Associations of eating behaviours, fast food purchasing and availability with BMI-for-age z-score among adolescents in Labuan, Malaysia

Page created by Tyrone Wheeler
Mal J Nutr 27(1): 107-122, 2021

Associations of eating behaviours, fast food purchasing
and availability with BMI-for-age z-score among
adolescents in Labuan, Malaysia
Ho Shu Fen1, Chin Yit Siew1,2*, Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Shariff 3,4 & Lim
Poh Ying5
 Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia; 2Research Centre of Excellence, Nutrition and Non-
Communicable Diseases, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, Malaysia; 3Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia; 4Institution of Geospatial and Remote Sensing
Malaysia (IGRSM); 5Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia


     Introduction: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the associations
     of socio-demographic factors, eating behaviours, fast food purchasing by parents for
     family meals, and availability of neighbourhood fast-food outlets with BMI-for-age
     z-score (BAZ) among adolescents. Methods: Through multi-stage stratified cluster
     sampling method, a total of 420 adolescents from five selected public secondary
     schools participated in the current study. Data on socio-demographic factors,
     eating behaviours, and parent’s purchases of fast food were obtained through self-
     administered questionnaires. The availability of fast-food outlets was assessed using
     Geographic Information System (GIS). Body weight and height of the adolescents
     were measured. Results: The prevalence of overweight, obesity, thinness and
     severe thinness among adolescents in the present study were 17.6%, 15.5%,
     3.1% and 0.7%, respectively. The current findings showed that a higher monthly
     household income (rs=0.12, p=0.02) and less purchases of fast food by parents for
     family meals (rs=-0.11, p=0.03) were significantly associated with higher BAZ of the
     adolescents. However, there were no significant associations between eating outside
     of home, eating at fast-food restaurants, buying delivery fast food, and availability
     of neighbourhood fast-food outlets with BAZ. Multiple linear regression showed that
     less purchases of fast food by parents for family meals significantly contributed
     towards higher BAZ (β=−0.25, p=0.02). Conclusion: A higher household income and
     less fast food purchasing by parents were associated with higher BAZ. Fast food
     purchasing of adolescents were not associated with BAZ. Therefore, an appropriate
     obesity intervention programme should focus on adolescents and their parents from
     middle- and high-income households in Labuan.

     Keywords: Obesity, adolescents, household income, fast-food, GIS

INTRODUCTION                                         their physical health including insulin
                                                     resistance,   pre-diabetes,   metabolic
Obesity is a global public health
                                                     syndrome, dyslipidaemia, hypertension,
problem. Obesity in adolescents affects
                                                     asthma, skin problem, and impaired
*Corresponding author: Chin Yit Siew
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Tel: (6)03-97692680; E-mail:
108                       Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

peak bone mass (Atay & Bereket, 2016).        al., 2014). A previous qualitative study
Obese adolescents are more likely to          indicated that Malaysian adolescents
stay obese in adulthood (Sahoo et al.,        had the knowledge of healthy eating;
2015). The World Health Organization          however, there were barriers for them
(WHO) reported that over 340 million          to practise healthy eating, including
children aged 5 to 19 years were              lack of healthy foods available at
overweight or obese in the year 2016          schools and at home, as well as being
(WHO, 2017). The number of obese              attracted to the taste and characteristics
children and adolescents increased            of unhealthy foods (Sharifah Intan
more than ten times higher from 1975          Zainun et al. 2020). Besides, a previous
to 2016 (NCD Risk Factor Collaboration,       study by Fara Wahida et al. (2015)
2017). The prevalence of overweight           reported that self-efficacy for healthy
and obesity among adolescents in low          eating and availability of healthy foods
and middle income Asian countries,            were positively associated with the diet
including Malaysia, are on the rise (Atay     quality of adolescents in Kuala Lumpur.
& Bereket, 2016; IPH, 2013; IPH, 2017).       A previous study has shown that
The Malaysian School-Based Nutrition          frequent consumption of fast foods was
Survey (MSNS) in the year 2012 reported       associated with overweight and obesity
that Sabah and Labuan had the lowest          among adolescents (Braithwaite et al.,
prevalence of overweight and obesity          2014). Furthermore, parent’s purchase
(20.9%) compared to other states in           of fast foods has reduced the benefits
Malaysia (IPH, 2013). Five years later, the   of having healthy family meals at home
National Health and Morbidity Survey          such as lowering the risk of overweight
(NHMS) conducted among adolescents            and obesity among adolescents (Boutelle
aged 10 to 17 years in the Federal            et al., 2007). In contrast, a few previous
Territory of Labuan (Labuan) reported         studies indicated that the frequency
that the prevalence of overweight and         of eating fast foods had no significant
obesity (33.7%) was the highest in            association with body weight status in
Malaysia (IPH, 2017). The prevalence          adolescents (IPH, 2013). This shows
of thinness among adolescents aged 10         that there are mixed results found in
to 17 years in Labuan reported in the         the association between consumption of
years 2012 and 2017 were 4.5% and             fast foods and body weight status among
4.7%, respectively, which was the lowest      adolescents. Thus, eating behaviour is
compared to other states in Malaysia          one of the important factors that should
(IPH, 2013; IPH 2017). The drastic            be determined in the study of obesity
increase in the prevalence of overweight      among adolescents.
and obesity in Labuan warrants the                In    addition,   studies    on    the
urgent need to further study about the        association between built environment
body weight status of adolescents in          and adolescence obesity are increasing
that city. To date, studies to determine      in the western countries, and such
the factors associated with body weight       evidence is needed for developing
status among adolescents in Labuan are        strategies to combat obesity, especially
scarce.                                       in promoting and constructing healthier
    Unhealthy eating behaviours such          environments (Lytle & Sokol, 2017). The
as decreased consumption of vegetables,       availability of fast-food outlets nearby
fruits   and     milk,   and    increased     residences or schools were reported
consumption of high fat, high sugar           to be associated with an increased
foods, and fast foods, increase the risk of   likelihood of purchasing fast foods (He et
chronic health problems (Braithwaite et       al., 2012), which further increased the
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents          109

risk of overweight and obesity among               A multi-stage stratified cluster
adolescents (Virtanen et al., 2015). The       sampling design was used in the
Geographic Information System (GIS)            current study. In particular, a list of
method was widely used in public health        national secondary schools in Labuan
in the western countries between the           was obtained from the State Education
years 2007 and 2015 to measure food            Department of Labuan Federal Territory.
environment for addressing health needs        At the first stage of sampling, the school
and improving the built environment            locations were stratified into urban and
(Lytle & Sokol, 2017). To date, there          rural, based on the administration of
is limited published study on the food         Labuan Corporation. Urban schools
environment in Malaysia using GIS.             were located in the Labuan town area,
Recently, Kee et al. (2019) reported the       while rural schools were located in
association between availability of fast-      villages (kampung). Two schools from
food outlets with the risk of overweight       urban and three schools from rural were
using GIS in West Malaysia, but did not        selected randomly using probability
include East Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak          proportionate to size in the current
and Labuan). Little is known on the            study (Aday & Cornelius, 2006). At the
association between built environment          second stage of sampling, classes in each
and body weight status among                   selected school were randomly selected
adolescents in Labuan. The purpose of          through systematic random sampling.
the present study was to determine the         All students from the selected classes
prevalence of overweight and obesity, and      were invited to participate in this study
to determine the associations of socio-        using cluster sampling method. While a
demographic factors, eating behaviours,        total of 481 respondents were recruited,
parent’s purchases of fast food for family     437 students and their parents agreed
meals, and availability of neighbourhood       to participate in the current study.
fast-food outlets using GIS with body              Ethical approval was obtained from
mass index-for-age z-score (BAZ) among         the Ethics Committee for Research
adolescents in Labuan, Malaysia.               Involving Human Subjects Universiti
                                               Putra Malaysia [Ref: UPM/TNCPI/
MATERIALS AND METHODS                          RMC/ (JKEUPM)]. Prior to data
                                               collection, permission to conduct the
A cross-sectional study was conducted in
                                               study was obtained from the Ministry
Labuan, Malaysia. The population of the
                                               of Education Malaysia and the State
current study were lower (Form 1 & Form
                                               Education Department of Labuan
2) and upper (Form 4) secondary school
                                               Federal Territory. Permissions were also
students. The estimated population for
                                               obtained from the respective principals
those aged 10 to 19 years in Labuan
                                               of each school. Students’ and parents’
was 15400 in the year 2016 (DOSM,
                                               information sheets and consent forms
2017). Based on Aday and Cornelius’s
                                               were distributed to the respondents
(2006) calculation for prevalence study,
                                               a week before data collection. Written
the appropriate number of samples to
                                               informed consents of the students and
represent the adolescents in the current
                                               their parents were obtained during the
study was 301. The sample size was
adjusted for design effect of 1.3 and
non-response rate of 20%. Hence, >480
                                               Data collection
respondents were needed in the present
                                               Data collection was carried out for
                                               two months, starting from August till
110                       Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

September 2018, using student- and            thinness as having z-score 7 times”.
classifies overweight as having z-score
>+1 standard deviation (SD), obesity          Spatial analysis using Geographic
as having z-score >+2SD, thinness as          Information System (GIS)
having z-score -2SD - ≤-3SD, and severe       The presence of fast-food outlets within
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents          111

the 500m, 1000m and 1500m buffers              the buffer zones of residence and school
of the respondent’s residence and              was calculated using GIS point. The
school was measured using ArcGISTM             location and body weight status of the
10.3 (ESRI, Redland, CA) (Gilliland            respondents were displayed on the map
et al., 2012) in the present study. The        using GIS.
current study focused on access to fast-
food outlets based on evidence of the          Statistical analysis
associations between fast-food outlet          Data were analysed using the SPSS
density with unhealthy eating and              version 22.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, II,
body weight (He et al., 2012; Kee et al.,      USA) software. All continuous variables
2019). Fast-food outlets were defined          were tested for normality. Descriptive
as franchised restaurants with foods           statistics were presented as frequency,
ordered at a counter, paid for in advance      percentages, mean and SD, while
with limited service and waiting time,         median and interquartile range (IQR)
and the foods served are usually big           were reported for continuous data
in portion size and prepared following         if the assumption of normality was
standard procedures. (He et al., 2012;         not met. Pearson’s product-moment
Kee et al., 2019). Respondent’s residence      correlation coefficient or Spearman’s
address was required for analysing data        rho was used to assess the correlation
in GIS. Database of every fast-food outlet     between two continuous variables.
in Labuan was obtained from the Food           Independent sample t-test was used
Safety and Quality Division, Labuan            to test for a statistically significant
Health Department, Ministry of Health          difference between two independent
Malaysia. Fast-food outlets included           sample means. One-way analysis of
in the current study were McDonald’s,          variance (ANOVA) test was used to test
KFC, Pizza Hut, Marrybrown, SugarBun,          for statistical difference between more
Pezzo, Uncle Bob, and Bataras Fried            than two independent sample means.
Chicken. On-site environmental audits          The significance of the tests was set
were performed by the researchers within       at p
112                          Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

anthropometric data or did not complete          body weight status (BAZ) of respondents
the questionnaires. Hence, they were             are presented in Table 1. A total of
excluded from the analysis, resulting in         420 adolescents were involved in the
a final sample size of 420 respondents.          present study (male: 32.6%, female:
Thus, the response rate was 87.3%.               67.4%). Mean age of the respondents
The socio-demographic characteristics,           was 14.4±1.2 years old. A majority of
eating behaviours, parent’s purchases            the respondents were Malays (55.0%),
of fast food for family meals, availability      followed by Bumiputra Sabah (29.0%),
of neighbourhood fast-food outlets, and          Chinese (9.0%), Bumiputra Sarawak

Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics, eating behaviours, parent’s purchases of fast food
for family meals, neighbourhood fast-food outlets availability and body weight status (BAZ) of
the respondents (n=420)
                                                                 n      %
                                                                              Median (IQR)¶
Socio-demographic characteristics
  Male                                                         137     32.6
  Female                                                       283     67.4
Age (year)                                                                       14.4±1.2

  Malay                                                        231     55.0
  Chinese                                                       38      9.0
  Bumiputra Sabah                                              122     29.0
  Bumiputra Sarawak                                             17      4.0
  Other ethnicities                                             12      3.0

 School area

  Urban                                                        186     44.3
  Rural                                                        234     55.7
     Household income level § (RM) (n=410)                                     2000 (2885)
      Low (B40: < RM3860)                                       293    71.5
      Moderate (M40: RM3860– RM8319)                             88    21.5
      High (T20: >RM8319)                                        29     7.0

 Father’s education level§ (n=376)
  University/ Pre-university                                    76     20.2
  Secondary school                                             226     60.1
  Primary school                                                47     12.5
  No formal education                                           27      7.2

 Mother’s education level§ (n=402)
  University/ Pre-university                                    85     21.1
  Secondary school                                             231     57.5
  Primary school                                                58     14.4
  No formal education                                           28      7.0

Eating behaviours (days/week)
 Frequency of eating outside of home                                             1.9±1.5
 Frequency of eating at western fast-food restaurant                             1.5±1.4
 Frequency of buying takeaway/delivery western fast food                         1.4±1.6
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents                 113

Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics, eating behaviours, parent’s purchases of fast food
for family meals, neighbourhood fast-food outlets availability and body weight status (BAZ) of
the respondents (n=420) [Cont’d]
                                                                     n      %
                                                                                   Median (IQR)¶
    Parent’s purchases of fast food for family meals                                 2.0 (1.0) ¶
      Never                                                         127    30.2
      1 -2 times/week                                               250    59.5
      3-4 times/week                                                 37     8.8
      5-6 times/week                                                 2      0.5
      7 times or more/week                                           4      1.0

    Availability of fast-food outlets

    Number of fast-food outlets nearby home
     500m buffer                                                                       0 (0) ¶
       0                                                            400    95.2
       ≥1                                                            20    4.8
    1000m buffer                                                                       0 (0) ¶
       0                                                            358    85.2
       ≥1                                                            62    14.8
    1500m buffer                                                                       0 (0) ¶
       0                                                            332    79.0
       ≥1                                                            88    21.0

    Number of fast-food outlets nearby school
     500m buffer                                                                          -
       0                                                            420   100.0
       ≥1                                                            0      0
    1000m buffer                                                                      2.7±3.0
       0                                                            234    55.7
       ≥1                                                           186    44.3
    1500m buffer                                                                      4.9±5.5
       0                                                            234    55.7
       ≥1                                                           186    44.3

    Body weight status (BMI-for-age, BAZ)                                           0.36±1.46
     Severe thinness                                                 3      0.7
     Thinness                                                       13      3.1
     Normal                                                         265    63.1
     Overweight                                                     74     17.6
     Obesity                                                        65     15.5
  Based on Labuan Corporation (2019)
  Based on Department of Statistic, Malaysia (2017)
  Missing data on socio-demographic characteristics of parents
  Median (IQR)

(4.0%) and other ethnic groups (3.0%).                 education, while approximately one-
About half of the respondents’ mother                  fifth of the respondents’ fathers (20.2%)
(56.0%) participated in this study.                    and mothers (21.1%) completed tertiary
About two-thirds of the respondents’                   education. Most of the respondents
fathers (60.1%) and mothers (57.5%)                    were from a low household income
had    completed   secondary    school                 family (71.5%), with a median monthly
114                       Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

 Figure 1. Distribution of fast-food outlets, schools and residences of respondents by
 body weight status in the Federal Territory of Labuan
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents                115

household income of RM2000. The                 of the respondents had normal weight
mean for the frequency of eating                (63.1%), followed by overweight (17.6%),
outside of home, frequency of eating            obesity (15.5%), thinness (3.1%), and
at western fast-food restaurants, and           severe thinness (0.7%), with a mean BAZ
buying takeaway or delivery western fast        of 0.36±1.46.
food were 1.9±1.5 days/week, 1.5±1.4                Figure 1 shows the distribution of
days/week and 1.4±1.6 days/week,                fast-food outlets, schools and residences
respectively. A total of 59.5% parents          of the respondents by body weight
purchased fast food as their family meals       status, which was conducted using
for 1 to 2 times a week. Based on the           GIS. The availability of fast-food outlets
WHO Growth Reference 2007, a majority           within the 500m, 1000m and 1500m

Table 2. Associations of socio-demographic factors, eating behaviours, parent’s purchases of
fast food for family meals and availability of fast-food outlets with BAZ (n=420)
Factors                                                    Mean±SD (BAZ)      r/t/F    p
Sex a                                                                         -1.30   0.19
 Male                                                        0.22±1.61
 Female                                                      0.42±1.38
Ethnicity b                                                                   0.52    0.72
 Malay                                                       0.43±1.50
 Chinese                                                     0.21±1.57
 Bumiputra Sabah                                             0.31±1.44
 Bumiputra Sarawak                                           0.38±1.12
 Other ethnicities                                          -0.07±1.10
Monthly household income c                                                    0.12    0.02*
Eating behaviours
 Frequency of eating outside of home d                                        0.03    0.60
 Frequency of eating at western fast-food restaurant   d
                                                                              -0.04   0.46
 Frequency of buying takeaway/delivery fast food d                            -0.04   0.46
Parent’s purchases of fast food for family meals c                            -0.11   0.03*
Number of fast-food outlets nearby home c
 within 500m buffer                                                           0.01    0.79
 within 1000m buffer                                                          0.01    0.89
 within 1500m buffer                                                          0.06    0.22
Number of fast-food outlets nearby school d
 within 1000m buffer                                                          0.06    0.19
 within 1500m buffer                                                          0.06    0.19
116                          Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

Table 3. Simple and multiple linear regression analyses using BAZ as dependent variable
Factors                           Simple linear regression       Multiple linear regression
                                 β        95% CI         p       β        95% CI         p
  Female                       0.20     -0.10, 0.50    0.19*
Ethnicity   †

  Chinese                      -0.21    -0.72, 0.29    0.41
  Bumiputra Sabah              -0.12    -0.44, 0.20    0.47
  Bumiputra Sarawak            -0.05    -0.77, 0.67    0.89
  Other ethnicities            -0.50    -1.35, 0.35    0.25*
Eating behaviours
  Frequency of eating          0.03     -0.07, 0.12    0.60
  outside of home
  Frequency of eating at       -0.04    -0.13, 0.06    0.46
  western fast-food
  Frequency of buying          -0.03    -0.12, 0.06    0.46
  takeaway/ delivery fast
Parent’s purchases of fast     -0.25   -0.45. -0.04    0.02*   -0.25   -0.45, -0.04   0.02**
food for family meals c

Number of fast-food            0.03     -0.02, 0.08    0.19*
outlets nearby school
within the 1000m buffer
  Number of fast-food           0.02     -0.01, 0.04    0.19*
  outlets nearby school
  within the 1500m buffer
β = Unstandardised Regression, CI = Confidence Interval
  Reference categories were male and Malay
* p
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents          117

Associations of socio-demographic              the 1000m and 1500m buffers of school.
factors, eating behaviours,                    Multiple linear regression showed that
parent’s purchases of fast food for            less parent’s purchases of fast food for
family meals and availability of               family meals statistically significantly
neighbourhood fast-food outlets with           contributed towards higher BAZ in the
BAZ                                            respondents (β=−0.246, 95%CI =−0.440,
Table 2 shows the associations of socio-       −0.041, p=0.019), which explained a total
demographic factors, eating behaviours,        of 1.3% of the variances in BAZ of the
parent’s purchases of fast food for family     respondents at 0.05 level of significance.
meals, and availability of neighbourhood
fast-food outlets with BAZ of the              DISCUSSION
respondents. There was a statistically
                                               In the present study, the prevalence
significant, positive correlation between
                                               of overweight and obesity (33.1%) was
household income and BAZ of the
                                               ten times higher than the prevalence
respondents       (rs=0.121,     p=0.015).
                                               of thinness and severe thinness (3.8%)
Parent’s purchases of fast food for
                                               among adolescents aged 12 to 16 years.
family meals was statistically negatively
                                               The high prevalence of overweight and
correlated with BAZ of the respondents
                                               obesity among adolescents in Labuan
(rs=-0.107, p=0.029). There were no
                                               indicated that obesity intervention
statistically  significant    associations
                                               programme       was    necessary.     The
between sex, ethnicity, frequency of
                                               present study was consistent with the
eating outside of home, frequency of
                                               prevalence of overweight and obesity
eating at western fast-food restaurants,
                                               among adolescents in the nationwide
frequency of buying takeaway or delivery
                                               Adolescents Nutrition Survey Malaysia
fast foods, and availability of fast-food
                                               2017      (33.7%).    Additionally,   the
outlets within the 500m, 1000m and
                                               prevalence of overweight and obesity in
1500m buffers around residences or
                                               the present study was higher than the
schools with BAZ of the respondents
                                               prevalence of overweight and obesity
                                               reported in China (24.3%) between the
                                               years 2011 and 2015 (Zhang et al.,
Contributions of socio-demographic
                                               2018). However, the study in China used
factors, eating behaviours,
                                               the International Obesity Task Force
parent’s purchases of fast food for
                                               (IOTF) classification, while the current
family meals and availability of
                                               study used the WHO Growth Reference
neighbourhood fast-food outlets with
                                               (2007). Different cut-off points for the
                                               classification of body weight status
Table 3 shows the simple and multiple
                                               may have led to different results in the
linear regressions of socio-demographic
                                               prevalence of overweight and obesity. The
factors, eating behaviours, parent’s
                                               WHO reference could have overestimated
purchases of fast food for family meals,
                                               the prevalence of overweight and obesity
and availability of neighbourhood fast-
                                               among adolescents compared with
food outlets with BAZ of the respondents.
                                               the IOTF references (Banjade, Naik &
Variables tested in the simple linear
                                               Narasannavar, 2015).
regression with a p
118                      Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

was associated with higher BAZ of the        behaviours may differ from adolescents
respondents. This indicated that BAZ         living in day-school hostels as indicated
of the adolescents was dependent on          by Lai et al. (2015).
household income. The adolescents who            The present study showed that less
came from higher income families were        parent’s purchases of fast food for family
more likely to enjoy eating at western       meals was associated with higher BAZ of
style fast-food restaurants as compared      the adolescents, which was inconsistent
to those from lower income families          with a previous study, whereby parent’s
(Aloia et al., 2013). In addition, higher    purchases of fast food for family meals
household income is associated with          was not associated with adolescents’
food choices and increased purchasing        BMI (Boutelle et al., 2007). Besides,
of fast foods (Thornton, Bentley &           the previous study also indicated that
Kavanagh, 2011). In the current study,       parent’s purchases of fast food was
the adolescents from higher income           associated with increased consumption
families had higher body weight as they      of salty snack foods and decreased
might have received more pocket money        consumption of vegetables (Boutelle
from their parents to eat at hawker stalls   et al., 2007). The higher frequency of
or local restaurants, buying takeaway        taking fast foods may increase the risk
western fast foods, and eating at western    of obesity during adulthood when energy
fast-food restaurants.                       needs are reduced (French et al., 2007).
    The present study showed that            In addition, a previous study found
there was no significant difference          that parents with overweight or obese
in BMI-for-age by sex, whereby the           children were less likely to pressure their
finding was similar with a previous          children to finish all the foods (Leiu &
study among early adolescents in Hulu        Chin, 2019). Therefore, we hypothesised
Langat District, Selangor (Woon, Chin        that parents with higher body weight
& Mohd Nasir, 2015). However, the            adolescents in the current study were
current finding was inconsistent with        more concerned about their child’s body
previous studies (Aryati et al., 2017;       weight, hence restricted their fast food
IPH, 2015; IPH, 2017; Lai et al., 2015).     intake and reduced the purchasing of
For instance, a study among adolescents      fast food for family meals to manage
aged 13 to 17 years by Aryati et al.         their children’s body weight during the
(2017) reported that body weight status      study period.
was significantly higher in females as           The present study also found that
compared to males in Terengganu. In          less purchases of fast food for family
contrast, nationwide studies reported        meals contributed towards higher BAZ of
the prevalence of overweight and             the adolescents. The present study could
obesity to be higher in male adolescents     explain 1.3% of the variances in BAZ of
compared to female adolescents (IPH          the respondents as only one variable
2013; IPH 2017). A previous study            was retained in the final model. R2 value
among Malaysian adolescents living in        was low in the present study as there
day-school hostels found that sex was        is a possibility that some risk factors
significantly associated with thinness,      were not measured in the study such as
but not overweight in adolescents (Lai       physical activity, body image perception,
et al., 2015). However, a previous study     energy expenditure and energy intake.
by Lai et al. (2015) was not comparable      Therefore, further study is suggested
with the current study as the study          to include energy intake, physical
subjects in the current study were from      activity, energy expenditure, body image
day-schools, in which their dietary          perception, home environment and
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents           119

physical environment factors in the            mean age of 14.5 years indicated that
study.                                         high density of fast-food outlets within
    The present study found that eating        1600m of home and fast-food outlets
behaviours such as the frequency of            within 1200m were not significantly
eating at western fast-food restaurants        associated with BAZ of adolescents. This
and buying take away or delivery fast          could be explained by previous evidence
foods was not significantly associated         indicating    no     associations    found
with BAZ of the adolescents, inconsistent      between fast-food outlets around schools
with a previous study (Braithwaite et          with consumption of soft drink, sweets
al., 2014), which reported that frequent       and chips (Kelly et al., 2019). However,
consumption of fast foods increased            the current finding was inconsistent
the risk of overweight and obesity. On         with Kee et al. (2019), which reported
the other hand, the present study was          that the availability of fast-food outlets
consistent with other previous studies         within a 1000m radius of residences
(French et al., 2007; IPH, 2013). French       was significantly associated with being
et al. (2007) found that the frequency         overweight among children aged 5 to
of taking fast food was associated             18 years. The inconsistent finding of
with male adolescents, but not female          the current study could be due to the
adolescents. However, in this current          greater percentage of respondents who
study, majority of the respondents were        had no fast-food outlets present around
females. Another possible explanation is       their residences and schools. Previous
that adolescents are experiencing growth       studies (He et al., 2012; Virtanen et
and therefore higher energy intake is          al., 2015) were conducted in urban
needed. With that, we hypothesised             environments that consisted of high
that adolescents’ body weight was less         density fast-food outlets, whereas the
influenced by high caloric foods, either       current study consisted of low density
eaten at local food stalls or western fast-    fast-food outlets. Besides, the students
food restaurants. Besides, a previous          with higher household income levels
study indicated that early adolescents         in the current study were buying more
aged 10 to 11 years old with higher body       foods at hawker centres, coffee shops, or
weight had lower energy intake (Woon,          food stalls, as well as buying takeaway
Chin & Mohd Nasir, 2015). Previous             or delivery fast foods instead of eating at
study found that majority of adolescents       their neighbourhood fast-food outlets.
who correctly perceived themselves to be       Therefore, the current study was unable
overweight and obese had the intention         to show significant associations between
to lose weight (IPH, 2017). Therefore,         the availability of neighbourhood fast-
we hypothesised that respondents with          food outlets around residences and
higher body weight were dissatisfied           schools with BAZ of the adolescents.
with their body size and consequently              There were several limitations in the
restricted their food intakes during the       study. The cross-sectional design in this
study period.                                  study was unable to determine the causal
    The current findings indicated no          relationship between risk factors and
association between the availability of        BAZ. Additionally, the number of male
fast-food outlets around residences and        and female respondents in the current
schools with BAZ of respondents, which         study was not equally distributed,
was consistent with previous studies           whereby female respondents were higher
(Berge et al., 2014; Kelly et al., 2019).      compared with male respondents that
For instance, a study by Berge et al.          could have affected the results of the
(2014) among 2682 adolescents with a           study. Another limitation of this study
120                       Ho SF, Chin YS, Abdul Rashid MS et al.

was the lack of information on energy         environment so that adolescents can
intake, types of foods purchased, and         have access to healthier food choices.
physical activity, which might have been      Parents play an important role in helping
important factors that contributed to         their children to practise healthy eating
BAZ of the adolescents. Furthermore,          and maintain a healthy body weight.
the outcome of this study is not              Parents who were concerned about their
guaranteed to be representative of the        children’s body weight should encourage
adolescents and parents in Malaysia           their children to practise good eating
due to its sampling design. However, the      habits, reduce purchasing of high caloric
findings gave important information on        foods in restaurants or fast-food outlets
body weight status and the associations       and prepare healthy meals for the family
between factors and body weight status        frequently. The present study also found
(BMI-for-age) among adolescents in            that the study variables explained 1.3% of
Labuan. The study was also able to            the variances in BAZ of the adolescents.
demonstrate the distribution of fast-food     This indicated that other variables that
outlets and residences of respondents         were not measured in the study also
by body weight status on a map.               contributed to the variances of BAZ of
                                              the adolescents. Therefore, other factors
CONCLUSION                                    such as behavioural factors, family and
                                              environmental factors, physical activity,
The current study showed that the
                                              physical environment, and nutrition
prevalence of overweight and obesity
                                              knowledge should be considered in
was higher than the prevalence of
                                              future studies to determine their
thinness and severe thinness among
                                              potential effects on BAZ of adolescents.
adolescents in the Federal Territory of
Labuan. Higher household income and           Acknowledgements
less parent’s purchases of fast food          The authors would like to express their appreciation
for family meals were associated with         towards all parties involved in the present study
higher BAZ among the adolescents in           including the Ministry of Education Malaysia,
                                              State Education Department of Labuan, State
Labuan. The multiple linear regression
                                              Health Department of Labuan and Universiti Putra
indicated that less parent’s purchases        Malaysia. We also wish to express our gratitude to
of fast food for family meals significantly   all the principals, school administrators, teachers,
contributed towards higher BAZ of the         enumerators, and all the respondents for their
                                              participation and cooperation throughout the
respondents. Therefore, appropriate
                                              study period.
intervention programmes need to be
taken, focusing on adolescents and their      Authors’ contributions
parents from middle and high household        HSF, designed the study, conducted the study,
income families to address the obesity        data analysis and interpretation, and prepared the
                                              draft of the manuscript; CYS, principal investigator,
problem in the population. Although
                                              designed the study, led the study, advised on data
the current study reported that the           analysis and interpretation, and reviewed the
availability of fast-food outlets and         manuscript; ARMS, designed the study, advised on
frequency of taking fast foods were not       analysis using GIS and reviewed the manuscript;
                                              LPY, designed the study, advised on data analysis
associated with BAZ of the adolescents,
                                              and interpretation, and reviewed the manuscript.
intervention programmes should still
focus on promoting healthy menu and           Conflict of interest
healthy cooking in restaurants and            The authors declare that there is no conflict of
school canteens to create a healthier food    interest.
Dietary factors associated with BMI-for-age of adolescents                       121

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