Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...

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Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
2019   Alabama–Mississippi Chapters
       Scientific Meeting

       May 31–June 2, 2019
       School of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center
       Jackson, Mississippi
       Register Online Today!
       Fostering Excellence in Internal Medicine
       This live activity has been designated for 13.5 CME credits and 13.5 MOC points.
       An additional 2 CME credits can be obtained by attending the SEP session.
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Meeting Highlights

• One SEP Module—2018 Update in Internal            • Depression and Anxiety for the Internist
   Medicine                                          • Updates in Hepatitis C and Colorectal
• Doctor’s Dilemma and Abstract Competition             Cancer Screening
• Updates in Heart Failure and Cardiac Imaging       • Ultrasound Workshop
• Ophthalmology for the Internist                    • Financial Wellness

 Dear Colleague,

 Join us and your colleagues in internal medicine at the next
 scientific meeting of the Alabama and Mississippi Chapters
 of the American College of Physicians, being held May 31 to
 June 2, 2019, at the School of Medicine, University of
 Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi.

 The meeting is a great way for you to recharge, rewind, and reflect with your peers, chapter leaders,
 and great speakers. Connect with the Alabama and Mississippi Chapters’ rich source of knowledge
 content and networking by attending our premier meeting for general internists, subspecialty
 internists, hospitalists, allied health practitioners, residents, and medical students.

 In addition to earning CME credits, this conference is about making personal contacts and getting
 involved in your chapter. You’ll engage with people who know your challenges and can help you find
 solutions. The opportunities available at this meeting will help you meet not only your needs as
 a physician but also the needs of the patients you serve.

 To ensure your place at this invaluable meeting, register now by visiting us online at or

 We look forward to seeing you in Jackson, Mississippi.


 S. Calvin Thigpen, MD, FACP                        William Curry, MD, MACP
 ACP Governor, Mississippi Chapter                  ACP Governor-Elect, Alabama Chapter
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Schedule at a Glance
Fostering Excellence in Internal Medicine
Thursday, May 30, 2019                    Saturday, June 1, 2019
3:00 p.m.                                               7:00 a.m.
Alabama Governor’s Council Meeting                      Registration and Breakfast with the Sponsors
5:00                                                    8:00
Mississippi Governor’s Council/Business Meeting         Updates in the Treatment of Strokes
                                                        Dr. Scott McPherson
Friday, May 31, 2019                                    9:00
7:00 a.m.                                               Depression and Anxiety for the Internist
Registration and Breakfast with the Sponsors            Dr. Jackie Feldman
7:50                                                    10:00
Welcome                                                 Break with Sponsors and Resident/Fellow and
Dr. Calvin Thigpen                                      Early Career Physician
8:00                                                    Poster Presentations
Heart Failure                                           Dr. Jessie Lavender
Dr. Javed Butler                                        11:00
9:00                                                    State of the Chapters
Cardiac Imaging                                         Drs. Curry and Thigpen
Dr. Michael Hall                                        11:30
9:00                                                    Fostering Excellence in Internal Medicine
STUDENTS/RESIDENTS–Financial Wellness                   Dr. Tom Cooney
Dr. Win Williams                                        12:30 p.m.
10:00                                                   Town Hall Luncheon
Break with Sponsors and Student Poster                  Drs. Cooney, Curry, Thigpen
Presentations                                           1:30
Dr. Jessie Lavender                                     Update in Hepatitis C
                                                        Dr. Richard Franco
Resident/Fellow Clinical Vignettes                      2:30
Dr. Jessie Lavender                                     Career Paths and the ACP
                                                        Dr. Dick Wardrop
AL and MS Laureate Awards Luncheon                      3:30
Drs. Thigpen and Curry–Sponsors are invited to attend   Doctor’s Dilemma–Round Two
1:00 p.m.                                               Dr. Rob Smola
Ophthalmology for the Internist                         5:00
Dr. Will Watkins                                        Adjourn
1:00                                                    Sunday, June 2, 2019
STUDENTS/RESIDENTS–Ultrasound Workshop
Dr. Jessie Harvey                                       7:30 a.m.
                                                        Breakfast with the Sponsors
Colorectal Cancer Screening Modalities and Guidelines   8:00
Dr. Clark Henegan
                                                        Ultrasound Workshop
                                                        Dr. Jessie Harvey
Doctor’s Dilemma–Round One                              10:30
                                                        SEP Module– 2018 Update in Internal Medicine
Dr. Rob Smola
                                                        Dr. Kimberly Harkins
5:00                                                    12:30 p.m.
Adjourn                                                 Adjourn
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Meeting Information
L. Wes Aldred, MD, Fellow, Division of Pulmonary and             Starr Steinhilber, MD, MPH, Associate Chair, ACP, Alabama
Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, University       Chapter, Assistant Program Director, Internal Medicine
of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi              Residency, University of Alabama School of Medicine,
Javed Butler, MD, MPH, MBA, Patrick H. Lehan Chair               Birmingham, Alabama
in Cardiovascular Research, Professor and Chairman,              Samuel Calvin Thigpen, MD, FACP, Governor, ACP, Mississippi
Department of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical        Chapter, Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency,
Center, Jackson, Mississippi                                     University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Thomas G. Cooney, MD, MACP, ACP Board of Regents,                Richard M. Wardrop, III, MD, PhD, FAAP, FACP, Associate
Vice Chair, Education, Professor of Medicine, Department         Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, University of North
of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University,                 Carolina School of Medicine, Chair-elect, American College of
Portland, Oregon                                                 Physicians Council of Early Career Physicians, Member, ACP
William A. Curry, MD, MACP, Governor Elect, ACP, Alabama         Board of Governors, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Chapter, Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine,       William Watkins, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of
Senior VP for Population Health, UAB Health System, Associate    Ophthalmology, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Dean for Primary Care and Rural Health, University of Alabama    Jackson, Mississippi
School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama                          Winter Williams, MD, FACP, Co-director, Internal
Jacqueline Maus Feldman, MD, Professor Emerita, University       Medicine Clerkship, Director, VA Chief Resident in Quality
of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama                    and Safety, University of Alabama School of Medicine,
Ricardo Franco, MD, Assistant Professor/Infectious Diseases,     Birmingham, Alabama
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
Michael E. Hall, MD, MSc, FAHA, FACC, Associate Professor of     Program Committee
Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics and Radiology Associate      L. Wes Aldred, MD, Chair
Director of Clinical Research, Mississippi Center for Heart      Rob Smola, MD, Co-chair
Research Assistant Fellowship Program Director, Division of
Cardiovascular Diseases, University of Mississippi Medical       S. Calvin Thigpen, MD, FACP
Center, Jackson, Mississippi                                     Gustavo Heudebert, MD, MACP
Kimberly Harkins, MD, FACP, Associate Program Director,          William A. Curry, MD, MACP
Internal Medicine Residency, University of Mississippi Medical   Jessica Lavender, MD
Center, Jackson, Mississippi
                                                                 Starr Steinhilber, MD, MPH
Jessie G. Harvey, MD, Assistant Professor and Associate
Program Director, Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care,
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Mississippi
Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Clark Henegan, MD, Assistant Professor, Medical Oncology,
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Gustavo Heudebert, MD, MACP, Governor, ACP, Alabama
Chapter, Interim Dean, UASDOM Montgomery, Region
Campus, Montgomery, Alabama
Jessica Lavender, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of General
Internal Medicine and Hypertension, Department of Medicine,
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Scott H. McPherson, MD, FACR, Stroke Director, St. Dominic-
Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson, Mississippi
Rob Smola, MD, Assistant Professor, General Internal
Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Meeting Information
  Resident/Fellow Members’ and                                         CME Accreditation and MOC Points
                                                                       The American College of Physicians (ACP) is accredited by
  Medical Students’ Activities                                         the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
  Clinical vignettes and posters prepared by Resident/                 (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education
  Fellow Members and Medical Students will be presented                for physicians.
  at the meeting. Winners will be eligible to enter the                The ACP designates each live activity for the number of AMA
  national competition held during Internal Medicine                   PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM listed below. Physicians should
  2020. Participants from the Alabama Chapter should                   claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their
  contact Starr Steinhilber at for                participation in the activity.
  information about entering the Resident/Fellow
                                                                       The Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting for
  Members’ and Medical Students’ competition.
                                                                       a maximum of 13.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM.
  Participants from the Mississippi Chapter should contact
  Jessie Lavender at The deadline for               The SEP modules post-course, for a maximum of 2 AMA PRA
  submissions is March 8, 2019                                         Category 1 Credit(s)TM.
                                                                       Successful completion of this CME activity (the Alabama-
  There will also be a financial wellness session and
                                                                       Mississippi Chapter Scientific Meeting), which includes
  Ultrasound Workshop that will be specifically targeted
                                                                       participation in the evaluation component, enables the
  for Resident/Fellow and Medical Student Members.
                                                                       participant to earn up to 13.5 medical knowledge MOC
                                                                       points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM)
  Early Career Physicians’ Activities                                  Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME
  There will be an abstract competition for Early Career               activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant
  Physicians and one session led by the Chair of the Council           completion information to ACCME for the purpose of
  of Early Career Physicians about the role of Early Career            granting ABIM MOC credit.
  Physicians in the ACP.

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
• Apply updated knowledge of general internal medicine,
   heart failure, hepatitis C virus, depression, anxiety,
   ophthalmologic pathology, colon cancer screening,
   cardiac imaging, and point-of-care ultrasound techniques
   to clinical practice.
• ncrease confidence in performing point-of-care ultrasound.
• Better manage finances.
• Acknowledge the role of early career physicians in the ACP.

Who should attend?
• General internists
• Subspecialty internists
• Family practitioners
• Fellows in subspecialty training
• Hospitalists
• Allied health practitioners
• Residents
• Medical students interested in internal medicine
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Maintenance of Certification
ABIM SEP Module Session for Maintenance of Certification
June 2, 2019                                                  Who Should Attend the
10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.                                         SEP Post-Course?
2018 Update in Internal Medicine                              • Internists participating in the ABIM Maintenance of
Speaker: Kimberly Harkins, MD, FACP                              Certification program
                                                              • General internists
SEP Faculty                                                   • Family practitioners
Kimberly Harkins, MD, FACP
                                                              • Subspecialty physicians

SEP Learning Objectives                                       SEP Note
• Participate in group discussion to determine answers to
                                                              The Mississippi Chapter will provide you with a learner’s copy
   multiple-choice questions.
                                                              of the ABIM module(s) at the meeting. If you are enrolled in
• Apply updated knowledge of internal medicine to            the ABIM’s Maintenance of Certification program, you also
   clinical practice.                                         must order the module* directly from the ABIM by visiting
• Understand recent advances in internal medicine.   After the Learning Session, submit your
                                                              answers online to the ABIM for Maintenance of Certification
• Complete an ABIM SEP Module toward partial fulfillment
                                                              credit. For more information about the ABIM’s Maintenance
   of the ABIM’s Maintenance of Certification.
                                                              of Certification program, visit or call ABIM
                                                              at 800-441-ABIM (2246).
SEP CME Accreditation                                         This module is eligible for 10 MOC points through ABIM.
The American College of Physicians is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
(ACCME) to provide continuing medical education
for physicians.
The American College of Physicians designates this live
activity for a maximum of 2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM.
Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate
with the extent of their participation in the activity.

                                                              *If you are already enrolled in the ABIM Maintenance of
                                                              Certification program, there is no additional fee for this
                                                              official version of the module. If you are not enrolled, you
                                                              may attend the Learning Session; however, you must enroll
                                                              before receiving Maintenance of Certification points for the
                                                              knowledge module. To enroll, visit
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Additional Information
Hotel Accommodations
We have reserved a block of rooms at Residence Inn Marriott
at the following rates until May 8, 2019. When making your
reservation, be sure to mention that you will be attending
the ACP Alabama and Mississippi Chapter meeting. The rooms
are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so make
your reservation as early as possible by calling the hotel
directly at 601-362-8003.
Residence Inn Jackson, The District at Eastover for $114.00
USD–174.00 per night. 1248 Eastover Drive, Jackson, MS 39211
Book your group rate for Al-MS ACP-2019 American College
of Physicians
Rates Effective:
Start date: May 29, 2019
End date: June 2, 2019
Last day to book: May 8, 2019
Hilton Jackson
1001 East County Line Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Reserve a Room Here!

Registration Information                                         Satisfaction Guarantee
Late Registration & Onsite Fees                                  The College offers a satisfaction guarantee for all of its
All registrations must be received by May 15, 2019, or a late    courses. If meeting attendees are not satisfied with their
registration fee of $50.00 will be added. This includes onsite   experience at a chapter meeting, they may write and
registrations. Save money by registering now!                    request a refund of their registration fee.
Notice of cancellation must be made in writing (fax, mail, or
e-mail). Cancellations will not be accepted by telephone. A
processing fee of $50.00 will be deducted from the member’s
refund. Individuals who fail to attend the course (no-shows)
will not be entitled to any refund.

Contact Us
v BY INTERNET                        U BY MAIL                            T BY FAX                  S BY PHONE
(Credit Card only)                   Make check or money order            (Credit Cards only)       Call 800-ACP-1915, or
Visit us on the Web                  payable to ACP.                      215-351-2799              215-351-2600           AC002		                                                        (M–F, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. ET)
                                     American College of Physicians
                                     190 N. Independence Mall West
                                     Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572
Alabama-Mississippi Chapters Scientific Meeting - American College ...
Alabama and Mississippi Chapters Registration Form CMB
Jackson, Mississippi ● May 31–June 2, 2019                                                                                               RM1978

ACP # (found on mailing label)

Name				                                                                                                     □ MD □ DO □ OTHER


City			                                                                                State                                      ZIP

Daytime Phone                                 Fax               		                     E-mail
□ Please check here to indicate a permanent change                  □ Check here if you are disabled and/or require assistance.
   to your preferred address for all College mailings.
□ Please exclude me from receiving mailings from
   the meeting exhibitors.

Registration Fees - Register Online!
Check one category that best applies. Registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, all scientific sessions and materials,
and CME documentation.
   Categories                                                        Register by May 15, 2019                    After May 15, 2019
   □ ACP Member                                                                 $300                                          $350
   □ ACP Resident/Fellow Member                                                No Fee                                       No Fee
   □ ACP Medical Student Member                                                No Fee                                       No Fee
   □ Nonmember Physician                                                        $350                                          $400
   □ Nonmember Resident                                                        No Fee                                       No Fee
   □ Nonmember Medical Student**                                               No Fee                                       No Fee
   □ Nonmember Allied Health Professional                                       $100                                          $150
   □ Other (guest/spouse)–if applicable                                          $50                                          $100
**Nonmember Students: This meeting registration is free for ACP Medical Student Members. Join Now!
Please note: Members whose dues were not paid for the current fiscal year will receive the nonmember registration rate.
To help us go “green”, we are making our presentations available online only on the Chapter Web site.

Please indicate your attendance at the following:
□ SEP1—SEP Module–Update in Internal                                Payment Options
    Medicine 2018—Sunday June 2, 2019,                               □ Check enclosed.
    10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $0                                           (Payable to ACP. Must remit in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.)

Will you serve as a judge for the abstract competition?              □ Charge to:
□ Yes       □ No
                                                                     Card # ______________________________________________
Please select one of the below if you have a food
restriction:                                                         Exp. Date ______/______         Security Code _______________
                                                                                    MM/YY            (3- or 4-digit number found on front or back of card)
□ Vegetarian         □ Vegan        □ Gluten free
                                                                     Signature: __________________________________________
Grand Total $ _______________

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