2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce

2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
2021 Community Profile
  -& Buyers Guide-

                  RussellvilleChamber.com 1
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
Services Offered
» Onsite Waste Dropoff
   •   Bags              •   Couch (Or bulk items)
   •   Small trailers    •   large trailers
   •   Small pickups     •   full size pickups

» Roll Off Dumptster Services
» Residential and Commercial Trash Pick-Up
Serving the River Valley for over 25
 years with clean, consistent and
         courteous service.
        Monday - Friday 8 am - 3 pm

                                                     9505 Highway 64 East
                                                       Atkins, AR 72823RussellvilleChamber.com 3
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
RussellvilleChamber.com 5
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
                                                       5    Welcome
                                                       6    About
                                                       10   General Information
                                                       11   Helpful Numbers

                                                       14   Parks & Tourism        22   Arts & Entertainment
                                                       16   History                24   Shopping & Dining
                                                       18   Healthcare             25   Utilities
                                                       21   Homes                  26   Worship

                                                       28 K-12 Education
                                                       32 Higher Education

                                                       36 Business                 39 Financial Development
                                                       37 Local Industry           40 Transportation
                                                       38 Government

                                                        Buyer's Guide
                                                       41 Alphabetical Directory
                                                       63 Buyer's Guide

   Table of Contents
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
708 West Main Street
         Russellville, AR 72801
            p. 479-968-2530

                  Paul Harvel
                  President/ CEO

                                                   Welcome to Russellville

                  Suzy Griffin
           VP of Workforce Development
                                                   The Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present to you the 2021
                 Angela Bonds                      Community Profile and Buyer’s Guide. This exciting edition will assist you in
     Director of Leadership & Government Affairs   transacting business with quality companies throughout the River Valley who have
                                                   made a commitment to the Camber and its mission. The directory provides you
                Tabatha Duvall                     with a listing of our membership and information about the products and services
               Communication Director              offered by our members. The directory can also be viewed in its entirety online at
          tduvall@russellvillechamber.com          RussellvilleChamber.com.
               Misty Lumpkins
         director of Membership Relations
        Mlumpkins@russellvillechamber.com          We are so fortunate to have a business environment supported by the many
                                                   government, civic, and community organizations that contribute to the overall
                Mallory Woker                      success and quality of life in the area.
       Administrative assistant & Receptionist
                                                   The mission of the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce is to stand as a voluntary
Photography Provided by:                           organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together
Christopher Stashuk (Aristotle                     for the purpose of promoting the civic, professional, cultural, and industrial progress
Interactive,) Liz Chrisman (Arkansas               of our community. We invite you to invest in the Russellville Chamber through your
Tech University,) Steve Newby                      membership, and encourage you to support the businesses who are members.
Photography, Main Street Russellville,
Kacie McCurrie
Printed by: Burris, Inc.                           If the Chamber can assist you in any way, please feel free to call on our professional
                                                   staff at 479-968-2530. Your Chamber will continue working to sustain the positive
Every effort has been made to assure the
accuracy of the information in this publication.   momentum and prosperity we enjoy in our community and do everything possible
The Chamber assumes no responsibility              to build an even brighter future.
for misinformation. Please contact the
Chamber with any additions or corrections.
Reproductions in whole or in part without
permission of the Chamber is prohibited.

                                                   Chip Blanchard
                                                   2021 Board Chair
                                                                                                                     RussellvilleChamber.com 7
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce
Who We Are                                                       What We Do
The Chamber is a membership-based organization that has          For a century, the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce
been the business voice of the Russellville area since 1920.     has brought area businesses together in support of
The focus of the Chamber is simply business. We offer a          economic growth and initiatives that support the
wide variety of exciting benefits and services geared towards    community. The Chamber has more than 800 members,
enhancing the business capacity of our members. The
Chamber invites you to explore such benefits through our
newly renovated website, a valuable resource for chamber
businesses, community residents, and area visitors.
Here you will learn about our organization; the many
benefits of membership, information on our member
businesses, and how to become a Russellville Area
Chamber of Commerce member. You can also learn how to
join our chamber committees, or promote your business to
the commerce of Russellville.
You will find a wealth of information here on planning your
visit to the Russellville, Arkansas area. Our staff would also
be glad to answer your questions or send you a packet of
information. If you plan to retire or move to the Russellville
area, request a relocation packet.
Also, check the Buyers Guide listings for lodging and
dining options. Visit our online Events Calendar to find
fun things to do while visiting the River Valley. We would
be delighted to visit with you by phone or via e-mail. Of
course, you can always come by in person to pick up
maps and browse our Visitor Information Center at the
Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce at 708 West Main

2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
ranging from single employee operations to companies                attend business-focused breakout sessions and educational
with more than 1,000 employees. All types of businesses are         seminars taking place during set up hours. Looking to do
represented showing the diverse business community of the           some business-to-business networking before the big day?
Russellville area.                                                  The Expo Preview Party offers participants and guests the
The mission of the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce            opportunity to get a firsthand look at the booths, vote on
is to stand as a voluntary organization of businesses and           best booth, meet with new and old friends, and partake
professional men and women who have joined together for             in some really great food from area restaurants. The
the purpose of promoting the civic, economic, professional,         following morning, join the Chamber for an exciting day
cultural, and industrial progress of our community.                 of activities, hundreds of give-a-ways, great deals, and food
Approximately 200 active volunteers, a board of directors
and an internal                                                                                         The Chamber
professional staff,                                                                                     offers sponsorship
carry out our mission.           The mission of the Russellville Area Chamber of                        opportunities at
                                                                                                        many community
These individuals are           Commerce is to stand as a voluntary organization                        events like the Annual
composed of men and
women who serve as            of businesses and professional men and women who                          Membership Meeting,
                                                                                                        Bash at the Ballpark and
the front door to the        have joined together for the purpose of promoting the                      many more. Member-
community and the
voice of business. Their     civic, economic, professional, cultural, and industrial                    Sponsors have the
                                                                                                        opportunity to receive
goal is to continually                     progress of our community.                                   promotional placement
enhance the quality of
life for the community                                                                                  at these events such as
and make this area an even better place to live, work and           banners, t-shirts, promotional items, etc.
play.                                                               The Chamber offers a number of value added benefits to
Membership brings you access to programs and services               Chamber members such as ribbon cuttings, lobbying for
designed to promote your business and community. Your               business, small business material and seminars, sponsorship
investment assures continued efforts to improve the quality         and advertising opportunities, and useful publications.
of life for all citizens of the Russellville area. The Chamber is
the area’s business advocacy organization and is positioned
to assist you in your growth and financial success.
The Chamber receives daily requests for sources of products
and services. Only members are referred, all equally. The
Chamber is the only organization that devotes 100% of its
time and resources to promote the Russellville area.
The Chamber provides several networking opportunity
events throughout the year. This is a great way to exchange
information, make business contacts, renew contacts, meet
local suppliers, and announce changes, new products and
services. Members are encouraged to take full advantage of
the exposure the events offer.
First Friday Breakfast
Once a month, the Chamber hosts an event that combines
breakfast, business networking and an informational
business program. Attendees will have the opportunity to
meet one another and share ideas while enjoying a delicious
breakfast. This informative and exciting function is an early-
morning must for anyone seeking to network with other
business owners and professionals.
River Valley Business Expo
Manufacturing, retail, hotels, utilities, and marketing firms
are just some of the industries present at the Annual River
Valley Business Expo. Exhibitors and staff are invited to
                                                                                                            RussellvilleChamber.com 9
2021 Community Profile-& Buyers Guide-Russellville Chamber of Commerce
In August 2019, The Russellville Area Chamber                  Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, have resulted in
of Commerce launched an all new website at                     decreased costs and less regulations for all businesses.
RussellvilleChamber.com aimed at the recruitment and           Through our close working relationship with the ASBTDC,
retention of employees and talent for our local employers.     Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development
All members receive a free Internet presence through           Center, located at Arkansas Tech University, the Chamber
both alphabetical and classified listings. When a member’s     can assist our members in all areas of starting a new
business has a web-site or email address, they can link        business, business financing, planning, marketing, etc. We
directly to and from the Chamber site. This allows our         partner with the ASBTDC to provide business seminars
members greater web exposure.                                  through the year.
Russellville is preparing for the future through programs
like the Russellville Regional Leadership Academy.             Volunteering with the Chamber
Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, this nine-month          The Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce is stronger
program is designed to identify, educate, and motivate         because of the participation of its members. Members that
potential community leaders, to become involved in             volunteer make valuable business contacts, while serving
the future of the community by addressing the realities,       the community. If you are a member and are interested
opportunities, and challenges of the community.                in becoming involved in one or more of the following
Businesses celebrating special events such as new business     Councils, please contact the Chamber at (479) 968-2530
opening, relocation, major building expansion, or a special    or via email. Any and all employees of a member business
anniversary, can request a ribbon cutting or celebration by    or organization may participate on committees or attend
the Red Coat Ambassador Committee. This is an excellent        events.
form of inexpensive publicity utilizing local news media.
                                                               Government Affairs
The Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to          The goal of the Government Affairs councils is to reflect
be the business advocacy organization in the River Valley.     the business community viewpoint on federal, state, and
Our state and federal lobbying efforts, coordinated with the   local governmental matters, and maintain liaison with
                                                               governmental agencies having developmental, regulatory, as
                                                               well as advisory responsibilities in all aspects of commerce.

                                                               The Russellville area is one of the major growth areas of
                                                               Arkansas. New growth – both in terms of population and
                                                               economy – means new problems, major new solutions to
                                                               these problems and demands the involvement of informed
                                                               and caring citizens. Russellville Regional Leadership
                                                               Academy will offer informative learning opportunities
                                                               in an atmosphere that stimulates participants to use both
                                                               new and proven tools to meet the challenges of today and

                                                               Economic Development
                                                               The economic development focus of the Chamber is to
                                                               increase employment opportunities for the Russellville
                                                               area, prospect selectivity for compatible new business, assist
                                                               expansion of local firms, and support and enhance a healthy
                                                               business climate for our region and state.

                                                               Quality of Place
                                                               Quality of Place is the soul of a successful community; the
                                                               factors that go into it—places, experiences, and people—add
                                                               up to the things that everyone wants in their communities.
                                                               They have the ability to positively or negatively impact
                                                               the quality of life of the people who live in, work in, play
                                                               in, and visit Russellville and directly influence our future

community and economic development. This group              Membership Services
seeks to create extraordinary personal experiences in our   Membership Services conducts an ongoing program of
community to help raise Russellville’s Quality of Place.    membership recruitment and retention through person-
                                                            to-person sales, carries out an overall Chamber relations
Education                                                   program among the general public and the business
The education council creates and maintains a partnership   community in conjunction with a community promotional
between the business community and local education          effort, & provides programs, seminars, etc., for member
systems by allowing business leaders and educators the      involvement and use.
opportunity to share ideas and foster a joint vision.
                                                            Programs & Events
                                                            The purpose of the Events Council is to promote new and
                                                            ongoing membership in the Chamber. The Events Council
                                                            helps to plan and implement programs during the year,
   Strong communities:                                      taking a lead role in selecting topics and speakers, and
                                                            recruiting individuals for presentations on appropriate and
        Realized                                            current business issues.

  At Simmons Bank, we believe healthy,
  vibrant communities don’t just happen on
  their own. They happen when people make
  an investment in each other. Because we
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  We're proud to support The Russellville
  River Valley.

                                                                                                  RussellvilleChamber.com 11
General Information
       Population                             Elevation
         29,175                                395 ft.
                                                                     State Government
                        Area Climate                                                   Governor
Average summer temp            80 degrees                                         Asa Hutchinson
Average winter temp		          45 degrees                                     State Capital, Room 250
Average annual precipitation			49 inches                                       Little Rock, AR 72201
Average snowfall                                        1.8 inches
          Fire Insurance Class Rating                                               State Senator
                                                                                  Breanne Davis
              2 (inside city limits)                                                District 16
                                                                                  P.O. Box 1284
                                                                               Russellville, AR 72811
 Russellville Regional Airport Runway                                             479-970-0081

                5100 ft.                                                            U.S. Senators
                                                                                   Tom Cotton
                                                                       1108 South Old Missouri Road, Suite B
    Distance to National Airport (LIT)                                         Springdale, AR 72764
           78.3 mi (1 hr 15 m)
                                                                                  John Boozman
                                                                             320 Senate Office Building
           Distance to Major Markets                                          Washington, D.C. 20510
   77 miles to Little Rock                395 miles to St. Louis                   202-224-4843
  116 miles to Fayetteville               476 miles to Houston
   203 miles to Memphis                 495 miles to New Orleans                 U.S. Congressmen
  348 miles to Kansas City                 502 miles to Atlanta             Rick Crawford District 1
    361 miles to Dallas                   690 miles to Chicago                French Hill District 2
                                                                            Steve Womack* District 3
                                                                           Bruce Westerman District 4

      Local Government
                                                                                *Russellville is in district 3

                                                                        Arkansas House of Representatives
                        Russellville Mayor                              Mary Bentley - District 73 (Atkins)
                          Richard Harris                                           501-333-2297
                       203 South Commerce                                Keith Slape - District 83 (Hector)
                       Russellville, AR 72801                                      870-715-5623
                           479-968-2098                                       Stan Berry - District 68
                                                                              Joe Cloud - District 71
                         Pope County Judge                                         479-858-8033
                            Ben Cross                                 Aaron Pilkington - District 69 (London)
                       100 West Main Street                                        479-308-8384
                       Russellville, AR 72801

Helpful Numbers
Emergency Numbers
                                                                                         Pope County Library.................................................. 968-4368
                                                                                         116 East 3rd Street

                                                                                         Post Office
For emergencies dial 911                                                                 203 South Boston......................................................... 968-4112
                                                                                         414 North Elmira.......................................................... 890-6261
Ambulance Service......................................................968-4567
                                                                                         Recycle Works.............................................................. 968-1944
Russellville Fire Department...................................... 968-2332
                                                                                         3115 South Mobile
Russellville Police Department ................................. 968-3232
                                                                                         Russellville City Hall, 203 South Commerce
Pope County Sheriff 's Department .......................... 968-2558
                                                                                         Mayor’s Office............................................................... 968-2098
                                                                                         City Attorney................................................................. 967-3186

Area Resources
                                                                                         Code Enforcement....................................................... 967-2633

                                                                                         Russellville Housing Authority................................ 968-5440
Animal Shelter & Control......................................... 968-1944               115 South Denver......................................................... 968-0886
3115 South Mobile
                                                                                         Russellville Recreation & Parks................................ 968-1272
Arkansas Workforce Center...................................... 968-2784                 Hughes Community Center, 1000 East Parkway
104 South Rochester
                                                                                         Salvation Army............................................................ 967-4559
Better Business Bureau...................................... 501-664-7274                1801 South Arkansas Ave

Chamber of Commerce.............................................. 968-2530               Small Business Association......................... 800-ARKANSAS
708 West Main Street
                                                                                         Social Security Administration........................ 877-445-0827
Child Support - Enforcement Unit.......................... 968-7051                      2708 East Parkway
800 East Main, Suite A

Community Development Office............................. 968-1002                       Utilities
220 North Knoxville
                                                                                         CenturyLink (Local Phone Provider)
The Courier (Daily Newspaper)............................... 968-5252                    214 South Denver
201 East 2nd Street                                                                      Customer Service .................................................800-201-4099
Department of Human Services............................... 968-5596
701 North Denver                                                                         Centerpoint Energy (Natural Gas Service)..... 800-992-7552
Pope County Courthouse, 100 West Main                                                    City Corporation (Russellville Water & Sewer)
County Judge................................................................ 968-7487    205 West 3rd Place
County Clerk................................................................. 968-6064   Main Office.................................................................... 968-2105
County Tax Assessor.................................................... 968-7418         After Hours................................................................... 968-1148
County Tax Collector................................................... 968-7016
County Treasurer.......................................................... 968-2194      Entergy Arkansas (Electric Service)..................800-368-3749

Pope County Extension Office.................................. 968-7098                  Ritter Communications (Commercial Phone, Internet, &
105 West B Street                                                                        Cable) ....................................................................888-336-4249

Pope County Health Department............................ 968-6004                       Suddenlink by Altice (Local Cable Provider)
203 Weir Road                                                                            127 North Elmira Avenue....................................888-822-5151

                                          All numbers listed are Area Code 479 unless otherwise noted.

                                                                                                                                                RussellvilleChamber.com 13
2005 AWWA State Award
                      2015 AWWA State and Tri-State Regional
                    2016 AWWA National People’s Choice Award
                             2018 ARWA State Award

Live Your Best Life

     Situated between the Ozark and Ouachita National Forest, Russellville is located in
     the heart of west-central Arkansas. Russellville has the perfect mix of urban and
     rural life, and with a population of 27,920, the city is just large enough to offer a
     lower cost of living, quality education from primary through higher education, and
     lots of activities for the whole family.

     Residents of Russellville enjoy the qualities of a healthy and diverse economy,
     high-quality healthcare, excellent education, an abundance of retail shopping
     and entertainment events. At the same time, they appreciate the comforts and
     conveniences of small-town life – affordable housing, friendly people and low crime.
                                                                      RussellvilleChamber.com 15
Parks, Recreation, & Tourism
The beautiful Arkansas River winds its way through                Park also offers many programs including eagle tours and
Russellville between the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains             provides kayak, paddleboard, and boat rentals.
providing year-round recreational opportunities throughout
                                                                  NATIONAL PARKS Lands
the Russellville area. Whether hiking to the Cedar Falls on
Petit Jean Mountain, boating on Lake Dardanelle, biking           Holla Bend Natural Wildlife Refuge located to the south of
the Chickalah trail on Mount Nebo, or spending a weekend          Russellville is one of the state’s most outstanding areas for
at Mount Magazine’s lodge in the clouds, an up-close and          viewing and photographing wildlife. The Refuge, containing
personal relationship with nature is never more than just a       over 6,300 acres, provides natural habitat for over 150 species
few steps away. With so much natural beauty surrounding           of birds, including migrating waterfowl. Visitors can view
the Arkansas River Valley, Russellville is one of the most        the wildlife from several viewing stations provided by the US
desirable places in the state of Arkansas for families to live    Fish & Wildlife Service.
and visit.                                                        The Ozark National Forest has many recreational areas for
   For more information about Tourism in the River Valley,        hunting, fishing, camping, floating, hiking and perhaps
 visit The Russellville Tourism & Visitors’ Center at 110 South   the only bayou in the country featuring whitewater. For
            Commerce, call at 479-967-1762, or visit              unforgettable Arkansas scenery, gas up your favorite ride and
                    DiscoverRussellville.org                      take a road trip along Scenic 7 Byway, Mt. Magazine Scenic
                                                                  Byway (Arkansas 309), and the Ozark Highlands Scenic
FISHING & BOATING                                                 Byway (Arkansas 23). In Russellville, off-road junkies are
Dardanelle Lock and Dam is located south of Russellville          never very far from an ATV trail. An area that is primarily
on the Arkansas River, which created Lake Dardanelle.             a horse trail, Moccasin Gap is a multiple-use trail open to
This 35,000 acre body of water is known for its boating,
skiing, and some of the state’s best bass fishing along with a
state of the art fishing tournament weigh in pavilion. Even
non-anglers enjoy the aquarium and other features of the
impressive visitor’s center at Lake Dardanelle State Park.
Lake Dardanelle State Park and Old Post Road Park
together offer boat access ramps, fishing piers with handicap
accessibility, an information center, 332 campsites, cabins,
a marina and boat repair, and an amphitheater. Lake
Dardanelle State Park Visitor Center encompasses 10,527
sq. ft. and houses interactive nature exhibits, a multipurpose
meeting room and classroom, and park staff offices. The State

off-road vehicles, mountain bikes, hikers, & high- clearance
The crown jewel of the Ozark National Forest would have
to be the Buffalo National River. The Buffalo snakes its
way through the Forest creating plenty of opportunity for
canoeing and kayaking surrounded by stunning vistas.
Russellville’s 23 city parks cover over 790 acres of land. These
parks and the Hughes Community Center offer activities
such as lighted tennis courts, disc golf, a splash pad, lighted
baseball and softball fields, a skate park, a soccer complex,
an Olympic-size swimming pool, basketball court, and
equipped playgrounds.                                               stations is also available for those seeking a more vigorous
The Russellville Aquatic Center has an 8 lane competition           workout. For a bit more of a challenge, hike the 3.2 mile Rim
sized pool that features basketball goals and a diving board.       Trail on Mount Nebo. The trail follows along the outer rim of
There is a heated therapy pool where we have many classes           Mount Nebo with beautiful rock bluffs, a waterfall, and views
including Aqua Aerobics, and there’s even a splash pad and          of the Arkansas River Valley. Along the trail, you will also
an inflatable obstacle course for kids. M. J. Hickey Pool is        pass Sunrise Point and Sunset Point. They are appropriately
a 50 meter swimming pool open each summer. Both the                 named, so be sure you are there at the correct time of day.
Aquatic Center and Hickey Pool are available for private            Take a trek to the highest point in Arkansas on the one mile
parties.                                                            Signal Hill Trail at Mount Magazine State Park, or check out
                                                                    great vista views from Bear Hollow or North Rim trails.
Local schools participate in Arkansas Athletic Association
football, basketball, swimming, baseball, track & field,            RUSSVEGAS HALF MARATHON
golf, and volleyball. Arkansas Tech University competes
                                                                    Each spring, the RussVegas Half Marathon brings runners
in the NCAA Division II Great American Conference in
                                                                    from all over the world to Russellville. It’s a fast course with the
football, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, and baseball. Two
                                                                    opportunity to set personal records and support the Arkansas
eighteen-hole golf courses are located just minutes from
                                                                    Children’s Hospital. Additionally, there is a festival with a kids’
downtown Russellville. Russellville Recreation and Parks and
                                                                    mile, 5k glow run, music, food, and an expo, and it’s always a
others also host sports leagues for children and adults.
                                                                    great weekend.
MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS                                                Since Russellville is the halfway point between Ft. Smith and
Single track, switchbacks, waterfalls and more, the Arkansas        Little Rock, we are minutes from just about everything you
River Valley offers top-notch biking trails for every level.        would want to do. Russellville can provide you with a great day
Make plans to get off the pavement and find your next               of outdoor recreation or a full day shopping and fine dining.
adventure on our trails. From The Sweet Spot that can be            For our visitors, Russellville offers a total of 17 hotels, with
easy or a challenge and connects the entire trail system to         several more coming, giving our area a total of 1000+ rooms
the Old Post trail for tight and twisty turns, our trails have      as well as numerous RV facilities and unique private rentals.
something for the experienced mountain biker to easier trails       Come and experience the great community spirit of our little
for families and beginners. Mount Nebo State Park is home           town and see why we are proud to call Russellville home.
to the Chickalah Loop Trail, the latest Monument Trail to be
introduced by Arkansas State Parks and the Arkansas Parks
and Recreation Foundation. The trail is an intermediate trail
with several expert features and incomparable views.
If adventure is your goal, one of the best ways to experience          Shingles • Flat Roofs • Metal
all the beauty Russellville has to offer is on one of our many
hiking trails. The city has trails for every skill level, from       Free Estimates • Free Inspections
paved and flat, looping through the city to a more advanced
full day or more hikes through the three mountain peaks.                318 S. Arkansas • 890-3499
Bona Dea Trails and Wildlife Sanctuary offers over six miles
of walking and jogging trails through 186 acres of natural                www.millerroofing.net
wildlife habitat. A physical fitness course with 18 workout
                                                                                                               RussellvilleChamber.com 17
Russellville’s History
Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto is said to have             The first business established in Russellville was built by
explored the area that became Russellville in 1541 and        James and Silas Shinn. The brick building their nephew
found the Osage Indians living here on what was later         Jacob Shinn built to replace their wooden store still stands
called the Chactas Prairie. The land was part of a Cherokee   at the corner of West Main Street and South Denver
Reservation between 1818 and 1828.                            Avenue.
Formal education came to the Russellville area early with     The City of Russellville was incorporated on June 7, 1870
the founding of nearby Dwight Mission in                                   and grew with the construction of the Little
1820. The Russellville Public School District                              Rock and Fort Smith Railroad. In 1887, the
was formed in 1870, and in 1910, the Second                                county seat was moved to Russellville from
District Agricultural School, now Arkansas                                 Dover. By the end of the century, Russellville
Tech University, opened it’s doors.                                        and the surrounding area had become a
P.C. Holledger became the first white settler                              prosperous coal-mining area, with the Ouita
in the River Valley by building the first house                            Coal Company being the first established.
in 1834. Dr. Thomas Russell, a well-respected                              Cotton became a profitable crop near
doctor and surgeon, purchased the house in                                 Russellville; in the early twentieth century,
1835. The Chamber staff feels a deep sense of                              bales were sold from wagons in the middle of
history and commitment to our city because the first house    Main Street.
built in Russellville and the home of the town’s namesake     From 1940 to the 1970s, the Latimore Tourist Home
was on the site where the Chamber of Commerce now             served African Americans as the only available overnight
stands.                                                       accommodations between Little Rock and Fort Smith. The
                                                              home offered short-term accommodations for many who

worked on the railroad, and then for travelers as it was in      large foundry and machine shop. The proud tradition of
the 1949 Green Book. Constructed around the turn of the          industry continues today as Russellville supports a nuclear
century, the home was added to the National Register of          power plant, poultry processing plants, automobile parts
Historic Places in 2012.                                         manufacturing, frozen foods, and many others.
With the construction of Interstate 40 in 1956 and
the completion of Dardanelle Lock and Dam in 1965,
Russellville saw another economic boom. The dam also led
to the creation of Lake Dardanelle which is now a major
draw for tourists, campers, hikers, and fishermen alike.
The Arkansas River is the site of many unique events in
Russellville’s history, but the story of the Arkansas Traveler
is one that has molded Arkansas Folklore for years. The
story featured in the folk song and the Edward Washbourne
painting is said to have taken place on the banks of the
Arkansas River near what is now Lake Dardanelle State
Our heritage has served us well as Russellville has continued
to prosper and attract business and residents from all over
the world. It is easy to see why Russellville has become the
trade center for the River Valley. Even in the early days,
when Russellville’s population was less than two thousand
inhabitants, there were several industries. Some of these
were the Melrose Cotton Mill, a gristmill, a planning mill,
a cotton gin, and a wool-carding mill. There was also a
wagon and plow factory that had a capacity of four hundred
wagons a year, a canning and evaporation plant, and a

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                                                                                                       RussellvilleChamber.com 19
Quality, convenient, and affordable healthcare will always be    Saint Mary's Regional Health System is also home to four
a driving factor to consider when locating to a new region of    medical clinics and 20 specialty clinics, whose staff ranges
the country. The Arkansas River Valley region fulfills these     anywhere from one to 23 physicians on staff.
needs with numerous medical clinics and a regional medical       CHI St. Vincent Heart Clinic is a cardiology subspecialty
center.                                                          clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and
Medical Care                                                     conditions of the heart and vascular systems, and take
                                                                 care to get a proper diagnosis and develop a personalized
The largest medical facility in the River Valley is St. Mary’s   treatment plan to ensure the best outcome and quality of life
Regional Medical Center in Russellville. Equipped with           for each patient.
the most up-to-date technological medical equipment,
the facility offers a number of services including 24-hour       Conway Regional has two primary care clinics in the River
level III Trauma Emergency Care, and full-time physician         Valley, Russellville & Pottsville, providing a wide variety of
coverage.                                                        health care services.
Saint Mary’s partnership with Survival Flight, Inc., has         CARTI provides cancer treatment to patients throughout
significantly improved access to life-saving trauma care by      Arkansas including a hematology, oncology, and diagnostic
reducing the time needed to fly in an emergency helicopter       radiology services in Russellville.
to Saint Mary’s, as well as the time needed to provide           The Arkansas Heart Hospital Clinic provides cardiac
immediate patient transportation to a higher level of            care and testing as well as health and wellness fairs and
emergent care.                                                   community screenings. The Russellville Clinic is also home

A Legacy of Quality Care

At Saint Mary’s, we think your family’s health is one of the most important things in the
world. That’s why we are committed to being here, for you. Our expansive network of
leading physicians, advanced health care providers, state-of-the-art technologies, and
wellness services is dedicated to one thing — your best health.

Our hospital is committed to providing the highest quality care and ensuring the safety of
our patients, employees, providers, volunteers, and visitors. We are continuing to monitor
the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are taking the necessary steps
to ensure we are fully prepared to care for patients, in accordance with guidance from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and in partnership with our local and
state health departments.

                                      Making Communities Healthier®

                                                                                                  RussellvilleChamber.com 21
 1808 West Main Street | Russellville, AR | 479.968.2841 | saintmarysregional.com | facebook.com/saintmarysregional
to one of the only Strong Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation
Centers in the state.
Russellville is also home to numerous independent primary
and specialty care clinics as well as two urgent care centers.
                                                                      Our New Russellville Location is Open!
Mental Health                                                          Taking Same day or next day appointments.       Scott M. Dinehart, M.D.   Rebecca Lard, APRN

Saint Mary’s Turning Point Behavioral Health Unit provides             Your skin deserves the best.
short-term inpatient psychiatric care. The unit is enhanced
with video-based telepsychiatry technology, which helps the           COME GET YOUR SPOT CHECK!
unit provide readily accessible, compassionate care. Turning
Point maintains an occupancy rate of 90 percent with
                                                                                                                      Katlyn R. Anderson, PA-C Matthew T. Reynolds, PA-C
consistently high patient satisfaction scores near 90 percent         106 South Inglewood, Suite B • Russellville • 479-223-5000 • arkansasdermatology.com
as well.
In Russellville, there are numerous other programs and
nonprofits to support mental health of the community.
Independent counselors, Counseling Services, Community
Service Inc, and multiple rehabilitation facilities (both
inpatient and outpatient) are available to our citizens.
Senior Care
Russellville is home to many nursing and rehabilitation
centers, independent living facilities, and assisted facilities
to make planning for your golden years easier.
Health & Wellness
If you're looking to stay in shape or get there, Russellville has
several options. From large national chains, to locally owned
smaller community fitness centers, there is an option for you.
                                                                         Clear Vision Begins with Healthy Eyes
To all our hard-working residents and visitors who need
some rest and “me time,” we’ve got you covered! Pamper
yourself in one of the many spas and salons offering facials,
massages, nail services, skin-care and hair treatments.
Whether you need to look and feel your best for a special
event or just want to add a little more relaxation to your
vacation, treat yourself.

                                                                      317 E. Parkway 208 N. Front Street
                                                                        Russellville     Dardanelle
                                                                         967-6113        229-1467              Lori Boyd Canfield, OD & Amy J. S. Daiber, OD

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                               Readers’ Choice2015
                                            2018            Private Pay

        215 South Portland Avenue • Russellville, AR 72801 • 479-968-5256 • www.russellvillenr.com

Homes In Russellville
Every year more and more people chose the Russellville           serve a contemporary lifestyle. Just to the south of Main
area as the place they want to call home. The area’s friendly,   Street and west of Arkansas Avenue lies one of Russellville’s
welcoming atmosphere and sense of community make                 oldest neighborhoods. The tree lined streets frame an
Russellville an easy decision. Residential architecture styles   eclectic mix of architecture from every era of Russellville’s
range from historic traditional to modern contemporary.          history. You will find every style of home from Queen Anne
Whether you are looking for a modest single-family home,         Victorians, Arts and Craft style, quaint bungalows, cottages,
sprawling rural homestead, condominium, subdivision, or          shotgun houses, Tudor Revival, ranch style, to even a Frank
golf course community, you will find it in Russellville.         Lloyd Wright designed home.
As Russellville’s economy grows, the selection of housing is     The Arkansas River Valley region has quality and ample
keeping pace. New developments in and beyond city limits         housing available and the home prices are well below the
compliment established neighborhoods that surround the           state and national median costs.
central business district in Pope County. Russellville’s older   The housing market in Pope County is advantageous in two
neighborhoods exhibit a sense of the community’s past.           areas: median home age and median home cost.
Many have been kept in pristine condition, while others
have been renovated to fit the needs of the twenty-first         •   The median home age in Pope County is almost ten
century. Established neighborhoods offer a variety in price,         years younger than the national average
architecture and activities. Downtown Russellville continues     •   The median home cost is almost half of the national
its revival as historic buildings are renovated into uses that       average.

                                                                                                       RussellvilleChamber.com 23
Arts & Entertainment
If you are looking for a little culture or just some old-        The River Valley Arts Center sponsors art exhibits, concerts
fashioned family entertainment, Russellville has it all.         and plays and other cultural activities. The Arts Center has a
Many organizations host a number of events and festivals         gallery with new exhibits monthly. Admittance is free to the
throughout the year to provide residents with something          public. Annual shows include Collegiate Competition open
to do without the long drive. Activities include something       to any college student in the state, a statewide High School
for everyone from art exhibits to concerts to fishing            Competition, and local artist exhibit. Other exhibits are
tournaments and theatre.                                         from area, state and nationally renowned artists. The Arts
The Center for the Arts stands prominently at the front of       Center produces a summer musical and fall play featuring
Russellville High School and has welcomed thousands of           local talent. Another summer program offered by the Arts
visitors since it’s opening in 2012. The 130,000 square foot     Center is Summer Arts Camps. Through this program,
facility was a dream of Russellville School District to have a   children enjoy a day camp setting, immersed in a variety of
performing arts center to expand educational and cultural        art forms led by artists.
resources for students and the community. With a 1,875 seat      Downtown Russellville has become a hub for the local
performance space, the multi-purpose Center is home to           art scene. There are multiple artists galleries and studios
district events including band and choir concerts, theatrical    downtown, as well as several venues for local bands to
and musical productions, art shows as well as various            play including Old Bank Sports Grill, Depot Park, and The
other school related programs. The Center is also ideal          Cavern.
for individuals, organizations and performers seeking a          During the Summer Months, Main Street Russellville’s
venue for graduation ceremonies, business meetings, music        Downtown at Sundown Concert Series has proven to be
concerts, dance recitals, workshops and other events.            very popular! Local and Regional musicians perform at
                                                                 Depot Park on the last Saturday of each of the summer

months, and local business provide refreshments. It’s free     Over 2019 and 2020, several murals sprang up in the
admission, and always a good night!                            River Valley, three of which were commissioned by the
Russellville Downtown businesses extend their business         Russellville Regional Leadership Academy. Murals are
hours on the First Friday in March, June September             located at Exit 78, Russellville City Park, Downtown
and December to host area artists and musicians for the        Russellville, and at Lake Dardanelle State Park. Arkansas
Downtown Art Walks. Since 2005 this event has been             Tech University Artist-in-Residence Tiffany Black
a collaboration between the Russellville Downtown              completed a community mural now on campus at ATU, and
Association, a committee of Main Street Russellville and the   a mural for River Valley Food 4 Kids.
Arkansas River Valley Arts Center.

                                                                                                   RussellvilleChamber.com 25
Shopping & Dining
Russellville is the Hub City for shopping and dining in the            from national retailers to one of kind boutiques including:
Arkansas River Valley. The city is centrally located between Little    numerous specialty shops, antique stores, and small and large
Rock and Fort Smith, drawing visitors from within a fifty mile         retailers specializing in men, women, children, and house wares.
radius. Over 150,000 people receive many services and amenities        Grocers, hardware, book, and discount stores are also available
unique to communities our size.                                        for residents. With the large assortment of retailers, Russellville
Dining                                                                 makes shopping a pleasant and convenient experience.
Are you ready for a night out? Russellville has an increasingly
large variety of restaurants in addition to quick places to grab a
bite to eat. From brand name eateries to mom and pop diners,
Russellville has it all. The city’s superb food and friendly service
can please even the most selective appetite. With selections
including Asian, Mexican, Italian, steak, seafood, barbecue, or
down home southern cooking, anyone can find the perfect place
to eat.
The rapidly growing community of Russellville gives residents
and visitors a variety of shopping opportunities. Within the city
limits of Russellville, shoppers can find a wide range of stores

                          2320 West Main, Russellville | (479) 968-6464 | Monday-Saturday 9:30-6:00

Area Utilities
Businesses in the Arkansas River Valley region know they          and Ritter Communications (commercial only at the time of
can rely on the utility providers. Whether its gas, electricity   publication.)
or telecommunications, there is a common theme of
affordability as well as dependability among the providers,       Water
resulting in efficient and productive businesses.                 Each municipality in the region maintains its own water
                                                                  utility. In addition, Tri-County Water Association and
Electric                                                          Northeast Yell County Water Association provide water to
The Arkansas River Valley region’s businesses strive for          rural areas in Pope and Yell County respectively.
maximum productivity. In order to achieve this goal, these        City Corporation is a nonprofit corporation formed for the
businesses rely on a dependable and affordable supply of          purpose of operating the water and wastewater system for the
power.                                                            City of Russellville, Arkansas. Additionally, City Corporation
Electricity in the region is provided by Entergy Arkansas,        partners with surrounding communities and provides
Inc., one of the nation’s largest publicly owned utility          services to Tri-County Regional Water, the City of Dover,
companies.                                                        and the City of London. City Corporation was founded
Entergy offers a number of services for business development,     in 1985 and has received various awards over the years
including:                                                        including most recently the People’s Choice for Best Tasting
• Local engineers who are available at no cost to the             Water in North America at the annual American Water
    business to assist in the planning and application of         Works Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois. The
    electric power                                                Huckleberry Creek Reservoir was completed in 1996 and is
• Rate discounts to clients who meet certain usage                the main water supply for City Corporation. The lake holds
    requirements                                                  5.8 billion gallons of water when full which yields a supply
• A Teamwork Arkansas group in Little Rock that assists           capacity greater than 40 million gallons per day for 120 days
    companies with site locations, incentives and financing       in drought conditions and our treatment plant is capable
    packages among other services                                 of treating up to 20 million gallons per day. Currently our
                                                                  maximum system demand is just over 10 million gallons per
Gas                                                               day, which results in extra capacity for the foreseeable future.
Centerpoint Energy, a regional, multi-state natural gas           Waste Water
company, provides natural gas to all of the industries in the
region.                                                           Each municipality in the region maintains its own wastewater
Local Internet providers include CenturyLink, Suddenlink,

                                                                                                          RussellvilleChamber.com 27
Worship & Nonprofit Organizations
Russellville recognizes and embraces the diversity of its       programs for youth and teens, marriage enrichment, senior
community, and the opportunities to get connected with          citizens as well as for the entire family.
new friends and dear loved ones, are never ending.
                                                                Philanthropic organizations
Civic Clubs and Other Organizations                             Russellville is a community that works and celebrates
If you are looking to become active in a local organization,    together, and when hardship happens, we pull together.
there are numerous civic, professional and youth                Philanthropy and volunteerism are the lifeblood of many
organizations, which are always in need of assistance. Our      businesses and organizations striving to make a difference
local civic clubs include Noon Rotary, Downtown Rotary,         in our region.
Kiwanis, and more. You could also become involved in            Wherever your passion lies, be it food insecurity, health-
other special interest groups such as the River Valley Arts     related causes, the environment, or something different,
Center, Pope County Master Gardeners, or Junior Auxiliary.      Russellville will have a way for you to get involved and make
                                                                a difference.
Pope County Library
The Pope County Library hosts a variety of different clubs
and classes for the whole family including Art Classes, Life
Skills Classes, Book Clubs, Movie Nights, and Monthly
Game Night.
Houses of Worship
Many houses of worship have been established serving a
variety of faiths and denominations. Residents and visitors         :: Managed IT Services
are welcome at all institutions of faith and are encouraged         :: Networking
to worship at the church of their choice. Today, more than          :: Server Administration
forty churches and other religious centers have made their
home in Russellville. The community boasts on a variety of          :: Computer Service & Repair
denominations for anyone looking for a place to worship.            :: IT Consulting
There is a commitment to spiritual growth and faith                 :: Web Hosting & Design
based education within the religious community. Many
congregations provide residents with the ability to volunteer
                                                                    220 East 4th Street, Russellville
and be of service to the community. Church members
are active in all aspects of the community from festivals              479.880.2005
to charity events. Most houses of worship offer special               www.asitechnology.com
From Pre-K to a
                          Doctoral Degree

A strong, dedicated education system is a key quality of life component.
The outstanding educational network in the Arkansas River Valley region
continues to ensure success and prosperity for employees and companies.

Five colleges and universities in the region provide quality secondary
education and prepare students for professional careers. Public and private
schools are available for the region’s pre K-12 students, providing a choice
of schools that makes it possible for any student to obtain an enriching
                                                                               RussellvilleChamber.com 29
K - 12 Education
Whether public or private, the K-12 schools in the Arkansas       Intermediate School           Middle School
River Valley region are an excellent place for the region’s         900 N 4th Street          2306 N State Hwy 7
youth to obtain a quality education.                                  479-229-3707              479-229-4550
Public Schools                                                        High School
                                                                1079 N State Highway 28
Atkins School District                                                479-229-4655
Atkins School District is located approximately twelve miles
east of Russellville. Atkins Schools provide a fundamental
yet challenging and expanded curriculum through a variety
of delivery methods including the use of the most recent
technology available. Their goal is to educate students to be
ready for college, career, and citizenship.
        Central Office           Elementary School
     307 N Church Street         611 NW 4th Street
        479-641-7871                479-641-7085
       Middle School                High School
      611 NW 4th Street            403 Ave 3 NW
        479-641-1008                479-641-7872

Dardanelle School District
Dardanelle Schools are a focal point for the community.
They are safe, positive places that encourage “self-growth”,
student achievement, and lifelong learning. The partnership
of school and community provides the resources to meet
the needs of all students and expand the classroom into the
        Central Office                     Primary School
       102 S Front Street                1376 N Liberty Road
         479-229-4111                       479-229-4185
Dover School District                                            ACT Aspire results, graduation rate, etc. Enrollment this
The Dover School Board commits to the following core             year is at an all-time high, and that’s attributed to the
beliefs: Strong Instructional Leadership, Clear and Focused      Pottsville family consisting of students, parents, faculty and
Mission, Safe and Orderly Environment, Climate of High           staff, and the community who work together to challenge
Expectations, Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress,           and to inspire the best education possible.
Positive Home-School Relations, Opportunity to Learn and
                                                                        Central Office            Elementary School
Student Time on Task.
                                                                     976 Pine Ridge Road            87 South B Street
       Central Office           Elementary School                       479-968-8101                  479-968-2133
     9371 Market Street          75 Pine Hill Road                      Middle School             Junior High School
       479-331-2916                479-331-2702                        6926 River Road             250 Apache Drive
       Middle School               High School                          479-890-6631                  479-968-6574
     2013 College Street         1101 Pirates Loop                       High School
       479-331-4814                479-331-2120                       500 Apache Drive
      Mailing Address            Special Programs                       479-968-6334
        PO Box 325                 479-331-2672                                    PottsvilleSchools.org
      Dover, AR 72837
                    DoverSchools.net                             Russellville School District
                                                                 The Russellville School District has received recognition for
Hector School District                                           being one of the top 30% of the school districts in the US
Hector School District is located in the foothills of the        from Expansion Management Magazine’s annual ‘Education
Ozark Mountains, and the largest land based school district      Quotient’ school rankings. What makes the recognition
in Pope County. Hector Schools have teachers who have            more impressive is that only three other districts in
the best interest of the students at heart and a support staff   Arkansas received the honor. Additionally, Russellville was
that enhances those students’ experiences. They have an          the only Arkansas School District in the 9th Annual AP
excellent academic program throughout the schools and            District Honor Roll that consists of districts in the U.S. and
have been recognized for their outstanding performance           Canada that simultaneously achieved increases in access
over the past decade.                                            to Advanced Placement courses for a broader number of
                                                                 students and maintained or improved the rate at which their
       Central Office          Elementary School
                                                                 AP students earned scores of 3 or higher on an AP exam.
        11520 AR 27            104 Sycamore Drive
       479-284-2021               479-284-3586                          Central Office          Center Valley Elementary
        High School                                                    220 W 10th Street               5401 SR 124
        11601 AR 27                                                      479-968-1306                 479-968-4540
       479-284-3536                                                 Crawford Elementary           Dwight Elementary
                   HectorSchools.net                                 1116 N. Parker Road          1300 West 2nd Place
                                                                         479-968-4677                 479-968-3967
Pottsville School District                                           London Elementary         Oakland Heights Elementary
“Big Enough to Challenge, Small Enough to Care.”
                                                                  154 School Street, London        1501 South Detroit
Three Pottsville schools were honored by the Arkansas
                                                                         479-293-4241                 479-968-2084
Department of Education with the prestigious School
Reward and Recognition Award in 2018 based upon high                Sequoyah Elementary        Upper Elementary - 5th Grade
                                                                      1601 W 12th Street            1201 W 4th Place
                                                                         479-968-2134                 479-968-2650
                                                                        Middle School             Junior High School
                                                                       1203 W 4th Place          2000 W Parkway Drive
                                                                         479-968-2557                 479-968-1599
                                                                         High School           Secondary Learning Center
                                                                     2203 South Knoxville       1000 South Arkansas Ave.
                                                                         479-968-3151                 479-968-1972
                                                                   The Center for the Arts
                                                                   2209 S Knoxville Avenue

                                                                                                        RussellvilleChamber.com 31
Private Schools                                              Education provides GEDs to non-traditional students.
                                                             Other programs of study include classes tailored to specific
St. John Catholic School                                     industry needs.
St. John Catholic School's mission is to provide students    Along with special learning and review classes, the Center
a high quality education rooted in the life of Christ and    provides day and night classes to accommodate any
to foster the pursuit of academic excellence and the         schedule and Veterans Assistance benefits to those who
development of the whole person. St. John Catholic School    have served our country.
has developed a strong core curriculum in which students
become faith-filled individuals, curious and confident       For more information contact the Adult Education Center
learners, people of integrity, contributing members of the   at 479-968-5244.
community, and compassionate individuals.                                    Adult Education Center
                        Central Office                                       1000 South Arkansas Ave
                      1912 W Main Street                                            479-968-5244
                         479-967-4645                                    RussellvilleSchools.net/o/adult-ed
Valley Christian School                                      The River Valley is home to top notch Pre-K programs for
Valley Christian School seeks to challenge students          children from all families. Many of our school districts
academically throughout PreK3 to Concurrent Credit           have their own Pre-K programs on campus along with after
Classes, desires to continually improve within the           care. There are many privately owned accredited daycares
classroom, and intentionally teach each class through        and preschools as well as developmental preschools with
the lens of a Biblical-Worldview. Their dedication to this   therapy services on-site.
excellence is made visible by our students continuing to
score above state and national averages on standardized
testing, and exceptional acceptance rates into Arkansas
Universities. They are accredited through The Association
of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Arkansas
Nonpublic School Accrediting Association Accredited
through National Private School Association.
                         Central Office
                         201 E G Street

Adult & Special Education                                     2800 West Main                            106 South Atlanta
As a product of a cooperative project between Russellville      Russellville                                 Danville
Public Schools and the Adult Education Section of the          479-968-2020                               479-495-2020
Vo-Tech Educational Division, the Area Center for Adult

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