Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum

Page created by Katherine Newton
Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum
Biennial Report 2019–2020
Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum
Biennial Report 2019–2020
Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum
Report of the President

                                                                                                                                             and 2020 continued the great tradition of St. Louis art    employed throughout the closure so that we could
                                                                                                                                             collectors to share their treasures with an enthusiastic   reopen without delay in mid-June 2020 under the
                                                                                                                                             public. The exhibition Millet and Modern Art: From         protocols established by the City of St. Louis.
                                                                                                                                             Van Gogh to Dalí presented some of the finest works of
                                                                                                                                             art from around the world, and, to our delight, we were    What the Museum represents and how it can continue
                                                                                                                                             able to extend it longer than expected to allow more       to serve the community became especially urgent
                                                                                                                                             people to see it even after the pandemic closure.          considerations in a year such as 2020. How we reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                        out and nurture during a pandemic; how we address
                                                                                                                                             The Museum’s financial position remained solid, in         issues of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion;
                                                                                                                                             large part thanks to the exceptional generosity of the     and the kinds of leadership that will be needed in the
                                                                                                                                             taxpayers of St. Louis county and city, and the largesse   future are all questions we had to answer. As issues of
                                                                                                                                             of numerous philanthropic donors. In February of           social justice faced our community and the country,
                                                                                                                                             2019, this strength enabled the St. Louis Art Museum       the Board of Commissioners completed an in-depth
                                                                                                                                             Foundation to make the final payment on debt related       study of what the Museum had done, and what it
                                                                                                                                             to the construction of the David Chipperfield–designed     should consider doing further, to promote racial and
                                                                                                                                             East Building. The payment retired the last remaining      social equity. The Diversity Study Group Report,
                                                                                                                                             bond debt 31 years ahead of schedule. Also during          adopted unanimously by the Board of Commissioners,
                                                                                                                                             these two years, the Museum saw the growth of its          contains more than 140 areas to be considered for
                                                                                                                                             endowment, which was valued at $240 million on             action. In 2020, the entire Museum began considering
                                                                                                                                             December 31, 2020—an increase of $43 million               those areas and implementing appropriate changes—
                                                                                                                                             (21 percent) since the close of the prior biennial         all with the goal of making the Museum accessible
                                                                                                                                             period in 2018.                                            to and comfortable for all of the community and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        model of responsible stewardship. The institution
                                                                                                                                             During these two years, attendance was consistently        is determined to remain a vibrant resource for all
                                                                                                                                             robust, reaching 503,000 visitors in 2019 and              St. Louisans in all respects.
                                                                                                                                             225,000 in 2020, notwithstanding the closure due
                                                                                                                                             to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are gratified to              While our efforts to replace a strong director of 22
          Caspar David Friedrich, German, 1774–1840; Sunburst in the Riesengebirge, 1835; oil on canvas; 10 × 12 1/2 inches; Friends Fund,                                                              years may encourage us to celebrate our past successes,
          Museum Purchase, Director’s Discretionary Fund, the Ann Goddard Trust, and the Third Wednesday Group 1:2019                        have achieved a 2019 average Net Promoter Score
                                                                                                                                             (NPS) of +86. The average NPS for art museums              our challenge now is to look ahead to address new
                                                                                                                                             is +54. The score is a measure of consumer loyalty         challenges and aim to do even better. In 2020, we
                                                                                                                                             and advocacy used across many industries, and,             asked the entire community—made up of our museum
    The years 2019 and 2020 were consequential ones                           Our governance is strong. Under the direction of                                                                          “family” of board members, staff, and donors; our St.
    for the Saint Louis Art Museum as we continued to                         Jack Musgrave, president from 2016 through 2019,               increasingly, by museums. NPS is determined based
                                                                                                                                             on the question “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are     Louis community; and the art-museum community—
    pursue our mission, as expanded in 2020:                                  our boards continued to be engaged and competent                                                                          what it thinks the Museum needs in its next director.
                                                                                                                                             you to recommend the Saint Louis Art Museum to a
                                                                              leaders of the Museum. Their passion and commitment                                                                       Led by the Museum’s boards and administered by
                                                                                                                                             friend or family member?” Visitors’ numeric response
    	The Saint Louis Art Museum collects, presents,                          to the Museum continued in 2020. As part of a 2020                                                                        outside consultants, that inquiry yielded substantial
                                                                                                                                             determines the NPS, which can range from -100 to
      interprets, and conserves works of art of the                           diversity initiative, the Museum formalized the diversity                                                                 insights and valuable information to be used by a
                                                                                                                                             +100. Scores above 0 are considered good, over 50
      highest quality across time and cultures; educates,                     of those boards as a priority.                                                                                            search committee to identify a new director.
                                                                                                                                             excellent, and above 70 world-class.
      inspires discovery, and elevates the human spirit;
      preserves a legacy of artistic achievement for the                      Our staff remained robust over the period under the able                                                                  The inquiry also confirmed—indeed, with resounding
                                                                                                                                             The year 2020 presented several opportunities for
      people of St. Louis and the world; and engages,                         leadership of Brent Benjamin, director of nearly 22 years.                                                                enthusiasm—that the Saint Louis Art Museum is an
                                                                                                                                             Museum leadership to reflect on its mission and
      includes, and represents the full diversity of the                      In 2020, came the announcement of his retirement, to                                                                      institution valued by its community, and that we must
                                                                                                                                             ask how it could continue to enhance its role in the
      St. Louis community supporting it.                                      take place in 2021, and the commencement of a process                                                                     continue to pursue our mission with dedication and
                                                                                                                                             community. During the three-month closure, the
                                                                              to identify a successor. The community expressed its deep                                                                 success as we move through the many biennial periods
                                                                                                                                             Museum recognized the need to reach out to its
    Our pursuit of that mission requires solid governance,                    appreciation for all he has done for the Museum, as well                                                                  to come.
                                                                                                                                             community in ways it had not previously. Our digital
    a strong staff, sensitive acquisitions, expert                            as for the museum world nationally and internationally,        communications were enhanced by the Object of the
    interpretation, a sound financial position, and a                         as an exemplary director and leader.                           Day email, the Wee Wednesdays video course, and
    community that understands and appreciates the                                                                                           various virtual programs for Members and others.
    institution. During the past two years, we enhanced                       Acquisitions, exhibitions, and education were significant      We maintained operations, with most staff working          Charles A. Lowenhaupt
    our capability in all these areas.                                        during the biennial period. Donations of art in 2019           off-site, and managed to keep our staff safe and           President, Board of Commissioners

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum
Report of the Director

                                                                                                                                                        museums around the world to immediately rethink                In 2020, the Museum acquired a collection of 825 works
                                                                                                                                                        their plans for upcoming exhibitions. The Museum is            of art from Ted L. Simmons, St. Louis Cardinals’ catcher
                                                                                                                                                        fortunate for its deep and broad holdings, as well as          and Hall of Fame inductee, and Maryanne Ellison
                                                                                                                                                        the expertise of its curatorial and exhibitions staff—         Simmons, a fine-art printer and publisher. The Simmons
                                                                                                                                                        institutional strengths that allowed us quickly to develop     collection is a transformative addition to the Museum’s
                                                                                                                                                        Storm of Progress: German Art After 1800 from the              holdings, particularly in the area of works on paper
                                                                                                                                                        Saint Louis Art Museum.                                        from the last 60 years.

                                                                                                                                                        Two additional main exhibitions were organized by              Several notable works that entered the collection
                                                                                                                                                        prominent partner institutions. The Museum seldom              underscore the Museum’s commitment to expanding
                                                                                                                                                        presents large-scale retrospectives of living artists, so in   the diversity of artists in the collection through
                                                                                                                                                        the 2019 exhibition Rachel Whiteread we were honored           strategic acquisitions. In 2019, the Museum purchased
                                                                                                                                                        to bring to St. Louis the first comprehensive survey           Charles I, a large-scale painting by Kehinde Wiley and
                                                                                                                                                        of the British sculptor’s work. The exhibition was             one of the standout works from the 2018 exhibition
                                                                                                                                                        organized by the National Gallery of Art, Washington,          Kehinde Wiley: Saint Louis. Based on the Museum’s
                                                                                                                                                        and Tate Britain, London. Opening in late 2019, the            1633 portrait of the English king by Daniel Martensz
                                                                                                                                                        exhibition Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt              Mytens the Elder, Wiley’s painting switched the gender
                                                                                                                                                        from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston gave our                  of the sitter from male to female to depict St. Louisan
                                                                                                                                                        audiences the pleasure of experiencing 70 paintings            Ashley Cooper. Later in 2019, the Museum purchased
                                                                                                                                                        from one of America’s premier holdings in this genre.          at auction Seated Woman, a sculpture by the African
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       American artist Elizabeth Catlett, one of the nation’s
                                                                                                                                                        During these two years, the Museum also offered a              leading 20th-century sculptors. Dating from the
                                                                                                                                                        range of more focused exhibition projects. These include       artist’s most critical period, 1955 to 1968, the piece
                                                                                                                                                        special initiatives, our Currents and New Media Series         is Catlett’s earliest work in wood to have come to the
                                                                                                                                                        exhibitions, and temporary installations of light-sensitive    auction market. In 2020, the Museum purchased a
                                                                                                                                                        works on paper and textiles. Noteworthy among these            large stoneware storage jar signed and dated by David
                                                                                                                                                        projects were two exhibitions developed from gifts             Drake, an enslaved African American potter whose
                                                                                                                                                        of entire collections. The 2019 presentation Poetics           extraordinary ceramics are highly sought after by
          Józef Bakós, American, 1891–1977; Untitled (Frijoles Canyon), c.1920–25; oil on board; 18 × 23 7/8 inches; Gift of John and Susan Horseman,   of the Everyday: Amateur Photography, 1890–1970                museums and private collectors. Acquiring such
          in honor of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American Art 95:2019; © Estate of Józef Bakós                                                           celebrated the 2018 gift of 150 works of vernacular            a work has been a long-held Museum priority.
                                                                                                                                                        photography from St. Louis collectors John and Teenuh
                                                                                                                                                        Foster. The Shape of Abstraction: Selections from the          The Saint Louis Art Museum continued to play a
                                                                                                                                                        Ollie Collection, which opened in late 2019, presented         vital role in the cultural life of St. Louis in 2019 and
                                                                                                                                                        a selection of 40 paintings, drawings, and prints by           2020, and after reopening revealed itself to be a safe
    During the past two-year period, the Museum’s                                Four of our main exhibitions were organized by the Saint               Black artists—highlights of a larger 2017 gift from New        refuge during a challenging time. For this, the last
    exhibition program provided visitors with an                                 Louis Art Museum. Graphic Revolution: American Prints                  Jersey–based collector (and St. Louis native) Ronald           biennial report that I will introduce as I prepare for
    extraordinary range of great art, from the masterworks                       1960 to Now, which opened in 2018 and continued into                   Maurice Ollie and his wife, Monique McRipley Ollie.            retirement, I want to express my deep gratitude to the
    of Paul Gauguin, the Dutch old masters, and Jean-                            2019, presented works from the collection and St. Louis                                                                               Museum’s staff, its board leadership, and the St. Louis
    François Millet and those artists who were inspired by                       lenders that vividly illustrated modern and contemporary               Generous gifts of art during the biennial period further       community for providing the resources necessary
    him, to postwar American prints, contemporary African                        artists’ reimagining of a centuries-old art form. The 2019             elevated the Museum’s holdings. A 2019 donation of             for our expansion, acquisitions, programs, and
    American artists working in abstract modes, and British                      exhibition Paul Gauguin: The Art of Invention was the                  16 paintings by St. Louis collectors and Commission            operations, as well as their goodwill and enthusiasm
    sculptor Rachel Whiteread. Thanks to the goodwill and                        first in St. Louis to highlight the exceptional range of               Vice President John and Susan Horseman features                for our ongoing efforts to continue to burnish our
    generosity of our supporters, the Museum also enriched                       this artist’s production. Co-organized with the Van Gogh               excellent examples of American Surrealism, American            Museum’s reputation as an enduring and engaging
    and diversified its holdings through the acquisition of                      Museum in Amsterdam, the 2020 exhibition Millet and                    Scene, and modernist painting. Filling these previous          St. Louis treasure.
    1,551 works of art.                                                          Modern Art: From Van Gogh to Dalí illuminated Millet’s                 significant gaps in the collection, the Horseman gift
                                                                                 critical role in the birth and development of modern art.              allows the Museum to present a more compelling
    The biennial period also brought us the existential                          We are especially grateful to the show’s international                 and diverse story of American art. Also in 2019,
    challenge of the coronavirus pandemic. The Museum                            lenders, who agreed to extend exceptional loans so that                St. Louis photographer and photography historian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brent R. Benjamin
    closed for three months, then reopened with new                              we could keep this groundbreaking exhibition on view                   David R. Hanlon gave a collection of 19th-century
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Barbara B. Taylor Director
    protocols that, as I write this message, are still in place and              after the Museum reopened in June 2020. The pandemic                   photographic prints that significantly expands our
    are designed to protect the health of our staff and visitors.                significantly disrupted international art shipping, forcing            holdings from the first four decades of the medium.

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum
Exhibitions and Collections

    The years 2019 and 2020 witnessed extraordinary challenges and
    accomplishments for the Museum’s exhibition program and collection.

    The Museum continued to offer visitors the chance                   The pandemic did not slow the growth of the collection.
    to experience world-class exhibitions including                     During 2019 and 2020, the number of new acquisitions
    Millet and Modern Art: From Van Gogh to Dalí,                       reached its highest level in a decade. The Museum
    done in partnership with the Van Gogh Museum,                       continued to benefit from the generosity of its supporters
    Amsterdam; Rachel Whiteread, organized by the                       and acquired 1,551 works during this period, bringing
    National Gallery of Art, Washington, and the Tate                   the number of objects in the collection to nearly 36,000.
    Gallery, London; and Paul Gauguin: The Art of                       With an expanding collection, much effort has been
    Invention, from the collection of the Ny Carlsberg                  placed on modernizing art-storage spaces. Off-site
    Glyptotek, Copenhagen. More than 160,000 people                     storage was increased to accommodate collection
    attended the main exhibitions in 2019 and 2020. In                  growth, and a two-year rehousing project was launched
    the collection spaces, the Museum featured several                  to provide better protection for works on-site. A
    exhibitions drawn from recent acquisitions: Poetics                 complete seismic review of works on view and in
    of the Everyday: Amateur Photography, 1890–1970;                    storage was also undertaken in 2019.
    Javanese Batik Textiles; and The Shape of Abstraction:
    Selections from the Ollie Collection.                               Since 2011, work has been underway to restore John J.
                                                                        Egan’s Panorama of the Monumental Grandeur of
    In 2020, the pandemic brought everything to a halt,                 the Mississippi Valley. Acquired in 1953, the work is
    shuttering museums and stranding works of art on                    over 7 feet high and nearly 350 feet long. Painted in
    loan. Massive shifts in exhibition schedules occurred,              the mid-nineteenth century, it functioned as a scrolling
    and museums everywhere were required to develop                     slideshow, transporting audiences on an imagined
    entirely new ways of operating. The Museum’s own                    journey down remote waterways. Damaged by constant
    exhibition schedule was reworked to accommodate                     travel, the work—the only known Mississippi River
    limited shipping routes and travel bans. International              panorama to survive—was in a state of disrepair. In
    shows were cancelled or postponed. Collections staff                2019, the final panels were restored, and the work is
    were essential personnel during the required three-                 now on permanent display in Sculpture Hall.
    month closure of the Museum, making regular on-site
    checks of works in the closed gallery spaces and in
    storage. Virtual condition reporting became the new
    normal for overseeing the safe packing of works,
    and a new system of electronic tracking of shipments
    allowed all of the loans from exhibitions to return to
    lenders without incident.

                               Conservators Rebecca Heyman, Corrine Long, and Mark Bockrath prepare John J. Egan’s c.1850 Panorama of the
                               Monumental Grandeur of the Mississippi Valley. The panorama is now fully conserved and on view in Sculpture Hall

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum

                                                                                                                                                              Edward Middleton Manigault,
                                                                                                                                                              Canadian (active United States),
                                                                                                                                                              1887–1922; Landscape with a Horse,
                                                                                                                                                              1912; oil on canvas; 27 × 33 inches;
                                                                                                                                                              Gift of John and Susan Horseman, in
                                                                                                                                                              honor of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of
                                                                                                                                                              American Art 105:2019

                                                                                                                                                              Walter Pach, American, 1883–1958;
                                                                                                                                                              The Subway, 1919; oil on canvas;
                                                                                                                                                              26 × 31 inches; Gift of John and
                                                                                                                                                              Susan Horseman, in honor of Melissa
                                                                                                                                                              Wolfe, Curator of American Art

                                                                                                                                                              Walter Wellington Quirt, American,
                                                                                                                                                              1902–1968; The Future Belongs
                                                                                                                                                              to the Workers, 1933; tempera on
                                                                                                                                                              board; 15 × 37 inches; Gift of John
                                                                                                                                                              and Susan Horseman, in honor of
                                                                                                                                                              Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American
                                                                                                                                                              Art 107:2019

    Esphyr Slobodkina, American (born Russia), 1908–2002; Levitator Abstraction, c.1950; oil on Masonite; 24 × 45 1/2 inches; The Linda and Harvey Saligman   Zoltan L. Sepeshy, American (born
    Endowed Acquisition Fund; Gift of J. Harold Pettus, Gift of Edward J. Costigan in memory of his wife, Sara Guth Costigan, Gift of August A. Busch Jr.,    Hungary), 1898–1974; Driftwood
    Gift of the Estate of Moses Soyer, Gift of Mrs. Richard Meade in memory of her husband, Richard Worsam Meade IV, and Gift of Stuart M. Chambers,
    all by exchange 28:2019; Courtesy of the Slobodkina Foundation
                                                                                                                                                              and Dying Tree, c.1940; tempera on
                                                                                                                                                              panel; 18 × 24 inches; Gift of John
                                                                                                                                                              and Susan Horseman, in honor of
                                                                                                                                                              Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American
    American Art                                                                                                                                              Art 108:2019

    Paintings                                                                                                                                                 Esphyr Slobodkina, American
                                                                                                                                                              (born Russia), 1908–2002;
    John Carlton Atherton, American,                   O. Louis Guglielmi, American (born                  Yasuo Kuniyoshi, American (born                    Levitator Abstraction, c.1950; oil
    1900–1952; The Sleepers, 1945; oil on              Egypt), 1906–1956; The Persistent                   Japan), 1889–1953; Morning, 1920;                  on Masonite; 24 × 45 1/2 inches;         Walt Kuhn, American, 1877–1949; Golden and Blue Bolero, 1946; oil on canvas; 24 × 20 inches; Gift of
    canvas; 26 1/2 × 43 1/2 inches; Gift of            Sea, No. 1, 1934; oil on canvas;                    oil on canvas; 16 × 20 inches; Gift of             The Linda and Harvey Saligman            John and Susan Horseman, in honor of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American Art 101:2019
    John and Susan Horseman, in honor                  16 × 14 inches; Gift of John and Susan              John and Susan Horseman, in honor                  Endowed Acquisition Fund; Gift of
    of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American              Horseman, in honor of Melissa Wolfe,                of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American              J. Harold Pettus, Gift of Edward J.
    Art 94:2019                                        Curator of American Art 99:2019                     Art 102:2019                                       Costigan in memory of his wife,
                                                                                                                                                              Sara Guth Costigan, Gift of August A.
    Józef Bakós, American, 1891–1977;                  Paul E. Harney, American, 1850–1915;                Michael Lenson, American (born                     Busch Jr., Gift of the Estate of
                                                       Feeding Time, c.1910; oil on canvas;                Russia), 1903–1971; Where Are We                   Moses Soyer, Gift of Mrs. Richard
    Untitled (Frijoles Canyon), c.1920–25;                                                                                                                                                             Sculpture                                           Ancient Art
    oil on board; 18 × 23 7/8 inches; Gift             8 × 10 1/4 inches; Gift of John J. Oleski           Now?, c.1949; oil on canvas; 56 ×                  Meade in memory of her husband,
    of John and Susan Horseman, in honor               76:2019                                             36 inches; Gift of John and Susan                  Richard Worsam Meade IV, and             Elizabeth Catlett, American (active                 Sculpture
    of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American                                                                  Horseman, in honor of Melissa                      Gift of Stuart M. Chambers, all by       Mexico), 1915–2012; Seated Woman,
    Art 95:2019                                        Mervin Jules, American, 1912–1994;                  Wolfe, Curator of American Art                     exchange 28:2019                         1962; mahogany; 22 1/2 × 13 1/2 × 7                 Head of a Boy, 1st century AD;
                                                       KKK, c.1950; oil on board; 20 ×                     103:2019                                                                                    inches; Friends Fund Endowment; Gift                Roman, Imperial period; marble;
    Morris Graves, American, 1910–2001;                24 inches; Gift of John and Susan                                                                      Valleja “Wally” Strautin, American       of Edward J. Costigan in memory of his              height: 7 11/16 inches; Funds given
    Sidewalk Drinking Fountain, Night,                 Horseman, in honor of Melissa Wolfe,                Helen Lundeberg, American, 1908–                   (born Latvia), 1898–1995; Abstraction    wife, Sara Guth Costigan, by exchange;              by Dorothy and Kent Kreh 92:2019
    c.1934–35; oil on board mounted on                 Curator of American Art 100:2019                    1999; The Mountain, c.1933; oil on                 Composition (Untitled), c.1940s; oil     The James D. Burke Art Acquisition
    canvas; 28 3/4 × 18 3/4 inches; Gift of                                                                Celotex; 48 × 54 inches; Gift of John              on canvas; 35 × 32 1/2 inches; Gift of   Fund, Eliza McMillan Trust, Funds
    John and Susan Horseman, in honor                  Walt Kuhn, American, 1877–1949;                     and Susan Horseman, in honor of                    John and Susan Horseman, in honor        given by the Alturas Foundation, and
    of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American              Golden and Blue Bolero, 1946; oil on                Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American                 of Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American    Museum Purchase 75:2019
    Art 98:2019                                        canvas; 24 × 20 inches; Gift of John                Art 104:2019                                       Art 109:2019
                                                       and Susan Horseman, in honor of
                                                       Melissa Wolfe, Curator of American Art

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum

     Arts of Africa, Oceania, and                                                                                                                 Textiles                                       The Americas                                          Ludvik Reginfo Pérez, Cuban;
     the Americas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Comparsa Banner, 1987; cotton
                                                                                                                                                  Bondoukou-region artist; associated            Cuba                                                  and paint; 48 7/16 × 34 1/16 inches;
     African Art                                                                                                                                  with Côte d’Ivoire; Chief’s Cloth,                                                                   Museum Purchase 210:2019
                                                                                                                                                  c.1930–50; cotton, leather, and                Textiles
     Arms and Armor                                                                                                                               natural and synthetic dyes; 120 × 85                                                                 United States
                                                                                                                                                  inches; Funds given by Mr. and Mrs.            Cuban artist; Abakua Ireme Costume,
     Yoruba artist; Nigeria; Ceremonial                                                                                                           Richard A. Liddy 198:2019                      1940s; canvas, burlap, paint, metal                   Basketry and Beadwork
     Sword (udamalore) and Sheath, mid-                                                                                                                                                          zipper, metal bells, metal finial,
     20th century; glass beads, iron, metal                                                                                                       Mossi artist; Burkina Faso; Saddle             wooden sticks, and cowrie shells;                     Aleutian artist; Aleutian Islands,
     coins, cloth, and fiber; 21 × 8 1/2 ×                                                                                                        Blanket, early 20th century; cotton            62 3/16 × 61 inches; Museum Purchase                  Alaska; Basket, early to mid-20th
     6 inches; Gift from the collection of                                                                                                        and leather; 44 1/8 × 51 3/16 inches;          207:2019a-e                                           century; rye grass and dyed wool;
     Bernhard Voss and Margaret Cohen                                                                                                             Friends Fund Endowment 20:2020                                                                       3 1/4 × 3 inches; Gift of Marisa
     Voss 313:2020a,b                                                                                                                                                                            Cuban artist; Shango Costume, 1980;                   Longrais Human 241:2019a,b
                                                                                                                                                  Yoruba artist; Nigeria; Beaded Crown           cotton, cast cowrie shells, cowrie shells,
                                                                                                                                                  (adenla), early 20th century; glass            plastic beads, plastic buttons, wood,                 Hopi artist; probably made in
     Ivories                                                                                                                                      beads and cloth; height: 30 inches;            and paint; vest: 20 11/16 × 17 5/16                   Coconino County, Hopi Reservation,
                                                                                                                                                  Gift of Thomas Alexander and Laura             inches, pants: 19 7/8 × 31 1/2 inches;                Arizona; Yogyapu (plaque), mid-20th
     Kongo-Vili artist; Loango Coast;                                                                                                             Rogers 19:2020                                 Museum Purchase 208:2019a-e                           century; rabbitbrush, yucca, common
     Carved Tusk and Stopper, late 19th                                                                                                                                                                                                                dunebroom, and dyes; 14 3/4 × 14 1/2
     century; elephant ivory; 9 1/2 × 1 1/2                                                                                                                                                      Gerardo “Yaya” Del Rio Gomez,                         inches; Gift of Celeste Michel Drain
     inches; Gift of Charles and Blanche                                                                                                          Wood                                           Cuban; Carnaval Sombrero, c.1987;                     1:2020
     Derby 196:2019                                                                                                                                                                              cotton, satin, cardboard, foil, sequins,
                                                                                                                                                  Woyo artist; Democratic Republic of            animal fur, straw hat, and polyester;                 Wazhazhe (Osage) artist; Pawhuska,
     Kongo-Vili artist; Loango Coast;                                                                                                             Congo or Angola; Vessel Lid, early             hat: 4 15/16 × 20 1/2 inches, cape:                   Osage Reservation, Oklahoma; Peyote
     Two Carved Tusks, late 19th century;                                                                                                         20th century; wood; 2 × 5 1/2 inches;          17 5/16 × 29 3/4 inches; Museum                       Case, c.1910; glass beads and plastic
     elephant ivory; 21 1/4 × 2 inches,                                                                                                           Eliza McMillan Trust 197:2019                  Purchase 209:2019                                     container; 7/8 × 1 7/8 inches; Gift of
     22 1/4 × 2 inches; Gift of David R.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marisa Longrais Human 242:2019a,b
     Human Jr. 391-392:2020


     Northern Yoruba artist; Nigeria;
     Twin Memorial Figures (ibeji), early
     20th century; wood, beads, pigment,
     and metal; each: 14 1/2 × 3 1/4 × 3
     inches; Gift from the collection of
     Bernhard Voss and Margaret Cohen
     Voss 315:2020.1-.2

     Yoruba artist; Oyo state, Nigeria;
     Twin Memorial Figure (ibeji), early
     20th century; wood, cowrie shells,
     cloth, pigment, and fiber; 12 1/2 ×
     6 × 9 1/2 inches; Gift from the
     collection of Bernhard Voss and
     Margaret Cohen Voss 314:2020a,b

                                              Yoruba artist; Nigeria; Beaded Crown (adenla), early 20th century; glass beads and cloth; height:                  Mossi artist; Burkina Faso; Saddle Blanket, early 20th century; cotton and leather; 44 1/8 × 51 3/16 inches;
                                              30 inches; Gift of Thomas Alexander and Laura Rogers 19:2020                                                       Friends Fund Endowment 20:2020

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                                                                                                   Stone and Mineral                       Dish with Foliated Rim, early 19th                Tsuishu Yōzei XX, Japanese, 1880–                  Two Scholars, Attendant, and Donkey
                                                                                                                                           century; Japanese; porcelain with                 1952; Writing Box (suzuribako) with                in a Landscape, 17th–18th century;
                                                                                                   Anishinaabe artist; Great Lakes         underglaze cobalt blue decoration;                Design of Azalea and Kerria Blossoms,              Korean; hanging scroll; ink on silk;
                                                                                                   region; Pipe, mid-19th century;         1 3/4 × 12 1/4 inches; Gift of Joy                1922; carved colored lacquers                      image: 15 3/4 × 14 7/8 inches; Funds
                                                                                                   soapstone, pipestone, and lead;         and Jerry Sandweiss 302:2020                      (chōshitsu) on wood core; 1 3/8 ×                  given by Mr. David V. Kromm and
                                                                                                   3 1/2 × 8 inches; Gift of Donald A.                                                       8 1/4 × 4 3/4 inches; The Langenberg               Mrs. Young-Hie Nahm Kromm,
                                                                                                   Herbst and Danielle Foster-Herbst,      Nin’ami Dōhachi, Japanese, 1783–                  Endowment Fund 72:2019a-d                          Dr. and Mrs. Moon Hea Nahm, and
                                                                                                   in memory of Lorenz Kneedler Ayers,     1855; Handled Bowl with Design of                                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Tae Hea Nahm, in
                                                                                                   Anna Marguerite Spackman Ayers,         Snow on Bamboo, mid-19th century;                                                                    memory of Dr. and Mrs. Chung C.
                                                                                                   Donald Frederick Herbst, and            stoneware with underglaze iron oxide              Paintings                                          Nahm 81:2019
                                                                                                   Barbara Ayers Herbst 235:2019           decoration; 7 1/2 × 8 3/4 × 8 1/4
                                                                                                                                           inches; The Langenberg Endowment                  Fusen Tetsu, Japanese, 1891–1976;
                                                                                                   Lakota (Sioux) artist; probably         Fund 82:2019                                      Southern Island, 1920s–30s; hanging                Prints
                                                                                                   made in South Dakota; Pipe Bowl,                                                          scroll: ink and color on silk; 44 5/8
                                                                                                   1900–1920; pipestone; 4 1/4 × 8 ×                                                         × 15 13/16 inches; The Langenberg                  Akiyama Iwao, Japanese, 1921–
                                                                                                   1 1/8 inches; Gift of Toby Herbst and   Lacquerware                                       Endowment Fund 83:2019                             2014; The Flute Player, 1976; color
                                                                                                   Danielle Foster-Herbst 309:2020                                                                                                              woodblock print; sheet: 9 1/2 × 8
                                                                                                                                           Dish with Design of Two Dragons                   Okamura Utarō, Japanese, 1899–1971;                15/16 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                                                                                           Chasing a Flaming Pearl amidst                    Mount Fuji, 1955–71; hanging scroll:               Robert Mills 231:2019
                                                                                                   Textiles                                Clouds, 18th century; Ryūkyūan;                   ink and color on silk; image: 16 15/16
                                                                                                                                           lacquer on wood core with mother-                 × 20 1/16 inches; The Langenberg
                                                                                                   Mary Johnson, Diné (Navajo), active     of-pearl inlay; 1 1/2 × 13 5/8 inches;            Endowment Fund 23:2020
     Anishinaabe artist; Great Lakes region, United States; Hand Drum, 1850–1900; 3 × 16 inches;   1960s–70s; Rug, c.1970; wool and        The Langenberg Endowment Fund
     Gift of Donald A. Herbst and Danielle Foster-Herbst, in memory of Lorenz Kneedler Ayers,      dye; 49 × 37 inches; Gift of Kathryn    5:2020
     Anna Marguerite Spackman Ayers, Donald Frederick Herbst, and Barbara Ayers Herbst 234:2019    Berridge Mleczko 195:2019

                                                                                                   Ellen Smith, Diné (Navajo), 1907–
                                                                                                   2004; Rug, c.1970; wool and dye;
                                                                                                   38 1/2 × 23 inches; Gift of Kathryn
     Drawings and Watercolors                          Yup’ik artist; Alaska, Nunivak Island;
                                                                                                   Berridge Mleczko 194:2019
                                                       Carved Tusk, mid-20th century; ivory,
     Oki’ cize‑ta’wa, Lakota (Sioux), 1850–            baleen, and pigment; 2 3/4 × 17 1/4 ×
     1924; Three Ledger Drawings, c.1900;              1 3/4 inches; Bequest of Marshall O.
     colored pencil on paper; each: 8 1/4 ×            Buder 328:2020
                                                                                                   Asian Art
     13 1/2 inches; Gift of Toby Herbst and
     Danielle Foster-Herbst 310-312:2020                                                           East Asia
     Ivories                                           Diné (Navajo) artist; Southwest;
                                                                                                   35 Baskets and 1 Basket Stand, late
                                                       Concha Belt, c.1910; silver, copper,
     Iñupiaq artist; Alaska; Billiken, mid-                                                        19th–late 20th century; Japanese;
                                                       and leather; 4 × 38 inches; Funds
     20th century; ivory, gold, and pigment;                                                       bamboo, rattan, and rootwood;
                                                       given by the Gateway Indian Art
     1 1/4 × 1 1/8 × 1 1/8 inches; Gift of                                                         The Nancy Jane Davidson Shestack
                                                       Club 2:2020
     Marisa Longrais Human 243:2019                                                                Collection, bequest of Alan Shestack
     Iñupiaq artist; Alaska; Pipe, 1885;               Musical Instruments
     ivory and pigment; 10 × 1 1/4 × 3/4
     inches; Gift of Marisa Longrais Human                                                         Ceramics
                                                       Anishinaabe artist; Great Lakes
     240:2019                                          region; Hand Drum, 1850–1900;
                                                                                                   Dish with Design of Chrysanthemums
                                                       hide, pigment, wood, and metal nails;
     attributed to Guy Kakarook, Iñupiaq,                                                          and Arabesque Foliage Scrolls, late
                                                       3 × 16 inches; Gift of Donald A.
     c.1865–1906; Saint Michael, Nome,                                                             17th century; Japanese; Arita ware,
                                                       Herbst and Danielle Foster-Herbst,
     Kawerak, Alaska; Cribbage Board,                                                              Ko Imari type; porcelain with
                                                       in memory of Lorenz Kneedler Ayers,
     1890s; ivory and pigment; 2 3/4 × 22                                                          underglaze cobalt blue, overglaze
                                                       Anna Marguerite Spackman Ayers,
     × 1 3/4 inches; Bequest of Marshall O.                                                        polychrome enamel, and gold
                                                       Donald Frederick Herbst, and
     Buder 327:2020                                                                                decoration; 2 7/8 × 14 inches;
                                                       Barbara Ayers Herbst 234:2019
                                                                                                   Museum Purchase, by exchange
                                                                                                   4:2020                                  Flower Basket (hanakago) in the Form of a Double Gourd with Wood-root Stand, late 19th–early 20th century; Japanese, Meiji or Taishō period;
                                                                                                                                           bamboo, rattan, and rootwood; 11 × 20 3/4 × 10 1/2 inches; The Nancy Jane Davidson Shestack Collection, bequest of Alan Shestack 232:2020

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum

                                                                                                                                                  Saitō Kiyoshi, Japanese, 1907–1997;      South Asia                                 Sculpture
                                                                                                                                                  Maiko (2), c.1960; color woodblock
                                                                                                                                                  print; sheet: 16 3/4 × 11 3/16 inches;   Drawings and Watercolors                   Figure of the Monk Śāriputra, Chief
                                                                                                                                                  Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills                                                   Disciple of the Buddha, 19th century;
                                                                                                                                                  229:2019                                 Devī with the Demons Śumbha and            Burmese; wood with lacquer, gilding,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Niśumbha, Detached Folio from a            and colored glass; 12 × 7 1/2 × 7 1/4
                                                                                                                                                  Utagawa Kunisada III, Japanese, 1848–    Bound Manuscript Volume of the             inches; Gift of Joy and Jerry Sandweiss
                                                                                                                                                  1920; engraved by Watanabe Horiei II,    Devī Māhātmya, 19th century; Indian;       304:2020
                                                                                                                                                  Japanese, active late 19th century;      opaque watercolor on paper; sheet:
                                                                                                                                                  Jōruri Kyōgen Opening at the Ichimura    4 1/16 × 6 13/16 inches; Gift of Joy       Seated Figure of a Buddha, 1903;
                                                                                                                                                  Theatre, 1893; color woodblock           and Jerry Sandweiss 301:2020               Laotian; wood with gilding; 7 3/4 ×
                                                                                                                                                  prints; 14 15/16 × 29 5/16 inches;                                                  3 5/8 × 2 1/4 inches; Gift of Joy and
                                                                                                                                                  The Margaret and Irvin Dagen Fund        Double Sided Detached Page from            Jerry Sandweiss 303:2020
                                                                                                                                                  for Modern and Contemporary              a Bound Manuscript Volume of the
                                                                                                                                                  Japanese Prints in honor of Steven       Bhagavad Gītā, 19th century; Indian;
                                                                                                                                                  Owyoung 316:2020a-c                      ink and opaque watercolor on paper;        Textiles
                                                                                                                                                                                           3 9/16 × 5 3/4 inches; Gift of Joy and
                                                                                                                                                  Utagawa Kuniteru II, Japanese,           Jerry Sandweiss 299:2020                   Blanket (phaa tuum), mid-20th
                                                                                                                                                  1830–1874; Pedagogic Brocade                                                        century; Laotian; silk, local natural
                                                                                                                                                  Prints Published by the Ministry of      Krishna as Shrinathji with Two Gopis       dyes, imported dark purple, and
                                                                                                                                                  Education: Biographies of Great          and Two Priests, late 19th century;        indigo handspun cotton; 70 1/16 ×
                                                                                                                                                  People of the Occident, 1873; group      Indian; opaque watercolor on paper;        34 1/4 inches; William K. Bixby Trust
                                                                                                                                                  of 14 color woodblock prints; Gift of    2 5/8 × 3 5/8 inches; Gift of Joy and      for Asian Art 68:2019
                                                                                                                                                  Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lowenhaupt       Jerry Sandweiss 300:2020
                                                                                                                                                  297:2020.1-.14                                                                      End Piece of a Healing Cloth
                                                                                                                                                                                           Three Figures and Herd of Buffalo          (soeng phaa sabai), late 19th century;
                                                                                                                                                  Utagawa Yoshikazu, Japanese, active      in a Landscape, mid-19th century;          Laotian; handspun cotton, natural
                  Tsuishu Yōzei XX, Japanese, 1880–1952; Writing Box (suzuribako) with Design of Azalea and Kerria Blossoms, 1922;                1848–1870; France (Furansu), 1861;       Indian; opaque watercolor on paper;        silk, and natural dyes; 42 1/8 × 18 1/8
                  carved colored lacquers (chōshitsu) on wood core; 1 3/8 × 8 1/4 × 4 3/4 inches; The Langenberg Endowment Fund 72:2019a-d        color woodblock print; sheet: 14 3/8     sheet: 11 1/4 × 8 5/16 inches; Gift of     inches; William K. Bixby Trust for
                                                                                                                                                  × 9 3/8 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.     Joy and Jerry Sandweiss 298:2020           Asian Art 69:2019
                                                                                                                                                  Charles A. Lowenhaupt 292:2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shaman’s Cloth (phaa phii mon),
     Fukui Ichirō, Japanese, 1893–1966;              Kawakami Kureshirō, Japanese,                        Nishimura Goun, Japanese, 1877–
     Île exposition en plein air par Itzirō          born 1901; Face (Kao), 1977; color                   1938; Yamagishi Kazue, Japanese,
                                                                                                                                                  Watanabe Sadao, Japanese, 1913–          Southeast Asia                             mid-19th century; Laotian; handspun
                                                                                                                                                  1996; The Last Supper, 1973; hand-                                                  indigo cotton, natural silk, natural
     Foukoui 1924 (Broadside for the                 woodblock print; sheet: 17 3/4 ×                     1891–1984; Bunraku Puppet in the        colored kappazuri-dyed stencil print                                                dyes, silver strips, and pre-dyed
     Second Exhibition of Fukui Ichirō’s             14 7/16 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.                 Role of Asahina Saburō Yoshihide,       on washi paper; sheet: 13 × 8 7/8                                                   imported cotton fabric; 82 11/16 ×
     Plein Air Paintings), 1924; woodblock           Robert Mills 228:2019                                from the play Yotsugi Soga (The         inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert                                                 15 3/4 inches; William K. Bixby
                                                                                                                                                                                           Covered Jar, 14th–16th century; Thai;
     print; sheet: 18 13/16 × 12 15/16                                                                    Soga Heir), from the series Dai         Mills 230:2019                                                                      Trust for Asian Art 71:2019
                                                                                                                                                                                           glazed stoneware; 3 1/8 × 3 3/4 inches;
     inches; The Margaret and Irvin Dagen            Kawanishi Hide, Japanese, 1894–                      Chikamatsu zenshū furoku mokuhan
                                                                                                                                                                                           Gift of Joy and Jerry Sandweiss
     Fund for Modern and Contemporary                1965; Carmen (Act I), 1933; color                    (supplements to the Complete                                                                                                Shaman’s Cloth (phaa phii mon),
     Japanese Prints in honor of Steven              woodblock print; sheet: 11 3/8 ×                     Works of Chikamatsu), 1922; color       Textiles                                                                            late 19th century; Laotian; handspun
     Owyoung 317:2020                                15 5/8 inches; The Margaret and                      woodblock print with mica; sheet:                                                                                           cotton, silk, and natural dyes; 58 1/4
                                                                                                                                                                                           Jar, 14th–16th century; Thai; glazed
                                                     Irvin Dagen Fund for Modern and                      16 1/4 × 11 9/16 inches; Gift of Mr.    30 Textiles, 20th century; Japanese;                                                × 27 9/16 inches; William K. Bixby
                                                                                                                                                                                           stoneware; 2 1/4 × 3 1/2 inches;
     Kanmei, active early to mid-20th                Contemporary Japanese Prints in                      and Mrs. Robert Mills 227:2019          silk and cotton; Gift of the Jeffrey                                                Trust for Asian Art 70:2019
                                                                                                                                                                                           Gift of Joy and Jerry Sandweiss
     century; engraved by Aoyanagi                   honor of Steven Owyoung 84:2019                                                              Krauss Collection of Japanese            306:2020
     Isao, Japanese, active mid-20th                                                                      Pictorial Board and Dice Game           Textiles 262-291:2020
     century; Portrait of General Douglas            Kawanishi Hide, Japanese, 1894–1965;                 (sugoroku): Great Victory over Russia
     MacArthur, 1947; color woodblock                Kawara-senbei Shop, from the series                  and Advertising Handbill (hikifuda);    Patchwork Wrapping Cloth (jogakbo),      Prints
     print; sheet: 16 13/16 × 11 inches;             One Hundred Scenes of Kōbe, 1936;                    Ise Takeshi Clothing Store, Japanese;   mid-20th century; Korean; plain-
     Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.                 color woodblock print; 6 7/16 ×                      1904; color lithograph; sheet: 14 3/4   weave silk pieced and hand sewn, with    Sriwan Janehuttakarnkit, Thai, born
     Lowenhaupt 330:2020                             10 3/16 inches; The Margaret and                     × 20 1/4 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.   attached ribbon and cord; 17 7/8 ×       1953; The Vegetarian Festival, 2005;
                                                     Irvin Dagen Fund for Modern and                      Charles A. Lowenhaupt 293:2020          18 1/8 inches; William K. Bixby Trust    linocut; sheet: 17 5/8 × 15 1/16 inches;
     Kasamatsu Shirō, Japanese,                      Contemporary Japanese Prints in                                                              for Asian Art 322:2020                   Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills
     1898–1991; Following the Mist at                honor of Steven Owyoung 22:2020
     Dawn, late 1930s–early 1940s; color
     woodblock print; sheet: 8 1/4 ×
     10 3/4 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
     Charles A. Lowenhaupt 294:2020

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Biennial Report 2019-2020 - Saint Louis Art Museum

                                                                                                                                                 Tsuruoka Kakunen, American                           Teapot, c.1780; Chinese; porcelain                  designed by Cornelis Pronk, Dutch,
                                                                                                                                                 (born Japan), 1892–1977; Parrot                      with overglaze enamel decoration and                1691–1759; Dish, c.1740; Chinese;
                                                                                                                                                 on a Camellia Branch, 1940; color                    gilding; 5 × 7 3/8 × 4 5/8 inches; Gift of          porcelain with underglaze decoration;
                                                                                                                                                 woodblock print; sheet: 19 3/4 × 9 5/8               Marisa Longrais Human 387:2020a,b                   10 × 1 inches; Funds given by The
                                                                                                                                                 inches; The Margaret and Irvin Dagen                                                                     Buddy Taub Foundation, Dennis A.
                                                                                                                                                 Fund for Modern and Contemporary                     Taxile Doat, French, 1851–1938;                     Roach and Jill Roach, Directors
                                                                                                                                                 Japanese Prints in honor of Steven                   University City Porcelain Works,                    21:2020
                                                                                                                                                 Owyoung 321:2020                                     University City, Missouri, 1912–1914;
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Vase, 1913; glazed porcelain; 9 3/4                 Van Briggle Pottery Company,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      × 2 11/16 inches; Gift of Leeds Art                 Colorado Springs, Colorado, founded
                                                                                                                                                 Decorative Arts and Design                           Foundation in honor of Brent R.                     1899; Vase, 1904; glazed stoneware
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Benjamin 331:2020                                   with copper-plated metal mount; 18
                                                                                                                                                 Ceramics                                                                                                 × 7 1/2 × 7 1/2 inches; Gift of Leeds
                                                                                                                                                                                                      David Drake, American, c.1801–after                 Art Foundation in honor of Brent R.
                                                                                                                                                 Plate, c.1780; Chinese; porcelain                    1870; made at Stony Bluff Manufactory,              Benjamin 308:2020
                                                                                                                                                 with overglaze enamel decoration and                 Edgefield District, South Carolina;
                                                                                                                                                 gilding; 1 × 9 inches; Gift of Marisa                Jar, 1857; alkaline-glazed stoneware;
                                                                                                                                                 Longrais Human 389:2020                              17 × 15 3/8 × 15 3/8 inches; Richard                Fiber Art
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Brumbaugh Trust in memory of Richard
                                                                                                                                                 Sugar Bowl, c.1840–70; Chinese;                      Irving Brumbaugh and Grace Lischer                  Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),
                                                                                                                                                 porcelain with overglaze enamel                      Brumbaugh, Friends Fund, Marjorie                   born 1954; Familiar (Blue) and
                                                                                                                                                 decoration and gilding; 5 1/4 × 5                    Wyman Endowment Fund, The                           Familiar (Rust), 2001–2; wool;
                                                                                                                                                 1/8 × 3 3/4 inches; Gift of Marisa                   Lopata Endowment Fund, Mary                         dimensions variable; Gift of Ted L. and
                                                                                                                                                 Longrais Human 388:2020a,b                           Elizabeth Rosborough Decorative                     Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and funds
                   Chiura Obata, American (born Japan), 1885–1975; Dawn, Knights Ferry, Stanislaus County, 1930; color woodblock                                                                      Arts Fund, and the Margarita M. and                 given by the Marian Cronheim Trust
                   print; sheet: 13 1/2 × 17 13/16 inches; The Margaret and Irvin Dagen Fund for Modern and Contemporary Japanese                                                                     Roland E. Jester Endowment Fund                     for Prints and Drawings, Museum
                   Prints in honor of Steven Owyoung 203:2019; © Obata Family                                                                                                                         for the Decorative Arts 326:2020                    Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,
     United States                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and the Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund
     Drawings and Watercolors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),
     Chiura Obata, American (born                     Tsuruoka Kakunen, American (born                   Tsuruoka Kakunen, American (born                                                                                                                 born 1954; Owl and Pussycat, 2001–2;
     Japan), 1885–1975; Branch of                     Japan), 1892–1977; Untitled (Rolling               Japan), 1892–1977; Carmel Highland                                                                                                               screenprinted dolls; each: 24 × 12 × 2
     Heavenly Bamboo in a Banko                       Hills with Horse), 1943; watercolor on             at Twilight, 1938; color woodblock                                                                                                               inches; Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne
     Stoneware Jar with Design of Crabs,              paper; 14 5/8 × 21 1/4 inches; Funds               print; sheet: 15 1/4 × 10 3/8 inches;                                                                                                            Ellison Simmons; and funds given by
     c.1940s; watercolor on paper; 14 3/8             given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.                   The Margaret and Irvin Dagen Fund                                                                                                                the Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints
     × 19 3/8 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs.            Lowenhaupt 86:2019                                 for Modern and Contemporary                                                                                                                      and Drawings, Museum Purchase,
     Charles A. Lowenhaupt 295:2020                                                                      Japanese Prints in honor of Steven                                                                                                               Friends Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie
                                                      Tsuruoka Kakunen, American (born                   Owyoung 320:2020                                                                                                                                 Cohen Print Purchase Fund, and the
     Chiura Obata, American (born Japan),             Japan), 1892–1977; Untitled (Storm                                                                                                                                                                  Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund
     1885–1975; Camellia (tsubaki), 1941;             Clouds Forming over Mesquite and                   Tsuruoka Kakunen, American (born                                                                                                                 821-822:2020
     watercolor on paper; 15 1/2 × 20 5/8             Distant Mountain), 1943; watercolor                Japan), 1892–1977; Golden Gate
     inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.          on paper; 15 × 22 3/4 inches; Funds                Bridge in Fog, 1937; color woodblock
     Lowenhaupt 296:2020                              given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.                   print; sheet: 10 1/4 × 15 1/4 inches;
                                                      Lowenhaupt 85:2019                                 The Margaret and Irvin Dagen Fund
     Chiura Obata, American (born Japan),                                                                for Modern and Contemporary
     1885–1975; Untitled (Persimmon                                                                      Japanese Prints in honor of Steven
     Branch and Bee), 1940; watercolor                Prints                                             Owyoung 319:2020
     and ink on paper; sheet: 17 3/8 × 22 7/8
     inches; Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne              Chiura Obata, American (born                       Tsuruoka Kakunen, American (born
     Ellison Simmons; and funds given by the          Japan), 1885–1975; Dawn, Knights                   Japan), 1892–1977; Night Mist Over
     Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and             Ferry, Stanislaus County, 1930; color              San Francisco City Hall, 1936; color
     Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends               woodblock print; sheet: 13 1/2 ×                   woodblock print; 15 1/4 × 10 5/8
                                                      17 13/16 inches; The Margaret and                  inches; The Margaret and Irvin Dagen    David Drake, American, c.1801–after 1870; made at Stony Bluff Manufactory, Edgefield District, South
     Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen
                                                                                                                                                 Carolina; Jar, June 6, 1857; alkaline-glazed stoneware; 17 × 15 3/8 × 15 3/8 inches; Richard Brumbaugh
     Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza               Irvin Dagen Fund for Modern and                    Fund for Modern and Contemporary        Trust in memory of Richard Irving Brumbaugh and Grace Lischer Brumbaugh, Friends Fund, Marjorie
     McMillan Purchase Fund 768:2020                  Contemporary Japanese Prints in                    Japanese Prints in honor of Steven      Wyman Endowment Fund, The Lopata Endowment Fund, Mary Elizabeth Rosborough Decorative Arts
                                                      honor of Steven Owyoung 203:2019                   Owyoung 318:2020                        Fund, and the Margarita M. and Roland E. Jester Endowment Fund for the Decorative Arts 326:2020

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                                                                                                                                                                      Furniture                                 Ivories                                      Needlework Picture, c.1775–1800;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             English; silk, chenille, and paint on silk;
                                                                                                                                                                      Frederick Wallace Dunn, American,         Whale Tooth Scrimshaw, 1850–90;              20 × 16 inches; Gift of Marisa Longrais
                                                                                                                                                                      1905–1984; Murnane Glass Company,         American; ivory; 3 3/8 × 2 3/8 × 8 inches;   Human 386:2020
                                                                                                                                                                      University City, Missouri; Mirror,        Bequest of Marshall O. Buder 329:2020
                                                                                                                                                                      1939–40; mirrored glass and wood;                                                      Lotte Fochler Frömel, Austrian, 1884–
                                                                                                                                                                      50 1/4 × 42 inches; Given in memory of                                                 1972; Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna,
                                                                                                                                                                      Ethan A. H. Shepley Jr. and Margaret B.   Lighting                                     Austria, 1903–1932; Eisfuch or Sorrel
                                                                                                                                                                      Shepley by their children 239:2019                                                     Textile Sample, designed 1910–11,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Formafantasma, Amsterdam,                    probably made c.1913; block-printed
                                                                                                                                                                      Double-Back Settee, 1745–55; English;     Netherlands, founded 2009; Flos,             linen; 43 1/2 × 28 1/2 inches; Marjorie
                                                                                                                                                                      mahogany, beech, pine, and replacement    S.p.A., Merano, Italy, founded               Wyman Endowment Fund 10:2020
                                                                                                                                                                      upholstery; 38 × 56 × 28 inches; Gift     1962; Wirering Wall Lamp, 2017;
                                                                                                                                                                      of the estate of Jack L. Croughan,        aluminum and rubber; 81 7/8 ×                Josef Hoffmann, Austrian, 1870–1956;
                                                                                                                                                                      MD 307:2020                               12 5/8 × 1/2 inches; Gift of Centro          Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna, Austria,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Modern Furnishings 30:2019                   1903–1932; Apollo Textile Sample,
                                                                                                                                                                      designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh,                                                 designed 1910–11, probably made
                                                                                                                                                                      Scottish, 1868–1928; Armchair, for the    Greta Magnusson Grossman, American           c.1913; block-printed linen; 43 × 27
                                                                                                                                                                      Men’s Smoking Room, Miss Cranston’s       (born Sweden), 1906–1999; Ralph O.           inches; Marjorie Wyman Endowment
                                                                                                                                                                      Argyle Street Tea Rooms, Glasgow,         Smith Manufacturing Company,                 Fund 8:2020
                                                                                                                                                                      Scotland, 1898; ebonized oak; 54 1/4 ×    American, c.1949–1954; Grasshopper
                                                                                                                                                                      24 5/8 × 19 inches; Friends Fund          Floor Lamp, 1947–48; enameled steel,         Jean Baptiste Huet I, French, 1745–
                                                                                                                                                                      Endowment, Richard Brumbaugh Trust        enameled aluminum, and brass; 50 1/4         1811; Oberkampf Manufactory,
                                                                                                                                                                      in memory of Richard Irving Brumbaugh     × 15 × 15 inches; Funds given by the         Jouy-en-Josas, France, 1760–1843;
                                                                                                                                                                      and Grace Lischer Brumbaugh, Mary         Ruth Kelso Renfrow Art Club 80:2019          The Activities of the Factory (Les
                                                                                                                                                                      Elizabeth Rosborough Decorative Arts                                                   Travaux de la Manufacture) Quilted
                                                                                                                                                                      Fund, Director’s Discretionary Fund;                                                   Panel, 1783–84; copperplate-printed
                                                                                                                                                                      Gift of Pauline Gehner Mesker, Bequest    Metalwork                                    cotton; 39 × 39 inches; The Margarita
                                                                                                                                                                      of Ruth Sudholt Wunderlich, Gift of                                                    M. and Roland E. Jester Endowment
                                                                                                                                                                      Andrew W. Johnson, Mrs. J. Russell        Lurelle Guild, American, 1898–1985;          Fund for the Decorative Arts, and the
                                                                                                                                                                      Forgan, and Mrs. Bradford Shinkle         Constellation Platter, 1939; aluminum;       Richard Brumbaugh Trust in memory
                                                                                                                                                                      in memory of Mrs. Jackson Johnson,        18 × 1 inches; Gift of the Myles Family      of Richard Irving Brumbaugh and
                                                                                                                                                                      Bequest of Richard Brumbaugh, Gift of     79:2019                                      Grace Lischer Brumbaugh 26:2019
                                                                                                                                                                      Mrs. D. S. Wenzlick, Bequest of Mildred
                                                                                                                                                                      Conner, Funds given by the Decorative     Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),         Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, Austrian,
                                                                                                                                                                      Arts Society, Gift in memory of           born 1954; Finger Bowl, 1995; silver;        1881–1965; Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna,
                                                                                                                                                                      Mrs. Greenfield Sluder by her             6 1/2 × 16 × 16 inches; Gift of Ted L.       Austria, 1903–1932; Papageienwald
                                                                                                                                                                      children, Bequest of Lina Zidovinac,      and Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and            or Parrot’s Forest Textile Sample,
                                                                                                                                                                      Funds given by Joseph Pulitzer in         funds given by the Marian Cronheim           designed 1910–11, probably made
                                                                                                                                                                      memory of his wife, Elinor Wickham        Trust for Prints and Drawings,               c.1913; block-printed linen; 41 × 30 3/4
                                                                                                                                                                      Pulitzer, and Bequest of Mrs. George      Museum Purchase, Friends Fund,               inches; Marjorie Wyman Endowment
                                                                                                                                                                      Spearl, all by exchange 73:2019           The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen                Fund 9:2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza
                                                                                                                                                                      Julia Hall Rice, American, 1849–1919;     McMillan Purchase Fund 813:2020              Elizabeth Knight, English, 1784–1805;
                                                                                                                                                                      Table, 1876; walnut; 29 1/2 × 38 ×                                                     Adelaide, or the Shepherdess of the
                                                                                                                                                                      20 1/2 inches; Mary Jo and David                                                       Alps Needlework Picture, 1800; silk,
                                                                                                                                                                      Abrahamson Endowment 74:2019              Textiles                                     chenille, and paint on silk; 14 × 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1/2 inches; Gift of Marisa Longrais
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Carl Otto Czeschka, Austrian, 1878–          Human 385:2020
                                                                                                                                                                      Glassware                                 1960; Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Austria, 1903–1932; Haushund or              A. Joel Robinson, American, born
     designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Scottish, 1868–1928; Armchair, for the Men’s Smoking Room, Miss Cranston’s Argyle Street Tea Rooms, Glasgow,              Christopher Dresser, Scottish, 1834–      House Dog Textile Sample, designed           c.1923; L. Anton Maix Fabrics;
     Scotland, 1898; ebonized oak; 54 1/4 × 24 5/8 × 19 inches; Friends Fund Endowment, Richard Brumbaugh Trust in memory of Richard Irving Brumbaugh and             1904; James Couper & Sons, Glasgow,       1910–11, probably made c.1913;               Roman Candles Textile, 1951–52;
     Grace Lischer Brumbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Rosborough Decorative Arts Fund, Director’s Discretionary Fund; Gift of Pauline Gehner Mesker, Bequest of Ruth Sudholt   Scotland; Vase, c.1890; blown glass;      block-printed linen; 43 1/2 × 28 1/2         printed linen; 72 × 50 1/2 inches;
     Wunderlich, Gift of Andrew W. Johnson, Mrs. J. Russell Forgan, and Mrs. Bradford Shinkle in memory of Mrs. Jackson Johnson, Bequest of Richard Brumbaugh,        5 × 6 × 6 inches; Cronheim Bettman        inches; Marjorie Wyman Endowment             Marjorie Wyman Endowment Fund
     Gift of Mrs. D. S. Wenzlick, Bequest of Mildred Conner, Funds given by the Decorative Arts Society, Gift in memory of Mrs. Greenfield Sluder by her children,    Endowed Acquisition Fund 202:2019         Fund 11:2020                                 12:2020
     Bequest of Lina Zidovinac, Funds given by Joseph Pulitzer in memory of his wife, Elinor Wickham Pulitzer, and Bequest of Mrs. George Spearl, all by exchange

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                                                                                                                                                 European Art to 1800

                                                                                                                                                 Drawings and Watercolors                           Paintings

                                                                                                                                                 Federico Barocci, Italian, c.1533–1612;            Johann Georg Platzer, Austrian, 1704–              Emanuel de Witte, Dutch, c.1617–
                                                                                                                                                 Study for the Head of Saint Francis,               1761; Bacchus and Ariadne, c.1735; oil             1692; The Interior of the Oude Kerk
                                                                                                                                                 c.1594–95; oil on brown paper; 11 5/8              on copper; 22 1/8 × 31 13/16 inches;               in Amsterdam, c.1670; oil on panel;
                                                                                                                                                 × 8 7/8 inches; Gift of Jon and Barbara            Funds given by Dr. E. Robert and                   16 3/4 × 12 1/4 inches; Funds given by
                                                                                                                                                 Landau 238:2019                                    Carol Sue Schultz 26:2020                          Dr. E. Robert and Carol Sue Schultz
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Johann Georg Platzer, Austrian,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1704–1761; Bacchus and King
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Midas, c.1735; oil on copper; 22
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1/8 × 31 5/16 inches; Funds given
                                                                                                                                                                                                    by Opal and Arthur H. Meyer Jr.

                   Simhah Viterbo, Italian, 1739–1779; Torah Ark Curtain (Parokhet), 1754–55; silk, silk and metallic thread, vellum,
                   metal sequins, metal wire, cotton thread, velvet, metallic fringe, and linen backing; 87 × 66 inches; The Deane and
                   Paul Shatz Endowment Fund for Judaica 2:2019

     Oscar Saccorotti, Italian, 1898–1986;           Chintz Curtain, 1720–40; Indian, for                Simhah Viterbo, Italian, 1739–1779;
     Manifattura Italiana Tappeti Artistici          the European market; painted and dyed               Torah Ark Curtain (Parokhet),
     (MITA), Italy, 1926–1976; Goats                 cotton; 112 1/2 × 61 inches; Marjorie               1754–55; silk, silk and metallic        Johann Georg Platzer, Austrian, 1704–1761; Bacchus and Ariadne, c.1735; oil on copper; 22 1/8 × 31 13/16 inches; Funds given by Dr. E. Robert and
     (Capre) Textile, c.1948; printed                Wyman Endowment Fund 7:2020                         thread, vellum, metal sequins, metal    Carol Sue Schultz 26:2020
     cotton; 54 × 72 inches; Gift of the                                                                 wire, cotton thread, velvet, metallic
     Italian Government 31:2019                                                                          fringe, and linen backing; 87 × 66
                                                                                                         inches; The Deane and Paul Shatz
                                                                                                         Endowment Fund for Judaica 2:2019

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21

     Modern and Contemporary Art

     Mixed Media

     Mark Newport, American, born 1964;         Shara Hughes, American, born 1981;         Dyani White Hawk, Sičangu Lakota,
     Captain America, 2007; acrylic yarn        Fight or Flight, 2018; oil and acrylic     born 1976; Untitled (Quiet Strength
     and buttons with wooden hanger;            on canvas; 68 × 60 inches; Gift of         VI), 2019; acrylic and oil on canvas;
     75 × 21 × 2 inches; Gift of Ted L. and     the Katy and Kyle Miller Family            72 × 52 inches; Funds given by
     Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and funds        Foundation 29:2019                         Gary C. Werths and Richard Frimel
     given by the Marian Cronheim Trust                                                    25:2020
     for Prints and Drawings, Museum            Jörg Immendorff, German, 1945–2007;
     Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.      Folgen, 1983; acrylic on canvas; 31 3/4    Kehinde Wiley, American, born 1977;
     and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,       × 39 3/4 inches; Gift of Jack and Susan    Charles I, 2018; oil on linen; 96 × 72
     and the Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund       Cowart in honor and memory of our          inches; Funds given by Gary C. Werths
     754:2020                                   St. Louis Friends and Morton D. May        and Richard Frimel, Barbara and
                                                332:2020                                   Andy Taylor, Anabeth and John Weil,
                                                                                           John and Susan Horseman, Nancy
     Paintings                                  Helen LaFrance, American, 1919–            and Kenneth Kranzberg, Michael
                                                2020; Church Picnic, 1998–2000; oil        and Noémi Neidorff, David Obedin
     Mike Bidlo, American, born 1953;           on canvas; 18 × 36 inches; Funds given     and Clare Davis, Adrienne D. Davis,
     Campbell’s Soup Can (Not Warhol),          by James M. and Rev. Dr. Barbara G.        Yvette Drury Dubinsky and John Paul
     1984; oil on canvas; 20 × 16 1/4 inches;   Willock 6:2020                             Dubinsky, Mrs. Barbara S. Eagleton,
     Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison                                                   Hope Edison, Roxanne H. Frank,
     Simmons; and funds given by the            Helen LaFrance, American, 1919–            Rosalyn and Charles Lowenhaupt,
     Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and       2020; Marching Band, 1994–99; oil on       Jack and Susan Musgrave, Dr. and
     Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends         canvas; 18 × 24 inches; Funds given by     Mrs. E. Robert Schultz, Susan and
     Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen        Lotsie and Rick Holton 204:2019            David Sherman III, Pam and Greg
     Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza                                                    Trapp, Mark S. Weil and Joan Hall-
     McMillan Purchase Fund 457:2020            Gabriele Münter, German, 1877–1962;        Weil, Keith H. Williamson, and the
                                                Cemetery with a New Grave, 1908;           Third Wednesday Group 27:2019
     James G. Davis, American, 1931–2016;       oil on artist board; 12 7/8 × 16 inches;
     Man in a Box, 1985; oil on canvas;         Bequest of Morton D. May, by
     81 × 67 inches; Gift of John and Susan     exchange 206:2019
     Horseman, in honor of Melissa Wolfe,
     Curator of American Art 97:2019            Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Enrolled
                                                Salish, Confederated Salish and
     Caspar David Friedrich, German,            Kootenai Nation, MT, born 1940;
     1774–1840; Sunburst in the                 I See Red: Migration, 1995; mixed
     Riesengebirge, 1835; oil on canvas;        media on canvas; 60 × 50 inches;
     10 × 12 1/2 inches; Friends Fund,          Siteman Contemporary Art Fund, and
     Museum Purchase, Director’s                funds given by Gary C. Werths and
     Discretionary Fund, the Ann                Richard Frimel 325:2020
     Goddard Trust, and the Third
     Wednesday Group 1:2019                     Richard Tuttle, American, born 1941;
                                                Two With Any Two #9, 1999; acrylic
     Walter Gramatté, German,                   on fir plywood; 11 × 11 × 1 3/4 inches;
     1897–1929; Woman at the Table              Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison
     (Samovar), 1922; oil on canvas; 30         Simmons; and funds given by the
     9/16 × 26 1/4 inches; Gift of The          Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and
     Eckhardt-Gramatté Foundation,              Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends
     Winnipeg, Canada 119:2019                  Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen
                                                Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza
                                                McMillan Purchase Fund 846:2020                                                     Kehinde Wiley, American, born 1977; Charles I, 2018; oil on linen; 96 × 72 inches; Funds given by Gary C. Werths and Richard Frimel, Barbara and Andy
                                                                                                                                    Taylor, Anabeth and John Weil, John and Susan Horseman, Nancy and Kenneth Kranzberg, Michael and Noémi Neidorff, David Obedin and Clare Davis,
                                                                                                                                    Adrienne D. Davis, Yvette Drury Dubinsky and John Paul Dubinsky, Mrs. Barbara S. Eagleton, Hope Edison, Roxanne H. Frank, Rosalyn and Charles
                                                                                                                                    Lowenhaupt, Jack and Susan Musgrave, Dr. and Mrs. E. Robert Schultz, Susan and David Sherman III, Pam and Greg Trapp, Mark S. Weil and Joan Hall-Weil,
                                                                                                                                    Keith H. Williamson, and the Third Wednesday Group 27:2019; © 2019 Kehinde Wiley, Courtesy of the Saint Louis Art Museum and Roberts Projects

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           23


     Pietro Calvi, Italian, 1833–1884;       Edward Kienholz, American,                 Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),
     Othello, c.1870; marble and bronze;     1927–1994; Nancy Reddin Kienholz,          born 1954; Tailbone, 1993; bronze;
     height: 35 1/2 inches; Bequest of       American, 1943–2019; The Jerry Can         1 3/4 × 6 × 4 1/4 inches; Gift of Ted L.
     Morton D. May, Bequest of Edith         Standard, 1979; gasoline can, epoxy        and Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and
     J. and C. C. Johnson Spink, Gift of     resin, electrical components, metal and    funds given by the Marian Cronheim
     Margaret Donk Waters, and Gift of       Formica stand, Fresnel lens system,        Trust for Prints and Drawings, Museum
     Professor and Mrs. Theo Haimann,        cassette player, specially produced        Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.
     all by exchange 13:2020a,b              cassette tapes, automotive paint, and      and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,
                                             doily; 66 1/2 × 22 3/4 × 16 1/2 inches;    and the Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund
     Yoan Capote, Cuban, born 1977;          Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison        829:2020
     Touch, 2008; bronze with metal          Simmons; and funds given by the
     hinges; displayed: 6 1/2 × 13 1/8       Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and       Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),
     × 7 1/2 inches; Gift of Ted L. and      Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends         born 1954; in collaboration with
     Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and funds     Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen        Richard Tuttle, American, born 1941;
     given by the Marian Cronheim Trust      Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza         Bouquet, 2001; silk, pinewood, gold,
     for Prints and Drawings, Museum         McMillan Purchase Fund 742:2020a-c         and wire; 9 1/2 × 10 × 9 inches;
     Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.                                              Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison
     and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,    Liliana Porter, Argentine, born 1941;      Simmons; and funds given by the
     and the Eliza McMillan Purchase         To Fix It (Wall Clock II), 2018; metal;    Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and
     Fund 460:2020                           11 × 3 × 4 1/2 inches; Gift of Ted L.      Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends
                                             and Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and          Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen
     Michele Oka Doner, American, born       funds given by the Marian Cronheim         Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza
     1945; Tattooed Doll (female), 1968;     Trust for Prints and Drawings,             McMillan Purchase Fund 803:2020
     glazed porcelain with iron oxide;       Museum Purchase, Friends Fund,
     12 × 7 × 8 inches; Gift of Ted L. and   The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen              Ernest Trova, American, 1927–2009;
     Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and funds     Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza         Seated Figure, 1986; stainless steel;
     given by the Marian Cronheim Trust      McMillan Purchase Fund 773:2020            17 × 15 × 4 1/2 inches; Gift of Ted L.
     for Prints and Drawings, Museum                                                    and Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and
     Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.   Thomas Sleet, American, born 1956;         funds given by the Marian Cronheim
     and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,    Integration 4D, 2018; wood, acrylic        Trust for Prints and Drawings,
     and the Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund    paint, and charring; 17 × 18 × 8 1/2       Museum Purchase, Friends Fund,
     554:2020                                inches; Funds given by Yvette Drury        The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen Print
                                             Dubinsky and John Paul Dubinsky            Purchase Fund, and the Eliza McMillan
     Mona Hatoum, Palestinian (born          323:2020                                   Purchase Fund 842:2020
     Lebanon), born 1952; Untitled (Meat
     Grinder), 2006; bronze; 9 1/2 × 8       Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),       H. C. Westermann, American, 1922–
     × 3 1/4 inches; Gift of Ted L. and      born 1954; Bird Group, 1999; bronze        1981; Dustpan #7 (Western Hemlock),
     Maryanne Ellison Simmons; and funds     with emerald inlay; dimensions variable;   1972; galvanized steel, brass, and
     given by the Marian Cronheim Trust      Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison        wood; 15 1/2 × 11 1/2 × 5 1/2 inches;
     for Prints and Drawings, Museum         Simmons; and funds given by the            Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison
     Purchase, Friends Fund, The Sidney S.   Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and       Simmons; and funds given by the
     and Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,    Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends         Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints
     and the Eliza McMillan Purchase Fund    Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen        and Drawings, Museum Purchase,
     620:2020                                Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza         Friends Fund, The Sidney S. and
                                             McMillan Purchase Fund 796:2020.1-.6       Sadie Cohen Print Purchase Fund,
                                                                                        and the Eliza McMillan Purchase
                                                                                                                                   Pietro Calvi, Italian, 1833–1884; Othello, c.1870; marble and bronze; height: 35 1/2 inches; Bequest of Morton D. May, Bequest of Edith J. and
                                             Kiki Smith, American (born Germany),       Fund 849:2020                              C. C. Johnson Spink, Gift of Margaret Donk Waters, and Gift of Professor and Mrs. Theo Haimann, all by exchange 13:2020a,b
                                             born 1954; Me In The Corner,
                                             2005; porcelain; 10 × 8 × 10 inches;       Zarina, Indian (active United States),
                                             Gift of Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison        1937–2020; Steps, 1981; cast paper
                                             Simmons; and funds given by the            with black pigment and surface sizing
                                             Marian Cronheim Trust for Prints and       with aluminum powder; 21 1/2 × 21
                                             Drawings, Museum Purchase, Friends         1/2 × 1 1/2 inches; Funds given by
                                             Fund, The Sidney S. and Sadie Cohen        Gary C. Werths and Richard Frimel
                                             Print Purchase Fund, and the Eliza         324:2020
                                             McMillan Purchase Fund 819:2020

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