.
                                                                 product and in-kind donations, while                                                     By 2030                      Volunteering
Our focus is on needs where our strengths
                                                                 Carter’s Charitable Foundation, Inc. provides
and resources are best able to bring about                                                                                                          Improve the well-being
                                                                 financial support to our charitable partners.                                                                         Carter’s employees and
meaningful and positive change. We work to                                                                                                           of at least 10 million            their families commit to
make children’s lives easier so that they can be               • Employee giving: Each year, eligible                                                       families                   volunteering 200,000 hours
free to do what they do best—be kids.                            full-time U.S. employees can take advantage
                                                                                                                 Investment                                                            in our communities.
                                                                 of 16 hours of paid volunteer time and $500
We seek to support a child’s well-being by                       in gift-matching for qualifying donations.      Together with our customers
providing access to early learning, clothing,                                                                    and employees, invest more than
                                                               • Customer giving: We regularly engage
books, and other resources. We believe our                                                                       $50 million toward improving the
                                                                 with our customers to involve them in our
community efforts contribute to our Company                                                                      lives of children.
                                                                 charitable efforts and cause campaigns.

  Our focus areas
  • Ensuring no product that could be used by a child in need is ever discarded
                                                                                                                                   Product Donation           Education
  • Giving back to the communities in which we do business
                                                                                                                                   Donate more than           Together with our consumers
  • Connecting our employees to our Company’s commitment to making a difference                                                    $30 million in product.    and employees, invest more than
                                                                                                                                                              $20 million in early childhood
  • Engaging our consumers in the causes we support
                                                                                                                                                              education programs.

Carter’s, Inc. • 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                        26
Table of Contents                          Message from CEO                        About Carter’s                    People                       Product                   Planet                        GRI Index

Supporting Early Childhood Education                           Pajama Program                                                                                                employee spotlight
Along with our employees and customers,                        Pajama Program is a national charity that
we support organizations that meet basic needs                 promotes and supports a comforting bedtime                                                                  A Long Commitment
and provide for the health and well-being for                  routine and healthy sleep for all children to                                                                 to Light the Night
children. Childhood education holds a special                  help them thrive. The organization provides
place in our priorities because we believe                     pajamas, storybooks, and sleep health
it makes a difference in creating equity and                   education resources to caregivers.                                                                                        Tria Yang
opportunity. Some of the ways we contributed                                                                                                                                             Human Resources
                                                               Pajama Program hosts storytime and
to this cause in 2020 included:                                                                                                                                                          Coordinator
                                                               educational programs across the country.
• Providing Boys & Girls Clubs of America with                 During these events, children are paired with
  gift bags, congratulatory notes for program                  caring volunteers for storytime and gifted a new
                                                                                                                                                                   The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the
  participants, and $25,000 from Carter’s                      pair of pajamas and a new book.
                                                                                                                                                                   Night (LTN) walks hold a very special place in
  Charitable Foundation, Inc.
                                                               We have been a Pajama Program partner                                                               my heart. I lost my beloved father to cancer,
• Donating 2,600 backpacks for hygiene                         since 2009 and are the lead pajama partner for                                                      and my niece was diagnosed with leukemia at
  kits during COVID-19, wrapped gifts for                      Pajama Program’s “One Million Good Nights”                                                          age 23. She is currently in remission with the
  1,500 children, and $20,000 from Carter’s                    campaign. We share Pajama Program’s belief         Every year we feature Pajama Program donation    support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
  Charitable Foundation, Inc. to Sheltering                    that helping kids get a better night’s sleep can   events in our stores, which encourages our
  Arms, Georgia’s oldest non-profit early                                                                         consumers and our employees to come              Carter’s has a long partnership with LTN. The
                                                               have a positive impact on their lives.
  education program.                                                                                              together around a common cause and provide       pandemic required adjustments, but we still
                                                                                                                  support to kids in local communities.            found a way to share this special experience
• Sponsoring United Through Reading
                                                                                                                                                                   with employees, and the Braselton distribution
  by connecting military service members                                                                          In 2020, our consumers donated more than         center raised the most funds in recent memory.
  to their children through video-recorded                                                                        $1.6 million to Pajama Program during the
  bedtime stories.                                                                                                holiday season and our employees donated         We are a Company that understands how
Through our Carter’s in the Classroom program,                                                                    more than 2,700 pajamas to benefit children in   important it is to care for the children of today
we also provide paid time off for eligible                                                                        our local communities. As an organization, we    for tomorrow. I have been blessed to be a part
employees to volunteer in their local schools                                                                     also donated 100,000 pairs of pajamas in 2020,   of the Carter’s family for the last 8 years and,
and provide grants to those schools where                                                                         and since 2009, we have raised more than         along with other associates, to have been given
employees volunteer 16 hours of service.                                                                          $12 million for Pajama Program.                  many opportunities to act on this belief.

                                                                                                                                                                   It is so important to keep fighting for a cure for
                                                                                                                                                                   all cancers. It may not be today or tomorrow, but
                                                                                                                                                                   I will at least leave this earth knowing my efforts
                                                                                                                                                                   have contributed to one day finding a cure.

Carter’s, Inc. • 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                       27
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