Page created by Marie Bishop
Welcome to Alexander Lumber!
Elections you make will be effective through December 31, 2021.

Alexander Lumber offers you and your eligible family members a comprehensive and valuable
benefits program. We encourage you to take the time to educate yourself about your
benefits and understand the coverage and resources available for you and your family.

We are pleased to make the following benefits available
 Enrollment and Eligibility................................................................................................                       3
 Medical (BlueCross BlueShield IL) ...................................................................................                            4
 Provider Search (Hospitals, Facilities, Physicians) .......................................................... 5 ‐ 6
 Value‐Added Services (Blue Cross BlueShield IL) ............................................................                                     7
 Convenient Care Plus ..................................................................................................... 8 ‐ 9
 Dental (Blue Cross Blue Shield IL) ................................................................................... 10 ‐ 11 
     Vision (BlueCross BlueShield IL) .....................................................................................                      12
 Basic Life/AD&D (BlueCross BlueShield IL) ......................................................................                                13
 Voluntary Life/AD&D (BlueCross BlueShield IL) ..............................................................                                    13
 Short‐Term Disability (BlueCross BlueShield IL) ..............................................................                                  13
 Long‐Term Disability (BlueCross Blue Shield IL) ..............................................................                                  13
 Health Savings Account (Benefit Wallet) ........................................................................                                14
 Pet Insurance (Nationwide) ............................................................................................ 15 - 16
 Benefit Resources and Contacts ..................................................................................                               17

                              For general benefits questions, please contact:
                              Human Resources – (630) 844‐5123 –

    The information in this Benefit Guide is presented for illustrative purposes and is based on information provided by the employer. The text
    contained in this Benefit Guide was taken from various summary plan descriptions and insurance carrier documents. In case of discrepancy
    between the Benefit Guide and the actual plan documents, the actual plan documents will prevail. The benefit descriptions contained in this
    document are subject to change and the company reserves the right to change or terminate benefits at any time. If you have any questions
    about the information contained within this Benefit Guide, please contact Human Resources.
Who is Eligible?
If you are a full‐time employee working a minimum of 26 hours per week, you
are eligible to enroll in the benefits described in this guide. Dependent
children up to age 26 are eligible for medical coverage. Benefits begin the 1st
of the month following 30 days of continuous employment.

How to Enroll
Make your 2021 benefit elections using the Alexander Lumber and
carrier enrollment forms. Verify your personal information and make
any changes if necessary. Your Open Enrollment elections will be
maintained until the next enrollment period unless you have a qualifying
life event allowing a special enrollment.

Enrollment Effective Date
Elections you make will be effective January 1, 2021 through
December 31, 2021.

How to Make Changes
Unless you have a qualifying life event, you cannot make changes to your
elected benefits until the next open enrollment period. Qualified changes
in status include marriage, divorce, legal separation, birth, adoption,
change in child’s dependent status, death of a spouse, child or any
qualified dependent, commencement or termination of adoption
proceedings, change in employment status or change in coverage under
another employer‐sponsored plan.

Medical Benefits
                          Blue Advantage HMO                                                                    High Deductible Health Plan
                                 MIBAH2020                           Traditional PPO                                     PPO‐HSA
                            (Illinois EEs ONLY)                        MIBPP2070                                       MIEEE2060
Benefit Description         In‐Network ONLY                   In‐Network          Out‐of‐Network              In‐Network         Out‐of‐Network
 Individual                         $0                          $1,500                   $3,000                 $2,800                 $5,600
 Family                             $0                          $4,500                   $9,000                 $5,600                 $11,200
Coinsurance                        N/A                           20%                      40%                      20%                   40%
Out‐of‐Pocket Max
 Individual                        $1,500                     $3,500                 $10,500              $5,600                $16,800
 Family                            $3,000                     $10,500                $31,500             $11,200                $33,600
                             Deductible, Coinsurance and Copays accumulate toward the Out‐of‐Pocket Maximum
Preventive Services            Covered 100%               Covered 100%                 40%            Covered 100%                40%
                                                                                 After Deductible                           After Deductible
Telemedicine /                   $20 copay                   $30 copay                  Not                 20%                   40%
Virtual Phys Visit                                                                   Covered        After Deductible        After Deductible
Physician Office                 $20 copay                   $30 copay                 40%                  20%                   40%
Visit                                                                            After Deductible   After Deductible        After Deductible
Specialist Office                $40 copay                   $50 copay                 40%                  20%                   40%
Visit                                                                            After Deductible   After Deductible        After Deductible
Diagnostic Tests                 No Charge              Primary $30 copay              40%                  20%                   40%
(X‐ray, Lab)                                           Specialist $50 copay      After Deductible    After Deductible       After Deductible
Imaging                          No Charge                      20%                    40%                  20%                   40%
(CT/PET/MRI scans)                                       After Deductible        After Deductible   After Deductible        After Deductible
Urgent Care                  Primary $20 copay                  20%                    40%                  20%                   40%
                            Specialist $40 copay         After Deductible        After Deductible    After Deductible       After Deductible
Emergency Room                   $250 copay                            $150 copay                              20% After Deductible
Inpatient Hospital               No Charge                      20%                $300 copay               20%                   40%
                                                         After Deductible            plus 40%        After Deductible       After Deductible
Outpatient Hospital              No Charge                      20%                    40%                  20%                   40%
                                                         After Deductible        After Deductible   After Deductible        After Deductible
Prescription Drugs                                                                                                            Coinsurance
Retail Pref Pharm.        $0/$10/$50/$100/$150/$250  $0/$10/$50/$100/$150/$250                    10%/10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
                                                                                      Copay                                       Plus
Retail Non‐Pref Pharm.                              $10/$20/$70/$120/$150/$250                        20%/20%/30%/40%
                         $0/$20/$100/$200/$150/$250       $0/$20/$100/$200           Plus 50%          After Deductible     Additional 50%
Mail Order

HMO RX Tiers:
Retail:                   Preferred Generic/Non‐Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand/Non‐Preferred Brand/Preferred Specialty/Non‐Preferred Specialty
Mail Order:               Preferred Generic/Non‐Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand/Non‐Preferred Brand
PPO & HSA RX Tiers:
Preferred Pharmacy:       Preferred Generic/Non‐Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand/Non‐Preferred Brand/Preferred Specialty/Non‐Preferred Specialty
Non‐Preferred Pharmacy:   Preferred Generic/Non‐Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand/Non‐Preferred Brand/Preferred Specialty/Non‐Preferred Specialty
Mail Order:               Preferred Generic/Non‐Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand/Non‐Preferred Brand

MEDICAL Employee Premium Cost Per Paycheck (Bi‐Weekly / 26 pay periods)
                                                Employee Only            Employee + Spouse         Employee + Child(ren)              Family

Employee Rates (HMO)                                 $16.13                    $94.77                    $63.17                      $111.09
Employee Rates (PPO)                                 $28.47                   $140.46                    $111.47                     $196.05

Employee Rates (HDHP‐HSA)                            $20.88                   $122.65                     $81.74                     $143.77

Provider Finder                                ®

How to Find Providers as a Guest
To get the most accurate results based on your plan, use the Member Login.

Where to Start                                     A
A. Go to
B. Select Find a Doctor or Hospital

C. Select Search as Guest to find providers
    when shopping for a health plan


Enter the Location Where You
Want to Search for a Provider
D. Enter any of the following under
    Optimize Your Browse Experience:
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code


Complete at Least One of the Following
E. Select Category
F. Enter Provider’s Name or Specialty

If You Know Your Plan/Network,
Then Narrow Search to Show
Only In-Network Providers                                                                                                   G
G. Select plan/network (skip to Step L)                                                    E                                                                         F

If You Do Not Know Your Plan/Network
Narrow Search
H. Select Find your plan/network by
    answering a few short questions                                                                                                     H
Answer the Following Questions
I. How do you get your insurance?                                                                                                             I
J. What state do you live in?
Select a Plan
K. Select a plan/network


More Focused Results
Searching all plans/networks will sort by distance.
Select a particular plan/network to sort by best match.
L. Select Accepting New Patients or adjust distance
    from selected location
                                                                                                      View Selected Provider/Facility
M. Select the provider you wish to view                                                              and Networks Accepted



Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
241396.0920                                                                                                                                                                                    6
Plan Administrator – BlueCross BlueShield IL
BlueCross BlueShield is our NEW Benefit Plan Administrator effective January 1, 2021. Employees will receive a medical
ID card with the BCBSIL logo, contact information, and all relevant information pertaining to medical and pharmacy
benefits. If enrolling in the Dental plan or Vision plan, separate ID cards will be issued. BCBSIL has a nationwide
presence and is ready to assist you with your healthcare needs.

BCBSIL has a team of advocates and customer care associates that can help with provider issues, navigation,
authorizations and referrals, billing and claims disputes, explaining benefits, coordinating medical care, and more.

BCBSIL Members – Available Additional Services
   Blue Access for Members (BAM)
   Blue365 Member Discount Program
   24/7 Nurse line
   Maternity Program (Special Beginnings)
   Fitness, Tobacco Cessation and Weight Management Programs
   Well on Target (tools/resources)
   MD Live (Telemedicine/Virtual Physician Visits)
   Employee Assistance Program (Disability Resources)
   Travel Assist
   Beneficiary Assist

Concierge Resources for Employees
Convenient Care Plus – LEVEL2
Voluntary Program that you purchase
The benefits of Convenient Care Plus:

        Telehealth: Speak with board‐certified physicians available over the phone 24/7 to consult on common illnesses
         and basic prescriptions. There is no cost for this service which includes generic prescriptions if written.
        Walk‐In Clinics: Visit convenient and approved clinics for basic illnesses and injuries. The charge is $30 for the
         visit, which includes generic prescriptions if written.
        Health Advocate: A health advocate is a concierge service ready to assist you with your healthcare, including
         finding a provider, resolving a claim, explaining a bill, and more.
        Through CCP, many Generic drugs are available at no cost to you. Refer to the generic drug list or contact CCP.
        Internet Identity Guard: This service provides employees identity monitoring, secure email, and digital vault.

     How it works:
     When in need, visit a walk‐in clinic near you or call the CCP number below to speak with a clinic, a physician, or a
     health advocate over the phone. Call the main number 855‐900‐8701 to be prompted to speak with a clinic, a
     telehealth physician, or a healthcare advocate. Or members can email CCP at

   Download the mobile app for access to clinic care, telemedicine, Health Advocacy and much more.

Truly affordable healthcare
                                                                 without the insurance hassles.
                                                  Plans and fees

          It’s as easy as                          1 2 3 4 5!                            Plans starting as low
                                                                                          as 33¢ per day!

                                     Speak to a doctor 24/7 and                     On-Site Visits
                                     pick up your prescription
                                                                                    Convenient, nation-
                                     at your favorite pharmacy
                                                                                    wide, approved clinics
                                     within minutes.
                                                                                    ready to serve you ...
                                                                                    most with extended
                                                                                    and weekend hours!
                                                                                    *See max. visit cap below

             RxCCP               Register Here
             All On a Mobile App - Search RXCCP
             for app or on the web at
             Up to 80% discount at 62,000
             Comprehensive Search of in-stock
             drugs, products and conditions
             Social Sharing - which extends reach
             Education – on conditions, drugs, side
                                                                                         Patient Advocacy
             effects, etc.                                                               Personal Health Advocates help
             User Profile Area – for information, refill
             alerts, point redemption, etc.
                                                                                         you navigate healthcare and
             * Member pays for all prescription
                                                                                         insurance related issues 24/7.
                                                           Generic RX
               costs thru this program                                                   • Find Specialists
                                                                                         • Work on Claim Denials

                                                                                         • Clarify Insurance Coverage
                                                                                         • Negotiate Medical Bills

                                                           - Coverage for generic
   More than 70% of all ER, Urgent                         - 65,000 pharmacies
   Care and doctor office visits can be                    - See formulary for
   safely and effectively handled over                       more details
   the phone.

Convenient Care Plus is not insurance.                                                         Connect with us!                           17445 Arbor Street, Suite 300 • Omaha, NE 68130 • 855-900-8701
Services included in each level                            Level 1            Level 2              Level 3
                                  Unlimited 24/7Services   included in each level
                                                   Telemedicine                                            Level
                                                                                                              X 1 * Included in
                                                                                                                                 X 2               Level
                                                                                                                                                      X 3
           Scope of Service       Unlimited ClinicInternet Identity Guard
                                             24/7 Telemedicine                                                X     1 & 2 only X
                                  6eneric 8x Clinic
                                  Unlimited  Prescrip
Dental Benefits with BCBSIL

                                                        In‐Network                       Out‐of‐Network
                                                    BlueCare Dental PPO
            Benefit Description                     Maximum Allowance            90th Percentile Usual & Customary
                                                    Contracting Provider              Non‐Contracting Provider
Individual Deductible (Calendar Year)                        $50                                 $50
Family Deductible (Calendar Year)                           $100                                $100
Benefit Period Maximum (Calendar Year)                     $2,000                              $2,000
Diagnostic Services                                         100%                                100%
(Deductible does not apply)                             (you pay $0)
Periodic oral evaluations
Problem focused oral evaluations
Comprehensive oral evaluation
Preventive Services                                        100%                               100%
(Deductible does not apply)                             (you pay $0)
Prophylaxis (cleanings)
Topical fluoride applications
Diagnostic Radiographs                                     100%                               100%
(Deductible does not apply)                             (you pay $0)
Full‐mouth and panoramic films
Bitewing films
Periapical films
Miscellaneous Preventive Services                          100%                               100%
(Deductible does not apply)                             (you pay $0)
Space Maintainers
Basic Restorative Services                           80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Amalgams (fillings)                             (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Resin‐based composite restorations
Non‐Surgical Extractions                             80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Removal of retained coronal remnants            (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Removal of erupted tooth or exposed root
Non‐Surgical Periodontic Services                    80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Removal of retained coronal remnants            (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Removal of erupted tooth or exposed root
Adjunctive Services                                  80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Palliative treatment (emergency)                (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Deep sedation / general anesthesia
Endodontic Services                                  80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Therapeutic pulpotomy and pulpal                (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Root canal therapy
Oral Surgery Services                                80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
Surgical tooth extractions                      (you pay 20% after Deductible)    (you pay 20% after Deductible)
Alveoloplasty and vestibuloplasty
Excision of benign odontogenic tumor/cyst
Excision of bone tissue
Incision and drainage of an intraoral abscess

In‐Network                             Out‐of‐Network
         PPO Dental Plan Features                         BlueCare Dental PPO                    Non‐Contracting Provider
                                                          Contracting Provider              90th Percentile Usual & Customary
Surgical Periodontal services                             80% after Deductible                     80% after Deductible
Gingivectomy or gingivoplasty and gingival           (you pay 20% after Deductible)           (you pay 20% after Deductible)
flap procedures
Clinical crown lengthening
Osseous surgery
Osseous grafts
Soft tissue grafts/allografts
Distal or proximal wedge procedure
Major Restorative Services                                60% after Deductible                     60% after Deductible
Single crown restorations                            (you pay 40% after Deductible)           (you pay 40% after Deductible)
Inlay/onlay restorations
Labial veneer restorations
Crowns placed over implants
Prosthodontic Services                                    60% after Deductible                     60% after Deductible
Complete and removable partial dentures              (you pay 40% after Deductible)           (you pay 40% after Deductible)
Denture reline/rebase procedures
Fixed bridgework
Prosthetics placed over implants
Implants (excluded)
Misc. Restorative & Prosthodontic Services                60% after Deductible                     60% after Deductible
Prefabricated crowns                                 (you pay 40% after Deductible)           (you pay 40% after Deductible)
Post and core, pin retention and
crown/bridge repairs
Orthodontia Coverage                                         Not Covered                               Not Covered

DENTAL Employee Premium Cost Per Paycheck (Bi‐Weekly / 26 pay periods)
                                             Employee Only       Employee + Spouse    Employee + Child(ren)          Family

Employee Rates                                  $16.67                  $35.10             $32.88                    $59.38

Vision Benefits with BCBSIL

Vision Plan Features (Plan MS 300 V)                        In‐Network                            Out‐of‐Network
Network Name                                         EyeMed Select PPO                                  N/A
Annual Exams                                                $10 copay                        Up to $30 reimbursement
Standard Plastic Lenses
 Single Vision                                              $25 copay                        Up to $25 reimbursement
 Bifocal                                                    $25 copay                        Up to $40 reimbursement
 Trifocal                                                   $25 copay                        Up to $55 reimbursement
 Lenticular                                                 $25 copay                        Up to $55 reimbursement
Contact Lenses
Conventional                                       $0 copay with $130 allowance              Up to $104 reimbursement
                                                   Plus 15% off balance over $130
Disposable                                         $0 copay with $130 allowance              Up to $104 reimbursement
                                                       Plus, balance over $130
Medically Necessary                                     $0 copay, paid in full               Up to $210 reimbursement

Frames                                         $0 copay with $130 allowance plus 20%         Up to $65 reimbursement
                                                       off balance after $130
Exams                                                                           12 months
Lenses                                                                          12 months
Frames                                                                          24 months

 VISION Employee Premium Cost – Per Paycheck (Bi‐Weekly / 26 pay periods)
                                 Employee Only          Employee + Spouse           Employee + Child(ren)      Family

 Voluntary Vision                      $3.51                  $6.67                       $7.02                    $10.32

Life Insurance with BCBSIL
Life and AD&D Plan Features                                      Basic Life                              Voluntary Life

Company Paid or Employee Paid                                  Company Paid                               Employee Paid
                                                                                              $10,000 increments up to the lesser of
Employee Benefit Amount
                                                            $50,000 (NEW 2021)                        5x salary or $500,000

Matching Accidental Death &
                                                                      Yes                              Yes, Employee only
Employee Guarantee Issue Amount                                       N/A                                   $200,000

Spouse Benefit Amount                                                 N/A                                   $25,000

Spouse Guarantee Issue Amount                                         N/A                                    $25,000

Child(ren) Benefit Amount                                             N/A                                    $5,000

Child(ren) Guarantee Issue Amount                                     N/A                                    $5,000

Employee and Spouse Voluntary Life and AD&D Rates per $1,000 ‐ (Monthly ‐ Post Tax)

Age                            0‐29     30‐34      35‐39      40‐44         45‐49    50‐54    55‐59      60‐64     65‐69       70+

Employee Vol. Life
                             $0.098     $0.108     $0.128    $0.178         $0.258   $0.468   $0.728     $0.858    $1.478     $3.458
and AD&D Rates
Spouse Vol. Life               $.060    $.070      $.090      $.140         $.220    $.430    $.690      $.820     $1.440     $3.420

Child Vol. Life Rate         $0.20 per $1,000 of benefit

Short‐Term and Long‐Term Disability Benefits with BCBSIL

Disability Plan Features                             Short Term Disability                             Long Term Disability
Company Paid or Employee Paid                     Company Paid (NEW 2021)                                 Company Paid
Benefits Begin (Elimination Period)              1st Day Injury / 8th Day Illness                            91st Day
Income Replacement Percentage                60% pre‐disability weekly earnings               60% of pre‐disability monthly earnings

Maximum                                                 $2,000 per week                                 $6,000 per month

Pre‐Existing Condition Exclusion                               N/A                                            3 / 12
Eligibility                                     All Eligible Full‐Time Employees                All Eligible Full‐Time Employees

Benefit Duration                                            13 weeks                          Social Security Normal Retirement Age

Own Occupation Definition                                                                                  24 months

Health Savings Accounts (HSA) – Benefit Wallet
What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is available to all employees enrolled in Alexander Lumber’s HDHP PPO Plan. An HSA is
an employee‐owned savings account that allows employees to pay for certain IRS‐approved (qualified) healthcare
expenses with pre‐tax dollars. Qualified healthcare expenses include:

           Medical services and prescription drugs
           Dental services and orthodontia
           Vision services, including contact lenses, eye examinations and eyeglasses

Who is eligible to open an HSA?
To be eligible to open an HSA, you must be enrolled in a qualified High Deductible Health Plan, but cannot be:
     Covered by any medical plan other than a qualified High Deductible Health Plan
     Enrolled in Medicare
     Claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return

Who can contribute to my HSA?
Both the employer and the employee may contribute to the HSA. For the calendar year 2021, Alexander Lumber
will make an annual HSA contribution of $750 for employees enrolled in the “employee only” tier and $1,000 for
employees enrolled in “employee + child(ren),” employee + spouse,” and “family” tiers.

Contribution Limits & Advantages of an HSA
2021 IRS approved pre‐tax contribution amounts into an HSA are listed below:
    Employee Only ‐ $3,600
    Employee + 1 or more ‐ $7,200
    Catch up contribution for employees age 55 and older ‐ $1,000

Advantages to having an HSA include
             Portability – The account is yours and stays with you regardless if you change coverage, jobs, or retire
             Funds Roll Over – There are no “use it or lose it” rules – funds remain in the account to use in the future
             Reduces taxable income

My Pet Protection®
from Nationwide®
Now with options to meet every budget.

Our popular My Pet Protection pet insurance plans now feature
more choices and more flexibility

 Get cash back on eligible vet bills                                         Use any vet, anywhere
   Choose from three levels of reimbursement:                                    No networks, no pre-approvals
   90%, 70% or 50%*

 Available exclusively for employees                                         Optional wellness coverage available
   These plans aren’t available to the general public                            Includes spay/neuter, dental cleaning,
                                                                                 exams, vaccinations and more
 Same price for pets of all ages
   Your rate won’t go up because your pet had a birthday

Choose the reimbursement level that fits your needs
   Problems such as upset stomach are among the most common reasons dogs and cats go to the vet.
    The average cost for this kind of visit is $424. Here’s how My Pet Protection would cover the bill.*

          90%                                                    70%                                                   50%
     reimbursement                                         reimbursement                                          reimbursement

          $381                                                   $296                                                  $212
      reimbursement                                          reimbursement                                          reimbursement

      You pay: $43                                          You pay: $128                                          You pay: $212
  Nationwide pays: $381                                 Nationwide pays: $296                                  Nationwide pays: $212

                             Examples reflect reimbursement after $250 annual deductible has been fulfilled.

Get more—enjoy these extras when you protect your pet with a Nationwide pet insurance policy


 Unlimited, 24/7 access to    Multiple-pet        Mobile claims              Fast, convenient       Access to our award-   Discounts on hand-
 a veterinary professional    discounts           submission with the        electronic claim       winning magazine,      picked pet products
 ($150 value).                available.†         free VitusVet app.         payments.              The Companion.         and services.

Get a fast, no-obligation quote today at     
Choose the level of coverage
                                                              that fits your needs
                                                              Get 90%, 70% or 50% reimbursement
                                                              on these vet bills and more.*

     Accidents, including poisonings and allergic reactions                                                                                                                
     Injuries, including cuts, sprains and broken bones                                                                                                                    
     Common illnesses, including ear infections, vomiting and diarrhea                                                                                                     
     Serious/chronic illnesses, including cancer and diabetes                                                                                                              
     Hereditary and congenital conditions                                                                                                                                  
     Surgeries and hospitalization                                                                                                                                         
     X-rays, MRIs and CT scans                                                                                                                                             
     Prescription medications and therapeutic diets                                                                                                                        
     Wellness exams                                                                                                                          
     Vaccinations                                                                                                                            
     Spay/neuter                                                                                                                             
     Flea and tick prevention                                                                                                                
     Heartworm testing and prevention                                                                                                        
     Routine blood tests                                                                                                                     
Both plans feature a $250 annual deductible and have a maximum annual benefit of $7,500.
Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Any illness or injury a pet had prior to start of policy will be
considered pre-existing.*

 How to use your pet insurance plan

1               Visit any vet, anywhere.                                2                       Submit claim.                        3                        Get reimbursed.

Get a fast, no-obligation quote today at
To enroll your bird, rabbit, reptile or other exotic pet, call 877-738-7874.

*Some exclusions may apply. Certain coverages may be subject to pre-existing exclusion. See policy documents for a complete list of exclusions. Reimbursement options
 may not be available in all states. †Pet owners receive a 5% multiple-pet discount by insuring two to three pets or a 10% discount on each policy for four or more pets.

Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information
contained in individual insurance contracts, policies or declaration pages, which are controlling. Such terms and availability may vary by state and exclusions may
apply. Underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (CA), Columbus, OH, an AM Best A+ rated company (2018); National Casualty Company (all other states),
Columbus, OH, an AM Best A+ rated company (2018). Agency of Record: DVM Insurance Agency. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide is on your
side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2019 Nationwide. 19GRP5915
                                                                                                                                                          19GRMPP907050         16
Your benefits are a significant part of your compensation package at Alexander Lumber. They provide you and your
family with resources to protect your health and your income and offer additional assistance when needed.
Understanding your benefits is key to your optimum utilization.

Please take time to review and familiarize yourself with your benefit plans. Contact information for all benefit resources
and service providers are illustrated below. Additional detailed information is also available in Human Resources.

Important Contacts
   Carrier/Vendor             Service Description           Phone Number             website or email
Alexander Lumber         Human Resources                  (630) 844‐5123

BCBSIL PPO Plans         Member Services                  (800) 541‐2768
                         Member Services
BCBSIL HMO Plan                                           (800) 541‐2768
                         Walk‐In Clinics, Telemedicine,
Convenient Care Plus                                      (855) 900‐8701
                         Health Advocate Concierge
BCBSIL Life/Vol Life     Life/AD&D Claims                 (800) 367‐6401 x 4

BCBSIL Disability        STD/LTD Disability Claims        (800) 367‐6401 x 2

BCBSIL EAP               Employee Assistance Program      (866) 899‐1363

BCBSIL Dental            Member Services                  (800) 367‐6401 x 1

BCBSIL Vision            Vision Benefits                  (888) 581‐3648 x 3

Benefit Wallet           Health Savings Accounts (HSA)    (877) 472‐4200

Beneficiary Assist       Beneficiary Assistance and       (800) 769‐9187

BCBSIL Travel Assist     Travel Assist                    (877) 715‐2593 US
                                                          (202) 659‐7807 Other
Nationwide               Pet Insurance                    (877) 738‐7874        

Broker/Consultant        AssuredPartners Illinois
Bonnie Cochrane          Sr. Account Advisor              (630) 433‐3016
Dan Scott                Account Manager                  (630) 433‐3006
Ismael Ortiz             Account Advisor ‐ Bilingual      (630) 433‐3013

NOTE: This Benefit Guide is merely intended to provide a brief overview of the Company’s employee benefit programs. Employees should review the
Company’s employee handbook and actual plan documents for the precise terms of such programs. In the event of any inconsistency between this
Benefit Guide and such governing documents, the governing documents will control. The Company reserves the sole and absolute discretion and right
to interpret, apply, amend, discontinue or terminate, without prior notice, any and all of the benefit programs referenced herein.
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