Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ

Page created by Marvin Bradley
Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ
Australian Inquiry Into Action
                                                                                                                         reaching people | planting churches | mobilising for mission                 AUTUMN: 2019

The past few years has seen significant changes in WEC Australia, following an extensive
‘Strategic Inquiry.’ Ten recommendations were adopted, one of which was to develop our
core of prayer. Recognising its importance and priority, we’ve sought to provide further
opportunities to pray together through Prayer Gatherings in different states.
These weekends provide space for strategic prayer                STOMP Trips
for the lost. Each Gathering has a theme, with the               Another new focus has been the redevelopment
emphasis on learning how to hear from God first                  of our short-term mission programme, renamed
about what to pray. Participants often highlight                 STOMP (Short Term Overseas Mission Programme).                                                                                          Gospel where it’s thinne
                                                                                                                                                                                              ding the
the significant time spent learning how to discern               Funds were allocated to assist WEC’ers to lead                                                                         Sprea                                    st
God’s voice together. Subsequently, two least-                   such trips. In 2018, group trips were undertaken to
reached people groups have directly emerged as a                 the Middle East , Timor-Leste, South and South-

                                                                                                                         WEC Oceania Lowdown
special focus for prayer by WEC Australia.                       East Asia. A further five are planned for 2019/20.
Other prayer initiatives include establishing daily              These trips are very significant for participants, as
times of worship for prayer in different centres.                they see missionaries and ministries up close, and      “Don’t leave town till you’ve seen the country!” Such was the catchphrase for an 80’s advertising
Regular prayer meetings are also facilitated in                  consider how they themselves might be involved
                                                                                                                         campaign, reminding Kiwis that tourism begins at home. With our fascination for far-flung
each state.                                                      in the future. One man stated, “If you have mission
                                                                                                                         adventures, we can also easily overlook what God is doing in our neighbourhood of the world.
                                                                 on your heart, I highly recommend you join a team
Prayer Journey
                                                                 and see for yourself what is happening.”                Every organisation has its structure. In terms of WEC, New Zealand belongs to one of four ‘Areas’ in Asia-
Another highlight was a prayer trip to Thailand
                                                                                                                         Pacific. Ours is called ‘Oceania’ - a group of up to nine nations, which are seeking to play a vital part in
in collaboration with Wingspan, a front-line
                                                                                                                         spreading the Gospel where its thinnest, near and far. Granted, not all are officially considered part of
prayer ministry of WEC. Ben Hallam, one of the
                                                                                                                         Oceania. Yet for WEC’s organisational and member-care purposes, it works.
leaders of the trip wrote, “Our stay (was) a mix
of prayer on the streets, on the mountain, in the                                                                        Encouragingly, several Oceania branches have moved from a posture of purely receiving missionaries,
temples, and other key sites around the city.                                                                            to sending them as well. With 65% of Fiji identifying as Christian, WEC Fiji has been sending workers for
Praying strategically and powerfully on-site, we                                                                         many years. Returning to Fiji from service among Chadian Muslims, Eliki and Lavenia soon discovered
worshipped the glory of the risen King.”                                                                                 that other Melanesian nations, like Vanuatu, desired to do likewise. They merely lacked resources and
                                                                                                                         support structures. This led to a partnership agreement between WEC and the Presbyterian Church of
“Yet we also found ourselves in the classroom and
                                                                                                                         Vanuatu, whereby Ni-Vanuatu missionaries are now trained and sent through WEC, to
the prayer room - learning, growing, being shaped
                                                                                                                         the least-reached peoples of the world. Thus WEC Fiji became WEC Pasifika. Exciting
by God as we drew closer to him. He had his
                                                                                                                         developments across several island nations are described in the Feature Article.
reasons for each of us to be there, and I believe all
were changed for the better.”                                                                                            The rest of this edition spans other neighbouring countries. Timor-Leste, the newest
                                                                                                                         and poorest nation in Asia, hosts a small but faithful WEC team bringing Christ’s light
“Standing at a mountaintop temple, praying for a
                                                                                                                         and hope to this needy place. Meanwhile WEC Australia and Indonesia continue to
city and its people blinded by Buddhism; hearts
                                                                                                                         develop apace. We highlight particular stories of what God is doing in some of their
were broken. Watching foreign tourists bow down                   Denise is a Mission Mentor and
                                                                                                                         many respective teams.
and worship idols and demons; hearts were                         Short-Term Coordinator with WEC
angered. Seeing young children begging and crying                 Australia and editor of their quarterly                You may ask, “In what capacity does WEC exist, where the church is well
for the tourist dollar; hearts were incensed. Yet                 magazine. She loves helping people                     established? Is there still a place for New Zealand churches and
praying, singing, and declaring the Word of God                   find their place in missions, walking                  Christians to be involved?” Absolutely! There remain at least 234
                                                                  her dog, eating chocolate and
and the hope of the gospel; hearts were filled                                                                           people groups with very little access to the gospel in Indonesia. Fiji
                                                                  reading a good book.
with hope.”                                                                                                              too boasts viable ministries among Chinese migrants and Indian
                                                                  Denise                                                 Muslims - let alone the support staff needed throughout the region.
                                                                                                                         Check out the Sits Vacant section for a taster, and read on to
                                                                                                                         discover something of how God is both mobilising his church and
                                                                 0800 GO INTO (46 46 86) Follow us on FB                 extending his Kingdom among our ‘Oceania’ neighbours.
                                                                 Tel: 07 824 3211               35 College Drive
                                                                 Email:          Gordonton
                                                                 Web:             RD1 Taupiri 3791
  reaching people | planting churches | mobilising for mission
                                                                                                                         • A Forgotten Neighbour       • Nothing Impossible in Indonesia       • WEC Pasifika      • Australian Inquiry
Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ
A Forgotten Neighbour                                                                                         Nothing Impossible in Indonesia
Air-time for East Timor is almost non-existent in New Zealand. With a population a little less                It was the mid-1980’s. Very few people were open to or involved in mission - and I arrived with
than Auckland, what is now better known as Timor-Leste remains a largely forgotten neighbour.                 the vision of introducing world mission to Indonesian Christians.
Throwing off the colonial rule of Portugal in 1975                                                            During my very first hours of teaching in a             fulfilled by Jesus’ disciples, and later misused by
merely instigated an invasion by Indonesia. A                                                                 seminary, I challenged the class to get involved in     colonial powers in an effort to expose Western
further 24 years of violent occupation ensued,                                                                God’s global work. My students were shocked. ‘If        culture to the world. They think Indonesian
before Timorese once again gained their                                                                       we do this, we’ll be persecuted.’ Only a year later,    Christians need only dialogue with those of other
independence in 1999. Meanwhile, the 23 people                                                                when heavy persecution shook the islands, these         religions, toward how to make life better, and how
groups were divided by mountainous terrain,                                                                   students and the Indonesian church started to           to eradicate poverty and sickness.
cultural differences, and generations of tribal                                                               mobilise.
                                                                                                                                                                      We give thanks however, for the local churches
hatred and enmity.
                                                                                                              Focused prayer groups began and the first workers       and individuals who support us and our workers.
More than 90% of the population is nominally                                                                  were sent abroad. I ran one such small prayer           Sending WEC Indonesia (SWI) saw its first Christian
Catholic. Yet this is a veneer over widespread                                                                group. We prayed faithfully for 12 years and saw        workers go to West Africa in 1995. We currently
traditional animistic and occult practices. The                                                               about 20 of my former students sent out to other        partner with 35 more workers across the Middle
Protestant Church remains small, with some of                                                                 countries. God answered in a fantastic way!             East, Asia-Pacific and Africa. With God nothing is
those baptised still bound by occult powers. The      Publishing                                                                                                      impossible, even in the biggest Muslim country of
                                                      Since 2010 WEC has been providing material in the       In 1999 I moved to another city, comprising 50%
Timorese are a hurting people.                                                                                                                                        the world!
                                                      most commonly used local language, Tetun. We’ve         students studying in seminaries and universities.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of WEC           produced evangelistic videos, music video clips for     I again taught Mission and Evangelism in a              There exists an abundance of opportunities to
ministry in Timor-Leste. The first decade however,    children and youth, magazines and also children’s       seminary. But the Lord also brought me in contact       serve in and from Indonesia. If that interests you,
was characterized by one phenomenal worker,           books. Presently we don’t have people with the          with a small university where I helped coach the        then please get in touch with the team at WEC NZ.
Louise Laufter, and the medical clinic she founded    skills to develop this ministry, but we continue to     Christian students. There I started my first campus
in 1991. She did a great job, eventually retiring     distribute what we have produced.                       mission prayer group.
when she was over 80 years old!
                                                      Formal Bible Training                                   This group became the backbone for trips inside
Team Ministries                                       Because there is no Bible College in the country,       the country, at first to liberal Christian areas, but
In 2000, more WEC missionaries arrived, and           my husband Dayan developed a foundational               then to the unreached peoples of Indonesia. Our
in 2003 Esperança (Hope) Ministry started,            programme in collaboration with other                   teams consisted of committed students on fire
initially with children’s clubs. The ministry now     missionaries. In 2017, 16 students completed the        for the Lord. We experienced many miracles: God
also provides English, Portuguese and computer        first year. Last year another 24 students enrolled,     provided the money, stilled a storm at sea, and
classes for young people. Thelly, an Indonesian       giving us 40 enthusiastic participants!                 protected students when they lived with a village
missionary, uses her house as a base for Petra Kids                                                           chief and shamans (people regarded as having
- a pre-school community ministry. Older children     There remain many needs and opportunities in            access to, and influence in, the world of good and
have a similar programme at Esperança. Recently       Timor-Leste. Business, teaching or professional         evil spirits). He consistently brought us in contact
the Lord has added people to our team, allowing       skills are valuable, and required for work visas, but   with seekers of Jesus, and we had the joy of
us to do more with the children. Other classes        only Jesus can bring real hope and change. Please       witnessing, even a clan chief and his family accept
for woman are planned, but dependent on new           consider joining us in his mission here!                and follow Christ.
recruits. Could this be prayer fuel for you?           Originally from Brazil, Mirna                          Two years ago we started Spark, a tertiary student
We were church planting in two different locations.    and Dayan arrived with their                           prayer network, now in about seven seminaries
                                                       two kids in 2005, and have                             and 15 universities.                                     Dr. Veronika has spent 32
In one, we felt it was time to stop. In the other,
                                                       been leading this small                                                                                         years serving in Indonesia.
we were able to hand it over to a local church to
                                                       multicultural team since                               The work is not without its challenges. Many             She continues to teach
continue. Today a Timorese pastor and his wife are     2008. Besides teaching and                             churches here believe that overseas mission is           in seminary, coach in
working in this area. They have initiated Sunday       childrens ministry, Mirna                                                                                       university Christian groups,
                                                                                                              largely irrelevant. They ask, “Why go to another
services and youth programmes and the ministry         loves snorkeling, reading and                                                                                   and be involved in a host of
                                                                                                              country and spend so much money, while so many
is growing. With more workers, we could once           catching up over good coffee.                                                                                   other initiatives with SWI.
                                                                                                              of our own people are lost and in need?” Others
again reach into areas where there are still no
                                                       Mirna                                                  believe that the Great Commission was essentially        Dr. Veronika
churches. Could this be your ‘good-fit’?
Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ
The Pacific Islands and Beyond                                                                               Paul spoke of “a great door for effective
                                                                                                             service” being opened to him (1 Cor. 16:9).
                                                                                                             It’s possible a WEC Oceania opportunity is
                                                                                                                                                                            An Area Directors View
                                                                                                                                                                            After working 15 years in our little corner
Mission in, to, and from the Pacific Islands is arguably at its most exciting stage since the                                                                               of the Middle East, our world has opened
                                                                                                             likewise open for you! Could you say yes to                    up dramatically. Oceania is an extremely
early dispersion of the gospel there over 200 years ago. Back then, the gospel was spread
                                                                                                             either of these?                                               diverse area, with teams in very different
largely by the commitment of enthusiastic Island believers, not just to their own people,
but to neighbouring nations.                                                                                 Behind Door Number One                                         environments.
                                                                                                             Duration: Six months or more                                   When visiting our Indonesian offices, we pull off
                                                                                                             1. A native-English speaker, who enjoys teaching               the main drag into a labyrinth of narrow roads.
                                                                                                                people 15 years old and above. Basic training in            The river of motorcycles continues to flow around
                                                                                                                English teaching needed.                                    us, at times causing us to suck our breath in as we
                                                                                                             2. Someone who enjoys Children’s Club ministry                 squeeze through the tiniest of spaces. Eventually
                                                                                                                for 5-12 year olds, and has energy and some                 we pull into a driveway. One-storey buildings and
                                                                                                                experience in working with this age group.                  a lovely garden greet us. An oasis in the midst of a
                                                                                                             3. Qualified people with professional experience,              hectic city. Then suddenly, our peace is broken with
                                                                                                                who can also contribute as Bible teachers or                the call to prayer from four mosques, all apparently
                                                                                                                towards a team-based church planting ministry.              pointing their speakers at our offices.
                                                                                                             Behind Door Number Two                                         You might say, “Aren’t you used to this?” Not at all!
                                                                                                             Duration: Seven to ten days, or 1 year                         Because the sound here can go for an hour each
                                                                                                             1. Help with the Children’s or Youth Programme for             time, with a wider variety of competing singers
                                                                                                                a team’s annual conference in Indonesia.                    warbling off-key.
                                                                                                             Extra time afterwards to visit some local ministries.
                                                                                                                                                                            Our workers held a party for the neighbourhood
                                                                                                             2. Teacher at an International School associated
There was often rejection and hostility towards       Another team in Fiji is dedicated to working                                                                          last year. Eighty of them visited! Good
                                                                                                                with WEC. Several subject-specific roles for the
the message-bearers. Yet Fijian missionaries          with churches to reach into several Muslim                                                                            relationships are being built. Consequently,
                                                                                                                next academic year. Contact us for details.
in particular were so committed to sharing the        neighbourhoods. This multinational team is                                                                            when the city experienced the tragedy of
                                                                                                             3. People who can work together in multicultural
good news of Jesus, that the British colonial         experiencing the joy of seeing new believers                                                                          bombings, Muslim neighbours set a guard for our
                                                                                                                teams, contributing towards sharing the gospel
government actually put a moratorium on               coming to faith.                                                                                                      premises and assured the workers that they would
                                                                                                                among one of four least-reached Indonesian
them going overseas. This decision was partly                                                                                                                               protect them.
                                                      In all the above there are numerous                       people groups.
due to the frequency of missionary deaths in
                                                      opportunities to join WEC Pasifika teams,                                                                             As a Support Branch, ‘SWI’ is aiming for 10 new
surrounding countries. These early missionaries                                                              Behind Door Number 3
                                                      serving local congregations to help reach the                                                                         sending churches, 15 new workers and 10 new
were fearless and full of faith.                                                                             Duration: Multiple
                                                      least-reached in their communities.                                                                                   prayer support groups in the next four years. Will
                                                                                                             WEC Pasifika, based out of Fiji, is actively recruiting for;
Wonderfully, today, a new generation of                                                                                                                                     you pray in faith with us to see these goals become
                                                      A key component of mission today is mobilising         1. People to join our Indian Muslim and migrant
Christians is walking beyond where even the                                                                                                                                 a reality? Maybe your home group could even
                                                      local churches. Here again WEC personnel are              Chinese ministry teams.
most ardent of early believers would have dared                                                                                                                             adopt one of Indonesia’s 234 unreached people
                                                      drawing on their experience to raise up workers        2. A highly relational and enthusiastic person
to dream. The 21st century Pasifika Church is an                                                                                                                            groups for prayer.
                                                      for those nations with least-access to the gospel.        to help encourage, resource and network our
exciting body in which to have a part!
                                                      An initiative in Vanuatu has seen a number of             Associate Mobilisers in other islands.
                                                                                                                                                                             Following many years of service in the Middle East,
WEC Pasifika has a key role in this new move of       Associate Workers trained as church-based              3. An Administrative and Accounts Assistant at our
                                                                                                                                                                             Neville & Elizabeth Clarke currently work as Area
God. Thirty years ago, WEC established a team         mobilisers, keeping mission before churches.              Fiji Branch Office                                           Directors for Oceania. They live in Geelong,
in Fiji. Initially the goal was to see churches       This led to the first-ever Vanuatu mission                                                                             Australia with their four teenage/young
planted amongst unreached Hindus and                  conference in 2017, at which over 100 delegates                                                                        adult children.
Muslims. Reaching the Chinese in the Pasifika         were enthused in grasping their role in God’s                                                                          They love to walk in
area was later added. Today, WEC Pasifika’s           worldwide mission. This in turn has led to                                                                             nature, family
vision is still to see the least-reached peoples      further new mission initiatives.                                                                                       camping trips and
of the Pacific come to Christ, but to also see the                                                            Visit to check out the full                      having young
                                                      Importantly, all this came from the invitation and                                                                     people in their
churches of the Pacific reach out to the world                                                                Opportunities Database, or call us on 0800 46 46 86
                                                      ongoing support of the Ni-Vanuatu Church. What          to explore the options.                                        home.
with the gospel.
                                                      began as a covenant agreement between the
                                                      Presbyterian Church and WEC, is now spreading           More Info                                                       Neville & Elizabeth Clarke
How is this happening?
The Pacific Church is well established amongst        to other denominations. Interestingly, Vanuatu
                                                      derives from “vanua” (island or land) and “tu”
                                                                                                             30 Days of Prayer: May 6th- June 4th
the indigenous peoples of the Islands. However,
as in the rest of the globe, immigration is           (to stand or rise up). We repeatedly heard, “Now
leading to new opportunities. Training by WEC         is the time for Vanuatu to rise up and take its
leaders has equipped and encouraged local             place in world mission.”                               Hospitality is a key characteristic of Islamic culture. Offering kindness and generosity to guests
congregations, especially in Fiji, Vanuatu and
                                                      Thus far, a growing number of Fijian and ‘Ni-Van’
                                                                                                             is considered a duty to God. In fact, many Muslims believe that to honour and welcome a guest
the Solomon Islands, to embrace their migrant
                                                      workers have been trained and sent to places           is to honour and welcome God. No matter how little one may have, hospitality is expressed
neighbours with love and the hope of Jesus. This                                                             with diversity and generosity, even self-sacrifice.
                                                      such as South and Central Asia, Chad, and Timor-
has given birth to a number of initiatives to reach
                                                      Leste. Supported by Pasifika churches, they            In this year’s edition, contributors describe what             Meanwhile, as we pray together, may we have a
out to Chinese, Muslim and Hindu peoples. Many
                                                      have become valuable members of WEC teams              hospitality looks like in the people groups they live          sense of faith and expectation of what God is going
congregations are now seeing effective witness
                                                      worldwide.                                             among. Be inspired and guided to pray for Muslim               to do in the lives of Muslims here in NZ, and around
take place in their communities among those
who do not yet know Jesus.                            A global perspective however, is having local          peoples in a way that reflects this spirit of warm             the world.
                                                      implications. For example, financing overseas          welcome.
                                                      workers is challenging for many Pasifika               This is a big advert for a big challenge! MARN
                                                      churches. Despite this, clusters of churches                                                                             For online orders:
                                                                                                             has been the NZ Coordinator since 2001, steadily
                                                      across Melanesia are increasingly co-operating         growing the prayer network from Kaitaia to the                    Email orders: 
                                                      to finance their mission workers. This unity           Catlins. We highly recommend the Prayer Guide,
                                                      positively motivates their involvement in local        and encourage you to join with several thousand                   Cellphone orders: 021 185 3334
                                                      mission as well.                                       other New Zealanders, as over one million people
                                                      Are there challenges? The pathway to mission           intercede for the Muslim world together during
                                                      has never been straightforward, and Pasifika           Ramadan.
                                                      potentials are not exempt. They face the same          A recent edition noted that, in 2017, there
                                                      temptations that keep Palagi and Pakeha from           were 67 mosques nationwide. Over half of
                                                      following through on their mission call. Yet, there    these are in Auckland. According to the 2013
                                                      are also unique challenges. The value of local         Census, of those who affiliated themselves with
                                                      currencies means Pasifika workers generally            Islam, 47% were born in Oceania. A further 27%
                                                      don’t have the same freedoms other workers do.         were born in Asia – meaning the realities and
                                                      Also, given the prestigious position pastors hold,     divine opportunities are close at hand. We await
                                                      it is hard to explain why a mission worker (often      with interest the results of the 2018 Census.
                                                      not ordained) may need to receive a higher
WEC also has workers from overseas supporting         ‘wage’ than the pastor. Sadly, denominationalism
this work. Dorothy is one such. Her roots in          and growing one’s ‘brand’ prevents greater unity
Hong Kong, and fluency in Mandarin, has               in the mobilisation and support of cross-cultural
allowed her to partner with established Chinese       workers, similar to that of NZ.
congregations in new initiatives to reach Chinese     However, God is much bigger than all of this!
migrants. The new wave of arrivals are often          He can and is overcoming these hurdles and
business people, for whom different strategies        the Pasifika Church is taking its rightful place
are needed to connect them with Jesus. Some of        in the service of our King. Keep praying for the
the older Chinese churches have been without          Pasifika Church. Being relational people they
adequate leadership for some time. So there are       love being joined in what God is doing in their
strategic opportunities for cross-cultural Chinese    midst. The focus of ministry rightly changes,
speakers to be part of Chinese ministry in a          but there is still a role for New Zealanders in
number of Island nations.                             the Islands - just as there is a role for Pasifika       WEC NZ offers a range
This ministry can have amazing long-term              peoples in other nations: mission from anywhere          of GLO-CAL Workshops
results. Recently a WEC leader met a Chinese          to everywhere. Love it!                                  to equip your church for
man who had worked in Fiji 20 years ago. There,        This article was a collaborative effort from Willie     cross-cultural mission.
through WEC ministry, he became a devoted              Maloveretaki (WEC Pasifika serving in Burkina
follower of Jesus. Today he leads a house church       Faso), David Duthie (WEC NZ Associate) and Trevor       Check the website for details,
network in China that has a strong missional           Kallmier (WEC Australia).                               or contact the Mobilising
vision and is committed to sending out its own
workers.                                                                                                       Team and book yours early!               0800 GO INTO                   
Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ Australian Inquiry Into Action - WEC NZ
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