9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe

Page created by Patrick Carlson
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe
9 to 28 February 2020
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe
R      ally Director, Fred Gallagher, has planned a route that
                                                 avoids the crowds and visits some of the more exclusive game
                                                 reserves. Exhilarating drives give us amazing views of snow-
                                                 capped mountains, including Kilimanjaro, and take us through

                                                 wildlife-rich plains and grasslands where we can expect to
                                                 see elephants, giraffes, cape buffalo, lions and hippos, as well
      xplore some of the world’s great game      as hundreds of different birds. Plenty of tests and regularity
      viewing areas via an exhilarating East     sections are on the menu to ensure a competitive edge, but
                                                 the pace ensures there will be plenty of time to enjoy leisurely
African expedition.
                                                 dining in style and see the abundant game in fascinating
• Almost 4000 kilometres of driving
• 15 days of driving and 5 rest days
• Regularity sections and tests

Diverse wildlife, varied landscapes and
cultural scenes via spectacular drives across
teeming game reserves and national parks.
Top notch safari lodges and luxury hotels
on an adventure for both amateur and
experienced crews. First rally outside Europe?
Hakuna Matata (Swahili for “No Problem”).

                                                                                                                    Image: shutterstock.com
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe
For full, up to date, route notes see:
                                      9 to 28 February 2020

R        oute notes:                 Day 3: Tsavo West to Amboseli       1953 was the inspiration for the      test and regularity section, then                                                Arusha at the foot of Mount Meru.
         A welcome dinner            We cross the spectacular Shetani    original East African Safari Rally.   refreshments at Nyaru. Passing
                                                                                                                                                                                                Day 19: Arusha to Taita
         on board a traditional      Lava Flow and approach the          The sign marking the Equator is a     Lake Nakuru and more pink                                  Samburu
                                                                                                                                                                                                A circuit of Mount Meru before
         Arab sailing Dhow           Kenya Pipeline Road - Africa’s      must see, before the pleasant run     flamingos and Rift Valley lake,           Lake Bogoria       K e n ya            lunch in Moshi in the foothills of
in Mombasa Creek follows             highest mountain, Kilimanjaro,      into our home for two days, the       Naivasha, is our home for the two
                                                                                                                                                                                                Mount Kilimanjaro. We re-enter
Scrutineering at our beachside       should be visible on our left. A    Mount Kenya Safari Lodge.             nights - look out for hippos.            Lake Naivasha
                                                                                                                                                                                                Kenya at the Taveta border post
hotel.                               passage control at Sopa Lodge
                                                                         Day 7: Nanyuki to Samburu             Day 11: Lake Naivasha to Masai                                                   to follow the track of the Voi –
                                     then onto the Amboseli Game                                                                                      Serengeti
Day 1: Mombasa to Watamu                                                 We drive through the Nyambeni         Mara                                                       Amboseli              Taveta railway which was hotly
                                     Reserve, renowned as one of the
A gentle introduction to Africa as                                       Hills for an early lunch at           A climb up the Mau Escarpment                                                    fought over during the First
                                     finest places in the world to see                                                                                                                 Watamu
we head north through extensive                                          Leopard Lodge in the Meru             to around 3000 metres before            Lake Manyara                             World War. Main Time Control
                                     herds of elephant. Late lunch is                                                                                                     Mombasa
sisal plantations. Our first                                             National Park. Mid-afternoon          a slow descent to Narok and                 Tan z an i a                         at Taita Hills Lodge before a
                                     followed by a game drive.
regularity test the rejoining the                                        sees us arrive at the splendid        the Loita Plains, gateway to the                                                 short drive through the Wildlife
Indian Ocean coast at Kilifi for     Day 4: Amboseli to Karen            Samburu reserve for two nights        Masai Mara. Game will become                                                     Sanctuary to Salt Lick.
lunch. Over-nighting at a luxury     Transition day heading north        in a top-notch safari lodge.          abundant as we make our way to
                                                                                                                                                   our lodge on the edge of the 600             Day 20: Taita to Mombasa
hotel on the stunning Watamu         towards Kenya’s capital Nairobi.                                          our luxury lodge on the banks of
                                                                         Day 9: Samburu to Lake Bogoria                                            metre deep Ngorongoro Crater.                Driving through sisal plantations
Beach.                               Our luxury hotel looks out over                                           the Mara River.
                                                                         We briefly join the grandly                                                                                            to the isolated rock at Rukanga
                                     the Ngong Hills made famous by                                                                                Day 17: Ngorongoro to Lake
Day 2: Watamu to Tsavo West                                              named Trans-East African              Day 13: Masai Mara to Serengeti                                                  our final regularity follows and
                                     the movie Out of Africa.                                                                                      Manyara
We follow the course of the                                              Highway then head west through        Descending the Oloololo                                                          a passage control at Mackinnon
                                                                                                                                                   A gravel section around the
Galana River inland to Tsavo East    Day 5: Karen to Nanyuki             open country past Wamba.              escarpment we cross into                                                         Road on the Nairobi to Mombasa
                                                                                                                                                   crater and great views over Lake
National Park and onto gravel,       A passage control commands          Overnight halt at Lake Bogoria        Tanzania. A regularity section,                                                  highway. To avoid the traffic
                                                                                                                                                   Magadi. Followed by a beautiful
or murram as it is known in East     a spectacular viewpoint over        with its hot springs and pink         Fort Ikomo and the Serengeti                                                     into the city we will have a final
                                                                                                                                                   drive to Lake Manyara, which
Africa. Expect to see elephants      the Great African Rift Valley.      flamingos.                            National Park end the day.                                                       passage control section. The
                                                                                                                                                   Ernest Hemingway claimed to be
and giraffes ahead of lunch at       Skirting Lake Naivasha, we                                                                                                                                 Gala Prize-Giving Dinner is in a
                                                                         Day 10: Lake Bogoria to Lake          Day 15: Serengeti to Ngorongoro     “the loveliest lake in Africa”.
Voi Safari Lodge. Passage control    leave the main road at Gilgil. A                                                                                                                           fabulous restaurant overlooking
                                                                         Naivasha                              A relaxed start through the
                                     picturesque valley takes us to                                                                                Day 18: Lake Manyara to Arusha               Mombasa Creek from where we
at Man Eaters (lions did just                                            A spectacular driving day. God’s      Serengeti, refreshments at Lake
                                     lunch at Nyahururu, known in                                                                                  More murram roads today to the               set off three weeks previously.
that to workers on the Nairobi-                                          Highway with spectacular views        Ndutu. Passage control at the
                                     colonial times as Thomson’s                                                                                   Masai town of Lolkisale. Lunch
Mombasa railway in 1898)!                                                of the Rift Valley, the Kenyan        Olduvai Museum discovery place                                                   We hope you can join us!
                                     Falls. Afternoon tea at Treetops                                                                              is taken at the Safari Camp
The overnight lodge provides                                             Fluorspar Mine with a valley road     of the world’s earliest human
                                     where Princess Elizabeth became                                                                               before a regularity section on the
excellent game viewing.                                                  that equals any Alpine pass. A        remains. Then a glorious drive to                                                Subject to change
                                     Queen in 1952. Her coronation in                                                                              Simanjiro Plains. Overnighting in
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe
Images: shutterstock.com
                            E      ntering
                                    The Southern Cross Safari
                                    is open to all abilities.
                            Husbands and wives, parents and
                            children, and just good friends
                                                                  Event description
                                                                  The Southern Cross safari will
                                                                  use smooth gravel roads to
                                                                  explore areas that few tourists
                                                                  will ever see. We go out of our
                                                                                                      visibility jackets and a towrope
                                                                                                      are all mandatory. On occasion
                                                                                                      we will park in historic areas
                                                                                                      where we insist an oil-resistant
                                                                                                      groundsheet is placed under each
                                                                                                                                         including payment, rests with the
                                                                                                                                            We always have at least one
                                                                                                                                         doctor or paramedic on our
                                                                                                                                                                                More information
                                                                                                                                                                                Our regular newsletters will
                                                                                                                                                                                keep you updated. Please see our
                                                                                                                                                                                website for information including
                                                                                                                                                                                advice on shipping cars to the
                            all compete on our events. The        way to avoid rough roads where      car.                                                                      event and preparing yourself
                                                                  possible but with the world’s          Helmets and overalls are        Insurance and other documents          and your car for a visit to Africa.
                            evening social gatherings ensure                                                                             Vehicle insurance is not included.
 Rally the Globe have a     life-long friendships are forged.     weather patterns changing           not required, nor do you                                                  Please feel free to contact us
                                                                  unseasonal rainfall can affect      need a competition licence.        Please see our website or call         during office hours at Rally the
dedicated team of sweep         We have experts to help you
                                                                  conditions.                         However, you do need a valid       Rally the Globe for suggested          Globe.
 mechanics to help you      improve your driving skills,
                                                                     On this event you will           driving licence and usually an     providers. We strongly
out when problems arise,    navigation technique and can
                                                                  encounter “Regularity” sections     International Driving Permit.      recommend you have adequate            T: +44 113 360 8961
 plus a team of doctors     recommend rally car preparation
                                                                  where you will try to arrive at                                        travel, medical and cancellation
    and paramedics.         experts to ensure your car is fully                                                                                                                 E: clair.clarke@rallytheglobe.com
                                                                                                      On event support                   insurance.
                            ready.                                secret checks at a precise time.
                                                                                                      Our expert team of sweep              Almost all nationalities require
  We go out of our way                                            The technique is easily learnt;
                            Eligible cars                                                             mechanics follow the last car on   a visa for Kenya and Tanzania
   to find memorable                                              mastery may take a few events.
                            Anything with four wheels of a                                            the rally route and are prepared   Kenya visas can be obtained
    accommodation.                                                   From time to time we run
                            type built before the end of 1976.                                        to help anyone they come across.   electronically: go to ecitizen.go.ke
                                                                  tests on private land, tracks and
                            If your car was built in the late                                         Should your car be off-route       or use a visa agent. Visas for
 You will be with a great                                         circuits. No special equipment is
                            70s, but is similar to an earlier                                         you must telephone the sweeps      Tanzania must be obtained from
  bunch of like-minded                                            required for these.
                            car, then it is almost certainly                                          as soon as possible. Should        the Embassy. Again a visa agent
people creating memories                                          What to take                        you need to be transported by
                            eligible. Please check with us                                                                               can help.
  that will last forever.                                         A fire extinguisher, full first     truck we will help as much as
                            before submitting your entry
                            form.                                 aid kit, warning triangle, high-    we can, but all responsibility,

                                                                                                                             For more information and latest news see: www.rallytheglobe.com
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe

     +44 113 360 8961

            Sponsored by:

         Rally the Globe Limited
      Airedale House, Albion Street,
           Leeds LS1 5AP UK
9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe 9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe 9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe 9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe 9 to 28 February 2020 - Rally the Globe
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