BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

Page created by Micheal Saunders
BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi
              Italian corners

HIDDEN CHARMING PROPERTIES                          2021
BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

    The most unexpected Italy ….
    a jump over in Tuscany or in Piedmont or along the pearls of the
    Ligurian Riviera…in Sicily or everywhere but Italy! Discovering the
    relaxing hills, the delicious food, the authentic life wherever you
    go it is Italy!

    Index:                                                          pag.
    Podere Torre degli Aironi – Palaia (PI)                             3
    Agriturismo Carbonaia - Palaia (PI)                                 4
    IL Palazzetto – Pergine Valdarno (AR)                               5
    Villa Le Prata Residenza del vescovo – Montalcino (SI)            6/7
    Villa San Giovanni A Semiti – Tenuta Fuligni - Montalcino(SI)     8/9
    Agriturismo Le Zagare di Vendicari – Noto (SR)                     10
    Casa The Cube – Vernazza (SP)                                       11
    Agriturismo Dorè – Alba (CN)                                       12
    Golf Club Le Colline del Gavi – Tassarolo (AL)                     13
    Il Filaro del Castelo di San Basilio – Marconia (MT)            14/15
    Terms and Conditions                                               16

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

                                                                                                        Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

                                                                                                        Person                   4      6       8      10
                                                                                                        from april to june*     600    490     390    360
                                                                                                        july and august         750    560     470    400
                                                                                                        from september to
                                                                                                                                630    520     430    340

                                                                                                        *during low season period shorter rent is possible –
                                                                                                        rates on request.

                                                                                                        Check in: saturdays 3pm to 5pm
                                                                                                        Check out: saturdays within 10 am
                                                                                                        Deposit*: € 500 per week -
                                                                                                        € 200 per 3 days at least
                                                                                                        *Refund of deposit will be upon departure
The hilltop villa covers 26 hectares of mixed         Location                                          Included:
olive groves and oak trees.                           - The property is no very far away from the       - Weekly bed , bath and kitchen linen
The property is divided into three apartments           village of Forcoli – 2 km                       - Baby cot
of different sizes that can accommodate               - Palaia 7 km                                     - Swimming pool (salt system), barbecue, chairs and
up to 12 people. We can offer separate                - Pisa and Volterra 38 km                           sunbeds
reservation fo smaller apartment but the aim          - Firenze 65 km                                   - Wifi
is to rent the whole property at once.                                                                  - Final cleaning, garden and pool cleaning once a
                                                      Free WiFi in the house                              week
The apartments are as follows:                                                                          - Parking place
                                                      The family that manages the farm boasts
                                                                                                        - 1 typical kitchen lesson with chef
Big apartment at the ground floor, wide               a decade of experience in renting and
kitchen (dish-washing machine, microwave,             managing guests of all nationalities, an          Not included:
mixer, toaster), 2 king size bedroom (one of          in-depth knowledge of the surroundings            - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
those with sofa bed), 2 bathroom (one with            allows you to suggest itineraries and visits by   - Flights (possibile on request)
shower and one with bath-tube – in one of             providing qualified advice. English speaking      - Pets (€ 25 each per week)
these you can find the washing machine)               baby sitting possible on request.                 - Air conditioning € 20 each week
                                                                                                        - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
Small apartment at the ground floor                   We guarantee the exclusivity of the villa, even     the first 4 days of stay)
Living room with sofa bed, bedroom with               in the case of groups that require only one
kingsize bed, bathroom with shower, kitchen           apartment.
upon request only.                                    The property has a grill area on open space
                                                      with table and grill kitchen.
Apartment on the second floor:                        The swimming pool is 200 mt from the              Activities in the area:
Living room with fireplace, tv and dvd                house and the depp is between 1 mt and 3          - Chef at home, riding lessons, wine tasting,
disposal, air conditioning. 2 bedroom with            mt. around the open space pool you can find         gourmet tasting with local specials,
kingsize bed, bathroom with shower, kitchen           chairs, sunbeds and umbrella.                       walking and trekking in the area with
and dish washing machine.
                                                                                                          truffle searching, Spa treatment in Pisa San
Guest access                                          The garden is managed by the gardener               Giuliano Terme (50 km), golf course in Golf
Three apartments of different sizes are                                                                   Club Castelfalfi (20 km) – rates on request
available. The villa is full rental for families or

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

Agriturismo Carbonaia includes three farm         Location                                         Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights
houses, a barn, and a small hunting house,        - The property is no very far away from the      (sat-sat)
all builded in the second half oh 18th century.     village of Palaia 2 km
From every window you have views like             - Pisa and Volterra 40 and 45 km                 Person                        4      6       8
paintings. Each house, has a private, well        - Firenze 65 km                                  june and september           540    490     390
organized garden space, or "dehor" that                                                            july and august              700    580     480
you can use for breakfast or meals. Every         ‘The first thing to do is... nothing!
                                                                                                   Check in: saturdays 4 pm to 7 pm
houses has a fireplace, wifi and barbecue                                                          Check out: saturdays within 10 am
equipment. All features are in natural            Coming back from the tours that you              Deposit*: € 400 per week -
materials; inside as well as outside plastic is   can't miss, landscape, silence and fresh         *Refund of deposit will be upon departure
forbidden!                                        water could perhaps be enough, but you
                                                  may find nice things to do in the close          Included
CASA GIOVANNA                                     surrounding. You can walk to Montefoscoli        - Weekly bed , bath and kitchen linen (included
Casa Giovanna (180 mq) is the main house,         and his "Tempio", or visit the beautiful Pieve     towels for the swimming pool)
perfect for 9 guests; very large kitchen and      Romanica and La Rocca in Palaia. For longer      - Swimming pool
leaving room, four bedrooms (three double         distances, you can rent a bike and get lost      - WiFi
and one, the biggest, with three beds) and        into a wine tour.                                - Final cleaning
three baths. A nice garden area and a private     In spite of the universal presence of the        - Parking place
pool complete the outfits of this very suitable   fantastic world of internet, you'll find me      - 1 dinner tasting at home
house.                                            directly always willing to help you need.        - 1 food and wine gift from the locals
The property is not far away from Palaia          Time will not be enough, come and see!
Village (2 km) the house is surrounded by                                                          Not included:
olive-trees and cypresses – wide space for        Activities in the area:                          - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
parking. The ownership is producing olive-oil,    - Chef at home and cooking lesson, riding        - Flights (possibile on request)
honey and salami by themselves.                     school, wine tasting, gourmet tasting with     - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just
                                                    local specials, walking and trekking in the      for the first 4 days of stay)
Sleeps for 9 people                                 area with truffle searching, e-bike rental,
Bedrooms: 4                                         citytour with local guide in Lucca/Firenze
                                                    and Pisa, the Beach along the Tirreno sea.
Bathroom: 3                                         Rates on request.

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

Il Palazzetto is built on a magnificent            Accommodation                                     Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights
property of 3.5 hectares surrounded by             - Sleeps 12 people                                (sat-sat)
olive groves, situated only 500m away from         - Six bedrooms
Pergine Valdarno, a village at the heart of the                                                      Person            4      6      8      10     12
                                                   - Four double bedrooms
culture and art triangle of Florence, Arezzo                                                         june to
                                                   - Two twin bedrooms                                               1.650   1.100   850    700    590
and Siena. The fantastic unspoiled panorama                                                          september
                                                   - Five bathrooms
surrounding the villa has been painted by          - Swimming pool                                   Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 7 pm
Leonardo da Vinci, and today these paintings       - Grand piano                                     Check out: saturdays within 10 am
belong to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's            - Fitness Room and Sauna                          Deposit*: € 500 per week -
private collection.                                                                                  *Refund of deposit will be upon departure
Decorated with exceptional taste and               Internet access
attention to detail, the property has been         - Parking                                         Included:
completely restored and has been equipped          Amenities:                                        - Weekly bed, bath and kitchen linen
with all modern facilities.                        Internet-TV, DVD and CD player, washing
                                                                                                     - Swimming pool
On the ground floor there is a very large                                                            - WiFi
                                                   machine, dish washing machine, iron,
entrance leading to a beautiful sitting room                                                         - Final cleaning
                                                   hairdryer, microwave oven, fan in the             - 1 dinner tasting at home
with a fireplace and a grand piano, opening        bedrooms.
onto the garden. On this level there is also a                                                       Not included:
twin bedroom and a bathroom.                       Pets: not admitted                                - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
Stairs lead up to the first floor where one will   Location                                          - Flights (possibile on request)
find a fully equipped Tuscan kitchen, a large      - The property is no very far away from the       - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
dining room with an old stone fireplace,             village of Pergine Valdarno (mt 500)              the first 4 days of stay)
three double bedrooms and one twin                 - Pisa km 140                                     - Extra cleaning: € 12 per hour
bedroom with three bathrooms and a sauna,          - Florence km 80                                  - Extra bed and bath linen: € 12 per person per
a TV room with satellite TV, and a corridor                                                            week
                                                   - Rome km 260
leading to a covered panoramic terrace.                                                              - Heating, wood for the fireplace, use of the sauna
A pool house with an open sitting plan and a       Activities in the area:
barbecue is situated near a fantastic infinity-    - Chef at home and cooking lesson, wine
edge swimming pool (12x6m) surrounded by             tasting, gourmet tasting with local specials,
fruit trees. Fitness room and parking are also       walking and trekking in the area. Rates on
available.                                           request
BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi
                           MONTALCINO (SI)

Surrounded by age-old chestnut and cherry          LA SECRETA
trees caressed by the Tuscan sea breezes
the Residence awaits you, offering you the                                                           IPPOCRATE
perfect chance to experience and tranquility
of nature and the charm of history
Love Makes the World Go Round
If love makes your world go round, then you
must fall in love with Montalcino
A special area of land in wonderful Tuscany
where man and nature are drawing
magnificent landscapes
of hills dressed in every shade of green
where the wine and the olive tree have a
delicious taste!                                   An authentic 16th century door used to guard
Rooms                                               and defend the ancient secrets of the villa,
Every room has its own history, every window        today, from the antechamber to the room,         The family room.The recent past puts a
looks out onto a landscape, crowned by              everything invites you to relax while your       further step in the history of this place:
vineyards.                                          gaze is drawn to the warm Tuscan lights.         Massimo, a doctor in this land, was the last
All rooms are situated on the 1st or the 2nd                                                         owner of the villa. Hippocrates, father of
floor (no elevator) and are equipped with the                                                        medicine, inspired the room; the ancient
following:                                                                                           medical prints and neoclassical furniture are
• Tuscan artisan mattress of the highest                                                             a tribute to those who dedicate their lives to
  quality                                          VESCOVO                                           that of others.
• Hypoallergenic topper in HD memory foam
  with bamboo coating                                                                                TIRSO
• Pillows: 2 memory air h 12 and 2 pillows in
  bamboo fiber
• Pillows menu available upon request: Pillow
  with spelt husks,
Memory h 15, Latex h 15, Capok, Out
• Travertine bathroom with walk-in shower
• Flat screen Tv • Free Wi-Fi • Air conditioning
  and heating with remote control
• Safe • Minibar • Hair dryer
• Bathroom amenities - eco/bio cosmetic            The room after which the Residence is
  products • Slippers                              named. For over half a century the bishop of
• Coffee machine • USB power socket near           Montalcino lived here. The red color of the       The rod of Dionysus.
  the bed                                          walls, the furnishings of religious origin, the   In the land of Brunello, where everything is
• Daily cleaning                                   imposing golden bed of the '700, bring to life    pleasure, beauty and passion, a room takes
• View of the vineyards and Montalcino             the splendor of the past in a mixture of the      its name from one of the company's labels:
• Antique terracotta and travertine floor or       sacred and the profane                            Tirso, the Dionysian symbol. Everything, the
  wooden floor                                                                                       room, the views over the vineyards, the profile
• Non-smoking room                                                                                   of Montalcino in the background, is dedicated
• Free parking                                                                                       to those with a passion for wine.

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi
Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

                                                                                                     From may to october
                                                                                                     Pittore/Le Prata                             1.230
                                                                                                     Tirso/San Prospero                           1.290
                                                                                                     La Secreta/Ippocrate/Fantastici              1.620
                                                                                                     Del Vescovo                                  1.920

AGOSTINO FANTASTICI                               LE PRATA                                           Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 6 pm
                                                                                                     Check out: saturdays within 11 am
                                                                                                     Late check-out possible to agree with the
                                                                                                     reception: supplement € 30

                                                                                                     - Full continental/international breakfast
                                                                                                     - Swimming pool
                                                                                                     - WiFi
                                                                                                     - Daily cleaning and housekeeping
                                                                                                     - Parking place
                                                                                                     - 1 excursion ‘searching the white truffle’ among the
                                                                                                       Montalcino hill’s including lunch

                                                                                                     Not included:
Dedicated to the architect from Montalcino,       A view of the vines that gave us our first         - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
Agostino Fantastici                               Brunello.                                          - Flights (possibile on request)
Agostino Fantastici (1782-1845), illustrious      “Ai bisogni alla comodità della vita al sollievo   - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
Montalcinese, esthete, architect and              del Cacciatore". Following the will of Count         the first 4 days of stay)
decorator of famous Tuscan palaces, his           Carlo de 'Vecchi who in 1862 built the villa       - Meals
conception of beauty is revived in the original   on the old name Le Prata, the room takes
furnishings. The room dedicated to him is a       its name and maintains its elegance and            LOCAL EXCURSIONS:
tribute to the art and history of this land.      sobriety.
                                                                                                     - Wine tasting – his majesty the Brunello
SAN PROSPERO                                      PITTORE                                              wine
                                                                                                     - Visiting the Brunello’s cantine
                                                                                                     - Val d’Orcia sites visit with local guide
                                                                                                       (English speaking)
                                                                                                     - E-bike renatl
                                                                                                     - Horse riding, trekking, yoga

The palette of a unique landscape.                Then comes after now.
The vineyard it overlooks, San Prospero, gives    In the family tradition he has always had a
the room its name. The colors of Tuscany          love for painting a particular relevance, and it
summarized in a room: from galestro               is with this philosophy that a room in our villa
to terracotta everything is the land of           is dedicated to this noble art. Love is alive
Montalcino, a unique landscape in which the
view is lost from the room's views.

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi
                          MONTALCINO (SI)

The Villa ‘San Giovanni ai Semiti’ is a part
of the very famous farmhouse Fuligni in
Fuligni is a trademark of the Brunello wine
and very wellknown in the world.
The villa is on the top of the hill with a
fantistic view of the of Val d’Orcia natural
parc and on the ancient via Fancigena
walking truck.

The villa, once the home of the administrator
of the grand-ducal properties located in the
area, dates back to the end of the 1700s, with
some interior works from the early 1900s
and a recent total restoration, which largely
respected the internal structure, materials
and historical fixtures.
The villa has four bedrooms, with air
conditioning and TV, each with its own
bathroom (two bedrooms with internal
bathroom and two with external bathroom).
8 beds in total.

The total building, of about 600 square
                                                 The farm is producing also olive oil and grain   SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA::
meters, consists of a large entrance hall,
                                                 that could be bought by the shop in the
vaulted, with bright windows overlooking
                                                 property                                         - Bike tour in the area through the hills and
Mount Amiata and is equipped with
                                                                                                    the famous villages of Montepulciano,
entertainment rooms with antique furniture,
                                                                                                    Pienza and S.Quirico d’Orcia.
refined Tuscan tapestries and personal
                                                                                                  - Montalcino old town and surroundings such
objects of the Fuligni family. Moreover you
                                                                                                    as S.Giovanni d’Asso very famous for the
have the library, a grand piano and two
                                                                                                    white truffles
kitchens, one of which is large and modern
on the ground floor (which can also serve
receptions) and one on the first floor near
the main dining room. Surrounded by a
large park / garden area with plants, shrubs
and hedges typical of this area of Tuscany,
the villa is accompanied by a newly built
swimming pool, with a splendid direct view
towards Mount Amiata (1764 meters).
The property is not very far away from
Montalcino (5 km), Terme di Vignoni with its
thermal waters.

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi
Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

rates on request

Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 7 pm
Check out: saturdays within 10 am
Deposit*: € 500 per week -
*Refund of deposit will be upon departure

- Weekly bed , bath and kitchen linen
- Swimming pool
- WiFi
- Final cleaning
- 1 dinner tasting at home

Not included:
- Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
- Flights (possibile on request)
- Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
  the first 4 days of stay)
- Extra cleaning: € 12 per hour
- Extra bed and bath linen: € 12 per person per

BELLA ITALIA Italian corners 2021 - Giver Viaggi

                                                                                                      Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

                                                                                                      Person                           2         3     4
                                                                                                      from October to march           320       270   250
                                                                                                      april/june/september            400       320   290
                                                                                                      july/august                     510       400   340

                                                                                                      • rates for shorter/longer stay are available on
                                                                                                        request basis
                                                                                                      • Single supplelemnt on request
                                                                                                      • Bungalow accommodation supplement € 70 per
                                                                                                        person per week

                                                                                                      Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 5 pm
                                                                                                      Check out: saturdays within 10 am
                                                                                                      Late check-out possible to agree with the reception:
                                                                                                      supplement on request
                                                     Le Zagare farmhouse in Vendicar i is a
                                                     true oasis of peace, with 5 double, triple or    Included:
                                                     quadruple rooms and 3 bungalows, for a           - Double room accomodation
                                                     total of 25 beds, furnished in a sober and       - WiFi
                                                     elegant way and all equipped with bathroom,      - Daily cleaning
                                                     shower, hairdryer , air conditioning, minibar,   - Bed-linen, bathroom towels
Located in Contrada Bimisca-Sichilli (Noto)          television and private outdoor veranda. For      - parking place
within the Vendicari nature reserve the              guests there is a swimming pool overlooking      - welcome drink
location is built on a wide area full of typical     the citrus grove. The reataurant has inside/     - farmhouse giftù
                                                     outside service. Quality, hospitality, food      - typical wine tasting in the Noto area
citrus and orange trees. This farmhouse
offers the authentic smelling and feeling of         specialities and local products are the
                                                                                                      Not included:
Sicily. Here you can relax very far away from        success of the Le Zagare farm.
                                                                                                      - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
the noisy city but at the same time you are                                                           - Flights (possibile on request)
not far away from the beach, cultural and                                                             - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
historical sites i.e. Noto ‘the Baroc capital’ and                                                      the first 4 days of stay)
UNESCO site. PAchino – very famous for its                                                            - Meals
tomatoes and many other small villages rich                                                           - Pets admitted with supplement
of history and atmosphere.
                                                                                                      LOCAL EXCURSIONS:

                                                                                                      - Excursion by sailboat to Isola di Capopassero
                                                                                                        (half or full day)
                                                                                                      - The Vendicari reserve oasis
                                                                                                      - Correnti Isle excursion
                                                                                                      - Punta delle formiche escursion
                                                                                                      - 3 days excursion to Malta or Taormina
                                                                                                        (including 8 hours ferry)
                                                                                                      - 7 days to Taormina and Eolie Archipelago
                                                                                                        (including 2 days by ferry)
                                                                                                      - Bird-watching in Vendicari and Cava

The small fishing village Vernazza is probably
the most characteristic of the Cinque Terre
and is classified as one of the most beautiful
villages in Italy.
Vernazza was founded about 1000 A.D. and
was ruled by the Republic of Genoa starting
in 1276. The medieval castle, Belforte, was
built in the mid-1500's, primarily to protect
the village from pirates.
An ideal way to arrive to this breathtaking
village is by sea or by train. The tiny port
is surrounded by subtle colourful pastels
and the charming piazza is lined with good
restaurants and bars. Every house could be
reached by walking in this delightful little
The village is surrounded by very steeply-        The apartments are equipped with living -          Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights
terraced olive groves which are said to           kitchen overlooking the sea, equipped with         (sat-sat)
produce among the finest olive oil in the         all appliances (including washing machine
country.                                          and dishwasher) with seating area and sofa         Person                                   2     4
                                                  bed.                                               may                                   1.000   590
CASA ‘THE CUBE’ – Vernazza                        - 1 double bedroom with window on the              june/july/august                      1.350   680
                                                    sea, where it is possible to place a cot child   september/october*                    1.200   600
The two-floors house faces directly on the          (foldable)
                                                                                                     Low season period daily rental possible on request.
gulf of Vernazza with a view amazing on the       - 1 bathroom with shower
horizon.                                          - Outdoor space along the perimeter of the         Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 5 pm
After a careful renovation and with                 home                                             Check out: saturdays within 10 am
completely new furnishings the house                                                                 Deposit*: € 300 per week -
offers a unique opportunity for relaxation        Distances:
                                                                                                     *Refund of deposit will be upon departure
and peace without limiting the possibility        - Genoa 100 km
of visiting the others pearls of the 5 Terre by   - Levanto 22 km
sea or by land with the train or to go to other   - Sestri Levante 60 km                             - Weekly bed linen, bath and kitchen towels
Ligurian cities or the Tyrrhenian coast.          - Florence 170 km                                  - WiFi
It is advisable to reach Vernazza with the        - Milan 250 km                                     - Final cleaning
train as the property is located shortly          Possibility of multilingual baby sitting           - Baby-cot
distance from the train station.                                                                     - 1 lesson for making real pesto and dinner
                                                  EXCURSIONS IN THE AREA:
Maximum number of people for                                                                         Not included:
apartment: 4                                                                                         - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
                                                  - Boat rental                                      - Flights (possibile on request)
                                                  - The 5 terre by ferry                             - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
                                                  - By train to Genova, La Spezia, Florence,           the first 4 days of stay)
                                                    Rome                                             - Extra cleaning: € 12 per hour
                                                  - Trekking with guides                             - Extra bed and bath linen: € 12 per person per
                                                  - Golf court in the surroundings                     week
                                                  - Private chef at home


                                                                                               Rates per person in € 4 days/3 nights

                                                                                               Person                           2      3       4
                                                                                               march to june                   250    190     170
                                                                                               from september to
                                                                                                                               320    240     190

                                                                                               E’ possibile soggiornare per un numero di notti
                                                                                               inferiore: quotazione su richiesta
                                                                                               Possibilità di camera singola e suite su richiesta

                                                                                               Extra night in double € 70 per person – in triple €
                                                                                               60 – in 4-bedded room € 50
                                                                                               Single and suite accommodation rates on request

                                                                                               Check in: saturdays 3 pm to 5 pm
                                                                                               Check out: saturdays within 10 am
Ancient Piedmont style farmhouse,                The farmhouse is providing;                   Deposit*: € 100 -
completely renovated, is part of the La          • Disabled access                             *Refund of deposit will be upon departure.
Madonnina farm, and has been open to             • Children's play area
guests since autumn 2006.                        • Winery
                                                                                               - bed linen, bath towels
At the gates of the Roero, a few kilometers      • Bicycles
                                                                                               - WiFi
from Alba and the Langhe, it is entirely         • Bowls                                       - Final cleaning
surrounded by hazelnut groves, vineyards         • Credit cards payment                        - Parking
and woods.                                       • Cooking class                               - Welcome drink
Breakfast On hot days it can be served           • Horse riding / Stables                      - 1 typical products gift
outdoors, and the view extends to Monviso.       • Fridge bar                                  - Mountain bike rental
On autumn days, the fireplace helps to           • parking area                                - Wine tasting in the cantine of Roero wine
create a warm and familiar atmosphere.           • Park or Garden                              - Guided castle visit in the area
An ideal destination to spend pleasant           • Participation in company works
                                                                                               Not included:
moments of relaxation in nature, food and        • Table tennis
                                                                                               - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
wine tours, holidays and unforgettable stays.    • Pool                                        - Flights (possibile on request)
Cozy and comfortable, surrounded by              • Baby Sitting Service                        - Local tax € 1,5 per person per night (applied just
greenery in front of the Sanctuary of            • Television in the room                        for the first 4 days of stay)
Castellero.                                      • Archery                                     - Pets are not admitted in the farmhouse – it is
The breakfast room overlooks the hazelnut        • Sale of typical products                      possible to keep the small ones in the room
groves and the vineyards and offers guests a                                                     located in the dependence area
wonderful view. The open view is overlooking     Farmhouse opened from 1 september to 8
the vineyards, the hazelnut groves in a very     december and from 1 march to 31 june.
relaxing athmosfere                              Other period opened for small groups or
Possibility of organizing walks, visits to the   families on request.
Castles of the Langa and Roero, food and         Rooms: 8 with small garden or terrace and 1
wine tours.                                      suite.
On request: Truffle hunting, flights and
balloon training, mountain bike and Piaggio
Vespa rental.


                                                                                                 Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

                                                                                                 In superior room
                                                                                                 from November to march                      470*
                                                                                                 april/may/october                           500*
                                                                                                 from june to September                      580*
                                                                                                 *included weekly green fee (not valid on
                                                                                                 saturday/sundays and festive days) to be used in
                                                                                                 Golf Club Colline del Gavi, Golf Club Villa
                                                                                                 Carolina e Golf Club Margara

                                                                                                 - Pets € 20
                                                                                                 - Green fee week days€ 35 (included for the first 5
                                                 All rooms are also equipped with:               - Green fee Saturday/Sundays festive € 60 (valid in
                                                 - Air conditioning                                Golf Club Colline del Gavi, Golf Club Villa Carolina e
                                                 - Hairdryer                                       Golf Club Margara)
                                                 - Phone                                         - Dinner € 30 per person (3 courses menu)
                                                 - Safe
                                                 - Shower                                        Included:
                                                 - TV                                            - Bed and breakfast accommodation in superior
After a day of fun in the field and an evening   - High speed Wi-Fi                                type room
in the Cascina, there is only one way to end     - Minibar with complimentary water              - High speed Wi-Fi
the day - to sleep at our guesthouse and start   - Coffee / tea facilities                       - Minibar with complimentary water
over the day after.                                                                              - Coffee / tea facilities
                                                                                                 - green fee weekly days
The Gavi Guesthouse has 6 classic rooms, 4       Attività in zona:
                                                                                                 - child under 3 years free of charge
superior rooms and one suite with terrace,       - Wine tasting – visita e degustazione presso
                                                                                                 - training gree admission
available in single, double or triple rooms.       le cantine del Gavi e del Cortese             - parking place
The elegant furniture, a generous size,          - shopping presso L’Outlet Serravalle           - e-charge for e-cars
the comforts included in each of the 11            Designer
rooms, will leave the memory of having           - Passeggiate a cavallo tra i vigneti           Not included:
spent a pleasant holiday in a total genuine      - Visita a Genova ed all’Acquario               - Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
countryside.                                     - Escursione Portofino e le 5 terre             - Flights (possibile on request)
                                                 - Escursioni in barca da Genova                 - Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
Hotel accommodation is provided very                                                               the first 4 days of stay)
spacious superior type (23 m2) with kingsize     EXCURSIONS IN THE AREA:                         - Carry and cart in the green
bed, wooden floor, large bathrooms with                                                          - Golf Equipment
shower.                                          - Wine tasting in one f the most famous
                                                   cantine of Gavi white wine
                                                 - Shopping in the Outlet Mall
                                                 - Horse riding in the area
                                                 - Visit with guide in Genova, Portofino and 5

                            MARCONIA (MT)

                                                                                                     SERVICES INCLUDED IN THE STAY

                                                                                                     • Outdoor pool
                                                                                                     • Beach chair/ beach lounger
                                                                                                     • Hot tub /jacuzzi (outdoor)
                                                                                                     • Accessibility
                                                                                                     • Facilities for Disabled Guests
                                                                                                     • Private Parking
                                                                                                     • Baggage storage
                                                                                                     • Daily Housekeeping
                                                                                                     • Air Conditioning
Il Filaro del Castello di San Basilio” is a resort   of a hill on the side of the castle.            • Safe
that arise from the recovering of an ancient         The ‘dimora’ provides high levels comfort       • Honeymoon suite
rural village.                                       accomodation:
Immersed in a suggestive natural scenario, 4                                                         ADDITIONAL CHARGE SERVICES
kilometres away from the beautiful beaches           The rooms are wide and comfortable, with
of the Ionic coastline, it is a unique place         large double beds or two single beds, all       • Private beach outdoor
caracterized by the fortify monastic castle          equipped with air conditioning, bathrooms       • Horseback riding
and by its historical events.                        with a shower or bathtub, flat screen TVs,      • Bike rent
                                                     a mini-fridge, safe and blow-dryer. Free        • Excursion
A Splendid oasis of thriving plantations, the        Wi-Fi is available anywhere in the resort       • Windsurf
castle was built as a fortified farm around the      and children under the age of 2 stay for free   • Shuttle service
seventh century AD by the Basilian monastic          and an dedicated cradle bed is provided         • Babysitting services
community. It then became a Norman fief,             for them. The included breakfast will be an     • Breakfast room service
growingly acquiring the characteristics of a         opportunity to retrace the ancient aromas
castle with the construction of the central          and flavours of our land, enjoying genuine
square tower. The Norman landlords then              products, fruit of the hard work and passion
donated it to the Benedictine community              of local farms.
of the abbacy of Santa Maria del Casale di
In the fourteenth century, the castle’s
ownership was given to the Certosa di
Padula and in 1830 to the Marquis Ferrante
di Ruffano. Finally, it is now owned by the
Berlingieri family and it is home to an
important contemporary art collection.
The imposing building develops around
the central courtyard on which the castles
component parts look upon, such as the
refectory, the kitchen, the dormitory, the
archive, the library, the eighteenth-century
chapel and the chapter room.
The current “dimora di charme”, Il Filaro,
surrounded by the thousand-year-old castle,
arises on the elegantly rebuilt ruins of the
eighteenth century “Casilini”, situated on top

Weekly rates per person in € - 8 days/7 nights

From may to october
Room type classic                              630
Room type suite superior                       800
Room type suite deluxe                         900
Room type suite superior plus                 1.260

In the room type suite superior and deluxe is
possible to accommodate 1 or 2 extra guests –
supplement € 60 per person per night

Check in: saturdays from 4pm
Check out: saturdays within 11 am
Luggage room available free of charge
Pets are admitted by payment € 10 each per day – it
is compulsory to inform Reception before arrival.

- Full continental/international breakfast - Italian
- Swimming pool
- Free Wifi
- Daily cleaning and housekeeping
- parking place
- swimming pool and outdoor Jacuzzi
- air conditioned
- safe in room.

Not included:
- Rent a car (suggested) aprx € 100 per day
- Flights (possibile on request)
- Local tax € 1 per person per day (applied just for
  the first 4 days of stay)
- Meals

Local excursions to be booked in advance:
- Beach sunbeds and umbrella for a fee in a private
- Food and wine tasting tour
- Golf course
- Sailing and windsurf courses
- Guided visit in Matera
- Shuttle service from/to Bari airport

- Nearby the resort is located the restaurant “Antica
  Pesa del Castello” for dining and lunch

IL GRANDE NORD                                             LA VIA DEGLI ZAR    IL GRANDE CANADA            ISLANDA
                                                                                  E STATI UNITI

                                                              IL ROMANTICO RENO    CROCIERE IN PORTOGALLO     LUNGO IL RODANO E LA SAONA
                                                              L’ELBA E L’HAVEL



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         Catalogue: “ITALIAN CORNERS 2021”

         Giver Viaggi e Crociere s.r.l.
         © 2021 Giver Viaggi e Crociere s.r.l.
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