Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
Annual Review

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
Message from our Chairman and Chief Executive

Having steered the charity for          Practitioner (ANP) continue to          meaningful recreational activity
almost seven-years on a voyage          offer sterling specialist support to    and training, helpful advice and
of excellence, in June 2018 Lt Col      colleagues ensuring residents are       friendship.
Steve Conway RM passed the              provided with the most
Erskine tiller to Wg Cdr Ian            compassionate and proactive care        We gained insights into the
Cumming, a former RAF                   possible. Our new ANP trainee, will     difficulties faced by younger
Regiment officer, with experience       help us enhance and extend that         Veterans, through our support to
in charitable and commercial care.      support. All teams are further          the Army Personnel Recovery
However, throughout 2018,               enabled and empowered by                Centre at the Erskine Edinburgh
Erskine largely followed the            Erskine’s innovative care               Home. Many are returning to
course set by Steve and the Board       management technology, which            Scotland and leaving the military
- striving to remain a pre-eminent      has received commendation               unexpectedly - often whilst facing
centre of excellence for care and       during evaluations and visits.          some significant life challenges. So,
support - whilst making some                                                    in July 2018, we initiated the
careful adjustments in response to      A key component of Erskine’s care       construction of twenty-four Single
the changing needs of Scotland’s        is the stimulating activities that we   Living Apartments within our
Veterans.                               offer to our residents. The games,      “Veterans Village.” Due for
                                        outings and events that our             completion in Autumn 2019, these
The important things remain             activities staff and volunteers         apartments will offer younger
unchanged. For example, we are          arrange, help residents to enjoy life   Veterans a temporary safe base
delighted that Erskine’s reputation     and to socialise with other             within which to recuperate, reflect
for quality, person-centred care        Veterans - sharing a common             and re-train as they prepare for the
has been upheld. The Erskine            language and proud heritage. Last       next chapter of their lives. In
Home and Erskine Park Home              year, we trialled extension of that     addition to socialising and getting
were both assessed by the Care          support to Veterans in the wider        advice at the Activity Centre, they
Inspectorate during the year. Both      community, who might be at risk         can also access employment
homes were rated “6: Excellent”         of loneliness and social isolation.     training and support from our
for the way in which we plan and        One year on and our Reid                tenants and partners at Scotland’s
deliver our services to enhance         Macewen Veterans Activity Centre,       Bravest Manufacturing Co (SBMC).
our residents’ experience of care,      with its “life-changing and life-       A social enterprise of Royal British
in a homely environment.                saving” services, is thriving. With     Legion Industries, SBMC provides
                                        over one hundred Veteran                Veterans with specialist machining,
Erskine’s Home Managers, Care,          members, the Centre has reached         engineering and service industry
Housekeeping and Support staff          capacity. We now plan to enhance        skills, with which to impress
have again earned high praise           the Centre and its capacity whilst      potential employers.
from visitors and relatives for their   actively researching other regions
splendid work. Our specialist           and venues across Scotland, where       Our Veteran family
Queen’s Nurse, Dementia Nurse           more Erskine Centres can bring all      accommodation in the forty-four
Consultant and Advanced Nurse           Veterans together to enjoy              cottages at Erskine also remains

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
Left: Robin Crawford, Chairman. Right: Ian Cumming, Chief Executive

very popular, with a well-planned       achieved in all our endeavours. We          strive to collaborate nationwide in
renovation programme in place.          owe a debt of gratitude to all staff        shaping, influencing and delivering
The completion and almost               and volunteers who make Erskine’s           the outstanding care and holistic
instantaneous occupation of our         reputation so admirable. We could           support that Veterans in Scotland
five Assisted Living Apartments         neither deliver the care and                require.
was particularly pleasing. Abutting     support we do, nor fund our
The Erskine Home, the apartments        charitable activities, without their
offer comfortable living for fiercely   remarkable drive and commitment.
independent Veterans who would
still like to know that friendly        We have a growing awareness that
company and expert assistance is        we should collaborate more widely
on hand, should they need it.           to share our expertise and insights
Demand and evident need for             with colleagues in charity, medical
these apartments will influence         and government sectors. We are
how we might adapt and develop          now increasingly involved in think          Robin Crawford, Chairman
our “Veterans Village” to continue      tanks, policy groups and joint
to meet the wide-ranging needs of       projects on excellence in care and
a broad age range of Veterans in        support. We do this, not for
the future.                             ourselves, but to ensure that
                                        Veterans and their families across
All of our work in 2018 has involved    all of Scotland receive the care and
compassionate teamwork. We are          support services they deserve, in
very proud of our Erskine heritage      return for the Service they gave. In
and the level of excellence we have     2019 and going forward, we will             Ian Cumming, Chief Executive

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital

During 2018 the Care Inspectorate       the sunroom at the front entrance      introduced a new Quality
introduced a new inspection             to the Home, a development which       Improvement Assistant/trainer
regime, based around the new            added over a third more space for      post who will work alongside the
Health & Social Care Standards,         activities and concerts. At The        staff in developing expertise as
although they retained the same         Erskine Home we completed our          well as tailoring the system to our
six point scoring matrix. We were       dementia - friendly gardens in         specific needs. During the year we
thrilled when two of our Homes          Haig and Ramsay Houses. While          also introduced mobile phone
who were inspected against these        both gardens have water features       technology to support staff,
new standards were awarded              incorporated in them, Ramsay           enabling them to record care
grade 6 (excellent) in the two          House includes an all-weather          interventions nearer to the point of
themes inspected. The inspections       sports area whereas Haig House         contact with residents. This has
noted the excellent environments,       features a central gazebo for          resulted in a richness to the
which have a warm homely feel to        residents to enjoy. During the year,   content of our care records.
them, the detailed knowledge staff      in recognition of the increased
have of our residents and the way       number of our residents who are        The Advanced Nurse Practitioner
they can deliver care, alongside        living with dementia, we converted     (ANP) role we introduced in 2017
our residents, in a way that            Yarrow House into a specialist         has proven to make a significant
maximises the resident’s abilities,     dementia care House.                   positive contribution to the care of
rather than focuses on what                                                    our residents. This was
cannot be done. Of significance to      The annual Erskine Motorbike Meet      accentuated in July when, with the
us was the recognition of various       saw over 5,000 visitors to our         support of Renfrewshire Health &
parts the whole team plays. Each        Bishopton estate, with over 800        Social Care Partnership, we were
colleague delivers significant care     bikers in the parade. It was a         able to introduce prescribing to
enhancing activities, whether that      delight to see residents lead the      the ANPs role. Being able to
is housekeeping, porters, catering,     cavalcade round the town of            prescribe timeously has
administrative staff as well as         Erskine in cars donated again by       significantly reduced the response
those delivering care more directly.    MET Wedding Cars. They were            time from diagnosis to
The use of our Omi Vista                joined by residents on our adapted     commencement of appropriate
Interactive Tables were noted as        bikes as the procession entered        treatment. The role has been so
engaging and fun to use.                the estate for the final journey       successful that we will be, with the
                                        down the drive.                        support of the Armed Forces
Development remained the key                                                   Covenant Fund Trust, introducing a
theme within the Care Directorate       In terms of leadership structure we    Trainee Advanced Nurse
throughout 2018. Development of         have added Clinical Lead posts to      Practitioner post in 2019.
the environment across our four         both Erskine Glasgow and Erskine
homes as well as development of         Park Homes. The Clinical Lead          During the year we were delighted
staff and development of roles.         post supports the Home and             when our ANP won an award for
During 2018 we saw the                  House Managers in leading the          Innovation at the Acute Care
completion of our sunrooms in           delivery of care within their Home.    Advanced Practice Conference and
Yarrow House and Red Cross              They take on leadership of specific    Awards, which was followed a few
House, with accompanying                aspects of care e.g. the electronic    weeks later with the accolade of
terraces in Pearson and McKellar        medicines management system,           Scottish Care, Nurse of the Year.
Houses. We are looking forward to       the content of the care plans and      We were also proud to see our
using them to their fullest potential   such like critical aspects of our      Home Manager in Erskine Park
in 2019.                                services. Supporting staff with the    Home successfully complete a nine
Erskine Park saw the completion of      electronic medicines system, we        month development programme

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
and being awarded the title
‘Queen’s Nurse’ from the Queen’s
Nursing Institute Scotland – each
title certificate was signed
personally by Her Majesty.

In our 2017 report we noted the
joint work, as part of the
Unforgotten Forces consortium,
with Luminate Scotland and the
Artists in Residence project.
Before leaving Erskine Park to
move to Erskine Glasgow and then
Erskine Edinburgh, the artists and
residents created an outdoor art
exhibition along the cycle path at
our Bishopton campus. An
inspirational display of art graced
the path from mid-summer
onwards, rewarding the many
visitors who walked or cycled the
path with a variety of pictures,
sculptures and poetry as they
made their way through the

Working with the Royal College of
Nursing Scotland we took part in
two videos showcasing the valued
and essential work that health care
support workers undertake. This
gave the staff involved the
opportunity to visit the Scottish
Parliament and meet with
members of the Health & Sports
Committee (as well as visit the
debating chamber).

                         Top to bottom: New Sunroom at Red Cross.
                        Artist in Residence Projects. Care Staff using
                                the new Medical Management Sysem.
                                 Staff visiting the Scottish Parliament   5
Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
Their Story:
Agnes MacLeod, Army
               Born in 1922 Agnes MacLeod, an        “I had many happy days in the
               Isle of Skye native, made the move    Nursing Corps, it was wonderful! I
               from island life to the mainland to   was able to treat Servicemen and
               commence nursing training. In         travel the world, what more could
               1945, once her training was           you want?”
               complete, Agnes joined the Queen
               Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing        Agnes went on to have two
               Corps, just as WWII was coming to     children, a boy and a girl, and her
               an end.                               role as mother soon took over.

               Agnes served for six years,           When the time came for Agnes to
               spending time in Woolwich before      move to a care environment she
               serving in Hong Kong for three        knew Erskine was where she
               years. She also served in York and    wanted to be, having spent years
               Germany in the late 40’s and 50’s.    caring for Veterans herself.

               Agnes was very proud to have          In February 2018 Agnes came to
               nursed Chelsea Pensioners during      Erskine and has been enjoying life
               her service and always mentions       as a resident ever since. To her
               them when you speak to her. She       Erskine is a wonderful place.
               fondly looks out for them on
               Armistice night on the TV and          “I’ve been here at Erskine for a
               thinks it is wonderful to see them.   year now and I can definitely say
                                                     that had I gone anywhere else I
               It was a pleasure for Agnes to        don’t think it would have been as
               nurse the troops, she was very        good. It’s a wonderful place,
               keen on The Army and her time         there’s always something to be
               serving was a happy one. She          doing.”
               served for six years as Captain
               before marrying John, a Marine
               Superintendent from the Isle of
               Skye. She decided then to end
               her military career. Had Agnes not
               married she would have happily
               continued her career in the Army.

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
Their Story:
John Graham, Navy
John Graham was born in Glasgow         return and see what treats he had
in 1929 before moving to spend his      brought them from distant lands.
childhood in Portsmouth. Coming
from a proud line of John Grahams       John enjoyed the Navy life and the
who all served, he decided to           experiences he gained through his
follow in his Father’s footsteps, and   years at sea. John often looks
at the age of 16 he signed up to        back at his time on HMS Kenya
live the Navy life, taking with him     when he was due to be on the ship
his worldly possessions wrapped in      that escorted Prince Philip and
a brown paper parcel.                   Princess Elizabeth on her tour from
                                        Mombasa in Africa to the Cocoa
John’s Navy career as a stoker          Islands in the South Pacific. Sadly
mechanic took him all around the        just before they were due to set off
world experiencing countries like       King George passed away and
Norway, Seychelles, India and           Elizabeth returned home to
Korea whilst he served on 8             become Queen. From there he
different ships including HMS Duke      headed to the Seychelles which
of York, HMS Kenya, HMS Start Bay       eased his disappointment.
and the Destroyer HMS Penn.
                                        John was awarded the Korean,
Having lost the sight in one eye,       United Nations and General
John was forced to leave the Navy       Service medals during his service,
at age 25. John missed his life at
sea and soon decided to enlist in       John came to Erskine at the end of
the Merchant Navy, which regularly      2018, moving into one of the new
took him as far afield as South         Assisted Living Apartments. His
Africa, America and Canada.             apartment is beautifully furnished
                                        by his daughter and
John’s service sometimes took him       granddaughter who visit regularly
away from home for as long as 18        and has become a lovely homely
months at a time, missing valuable      environment. He looks forward to
years of his children’s development     settling in and discovering more of
and upbringing. However they            what Erskine has to offer.
were always delighted to see him

                                                                                              4 Generations of John Grahams:
                                                                               Grandfather: Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
                                                                                        Father: Scottish Rifles and Royal Navy
                                                                                                             John: Royal Navy
                                                                                                         Son: Royal Engineers

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
A Year of Recognition and Reward
2018 has been a remarkable year.       the contribution and dedication of        Advanced and Expert - works
Erskine staff and volunteers have      our people and it was our pleasure        hand in hand with our Age
enjoyed a year of well-deserved        to mark the anniversary of their          Simulation programme. Other
recognition of their unstinting        service. Our Chief Executive Ian          training includes CPD, NMAHP,
devotion and commitment to our         Cumming MBE was delighted to              iCare, eMar, SVQ II, III & IV in Health
Veterans Community.                    host the event with Chairman              & Social Care, SVQ in Hospitality
                                       Robin Crawford presenting the             and Business Administration,
Recognition of staff achievement       awards.                                   Midas, IT, Coaching and e-Learning
was at an all-time high in 2018.                                                 modules, contributing to a high
Our Advanced Nurse Practitioner        Erskine President, The Right              level of excellence in all areas.
Jennifer Boyd, courtesy of her         Honourable Lord Provost of
peers, was Erskine’s winner of the     Glasgow Eva Bolander, presented           As we continued to maintain our
Creativity & Innovation category in    the awards in the annual                  core staff base we were delighted
the annual President’s Awards; the     “President’s Awards” recognition          to welcome 78 new staff members,
worthy winner of the Innovation        programme. Winners, staff and             all of whom participated in our
award from ACAP Scotland and           volunteers were nominated by              comprehensive induction
finally the ultimate accolade of       their peers. The exceptional              programme designed to integrate
‘The Nurse of the Year’ title at the   standard of nominations received          staff into the working world of
Scottish Care Awards.                  proved beyond all doubt our               Erskine at the earliest opportunity.
                                       people continue to consistently
It was also a very special moment      “walk that extra mile” for Erskine.       Ten new Modern Apprentices
for Erskine when the Queen’s                                                     joined Erskine in 2018. We now
Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS)      Staff development is ongoing at           have 13 apprentices across care,
awarded Lesley Wylie, manager of       Erskine. Front facing staff as well       catering and business
the Erskine Park Home, a               as those less visible are fully           administration. Our ongoing
prestigious Queen’s Nurse Award        engaged, skilled and                      collaboration with the West
and the Director of Care, Derek        knowledgeable in their areas,             College Scotland provides our
Barron, a Fellowship. Both Awards      consistently developing, upskilling       apprentices with the best
were extra special as it was the       and demonstrating best practice           introduction to their chosen
first time for 50 years that such      where possible. Our commitment            profession. In addition, employees
Awards had been given.                 to the Excellence Framework,              benefit from the valuable
                                       made up of four levels of dementia        partnerships we have cultivated
Our Long Service Awards for staff      training - Informed, Skilled,             over the years with Job Centre
and volunteers recognised both                                                   Plus, Napier University, West
                                                                                 Lothian College, University of West
                                                                                 of Scotland and Skills
                                                                                 Development Scotland.

                                                                                 Throughout 2018 we continued to
                                                                                 promote employee relations
                                                                                 through partnership working with
                                                                                 our recognised Trade Unions,
                                                                                 Unison and RCN. We continue to
                                                                                 provide appropriate terms and
                                                                                 conditions, policies and a fair and
                                                                                 equitable job evaluation scheme
                                                                                 based on equal pay. The success
                                                                                 of the partnership was evidenced

Director of Care, Derek Barron         Erskine Park Home Manager, Lesley Wylie
receiving his fellowship               receiving her Queen’s Nurse Award

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
by the results of recent
negotiations where our staff were
                                      Erskine’s wider strategy of
                                      converting to technological            Excellence
awarded a comparable pay deal to      solutions across the organisation
that of their NHS colleagues.         saw the implementation of an
                                      e-Rostering/e-Timesheet system.
Staff communication channels          This is now fully operational across
were enhanced with the                all four homes integrating                       VALUE 1
introduction of the staff social      seamlessly with the existing HR/       We encourage communication
media platform Workplace and          Payroll Cascade system.                 and an honest, open culture
Workplace Messenger. Over two
thirds of employees use the           As we continue into a New Year,
platform to engage and                working as a team, we remain                     VALUE 2
collaborate with colleagues across    firmly anchored to our values of         We take responsibility for
Erskine. Another opportunity for      Communication, Accountability,          the way we behave and are
expressing views was afforded to      Respect and Excellence which are         accountable for the work
employees with the 2018 Employee      the solid foundation our renowned                 we do
Engagement Survey in which 53%        high standards derive from. In the
of staff participated.                future Erskine will continue to
                                      follow the path of so many before,              VALUE 3
The Erskine Health and Wellbeing      caring with devotion and                 We respect ourselves and
programme continued throughout        dedication for those who have                those around us
2018 with ongoing initiatives such    sacrificed so much for our
as the ever popular Cycle2Work,       freedom.
Step Challenge, Yoga, daily fresh                                                      VALUE 4
fruit and updates on various health                                            We strive to deliver the
topics.                                                                          highest standards of
                                                                               excellence in everything
                                                                                        we do

President’s Award Winners 2018

Annual Review 2018 - Erskine Hospital
 Our Facilities team managed to         McKellar and Pearson Houses. On       Our new laundry was completed in
 ensure the completion of our           the upper floor of each sunroom       December 2018 and it allows us to
 dementia - friendly gardens in         there is also an outdoor balcony      provide an improved service to our
 Haig and Yarrow Houses, which          which will be an excellent facility   residents in Erskine, Park and
 allow our residents to enjoy the       throughout the summer months.         Glasgow Homes, ensuring they are
 lovely surroundings in a safe and                                            always provided with clean linen
 stimulating environment.               The Assisted Living Apartments        and personal items.
                                        have been named Kimberlea
 At the same time in Edinburgh we       House, as requested by our            Our porters transported 150
 constructed an allotment garden        benefactor Keith O’Donnell, and       residents to hospital appointments,
 to allow the residents to grow their   provides five modern apartments       delivered 20 tonnes of products
 own vegetables. These                  connected to the Erskine Home.        from stores to the homes and
 supplement the catering staff’s        These allow Veterans to live          checked and maintained 56
 menus and provide them with            independently with access to some     vehicles amongst many other
 fresh, home grown produce. The         level of support on the Erskine       things.
 multi-purpose surface area was         estate. They were completed in
 also completed                         October and were fully occupied       Our catering staff provided 3
 at Edinburgh and allowed the           on 1st November, with a long          meals per day for over 1000
 residents to enjoy the summer          waiting list.                         residents throughout the year.
 weather and take part in some
 outdoor activities.                    We started construction of our
                                        new Single Living Apartment block
 Our Assisted Living Apartments         which is due for completion in
 were built over the summer, along      Autumn 2019. We plan to offer
 with sunrooms within The Erskine       accommodation to 24 Veterans of
 Home and at Erskine Park Home.         working age with a view to helping
 The sunrooms provide residents         them transition into life after the
 with a bright airy facility making     Forces.
 best use of some underutilised
 space at Yarrow, Red Cross,

                                                                                     Above: New Sunroom at Erskine Park Home
                                                                                                      Below: Kimberlea House

The Erskine Home
                                       staff ensured the smooth transition      Lingo Flamingo which sees our
                                       which has culminated in residents        residents becoming more fluent in
                                       enjoying more comfortable and            French conversation. We have also
                                       modern accommodation.                    further developed our
                                                                                intergenerational relationship
                                       During the course of the year we         programme with local schools and
 2018 has been a busy year for all     have seen a total of 242 residents       nurseries which has been
 residents and staff within The        admitted either for long term or         beneficial for both the children and
 Erskine Home. Amongst the             respite care, with 85% of the            residents participating.
 changes we have seen the              resident population aged over 80
 amazing upgrades to the garden        years old. The weekly summer             Finally it was with immense pride
 areas of Haig and Ramsay House,       outings to Castle Semple                 that representatives from all staff
 as well as the refurbishment within   continued to be very popular and         groups listened to the fantastic
 the Houses which occurred with        we saw an increase in the number         feedback from one of our
 minimal disruption to residents       of residents who participated in         regulators, the Care Inspectorate,
 thanks to the team approach           the Sporting Senior Games                with the Home being awarded 6’s
 within the Home. Our colleagues       competition in September. We also        for both the quality themes that
 from estates, support services,       introduced some new activities           we were inspected against.
 contractors, activities and House     including weekly art classes and

 Erskine Glasgow Home
 Erskine Glasgow enjoyed               and stimulating visits from
 another successful year in 2018.      Erskine’s Artists in Residence,
 Generally occupancy was at            culminating in the creation of a
 100% and the quality of care the      garden art studio where works of
 Home provided was recognised          art have been created for display
 by The Care Inspectorate              around the Home.
                                                                                    Resident Harry Bayne with Home Manager
 awarding grades of “very good”                                                 Gordon Johnston and Lord Provost of Glasgow.
 for all areas of inspection.          One of the highlights in the Home
                                       in 2018 was the 100th birthday of        our mother received at the Erskine
 The residents of the Home             WWII Veteran and prisoner of war         Glasgow Home during the last
 enjoyed a full and varied             survivor Harry Bayne. Harry              three years of her life. When I think
 programme of activities               celebrated his birthday with the         of my mother in the future, I am
 throughout the year. Especially       customary telegram from the              sure I will also remember the
 successful were the weekly            Queen, a visit from the Lord             outstanding professionalism and
 music therapy sessions, in            Provost of Glasgow and a big party       good old-fashioned loving
 partnership with Nordoff              with family and friends.                 kindness of all the staff in the
 Robbins, which involved                                                        Home.”
 residents singing as part of a        Of course, the Home lost many
 choir or playing instruments.         dear friends over the year.              2018 ended with the Home hosting
 The Home is delighted that            However the gratitude expressed          Christmas lunches for the residents
 financial support has ensured         by relatives, made the losses easier     and their relatives in The Bridge.
 that the music therapy will           to bear, an example being:               This enabled families to get
 continue throughout 2019 and                                                   together to celebrate a special
 2020. Erskine Glasgow residents       “It is difficult to put into words how   time of year and share some
 also benefitted from interesting      much we all appreciate the care          festive cheer.
Erskine Park Home
It has been an exciting twelve        and pebble poetry created by the
months at Erskine Park with the       residents throughout the woodland
completion of the new sunroom         walk way.
extension to the activities area,
allowing residents and visitors to    The introduction of the Omi Vista
enjoy the stunning views around       Interactive Tables has proven to be a
the home as well as extending the     very popular activity for residents,
home’s recreation space.              bridging the gap between
                                      generations when their
The Art in Adventure trail was        grandchildren visit and allowing
created by the Artists in Residence   residents with limited abilities to
in partnership with Luminate          interact in a fun, meaningful and
showcasing the work the residents     person centred way.
of Erskine Park had produced
whilst Gill and James (the artists)   The Care Inspectorate visit in
had worked with them. This            December saw the home being
beautiful trail displays images of    awarded two 6s for the care
the residents creating their art      provided to the residents.
work, examples of their art work

Erskine Edinburgh Home
2018 was a busy year at the           consulted with residents to ask         electricity, four raised beds, several
Edinburgh Home. We started            what changes they would like to         fruit trees and a summer house
the year off by maintaining our       see in the garden, the most             with electricity. The allotment is
high standards of care and            prominent idea was to add an            managed by some of our resident’s
having this recognised by The         all-weather area that could be          relatives and is well used by
Care Inspectorate when they           used for bowling and golf putting.      residents who have been growing
awarded grades of “very good”         The garden was completed in             a variety of vegetables and herbs.
for all areas of the inspection.      March and has a massive all-            The Head Chef makes great use of
                                      weather turfed area in the centre,      the produce in his kitchen adding
We have continued to develop          new improved lighting and new           fresh herbs to meals and bread.
the environment at the                bedding plants throughout. The          There is nothing better than fresh
Edinburgh Home with input             residents made great use of the         home grown produce to make
from residents and relatives.         garden over the summer and are          your food taste and smell amazing.
The first project to be               looking forward to starting their
completed this year was the           own bowling/golf tournament this        We are always striving to improve
Linburn House Garden. We              summer.                                 and as part of that we have several
                                                                              projects running currently such as
                                      The second project, our Allotment       an extension to our physio gym,
                                      Garden, was inspired by our Head        extension and refurbishment of
                                      Chef and his Kitchen Focus Group,       our activities room (Robertson
                                      made up of residents and staff. In      Trust Room), and we are in the
                                      April the garden was opened to          planning stage of installing a cycle
                                      the residents. It has two               track around the home so that we
                                      wheelchair accessible green             can use adapted bikes to take our
                                      houses with running water and           residents out.
Thank You to All Our Supporters
 As a charity, Erskine depends on donations. We really do appreciate the trust our supporters place in the
 value of the care and support provided for Veterans, of all ages, at Erskine. We rely on this support to enable
 us to plan for the future to meet the changing needs of the ex-Service community. Legacy gifts and direct
 debit donations, in particular, enable this to happen – for which we are immensely grateful.

 Rangers Supporters Erskine Appeal
 Formed in 2007 with the aim of raising £1,000 for Erskine’s
 Veterans, the Rangers Supporters Erskine Appeal has now raised a
 phenomenal £856,000 for the charity.
 We are incredibly grateful to RSEA for their amazing support over
 the last 12 years. Their efforts remind us how important it is to
 remember the debt we owe, and the deep respect we have, to our
 Veterans for their service. There is so much we would not have
 been able to achieve without their support.

 Garden Grand Opening
 Rev Graham Morrison gave a very fitting and moving ‘Service of
 Reflection’ to guests at the Grand Opening of the Garden of
 Reflection. The majority of guests have memorial plaques in the
 garden and we will hold this service each year as a lasting
 memorial to their loved ones. Memorial plaques can be
 purchased for a loved one at

 Scotmid Caddy Vehicles
 A big thank you to Scotmid Co-operative who donated three
 specially adapted VW Caddy vehicles for use in all four Erskine
 Homes. The need for appropriate transport is really important as
 our residents are often living with complex health issues and
 require a high level of support. Scotmids also funded the revamp
 of our Bunker Garden, giving residents a lovely outlook and
 somewhere peaceful to enjoy the sunshine.

 Not everyone may be able to attempt the full 17,600ft to reach
 Everest Base Camp, like Mandy from Balmedie, Aberdeenshire,
 who raised an incredible £1,760 for our Veterans, but Erskine runs
 many challenge and social events through the year, so whether
 you fancy the Kiltwalk or want to dance the night away at the
 Military Ball – you are in good company.

Erskine Military Ball
                                              It was fitting that the theme for the Military Ball in 2018 was
                                              RAF100. Our thanks go to our sponsors and all our guests who
                                              gave generously and raised over £65,000.

                                              The Royal British Legion Scotland
                                              Riders at the Erskine Glasgow Home
                                              On 1st April, one hundred years since the formation of the Royal
                                              Air Force, a specially designed baton set off on a journey around
                                              the UK and abroad. The Baton made its way to Scotland in May
                                              and was handed over from The Royal British Legion Scotland
                                              Riders to our Erskine Glasgow Home where it was welcomed by
                                              Veterans, family members and the 62 (2nd Glasgow) Squadron Air

                                              American Friends
                                              With help from the St Andrews
                                              Society of San Francisco, the US
                                              Marines and as part of RAF100, our
                                              friends in America raised $62,000 to
                                              fund their second 16 seater mini bus, this time for Erskine
                                              Edinburgh. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes on
                                              behind the screens across The Pond, for which our Veterans are
                                              very grateful.

                                  The construction of                           ABF The Soldiers’ Charity
                                  24 Single Living                              awarded a generous grant of
                                  Apartments                                    £150,000 which enabled
                                  commenced in 2018.                            Erskine to support the Army
Thanks to all who have supported this project,                                  Veterans in our care.
including: The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund;
The Veterans’ Foundation; WM Mann Charitable Trust;                    Big Lottery Fund Awards for All -
Margaret Murdoch Charitable Trust and                                  £6,000 towards outdoor activities for
Miss I.F. Harvey’s Charitable Trust.                                   residents at Castle Semple.

                                 The Royal Navy and
                                 Royal Marines Charity                  The Erskine specialist Dementia Nurse
                                 awarded a generous                     Consultant post has been made
                                 grant of £40,000                       possible by the Scottish Veterans Fund
towards the provision of care and support services for                  and the Libor Fund, ensuring we can
Royal Navy and Royal Marines Veterans living at                         fund this until 2021.

Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre

 What a year!!! Erskine Reid           the project, and over 25 partner
 Macewen Activity Centre (ERMAC)       organisations who can provide
 flourished during 2018. Since the     specialist support such as
 doors first opened on 15th January    Financial, Mentoring and Health
 we have delivered over 1,600          advice.
 activity sessions including
 Woodwork, Art, Holistic Therapy,      Some highlights from the first year
 Boxing, Bowls, Archery, IT and        include an Armed Forces Day
 Genealogy with over 5,000             event in June attended by 150
 attendances. From an initial 15       people, a trip down the River Clyde
 Veterans who indicated an interest,   on HMS Tracker, a visit to the
                                                                                         Veterans enjoying a chat and a
 there are now 108 members             National Memorial Arboretum in                             cuppa in the fresh air.
 registered, ranging in age from 37    Staffordshire, an Oktoberfest party
 to 94. On average we support 25       and an ERMAC team competing in
 Veterans per day.                     the Erskine Sporting Senior           “I never had much human contact
                                       Games, where we won medals in         when sitting at home and was
 The varied programme of activities    bowling and basketball.               starting to get depressed. Then I
 changes weekly based on                                                     came here and it’s turned my life
 suggestions from Veterans. We are     Attending the Centre has had a big    around. It’s a fantastic place where
 supported in our delivery by a        impact on people’s lives like Army    I’ve had the best few months I’ve
 committee of 6 members who            Veteran Billy McPike who said:        had for a long, long time.”
 provide input into the running of

                              Social . Skills . Support
Their Story:
John Bogan, RAF Regiment
John Bogan was born in 1960 and         John’s RAF career progressed to
brought up in Renfrew. He married       him becoming an Instructor in
at the age of 18 and soon decided       Nuclear, Chemical and Biological
he wanted more for his family.          Warfare amongst other things but
                                        in 1999 John remustered into an
Having been an Army Cadet in the        admin role due to medical reasons
Royal Highland Fusiliers, John          and it was during this peroid that
decided to sign up to the RAF           he met his partner Gina. John and
Regiment. He soon found himself         Gina settled into life together and
as a Leading Aircraftman on the         by 2005 his 22 year RAF career
streets of Northern Ireland, straight   had run its course and life was to
from basic training. After two          change.
tours in Northern Ireland he joined
No.34 Squadron RAF Regiment             John’s Arthritis can be crippling at
and was posted out to RAF               times leaving his future career
Akrotiri in Cyprus with his young       options very limited. The thought
family. John feels that his posting     of returning to his former life filled
to Cyprus was a wonderful               him with great concern and he
opportunity for him and his family      found himself out of the RAF and
and he was pleased to return for a      suddenly homeless with a family to
second posting in 1994.                 support. Thankfully John found
                                        Erskine and he moved in to a
After jumping between bases in          cottage on the Estate in 2005
the UK, John found himself in the       before also taking on the role of
Defence Company for the Army            receptionist in 2006.
guarding Banialuka Metal Factory
in Serbia where the British Army        John enjoyed his career in the RAF
had a base during the Bosnian           and was proud to have done his 22
Conflict. During this time John         years of service but is glad to now
was in charge of the dog section        call Erskine home for him and his
working with Patrol, Tracker and        family.
Ammunitions dogs. John looks
back with fond memories of Bill         “Once you have done your 22 you
and Ben his German Shepherd             are on your own and if it wasn’t for
Patrol dogs. He was awarded the         places like Erskine I don’t know
Station Commanders                      what I would have done.”
Commendation during this time.

Beyond Your Lifetime

 Erskine has come a long way since      Son’s pride over Dunbar soldier’s      It was no surprise to me that he
 first opening its doors in 1916 to     help for Veterans.                     wanted to leave all his assets to
 care for the wounded returning in                                             charity, the bulk of which he left to
 huge numbers from the                  A Second World War soldier has         Erskine to help support the
 battlefields of the First World War.   helped fellow Veterans in need of      marvellous work they do caring for
                                        care live their lives to the full      Veterans. We are all immensely
 Erskine has stretched out its hand     thanks to a gift - a - year after he   proud of the facility which Erskine
 of care for over 100 years and         died.                                  has created with his legacy.”
 more than 96,000 Veterans have
 taken that hand and benefited          The late Michael O’Donnell, from       His gift has transformed the lives of
 from the unique care that only         Dunbar, left a bequest which           Veterans who have a specialist
 Erskine can provide.                   partially funded the newly-built       housing need. They now live
                                        Assisted Living Apartments for         independently in a safe and
 Visitors to Erskine often comment      five ex-Service personnel at the       peaceful home environment, with
 on what is different about Erskine     Veterans Village on the Erskine        help and support from us when
 when they walk through the doors       Estate.                                required.
 for the first time.
                                        Mr O’Donnell, who was born in          Mr O’Donnell’s legacy will continue
 The difference is the quiet solitude   Leith in 1920, was a soldier in the    to improve the lives of many
 of the gardens to the sound of         Highland Light Infantry, signing up    Veterans for years to come and will
 laughter and activity coming from      in 1939 and eventually leaving the     not be forgotten.
 recreation which typifies what         Army in 1946 as a Warrant Officer.
 makes living at Erskine so special.                                           No gift is ever too small and no act
 Genuine respect for individual         He returned to Dunbar and it was       of kindness is ever wasted at
 choice and decision means              there that he met Betty Knox.          Erskine. After caring for your family
 Veterans can live their lives in the   They married in 1940, and had          and friends could you help make a
 way they did when at home. Life        three children. On his 90th            difference to the lives of Veterans
 is never dull at Erskine - thanks to   birthday in 2010, Michael received     you don’t know personally, but care
 the people who support us in           an award from Dunbar                   about? Just a little can be life
 many ways.                             Community Council in recognition       changing, even 1% of your estate
                                        of his contribution to the             has a powerful impact: enriching
 Much of what has been achieved         community over the previous 60         the lives of Veterans now and in the
 in past years has only been made       years.                                 future. Without legacies, Erskine
 possible thanks to the generosity                                             could not continue.
 of our supporters who leave            His son Keith made a poignant
 Erskine a gift in their wills. You     visit to the apartments, which         When the time is right for you,
 may be surprised to hear this, but     have been named “Kimberlea             please remember Erskine in your
 last year one in every four            House” in memory of his father’s       will.
 Veterans we supported would not        home in Dunbar. He met Royal
 have received Erskine care had it      Navy Veteran John Graham as he         Last year a gift of £100 provided in
 not been for people who left a gift    moved into his new home. Keith         house speech therapy sessions and
 to Erskine in their wills.             said: “My father rarely spoke          helped prevent Veterans losing
                                        about the war although we do           their speech. £5,000 helped
 People from all walks of life help     know that he never lost an             provide pressure care mattresses,
 to make Erskine a success. Could       appreciation that he was one of        giving pain relief and a restful
 you become one of them?                the lucky ones, he came home.          night’s sleep to Veterans. 10% of an

Legator Keith O’Donnell

estate gave life changing support
and a new start to Veterans and
their families in a specially
adapted Veteran’s cottage.
                                               Resident John Graham enjoying his new apartment in Kimberlea House

These are only a few of the many
people who supported Erskine by
choosing to make a gift beyond
their lifetime. We owe them a       With Thanks Also To
debt of gratitude and their
kindness will never be forgotten.   Miss MJM Smith’s Trust - £20,700 for a 7-seater Volkswagen
                                    Caddy for the Activity Centre.
Making a will is one of the most
important things you can do in      Kilpatrick Fraser Charitable Trust, the Mr & Mrs JMB Trust, the
your lifetime. It may be a simple   Rangers Supporters Erskine Appeal and the Libor Fund for the
piece of paper, but it is a very    new Omi Vista Interactive Tables.
powerful document and the best
                                    Mazars Charitable Trust - £14,424 for the purchase of Rempods for
guarantee to ensure your wishes
                                    all four Erskine Homes.
are met. By remembering Erskine
in your will you can be assured     Row Fogo Charitable Trust - £6,000 towards materials and
that it will be spent wisely.       equipment for the Activity Centre.

Our support for them must never     William Dawson Charitable Trust - £5,000 towards the purchase of
stop, with your support it never    adapted bicycles for the Activity Centre.
                                    ANT Foundation - £3,000 towards materials and equipment for
                                    the Activity Centre.

 To find out more about leaving a   Cala Homes - £1,000 towards materials and equipment for the
      gift to Erskine, contact:     Activity Centre.

  Ann McCallum, Legacy Officer,     Royal Caledonian Charities Trust - £5,000 for specialist seating for
   Erskine, Bishopton PA7 5PU.      some of our most frail and vulnerable residents.       Rangers Charity Foundation - £5,000 towards materials and
     or call 0141-814-4520          equipment for Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre.

Financial Summary
 In 2018 we all reflected upon the      This year we have recorded a loss     this accounting figure. However
 Centenary of the 1918 Armistice.       of £564k, before investment           in-year cash legacy income was
 It was a time to remember that         gains/losses and other recognised     £5.2m, giving a fundraising cash
 our Service personnel continue to      gains. This is mainly due to the      total of £10.13m. Therefore in cash
 display the highest levels of          drop in legacy income of £4.3m        terms, our fundraising and
 bravery and courage, and they          from the previous year. Included      communications costs
 deserve our support.                   within charitable activities          represented an efficient 17% of
                                        expenditure are a few one-off         overall expenditure.
 Erskine’s charitable activities        costs relating to the sale of the
 income rose by £0.56m to £15m.         Erskine Mains Care Home and the       We are incredibly grateful for all
 However, the annual cost of            refurbishment costs of the            the donations and support we
 providing our charitable services      furniture factory for Scotland’s      receive. It is so important that
 has increased by 6%. This is           Bravest Manufacturing Company.        we never take our ex-Service men
 partly because our service                                                   and women’s contributions for
 provision has expanded to include      Overall our fundraising costs have    granted nor should we ever
 Day Activity services; our             dropped, while cash donations         forget them.
 commitment to continue to pay all      increased by £0.57m to £4.9m.
 staff the Scottish Living Wage and     Unfortunately legacy income was
 our pledge to maintain pay levels      significantly lower than last year.    For every   £1 donated to Erskine
                                                                                     For every £1 donated to Erskoine …

 in line with NHS Scotland and the      This meant that donations and
 impact of local authority rates.       accrued legacies figures (of £3.9m
 Within the care facilities the         as required by charity Statement                               83p
 average occupancy achieved was         of Recommended Practice)
 97.42% which is a little higher than   totalled £8.8m. Our fundraising
 last year’s by 0.62%.                  expenditure represents 20% of
                                                                                      Fundraising Fundraising Services to Support Veterans
                                                                                  For every £1 donated to Erskine

                                                                                      Services to support Veterans

Did You
Know that...
                                                    52% of our funding
                                                     applications were
Each Month our Porters...

                                                  We provided activities
 Cover all emergency                              and entertainment on
Hospital appointments                                 a daily basis

                          Collect emergency
                        prescriptions regularly

Deliver 150 samples
  to the surgery
                                                     We cared for over
                         Porters are available        1,000 Veterans
                           365 days a year

 Collect 15 tonnes of
    clinical waste
                                                     There were 2,170
                           Collect visitors          opportunities to
                              24 times
                                                  improve Veterans’ lives
Board of Trustees
 The Board of Trustees, who are the Directors for the purposes
 of Company Law and the Trustees for the purposes of Charity
 Law, during the period covered by these accounts and up to the
 date of approval of the financial statements, consisted of
                                                                       Save the Date!
 the following:                                                      Erskine Events 2019

 Mr Stuart Aitkenhead BSc CEng FIMechE
 Lieutenant Simon David Allbutt FCIPD RN
 Dr Brian Cowan                                                      Sounds from Stirling Castle
                                                                             Stirling Castle
 Professor Rosslyn Crocket MBE
                                                                              16th March
 Captain James Fraser                                                           Kiltwalk
 Mr Douglas Griffin MA (Hons) DIP ACC CA                                        Glasgow
 Lieutenant Colonel David Harrison OBE BA (Hons) MBA                           28th April
 Group Captain Robert Kemp CBE QVRM AE DL
 Mr Ian Lee BA CA CPA                                                Edinburgh Marathon Festival
 Mrs Rosemary Lyness MBE RGN SCM MBA                                           Edinburgh
                                                                            25th – 26th May
 Mr Ian Reid
 Mr Alan Seabourne                                                     Erskine Motorbike Meet
 Miss Elizabeth Simpson MA CA                                              Erskine, Bishopton
 Mrs Brenda Wilson BSc                                                          26th May

                                                                           Ideal Home Show
                                                                             SEC Glasgow
                                                                          24th May – 27th May
 Wing Commander Ian Cumming MBE
 Chief Executive (appointed July 2018)                                          Kiltwalk
 Lieutenant Colonel Steve Conway, Royal Marines (retired)                      2nd June
 Chief Executive (resigned June 2018)
 Mr Robert Crawford LLB CA
                                                                              18th August
 Captain Andrew Cowan RD LLB RNR                                               Edinburgh
 Company Secretary                                                          15th September

                                                                         Erskine Military Ball
                                                                     Double Tree by Hilton, Glasgow
                                                                            20th September

                                                                            Tree of Honour
                                                                           All Erskine Homes
                                                                             5th December

                                                                  Edinburgh Christmas Carol Concert
                                                                     St Cuthbert’s Church, Edinburgh
                                                                             13th December

                                                                          0141 814 4555

The Erskine Home                                                              Email:
     Bishopton, Renfrewshire, PA7 5PU
     Tel: 0141 812 1100                                                            Website:
     Erskine Edinburgh Home                                                  
     468 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh, EH17 7SA                                           @Erskine1916
     Tel: 0131 672 2558                                                                @ErskineP2C

     Erskine Park Home                                                             Printed by Scotland’s Bravest
     Bishopton, Renfrewshire, PA7 5QA
                                                                                   Manufacturing Co.
     Tel: 0141 814 4633

     Erskine Glasgow Home
     200 Dorchester Avenue, Glasgow, G12 0BZ
     Tel: 0141 338 6300

     Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre
     Bishopton, Renfrewshire, PA7 5PU
     Tel: 0141 814 4534

24 Incorporated in Scotland as a non profit–making company limited by guarantee No. 174103 at Companies House, 37 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EB.
   Scottish Charity No: SC006609. Registered Office: 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
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