Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy

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Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
The Faculty of Homeopathy Newsletter                              February 2018

Anger and protests at
RCVS statement on CAM
        ets, farmers and pet owners have                                                   condemnation of the RCVS. “This
        reacted with anger after the Royal                                                 statement has been imposed without
        College of Veterinary Surgeons’                                                    consultation with clients or any of the
(RCVS) ruling council agreed a new                                                         vets who use these treatments. We
position statement on complementary                                                        are deeply disappointed that the RCVS
therapies which they say is tantamount                                                     would seek to undermine its own
to a ban on the use of homeopathy in                                                       members whose independence and
the treatment of sick animals.                                                             livelihoods are at stake.”
     Although the statement is designed                                                        Supporters of veterinary
to cover all complementary therapies,                                                      homeopathy have also been making
it singles out homeopathy. It makes the                                                    their views known. An online petition
questionable claim the therapy “exists                                                     received over 15,000 signatures.
without a recognised body of evidence”                                                     And in January a group of about 50
and to protect animal welfare it should                                                    protestors, many accompanied by their
only be used alongside conventional                                                        animals, braved gale force winds and
treatments and not as an alternative.                                                      pouring rain to march on the RCVS’s
     Furthermore, many homeopathic              Vet Geoff Johnson protesting
                                                                                           headquarters in London to deliver the
veterinary surgeons believe the                 in London                                  petition. They were met by Professor
statement implies a degree of criticism                                                    Peter May, the RCVS’s president, who
of their clinical competence, in that by     used in veterinary practice, as well          attempted to clarify the royal college’s
using homeopathy they are causing            as human medicine, is inconclusive.           position.
animals to suffer. When challenged           If the RCVS were to apply the same                He said: “We continue to
on this, the RCVS conceded they              evidential criteria used for homeopathy       recognise that homeopathy and other
have no evidence that vets using             to all treatments, there would be far         complementary therapies are popular
complementary therapies, including           fewer clinical options available to the       amongst some animal owners and
homeopathy, are causing harm to              profession.”                                  certain members of the veterinary
animals.                                          He went on: “There is growing            profession, as indicated by today’s
     Responding to the statement             interest in homeopathy from animal            delegation, but it is worth reiterating
Peter Gregory, the Faculty’s veterinary      owners, as they see conventional              that the RCVS council statement does
dean, said the statement “has serious        medicines regularly failing or producing      not ban their use.”
implications for the whole profession        adverse side-effects. This is especially          But campaigners remain
and the future of veterinary medicine”.      true in livestock farming, where there is     unconvinced and are considering a
     “Contrary to the RCVS position,         a drive to reduce the dependence on           larger demonstration later in the year.
there is quality evidence supporting         antibiotics in light of concerns about        Mr Gregory said: “To have this position
the efficacy of the therapy,” he said.       antimicrobial resistance.”                    statement rescinded will take a lot of
“The evidence is inconclusive – in                Chris Day, president of the British      work, but our resolve is strong and
the same way the evidence base               Association of Homeopathic Veterinary         public support for homeopathic vets
for many conventional medicines              Surgeons, was equally forceful in his         has been overwhelming.”
Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy

       omeopathy has survived many                                                       metaphysical speculation. Homeopathy
       attacks in its 212-year history,      Dr Peter Fisher                             was born before its time in scientific
       so perhaps we should not be                                                       terms: although Avogadro enunciated
so surprised by the current sustained                                                    his eponymous principle in 1811, during
attack by sceptical groups. But it is                                                    Hahnemann’s lifetime, there is no
worth reflecting on the recent history                                                   evidence that Hahnemann knew of it.
to see what we can learn. The current                                                    In any case its value was not calculated
series of attacks can be traced to                                                       until 1876, by Loschmidt. The result
the lead story of The Times on 24                                                        is that homeopathy remains in its
August 2005 “Prince plots alternative                                                    scientific infancy.
treatments for the NHS”.                                                                      But the last few years have seen
    This story was based on a leak of the       Sir Michael Peat, the Prince of Wales’   a series of developments which may
Smallwood report* by Prof Edzard Ernst.     Principal Private Secretary, wrote to        eventually put to bed the criticism that
Christopher Smallwood had previously        the vice chancellor of Exeter University     “it doesn’t work because it can’t work”:
been an economics adviser to Barclays       protesting at the leak, and the university   that it is impossible for the very high
Bank and subsequently chairman              conducted an investigation. Ernst’s          dilutions often used in homeopathy
of St George’s University Hospitals         position became untenable, funding for       to have any biological effect. A range
NHS Foundation Trust and other NHS          his department dried up and he took          of methods agree that succussion
organisations. Interestingly in the         early retirement. Thirteen years later he    generates nanoparticles, micro-cavities
context he had also been a member           remains sore; in his latest book More        and very high, but very localised
of the Competition Commission.              Harm than Good? he attacks the Prince        and very transient temperatures and
Smallwood was commissioned by the           of Wales as “foolish and immoral”.           pressures and that these in turn have
Prince of Wales to prepare a report to                                                   structural effects on water. Twelve
                                            Moving the goalposts
“take a fresh and independent look at                                                    independent research labs have
the contribution which complementary        I sometimes wonder why do they hate          reported that homeopathic medicines
therapies can potentially make to           us so much? Why the wilful ignorance         contain nanostructures, including
healthcare in the UK”.                      of the mantra “there is no evidence for
                                                                                         source material, silica nanoparticles
                                            homeopathy”? But certain respected
The Smallwood report                                                                     and gas. This does not prove that
                                            bodies have gone beyond simply
The conclusions of the Smallwood                                                         homeopathy works, it does refute
                                            ignoring the evidence to actively
report were tentative but positive for                                                   the argument that it “does not work
                                            distorting it. High profile reviews and
complementary medicine. They                                                             because it cannot work” since it provides
                                            meta-analyses including that of Shang
included the suggestion that CAM                                                         a potential mechanism of action.
                                            et al published in The Lancet in 2005,
therapies might have an important                                                             We must remain united, determined
                                            which appeared almost simultaneously
contribution to make for “effectiveness     with The Times story (it is hard to          and committed to science.
gap” conditions (I am proud to have         believe that was a coincidence), and
minted the term “effectiveness gap”).                                                    Dr Peter Fisher
                                            the 2015 Australian NHMRC report have
And that CAM treatments might have                                                       *
                                            “dredged the data”.
the potential to make direct cost savings                                                report.pdf
                                                 Data dredging is the inadmissible
for the NHS or to deliver additional        practice of selecting, post-hoc, a subset
benefit to patients in a cost-effective     of data to deliver a desired outcome. It
way. The main recommendation of the         is the scientific equivalent of moving
report was that additional funds should     the goalposts while the game is in
be made available for research into the     progress and the home side losing!
cost effectiveness of complementary                                                       Editor: John Burry
                                            Shang et al and the NHMRC excluded
medicine.                                                                                 Consultant Editor: Greg White
                                            93% and 97% respectively of the
    A prepublication draft was circulated   randomised clinical trial data. The effect    Faculty of Homeopathy
for comment with prominent warnings         of excluding such a large proportion of       CAN Mezzanine , 49-51 East Road
that it was confidential and not to be      the data was a negative conclusion. The       London, N1 6AH Tel: 020 3640 5903
shared more widely (I can personally        authors of both reports had previously        E:
vouch for this, since I was one of those    conducted more comprehensive                  W:
asked to comment). Regrettably, Prof        reviews whose results they have not
                                                                                          All the material in this publication is copyright
Ernst did precisely this, leaking it to     revealed. This strongly suggests that         and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Times who used it as the basis          they were aware that a fuller review          The publishers do not necessarily identify with
                                                                                          or hold themselves responsible for contributors’,
of their lead story. The editor of The      of the clinical evidence would have           correspondents’ or advertisers’ opinions.
Lancet, Richard Horton, certainly           resulted in more positive conclusions.
no friend of homeopathy, promptly                                                         Design: HMCA Services
denounced Ernst for having “broken          Scientific progress
                                                                                          Printing: HMCA Services
every professional code of scientific       We must not allow such attacks to   
behaviour”.                                 cause us to retreat from science into

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
NEWS                                                                                      simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

NHS England faces legal challenge to its
‘fundamentally flawed’ consultation
NHS England’s consultation that                treatment because they have failed to       consultation was not a genuine attempt
resulted in the recommendation                 respond to conventional drugs or have       to engage with patients, with NHS
that homeopathy should not be                  suffered serious side-effects.”             England appearing to have already
routinely prescribed in primary care               He also said it is surprising that a    taken the decision to deprive patients
is being challenged in the courts.             review of individual medicines should       of homeopathic care even before the
The British Homeopathic Association            include homeopathy, which is a clinical     views of the public were sought.
(BHA) is seeking a judicial review on          discipline quite often only accessible          Furthermore, it is the BHA’s view
the basis that the consultation was            through GP referral to doctors              the consultation failed to take into
fundamentally flawed from the outset.          specialising in the therapy.                proper consideration the evidence for
    Cristal Sumner, BHA chief executive,           Central to the BHA’s case is the        homeopathy’s clinical use or considered
said the charity is making the legal           argument that the proposal to
                                                                                           the negative impact on patients
challenge on behalf of the many                withdraw homeopathy from routine
                                                                                           and the NHS if it is removed from
patients who receive homeopathy on             prescribing was not formulated with
the NHS and find it beneficial to their        input from any homeopathy experts or
                                                                                               An online appeal to raise funds
health.                                        practitioners, and appeared to be based
    The Faculty of Homeopathy is               solely on the discredited conclusions       to help cover the BHA’s legal costs
supporting the litigation and is listed        of a House of Commons Science and           received more than £18,000 in
in court papers as an interested party.        Technology Committee report from            donations. Meanwhile, an online
In a statement supporting the BHA,             2010. As a consequence, it is also the      parliamentary petition in support of
the Faculty’s chief executive, Greg            BHA’s position that NHS England failed      NHS homeopathy has attracted over
White, said: “NHS England has failed           to provide adequate information for         25,000 signatures. The petition closes
to announce alternative treatment              patients to give a considered and           on 13 March 2018, so if you have not
pathways for patients, many of whom            informed response.                          already signed it, visit www.petition.
are elderly and receiving homeopathic              The BHA also believes the     

Glasgow centre recognised with national award
                                                                               The NHS Glasgow Centre for Integrative Care
                                                                               (CIC) has won a prestigious national award for
                                                                               delivering excellent patient care.
                                                                                     The multi-disciplinary team at the centre
                                                                               fought off stiff competition to win the much
                                                                               coveted Healthier Lifestyle category in the 2017
                                                                               Scottish Health Awards. The award recognises the
                                                                               dedication and commitment of all the healthcare
                                                                               staff at the CIC in motivating and supporting
                                                                               people in their efforts to make changes in their
                                                                               lives to improve their health, enabling them to
                                                                               enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.
                                                                                     In congratulating the winners John Brown,
                                                                               chairman of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said:
                                                                               “It is wonderful that our staff are recognised for
                                                                               their dedication and commitment to enhancing
                                                                               our services.”
                                                                                     He went on to describe the CIC team as a
                                                                               “great example of the excellent work carried out
                                                                               every day by all NHS staff”.
                                                                                     Every year, the Scottish Health Awards
                                                                               recognise and reward the dedicated NHS staff,
  Collecting the award for the CIC (L to R) Katrina Bissett,
  clinical nurse specialist; Dr Moira McGuigan; Stephanie                      support workers, volunteers and specialist teams
  Wilson, senior physiotherapist; Dr Jacqueline Mardon.                        who go the extra mile to provide outstanding
                                                                               patient care.

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy

Winner of international                                                                Faculty forges
                                                                                       closer links with
history prize announced                                                                Spanish academy
                                                                                       Doctors and vets in Spain will in future
  The winner Alice Kuzniar (second left) receives her prize                            have the opportunity of joining the
                                                                                       Faculty of Homeopathy following
                                                                                       the signing of an agreement with the
                                                                                       Academia Medico Homeopatica de
                                                                                       Barcelona (AMHB).
                                                                                            The agreement allows members
                                                                                       of these professions holding the
                                                                                       Master de Homeopatia, gained
                                                                                       through a teaching centre accredited
                                                                                       by the European Committee of
                                                                                       Homeopathy (ECH), to sit the Faculty
                                                                                       of Homeopathy’s membership
                                                                                            Faculty chief executive, Greg White,
                                                                                       says the signing of the agreement is
                                                                                       another positive step in growing the
                                                                                       Faculty’s international membership and
                                                                                       its influence abroad.
                                                                                            As for all international members,
                                                                                       the professional qualifications held
                                                                                       by Spanish doctors and vets must be
                                                                                       recognised by the General Medical
                                                                                       Council or the Royal College of
                                                                                       Veterinary Surgeons. Those wishing
                                                                                       to sit MFHom exam must also be
                                                                                       associate members of the Faculty.
                                                                                            To ensure the Faculty maintains
                                                                                       its reputation for excellence in
The 2017 Hans Walz Award for research           Since 2003 the Institute for the       homeopathic education, the
on the history of homeopathy has            History of Medicine of the Robert          examination papers will be set by
been won by Alice Kuzniar for her           Bosch Foundation has awarded the           the Faculty and will be in English,
book The Birth of Homeopathy out of         international prize worth 1,500 Euros.     although Catalan-English or Spanish-
the Spirit of Romanticism.                  The prize is designed to promote           English dictionaries may be used
    Ms Kuzniar is a lecturer in German      outstanding research on the history of
                                                                                       by the candidates. The examination
and English language and culture at         homeopathy and is open to anyone
                                                                                       can be held in Catalan or Spanish
the University of Waterloo in Canada.       outside of the institute.
                                                                                       if the examiners are fluent in these
In her book she casts new light on              The award is funded by the Hans
                                                                                       languages. Where there are four
the work of Samuel Hahnemann                Walz Foundation which has been
                                                                                       or more candidates sitting either
by using her in-depth knowledge             an integrative part of the Robert
                                                                                       the MFHom or the MFHom(Vet),
of romanticism to critically explore        Bosch Foundation since 1985. Hans
homeopathy against the intellectual         Walz (1883-1974) worked closely with       the examination will take place in
background of the period when the           Robert Bosch Sr and was for many           Barcelona. Two external examiners
therapy was first being developed. By       years managing director of the Robert      chosen by the Faculty will attend each
adopting this innovative approach Ms        Bosch Company and a trustee of             examination along with two internal
Kuzniar argues that Hahnemann was           the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital.        examiners from the AMHB.
a product of his time rather than an        Throughout his life he was committed,           The AMHB was founded in 1890
iconoclast and visionary.                   professionally as well as personally, to   and is an association made up of
    The book also features the first        the advancement of homeopathy.             doctors, pharmacists, dentists and
English translations of many of                 The Birth of Homeopathy out of         vets. Its objectives are the promotion
Hahnemann’s unpublished writings,           the Spirit of Romanticism is published     of homeopathy and to facilitate
including case journals and self-           by Toronto University Press and            education and further research into
proovings.                                  available from Amazon.                     homeopathic medicine.

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
NEWS                                                                                        simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

FDA review policy on homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines in America               distributed without FDA approval.             manufactured in accordance with Good
are to be subject to greater scrutiny by           FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb           Manufacturing Practice guidelines set
the country’s Food and Drugs Authority         said: “In many cases, people may              by the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
(FDA).                                         be placing their trust and money in           of the United States.
    The FDA proposes to target                 therapies that may bring little or no             Concerns over some homeopathic
products which they claim could pose           benefit in combating serious ailments,        medicines first came to light in early
safety risks to the public. They will be       or worse – may cause significant and          2017, when media reports suggested
focussing on medicines containing              even irreparable harm.”                       a particular brand of homeopathic
potentially harmful ingredients or                 Even so, the agency says it would be      teething tablets and gels were linked to
being marketed as treatments for life          impractical to require all homeopathic        the deaths of ten children. Laboratory
threatening diseases. Homeopathic              medicines to meet full FDA approval,          tests conducted by the FDA found
medicines administered by injection or         and that it has no desire to prevent          some of these products to contain
intended for vulnerable groups, such as        consumers from continuing to use              “elevated and inconsistent levels of
children or the elderly, will in future also   homeopathic products as part of their         Belladonna” and they were withdrawn
have to satisfy more stringent safety          healthcare. But it says it will “go after”    from the market.
checks.                                        products that might cause serious harm.           While deploring any suffering
    Under US law homeopathic                       A statement issued by the National        caused to patients by poorly
medicines are required to comply               Center for Homeopathy (NCH) said it           manufactured homeopathic products,
with the same safety standards as              “supported the FDA’s efforts to ensure        supporters of homeopathy say that
conventional drugs. But in 1988, the           safety and good manufacturing                 according to the Centers for Disease
FDA adopted a policy of “enforcement           practices in the industry”. The NCH also      Control and Prevention, almost 17,000
discretion” where homeopathic                  highlighted the safety of homeopathic         people died in America in 2016 from
products could be manufactured and             medicines when products are                   overdoses of prescription opioids.

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Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy

Faculty president New threat to NHS homeopathy
to stand down     in the West Country
                                                     Hardly had the new year begun
President Dr Helen Beaumont is to stand
                                                     when another threat to NHS
down at the Faculty’s annual general
                                                     homeopathy emerged, this time
meeting in March. Dr Beaumont was elected
                                                     in the west of England. In January
to office after a closely fought election in 2014.
                                                     it was announced that health
      Announcing her decision, Dr Beaumont
                                                     bosses from North Somerset,
said she has thoroughly enjoyed her time
                                                     South Gloucestershire and Bristol
in office despite the many challenges the
                                                     are to review the commissioning
Faculty and homeopathy face.
                                                     of homeopathy services and
      “I feel immensely proud and privileged
                                                     treatments as part of a cost-cutting
to have represented the Faculty and its
membership over the last four years,” she said.
                                                          Currently patients can access
      “It’s been a time of great change, which
                                                     homeopathy treatment on the
has seen the Faculty successfully emerge as a
                                                     NHS at the Portland Centre for
fully independent organisation and I’d like to
                                                     Integrative Medicine (PCIM), where
thank our chief executive Greg White for all
                                                     Faculty member Dr Elizabeth
his hard work in helping achieve this.”                                                       Dr Elizabeth Thompson of the PCIM
                                                     Thompson is the clinical lead.
      She went on to say how she has been
                                                          Interviewed on BBC Radio
impressed with the growing collaboration             Bristol, Dr Thompson said: “In a way they [CCGs] are targeting the most
within the homeopathic community, both               vulnerable people who are chronically ill.”
nationally and internationally. Another                   She explained how conventional medicine can’t always help everyone
highlight for Dr Beaumont was the Belfast            and how it is important to have choice for those patients who benefit from
congress in 2016, which she describes as the         the holistic approach offered at the PCIM. “For these patients,” she said, “it is
“best ever”.                                         really important they have this avenue of care.”
      “Finally,” she said, “I would like to thank         A statement published by Bristol CCG says homeopathy has no clinical
my fellow council members for the support            value beyond placebo and has “no evidence base”. In support of these claims
they’ve given me throughout my presidency.           the CCG cites the damaging conclusions from the now discredited 2010
The Faculty is fortunate to have so many             House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s evidence check in
talented and committed individuals who               homeopathy, together with the NHS England recommendation from last year
give up their time for the benefit of our            that CCGs should not fund homeopathy. This is despite the consultation, on
organisation and its membership.”                    which NHS England based its guidance, being subject to a legal challenge.
      The Faculty’s long-standing vice-                   You can support NHS homeopathy by filling in the simple questionnaire
president, Dr Elizabeth Thompson, is also            at XKYTVD3
standing down.
      Responding to these departures from
the Faculty’s ruling body, Greg White said:
“I’d like to offer my personal thanks to Helen
for her help and support, particularly when
I first joined the Faculty 18 months ago.                  Don’t forget to join us in Liverpool
Working with Helen has been a pleasure,
and I’ve always valued her experience and                                for the
wise counsel during a period when as an
organisation we’ve had to make some
                                                         2018 Faculty of Homeopathy Congress
difficult decisions.”
      He continued: “Liz Thompson is one of                                 11 – 14 October 2014
the council’s longest serving members and
on behalf of the Faculty membership I’d                                Homeopathy –
like to thank her for her commitment and
contribution over many years.”                                connecting our global community
      Nominations for president and vice-
president will be sought in the very near
future. If there is more than one nomination                 Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Liverpool, UK
for either position, then elections will be held.
Details of how to nominate a candidate were
announced via the Faculty’s website and

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
NEWS                                                                                     simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Exam success in Bristol and London
                                                                                          Robinson, Dr Indranil Sen, Dr Ramya
                                                                                          Gnanasambandam and Dr Thendral
                                                                                          Samarai Selvan. Doctors Paluri,
                                                                                          Robinson and Sen all scored 80 per cent
                                                                                          or above and achieved distinctions. All
                                                                                          five candidates had studied through
                                                                                          the Faculty’s accredited Fast Track
                                                                                          course run by the Royal London
                                                                                          Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
                                                                                               Furthermore, Dr Selvan and Dr
                                                                                          Gnanasambandam both travelled to
                                                                                          London from India to take the Fast Track
                                                                                          course, highlighting the high esteem
                                                                                          in which the Faculty’s training is held
                                                                                               Dr Helen Beaumont, Faculty
                                                                                          president, welcomed all the successful
                                                                                          candidates. “This is the highest number
  L to R: Dr Sally Moorcroft, Dr Julie Geraghty (examiner) nurse Susan Greenfield,        of new members to join the Faculty
  dentist Hester Degrae and Dr David Williams (examiner).                                 in one month for a little while. I’d like
                                                                                          to wish them all successful careers in
At the beginning of December three           congratulate all three candidates. As        homeopathic medicine and a long
candidates successfully sat the MFHom        examiners we realise that healthcare         association with the Faculty.”
examination in Bristol. Representing         professionals who have studied                    All three candidates from Bristol
three clinical disciplines, Dr Sally         homeopathy later in their careers will       and three of the London candidates
Moorcroft, nurse Susan Greenfield            probably not have sat a major exam           received bursaries through the Barcapel
and dentist Hester Degrae are now            for many years, with all the anxiety that    Foundation, which provides financial
all proud members of the Faculty of          entails; so it is a great achievement –      assistance to individuals connected
Homeopathy.                                  and no doubt relief – to pass. We wish       to not-for-profit organisations
     Hester Degrae deserves special          Sally, Susan and Hester very well as they    working towards improving health or
mention as she is the first dentist          integrate homeopathy into their work.”       promoting heritage and youth projects.
to pass the new clinical MFHom for               We can also report examination           If you are interested in receiving a
dentists. She is also only the second        success in London, where five doctors        Barcapel bursary, please contact the
dentist to pass the MFHom(Dent).             passed their MFHom just before               Faculty’s membership and education
     Dr Julie Geraghty, the Faculty’s        Christmas. The successful candidates         officer Lisa Peacock at lpeacock@
medical dean, said: “I’d like to             were Dr Srinivasa Paluri, Dr Jessica

Faculty members debate whether CAM threatens public health
Last autumn, Faculty members Dr Russell Malcolm and Dr              have become all too familiar with. Dr Malcolm responded
Rajendra Sharma took the fight for homeopathy into the              by examining what constitutes a threat to public health and
very heartland of the sceptic movement. They were invited           outlining the limitations of the “evidence base”.
to speak in a debate on complementary medicine at Exeter                 The second proposer, Luke Smith, concentrated on the
University, where Prof Edzard Ernst, one of the therapy’s most      improbability of CAM models and chose to concentrate his
implacable foes, was once Chair in Complementary Medicine.          criticism on the precepts for homeopathy. He was followed
    Exeter University’s debating society proposed the motion        by Dr Sharma who discussed the precept “Let food be thy
that complementary medicine poses a threat to public                medicine”. Essentially he examined the question of whether
health. Supporting the proposition were Professor Wendy             synthetic medicinal substances had a place in human healing
Reid, Director of Medical Education and Quality for Health          in the absence of normalisation and naturalisation of the
Education England, and Luke Smith, a final year biochemistry        patient’s daily regimen.
student and president of the Exeter branch of Humanists UK.              When the debate was opened to the floor, the
    The proceedings opened with a pre-debate vote which             propositions were examined from various angles in a lively
showed a small but equal level of support for both sides of         question and answer session. When the final vote was taken,
the argument, with the majority of the audience abstaining.         Dr Malcolm and Dr Sharma were victorious by a good majority.
Professor Reid then opened the debate, focussing principally             Read Dr Malcolm’s deconstruct of his opponents
on the issue of evidence and medical science, which we              arguments on page 9.

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy

Nobel prize-winning scientist to speak in London
                                                                             World renowned virologist and Nobel laureate
                                                                             Professor Luc Montagnier will be visiting the UK later
                                                                             this year to discuss his ground-breaking research
                                                                             into the properties of water.
                                                                                 Professor Montagnier was awarded the Nobel
                                                                             Prize for Medicine in 2008 for discovering HIV.
                                                                             The French scientist has since become a leading
                                                                             authority in water research, and when interviewed
                                                                             in 2010 is reported to have said: “High dilutions
                                                                             of something are not nothing, they are water
                                                                             structures which mimic the original molecules. It’s
                                                                             not pseudoscience. It’s not quackery. These are real
                                                                             phenomena which deserve further study.”
                                                                                 He will be revealing the results of his latest
                                                                             research at the Royal Society of Medicine in London
                                                                             on Saturday 14 July 2018. Also speaking at the event
                                                                             are two other high profile scientists from this field
                                                                             of research: Dr Gerald Pollack from the University
                                                                             of Washington and Professor Alexander Konovalov
                                                                             from the Russian Academy of Sciences.
                                                                                 Dr Pollack is a professor in bioengineering and
                                                                             an expert in water science who discovered the
                                                                             fourth phase of water known as EZ water; while
                                                                             Professor Konovalov has conducted independent
                                                                             research on high dilutions that could provide a
                                                                             better scientific understanding of homeopathy.
                                                                                 This exciting scientific event is being organised
                                                                             by Faculty licentiate member Ken Ward-Atherton.
   Professor Luc Montagnier                                                  Members can get further information by emailing

Huge response to Charity Commission review
Feedback from the Charity Commission’s      not about whether complementary              placed to provide accurate information
public consultation on whether              therapies and medicines are “good” or        about the therapies. The Faculty also
organisations promoting complementary       “bad”, but about what level of evidence      made the point that it is inappropriate
therapies should retain charitable          the commission should require                for a registered charity, namely The
status has been released. The Charity       when making assessments about an             Good Thinking Society, to use the
Commission launched its review in           organisation’s charitable status.            Charity Commission to try to dictate
March 2017 following pressure from              This will confuse supporters of          what therapies are available to the
the anti-homeopathy group The Good          charities promoting the benefits of          public, many of which are prescribed by
Thinking Society.                           complementary medicine, for when             doctors and nurses. Such a move would
     In its statement the commission said   the commission launched its public           restrict patient freedom of choice and
it received over 670 written responses,     consultation it said it was not seeking      limit the clinical freedom of statutorily
far in excess of the number they usually    to review the evidence. In fact, the         regulated healthcare professionals.
receive for a consultation. The majority    consultation has attracted criticism from        Once all the responses have been
of responses were from individuals but      people complaining that contrary to          assessed the results, along with other
submissions were also received from         the commission’s stated intention, all the   information relating to the legal
over 100 organisations. Owing to this       questions focussed on the evidence.          framework governing charitable
exceptionally high level of engagement,         Although the Faculty of                  status, will determine whether the
the commission says it is taking longer     Homeopathy does not have charitable          commission’s current policy towards
than initially anticipated to analyse all   status, it submitted a response              complementary therapies needs to
the responses.                              supporting charities promoting               be changed and if so, what changes
     The commission says its review is      homeopathy as it believes they are best      should be made.

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
VIEW POINT                                                                                simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Dismantling the opposition
Dr Russell Malcolm                           with no intrinsic healing capability
                                             on the open market; a drug which is
                                                                                           is occurring in the world today,
                                                                                           underpinned by irrational, ideological
deconstructs the                             widely used on the advice of healthcare       and religious pretexts. However, today’s
                                             professionals in direct contradiction of      so-called humanists have replaced their
arguments of Prof                            the clinical evidence for antipyretics in     old values of tolerance and persuasion
Wendy Reid and Luke                          fever.                                        with the idea that you can borrow
                                                  When it is revealed how much the         scientific models and use them as an
Smith that he and                            NHS spends on patients suffering side-        intellectual stick to defeat superstition
Faculty colleague                            effects from, so-called, evidence-based       and irrationality. At the root of these
                                             medicine, the financial argument for          new “values” is the belief that science
Dr Rajendra Sharma                           ceasing the funding of homeopathy             has a monopoly on truth.
faced in a debate                            and other complementary therapies
                                             falls apart. It is also clear that using a
                                                                                                This is naïve in the extreme.
                                                                                           Never more so when you target
on complementary                             disingenuous academic argument                experiential and heuristic areas of
medicine at Exeter                           to decommission safe, individualised
                                             treatments that facilitate positive
                                                                                           human endeavour, using schoolboy
                                                                                           materialism and Newtonianism in an
University.                                  responses in patients is mean-spirited        attempt to debunk those engaged in

  n the seventeenth century, the             and consigns patients to unnecessary          a lifelong empirical study of complex,
                                             suffering and loss of personal choice.        contextualised, living phenomena.
  physician Thomas Sydenham began
                                                  Professor Reid’s arguments                    These materialist-rationalists will of
  to categorise diseases, rationalise
                                             were politicking rather than closely          course point out that truths are verified
interventions and collate outcomes.
This has served medicine well overall.       responsive to real human concerns.            by the fact that scientific models can
Today, the evidence base for simple          The trappings of status and implied           be demonstrated to work. Strangely,
comparisons between Therapy A,               clinical superiority are not enough           they are prepared to conflate a scientific
versus Therapy B, in a highly definable      to deconstruct homeopathy in                  model with the notion of truth, even
condition with straightforward outcome       a debate with practitioners who               when the scientific model for every
measures, is one thing; while the            have dedicated their life to its study        “reality” ultimately breaks down within
“evidence base” for complex interventions    and the direct care of patients. Her          the modelling framework of another
in multi-system disease is quite another.    entirely uncompromising diatribe              observed phenomenon.
     The great error of medico-politicians   smacked of absolutism – a one-sided
                                             argument more suited to persuading            Automated healthcare
is to believe that they can conflate two
entirely different scientific challenges,    an accountant, politician or marketing        By extension, today’s humanist appears
at just one moment in history, and           group, but in the final analysis did not      to be suggesting that every part of the
make value-judgements concerning             convince an intelligent and reflective        “living machine”, including thought
the legitimacy of facilitatory and multi-    audience, some of whom related                and consciousness, will one day be
faceted treatments like homeopathy.          their own experience of how they              modelled. The rational extension of
     True to form, the anti-homeopathy       had exhausted orthodox treatment              materialist ideology in medicine is to
voices trotted out the usual buzz-words      options or had suffered at the hands of       imagine that, ultimately, the patient
concerning scientific evidence, but          “evidence-constrained medicine” and           should plug him/herself into an
always in the absence of any real depth      had found CAM beneficial.		                   enormous automated medical test-kit,
of study. These mantras serve only to        Inhuman humanists                             underpinned by a huge clinical data-set
obscure how opaque the evidence base                                                       and allow a super-computer to model
is for many established practices and        Luke Smith’s arguments were
                                                                                           their suffering, define the solutions and
treatments in modern clinical medicine.      considerably more challenging, partly
                                                                                           direct a robot to deliver the surgery and
                                             because they attempted to undermine
Double standards                                                                           drugs, based on the “evidence”.
                                             the precepts for homeopathy and CAM.
                                                                                                Where exactly does that leave a
To illustrate how the industry abuses        I have previously argued this issue with
                                                                                           patient that Faculty members might
the evidence base and how double             a member of the Humanist movement
                                                                                           recognise as requiring homeopathic
standards pervade the whole issue, we        in a live television debate.
                                                                                           Ignatia. Someone experiencing
need only to consider over-the-counter           Examining the prevailing ethos of
                                                                                           functional dyspepsia and dysphagia,
(OTC) Paracetamol. Any complementary         the modern humanist movement, it is
                                                                                           who is alone and isolated in their grief,
medicine that killed 200 people every        clear that as a group of thinkers they
                                                                                           someone for whom the human ear,
year, as paracetamol does, would not         are no longer engaged in thoughtful
                                                                                           human eye and human touch is not
last five minutes as an OTC medicine.        dialectic, but have become radicalised
It’s only the commercial power of the                                                      merely a sensor, but the final arbiter of
                                             and intolerant.
pharmaceutical industry and financial            It is not difficult to see how this       meaning and human understanding.
interests which keep a dangerous drug        may have come about. Terrible conflict        Dr Russell Malcolm

Anger and protests at RCVS statement on CAM - Faculty of Homeopathy
Faculty of Homeopathy
Annual review 2017
                                         and often frustrating, but it is      Let us hope the law can succeed
                                         important we continue to put          in reversing NHS England’s

     report                              the case for greater integration
                                         of homeopathy into modern
                                         medical practice. Over the past
                                                                               ill-informed and short-sighted
                                                                                     So as not to give my eventual
                                         twelve months, the Faculty has        successor the impression that
                                         once again been prominent             the president’s role is something
                                         in defending the therapy and          of a poisoned chalice, I’m
                                         the clinical freedom of its           pleased to report on several
                                         members to practise according         more positive developments
                                         to their training and experience.     from the last 12 months.
                                         In addition to the detailed                 In June last year, I attended
                                         submissions we make to various        the Homeopathy Research
                                         consultations, members have           Institute’s conference on the
                                         appeared in print and on radio        beautiful Mediterranean island of
                                         to counter the misinformation         Malta. This biennial conference
                                         frequently promulgated by our         has become a not-to-be-missed
                                         opponents through the media.          event, as it provides a forum for

               ost of you will know by       The Faculty is also named as      many of the leading researchers
               now that I’m stepping     an interested party in the British    in homeopathy to present and
               down as president at      Homeopathic Association’s             discuss their important work.
     the Faculty’s AGM in March.         (BHA) legal challenge to NHS          The array of clinical and basic
     Although I have enjoyed my          England’s consultation on             research that is presented is truly
     time as Faculty president, my       removing homeopathy from              inspiring.
     four years in office seem to        primary care prescribing. At the            The very complexity of
     have been beset by one major        time of writing we are awaiting       these research programmes
     challenge after another, as our     the court’s decision on whether       mean it will be awhile before
     opponents have intensified          there are sufficient grounds          any confident conclusions can
     their attacks on homeopathy in      for a judicial review. The firm       be drawn. Nevertheless, many
     general and NHS homeopathy in       of solicitors engaged by the          of the early results from studies
     particular.                         BHA has represented many              focussing on the homeopathic
         2017 has been no                of the UK’s leading charities         treatment of specific conditions
     different, with NHS England         and is vastly experienced in          and into homeopathy’s method
     recommending GPs stop               cases involving public sector         of action are very encouraging,
     prescribing homeopathy and          and regulatory bodies. Having         and will hopefully provide a
     the Royal College of Veterinary     reviewed the BHA’s arguments in       basis for further research that
     Surgeons (RCVS) issuing a           considerable detail, the solicitors   will eventually confound and
     new position statement on           agreed that NHS England’s             silence our critics.
     complementary therapies,            consultation was fundamentally              I’m also pleased to announce
     which many have interpreted         flawed and, among other               that 2017 saw the highest
     as a thinly veiled attack on the    things, has not taken into proper     number of successful MFHom
     professional competence of          consideration the evidence            candidates for a number of
     our homeopathic veterinary          for homeopathy’s use nor              years. I’d like to congratulate all
     colleagues.                         considered the negative impact        those members who joined the
         Responding to these             on patients and the NHS if the        Faculty over the last 12 months
     challenges is time consuming        therapy is no longer available.       and thank the teaching staff

simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

                                                                           Annual review 2017
who work so hard to help our          support during my presidency.        have crossed the desk this
students achieve academic             Also, a special mention to our       year. In the spring, the Charity
success.                              chief executive, Greg White, and     Commission launched a
     One of the most pleasurable      his small team of staff, for they    consultation on complementary
aspects of being president is         take on a huge amount of work        and alternative medicines
meeting so many more Faculty          for the benefit of us all and do a   (CAM), by which detractors
members than I would have had         wonderful job.                       are seeking to change the
I not been elected. It’s reassuring       Finally, I would like to wish    commission’s policy towards
to hear from those members            all members continued success        bestowing charitable status on
who are in private practice that      in their homeopathic careers.        organisations which promote
despite the constant attacks on       Through homeopathy we are            CAM therapies. Change in this
our profession, their patient lists   improving the health and lives       area could have implications for
are steadily growing. This is clear   of many people, often quite          the charitable support provided
indication there is a demand          dramatically. And we should          by organisations such as the
from the public for a more            always remember that fact and        British Homeopathic Association
holistic approach to healthcare       be proud to be homeopaths            and the Blackie Foundation
and that they are more than           and of the work we are doing.        Trust. It is a tribute to the energy
happy to consider homeopathy                                               and activism of our community
                                      Dr Helen Beaumont
as part of that approach. And                                              that the Charity Commission
                                      President of Faculty
while we continue to fight for                                             received over 670 responses,

the future of NHS homeopathy,                                              an unprecedented amount
it is good to know that should                                             of feedback for one of their

misguided health service bosses                                            consultations. Consequently, any
eventually make it impossible                                              decision from the review has
to deliver publicly funded
homeopathic care, there are           report                               been deferred to later this year.
                                                                               Spring 2017 also saw a short

opportunities in the private                his has been another           consultation by the London
sector.                                     eventful year for              Borough of Enfield Health
     Establishing a private                 homeopathy and the             Commissioning Board and
practice can seem daunting.           Faculty. Much has been               NHS Enfield CCG governing
But the Faculty has a large           accomplished but more work           body, which recommended
number of members who                                                      decommissioning of
can offer advice, including                                                homeopathic services in Enfield
the independent practice                                                   and four other London boroughs.
representative, Dr Jonathan                                                And during the summer, CCGs
Hardy. And the excellent series                                            from Bristol, North Somerset
of articles under the title of                                             and South Gloucestershire
Notes from a Small Practice                                                attempted to run a snap
by Dr Margaret Reid that                                                   consultation during the holiday
appeared in simile throughout                                              period on the “future provision
2017 provided a wonderful                                                  of homeopathic services”,
introduction to successfully                                               including those provided
practising homeopathy outside                                              by the Portland Centre for
the NHS.                                                                   Integrative Medicine. They were
     I feel very honoured to                                               emboldened by NHS England
have led this organisation for                                             announcing at the same time
the past four years. It has been                                           that it was to conduct a national
challenging but also immensely        remains to be done in 2018           consultation on items which
enjoyable. It would, however, be      and beyond. It is inescapable        should not routinely prescribed
an impossible role without the        that much of our work has            in primary (and secondary) care,
advice and help from others. So       involved pushing back against        which included homeopathy
I’d like to take this opportunity     the pressure brought to bear         and herbal medicine.
to thank my colleagues on             on homeopathy by groups of               In Bristol the threat of legal
the Faculty council, past and         detractors.                          action halted the review process.
present, for their wonderful             A series of “consultations”       At national level, however, NHS

Annual review 2017
     England has issued guidance to        partnerships. The relationship     more user-friendly for Faculty
     GPs and CCGs that homeopathy          with Thieme is already paying      members who are relinquishing
     should no longer be prescribed        dividends with a significant       their licence to practice one
     and is recommending that the          new partnership forming in the     of the conventional medical
     Department of Health consider         United States (check simile for    disciplines, but still practising
     blacklisting homeopathic              more news in due course). A        as homeopaths. Broadening
     medicines. The gravity of this        partnership agreement has also     our community’s appeal is of
     situation is such that the Faculty    been signed with the Academia      course an important element in
     has joined legal action led           Medico Homeopatica de              ensuring the Faculty’s long-term
     by the British Homeopathic            Barcelona in Cataluña, Spain.      future. The Faculty receives
     Association (BHA). Real thanks            The importance of the          requests for membership from
     should be extended to all the         Faculty’s journal to the wider     credible, like-minded supporters
     Faculty’s members who have            homeopathic community is           including psychologists,
     been kind enough to support           highlighted by news its Impact     psychiatrists, dieticians, overseas
     the crowdfunding campaign to          Factor increased in June,          clinicians and homeopaths,
     defray the legal costs incurred.      cementing its status as the        academics, researchers, etc., and
     I look forward to reporting on        only Medline/PubMed indexed        we must consider supporting
     this legal challenge in simile        homeopathic publication in         their joining aspirations.
     throughout 2018.                      the world. Further evidence              In the same vein, we are keen
         With so much flak coming          of Homeopathy’s value can          to see continued growth of the
     our way, members can be               be seen in the 100,000 plus        Faculty’s revalidation services.
     forgiven for feeling a little         individual downloads it achieved   Led by Dr David Owen, these
     despondent. But without               in 2016-2017.                      services have been recognised
     diminishing the significance of                                          by the GMC which is keen
     the challenges we face, much
     has been achieved in 2017 and         It is a tribute                    for them to be extended to
                                                                              colleagues working, for example,
     there are good reasons for
     optimism moving forward.              to the energy                      in functional medicine and/or
                                                                              environmental medicine via the
         Faculty council approved a
     new three-year strategic plan
                                           and activism of                    Suitable Person route in 2018.
                                                                                    So 2018 looks like being
     in the summer for growing
     our community of healthcare
                                           our community                      another eventful year. The
                                                                              current difficulties faced by
     professionals. Forging                that the Charity                   veterinary colleagues are
     international partnerships using
     Homeopathy, the members’              Commission                         sure to be a recurring theme
                                                                              and I will be working with
     journal, is one key element to
     achieving this.                       received over 670                  veterinary dean Peter Gregory
                                                                              and BAHVS colleagues in their
         Homeopathy successfully
     moved to a new publisher in
                                           responses, an                      campaign to get the Royal
                                                                              College of Veterinary Surgeons
     2017 with Thieme Verlag of            unprecedented                      to reconsider their new position
     Germany taking over publishing
     responsibilities. This project        amount of                          statement on complementary
                                                                              therapies. Then we have the
     was a significant piece of work
     which could not have been             feedback for                       Faculty Congress (the 98th) in
                                                                              Liverpool in October, which
     accomplished without a real
     team effort from all concerned,
                                           one of their                       will underscore the Faculty’s
                                                                              international and multi-
     led by the Journal’s editor-in-
     chief Dr Peter Fisher and deputy
                                           consultations.                     disciplinary character. But above
                                                                              all I look forward to working
     editor Dr Robert Mathie. Thieme
                                                                              with council to improving the
     has offices on every continent            Another key theme going
     and were, in part, chosen for         forward is broadening the          Faculty membership experience
     their ability to use the journal to   Faculty’s appeal by reviewing      for you all.
     deliver the Faculty’s objective of    our membership eligibility         Greg White
     developing new international          criteria. We must become           Chief Executive

CASE STUDY                                                                                    simile • February 2018 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Shutterstock/Elena Yakusheva
Pulled down,
held down,
A case of Castoreum                             When I got off the plane I didn’t realise
                                                how ill I was. And my husband is not
                                                                                              P: It’s like burning into my chest, it’s
canadense from                                  very good at saying, “You need to go to       really very strong.
Dr Jonathan Hardy.                              a doctor.” When I got to the emergency
                                                services I was really asthmatic, my
                                                                                                  I crave warmth. I feel cold to the
                                                                                              bone. The winter is bad for me, I’m

      he patient (P) is a woman aged 55,        inhalers weren’t helping, I couldn’t          always bad in the winter and I have this
      whose chief complaint is asthma.          breathe. I was petrified I might not be       craving for warmth. I put a scarf around
      She also suffers from irritable           able to breathe.
bowel syndrome, obesity, osteopenia                                                           my neck or a wrap on me. I do that all
                                                    Last year I struggled with an             the time.
and hypothyroidism. Her current                 infected chest the whole time. I had
medications are albuterol sulfate inhaler,      green muck coming out of my chest             Why?
beclomethasone inhaler, metformin               the whole time. My nose was blocked           P: I’m just cold, really deep cold. (She
and levothyroxine.                              the whole time.                               wraps her arms around herself.) Cold
P: I feel I haven’t filled out the form             Then I had a very bad asthmatic           to the bones – really, really deep cold!
properly. That’s because it could go on         attack and my peak flow was 230. I            I feel this need to feel warm, really
forever. I would say I’ve always been ill.      don’t feel my asthma is managed at all.       deeply. (Again she wraps her arms around
I know I sound like a hypochondriac.            Now I can’t exercise. I used to exercise      her chest.)
(She seems anxious. She started talking         sometimes twice a day, now just
                                                                                              (Later in the consultation.)
before she sat down and has not removed         walking up the stairs I’m out of breath.
her coat. So I say to her to let me just read   I feel like a 90-year-old woman. I’m very     P: I’m a giving person – I give, give,
through her form before we begin.)              sensitive to cigarette smoke. If I just       give! I try to be kind to people and I
     P: I was brought up in a warm              walk past somebody who has been               put other people first, but at home
country. From the chest point of view I         smoking it’s like I’m being stabbed           my younger sisters used to bully me. I
feel I need to dry out. A while ago I got       inside. It’s really tightening in my chest.   couldn’t stand up for myself and they
pneumonia again, I find now that I’m                                                          were always pushing me around. My
                                                What happens if you walk past a
worse in the winter. We went away to                                                          father hit me – he used to beat me up.
Bermuda and I felt better – again it was
                                                                                              Tell me more about being bullied.
the warmth. Warmth helps me fight               P: I have to put my hands over my face.
off anything that’s potentially brewing.        (She puts her hands over her mouth.)          P: I was bullied at school, my siblings


bullied me, and they used to mock.              escape the situation (she repeats the         P: Furry. Warm. Cozy. Demonstrative.
In our family whoever shouted the               gesture of her arms going outwards)           Loving.
loudest won.                                    but I don’t have the courage to. As a
                                                                                              Do you have any strong feelings
What did they do?                               child I remember running away from
                                                                                              about particular animals?
                                                home and not knowing where to go.
P: They were just unkind and my                 I really am crying out for help for love,     P: When we were talking about it I was
parents … my father was never                   affection. Crying out for help!               just thinking of a rabbit or a mouse –
involved in our upbringing and my                                                             something that’s furry.
mother was coping with everything,              Analysis
and she just allowed them to behave             Prey animal: Helpless; submissive;
that way and allowed my father to               running away; I need to escape; crying        Mammal themes: Furry; Warm; Cozy;
hit me. One day he broke my nose. I             out for help                                  Demonstrative; Loving
blame her as much as him because she                                                          At this point the consultation had lasted
                                                Mammal: I want love, affection
allowed it to happen and then tried                                                           an hour and a half. There were very clear
to blackmail me to not say anything. I          P: My husband is lovely but he’s a cold
                                                                                              indications for an animal which was a
was told that we’d be made homeless             person. He’s not very demonstrative so I
                                                                                              mammal and a prey creature. However,
if I made it public. It was so controlling;     have frustration in that relationship. He’s
                                                                                              beyond that there were no solid clues of
I feel that people have always been             so black and white, it doesn’t help me.
                                                                                              any kind. (Usually when a patient names
trying to control me. (She does a hand          He is controlling.
                                                                                              a creature it is not their remedy.) So I
gesture with her hands coming in together       When someone is controlling what              decided to choose a remedy which
on both sides – a squeezing kind of gesture.)   is the ef fect it has on you?                 I knew was not the simillimum but
Describe this (I copy the gesture.)             P: It makes me feel vulnerable.               would be a similar remedy which
P: Claustrophobic.                                                                            covered at least a significant part of her
                                                Describe vulnerable.                          case. I took the following rubrics:
Just talk about this – controlling,             P: Vulnerable… feeling left! Potentially
claustrophobic.                                                                               Generalities; tobacco; aggravates; smell,
                                                I could be left and I wouldn’t have the       odour of (18)
P: There are times when I just get into         strength to cope with that. Again, it’s
the car and drive because I just want to        feeling unloved, not wanted. He’s done        Respiration; asthmatic; excitement,
go. (She does an opposite gesture with her      that in the past. To make me submissive       emotional, aggravates (47)
arms spreading outwards.)                       he’s said “Right! I’m going to leave you!”    Mind; fear; suffocation, of (83)
                                                I know he’s that kind of person – he’s
Let’s go back to that again. Don’t                                                            Mind; sadness; respiratory complaints,
worry if you’re repeating yourself.             so black and white – he would never
                                                                                              in (15)
Just talk again about being                     apologise. He doesn’t apologise. So it’s
                                                that feeling of being vulnerable. Again,         The remedy that comes first is
controlled and claustrophobic.
                                                it’s a feeling like being a little, maybe,    Lobelia inflata (Indian tobacco).
P: Just a feeling of needing to escape,         a little child or a mouse. (She does a        Lobelia Inflata
to leave, feeling helpless. And I feel          gesture of hunching up with her arms
that by coming back I’m having to               around her chest.)                            Vermeulen: Psychogenic Dyspnoea;
be submissive again and I feel I have                                                         Chilly; Tobacco: aversion and
to apologise even though I don’t                Say more about that feeling like a            aggravates; Asthmatic attacks
necessarily feel I’m wrong, but I feel I have   mouse, like a child.
                                                                                              Phatak : Constriction or oppressive
to keep the peace, to keep the family           P: Feeling timid and again feeling I          fullness in chest
together. It’s a feeling I don’t count, I       don’t count.
feel like I’m at the bottom of the pile.                                                      Murphy: Panting; threatened with
                                                Like a little mouse – just describe           suffocation; fear of death
Case analysis at this stage                     that more.
                                                                                              Mangialavori’s additions: Mind:
Animal themes: bullied, mocked;                 P: Timid. (She repeats the gesture of         Hypochondriasis; Respiration: asthmatic:
whoever shouted loudest won; my                 wrapping her arms around herself.) Insular    exertion; after: slight; Respiration:
father hit me                                   – wanting to hide.                            asthmatic: nervous; Respiration:
Prey animal themes: I need to                   Analysis                                      difficult: excitement aggravates
escape; submissive; bottom of the pile
                                                Animal themes: He is controlling;             Prescription: Lobelia inflata 200 x
Mammal expressions: I feel cold                 I feel vulnerable; I don’t have the           1 dose
to the bones; I need warmth; I feel             strength to cope with that                    Follow up at three week s
                                                Mammal: He’s cold; unloved; not               How are you getting on?
P: It’s like feeling helpless … I feel if I     wanted; I feel like a mouse
stay I’m being … not physically abused,                                                       P: From last time I think I feel better. I’ve
                                                Prey animal: I feel timid; I want to hide     only had one asthmatic episode when
it’s going back to that feeling of my
father hitting me and being submissive          Think about animals – what comes to           somebody was smoking, but it wasn’t
and leaving is my way of trying to              mind when you think about animals?            so intense. It was uncomfortable.

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