Amoxicillin Resides in Milk of Holstein Cows With Double or Triple Intramammary Administration of Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate

Amoxicillin Resides in Milk of Holstein
Cows With Double or Triple
Intramammary Administration of
Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate
I. Martínez-Cortés*
R. Rosiles†
L. Gutierrez‡
D-Díaz #
H Sumano‡1

* Departamento de Medicina y Zootecnia para Rumiantes. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootec-
nia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Universidad 3000, Delegación Coyoacán, Ciudad
de México C.P. 04510.
† Departmento de Nutrición y Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Universidad 3000, Delegación Coyoacán, Ciudad de México C.P.
‡, Departamento de Fisiología y Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Univer-
sidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Universidad 3000, Delegación Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
C.P. 04510.
# Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Universidad
3000, Delegación Coyoacán, Ciudad de México C.P. 04510.
Corresponding author:
1 Phone: + (52) 55 56-22-59-80
Fax: + (52) 55 56-22-59-80
E-mail address:

KEY WORDS: Amoxicillin, extra-label,                 intramammary AMX/CLV (300 mg of AMX
milk, withdrawal time, residues.                     and 60 mg of CLV), administered every 12
ABSTRACT                                             h for 3 consecutive days (CL group), as rec-
                                                     ommended on the label. Twelve cows with
The aim of this study was to determine dif-
                                                     clinical mastitis, determined by California
ferences in residue elimination of amoxicil-
lin (AMX) in cow´s milk, after intramam-             test, somatic cell count, microbiological
mary administration of a pharmaceutical              culture and physical aspect of the milk,
preparation of AMX plus potassium clavula-           were dosed as group CL (Exp-L group).
nate (CLV), either in healthy or in spontane-        Twelve cows, also affected with mastitis,
ous cases of clinical mastitis, and follow-          were treated with double dose for three days
ing label instructions or administering the          (Exp-EL1 group). Finally, a fourth group
preparation in an extra-label manner. Twelve         of 12 cows with mastitis were treated in an
lactating healthy Holstein/Friesan cows in           extra-label manner by tripling the referred
production and negative to clinical mastitis         dose (Exp-EL2 group). After the last
were treated with a commercial brand of              administration, milk samples from all the

186                                             Vol. 12, No.3, 2014 • Intern J Appl Res Vet Med.
treated/affected glands were obtained every               Cabello, 2006). For example, residues of
12 h for 7 days. Amoxicillin concentrations               amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in animal prod-
in milk were determined by HPLC. Results                  ucts have been associated in general with
showed that in CL and Exp-L groups, mean                  an increase in bacterial resistance, higher
number of milkings required to quantify                   risk of gastrointestinal adverse reactions,
AMX below the official maximum residue                    hepatotoxicity, diarrhea, and intractable uri-
level (MRL) in Mexico (4 μg/L), was 7 (84                 nary tract infections by Escherichia coli and
h). In contrast, when double or triple dose of            Salmonella spp. (Hensel et al, 2005, Salvo et
the preparation was administered in groups                al, 2007; Kemper, 2008).
Exp-EL1 and Exp-EL2 groups, a mean of                          In Mexico, maximum residue levels
11 milking times (132 h) were required to                 (MRLs) of antibacterial drugs in milk are
set AMX concentrations below the referred                 usually in agreement with international
MRL, suggesting a zero order elimination                  criteria (FDA - USA, Codex Alimentarius,
kinetics. There is a statistically significant            EMEA), and as it happens in many coun-
difference between the former and the latter              tries, establishment of clearance patterns and
groups. The amoxicillin elimination half-                 withholding time by a sponsor of a given
lives were 46.97 h and 66.92 h for CL and                 antibacterial-drug preparation is carried
Exp-L groups and 71.46 h and 85.43 h for                  out in healthy individuals from the target
Exp-EL1 and Exp-EL2, respectively. These                  species. In this particular case, residue
findings stress the need to comply with label             elimination in milk after treatment with
instructions.                                             an antibacterial preparation, intended for
INTRODUCTION                                              intramammary administration, is carried out
Residues of antibacterial drugs in cow´s                  in healthy cows. Trials in cows suffering
milk are regarded as a public health threat               mastitis are almost never done. Furthermore,
(Salter, 2003; Donoghue, 2003; Karis et al.,              antibiotic clearance rate after overdos-
2007). Additionally, residues of antibacterial            ing cows, are rare at best. For amoxicillin
drugs modify processing of dairy prod-                    (AMX) and potassium clavulanate (CLV)
ucts (Sawant et a., 2005; Karis et al, 2007,              in Mexico, official MRL values are 4 μg/kg
Germán, 2012). Based on these premises,                   and 200 μg/kg, respectively (EMEA, 2002).
private companies and regulatory agencies                 For a commercial brand of AMX/CLV in
worldwide have set residue detection moni-                Mexico, a withdrawal period of 3 days (6
toring programs. The use of on-site detec-                milkings, one every 12 hours) has been ac-
tion kits (Charm , SNAP and Delvotest® )                  cepted. However, extra-label overdosing of
for antibacterial drug detection, has greatly             such preparation in a given mammary gland,
improved milk quality in many dairies. Yet,               based on the clinical perception that more
according to some authors, unlawful residue               of these antibacterial drugs are necessary,
levels of antibacterial drugs in milk, is a               may modify the clearance pattern of AMX/
constant finding, rather than an exception                CLV preparation. Considering the above, the
(Gutiérrez et al., 2005; Bogialli et al, 2007;            present study was set to test the hypothesis
Kantiani et al, 2009). Accountability of such             that Holstein/Friesian cows show a different
residues for health problems in humans is                 pattern of elimination of AMX in milk when
not so clear cut, yet it is believed to range             overdosed (twice or thrice), in comparison
from an increase in bacterial resistance of               to healthy cows or cows suffering from mas-
pathogens in humans, to direct health prob-               titis that received label recommended use of
lems in consumers such as allergic reactions              this drug.
(van de Bogaard et al, 2000; Cabello, 2004;               MATERIAL AND METHODS

 Charm®; Rapid test based on the ligand assays using biological receptor.
 SNAP®; Rapid test based on the ligand assays using antibodies configured in an enzyme-linked immunoassay.
 Delvotest® Rapid test based on the inhibition of growth of microbial test organisms.

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 12, No. 3, 2014.                                                        187
All study procedures and animal care activi-              counts, allow the establishment of inclu-
ties were conducted in accordance with the                sion parameters in clinical studies (Bradley,
Institutional Committee of Research, Care                 2012; Smith, 2009; Savas et al, 2012).
and Use of Experimental Animals of the                         Treatment of CL and Exp-L groups
National Autonomous University of Mexico                  consisted of one intramammary application
(UNAM), according to the Mexican Official                 of a commercial available formulation of
Regulation NOM-062-ZOO-1999 (1999).                       amoxicillin plus potassium clavulanate (300
This trial was carried out at the milk dairy              mg and 60 mg, respectively), every 12 hours
“El Puente” located in the State of Mexico,               for 3 consecutive days. In groups Exp-EL1
having 500 Holstein/Friesian cows in pro-                 and Exp-EL2, two and three intramammary
duction.                                                  administrations of the same commercial
     Twelve healthy cows were used to set a               formulation and in the same period of time
control group (CL group). Their status was                were applied, respectively. All cows were
based on an electronic somatic cell counter               first milked as much as possible, then the
< 200,000 cells/ml; negative to California                mammary gland was washed, disinfected
mastitis test (CMT) and to microbiologi-                  and dried with a clean paper-towel. The
cal culture and lack of signs of the disease,             cannula was then inserted until halfway
plus a thorough physical examination of the               within the teat canal, the drug combination
udder. In the group of cows with udder in-                was delivered and finally a gentle massage
fection (groups Exp-L, Exp-EL1, Exp-EL2),                 was applied to the affected gland (Martínez-
the following inclusion criteria was set for              Cortés, 2013).
36 Holstein/Friesian cows (12 animals per                      Milk samples from the treated quarter
group) diagnosed as having a spontaneous                  or affected and treated quarter (mammary
case of mastitis: sign of inflammation in at              gland) were obtained by manual milking
least one quarter of the mammary gland,                   into 50 ml plastic tube, every 12 h for 7 days
modification of physical aspect of milk                   after the last application of antibiotics and
when passing through a dark cloth; and                    immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen for no
somatic cell count > 500,000 cells/ml and                 more than 21 days.
positive to the CMT (> 2 CMT). Only cows                       Identification and quantification of
with one quarter affected were included in                amoxicillin was carried simultaneously by
this trial. This classification of macroscopi-            isocratic reversed phase high performance
cally characteristics of milk and somatic cell            liquid chromatography (HPLC), with 228

Table 1. Mean elimination half-life (T½β) and elimination hybrid rate constant (β) values for
amoxicillin in dairy cow’s milk after intramammary treatment with a commercial prepara-
tion of amoxicillin-potassium clavulanate (300 mg/60 mg), every 12 hours for three days. CL
stands for healthy cows; Exp-L for cows affected with mastitis and treated as described; Exp-
EL2 stands for cows treated under extra-label route condition, by doubling the referred dose
(same dose interval) and Exp-EL3 by tripling the dose.

                                                     T½β                                 β
                CL                                  63.05a                             1.96
              Exp-L                                 73.53b                             2.08
            Exp-EL1                                 82.85  c
            Exp-EL2                                 83.69  c

  a,b,c Between groups, parameters with uncommon superscript differ at P < 0.05

188                                                  Vol. 12, No.3, 2014 • Intern J Appl Res Vet Med.
nm UV detection as proposed by Mohsen                of sample signal to drug standard signal.
et a., (2007). A minimum detection and               Chromatogram size area of each sample was
quantification limits of 4 and 5 μg/ml were          transformed to drug concentration based on
obtained. Briefly, milk samples were thawed          a standard curve, and linear over the range
and fat removed. Amoxicillin was methanol            of 0.05 to 40 μg/ml (correlation coefficient >
extracted after vortexing and centrifuging           0.99). The within-run and between-run pre-
the samples at 3,000 g for 20 min at -4ºC.           cision values, as well as recovery percent-
The clear supernatant was used for drug              ages for amoxicillin were ≤ 5, ≤ 6, and 92%,
identification and quantification. A solid/          respectively.
liquid borosilicate cartridge was used as a              Results are presented as mean values ±
pre-cleaner system. Drug separation was              SE. Differences in amoxicillin concentra-
accomplished by a stationary reversed-phase          tions between experimental groups (Exp-L,
Chromolith® Performance (RP-18e, 100                 Exp-EL1 and Exp-EL2) and control cows
mm x 4.6 mm) column with a 0.02 M diso-              (CL) were evaluated from 12-72 h sampling
dium hydrogen phosphate buffer-methanol              period by using two-way ANOVA, followed
pH 3.0 (96:4, v/v) as isocratic mobile phase.        by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test.
Ampicillin was used as internal standard.            Time and treatment effect, along with its
     Final drug concentration in milk was            interaction were included in the model. Dif-
estimated considering: milk sample volume,           ferences in the percentage of cows reaching
solvent extractor volume, chromatograph              amoxicillin MRL along time were detected
volume sample injected, signal chromato-             by comparison of survival curves. To ac-
gram size area, and similar retention time           complish this, a Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test
                                                                     was performed. Finally, in
Figure 1. Mean ± 1 SD elimination profiles of amoxicillin            order to evaluate the abil-
in milk from dairy cows after treatment with a commercially          ity of cows in each group to
available preparation of amoxicillin-potassium clavulanate.          clear the antibiotic through-
Treatment was administered by the intramammary route,                out time, experimental data
every 12 hours for three days. CL stands for healthy cows;           were fitted into non-linear
Exp-L for cows affected with mastitis and treated as de-             regression curves. For this,
scribed; Exp-EL2 stands for cows treated under extra-label           a Log (time) vs response (I)
condition by doubling the referred dose (same dose interval)         or normalized response (II)
and Exp-EL3 by tripling the dose. The accepted MRL for               equations was used. The fol-
amoxicillin in milk is marked in grey. Different signs between lowing Hill equations were
curves stand out for differences statistically significant.          used to fit experimental data:
                                                                                                                                  Y= Bottom+ (Top-Bottom)/[1+10^((LogT1/2-
                                        * Indicates p < 0.05 Exp-EL1 vs CL
                                        +Indicates p < 0.05 Exp- vs C                                                                        X)*h)] (equation I)
                                                                EL2   L
                                        •Indicates p < 0.05 Exp- vs Exp-
                                                                  EL1               EL2
                                                                                                                                   Y= 100/[1+10^((LogT1/2-X)*h)]
Amoxicillin (µg/mL milk)

                           20                                                                                                               (equation II)
                                +          +                                                                        CL
                                                                                                                                  Where: X is the logarithm
                           16                                 +
                                                                                                                                  of time, Y is the response,
                                               •                        +
                                *                         •
                                                                                +                                   Exp-EL1
                           12              *
                                                                                        +                                         decreasing as X increases
                                                              *                                 +                   Exp-EL2
                                                                                                                                  (equation I) or the nor-

                            8                                           *           •

                                                                                *           •

                                                                                        * *
                                                                                                        •                         malized concentration of
                                                                                                            •   •

                                                                                                                    Amoxicillin   amoxicillin, which goes
                            0                                                                                        4 µg/L       from 100 to 0%, decreasing
                                                                                                                                  as X increases (equation II),
                                12       24                   48            72              96 132                                Top and Bottom are pla-
                                        Sampling time (h)                                                                         teaus in the same units as Y,
                                                                                                                                  LogT1/2 is the time causing

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 12, No. 3, 2014.                                                                                                                  189
50% reduction of the initial       Figure 2. Survival analysis that shows the number of cows
concentration and β is the         that reached the desired concentration of amoxicillin (below
hybrid elimination rate            the MRL of 4 μg/L) after treatment with a commercially avail-
constant. For this analysis,       able intrammamary preparation of amoxicillin-potassium
amoxicillin concentration          clavulanate (300 mg/60 mg), every 12 hours for three days.
was normalized to 100%,
which corresponded to the

                                   Cows reaching MLR (%)
                                       100 Log-rank (Mantel-Cox)                               Exp-EL2
initial value during the as-                     X2 = 58.9, df = 3
                                                    p < 0.0001                                 Exp-EL1
sessed period of time. From              80
the obtained parameters of                                                                     Exp-L
each curve, the extra sum-                                                                     CL
of-squares F-test was used               40
to compare elimination T½                20
between groups. Official
MRL adopted for this trial
was 4 μg/ml (EMEA, 2001;






Samanidous et al., 2007;


Kneebone et al., 2010).                                   Sampling time (h)
     In all cases, the proba-
                                                      of 4 μg/L.
bility level considered as significant was P <
0.05. All statistical analysis and graphs were        DISCUSSION
generated on Prism 6.0 (GraphPad Software,            Withdrawal times for milk are established
Inc., USA).                                           based on approved analytical methods,
RESULTS                                               mainly through high performance liquid
Figure 1 shows depletion profiles of amoxi-           chromatography and after studies of popula-
cillin in cows from all four treatment groups.        tion pharmacokinetics. Thus, minimum
Values of elimination half-life (T½β) and             deviations from the mean are expected when
the hybrid rate constant for elimination              data is applied under field conditions. In
(β) increased after double- and triple-dose           this trial, the use of a validated analytical
mastitis therapy, showing a zero-order                technique (Mohsen et al, 2007) rendered
tendency. Changes in these values were                recovery values, as well as intra and inter-
statistically significant (P< 0.05). A clear          assay errors that can be regarded as reliable.
and statistically significant difference was          However, large standard deviation values
observed in elimination kinetics of amoxi-            were obtained. These are clearly the results
cillin, when comparing T½β and β values               of the inherent variability of clinical cases
of CL and Exp-L groups against Exp-EL2                of mastitis, as well as the milk yield of each
and Exp-EL3 groups. Also, a statistically             cow. In this respect, results obtained in this
significant difference was obtained when              trial stand out as noticeably different from
Exp-EL2 and Exp-EL3 were compared (see                residue studies carried out by sponsors of a
Table 1). By means of a survival analysis,            given pharmaceutical product, where healthy
it becomes clear that amoxicillin is cleared          and more homogeneous types of animals are
beyond 6 milking times or 72 h, claimed               chosen to avoid dispersion of data (Jones et
by the manufacturer in CL and Exp-L                   a., 1999). In spite of the above, withdrawal
groups. In contrast, Exp-EL1 and Exp-EL2              time established in this study comply with
groups required more than 132 h to reach              the one proposed by the pharmaceutical
the desired MRL. In Figure 2, the survival            company for its product. That is, variability
analysis applied to withdrawal times shows            of milk producing cows in CL group with
the number of cows that reached the desired           healthy cows and cows affected with masti-
concentration of amoxicillin below the MRL            tis in Exp-L group, showed that elimination

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