Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education

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Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education

Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education
Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education
       02    Message from the Vice-Chancellor
       03    Message from the Dean, Graduate Research School (GRS)
       04    UTS rankings
       06    Getting started
       07    Facts and figures
       08    Scholarships for domestic students
       10    Scholarships for international students
       12    The Graduate Research School support services

       14 Study areas
       14	Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
       16    UTS Business School
       18    Connected Intelligence Centre
       20	Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
       22	Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
       24    UTS Graduate School of Health
       26    Faculty of Health
       28	Institute for Public Policy and Governance
       30	Faculty of Law
       32    Faculty of Science
       34    Institute for Sustainable Futures
       36    Transdisciplinary Innovation

       38 Further information
       38    UTS-Industry Doctorate Program
       39    International Collaborative Program
       40    Visiting Research Students Program
       42    How to apply
       44    Minimum academic requirements

       Acknowledgement of Country

       UTS acknowledges the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation and the Boorooberongal
       People of the Dharug Nation upon whose ancestral lands our campuses now stand. We
       would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present, acknowledging them
       as the traditional custodians of knowledge for these lands.

Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education
Message from the

    UTS is a forward thinking and dynamic university that marks the
    gateway to Sydney — Australia's economic, multicultural and creative
    global city. Our campus is in the heart of Sydney's vibrant creative
    precinct and next to its central business district, giving you access to
    all that the harbour city has to offer.
    Our unique approach to learning and teaching will prepare you for
    tomorrow, in a way which is relevant today. Our staff are thought
    leaders and practical innovators with wide-ranging experience
    both inside and outside of the classroom. Our mentoring programs,
    internship experiences and Industry Doctorate Program will connect
    you with highly-skilled practitioners and top organisations. Our
    location and reputation will allow you to engage with world-class
    research teams and facilities, as well as relevant industry, government
    and community partners.
    We invest in your success through our campus, scholarships and
    services. Our $1.3 billion campus redevelopment plan has already
    delivered dedicated study spaces for research students, more student
    accommodation, and new buildings containing state-of-the-art
    equipment and facilities. We offer scholarships to help research
    students with their education and living costs. Our comprehensive
    range of support services and activities, many of which are free,
    ensure research students will remain connected and engaged
    within the UTS community through student events, workshops
    and presentations.
    These are just some of the reasons why we’re Australia’s highest
    performing university under 50 years of age (Times Higher Education
    Young University Rankings 2017; QS Top 50 Under 50 2018). Ninety
    four per cent of UTS’s broad research fields have been benchmarked
    at world standard or above by the Australian Government’s most
    recent Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation and UTS
    has been awarded five stars in the QS Stars™ rating system based on
    our high performance in research, graduate employability, teaching
    quality and infrastructure.
    So if you’re passionate about shaping the world we live in, we want
    you to join our growing community of world-class researchers. I look
    forward to welcoming you to UTS.

    Professor Attila Brungs
    Vice-Chancellor and President

2   Message from the Vice-Chancellor
Higher degree research - Courses 2019 - Times Higher Education
Message from the Dean,
Graduate Research School (GRS)

Thank you for considering the University of Technology Sydney for the
next stage of your research journey.
UTS’s graduate research programs are guided by our overall purpose
to advance knowledge that informs and innovates academia, the
professions, industry and communities.
UTS aims to:
–– produce the next generation of researchers who will work and lead
   in a range of contexts
–– become known as the destination for training for research careers
   in industry
–– provide all students with opportunities to engage with industry and
We offer masters by research and doctoral programs across our
Faculties and Institutes.
This course guide provides you with an overview of our graduate
research programs and the support available at UTS, it highlights the
great work of our researchers and experiences of some of our current
and recent research students, and it provides information about
scholarship opportunities and the application process.
I hope you will choose UTS to further your research knowledge and
skills. I look forward to welcoming you to become part of the UTS
research community.

Professor Lori Lockyer
Dean of Graduate Research School

                                                                         Message from the Dean, Graduate Research School   3
UTS rankings

         QS TOP 50
       UNDER 50 2019                                                             5         STAR
                                                                                   for excellence
                                                                                across all categories

                    1st                                                         QS Stars™ 2014-2017
                                                                                 QUACQUARELLI SYMONDS (QS)

               in Australia

                   10    th                     160
                                                     World University
                   globally                          Rankings 2019

                                                                                of UTS research has
                                                                               been benchmarked at
                                                                              world standard
                                                                                or above
                                                                                 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT’S
    2017 SNAPSHOT OF UTS                                                        EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH FOR
                                                                              AUSTRALIA (ERA) EVALUATION IN 2015.

                               44,887                       14,289                   1220                           560
                              students enrolled at            international         incoming study                UTS students
                                UTS onshore and                 students              abroad and                studying overseas
                               outside Australia                                  exchange students                on exchange

4   UTS Rankings
                                                The iconic UTS Tower
                                                Building is the tallest
                                               educational building in
                                               Australia at a whopping
                                                  28 stories high!

                 TOP 400
                    Academic Ranking
                   of World Universities
                       (ARWU) 2017
                        SHANGHAI JIAO TONG

                                                                                  YOUNG UNIVERSITY
                                                  RANKED                           RANKINGS 2018

                                                  World University
                                                  Rankings 2019                                1st
                                                  TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION

                                                                                        in Australia

                                                                                      TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION

     880                     32,039               10,853                     2007                    3632
UTS students studying          undergraduate       postgraduate              postgraduate            full-time staff
    overseas on a                students           coursework             research students
short-term experience                                students

                                                                                                           UTS Rankings   5
Getting started
    Choose the right degree for you

    DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY                             ATN INDUSTRY DOCTORAL                             MASTERS BY RESEARCH
    Course duration: 4 years                         TRAINING CENTRE                                   Course duration: 2 years
                                                     Course duration: 4 years
    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at UTS offers                                                         A UTS Masters by Research offers research
    you advanced research training aimed             Students in the field of mathematics and          training for those who want to undertake
    specifically at a career in research. PhD        statistics who have an interest in having or      research that applies advanced knowledge
    programs can be undertaken through any           continuing a career in industry can apply         in a particular context. This degree is also a
    UTS faculty, the Institute for Sustainable       to undertake a doctoral training program          pathway for further research study. Our online
    Futures or the Institute for Public Policy and   through the Australian Technology Network’s       Find a Supervisor tool can help by matching
    Governance.                                      Industry Doctoral Training Centre (ATN IDTC)      your research interests to those of our
                                                     in Mathematics and Statistics. The ATN            leading academics who are also experienced
    UTS INDUSTRY                                     IDTC connects PhD students with industry          supervisors.
    DOCTORATE PROGRAM                                to address the current critical shortage
    Course duration: 4 years                                                                           Once you have chosen your degree, you will
                                                     of industry-focused and highly trained
                                                                                                       need to find a supervisor and develop your
    The UTS industry doctorate program is for        researchers in mathematical sciences and
                                                                                                       research proposal.
    students who wish to undertake a research        related disciplines. The student’s research
    project with an industry partner. Students       study focuses on ‘real life’ industry problems.   INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE
    in this program will gain experience working     It also gives industry employees the chance       PHD DEGREES
    with industry and develop their knowledge        to update their qualifications and experience     UTS offers a number of international
    and skills in communication, innovation and      with a PhD. The ATN ITDC is the first such        collaborative PhD degrees with its
    commercialisation. This experience provides      doctoral training centre in Australia.            international Key Technology Partner and
    students with a valuable base for a future       For more information:                             strategic partner universities across China,
    career in industry.                              uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/                 India, Europe and Latin America. Through
                                                     research-degrees/explore-uts-research-            these partnerships students have an
    For more information:
                                                     degrees/benefits-research-degree/atn              opportunity to participate in dual or joint
                                                                                                       PhD programs across two universities. UTS
                                                     PROFESSIONAL DOCTORATE                            also has other research partnerships with
                                                     Course duration: 4 years                          prominent institutions across the world that
                                                                                                       share mutual research interests. Students
                                                     Professional doctorate programs are
                                                                                                       can enrol in joint PhDs at these universities.
                                                     designed for professionals who wish to
                                                     undertake a research project related to           For more information please see page 39 of
                                                     their professional practice. These degrees        this guide.
                                                     comprise independent research combined
                                                     with a structured program of coursework.          VISITING RESEARCH
                                                                                                       STUDENTS PROGRAM
                                                     UTS currently offers professional                 Course duration: 1-4 sessions
                                                     doctorate in the following area of study:
                                                                                                       The Visiting Research Students program is
                                                     –– Doctor of Philosophy: Economics                designed for students enrolled in a PhD or
                                                        (international students only)                  Masters by Research program at their home
                                                                                                       institution who wish to undertake research
                                                                                                       studies under supervision at UTS for one to
                                                                                                       four sessions. The studies completed at UTS
                                                                                                       will contribute to your home degree.
                                                                                                       For more information please see page 40 of
                                                                                                       this guide.

6   Getting started
Facts and figures
                              of Australian-resident
                                graduates were in
                            full-time or part-time
                                three months after
                                 completing study
                            AUSTRALIAN GRADUATE SURVEY 2015

   OUR STUDENTS                                                  EXCHANGE
    REPRESENT                                                 AGREEMENTS WITH
                                                                 MORE THAN
  different nationalities

       145                                                        267
   languages spoken
                                                               universities in

                                postgraduate                   countries and
                                  courses                       territories

  40,645                                                      200,000
    students enrolled
         at UTS
                                                              UTS ALUMNI

  international students

                                                                                 Facts and figures   7
Scholarships for
    domestic students

    UTS offers a variety of scholarships to
    support you in your research studies

    CHANCELLOR’S RESEARCH                           AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT                            QUENTIN BRYCE LAW DOCTORAL
    SCHOLARSHIP                                     RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM                        SCHOLARSHIPS
    Funded by the Commonwealth Government           STIPEND                                          The Faculty of Law offers the Quentin Bryce
    Department of Education and Training,           Funded by the Commonwealth Government            Law Doctoral (QBLD) scholarships for
    the Chancellor’s Research Scholarships          Department of Education and Training, the        commencing doctoral students to promote
    are offered every year to highly ranked,        Australian Government Research Training          and reward quality research within the
    newly-commencing doctoral students              Program Stipends are open to highly ranked       faculty. This scholarship is valued at $40,000
    who demonstrate outstanding academic            research degree students who demonstrate         per annum, with a research support fund of
    achievement and the potential to succeed        outstanding academic achievement and             $1,500 per annum. Applications for the QBLD
    in a research career. These prestigious         research potential. This scholarship is          require a separate application to the Faculty
    scholarships are valued at $35,000 AUD per      valued at $27,596 AUD per annum (2019            of Law before the advertised deadline.
    annum for a period of up to three years.        rate, indexed), and is provided to assist with
                                                    general living costs.
                                                                                                     SIR GERARD BRENNAN
    UTS RESEARCH EXCELLENCE                                                                          SCHOLARSHIP
    SCHOLARSHIPS                                    UTS DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS                        This scholarship was established to honour
    Funded by the Commonwealth Government           (UTSD)                                           the work of former UTS Chancellor Sir
    Department of Education and Training,           UTS Doctoral Scholarships are open to highly     Gerard Brennan, AC KBE, who was also
    these scholarships are offered each year to     ranked research students who demonstrate         a former Chief Justice of the High Court
    highly-ranked, newly commencing doctoral        outstanding academic achievement and             of Australia. Throughout his career, Sir
    students. These scholarships are valued at up   research potential. These scholarships are       Gerard demonstrated his commitment
    to $30,000 AUD per annum for a period of up     valued at $27,596 AUD per annum (2019            to people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
    to three years.                                 rate, indexed) and are provided to assist with   Islander descent. The scholarship provides
                                                    general living costs.                            newly commencing Indigenous Australian
                                                                                                     students of exceptional research potential
                                                                                                     undertaking Higher Degree by Research in
                                                                                                     the Faculty at Law at UTS with a maximum
                                                                                                     stipend of $50,000 AUD (currently tax-free)
                                                                                                     for a period of three years for Doctoral
                                                                                                     candidates, and two years for Master’s by
                                                                                                     Research candidates, to assist with general
                                                                                                     living costs.

8   Scholarships for domestic students
SCHOLARSHIP IN ECONOMICS                         UTS is continually supporting various
The Ross Milbourne Research Scholarship          scholarship schemes and funding
in Economics is funded by the University         opportunities, and making new scholarships
of Technology Sydney (UTS) in honour             available to research students.
of Professor Ross Milbourne to support
                                                 All scholarship applications are competitive.
students of exceptional research
                                                 They are open to domestic students who meet
potential to undertake a higher degree by
                                                 the specific scholarship selection criteria and
research in a field of economics at UTS.
                                                 who have received or are eligible to receive
The scholarship is provided to assist with
                                                 admission to a course at UTS.
general living costs at the value of $30,000
AUD per annum for a period of three years        For more information on these additional
for Doctoral candidates, and two years           scholarships, please contact your potential
for Master’s by Research candidates.             supervisor and/or faculty research office:
JUMBUNNA POSTGRADUATE                            research-degrees/fees-and-scholarships/
RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP                             contact-us
Funded by the Commonwealth Government
Department of Education and Training and         For more information, eligibility criteria and
Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education      scholarship conditions, please visit our
and Research, this scholarship is offered        scholarships web page:
to commencing Indigenous Australian              uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/
students of exceptional research potential       research-degrees/fees-and-scholarships/
to undertake a higher degree by research         scholarships
at UTS. Preference is given to students who      or contact the Research Scholarships Team at
are completing a research project that has       the Graduate Research School:
the potential to benefit Australian Aboriginal   research.scholarships@uts.edu.au
people and/or Torres Strait Islanders. The
scholarship amounts to $50,000 AUD per
annum, and is provided to assist with general
living costs.

                                                                                                   Scholarships for domestic students   9
Scholarships for
     international students
     UTS offers a variety of scholarships to
     support you in your research studies we
     partner with organisations around the
     world to provide scholarship opportunities:
     External scholarships

     Australian Government                             Funding will support high performing
                                                       individuals, tertiary providers and their
                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH
                                                                                                        SCHOLARSHIPS (IRS)
     AUSTRALIA AWARDS                                  students from around the globe the               UTS International Research Scholarships
     Funded by the Australian Government,              opportunity to undertake study, professional     are open to highly ranked research students
     the Australia Awards Scholarships are             development or research and increase their       who demonstrate outstanding academic
     available to international students to study at   expertise in their field.                        achievement and research potential. This
     Australian universities in target study areas                                                      scholarship covers tuition fees.
     set by their home country’s government.           Government and UTS
     These scholarships help students,                                                                  UTS PRESIDENT’S SCHOLARSHIP
     particularly from countries in the Indo-Pacific   INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH                           (UTSP)
     region to gain qualifications that will allow     TRAINING PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP                     UTS President’s Scholarships are open
     them to contribute to the development             (IRTP)                                           to highly ranked research students who
     outcomes of their country. The scholarships       Funded by the Australian Government,             demonstrate outstanding academic
     cover both living allowance and tuition fees.     Department of Education and Training, the        achievement and research potential. The
                                                       International Research Training Program          scholarships are valued at $27,596 AUD per
     ENDEAVOUR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM                      Scholarship (IRTP) is open to highly ranked,     annum (2019 rate, indexed) for a period of three
     The Endeavour Leadership Program (ELP)            newly commencing Doctoral Research               years for Doctoral candidates, and two years
     is the Australian Government's two-way            Degree (PhD) students who demonstrate            for Master’s by Research candidates , and are
     mobility for short and long-term study,           outstanding academic achievement                 provided to assist with general living costs.
     research and professional development             and research potential. The IRTP covers
     with Australia's priority partner countries.      the tuition fees, the cost of a standard         THE ROSS MILBOURNE RESEARCH
     The ELP supports Australia's first National       Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for         SCHOLARSHIP IN ECONOMICS
     Strategy for International Education              the scholarship holder, their spouse and         This scholarship is funded by the University
     2025, which sets out a 10-year plan for           dependants (if any), and a living stipend        of Technology Sydney (UTS), and was
     developing Australia as a global leader in        at the minimum Australian Government             established in honour of Professor Ross
     education, training and research, through         established indexed rate. The scholarship        Milbourne to support students of exceptional
     making transformative partnerships, and           covers the scholarship holder’s tuition          research potential undertaking Higher
     expanding student, education and training         fees and a living stipend at the minimum         Degree by Research in the field of economics
     professional and research mobility. The ELP       Australian Government Research Training          at UTS. The scholarship is provided to assist
     provides opportunities for established and        Program Scholarship, valued at $27,596 AUD       with general living costs at the value of
     emerging leaders to undertake a global            per annum (2019 rate, indexed) for a period of   $30,000 AUD per annum for a period of three
     mobility experience within their study,           three years, as well as the cost of a standard   years for Doctoral candidates, and two years
     research or professional field. Endeavour         Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for         for Master’s by Research candidates.
     Leaders will have the opportunity to build        the scholarship holder, their spouse and
     enduring international networks, strengthen       dependants (if any) for the total duration of
     education and research engagement                 their candidature.
     between Australia and priority countries, and
     enhance Australia's commercial success and
     economic prosperity.

10   Scholarships for international students
CSC-UTS PhD Scholarships are a product of       UTS is continually supporting various
the collaborative relationship between the      scholarship schemes and funding
China Scholarship Council (CSC) and UTS,        opportunities, and making new scholarships
and are open to students who are citizens or    available to research students.
permanent residents of the People’s Republic
                                                All scholarship applications are competitive.
of China. Under this scheme, UTS offers
                                                They are open to international students who
up to 20 tuition fee scholarships per year,
                                                meet the specific scholarship selection
for a period of up to four years for Doctoral
                                                criteria and who have received or are eligible
candidates, and two years for Master’s by
                                                to receive admission to a course at UTS.
Research candidates.                                                                              RAVIRO CHINEKA, GHANA
                                                For more information on these additional          PhD, Education
INDONESIAN ENDOWMENT FUND FOR                   scholarships, please contact your potential
EDUCATION (LPDP)                                                                                 “Without a scholarship I wouldn’t be here, as I
                                                supervisor and/or faculty research office:
The collaboration between Australian                                                              couldn’t afford the fees. The scholarship pays
Technology Network of Universities (ATN)                                                          for my living allowance and covers health
partners and the Indonesian Endowment                                                             insurance for both myself and my family.”
Fund for Education (LPDP) offer scholarships
to Indonesian students undertaking a            For more information, eligibility criteria and
research degree at UTS. This scholarship is     scholarship conditions, please visit our
open to Indonesian citizens applying for a      scholarships web page:
Master’s by Research or PhD program. LPDP       uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/
scholarship recipients may also be provided     research-degrees/fees-and-scholarships/
with a 10 week pre-sessional training course    scholarships
if required.
                                                or contact the Research Scholarships Team at
                                                the Graduate Research School:

                                                                                                                  Scholarships for international students   11
The Graduate Research
     School support services
     UTS GRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOOL                     UTS GRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOOL                      Qualitative Research Methods
     The UTS Graduate Research School (UTS            (GRS) RESEARCH STUDENT                            In five intensive short courses, students learn
     GRS) is the central support unit for Higher      DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS                             the fundamental knowledge and practical
     Degree by Research (HDR) students at UTS.        GRS runs a series of research student             skills in designing and conducting qualitative
     From the initial application and admission       workshops that are categorised under various      research. Students are introduced to a
     stage to development of your early research      programs throughout the year. The programs        range of research designs, methods of data
     career skills, the GRS team are dedicated        (see below) aim to support your progression       collection and data analysis, and standards
     to assisting you with managing your              through the UTS Framework for Graduate            of validation. The stream is organised as five
     candidature, scholarships and study queries.     Research Education and to develop your            short courses offered throughout the year:
     The School also provides you with access to      capacity as a researcher, by building your
     a range of courses, workshops and resources      knowledge and skills in research practice.        1. Foundational Issues in Qualitative Research
     to help develop your skills and knowledge                                                          2. Methods of Data Collection
     as a researcher throughout your research         General Research Development Program
     degree. GRS arranges and manages social                                                            3. Methods of Data Analysis
                                                      Research workshops in this program will
     events for you to help you settle effectively                                                      4. Strategies of Inquiry
                                                      support you throughout the three stages of
     into the UTS research community.                                                                   5. Research Design
                                                      your candidature, commencing with Research
     GRS, with staff in faculties and research        Orientation through to submitting your            Quantitative Research Methods
     centres work together to provide education       thesis and planning your career beyond your       (Statistics)
     and support for HDR students. The overall        research degree at UTS. These workshops
     approach is supported through the UTS            provide you with the necessary skills that will   GRS runs a series of workshops to foster
     framework for graduate research education.       assist you in both academic and practical         statistical planning in the design and conduct
     This framework provides guidelines to            ways as a researcher.                             of a quantitative research study. Students
     support research students to advance their                                                         are encouraged to develop proficiency in
                                                      Research Literacies Program                       the statistical software of their choice. The
     knowledge and development as a researcher
     in their field of study. The framework also      The Research Literacies (RL) Program              stream is organised as 3 quantitative short
     provides a graduate research study plan,         comprises a series of interactive workshops       courses which are offered in block mode:
     which is a useful planning and discussion tool   that are offered twice a year. RL workshops       –– Design and Analysis of Questionnaire
     for you and your supervisor/s.                   focus on the research communication skills           Surveys
                                                      needed to help you further the knowledge
     For more information:                                                                              –– Design and Analysis of Experiments
                                                      required to progress through your candidature
     uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/                                                                  –– Statistical Analysis and Data Modelling
                                                      and beyond as established researchers. In
                                                      addition, RL Summer/ Winter Schools and
     environment/support-research-students                                                              KickStart@UTS Program
                                                      Thesis Boot Camps are held in block mode at
                                                      various stages throughout the year.               KickStart@UTS supports international higher
                                                                                                        degree research (IHDR) students in their first
                                                                                                        six months at UTS. The program consists of
                                                                                                        a Welcome Day and four weeks of 2-hour
                                                                                                        workshops. Students are introduced to
                                                                                                        language and cultural tools that they could
                                                                                                        use in research, learning and living in the
                                                                                                        broader Australian community. Students
                                                                                                        will find out where to go for help with their
                                                                                                        research, how to make the most of the
                                                                                                        various support services available and
                                                                                                        develop networks at UTS.

12   The Graduate Research School support services
ONLINE RESOURCES                                 RESEARCH STUDENT SOCIAL                          AUSTRALIAN POSTGRADUATE
The GRS also offers a range of online            NETWORKING PROGRAM                               RESEARCH INTERN PROGRAM
resources. The e-Grad School Australia is        The School organises regular free social         The APRI Intern Program is designed to build
a joint initiative provided by the Australian    activities for research students which           links between UTS and those in industry,
Technology Network (ATN) of Universities.        includes monthly coffee catch-ups, dinners       business and government seeking superior
This virtual graduate school offers a range      and annual parties. These activities help you    analytical expertise from high-level research
of flexible online courses and resources for     settle into the research community effectively   students. You will be able to apply for a paid
research students. The courses complement        and provide opportunities for you to network     3-4 month internship at leading industry
the existing research development program        with research students across faculties. You     organisations working on a project with your
for research students. Lynda.com is a            can also join weekly research student-led        supervisor and industry partner both onsite
vast online library of instructional videos      activities on campus.                            and at UTS. You will have the opportunity to
covering the latest in technology, creative,                                                      transfer your theoretical knowledge to real-
and business skills taught by accomplished                                                        life applications.
teachers and recognised industry experts.
Useful Resources & Information for HDR                                                            STAFF CONNECT
Students is a UTS Online site that supports                                                       Staff Connect is UTS’s intranet and is
your development as a researcher through                                                          available to UTS staff and HDR students.
videos, tutorials and other resources that are                                                    You will be able to find answers about how
developed and maintained by GRS.                                                                  to manage your scholarship, candidature
                                                                                                  administration, researcher development
                                                                                                  program and more. You will have access to the
                                                                                                  intranet after you are enrolled at UTS.

                                                                                                           The Graduate Research School support services   13
Study areas

     Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

     communication | education | international studies

                                                       Research in FASS                                  INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
                                                                                                         We live in an increasingly global community
                                                       EDUCATION                                         – which means that the need for research
                                                       Practice, learning, change and innovation         that explores the world beyond our borders
                                                       – these are the fundamental concepts              is more pressing than ever. In the School of
                                                       that drive our research agenda. Our STEM          International Studies, we’re known for our
                                                       Education Futures Research Centre is              work on societies and cultures across the
                                                       advancing knowledge in the fields of STEM         globe – think cultural studies, geography,
                                                       education, including technology-enhanced          urban studies, politics, migration studies,
                                                       learning, innovative futures and effective        transnational histories, aesthetics, literary
                                                       practices in science and mathematics              studies and gender studies. We’re also
                                                       teaching. Education researchers are leaders       leaders in the fields of languages education,
                                                       in teacher professional learning, intercultural   intercultural communication, linguistic
                                                       education, social justice, multimodal             landscape research, and academic English.
                                                       communication, applied linguistics and            When you study with us, you’ll work among
                                                       multi-literacies and numeracies. Our              leading international scholars in a supportive
     Welcome from the Director of                      research – and reputation – is driven by          research environment – a place where your
     Research Training, Professor                      an internationally acclaimed academic             thirst for knowledge will be right at home.
     Alan McKee                                        team who are leaders in STEM education,
                                                       workplace learning and professional practice
     The arts and social sciences have a                                                                 studies
                                                       studies and linguistics.
     long and storied history – but like all
     disciplines, they’re being transformed by         education.uts.edu.au
     new developments in technology and the
     changing political landscape.                     COMMUNICATION
                                                       The School of Communication is young,
     In the UTS Faculty of Arts and Social             vibrant and committed to the creation of
     Sciences, our work reflects both the history      knowledge. Intellectual enquiry and creative
     and the future of these bedrock research          and digital literacies are the foundation of
     disciplines. As a postgraduate student            our postgraduate research degrees. Our
     in our faculty, you can work in traditional,      supervisors are world leaders in the field
     contemporary or emerging fields – from            of communication, combining traditional
     professional practice to STEM education           academic pursuits with hands-on industry
     futures to climate justice, to name a few –       experience to deliver research that responds
     and build advanced research skills that will      directly to real-world challenges. We’re home
     prepare you for academic, professional and        to leading research centres in both Climate
     creative arts careers.                            Justice and Public History, both of which
     But you won’t stop there. You’ll also learn       support postgraduate research, and we
     to think beyond traditional boundaries – to       also offer supervision across the social and
     work within and across disciplines, to share      political sciences, music and sound design,
     knowledge in new and challenging ways, and        journalism, communication measurement
     to produce research that changes the nature       and evaluation, and media arts production.
     of knowledge.                                     communication.uts.edu.au
     And you’ll be in just the right place to do it:
     our language, communication and culture,
     STEM (science, technology, engineering and
     mathematics) education, linguistics and
     political science have all been ranked above
     world standard, so you’ll be working within and
     alongside academic teams who are producing
     some of the best research in the field.

14   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Higher degree research

Research degrees
Course                                                               Course code                          CRICOS code
Doctor of Philosophy (Education)                                     C02041                               015943G

Doctor of Philosophy (Humanities and Social Sciences)                C02019                               014627E

Doctor of Philosophy (International Studies)                         C02039                               043350M

Doctor of Creative Arts                                              C02020                               014625G

Doctor of Education                                                  C02050                               066824C

Master of Arts in Humanities and Social Sciences (Research)          C03018                               014624G

Master of Creative Arts (Research)                                   C03044                               066173M

Master of Education (Research)                                       C03047                               040690D

Master of Arts in International Studies (Research)                   C03034                               043338G

   HENRY BOATENG                                                        ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR WAN NG
   Doctor of Philosophy candidate                                       BSc, PhD, Dip Ed, Grad Cert Gifted Ed,
   Digital Information Management                                       School of Education
   Supervised by Bhuva Narayan (PhD)                                    We’ve all read about it – the perilous relationship between
   and Hilary Yerbury (PhD)                                             young people and technology. But for Associate Professor
   For postgraduate research student Henry Boateng, UTS was             Wan Ng, technology is about much more than device
   the logical choice when it came to pursuing a PhD in digital         addictions, selfies and Instagram stories: it plays a critical role
   information management.                                              in the learning process for young adults.
  “I’m convinced that UTS is one of the best young universities in      As the Director of the STEM Education Futures Research
   the world because of the excellent track record of the Faculty       Centre in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Wan’s
   and [its] research fellows,” he says.                                research program is focused on how young people
                                                                        use technology to learn, and how digital literacy and
  “I was also particularly aware of the international reputation
                                                                        multiliteracies can be used for individual empowerment.
   UTS has as a hub for world-class education and research as
   manifested in the world university rankings.”                        Her love of learning has been the foundation of an impressive
                                                                        career. Long before research came calling, Wan taught in
   Combined with his work as a research assistant within the
                                                                        schools for almost 10 years, before turning her passion for
   Faculty, Henry’s PhD has been a launching pad into the
                                                                        education into a PhD. A postdoctoral research position at
   immersive world of academia. He’s supervised by Dr Bhuva
                                                                        Monash University followed, as did more senior academic
   Narayan and Dr Hilary Yerbury, whose expertise has helped
                                                                        roles like Associate Dean (International), Faculty Chair of
   him build advanced research skills.
                                                                        Human Ethics Committee and School Research Coordinator at
  “They have always tried to bring the best out of me, [helping]        institutions including La Trobe University and the University of
   me to understand qualitative research and the social                 New South Wales.
   constructionism worldview [and to build] skills in literature
                                                                        Today, leading one of UTS’s newest research centres, Wan is
   review,” he says.
                                                                        delving deep into the issues she really cares about: science
   And Henry’s done much more than just hit the books – he’s            education and digital technology education with an emphasis
   also started building an impressive publication record – and         on mobile learning; and sustainable pedagogy, enabled by
   professional profile – for himself, with more than 20 journal        technology that leads to improved learning outcomes for
   articles to his name. His recent work includes an article            students.
   on consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards social
                                                                        A prolific writer who reaches audiences around the world, Wan
   media advertising. Not only was it published in the Journal
                                                                        is also sharing what she knows – her most recent publications
   of Research in Interactive Marketing, but it resulted in Henry
                                                                        include two sole-authored books titled `Empowering
   being Highly Commended for his work in the 2016 Emerald
                                                                        Scientific Literacy through Digital Literacy and Multiliteracies`
   Literati Network Awards for Excellence.
                                                                        and `New Technology in Education: Conceptualising
                                                                        Professional Learning for Educators`.

                                                                                                                  Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences   15
Study areas

     UTS Business School

     accounting | business analytics | economics | finance |
     health economics | management | marketing

                                   Welcome from the Director                        As a PhD student within UTS Business School,
                                   (Postgraduate Research), Associate               you will have access to an unparalleled
                                   Professor Deborah Edwards                        program of supportive activities and
                                                                                    schemes during the period of your study.
                                   Are you driven by the desire to create           To enhance your experience and research
                                   knowledge with impact? To understand and         outcomes, we offer a variety of funding
                                   challenge the biggest and most complex           schemes including conference attendance,
                                   issues faced by societies, business and          fieldwork, writing/editing needs, publication
                                   government?                                      agenda, equity program and other costs
                                                                                    you may incur while completing your thesis.
                                   At UTS Business School we work with you
                                                                                    We also offer funding for you to travel on
                                   to produce innovative, world-class and
                                                                                    exchange to collaborate with world-leading
                                   cross-disciplinary research which is not
                                                                                    researchers at UTS’s international partner
                                   only academically excellent, but which also
                                                                                    institutions, and you can apply for our
                                   impacts the world in which we live.
                                                                                    publication scheme that provides payment
                                   Spanning all major business disciplines, our     for accepted journal articles or submissions
                                   PhD program prepares you to identify and         while your thesis is under examination. We
                                   challenge critical research questions, and       continuously encourage and recognise
                                   execute research with sufficient rigor to        excellent research performance at UTS
                                   ensure results are robust, meaningful and        Business School, and hope you will join us for
                                   carry impact.                                    your PhD studies.

                                   By paying close attention to the skills you as   RESEARCH CENTRES
                                   an individual need to develop, the program       Centre for Health Economics Research
                                   aims to develop you as a world-class             and Evaluation: looks at the development
                                   researcher, and in doing so, equips you to not   and application of health economics and
                                   only conduct excellent research now, but into    health services.
                                   the future.
                                                                                    Centre for Policy and Market Design:
                                   All our PhD candidates are supervised by a       focuses on the application of economic
                                   committee of at least three academics, one       principles to the design of markets and
                                   of whom can be from another discipline to the    associated institutional mechanisms.
                                   one in which the candidate is based.
                                                                                    Centre for Business and Social Innovation:
                                                                                    focuses on innovation that integrates the
                                                                                    technical, the economic, the environmental
                                                                                    and the social to nurture a culture of
                                                                                    innovation in Australia.
                                                                                    Centre for Business Intelligence and
                                                                                    Data Analytics: aims to improve the use of
                                                                                    "big data" in tackling key challenges faced by
                                                                                    companies, governments and communities.
                                                                                    Quantitative Finance Research Centre:
                                                                                    a cross-faculty, transdisciplinary
                                                                                    collaboration working to create world-class
                                                                                    research in finance.

16   UTS Business School
Higher degree research

Research degrees
Course                                                              Course code                       CRICOS code

Doctor of Philosophy (Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance,
                                                                    C02048                            058221G
Health Economics, Management, Marketing)

Doctor of Philosophy (Economics)                                    C02058                            085255G

   SUMATI AHUJA                                                        PROFESSOR TALIS PUTNINS
   PhD candidate, supervised by Prof Stewart Clegg                     B. Fin., B. Eng (IT&T) (Hons), PhD
   I am currently completing my PhD at UTS in the Management          Talis Putnins is a Professor in the Finance Discipline
   Discipline Group and have developed some fantastic working         Group at UTS and a member of the Quantitative Finance
   relationships with my supervisors and the research faculty.        Research Centre. His research has been published in leading
                                                                      international peer-reviewed journals including the Journal
   My thesis investigates the implications of changes to the
                                                                      of Financial Economics, Management Science, Journal of
   nature of work on the professionals’ identity. I examine
                                                                      Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial
   one expert group - architects - in an era characterized by
                                                                      Intermediation, Review of Finance, and Experimental
   increasing scepticism of experts and professional expertise.
                                                                      Economics. He consults to governments, stock exchanges
   Understanding how people construct their workplace
                                                                      and financial institutions and has served as an expert
   identity and expertise in dynamic social contexts is important
                                                                      witness in legal cases. Professor Putnins’ research interests
   because changes to the nature of work challenge the ways
                                                                      include financial markets, market microstructure, market
   in which professionals perform work and impact workers
                                                                      manipulation, insider trading and shadow economies.
   self-esteem and wellbeing. I was fortunate to receive the best
   paper award in 2017 for my article in Journal of Professions
   and Organizations.

                                                                                                                        UTS Business School   17
Study areas

     Connected Intelligence Centre

     learning | data science | analytics | visualisation | pedagogy | ethics |
     human-centred design

                                     Welcome from the Director,                       RESEARCH AREAS
                                     Professor Simon Buckingham Shum                  –– Natural Language Processing for
                                                                                         Writing Analytics
                                     The Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) is an
                                                                                      –– Multimodal Analytics for
                                     innovation centre to build the capacity of UTS
                                                                                         Collocated Collaboration
                                     staff and students to gain insights from new
                                     forms of digital data. Our Learning Analytics    –– Social Learning Analytics
                                     work combines Design and Research — the          –– Dispositional Learning Analytics
                                     practical challenge of designing innovative,
                                                                                      –– Participatory Design Processes for
                                     usable data science and analytics tools for
                                                                                         Learning Analytics
                                     UTS students and staff, with deep reflection
                                     and research on the role of data in learning.    MULTI-INSTITUTION
                                     CIC launched the world’s first Doctoral          COLLABORATIONS
                                     Program dedicated to Learning Analytics          –– Australian Government/Office for
                                     in 2016. Learning Analytics is the use of           Learning & Teaching has funded
                                     computational techniques to provide timely          collaborative projects with numerous
                                     feedback to learners and educators. How can         other Australian universities
                                     we do this in ways that build “21st Century      –– Australian Technology Network – Learning
                                     skills” in UTS students — the creative,             & Teaching Innovation
                                     critical minds and interpersonal qualities       –– International research conferences
                                     needed for engaged learning, employment             and workshops
                                     and citizenship?
                                     All CIC’s Learning Analytics projects are
                                     in close partnership with teaching and
                                     research academics across UTS, who provide
                                     authentic use cases and testbeds for our
                                     research. As a PhD student you will be joining
                                     a dynamic team who value transdisciplinary
                                     thinking, and take pride in real world impact.
                                     We provide teaching/mentoring
                                     opportunities in our courses, internal
                                     and external projects to engage with,
                                     and connections into the national and
                                     international communities.

18   Connected Intelligence Centre
Higher degree research

Research degrees
Course                                                                Course code                          CRICOS code

Doctor of Philosophy                                                  C02062                               088537F

   SOPHIE ABEL                                                           CARLOS PRIETO
   Doctoral Candidate, Learning Analytics                                Doctoral Candidate, Learning Analytics
   Sophie Abel is a PhD student in Learning Analytics in CIC. Her        Carlos Prieto Alvarez is a PhD candidate in Learning Analytics
   research is on Writing Analytics which makes use of analytical        at CIC. His research aims to support learners, tutors and
   techniques to provide automated feedback on student writing.          researchers in the design process of data-driven innovations.
   She is investigating how Writing Analytics can be used to help        Outcomes from his research work will help future practitioners
   support Higher Degree Research (HDR) students with their              to make learning analytics design more inclusive, democratic
   research writing.                                                     and efficient. Currently, Carlos’ work is helping students
                                                                         in Data Science program and Nursing to design, build and
  “Thesis writing is a high stakes activity and new research
                                                                         collaborate using data as an ally in their careers.
   funding restructures tied to timely completion rates, mean
   that HDR students are under increased pressure to publish            “Being part of CIC’s research team helped me to develop my
   during their candidature and finish their doctorate on time.          topic in co-design for a new exciting field like Learning Analytics.
   This increased pressure requires HDR students to write about          Including learners and other stakeholders in this process is
   their research effectively and quickly. Writing Analytics is one      a huge challenge, luckily my supervisors and colleagues are
   approach that could be leveraged to help students with their          always happy to participate and provide useful insights”
   research writing. Writing Analytics focuses on supporting
   student writing practices by providing automated formative
   feedback. This feedback allows students to reflect on what
   they have written and revise their writing.”
  “I chose to do a PhD at CIC because my research interests
   in analytical tools and developing student writing aligned
   well with CIC’s focus on the theory, design and evaluation of
   Human-Centred Analytics in Education.”

                                                                                                                       Connected Intelligence Centre   19
Study areas

     Faculty of Design, Architecture
     and Building

     design | architecture | built environment

                                                    Welcome from the Associate Dean of              UTS’s Faculty of Design, Architecture and
                                                    Research, Professor Charles Rice                Building research degree programs offer the
                                                                                                    opportunity to combine research skills with
                                                    We invite you to pursue a PhD or Masters by     your passion. We also encourage students to
                                                    Research in design, architecture or the built   work across multiple disciplines, like our PhD
                                                    environment at the University of Technology     candidate Endriana Audisho whose research
                                                    Sydney, the 1st in Australia in the QS Top 50   involves both architectural investigation and
                                                    under 50 in the QS GLOBAL index of newer        issues of media representation. Many of our
                                                    universities.                                   supervisors have had substantial posts and
                                                    Why undertake a research degree with us?        experience overseas. As a result, many of our
                                                    You may have the drive and determination to     students have been able to work and study
                                                    become a knowledge leader in sustainable        internationally, in structured settings.
                                                    urban development. Maybe you want to            DAB academics have a very strong basis
                                                    influence our understanding of design           in the critical theory and history of their
                                                    history. Or you might want to research how      disciplines, as well as practice-led and
                                                    the construction industry can leverage          practice-based approaches. Under the
                                                    emergent fabrication technology.                guidance of an experienced supervisor, you
                                                                                                    will become recognised as an expert in your
                                                                                                    chosen area. You will have the knowledge,
                                                                                                    profile and connections to advance your
                                                                                                    career whether in academia or industry.

20   Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
Higher degree research

Research degrees
Course                                                               Course code                        CRICOS code
Doctor of Philosophy (Design, Architecture, Built Environment)       C02001                             032316D
Master of Design (Research)                                          C03012                             030867M
Master of Built Environment (Research)                               C03002                             008674D
Master of Architecture (Research)                                    C03001                             008672F

   BARNABY BENNETT                                                      DR JULIE JUPP
   PhD candidate, supervised by Professor Desley Luscombe               B Sc, B Arch, PhD
   Barnaby Bennett’s PhD is based on his involvement with and           Dr Jupp is an expert in computer integrated construction with
   examination of the temporary architecture that served the            an academic background in architecture. Jupp’s research
   city of Christchurch after devastating earthquakes hit in 2010       focuses on construction informatics and the application
   and 2011.                                                            of innovation in the context of large construction projects,
                                                                        encompassing building information modelling (BIM), product
  “I chose to study at UTS because my research interests in
                                                                        lifecycle management (PLM), and multidisciplinary design
   design and activism aligned well with UTS’s focus on social
                                                                        optimisation. Julie’s research, teaching, and managerial
   justice,” Barnaby says.
                                                                        experience, obtained in the construction industry over a 20-
  “My original topic was on activism in architecture, but then the      year period, provides a unique skill-set spanning practical and
   large February earthquake hit Christchurch one week after            theoretical work. Jupp has managed and participated in over
   I started the PhD, and it quickly became clear there was an          AUD $1.5 million of government and industry funded research,
   enormous opportunity to study the city as it grappled with the       and is a member of editorial review boards for a number of
   scale of the problems.”                                              high-ranking international journals.

  “My research examines the relationship between temporary             Jupp is currently collaborating with industry partner, Hansen
   architecture and the bringing into being of publics – groups of     Yuncken on Process-oriented Construction Systems
   individual people – in post-quake Christchurch,” Barnaby says.      Integration. “In a series of construction project case studies,
                                                                       we are developing and testing new adaptive process-driven
  “I was involved as a practitioner with several of the temporary      approaches to information management throughout the
   projects and became part of a community working on socially         project lifecycle,” says Jupp.
   and environmentally focused aspects of the rebuild.”
                                                                       “Technologies like BIM and PLM are incredibly valuable as they
  “My research afforded me with an incredible opportunity               open up the potential to increase construction productivity,
   to contribute to the recovery in Christchurch, and to draw           by enabling greater levels of collaboration and optimisation of
   out lessons for other places dealing with complexity and             information flows throughout the process.”
   uncertainty,” he says.
                                                                        As a research supervisor, Jupp appreciates all types of
  “Undertaking higher degree research is an immense privilege,          research collaboration, and finds supervising top-ranking
   and it has provided me with a rare opportunity to think deeply       Masters and PhD students particularly enjoyable. “My
   and slowly.”                                                         approach is to provide the right balance of technical and
   He was co-supervised by Dr Jacquie Lorber-Kasunic,                   moral support when needed, while also deliberately holding
   Dr Jacqueline Gothe and Dr Ryan Reynolds (University of              back and allowing students to develop their own theories and
   Canterbury, New Zealand).                                            academic identities.”

                                                                                                         Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building   21
Study areas

     Faculty of Engineering and
     Information Technology

     civil and environmental engineering | electrical and data engineering |
     mechanical and mechatronic engineering | software |
     information, systems and modelling | biomedical engineering

                                                         Our researchers, recognised as leaders in         –– Global Big Data Technology Centre: an
                                                         their fields, are responsible for delivering         international centre of excellence for the
                                                         innovative, original and cost-effective              development of enabling technologies for
                                                         solutions to tomorrow’s complex engineering          big data science and analytics, working
                                                         and IT challenges. Our students undertake            closely with industry and communities to
                                                         graduate research with these world-class             deliver real-world impact.
                                                         academic supervisors in a diverse range of        –– Centre for Autonomous Systems:
                                                         study areas.                                         electrical machines and power
                                                         Our research candidates are based in                 electronics, integrating mechanical,
                                                         the strikingly creative Engineering and              electrical and electronics engineering and
                                                         IT Building. This opened in mid-2014 and             computer systems.
                                                         features outstanding facilities, including        –– Centre for Quantum Software and
                                                         state-of-the-art laboratories and the UTS            Information: development of software
                                                         Data Arena - an immersive, 360 degree                and information processing infrastructure
                                                         interactive data visualisation facility that         for future quantum technologies.
     Welcome from the Associate Dean of                  changes the way researchers view and              –– Centre for Artificial Intelligence:
     Research, Professor Michael                         interact with data, reflecting the Faculty’s         computational intelligence, business
                                                         position at the cutting edge of innovation and       intelligence, computer vision, data
     Blumenstein (Research Strategy
                                                         technology. Our facilities continue to develop,      science, machine learning, brain
     and Management)                                     and our new Tech Lab, based in Botany,               computer interface, social robotics and
     The Faculty of Engineering and Information          opened in 2018, and is designed to be an             information systems.
     Technology at UTS is a research intensive           engineering focussed research hub, offering
                                                                                                           –– Centre for Technology in Water
     faculty whose work focuses on delivering            greater collaborative opportunities and links
                                                                                                              and Wastewater: management of
     solutions to real world problems and                to industry for HDR students and academics.
                                                                                                              water resources in urban and rural
     pioneering new technology areas. We offer
                                                         If you have a passion for impact-driven and          environments.
     PhD and Research Masters degrees across
                                                         collaborative research, plus an interest in
     all our research strengths. More than 800                                                             Our existing and emerging research
                                                         our areas of specialisation, I encourage
     research candidates work within the Faculty,                                                          strengths are as follows:
                                                         you to take a look at our courses and make
     supported by a program that aims to develop
                                                         an enquiry. You could be leading the next         –– Additive Manufacturing
     both research and professional skills.
                                                                                                           –– Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive
     The Faculty is home to seven university                                                                  Living (PERSWADE)
                                                         I look forward to welcoming you to UTS.
     level research centres and six Schools, with
                                                                                                           –– Centre for Advanced Geospatial
     diverse areas of expertise ranging from             RESEARCH STRENGTHS                                   Information Systems (CAGIS)
     advanced data analytics and quantum                 Our research priorities are broadly aligned
     computation to energy policy and wastewater         with our University level Centres and our         –– Energy and Environment
     treatment. It provides a collaborative and          Faculty Centres.                                  –– Cyber Security
     lively research culture in which students can
                                                         Our University-level Centres are as follows:      –– Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration
     develop. The Faculty received a “well above
     world standard” rating for its research quality     –– Advanced Analytics Institute:
     in biomedical engineering, and “above world                                                           –– Centre for Indigenous Technology
                                                            innovation, practice-driven analytics,
     standard” rating for all IT disciplines in ERA                                                           Research & Development (CITRD)
                                                            decision-making research and services in
     2015 (Excellence in Research for Australia).           broad-based analytics areas.
                                                         –– Centre for Health Technologies: health
                                                            and disease processes, biomedical
                                                            engineering, and detection and diagnosis
                                                            of a range of disease states.

22   Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Higher degree research

Information Technology research degrees
Course                                                                        Course code                        CRICOS code
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Systems)                                       C02047                             058666A
Doctor of Philosophy (Software Engineering, Analytics, Information Systems)   C02029                             009469A
Master of Analytics (Research)                                                C03051                             075277F
Master of Science in Computing Sciences (Research)                            C03025                             001121E

Engineering research degrees
Course                                                                        Course code                        CRICOS code
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering )                                           C02018                             036570B
Master of Engineering (Research)                                              C03017                             009468B

   LAM DINH NGUYEN                                                               BELLA BASAGLIA
   PhD candidate supervised by Dr Behzad Fatahi                                  PhD candidate and faculty scholarship and Top-Up
   Lam Dinh Nguyen is a PhD candidate in the School of Civil and                 recipient, supervised by Professor Keith Crews
   Environmental Engineering and a member of Geotechnical                       “I am researching the use of long span timber floor systems
   Engineering Research Group. The aim of his PhD study is to                    for multi-storey buildings and looking at how we can take
   provide an accurate and reliable prediction tool to simulate                  advantage of various connections between adjacent floor
   the behaviour of improved soft clay.                                          panels and supporting structures to see if we can optimise
                                                                                 floor design”, says Bella Basaglia, PhD candidate from Centre
  “Several new road and rail infrastructure should be built on
                                                                                 for Built Infrastructure Research.
   soft estuarine clays in Australia. My research is about
   stabilising soft clays with chemicals and geofibres to improve               “Most commercial building tenants prefer open plan
   both strength and stiffness of the ground supporting the                      work-spaces with fewer columns or walls and so the
   structural loads.”                                                            length of the unsupported floor becomes greater. Because
                                                                                 timber is light, the floors are easily excitable when
   Nguyen chose to study his PhD at UTS because of the
                                                                                 people walk on them, and as a result, produce annoying
   university’s high quality laboratories and their linkages with
                                                                                 vibrations. These vibrations govern the design of these
                                                                                 floor systems and because there are no guidelines on
  “UTS offers recognised world class laboratories and computer                   vibration designs of long span timber floors, structural
   simulation facilities to tackle pertinent and practical industry              engineers often over-design the structural elements.”
   problems. The Geotechnical Engineering research group at
                                                                                The aim of Basaglia’s project is to produce a vibration design
   UTS is well linked with industry, conducting research with
                                                                                guide that can be used by structural engineers specifically for
   practical outcomes.”
                                                                                designing long span timber floors.
                                                                                 Basaglia chose to study her PhD at UTS because of the fond
                                                                                 memories she had from her days as an undergraduate student
                                                                                 at UTS. “I did my Bachelor’s with UTS Engineering and I never
                                                                                 felt I was just a ‘number’ so when I was approached by my
                                                                                 supervisor with an opportunity to study a research degree
                                                                                 with him, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity.”

                                                                                                            Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology   23
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