Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020

Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
Spy on Me
  Artistic Manoeuvres for
  the Digital Present
Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
Spy on Me #2 –
Artistic Manoeuvres for the Digital Present
19.–29.3.2020 / HAU1, HAU2, HAU3

We have arrived in the reality of digital transformation. Life with
screens, apps and algorithms influences our behaviour, our atten-
tion and desires. Meanwhile the idea of the public space and of
democracy is being reorganized by digital means. The festival
“Spy on Me” goes into its second round after 2018, searching for
manoeuvres for the digital present together with Berlin-based and
international artists. Performances, interactive spatial installati-
ons and discursive events examine the complex effects of the digi-
tal transformation of society. In theatre, where live encounters are
the focus, we come close to the intermediate spaces of digital life,
searching for ways out of feeling powerless and overwhelmed, as
currently experienced by many users of internet-based technolo-
gies. For it is not just in some future digital utopia, but here, in the
midst of this present, that we have to deal with the basic conditi-
ons of living together as a society and of planetary survival. Are
we at the edge of a great digital darkness or at the decisive tur-
ning point of perspective?
A Festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
What is
our rela-
with alien
As we build rivals to human intelligence, James Bridle
looks at our relationship with the planet’s other alien
Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
On 27 June 1835, two masters of the ancient DeepBlue defeated Garry Kasparov at chess, prise, strangeness and even horror that
Chinese game of Go faced off in a match up to that point a game with Go-like status as AlphaGo evokes will become a feature of more
which was the culmination of a years-long a bastion of human imagination and mental and more areas of our lives.
rivalry. The young prodigy Akaboshi Intetsu superiority. But compared to AlphaGo, Deep-
dominated the game early on using a secret Blue might as well have belonged to the The increasing complexity of the world around
move developed by his teachers. But a day steam age; immensely powerful, IBM’s ma- us should be cause for political and social con-
into the contest a number of                                        chine lacked anything we cern, as intelligent but unknowable software
ghosts appeared to his oppo-         We have to                     would   call intelligence. It works its way through society. But it’s also an
nent, Hon’inbo ¯ Jo ¯ wa, and        contend with                   brute-forced Kasparov off opportunity to rethink our relationship with
showed him three critical            inscrutable                    the board, calculating games the wider world, and to reconsider our place
moves with which he was                                             many moves ahead – but in it. It seems significant that we are investing
                                     decisions made
able to win back control of                                         merely that: calculating. so much time and energy in building these toy
the game. At the point when          about jobs and                 AlphaGo and its kind perform versions of our own minds, just as our ability
it became clear that Aka-            finances, health-              something more akin to ima- to control our own destiny and live on the pla-
boshi would not be able to           care and   road                gination and intuition, and net sustainably appears to be failing. That fai-
win the game, the young              safety.                        moreover they do so in lure is in part one of hubris: the belief that we
challenger violently coughed                                        mathematical realms the can, as the planet’s dominant species, conti-
up blood onto the board. He                                         human mind cannot compre- nue to act selfishly, wastefully and without
was found dead a few days later. The match hend. While we can follow DeepBlue’s line of regard to the future. But with AI comes the
between Akaboshi and Jo ¯ wa has passed thought, the thinking behind AlphaGo’s deci- sense that we might not be the dominant
into Go lore as the ‘blood-vomiting game’, and sions remain unknowable to us – and hence actor for much longer – and an attendant
subsequent historians have attributed Aka- alien and otherworldly.                                 opportunity to really consider what it means
boshi’s decline to an undiagnosed pulmonary                                                        to share the world with other, barely knowable
disease. They have been less forthcoming, To call AlphaGo and systems like it an Artificial intelligences.
however, on the matter of ghosts, which may Intelligence is in some ways an exaggeration.
still haunt the game to this day.                 It is a very narrow form of in-                                   Because of course, we’ve
                                                  telligence directed at a parti-    With AI comes the              shared the universe with
On 29 December 2016, a new player appeared cular task, based on one par-                                            other intelligences for a long
                                                                                     sense that we
on Tygem, a popular online Go server on which ticular computational confi-                                          time, and we’ve handled the
                                                                                     might not be the
many senior Go professionals trained and tes- guration – neural networks –                                          situation pretty badly. We
ted out new moves. The player was called and a technique called rein-                dominant     actor   for       have consistently downgra-
Master, and immediately they began a blazing forcement learning. These are           much longer – and              ded or reclassified forms of
winning streak: sixty victories in just seven pieces of software modelled            an attendant oppor-            intelligence that do not
days, and barely resting between games. loosely on parts of the human                tunity to really               resemble our own narrow
Many of the victories were over world cham- brain, which are trained on a            consider what it               definition, and as a result felt
pion players. Master’s moves often seemed reward system which encou-                 means to share the             free to treat their possessors
wild, even impetuous, but they always resul- rages them to develop their                                            as lesser creatures, lower
                                                                                     world with other,
ted in a win. After the fifty-ninth game Master own strategies. Despite this                                        orders of beings, or not really
was revealed to be – as had been suspected – narrow focus, the benefits
                                                                                     barely knowable                as things at all. To ignore,
not a human player, but an Artificial Intelli- are generalisable; as well as         intelligences.                 consume, despoil and poison
gence. Master was the latest iteration of Deep- learning other games, the                                           them, both to their detriment
Mind and Google’s AlphaGo programme, which techniques developed for                                                 and in the final, devastating,
had gained worldwide attention when it AlphaGo have been deployed by Google in analysis, to our own.
defeated Go master Lee Sedol six months ear- everything from medical diagnoses to You-
lier.                                             Tube recommendations.                            And yet the last few decades have also seen
                                                                                                   the slow murmurings of recognition of other
That game had been clse, but the New Year 'With AI comes the sense that we might not ways of thinking and being in the world, which
games were already markedly different. When be the dominant actor for much longer ...'             appears to us as a sudden flowering of forms
Go players tried to describe the AI’s style of                                                     of intelligence which differ radically from our
play, they struggled to reconcile it with any- Machine learning is being used by others to own. More and more species are being admit-
thing known. One leading Go player said, screen applicants for jobs, pilot self-driving ted, grudgingly, to the community of those
‘they’re how I imagine games from far in the cars and target military drones. Neural net- that really think, from orangutans to ele-
future’. Another reported feeling that an ‘alien works are live and connected to the stock phants, both of which have recently been
intelligence’ had landed among them. The market, to distribution systems, to transport granted legal personhood in court cases. As
machine’s own creator, Demis Hassabis, said infrastructure – to the very social, material, we recognise the differing forms of intelli-
its moves seemed to emanate ‘from another and economic bases of our daily existence. It’s gence present in both AI and other species,
dimension’.                                       not just AlphaGo’s ‘god-like’ moves we have the business of assigning rankings to other
                                                  to contend with, but inscrutable decisions creatures begins to seem as stupid and vio-
The last great revolution in human-machine made about jobs and finances, healthcare and lent as assigning them to different races. This
competition occurred in 1997, when IBM’s road safety – and the sense of mystery, sur- too is only the beginning of what we might

Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
recognise, only the beginning of another        outnumber our own cells ten to one, has been     strangeness of mere toy intelligences begins
strangeness, if we choose to see intelligence   shown to have measurable effects on our          to pale.
as something that belongs not only to           cognition.
humans, and not only inside the human head.                                                      For a long time we have been as unheeding of
                                                'The centrality of human intelligence is on      these intelligences as we have been deaf to
Octopuses in aquaria are now known to           the point of being knocked violently aside       the frequency of electrons, and blind to the
recognise individual humans, and to prefer      by our own inventions...'                        ultraviolet light that soaks the plants around
some to others, squirting water at those they                                                    us. But they have been here all along, and are
dislike. Disliking brightness,                                At the other end of the scale,     becoming undeniable, just as the capacities of
they squirt water at light                                    the largest organism in the        our own technologies threaten to supersede
                                  We find ourselves
bulbs above their tanks to                                    world is a forest in Colorado,     us. After wilfully ignoring the intelligences of
                                  standing upon
extinguish them too: they are                                 a hundred-acre expanse of          others for so long, the centrality of human
not merely aware of their         a ruined planet,            cloned aspen sharing a sin-        intelligence is on the point of being knocked
environment, but seek to          not smart enough            gle, 80,000 year-old intercon-     violently aside by our own inventions. A new
manipulate it. But octopuses,     to  save   ourselves,       nected root system. And like       Copernican trauma looms, wherein we find
unlike apes and elephants,        and no longer by            all forests it feels, processes,   ourselves standing upon a ruined planet, not
are also distinctly alien crea-   any stretch of the          and   communicates. Recent         smart enough to save ourselves, and no lon-
tures, separated from the         imagination the             scholarship    has revealed the    ger by any stretch of the imagination the
mammals by millions of years                                  social relationships and col-      smartest ones around. Any appeal to survival
                                  smartest ones
of evolution, with networks                                   lective intelligence of trees,     will have to be made both to technology and
of    neurons      distributed
                                  around.                     which share resources, form        other non-human intelligences, and it will be
throughout their entire                                       alliances, and recognise dis-      possible only if we are prepared to accept the
bodies. And perhaps ours                                      tress in others, sending both      toy intelligences we’re building not as yet
too: the health and diversity of the human aid and warnings through tap roots and phe-           more indications of our own superiority, but as
microbiome, the 2kg of other species we carry romone clouds, much in the way that insect         intimations of our ultimate interdependence,
around with us – mostly in the gut – and which colonies do. Under such circumstances, the        and as calls to humility and care. 

About James Bridle
James Bridle is an artist and writer working across technologies and disciplines. His artworks have been commissioned by galleries and
institutions and exhibited worldwide and on the internet. His writing on literature, culture and networks has appeared in magazines and
newspapers including Wired, Domus, Cabinet, the Atlantic, the New Statesman, the Guardian, the Observer and many others, in print and
online. New Dark Age, his book about technology, knowledge, and the end of the future, was published by Verso (UK & US) in 2018.

Essay originally commissioned by Barbican Centre as part of their 2019 season Life Rewired.

                                                                                                                                                    Die Funkmasten auf vielen Berliner Häusern sollen z.B. für einen flächendeckend stabilen Handyempfang und schnelles mobiles Internet sorgen.
Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
In the imagination of the techno-utopians of surveillance, we find that marginalised But building systems that are better in terms

New tech-
                                                         the 1990s, the internet would create a bodi- groups and those who were discriminated of parity will not necessarily lead to greater
                                                         less space – a space that was both equalising against were often watched more closely justice or to less discrimination. Let us return
                                                         and equally accessible to all. “We are creating than others. In 18th century New York City, for to the example of facial recognition. In his
                                                         a world that all may enter without privilege or example, the so-called lantern laws obliged essay “Against Black Inclusion in Facial
                                                         prejudice accorded by race,                                        black, mixed-race and indige- Recognition”, software developer Nabil Has-
                                                         economic power, military            As of October                  nous enslaved people to sein states: “I have no reason to support the
                                                         force, or station of birth,”        2019, more than                carry candle lanterns with development or deployment of technology
                                                         proclaimed John Perry Bar-                                         them when they walked which makes it easier for the state to recog-
                                                                                             half of the world’s

                                                         low in his 1996 manifesto A                                        about the city after sunset nise and surveil members of my community.”
                                                         Declaration of the Indepen-         population –                   alone without a white per- His point alerts us to the fact that discrimina-
                                                         dence of Cyberspace. Back           a  staggering  4.48            son. Marginalised communi- tion and bias do not only happen while a
                                                         in those early days of cyber-       billion people –               ties have also always been technology is used— they also happen before
                                                         libertarian fantasy, much less      are online.                    of special interest to the and after its use. Systemic injustices as well
                                                         was said about what would                                          surveillance apparatus: the as individuals’ views and assumptions influ-
                                                         happen once you were                                               so-called Rosa Listen were ence which products and services are
                                                         online, or how exactly people from around used by police departments in Germany even designed and built, who builds them, how

Old Dis-
                                                         the world with different economic means after homosexuality was decriminalised in they are used and how their results are inter-
                                                         would get online in the first place.             1969; while over in the U.S. the first Director preted and applied. As the historian Melvin
                                                                                                          of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover had the bureau Kranzberg proclaimed in 1985 already: “tech-
                                                         As of October 2019, more than half of the keep extensive dossiers on social movements nology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neu-
                                                         world’s population – a staggering 4.48 billion and political dissidents.                         tral.”
                                                         people – are online. For many of these people,
                                                         access to online spaces was made possible But with new technologies, old inequalities Both low-cost smartphones and facial recog-
                                                         by cheap smartphones that bring low-cost are reappearing in novel and unexpected nition systems are examples of how harms

                                                         internet to emerging markets. But inexpen- forms. A good example of this is facial recog- amplified by technologies tend to dispropor-
                                                         sive technologies often entail hidden costs. nition. Most facial recognition systems still tionately affect those who are already
                                                         Many cheap phones get shipped with poor perform best at recognising the faces of marginalised. As such, technology policy is
                                                         security and some even harvest people’s data white men. Joy Buolamwini, a researcher from tightly intertwined with social and global jus-
                                                         by design and by default. For instance, in the MIT Media Lab tested commercially tice issues – and it should be recognised as
                                                         2018 the Wall Street Journal reported that a released facial-analysis made by Microsoft, such on a policy level. Yet, there has been a
                                                         popular smartphone sold in Myanmar and IBM, and the Chinese company Face+++, and strange tendency to treat the tech industry
                                                         Cambodia, the Chinese-made Singtech P10, found that all systems were very good at as fundamentally different to other sectors. It
                                                         comes with a pre-loaded app that cannot be identifying the gender of lighter-skinned men. would never occur to us to regulate pharma-
                                                         deleted and that sends the owner’s live loca- However, darker-skinned men were misclas- ceutical companies through non-binding and
The utopia of cyber freedom is showing its darker side   tion to an advertising firm in Taiwan. The hid- sified six per cent of the time                                   unenforceable ethical guide-
                                                         den cost, therefore, is often access to peo- and darker-skinned women               In an increasingly            lines. We do not expect oil
more and more clearly. Because the data that every-      ple’s data.                                      as often as 30.3 per cent of
                                                                                                          the time. In high-stakes areas
                                                                                                                                             automated world               companies to self-regulate
                                                                                                                                                                           when it comes to complying
                                                                                                                                             where everything is
one generates every day is used in very different ways   We are living in a world where almost every- such as law enforcement,
                                                         thing we do automatically generates data, misidentification could impli-
                                                                                                                                             turned into data,             to environmental protection.
                                                                                                                                                                           And in hardly any sector do
                                                                                                                                             what is at stake is
- depending, for example, on where you live and how      whether we are going somewhere, meeting cate people in crimes they
                                                         someone, purchasing something or simply did not commit. But even in                 the distribution of
                                                                                                                                                                           we place the same amount
                                                                                                                                                                           of the burden of responsibil-
                                                         wasting time. Even aspects of human life that seemingly mundane environ-            power    between              ity on individuals to protect
much money you have at your disposal. Technological      were formerly unsurveyed and unquantified ments – such as football sta-             people, the market            themselves. When we go to
                                                         are now turned into data points that are col- diums or concert halls –              and the state.                restaurants or buy food at
progress is thus taking place on the backs of people     lected, aggregated and collated. We are all surveillance is both Orwellian
                                                         data, as John Cheney-Lippold has said, but and Kafkaesque, as auto-
                                                                                                                                                                           the supermarkets, we do not
                                                                                                                                                                           come equipped with food-

who are marginalised due to discrimination and fewer     this ‘we’ is not a uniform entity; it is charac- mated misidentification shifts the burden of safety testing kits – we trust that what we
                                                         terised by both marginalising and privileging proof on the falsely recognised individuals, buy is safe.

privileges. Frederike Kaltheuner and Nele Ober-          differences. One way in which this manifests who suddenly find themselves needing to
                                                         itself is that data exploitation is often baked prove that they are who they say they are Privacy creates the safe space within which
                                                         into the infrastructures and technologies that and not whom a system says they are.              we are not judged, assessed or categorised.
müller explain the damage that technologies can do       are disproportionately sold to those who are                                                     It is the space in which we can develop our
                                                         more likely to be adversely affected by its Recently, awareness for bias baked into the identity, change who we are and decide who
in their essay.                                          abuse: poorer people, and those who are new design of technology has been increasing we want to become. But what is at stake is
                                                         to the internet. Another manifestation is how and for the past two years, fixing in-built dis- more than individual privacy. In an increas-
                                                         surveillance systems are designed and crimination has become a key priority for ingly automated world where everything is
                                                         deployed. If we look back at the history of technology companies and researchers alike. turned into data, what is at stake is the dis-

10                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
tribution of power between people, the mar- can be used, for instance, do much more than         collectively. Instead of pitting regulation
ket and the state. That’s why perhaps one of simply protect people’s data: they also miti-       against innovation, we should perhaps ask
the most pressing tasks of this decade - next gate some of the informational asymmetries         ourselves what kind of innovation and
to the climate crisis and                                      that exist between people         progress we as a society and as individual
growing inequality - is to vig-  We should perhaps             and the technologies they         voters really want: innovation that benefits
orously defend our rights, as    ask ourselves what            rely on.                          the few, or that benefits the many? Do we
well as the norms and rules      kind of innovation                                              want progress toward a world in which
that should govern powerful                                    Binding laws and regulations      democracy and human rights can flourish, or
                                 and progress we as
technologies, the companies                                    are often cast as a threat to     progress toward a world in which they are
                                 a society and as
that build them and the gov-                                   technological progress and        under increasing duress? There are many truly
ernments that deploy them.       individual voters             innovation.      Indeed,    if    exciting and ground-breaking possibilities
Governments – especially         really   want: innova-        progress is taken to mean         that emerging technologies can enable. It is
democratic ones – need to        tion that benefits            “moving fast and breaking         up to us to ensure that we are creating the
resist the temptation to         the few, or that              things”, as one of Facebook’s     right conditions for a better world to be pos-
undermine civil liberties in     benefits the many?            early mottos declared, then       sible.
the name of safety and secu-                                   they most definitely would.
rity. When it comes to                                         But if the tech scandals of
empowering individuals vis a vis technology the past three years have taught us anything,
companies, the clearest way is through laws it is that breaking things comes with collateral
and regulations. Rules that govern how data damage, the price of which we have to pay

Frederike Kaltheuner is a civil rights activist and works as a writer in London. Until 2019 she was head of the data abuse department of the
international civil rights organisation Privacy International, based in London. Since 2019 she has been a Tech Policy Fellow of the Mozilla
Foundation. She studied Internet Science in Oxford and Philosophy, Politics and Economics in Maastricht and Istanbul. As an expert witness,
she has testified at hearings in the British and European Parliament on topics such as artificial intelligence and data ethics. As an expert on
new technologies, Kaltheuner is a regular guest on numerous television formats, including "BBCNews" and "AlJazeera".

Nele Obermüller is an author and freelance journalist. She works in German and English. Her articles have appeared on Deutsche Welle, The
Guardian, Food & and Vice, among others, and she has written for the UNHCR and the European Commission. Obermüller studied Criminology
in Cambridge and Psychology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies in Sussex and Berlin. She has received several awards for her journalistic
work, including the Guardian International Development Journalism Award. She lives in Berlin.

An earlier version of this text was published in German language in the book "Datengerechtigkeit" by Frederike Kaltheuner and Nele Obermül-
ler (Nicolai Publishing & Intelligence GmbH, Berlin 2018).

Spy on Me #2 Artistic Manoeuvres for - the Digital Present 19.-29.3.2020
Do 19.3.                                                                                        Mo 23.3.                                                                                      Sa 28.3.
18:00 / HAU2                                                                                    19:00 / HAU1                                                                                  18:00–22 :00 / Houseclub
Festivaleröffnung                                                                               Making Sense of the Digital Society                                                           doublelucky productions
18:30 / HAU2                                                                                    Justice in the Datafield Society                                                              Garden of Tangled Data
                                                                                                Mit Lina Dencik                                                                               INSTALLATION, DIALOG / Englisch und Deutsch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich /
Other Intelligences                                                                                                                                                                           Kategorie F
                                                                                                Im Anschluss: Gespräch mit Jonas Staal
Mit James Bridle / Moderation: Annemie Vanackere                                                                                                                                              19:00 / HAU3
DIALOG / Englisch mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung / Kategorie E                               Moderation: Tobi Müller
20:30 / HAU1 / Vorpremiere
                                                                                                DIALOG / Englisch mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung / Eintritt frei                           Kat Válastur / HAU
                                                                                                (Anmeldung bis 22.3. unter hiig.de/digitalsociety)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Rasp Your Soul
STO Union & Carte Blanche                                                                                                                                                                     TANZ / Englisch (Sprache kein Problem) / Kategorie C
P.O.R.N. (Portrait of Restless Narcissism)
THEATER / Englisch / Kategorie C
                                                                                                Mi 25.3.                                                                                      20:30 / HAU2
                                                                                                                                                                                              Mette Ingvartsen
                                                                                                                                                                                              Moving in Concert
                                                                                                18:00–22:00 / HAU3 Houseclub / Premiere
Fr 20.3.                                                                                        doublelucky productions
                                                                                                Garden of Tangled Data
                                                                                                                                                                                              TANZ / Kategorie C

                                                                                                                                                                                              22:00 / HAU2
18:00–22:00 / HAU3 / Premiere                                                                   INSTALLATION, DIALOG / Deutsch und Englisch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit                      Gudrun Gut
NewfrontEars & Oozing Gloop                                                                     möglich / Kategorie F                                                                         Konzert / Einlass: 21:30
FEEEEEEEED                                                                                                                                                                                    Im Anschluss: Vladimir Ivkovic (DJ-Set)
                                                                                                                                                                                              MUSIK / Kategorie D
INSTALLATION, PERFORMANCE / Englisch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich / Kategorie F

19:00–00:00 / HAU2                                                                              Do 26.3.
dgtl fmnsm
HOT MESS / Live-Online-Performance #1
PERFORMANCE, DIALOG / Englisch und Deutsch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich / Kategorie F
                                                                                                18:00 / HAU3
                                                                                                Houseclub präsentiert:
                                                                                                                                                                                              So 29.3.
                                                                                                                                                                                              15:00–19:00 / Houseclub
20:00 / HAU1                                                                                    Kareth Schaffer
                                                                                                Emojiland!                                                                                    doublelucky productions
STO Union & Carte Blanche                                                                                                                                                                     Garden of Tangled Data
                                                                                                PERFORMANCE / Deutsch / Eintritt frei
P.O.R.N. (Portrait of Restless Narcissism)                                                                                                                                                    INSTALLATION, DIALOG / Englisch und Deutsch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich /
THEATER / Englisch / Kategorie C                                                                18:00–22:00 / Houseclub                                                                       Kategorie F

                                                                                                doublelucky productions                                                                       17:00 / HAU2

Sa 21.3.                                                                                        Garden of Tangled Data
                                                                                                INSTALLATION, DIALOG / Deutsch und Englisch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit
                                                                                                möglich / Kategorie F
                                                                                                                                                                                              Mette Ingvartsen
                                                                                                                                                                                              Moving in Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                              TANZ / Kategorie C (inkl. “Burning Futures”)
13:00–18:00 / HAU2                                                                              19:00 / HAU3 / Wiederaufnahme                                                                 19:00 / HAU2
dgtl fmnsm                                                                                      Kat Válastur / HAU                                                                            Burning Futures:
HOT MESS / Workspace: Center for Speculation                                                    Rasp Your Soul
DIALOG / Englisch und Deutsch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich / Eintritt frei              TANZ / Englisch (Sprache kein Problem) / Kategorie C                                          On Ecologies of Existence
18:00–23:00 / HAU3                                                                                                                                                                            #3 On Techno-Organic Bodies and
                                                                                                20:00 / HAU1 / Premiere
                                                                                                                                                                                              Planetary Politics
NewfrontEars & Oozing Gloop                                                                     Jonas Staal & Jan Fermon                                                                      Mit Mette Ingvartsen und Patricia Reed
FEEEEEEEED                                                                                      Collectivize Facebook
INSTALLATION, PERFORMANCE / Englisch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich / Kategorie F
                                                                                                                                                                                              Moderation: Margarita Tsomou, Maximilian Haas
                                                                                                DIALOG, PERFORMANCE / Englisch mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung / Kategorie F
                                                                                                                                                                                              DIALOG / Englisch / Kategorie F
19:00 / HAU1
STO Union & Carte Blanche
P.O.R.N. (Portrait of Restless Narcissism)
Im Anschluss: Artist Talk
                                                                                                Fr 27.3.
                                                                                                11:00 / HAU3                                                                                  Installationen
THEATER / Englisch / Kategorie C

20:30 / HAU2 / Deutsche Premiere                                                                Houseclub präsentiert:                                                                        19.–22.3., 27.–29.3., jeweils ab eine Stunde
Thomas Ryckewaert                                                                               Kareth Schaffer                                                                               vor und bis eine Stunde nach Veranstaltungen
Move 37                                                                                         Emojiland!                                                                                    im HAU2
THEATER / Englisch / Kategorie C                                                                PERFORMANCE / Deutsch / Eintritt frei
                                                                                                                                                                                              James Bridle
                                                                                                18:00–01:00 / HAU2                                                                            Se ti sabir
                                                                                                dgtl fmnsm                                                                                    UK 2019, 19min
So 22.3.                                                                                        HOT MESS / Live-Online-Performance #2
                                                                                                PERFORMANCE, DIALOG / Englisch u. Deutsch / Ein- u. Auslass jederzeit möglich / Kategorie F
                                                                                                                                                                                              INSTALLATION, FILM / Eintritt frei

                                                                                                                                                                                              19.3., 21.+22.3., 28.+29.3., jeweils ab eine Stunde
16:00–20:00 / HAU3                                                                              19:00 / HAU3                                                                                  vor und bis eine Stunde nach Veranstaltungen
NewfrontEars & Oozing Gloop                                                                     Kat Válastur / HAU                                                                            im HAU2
FEEEEEEEED                                                                                      Rasp Your Soul                                                                                dgtl fmnsm
INSTALLATION, PERFORMANCE / Englisch / Ein- und Auslass jederzeit möglich / Kategorie F         TANZ / Englisch (Sprache kein Problem) / Kategorie C
                                                                                                                                                                                              HOT MESS
17:00 / HAU2                                                                                    20:30 / HAU2 / Deutsche Premiere                                                              INSTALLATION / Eintritt frei

Thomas Ryckewaert                                                                               Mette Ingvartsen
Move 37                                                                                         Moving in Concert
THEATER / Englisch / Kategorie C                                                                TANZ / Kategorie C

  Kombiticket “Spy on Me #2”: 3 Veranstaltungen für 35,00 €, ermäßigt 20,00 € (frei wählbar 19.–29.3.)

Impressum                                                                                       Tickets                                                                                       Preise
Konzept “Spy on Me #2 – Künstlerische Manöver für die digitale                                  Tageskasse im HAU2 / Montag bis Samstag ab 15 Uhr bis jeweils                                 Kategorie B: 22,00 € / (17,00 €) / (13,00 €), erm.* 10,00 €
Gegenwart”: Annemie Vanackere in Zusammenarbeit mit Sarah                                       eine Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn, an vorstellungsfreien Tagen                               Kategorie C: 17,00 € / (13,00 €), erm.* 10,00 €
Reimann / Programm: Annemie Vanackere, Tobias Schurig (Mu-                                      15 bis 19 Uhr. / Sonn- und feiertags geschlossen. / Tel. +49                                  Kategorie D: 13,00 €, erm.* 8,00 €
sik), Margarita Tsomou (Diskurs), Volkan Türeli (Houseclub) / Dra-                              (0)30.259004 -27 / Online-Buchung: www.hebbel-am-ufer.de                                      Kategorie E: 8,00 €, erm.* 5,00 €
maturgie: Sarah Reimann / Dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Maria Röß-                                                                                                                                Kategorie F: 5,00 €, erm.* 3,00 €
ler / Redaktion: Lisa Maria Ahrens, Annika Frahm, Sarah Reimann,                                Ticketing & Service                                                                           Preise in Klammern veranstaltungsabhängig.
Maria Rößler / Korrektorat: Iris Weißenböck / Gestaltung: Jürgen                                Tel 030.259 004 -102, service@hebbel-am-ufer.de / Telefo-
Fehrmann / Fotos: Jürgen Fehrmann, Dorothea Tuch / Recherche                                    nisch: Montag bis Freitag 12–18 Uhr / Bestellen Sie unseren                                   *Ermäßigte Karten gelten für Schüler*innen, Studierende, Ju-
Bildstrecke: Christian Grauvogel, Tim Nebert / Comic: Julia                                     Newsletter oder unseren Leporello unter www.hebbel-am-ufer.de.                                gendliche im Freiwilligendienst, Sozialhilfe- oder Arbeitslosen-
Schneider, Lena Kadriye Ziyal, weneedtotalk.ai, Creative Com-                                                                                                                                 geld-Empfänger*innen, Inhaber*innen eines Schwerbehinder-
mons BY-NC-SA-4.0 / Hrsg: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, 2020 / Inten-                                     Barrierefreiheit                                                                              tenausweises, Grundwehrdienstleistende, Auszubildende so-
danz & Geschäftsführung: Annemie Vanackere                                                      HAU1: barrierefrei / HAU2: barrierefrei / HAU3: nicht barrierefrei /                          wie Empfänger*innen nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz
                                                                                                Rollstuhlfahrer*innen bitten wir, sich bis einen Tag vor der Vorstel-                         und sind nur mit einem Nachweis gültig.
Adressen                                                                                        lung bei unserem Ticketing- und Service-Team anzumelden unter
HAU1 – Stresemannstraße 29, 10963 Berlin                                                        service@hebbel-am-ufer.de oder 030.259 004 -102

                                                                                                                                                                                              ➞ www.hebbel-am-ufer.de
HAU2 – Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin
HAU3 – Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin
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