All Waters are Ocean Waters - Canadian Ocean Literacy ...

Page created by Tony Hammond
All Waters are Ocean Waters - Canadian Ocean Literacy ...

                                                                                                                                      Credit: Justine Ammendolla
                                                                                              Community marine debris monitoring
                                                                                                survey, Placentia Bay Ocean Debris
                                                                                                  Team (PODS), Terrenceville, Nfld.

                  All Waters are
                  Ocean Waters
Bridging water and ocean literacy in Canada.

IN     1966,   LEGENDARY       CANOEIST     more than 3,000 Canadians who engaged        development of a “civic relationship with
Bill Mason taught a generation of           in the collaborative Understanding           the ocean” by the Intergovernmental
Canadians what a watershed was through      Ocean Literacy in Canada study (2019-        Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
his iconic film adaptation of Holling C.    2020), led by the Canadian Ocean             Fundamentally, ocean literacy is about
Holling’s book Paddle to the Sea (1941).    Literacy Coalition (COLC). The study         humans’ relationship with the ocean.
In the film, viewers follow the tale of     co-examined Canadians’ relationship             Canada’s Oceans Strategy articulates
a young boy’s hand-carved canoe as it       with the ocean through different             that “Canada is an ocean nation.”
journeys from the spring melt waters in     lenses and lived experiences with the        Indeed, with the exception of Alberta
the Lake Superior region to the Gulf of     goal of co-developing a national ocean       and Saskatchewan, all provinces and
St. Lawrence. This story led thousands of   literacy strategy. However, to engage all    territories touch on the approximate
Canadians to recognize that we are each     Canadians in a strategy on ocean literacy    243,042 kilometres of our coastline,
connected to a watershed that ultimately    necessarily requires engaging Canadians      the longest of any country in the world.
leads to the ocean, no matter where in      on water literacy. In fact, when silos are   The global ocean provides many basic
this country we call home.                  stripped away, they are one in the same:     necessities to Canadians—clean air, food,
   Fast forward 55 years to a question      all waters are ocean waters.                 transportation, medicine, jobs—and
posed by educator and artist, Karen                                                      is a determining force of weather and
Tamminga-Paton, from Crowsnest Pass,        Through the lens of                          climate systems.
Alberta: “What do ranchers, heavy-duty      ‘ocean literacy’                                And yet, of Canada’s current population
mechanics, teachers, and secretaries        Ocean literacy is widely defined             of 37.6 million, only an approximate
from this part of Canada say to the         internationally as an understanding          seven million Canadians live near our
ocean? How do we see Canada’s extensive     of how the ocean influences us and           marine coasts. Roughly nine in ten
coastal waters in relation to our wheat     how we influence the ocean. More             Canadians live within 200 kilometres
fields and coal mines?” Karen was one of    recently it has been described as the        of the United States border, with nearly

22                JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021
All Waters are Ocean Waters - Canadian Ocean Literacy ...

half of those congregated along the Great

                                                                                                                                               Credit: Natta Summerky
                                                                                                                     The hand-carved
Lakes and St. Lawrence waterways.
                                                                                                                    canoe, inspired by
What’s more, a poll conducted by Nanos                                                                                Holling’s Paddle
Research in 2019 showed a significant                                                                                       to the Sea.
gap in the Canadian public’s relational
understanding of our personal, day-to-
day impact on the ocean and the ocean’s
impact on our daily activities. This is the
very essence of ocean literacy.
  To what extent, then, if at all, do we
recognize the ocean in our national
identity and acknowledge its critical
importance to our own physical,
economic, and socio-cultural wellbeing?

Through the lens of
‘water literacy’
For many Canadians, it is not the
ocean and coastline that form the pulse
of our ecosystems, but rather the vast
interconnected landscape of wetlands,
lakes, rivers, and waterways. In
classrooms and communities across the
country, we are commonly taught that          not mutually exclusive, and it is long past   within and across different levels
Canada has roughly 20 per cent of the         time to adjust this narrative.                and departments of government, as
planet’s freshwater resources, made up                                                      well as corporate, non-governmental
of over two million lakes and more than       An opportunity to unite                       organizations, and broader civic society.
8,500 rivers. These resources provide     Interconnections between our inland               It will be essential to incorporate
drinking water for all Canadians before   waterways and the ocean exist everywhere          innovative partnerships, sustained
discharging into the ocean through one    we look, as well as opportunities to              support for education, dynamic
of five drainage basins.                  safeguard and care for both. Alberta’s            communication, meaningful community
  Inland waterways have long been used    watersheds alone drain into four ocean            engagement—including through citizen
as the country’s original “highways,”     basins: Pacific, Hudson Bay, Arctic, and          science and open data sharing—and a
serving as important means for trade,     the Gulf of Mexico. Likewise, the North           broad commitment to access and equity.
navigation, and travel for Indigenous     Saskatchewan River waters discharge in              Re-connecting our inland urban areas
peoples, long before the arrival of       Churchill, Manitoba, with polar bears             to the ocean will require re-imagining
European settlers. These freshwater       living at the confluence of river and             our cities, where most Canadians live.
routes, along with abundant access to     ocean. Fish and birds also take advantage         Our cities were built to discharge waste
drinking water, are the main reasons      of these aquatic connections, travelling          into our waters, effectively alienating
communities developed rapidly around      between ocean and Canada’s fresh inland           Canadians by emphasizing the need
                                                            waters     throughout           to keep away from polluted areas.
                                                            the year.                       “No Swimming” signs may have been
   To engage all Canadians in a strategy                      The challenge is              intended for the public’s health and
                                                            not in finding the              safety, but ultimately, they have served
   on ocean literacy necessarily requires                   interconnections.               to disconnect us from the water and, in
                                                            Rather, the gap exists          turn, the ocean.
  engaging Canadians on water literacy.                     because current efforts           Exciting new initiatives in urban
                                                            to engage people in             centres such as the Gord Edgar Downie
the Great Lakes and on our rivers, and caring for local freshwater have been                Pier in Kingston, the proposed River
why still today they are home to Canada’s siloed by what distinguishes them from            House in Ottawa, or the False Creek
largest urban centres.                    the ocean instead of what connects them.          swim beach in Vancouver help to
  It is clear that for some of the 30                                                       restore peoples’ connections to water
million Canadians who live inland, their      Potential pathways                            and increase water accessibility for all
connection to local freshwater sources        forward together                              Canadians. Perhaps most importantly,
and waterways is far more tangible and        Bridging current water and ocean              these public spaces will enable people
relevant than their connection to the         literacy efforts will require an enhanced     to form the emotional foundations for
ocean. However, these connections are         awareness of the value of this work           increased water and ocean literacy.

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All Waters are Ocean Waters - Canadian Ocean Literacy ...

                                                                                                 and recognize and learn from Indigenous-
                                                                                                 led conservation efforts (i.e., IPCAs;
                                                                                                 Land Needs Guardians). Indigenous
                                                                                                 Peoples of Canada understand best
                                                                                                 the interconnectivity between land,
                                                                                                 freshwater, coasts, sea ice (particularly
                                                                                                 for Inuit), and the ocean.

                                                                                                 A concluding thought
                                                                                                 If we all accept that the ocean is the
                                                                                                 determining life system of the planet,
                                                                                                 recognizing that a healthy global ocean
                                                                                                 is essential to life on land (and not the
                                                                                                 other way around), then ocean literacy
                                                                                                 is a necessary pursuit. The goal of ocean
                                                                                                 literacy, at least in a Canadian context, is
                                                                                                 to encourage and support Canadians to
                                                                                                 discover for themselves the connections
                                                                                                 that water makes possible in our lives,
                                                                                                 jobs, culture, and economy.
                                                                                                    In 1985, before personal computers,
                                                                                                 Apple ran an ad during the Super
                             New initiatives, like the Gord Downie Pier in                       Bowl portraying people tearing down
                             Kingston, are helping people re-connect with
                                                                                                 the walls surrounding the fortress
                             the water, helping build their water literacy.
                                                                                                 of knowledge. The idea was that the
                                                                                                 invention of personal computers would
                                                                                                 replace mainframe computers and
   Storytelling and the arts can also be          career Canadians in decision-making            give people access to knowledge and
a powerful means of establishing these            processes in response to youth calls           knowledge sharing in their homes and
emotional foundations and drawing                 to action for land-water health, ocean         offices—a brilliant insight, as it turns
people ‘to the water’s edge.’ They are            sustainability, and broader nature-based       out. Ocean literacy, including citizen
crucial to providing a bridge between             solutions. In particular, as the sustainable   science, has the same potential. It will
freshwater and ocean experiences, as well         blue economy grows in Canada, we               revolutionize our understanding of water.
as in engaging those who do not already           must broaden perceptions to ensure             The connectedness of freshwater and the
see themselves in this space. Bringing            that both freshwater and ocean career,         ocean and all life that depends on these
these stories into Canadians’ homes can           innovation, and tech opportunities are well    connections can be discovered anywhere
deepen the connection between water and           communicated, promoted, and accessed by        in Canada. You do not need to be on the
our everyday lives; the ocean is always           as many diverse communities as possible.       ocean or live on the coast to discover it.
present, even if the water is hidden from            While these represent a few pathways        You just need to go to the water’s edge. WC
view. It may be locked away in the rock           forward,      there    remain      broader
beneath us or diverted through pipes              considerations to creating an inclusive
and underground tunnels. The closest              space in which all Canadians can feel          Diz Glithero is the national coordinator
coastline may be a hundred kilometres             connected to local waterways and to the        for the Canadian Ocean Literacy Council.
away. But the ocean shapes our lives and          one global ocean to which all waters           Mark Mattson is the founder
we, in turn, shape the ocean.                     flow. Perhaps most importantly, we             of Swim Drink Fish.
   It is imperative that we incorporate           must ask ourselves how the current and         Sarah MacNeil is the St. Lawrence
water literacy into the education system.         emerging water and ocean literacy efforts      regional coordinator for the Canadian
We must also support, streamline, and             are an opportunity to contribute to true       Ocean Literacy Council.
scale community-based monitoring,                 reconciliation between Indigenous
citizen science programs, and tools               and settler societies, and between
related to water/ocean health as well as          broader Canadian society and the land           To read the Understanding Ocean
data sharing (e.g., DataStream, Swim              and waters. Above all, it is essential to
                                                                                                  Literacy in Canada study regional
Guide, Land Guardians, Marine Debris              increase coordination and use more
                                                                                                   and national reports (2020) and
Tracker Canada, etc.).                            holistic, integrated approaches to
   It is a high priority to reorient existing     terrestrial, freshwater, and marine              to learn more about the national
sectors toward inclusive practices to             conservation. These efforts must engage            strategy, visit
meaningfully engage young and early               and reflect community-level priorities

24                 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021
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