2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS

Page created by Javier Phillips
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Northern Territory
 Electric Vehicle Strategy and
 Implementation Plan
  2021 - 2026

2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Executive Summary                                       01
Strategy Scope                                          02
What are the benefits of electric vehicles?             03
Developing an Electric Vehicle Strategy for the
Northern Territory                                      04
What is the potential for electric vehicle
uptake in the Northern Territory?                       06
Priority Areas                                          08
Electric Vehicle Implementation Plan                    12
References                                              18

2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Executive Summary

Globally, transport systems are           With the introduction of               present unique challenges for
rapidly transforming and electric         lower cost EVs into Australia          the introduction of EVs.
vehicles (EVs) are a major part of this   there will be increased use of
                                                                                 Supporting the uptake of EVs will
transformation. Although the uptake       EVs and greater demand for
                                                                                 generate jobs and economic benefits
of EVs has been slower in Australia       supporting infrastructure.
                                                                                 for the Northern Territory. EVs will
than in many other countries, it is
                                          EVs provide a number of benefits       bring new skills and new business
expected that the number of EVs
                                          compared to conventional vehicles      opportunities and open up potential
in Australia will accelerate rapidly
                                          including lower greenhouse gas         for EV research and innovation.
in the next five to ten years.
                                          emissions and reduced operational      Increasing the number of EVs will
There was a 200 per cent jump in          costs. The Northern Territory          support local power generation,
Australian EV sales in 2019. A total      Government has explored options        the local solar industry and there
of 6 718 EVs were sold in Australia       to support the uptake of EVs           will be increased demand for the
in 2019, up from 2 216 in 2018.           in the Northern Territory.             installation of EV charging facilities.
In the same period, combustion                                                   Government support is needed to
                                          Most Australian States and
engine vehicle sales dropped                                                     ensure that the Northern Territory
                                          Territories are implementing
by 7.8 per cent. In the Northern                                                 is not left behind as Australia
                                          policies and programs to encourage
Territory, there were 12 electric                                                transitions to electric mobility.
                                          the uptake of EVs. In addition, at
cars in March 2019 and 38 in
                                          the national level, jurisdictions      This Electric Vehicle Strategy
December 2020. However, EVs still
                                          are collaborating through a            and Implementation Plan has
only represent 0.6 per cent of all
                                          Low and Zero Emission Vehicles         been developed to support the
vehicle sales in Australia compared
                                          working group to manage the            increased uptake of EVs in the
to 3.8 per cent of sales in Europe
                                          introduction of EVs and other          Northern Territory. Following
and 4.7 per cent of sales in China1.
                                          vehicles in Australia. However, the    industry and community feedback
Several new, lower cost EV models         Northern Territory’s characteristics   on the 2019 NT EV Discussion
are arriving, or are scheduled            including long distances, a small      Paper, four priority areas for
for release in Australia.                 and widely dispersed population        action have been identified:
                                          and extreme climatic conditions
                                                                                 •   Vehicle costs and availability,
                                                                                 •   Vehicle charging,
                                                                                 •   Knowledge, skills and
                                                                                     innovation, and
                                                                                 •   Consumer information.
                                                                                 Actions for the Northern Territory
                                                                                 Government to implement
                                                                                 have been identified for each
                                                                                 of these priority areas in the
                                                                                 EV Implementation Plan. The
                                                                                 EV Implementation Plan will be
                                                                                 reviewed annually to monitor
                                                                                 progress and actions will be
                                                                                 updated where required to
                                                                                 respond to changing policy and
                                                                                 technology developments.

                                                                            EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I      1
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Strategy Scope
This Strategy focusses on battery      is required regarding the role and      short term, hydrogen fuel cell
EVs (BEVs) which are powered           potential of e-scooters and other       vehicles are likely to be restricted
by an electric motor and plug-in       PMDs and potential legislative          to more densely populated areas
hybrid EVs (PHEVs) which also          reform in the Northern Territory.       in large cities or commercial heavy
include a conventional engine.                                                 vehicle and bus fleets, which
                                       Unlike PHEVs, Hybrid EVs cannot
BEVs and PHEVs are likely to                                                   return regularly to refuelling hubs.
                                       be plugged in to recharge.
represent the most significant                                                 Additionally, the potential for fuel
                                       Consequently Hybrid EVs are
change in Australia’s vehicle fleet                                            cell vehicles is being considered
                                       excluded from the Strategy scope as
in the short to medium term.                                                   at the national level through
                                       they do not represent a significant
                                                                               the National Hydrogen Strategy
Community feedback on the 2019         shift from conventional vehicles
                                                                               and locally through a Northern
NT EV Discussion Paper highlighted     and don’t have the potential to
                                                                               Territory Hydrogen Strategy.
that a broad range of EVs should be    operate as zero emission vehicles.
included in this Strategy including    Hybrid EVs are also lower cost and
e-motorbikes, e-bikes, e-scooters      a greater number of hybrids are
and other electric personal mobility   available in the second hand market
devices (PMDs) as these produce        and so are already more accessible.
even less emissions than electric
                                       While hydrogen fuel cell EVs
cars. Although the City of Darwin
                                       operate as zero emission vehicles,
is currently trialling the use of
                                       refuelling infrastructure and
shared e-bikes and e-scooters in
                                       hydrogen supply are very limited
Darwin, an exemption applies to the
                                       at present in Australia, particularly
e-scooter trial and privately owned
                                       in the Northern Territory and
e-scooters (with a power output
                                       fuel cell vehicle technology is at
greater than 200W) cannot legally
                                       an earlier stage of development
be used in the Northern Territory
                                       than plug-in EVs. In at least the
at present. Further investigation

                                                                               EV Charging station at
                                                                               Darwin Waterfront

2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
What are the benefits of EVs?
         Lower Operational Costs
         Running costs of EVs are around 60 per cent to 90 per cent
         cheaper than fuel costs for a conventional vehicle and with fewer
         moving parts, maintenance and servicing costs are lower2.

         Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
         Transport is responsible for 19 per cent of Australia’s
         total greenhouse gas emissions and eight per cent
         of the Northern Territory’s emissions3.

         Supporting the Northern Territory’s 50% by 2030
         renewable energy target and managing electricity demand
         Managing electricity demand by charging vehicles at peak
         solar energy production during the day and lower energy
         demand periods during the middle of the day and at night.

         Improved fuel security
         Reduced reliance on imported liquid fuels.

         Improving urban amenity
                                                                     The main benefit [of EVs] to the NT is
         Reduced road traffic noise                                  the fuel is local, made locally and locally
         and improved air quality.                                   owned instead of foreign imported oil.
                                                                      Feedback to the 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper.

         Potential economic benefits
         New jobs in mining and manufacture related to EV
         supply chains and in the renewable energy sector.

                                                                     EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I           3
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Developing an EV Stategy for
the Northern Territory

At the national level, the Australian             In 2019 the Northern Territory      setting a target for the Northern
Government is developing a Future                 Government released an EV           Territory Government vehicle fleet
Fuels Strategy and most States and                Discussion Paper to assist in       (82 per cent of respondents).
Territories are implementing a range              developing this EV Strategy and
                                                                                      Feedback received through
of policies to support the uptake                 Implementation Plan. A wide
                                                                                      consultation has been incorporated
of EVs. The Northern Territory                    range of comments were received
                                                                                      in the development of this Strategy
Government is collaborating with                  from industry, businesses and the
                                                                                      and Implementation Plan.
other jurisdictions through a Low                 community. A total of 195 surveys
and Zero Emission Vehicles (LZEVs)                were completed and over 200
working group to address the                      comments and submissions were
barriers and challenges affecting                 received. Submissions highlighted
the uptake of LZEVs in Australia.                 key barriers to EV uptake
                                                  including cost of vehicles, range
This Strategy aligns with other
                                                  anxiety, charging infrastructure
relevant Northern Territory
                                                  and battery life. Key benefits
Government policies and programs,
                                                  identified were environmental
both existing and in development,
                                                  benefits, lower transport costs
including the Roadmap to
                                                  and vehicle performance.
Renewables and the Northern
Territory’s renewable energy target               There was significant support for
of 50% renewable by 2030, the                     the Northern Territory Government
Climate Change Response and                       encouraging the use of EVs (79
the Digital Territory Strategy.                   per cent of respondents) and

         At the moment, the purchase
         price of an EV is the biggest
         barrier to me purchasing one.
          Feedback to the 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper.

2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
Would you consider buying an
EV in the next 5 years?                                          22%



                                                     Response to 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper Survey

Feedback received through the 2019
NT EV Discussion Paper Survey

Position                                                                      Agree      Disagree     Neutral
The Northern Territory Government should                                      79%        11%          10%
encourage EV use in the NT
Now is the right time to                                                      77%        12%          11%
encourage EV use
The Northern Territory Government should invest                               78%        14%          8%
in public charging infrastructure
The Northern Territory Government should provide                              69%        19%          12%
grants for home and workplace EV charging
The Northern Territory Government should encourage EV use                     76%        17%          7%
by subsidising reduced stamp duty and registration costs
Private industry should invest in public charging                             80%        6%           14%
The Northern Territory Government should set                                  82%        13%          5%
an EV target for its own vehicle fleet
The Northern Territory Government should encourage EV                         71%        12%          17%
tourism through public infrastructure and other initiatives

                                                                       EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I     5
2021 2026 Northern Territory Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan - DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS
What is the potential for EV uptake
in the Northern Territory?

The Northern Territory covers a                   2025. While several Territorians         currently available in Australia
large land area and has a small,                  responding to consultation indicated     (around 300 km) is more than
widely dispersed population,                      that the limited range and towing        sufficient for average daily trips.
with many remote and very                         capacity of EVs would not suit
                                                                                           By investing in EV charging
remote communities. In addition,                  their transport needs and lifestyle,
                                                                                           infrastructure and supporting EV
the Northern Territory’s major                    many people commented that
                                                                                           uptake now, the Northern Territory
urban centres are geographically                  the urban areas of the Northern
                                                                                           Government can ensure that the
isolated from the rest of Australia               Territory were ideal for EV use.
                                                                                           Northern Territory is prepared for
and experience extreme climatic
                                                  In 2019 there were 146 000               the transition to EVs and is well
conditions. These unique
                                                  light vehicles registered in the         placed to harness the potential
characteristics will present
                                                  Northern Territory and of these,         benefits which EVs can provide.
challenges for the increasing use of
                                                  approximately a quarter are smaller,
EVs across the Northern Territory.                                                         When charged with grid power in
                                                  light vehicles (with an engine size
                                                                                           Darwin a Nissan Leaf EV produces
As is occurring elsewhere in                      less than 2000 cc).
                                                                                           around 40 per cent less gCO2/
Australia, the number of EVs in the               These 36 000 smaller light vehicles
                                                                                           km than a conventional Toyota
Northern Territory is expected to                 could potentially be replaced
                                                                                           Corolla⁴. If charged with renewable
increase, potentially quite rapidly,              by lower priced EVs which are
                                                                                           energy, EV driving is emission free.
particularly as price parity with                 currently available in Australia. With
conventional vehicles is expected                 Territorians driving on average
to occur in Australia around                      36 km per day, the range of BEVs

          Due to distances involved, (EV) technology isn’t
          there yet for many living and working remote, but
          no reason why 70 per cent of metro users can’t
          have at least one (electric) vehicle per family.
          Feedback to the 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper.

EV Charging point                                                                          EV Charging station
at Katherine                                                                               at Darwin Airport

Top: EV Charging point at Dunmarra; above: EV Charging point at Emerald Springs

Bottom left: EV Charging point at Alice Springs; middle left: EV Charging station at State
  Square Car Park Darwin; bottom right: Charles Darwin University EV Charging Station

                                              EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I     7
Priority Areas

Four key priority areas for           The Northern Territory Government      for the increased uptake of EVs.
Northern Territory Government         fleet currently includes four
                                                                             Feedback during consultation
action to support EV uptake have      leased PHEVs. By including EVs
                                                                             highlighted that the high cost of
been identified. The Northern         in the vehicle fleet and setting a
                                                                             EVs is likely to be prohibitive for
Territory Government will             fleet target for EVs, the Northern
                                                                             many in the Northern Territory
work with local government,           Territory Government can show
                                                                             and the equity of government
industry and the community in         leadership and assist in providing
                                                                             support for EVs was questioned.
the delivery of these actions.        certainty for investment in charging
                                                                             Early EV uptake has been restricted
                                      infrastructure and services. With
                                                                             to Territorians who have been in
Vehicle costs and                     low numbers of EVs in the Northern
                                                                             a position to buy a new vehicle.
                                      Territory, there is a very limited
availability                          second hand market. Increasing
                                                                             However, the introduction of
                                                                             EVs into the Northern Territory
The high upfront cost of EVs is       the number of EVs in the Northern
                                                                             through new vehicle sales and
driven by the battery cost (up        Territory Government Fleet will
                                                                             imported vehicles through the
to one-third of the total cost        also increase the number of second
                                                                             Commonwealth scheme, will in turn,
of manufacturing an EV) and           hand EVs in the Northern Territory.
                                                                             increase the availability of EVs in the
smaller manufacturing volumes2,       Implementation of the                  local second hand market, increasing
however, prices are decreasing. A     Commonwealth Road Vehicles             EV affordability for others.
total of 28 models of EVs are now     Standard Act 2018 in mid-2021 and
available in Australia and some are                                          Supporting early adopters of
                                      existing transitional arrangements
priced under $50 0001. Research                                              EVs is similar to the government
                                      allow for the importation of certain
in Australia has found that people                                           support provided to early adopters
                                      vehicles meeting environmental
would be willing to pay more                                                 of solar panels in Australia. Even
                                      criteria. This allows for the
for an EV than a petrol or diesel                                            with government support, early
                                      importation of new or used EVs not
vehicle, however only if there is                                            adopters paid a much higher price
                                      otherwise available in Australia and
more support and incentives5.                                                for solar panels and prices have
                                      provides an alternative pathway
                                                                             subsequently dropped significantly.

                                                                             EV Charging station at
                                                                             Darwin Waterfront

As a result of this initial support     To address vehicle costs and              There is a need to plan ahead for
from governments and investment         availability key actions include:         charging infrastructure in residential
in solar panels by early adopters,                                                and commercial buildings and public
                                        •   Reducing vehicle registration
the broader community is now                                                      facilities. Government has a role
                                            stamp duty costs to
benefiting from significantly lower                                               in developing relevant charging
                                            encourage EV uptake,
cost solar panels and lower power                                                 standards and guidance at both
costs. A similar pattern of uptake      •   Setting targets to increase           the national and local level and
is anticipated for EVs, with the            EVs in the Northern Territory         also increasing the availability
broader community benefitting               Government fleet                      of EV charging locations.
over time from government support
and the actions of early adopters.      Vehicle charging
Although EVs provide fuel savings
                                        Consumer concern regarding the
for consumers, there will be revenue
                                        range of EV batteries, often referred
implications for governments.
                                        to as ‘range anxiety’ and the
Increased EV uptake will reduce
                                        availability of charging infrastructure
Commonwealth fuel excise and
                                        is a significant barrier to EV adoption
options for how EVs will be charged
                                        in Australia and convenient charging
fairly for their use of the road
                                        infrastructure will be essential to
network will need to be developed.
                                        encouraging EV uptake5. Charging
This issue is being progressed at
                                        options are needed including
the national level and the Northern
                                        home charging, public charging
Territory Government will be
                                        and fast charging and there is a
considering options for EV road user
                                        role for government in supporting
charging in the Northern Territory.
                                        the development of charging
                                        networks, particularly where there
                                        may be a marginal commercial
                                        case for private investment
                                        in charging infrastructure.

Left: EV Charging point at Devils Marbles; right:
EV Charging point, Alice Springs
                                                                            EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I      9
Priority Areas (continued)

Increased demand for electricity as      V2G technology increases, EVs            in the service and repair of EVs and
a result of vehicle charging will need   could potentially provide an option      charging infrastructure is likely to be
to be carefully managed. Power and       for integration with renewable           required and the Northern Territory
Water Corporation is developing          energy supply and management             Government will liaise with industry
network strategies in response to        in remote communities.                   and other jurisdictions regarding
developments in grid-connected                                                    skill development. There is potential
                                         If managed appropiately, a
technology, power use, dynamic                                                    for innovation and development of
                                         significant number of EVs could
charging and other emerging                                                       specialised skills in relation to EVs
                                         assist with managing the reduction
technologies to accommodate                                                       and renewable recharging. With
                                         of demand during the middle of
future energy demand. EV and                                                      the Northern Territory’s climatic
                                         the day and act on a ‘solar sponge’.
grid interaction is likely to be                                                  extremes there is potential to
                                         As EVs are effectively a ‘battery
dynamic, so policies will need to                                                 position the Northern Territory
                                         on wheels’ they have significant
be flexible to allow for changing                                                 as a specialised test environment
                                         potential to provide grid stability
circumstances. Contingencies                                                      for EVs and related technology.
                                         services throughout V2G technology.
will be required for significant
                                                                                   Although knowledge and
power outages due to cyclones            To address vehicle charging
                                                                                  experience of EVs and associated
and other unexpected events.             key actions include:
                                                                                  infrastructure is expanding, there
Abundant day-time solar power in         •   Collaboration with other             is a need for further investigation
the Northern Territory presents              jurisdictions on charging            of new technologies and systems.
an enormous opportunity to                   standards and principles,            Participating in technology trials
reduce transport emissions. To           •   Developing guidelines for EV         and research projects will support
maximise the use of renewable                charging infrastructure, and         the successful introduction of EVs
energy for EV charging during                                                     in the Northern Territory. A key
high solar generation times,             •   Increasing EV charging stations.     area for investigation and potential
daytime EV charging will need to                                                  innovation is battery disposal, reuse
be encouraged. EV charging at            Knowledge, skills                        and recycling. In order to reduce EV
peak times should be discouraged         and innovation                           life-cycle environmental impacts,
to reduce the impact on the grid                                                  battery recycling can be considered
and the impacts of EV charging           EV maintenance and installation          as an alternative to battery disposal.
from non-renewable energy.               of charging infrastructure will          Once an EV battery is no longer
                                         require specialised servicing and        functional for EV use, the battery
There is potential to use EVs to
                                         maintenance skills. Although some        still retains 75 per cent of its original
manage energy demand and supply
                                         servicing requirements may be            capacity to store energy6. Batteries
through vehicle to grid (V2G)
                                         undertaken remotely, there are           can be reused for energy storage
technology and dynamic charging
                                         opportunities for local providers to     or recycled and there is a need
infrastructure (where this capability
                                         service and maintain EVs and install     to investigate battery recycling
is not managed by the vehicle) and
                                         and maintain EV recharging facilities.   options. EV batteries are included
Power and Water is keen to explore
                                                                                  in the scope of the national product
options for the Northern Territory.      Feedback on the 2019 NT EV
                                                                                  stewardship scheme for batteries
Currently the Nissan Leaf is the only    Discussion Paper highlighted that
                                                                                  due to commerce in mid 2021.
EV available in Australia with V2G       EV servicing and repair is likely to
capacity, however capacity for V2G       require a more complex range of          Feedback from consultation
is likely to increase with the arrival   skill sets than traditional mechanical   highlighted the ongoing potential
of a wider range of EV models in         skills, including an increased level     for the Northern Territory to
Australia. As the availability of        of IT and technology skills. Training    leverage the international expertise

I have a Hyundai Ioniq EV. I find never having to stop at
                                                          a petrol station convenient. Charging at home is easy. I
                                                          never need to charge elsewhere. I am able to run out to
                                                          Howard Springs or Darwin River and back easily without
                                                          range anxiety. I only need to charge twice a week.
                                                          Feedback to the 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper.

associated with the biennial World     Consumer information                           and hydrogen fuelled vehicles)
Solar Car Challenge. Solar cars are                                                   and the Northern Territory
effectively EVs, however, their        Limited availability of convenient             intends to implement national
batteries are powered primarily        and accessible information                     model legislation. EV labelling will
by solar power rather than mains       regarding EVs and EV charging                  increase awareness of EVs and also
electricity. The World Solar Car       infrastructure is frequently raised            assist emergency responders in
Challenge traverses Australia from     by consumers5. Responses to the                identifying EVs and implementing
Darwin to Adelaide and attracts        2019 NT EV Discussion Paper survey             appropriate safety procedures.
global expertise in solar and          highlighted the need for information
                                                                                      Feedback from consultation
EV technology to the Northern          on the benefits of EVs and the
                                                                                      highlighted the potential to
Territory. In recent years, the        practicality of using EVs in the
                                                                                      support and attract EV tourism in
Challenge has evolved from purely      Northern Territory. The Northern
                                                                                      the Northern Territory. Promoting
experimental vehicles to include       Territory Government will work with
                                                                                      EV routes such as Darwin, Jabiru
a cruising class which encourages      other jurisdictions and industry to
                                                                                      and Katherine, and Alice Springs
solar cars designed for practicality   provide easily available, consistent
                                                                                      and Uluru were highlighted as
and aims to change consumer            and reliable information on EVs and
                                                                                      potential options. Supporting
perceptions regarding vehicles         associated technologies. There is
                                                                                      activities may include installation
and fuels. There is potential for      also potential to develop guidance
                                                                                      of charging infrastructure and
the Northern Territory to further      and support for organisations
                                                                                      engaging with key stakeholders
engage with this major international   and businesses considering the
                                                                                      to increase availability of EVs.
event and foster local skills and      provision of EV charging services.
expertise in EV technology.                                                           Key actions to increase
                                       Range anxiety was frequently raised
                                                                                      consumer information include:
Key actions to develop                 as an issue during consultation,
knowledge and skills and               however, many daily trips in the               •    Providing practical
foster innovation include:             Northern Territory’s urban centres                  information to consumers,
                                       are well within the range of EVs.
•   Planning for power supply,                                                        •    Promoting information on
                                       The compact size of Darwin and
                                                                                           EV charging facilities, and
•   Supporting local innovation        Alice Springs make them particularly
    in EV technology and               suitable for EV use. Providing                 •    Promoting EV tourism
    battery recycling                  information to consumers regarding                  opportunities.
                                       range and recharging times will
•   Skills development for EV
                                       assist in reducing range anxiety.
    and charging infrastructure
    servicing and repair, and          There is national agreement on
                                       a requirement for number plate
•   Continuing to support the
                                       labelling of EVs (and also hybrid
    World Solar Car Challenge.
                                                                                           EV Charging point
                                                                                           at Timber Creek

                                                                            EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I           11
EV Implementation Plan

EV uptake in Australia has lagged        •   Relevance to the
behind the rest of the world,                Northern Territory,
however EVs are coming. The rate
                                         •   Actions within Northern
of EV uptake is expected to soar as
                                             Territory Government control,
the price difference between EVs
and conventional vehicles narrows.       •   Time limited (as the Strategy
                                             covers a five year period),
As a small jurisdiction, with a low
and widely dispersed population, the     •   Impact,
Northern Territory is unlikely to have   •   Equity, and
a lead role in supporting EV uptake
in Australia. Any policies or programs   •   Level of community and
implemented by the Northern                  industry support.
Territory Government to encourage        The EV Implementation Plan
the uptake of EVs are likely to have     will be reviewed annually to
limited impact nationally. However,      monitor progress and vehicle
now is the time to position the          uptake and actions will be
Northern Territory in relation to the    updated, where required, to
introduction of EVs. The Northern        respond to changing policy and
Territory needs to be prepared for       technology developments.
the transition to EVs and harness
the benefits which EVs can provide.
For each of the priority areas                                 EV’s are the way of the future, by not supporting the
outlined in this strategy, actions                             industry and adapting with this change the NT would
have been identified and costed                                only be giving itself and its people a disadvantage.
for implementation over five                                   Darwin itself also has a unique layout where the
years 2021 – 2026. Potential                                  ‘in-town’ driving habits of people are usually within
actions were assessed against                                   the metro area and for fairly short trips - perfect
the following criteria:                                        for EV use. With any technological infrastructure
                                                               upgrade, it brings technical minds and bright people
                                                                to the area which can only be a good thing as well.
                                                               Feedback to the 2019 NT EV Discussion Paper.

EV Charging station at
Alice Springs airport

                         EV Charging point
                             at Mataranka

                                             EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I   13
EV Implementation Plan (cont.)

Priority 1: Vehicle cost and availability
Action                                                                                                 Timing
1.1 Remove the registration component of registration fees for                                         July 2022
EVs in the NT for five years to encourage EV uptake.
1.2 Reduce stamp duty for first time registration of new and second hand EVs                           July 2022
in the Northern Territory by $1 500 for five years (effectively removing stamp
duty for EVs up to a purchase cost of $50 000) to encourage EV uptake.
1.3 Increase the number of EVs in the Northern Territory Government Fleet                              2021 to 2030
by 20 per year over 10 years, totalling 200 vehicles by 2030.
1.4 Modify the Northern Territory Government Vehicle Policy Framework                                  2021
to require agency pool vehicles to be EVs where fit for purpose.
1.5 Investigate adjustment of contribution rates for                                                   2021
Northern Territory Government Fleet EVs to incentivise uptake through lower rates.
1.6 Investigate the potential for including EVs in Northern Territory                                  2021 to 2026
Government contract arrangements for rental vehicles.
1.7 Participate in national forums investigating road user charging for                                2021 to 2026
EVs and consider future options for the Northern Territory.
Note: ‘EV’ includes BEV and PHEV.

Priority 2: Vehicle charging
Action                                                                                                 Timing
2.1 Work with other jurisdictions and industry to coordinate EV charging standards and                 ongoing
principles, including the development of charging guidelines (for businesses and major
developments including car parks, workplaces, shopping centres and residential apartments.)
2.2 Investigate amendments to the Northern Territory Planning Scheme                                   2022
to encourage provision of EV charging in new developments.
2.3 Install EV charging infrastructure in suitable government capital works projects in                ongoing
major urban areas and regional centres, such as car parks and park and ride facilities.
2.4 Include a requirement for EV charging facilities in Northern Territory                             ongoing
Government standard lease agreements where appropriate.
2.5 Implement a grant program to encourage provision of recharging infrastructure.                     2021 to 2026

2.6 Install charging infrastructure on site at NT Fleet.                                               2021

2.7 Progress negotiations with building owners of NT Government leased buildings to install priority   2022
EV charging points.
2.8 Install a minimum of 400 charging points at identified priority                                    ongoing
Northern Territory Government buildings.

EV Implementation Plan (cont.)

Priority 3: Knowledge, skills and innovation
Action                                                                                                 Timing
3.1 Plan for power supply implications of increased EV uptake including V2G technology, renewable      2021 to 2026
charging, dynamic charging electricity pricing and incentives to maximise day time EV recharging.
3.2 Investigate the feasibility of trialling low and zero emission                                     2021 to 2026
buses in the Northern Territory urban fleet.
3.3 Investigate the need for developing guidelines on electrical                                       2022
safety issues associated with EV charging installations.
3.4 Partnering with industry, tertiary institutions and training providers, investigate                2022
the need for skills development in servicing EVs and EV charging infrastructure.
3.5 Foster innovation in solar EV technology through ongoing                                           ongoing
support of the World Solar Car Challenge.
3.6 Implement changes to vehicle registration classes to allow for separate                            2022
registration of BEVs, Hybrid, PHEVs and Hydrogen vehicles.

Priority 4: Consumer information
Action                                                                                                 Timing
4.1 Provide information to consumers on benefits of EVs and information on the                         2021 to 2026
costs of EVs, range, length of charging times, life of an EV and servicing.
4.2 Promote information on EV recharging locations.                                                    2021 to 2026

4.3 Implement number plate labelling for EV,                                                           2022
Hybrid and Hydrogen vehicles.
4.4 Evaluate the emission reduction potential of EVs in the Northern Territory                         2022
through the Climate Change Response 3 year Action Plan

                                                                          EV STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN I   15
1.   Electric Vehicle Council 2020, State of Electric Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Council, Sydney
2. Queensland Government 2017, The Future is Electric: Queensland’s
   Electric Vehicle Strategy, Queensland Government, Brisbane
3. Australian Government, 2018, State and Territory Greenhouse
   Gas Inventories, Australian Government, Canberra
4. Australian Government 2021, Future Fuels Strategy Discussion
   Paper, Australian Government, Canberra
5. Climate Works Australia 2019, The State of Electric Vehicles in
   Australia 2018 , Climate Works Australia, Melbourne
6. Electric Vehicle Council – NRMA 2018, Recharging the economy –
   accelerating electric vehicle adoption, Sydney, NSW

Published by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
© Northern Territory Government 2020
T: +61 8 8924 7965

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