Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School

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Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
September 2019

Big Victory for Trans Health
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
L   G     B    T

                                                        EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Editor-In-Chief                          1    Ninth Circuit Affirms Injunction Ordering Gender Confirmation Surgery
                                              for Idaho Transgender Inmate
Arthur S. Leonard,
                                         3    Second Round of Briefing in LGBT Title VII Cases Before the Supreme
Robert F. Wagner Professor
                                              Court Completed During August
of Labor and Employment Law
                                         5    Split 7th Circuit Decision Allows Qualified Immunity for Denial of
New York Law School                           Inmate’s Gender Confirmation Surgery
185 West Broadway
                                         6    8th Circuit Revives Videographer’s 1st Amendment Claim Against
New York, NY 10013                            Having to Make Same-Sex Wedding Videos
(212) 431-2156                           9    2nd Circuit Holds That It Was Not “Clearly Established” That Sexual                       Orientation Discrimination in Public Employment is Actionable under
                                              the Equal Protection Clause Prior to Obergefell and Windsor
                                         12   Divided 9th Circuit Panel Revives Gay Mexican’s Refugee Claim
Daniel Chavez, Cardozo ‘21
                                         13   Federal Court Rules for Gavin Grimm in Long-Running Virginia
Filip Cukovic, NYLS ‘21                       Transgender Bathroom Case
Brett Figlewski, Esq.
                                         15   Federal Court Permanently Enjoins Wisconsin Medicaid from Enforcing
Corey Gibbs, NYLS ‘21                         State Statutory Exclusion of Coverage for Gender Transition
Matthew Goodwin, Esq.                    17   Federal Court in Baltimore Rules on Next Stage of Pending Challenge to
Christian Kummer, Middlebury ‘22              Trump Administration’s Transgender Military Policy
Eric Lesh, Esq.                          19   Utah Supreme Court Overrules Decision that Same-Sex Couples Cannot
Chan Tov McNamarah, Cornell ‘19               Make Enforceable Agreements for Gestational Surrogacy
Timothy Ramos, NYLS ‘19                  20   Federal Court Says Faith-Based Women’s Shelter in Anchorage is Not
                                              Subject To Public Accommodations Law
William J. Rold, Esq.
Bryan Xenitelis, Esq.                    22   Massachusetts Trial Court Recognizes Lesbian Co-Parent’s Status in the
                                              Absence of Legal Relationship with the Birth Mother of Child Conceived
Production Manager                            through Donor Insemination
Leah Harper                              23   Oregon Court of Appeals Affirms Discrimination and Retaliation Verdict
                                              for Out Gay Porn Store Clerk
Circulation Rate Inquiries
                                         25   Federal Magistrate Recommends Damages Case Proceed Against
LeGaL Foundation                              Private Prison Operated by GEO for Gay-Bashing Attributed to Security
601 West 26th Street, Suite 325-20            Understaffing
New York, NY 10001                       26   From Choking in the Bedroom, To Choking in the Courtroom: Indiana
(212) 353-9118 |              Appeals Court Affirms Murder Verdict
                                         27   South Carolina Judges Grant Summary Judgment against Transgender
LGBT Law Notes Podcast
                                              Inmate; Accept Budget and “Freeze Frame” Defenses and Opinions of
Listen on iTunes (search “LGBT Legal”)        Webinar “Experts”
or Podbean at         29   Federal Court Denies Gay Refugee Release from ICE Detention Despite
Law Notes Archive                             Meeting Criteria of an Injunction in a Separate Case       30   Texas Appeals Court Rejects Constitutional Challenge to Prostitution
© 2019 The LeGaL Foundation              31   Illinois Appellate Court Divided Over Child Pornography Conviction
LGBT Law Notes & the LGBT Law            33   Sixth Circuit Vacates Dismissal of Claim of Bisexual Inmate Denied Post-
Notes Podcast are Publications of the         Rape Counseling
LGBT Bar Association Foundation          34   Federal Transgender Inmate Permitted to Proceed on Eighth
of New York (               Amendment Medical Claim and on Statutory Claim under
                                              Rehabilitation Act, Despite Exclusionary Statutory Language
ISSN 8755-9021

                                                              35   Notes           67 Citations
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Notes, please contact
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
Ninth Circuit Affirms Injunction Ordering Gender
Confirmation Surgery for Idaho Transgender Inmate
By William J. Rold

    Law Notes has been following              and other gender-affirming treatments.          Edmo’s experts, including Dr. Randi
the litigation involving transgender          All experts also agreed that the Fifth       Ettner (who co-authored the current
Idaho prisoner Adree Edmo for three           Edition of the American Psychiatric          WPATH Standards), testified that Edmo
years. In 2018, U.S. District Judge B.        Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical     was not only a proper patient for GCS
Lynn Winmill granted a preliminary            Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM-V]           but that GCS was the only treatment that
injunction for her to have gender             sets forth conditions for diagnosis of       would remove her severe dysphoria. Dr.
confirmation surgery (GCS) within six         gender dysphoria and that the World          Ryan Gordon also testified for Edmo.
months. Edmo v. Idaho Dep’t of Corr.,         Professional Association of Transgender      They both testified that Dr. Eliason’s
358 F. Supp. 3d 1103, 1111 (D. Idaho          Health [WPATH] Standards of Care for         categories made no sense, because
2018). The Ninth Circuit now affirms,         the Health of Transsexual, Transgender,      the first does not generally apply to
Edmo v. Corizon, 2019 WL 3978329,             and Gender-Nonconforming People (7th         transgender people, the second is met
2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 27171( 9th Cir.,         ed. 2011), is an appropriate “benchmark”     by Edmo, and the third is “bizarre” and
Aug. 23, 2019), in a unanimous panel          for assessing treatment decisions. The       not medically understandable. Eliason
per curiam opinion by Circuit Judges          court’s extensive discussion provides        could not cite any authority in support
M. Margaret McKeown and Ronald M.             a virtual textbook in layman’s terms         of his third category formulation. Edmo
Gould and, by designation, U.S. District      explaining the subject matter of the case.   successfully self-removed one testicle
Judge Robert S. Lasnik (W.D. Wash.).              The dispute arose on whether, having     in 2016, leaving a bloody mess, while
All four judges have been serving on          received the maximum benefit attainable      under defendant Eliason’s “care.”
the bench for many years, having been         from hormone therapy, counseling                Defense experts (Dr. Keelin Garney,
appointed by President Bill Clinton           and being allowed to groom and dress         a psychiatrist, and Dr. Joel Andrade,
during the 1990s.                             consistent with her gender identity,         a PhD social worker) said that Edmo
    The opinion, at nearly 22,000 words,      Edmo could compel the state under the        had not lived as a woman outside of
is enormous. The 9th Circuit granted          Eighth Amendment to perform GCS;             prison for at least 12 months and that
a stay of Judge Winmill’s decision            that is, that denial of GCS under these      her psychiatric co-morbidity precluded
pending the appeal, but it expedited the      circumstances would be “cruel and            GCS. Defendant Eliason adopted these
appeals due to the nature of the case.        unusual punishment.” Affirming the           reasons as well, and he said that his
There were two appeals: one by state          district court’s order requiring GCS,        opinions were confirmed by the Idaho
officials and one by the contractual          the Circuit emphasized that it was           DOC transgender “Committee.” Judge
health care vendor, Corizon. The scope        respecting the findings of fact by Judge     Winmill found that a female experience
of the unauthored decision suggests           Winmill and the need (constitutional         sufficient to satisfy WPATH Standards
that more than one judge’s chambers           requirement) for individual professional     could occur in a prison setting (based
was responsible for its composition.          judgment for each patient suffering from     on Edmo’s experts and the WPATH
The court found that denying gender           gender dysphoria. By its own terms, the      standards themselves, which include
confirmation surgery to Adree Edmo            affirmance is limited to the trial record    standards for treating institutionalized
violates her 8th Amendment right to be        in the District Court in Edmo.               people) and that Edmo’s psychiatric
free of cruel and unusual punishment,             Edmo has been on hormones                problems were under control, except
but emphasized that the case turns on         since 2012, and she is hormonally            those that were related directly to
its particular facts, and the court was not   confirmed (meaning she has achieved          her dysphoria. He found that the
adopting a general rule that all inmates      the maximum benefit from what                Committee’s concurrence added little
suffering from gender dysphoria are           hormones can offer). She attempted self-     support to the defense. The Circuit
automatically entitled to such treatment.     castration in 2015, after which Corizon’s    affirmed these findings.
    The opinion begins with a general         psychiatrist (defendant Dr. Eliason)            These defenses are “old chestnuts,”
discussion about transgender people           nevertheless wrote that she was not a        if such a phrase can be used for the
and gender dysphoria suffered by some         candidate for GCS because she: (1) did       rapidly-evolving transgender prisoner
of them, when the tension between             not have congenital malformations; (2)       world. For many inmates serving life
birth gender and gender identity              did not have “devastating dysphoria”;        or very long sentences, the prison
causes severe psychological and life          and (3) did not have “some type of           “experience” is the only one there
disruption. No one disputed in this           medical problem in which endogenous          will be, so requiring another type of
case that Edmo has a serious medical          sexual hormones were causing severe          “real life” experience is tantamount
condition or that she requires hormones       physiological damage.”                       to outright denial, a categorical denial

                                                                                           September 2019 LGBT Law Notes 1
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
of GCS for inmates transition during          in Kosilek. Here, the 9th Circuit panel       a credible medical basis for deviating
incarceration. Co-morbidity is baked          found this to be irreconcilable with the      from the accepted view,” wrote the
into the diagnosis: if a transgender          fact-intensive requirement of analysis        panel, citing Kosilek, 774 F.3d at 90
person is not having severe stress and        of the subjective prong of deliberate         n.12. Edmo, 2019 WL 3978329 at *29.
dysfunction, the DSM-V criteria for           indifference intent as required by                Judge Winmill found that Idaho
dysphoria are not met. The question is        the Ninth Circuit’s 8th Amendment             had a de facto ban on GCS, despite
whether Edmo’s depression and self-           precedents. It likewise rejected the          their policy purporting to allow it
harm were separate from dysphoria or          notions that a sinister motive had to         where “necessary.” Edmo, 358 F. Supp.
caused by the failure to treat it. Judge      be shown in the denial of a particular        3d at 1127. The Circuit found that its
Winmill found the latter, and he ruled        treatment, or that provision of “some         disposition made it unnecessary to reach
that Edmo was competent to make               care” defeated an Eighth Amendment            the de facto ban issue.
medical decisions. Again, the Circuit         claim. Edmo, 2019 WL 3978329 at *26-              The state further argued that the
affirmed.                                     *27. Referring to the numerous amici,         injunction was overbroad because it
    During the appeal, the Circuit            the court rejected Gibson’s reliance on a     ordered them to provide surgery when
issued a limited remand to the District       lack of consensus regarding GCS, saying       they are not themselves surgeons.
Court to clarify a few issues, including      it was “incorrect, or at best outdated.”      [They actually argued that, believe it
whether Judge Winmill’s injunction was        Id. at *28.                                   or not.] The Court found this point to
preliminary or permanent. He responded            The Ninth Circuit found that              be “obtuse.” Of course, their obligation
that it was permanent. Edmo v. Idaho          denying GCS to Edmo was “medically            would be to get a qualified surgeon to
Dep’t of Corr., 2019 WL 2319527, at *2        unacceptable” under the circumstances.        perform the procedure and qualified
(D. Idaho May 31, 2019). The Circuit          Id. at *30. Thus, it did not merely present   medical personnel to handle the follow-
also found that Judge Winmill had             a non-actionable difference of medical        up to surgery.
made the findings necessary under             opinion. The district court did “what the         On the scope of the injunction,
the Prison Litigation Reform Act:             First Circuit did”: it applied deliberate     defendants had some success. Idaho
that the injunction was as narrow as          indifference standards to the plaintiff’s     DOC officials were dismissed as
possible with minimum intrusion into          gender dysphoria to enforce the Eighth        defendants in their individual capacities,
prison operations, while still curing         Amendment. Id. *28.                           as they were not shown to have been
the constitutional violation, relying on          The defendants next argued that           personally involved in the denial of
Armstrong v. Schwarzenegger, 622 F.3d         Edmo has not shown irreparable injury         Edmo’s Eighth Amendment rights. They
1058, 1070 (9th Cir. 2010).                   necessary for an injunction because: (1)      remain as defendants in their official
    The Circuit found that the injunction     she has waited so long already; (2) there     capacities (including the department
was required by a line of Eighth              is not an “emergency”: and (3) Edmo has       head), since they are needed to effectuate
Amendment cases extending back three          not attempted self-castration in years.       injunctive relief. Colwell v. Bannister,
decades. It also surveyed other circuits      The Circuit swatted each argument. The        763 F.3d 1060, 1070-1 (9th Cir. 2014).
on transgender prisoner treatment. Two        defendants delayed producing Edmo’s               The private contractual health care
decisions warrant separate discussion:        medical records for more than six             provider (Corizon) is to be dismissed as
Kosilek and Gibson.                           months after counsel was appointed to         a defendant. The corporation does not
    In Kosilek v. Spencer, 774 F.3d           represent her by the district court, then     have a transgender “policy,” it argues, so
63 (1st Cir., en banc, 2014), the First       sought to use the delay to its benefit in     it cannot be found liable under Monell
Circuit found that confirmation surgery       opposing an injunction. Courts have           [v. Department of Social Services, 436
was not constitutionally required for         authority under the Eighth Amendment          U.S. 658 (1978)] theory. The court left
the transgender plaintiff because the         to order non-emergent care. The third         this issue about liability of contractual
experts disagreed about the necessity for     argument overlooks the evidence of            vendors “for another day” in Oyenik v.
the treatment in her case. Id. at 88. Here,   “profound, persistent distress.”              Corizon Health Inc., 696 F. App’x 792,
on a record five years later for another          The Court was careful not to write a      794 n.1 (9th Cir. 2017); and it does so
patient, the experts did not so widely        decision that constitutionalizes prison       here again. Defendant Dr. Eliason,
disagree; and the defense experts were        medical care just because there is            a Corizon psychiatrist, remains a
more roundly impeached. Moreover, in          agreement in health care communities          defendant, however, because he was
Kosilek, the record showed that both          that certain treatment is medically           making decisions about the care to be
alternatives were “adequate,” a finding       necessary. The Circuit found that the         offered Edmo. Judge Winmill found
with which Judge Winmill disagreed            District Court used a “flexible,” not a       him personally liable for violating
here, and such finding was not error.         “strict,” adherence to WPATH standards        Edmo’s Eighth Amendment rights, and
    In Gibson v. Collier, 920 F.3d 212        in applying them to the facts. “But when      the Circuit affirmed that finding.
(5th Cir. 2019), there was no record for      medical consensus is that a treatment             The court concluded: “We apply the
the transgender patient, who was pro          is effective and medically necessary          dictates of the Eighth Amendment today
se before the district court and not in a     under the circumstances, prison officials     in an area of increased social awareness:
position to provide expert witnesses; the     render unacceptable care by following         transgender health care . . . . [T]he
court had adopted the expert testimony        the views of outliers without offering        medical community’s understanding of

2 LGBT Law Notes September 2019
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
what treatments are safe and medically
necessary to treat gender dysphoria has
                                              Second Round of Briefing in LGBT Title
changed as more information becomes
available, research is undertaken, and
                                              VII Cases Before the Supreme Court
experience is gained. The Eighth-             Completed During August
Amendment inquiry takes account of
that developing understanding. See            By Arthur S. Leonard
Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S.99, 102–03
(1976) . . . . We hold that where, as here,      On October 8, the second day             intervened as a co-appellant in the 6th
the record shows that the medically           of hearings in the Supreme Court’s          Circuit, is named as a Respondent in
necessary treatment for a prisoner’s          October 2019 Term, the Court will hear      Harris Funeral Homes’ cert. petition,
gender dysphoria is gender confirmation       arguments in Bostock v. Clayton County,     and is represented by the American Civil
surgery, and responsible prison               Georgia, Case No. 17-1618, and Altitude     Liberties Union. Harris Funeral Homes
officials deny such treatment with full       Express, Inc. v. Zarda, Case No. 17-1623,   is represented by Alliance Defending
awareness of the prisoner’s suffering,        appeals from the 11th and 2nd Circuits on   Freedom (ADF), the conservative
those officials violate the Eighth            the question whether sexual orientation     religious litigation group that is a
Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and          discrimination claims are actionable        frequent litigant opposing LGBT rights
unusual punishment.”                          as sex discrimination under Title VII       in the courts.
    Edmo is scheduled to be released in       of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and in         For purposes of briefing, the Court
2021. It is unclear whether the defendants    R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes            decided to treat all the employee-
can drag this case out that long, or will     v. Equal Employment Opportunity             plaintiffs in the three cases as if they
decide to release her early to avoid          Commission and Aimee Stephens,              were Petitioners (although only Bostock
providing the surgery. They could also        Case No. 18-107, an appeal from the 6th     is a Petitioner in the Supreme Court),
seek a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court       Circuit on the question whether gender      and the three employer-defendants as
pending a petition for certiorari. That       identity discrimination claims are          if they were Respondents (even though
would take at least five justices to grant.   actionable as sex discrimination under      two of them are actually Petitioners).
The 9th Circuit urges the remaining           Title VII. The Court consolidated the       Thus, the first round of briefing, which
defendants       “to    move     forward,”    two sexual orientation discrimination       was concluded early in July, consisted
indicating it will not continue the stay      cases, in which the plaintiff-employee      of the main briefs for Gerald Bostock,
after mandate or grant an extension of        is appealing in Bostock and the             the Estate of Donald Zarda, and Aimee
time to petition for rehearing. Indeed, the
                                              defendant-employer is appealing in          Stephens, and the amicus briefs (more
court commented that “the facts of this
                                              Altitude Express, for a single argument     than 40) filed in support of their
case call for expeditious effectuation of
                                              of one hour. The argument in Harris         claims that Title VII does extend to
the injunction.”
                                              Funeral Homes, in which the employer        sexual orientation and gender identity
    The case was argued on appeal
                                              is appealing, will be argued next.          discrimination claims. The second
for Edmo by Lori Rifkin of Hadsell
                                              Transcripts of the arguments will           round of briefing, which concluded
Stormer & Resnik, LLP (Emeryville
                                              be posted on the Supreme Court’s            during August, consisted of the briefs
and Pasadena, CA); Edmo was also
represented by Ferguson Durham PLLC           website shortly after each argument has     for the three employers – Clayton
(Boise) and National Center for Lesbian       concluded (usually within an hour or        County, Georgia; Altitude Express; and
Rights (San Francisco). Numerous              two), and links to audio recordings of      Harris Funeral Homes; and the EEOC,
amici also appeared on behalf of              the arguments will be made available        which is technically a respondent even
appellee, including MacArthur Justice         on the Court’s website later in the week.   though the government, as such, is now
Center, ACLU of Idaho Foundation,                Harris Funeral Homes presents an         siding with the Petitioner.
ACLU National Prison Project, ACLU            unusual situation; the victorious party         Interestingly, despite earnest efforts
LGBT and HIV Project, Lambda Legal            in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals,        by the Solicitor General’s Office, the
Defense & Education Fund, Center              the Equal Employment Opportunity            EEOC’s General Counsel, who would
for Constitutional Rights, medical            Commission (EEOC), is represented           ordinarily be a signatory on the brief
and mental health organizations,              in the Supreme Court by the Solicitor       purporting to represent their agency,
former correctional officials, and other      General, who, reflecting the change         did not join in the submission of the
interested non-profit organizations and       of administration since the original        government’s brief, since as of the date
individuals. See Appearances included         complaint in this case was filed by the     of filing the EEOC had not disavowed
with the court’s opinion for a complete       EEOC, is now joining with the employer      its position that gender identity
list of amici, counsel, and locations. ■      to ask the Court to reverse the 6th         discrimination claims are covered by
                                              Circuit. The only party defending the 6th   Title VII. Indeed, the amicus brief
Arthur S. Leonard is the Robert F.            Circuit’s decision is the charging party    filed by the Solicitor General in the
Wagner Prof. of Labor and Employment          in the EEOC proceeding, transgender         sexual orientation cases on behalf of
Law at New York Law School.                   funeral director Aimee Stephens, who        the employer also lacked the EEOC’s

                                                                                          September 2019 LGBT Law Notes 3
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
signature, since the agency that enforces   discrimination claims in the early           the EEOC has not overruled Macy,
Title VII (and whose interpretation         period of Title VII’s history, Congress      it may do so in due course as the
of the statute is entitled to judicial      passed a package of amendments to            new majority resulting from Trump’s
deference, under existing precedents),      Title VII in 1991 but did not overrule       appointments to the Commission
has not disavowed its position (argued      any of those rulings legislatively.          either rules on a federal sector gender
as an agency amicus in the 2nd Circuit)     The brief also rejects certain other         identity discrimination case, proposes a
that Title VII covers sexual orientation    arguments that some lower court judges       new regulatory interpretation, or takes
claims. Quite a tangle for the Supreme      had accepted as reasons for extending        a position in litigation in the lower
Court to confront. During oral argument     Title VII to cover sexual orientation        federal courts embracing a change of
of Zarda v. Altitude Express in the 2nd     claims. None of these arguments was          position. The Commission could just
Circuit, the en banc bench reflected        new or unanticipated, and they were          instruct its regional offices to dismiss
some puzzlement and bemusement              all rejected in one way or another not       gender identity claims on jurisdictional
about being confronted with a lawyer        only in the 2nd Circuit (en banc) but also   grounds, similar to the action of the
from the S.G.’s office and a lawyer from    in the 7th Circuit (en banc) in 2017 in      U.S. Department of Education, which
the EEOC arguing against each other.        Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College,        now refuses to process gender identity
    Simultaneously with the filing of       a case where the employer decided not        discrimination claims under Title IX of
the government’s brief, the Solicitor       to seek Supreme Court review.                the Education Amendments of 1972 in
General filed a request that argument           Clayton County’s brief (Bostock),        light of its “withdrawal” of the guidance
time be divided evenly (15 minutes          signed by Counsel of Record Jack R.          letter it sent to educational institutions
each) between the Solicitor General’s       Hancock and other attorneys from             in 2016 in the context of the Gavin
office and ADF, counsel for Harris          the Forest Park, Georgia, law firm of        Grimm case.
Funeral Homes.                              Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP, carries               The brief on behalf of Harris
    Law Notes gave an overview of the       the same argument headings as Altitude       Funeral Homes, submitted by Alliance
first round of filings in our August 2019   Express’s brief. Indeed, they appear to      Defending         Freedom,       attracted
issue. Herewith is a brief summary of       be a joint product, making identical         comparatively little attention, with the
the second round of filings.                arguments.                                   Solicitor General being the “elephant
    Altitude Express’s brief was signed         The main brief that drew most of         in the room.” Mainstream press
by Saul D. Zabell, Counsel of Record        the press commentary when it was             coverage clearly sees Harris as part
who has represented the company             filed, of course, was the Solicitor          of the Trump Administration’s overall
throughout this litigation, and Ryan T.     General’s brief, on which S.G. Noel J.       opposition to transgender rights as
Biesenbach of Zabell & Collotta, P.C., a    Francisco is Counsel of Record. The          part of its systemic attempt to reverse
Bohemia, N.Y., law firm. It predictably     other signatories are attorneys in the       the civil rights positions taken by the
argues that the meaning of Title VII        Solicitor General’s office and main          Obama Administration. Clearly, the
must be its “original public meaning” –     Justice Department. As noted above,          president feels that he was elected to
the meaning that members of the public      and deemed newsworthy, no attorneys          overturn everything that the Obama
would attribute to the statutory language   from the EEOC signed this brief which        Administration did, if possible.
when it was enacted by Congress in          is presented as the brief of the Federal     This was certainly reflected in his
1964. The brief claims that the Supreme     Respondent (which, technically, is the       transgender military service ban and
Court has never interpreted Title VII       EEOC). The brief urges the Court to          former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’
in a manner that “conflicts” with “the      adopt a narrow interpretation of key         October 2017 memorandum disavowing
original public meaning of ‘sex’.” It       Title VII Supreme Court precedents on        the Obama Administration’s positions
also describes as “wrong” the various       which the EEOC had relied in the 6th         on both sexual orientation and gender
legal theories offered by Bostock for       Circuit, Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins         identity discrimination.
construing “sex” to include “gender         and Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore                 Beginning on August 16 and
identity.” It argues that subsequent        Services, contending that the 6th Circuit    extending through August 23, the
legislative developments – the repeated     had extended them beyond their               Supreme Court clerk added to the
introduction of bills to amend federal      holdings to reach the conclusion that        docket forty amicus briefs supporting
anti-discrimination law to add “sexual      allowing gender identity discrimination      Harris Funeral Homes’ (and the
orientation” that have never achieved       claims is consistent with Supreme Court      Solicitor General’s) position that Title
enactment, as well as the enactment         precedent. Most of the arguments in the      VII does not extend to gender identity
of some other statutes that use ‘sexual     brief are variants of one or more of the     discrimination claims. Some were
orientation’ such as the Hate Crimes        arguments in the Altitude Express and        from the “usual suspects” familiar to
Law – show Congress’s understanding         Clayton County briefs, countering the        anybody who had scanned the amicus
that the term must be used to address       EEOC’s justifications for applying Title     lists in Obergefell and Windsor, the
such discrimination, noting also that       VII to gender identity claims in Macy        cases concerning marriage equality.
after the EEOC and several lower federal    v. Holder, EEOC Doc. 0120120821,             They include states whose anti-
courts had rejected sexual orientation      2012 WL 1435995 (2012). Even though          discrimination laws do not cover

4 LGBT Law Notes September 2019
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
gender identity, Republican members of       a newsworthy absence denoting that at
Congress, companies that don’t want to       least as of the time when briefs were
                                                                                         Split 7th Circuit
be forced to employ transgender people,      due, the agency had not abandoned its       Decision Allows
individual legal scholars, polemicists,      position in Baldwin v. Foxx, EEOC No.
think tanks and policy institutes, and, of   0120133080, 2015 WL 4397641 (2015),         Qualified Immunity
course, religious entities that argue that   that Title VII covers sexual orientation
requiring employers to accommodate           discrimination claims. Many of these        for Denial of
transgender people excessively burdens       amicus briefs were noted as addressing
their religious freedom. In Harris, the      all three pending Title VII cases and
                                                                                         Inmate’s Gender
owner of the funeral homes stated his        thus were also filed and counted among      Confirmation
religious beliefs as a justification for     the Harris Funeral Home amicus briefs.
his refusal to continue employing the        When it announced the filing schedule,      Surgery
plaintiff after she wrote to him about       the Court also directed that amicus
her gender transition. As a result of        briefs for the Altitude Express case        By William J. Rold
this, the district court ruled in favor      were to be filed on the Bostock docket.
of Harris Funeral Homes in reliance          The same mix of amici that one finds            The earliest transgender prisoner
on the Religious Freedom Restoration         on the Harris Funeral Homes docket          cases scoffed at the idea that gender
Act, employing an interpretation             generally show up on the Bostock list,      dysphoria (then “gender identity
subsequently rejected by the 6th Circuit.    minus those groups who have a specific      disorder”) required specialist evaluation.
Surprisingly, in light of its religious      focus on opposing transgender rights.       Last year, the Seventh Circuit denied
freedom orientation, ADF did not             The arguments in the amicus briefs are      qualified immunity from damages for
include in its cert petition a question      similar as well, although, of course, the   a blanket rule disallowing hormone
about the application of the RFRA to         argument that gender as identified at       therapy in Mitchell v. Kallas, 895
this case, so technically the religious      birth is permanent and not changeable       F.3d 492 (7th Cir. 2018). Now, in a
arguments made by many of the amici          is absent here, while it predominates       2-1 decision with opinion written by
are not pertinent to the questions on        in many of the amicus briefs filed in       Circuit Judge Diane P. Sykes (George W.
which cert was granted.                      Harris Funeral Homes.                       Bush), joined by Circuit Judge Michael
      Particular press attention was            Several of these amicus briefs           Y. Scudder (Trump), the court grants
drawn to briefs of some feminist groups      emanate from groups that may have           qualified immunity on damages for
who are particularly perturbed about         been formed for the specific purpose        declining gender confirmation surgery.
any legal recognition of transgender         of filing amicus briefs in these cases.     Chief Circuit Judge Diane P. Wood
women, making arguments that fall            All of the docketed amicus briefs can       (Clinton) dissents. [There are currently
far outside the mainstream of the            be examined on the Supreme Court’s          no vacancies on the Seventh Circuit.]
professional medical and mental health       website, where they are available to be         The court allowed an interlocutory
communities about the nature of human        downloaded in pdf format.                   appeal and reversed a denial of qualified
sexuality, contending that transgender          The deadline for the third round of      immunity, by Chief Judge James D.
women are men in drag who should             briefing set by the Court is September      Peterson of the Western District of
not be given admission to women-only         16, when Reply Briefs can be filed,         Wisconsin, in Campbell v. Kallas,
spaces and should not be accorded the        responding to the briefs that were filed    2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 24655, 2019
treatment under anti-discrimination          in August. Reply briefs, if any, will be    WL 3886912 (7th Cir., August 19, 2019).
law that has been accorded to women.         reported in the October issue of Law        Although injunctive relief claims remain devoted a lengthy article            Notes. ■                                    for trial in any event, the court was
to explaining the opposition of some                                                     unanimous on appellate jurisdiction of
feminist groups to transgender rights.                                                   the immunity from damages question,
See Katelyn Burns, The Rise of Anti-                                                     citing Scott v. Lacy, 811 F.2d 1153 (7th
Trans ‘Radical’ Feminists, Explained”                                                    Cir. 1987), and noting other circuits in
(posted September 5, 2019).                                                              accord. The Supreme Court has not
    Also during August, 24 amicus                                                        directly ruled on the issue.
briefs (including one from the Solicitor                                                     The Court begins by reviewing
General, as the federal government is not                                                the history of Mark Campbell, a/k/a
a party in the sexual orientation cases)                                                 Nicole Rose Campbell, and her
were filed in support of the employers                                                   course of treatment in the Wisconsin
in the sexual orientation discrimination                                                 prison system, where she is serving
cases, Bostock and Altitude Express. Of                                                  a 34-year sentence. The diagnosis of
course, the EEOC’s legal staff is not                                                    gender dysphoria was not at issue,
represented among the signers of the                                                     nor was hormone therapy. The extent
Solicitor General’s amicus brief, again                                                  of feminizing accommodation was

                                                                                         September 2019 LGBT Law Notes 5
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
reserved for trial by Judge Peterson, and         Having recently found no qualified
it was not before the Seventh Circuit.        immunity for denial of hormones in
                                                                                            8th Circuit Revives
    At the risk of being far too general,     Mitchell, the Seventh Circuit majority        Videographer’s 1st
one can look at gender dysphoria              here determined that qualified immunity
treatment as triadic: first, diagnosis        should protect defendants on the              Amendment Claim
and psychotherapy; then hormone/              question of confirmation surgery. Yes,
feminizing treatment; finally, surgery.       it is the same Dr. Karras in both cases.      Against Having to
The law has progressed well into the              Judge Wood dissented, stating that
first two triads – so much so that blanket    it was not fatal for plaintiff’s case that
                                                                                            Make Same-Sex
denial of hormones can leave defendants
to answer in damages. The court was
                                              there was no Seventh Circuit case
                                              directly about confirmation surgery.
                                                                                            Wedding Videos
not willing, however, to lift qualified       The duty to provide dysphoria treatment       By Arthur S. Leonard
immunity for damages for denial of            extended to surgery, and there is a jury
surgery – at least not in this case for the   question on deliberate indifference, in           A three-judge panel of the U.S.
time period at issue.                         her opinion.                                  Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit
    Campbell has been under dysphoria             It is important to emphasize that there   ruled by a vote of 2-1 on August 23
treatment since at least 2013, receiving      is going to be a trial on injunctive relief   that a commercial videographer could
hormones and some accommodation,              in this case in any event. Thus, granting     assert a 1st Amendment claim that
including wearing women’s underwear,          qualified immunity from damages will          it was privileged to refuse to make
but she continues to be housed at a           not preclude the development of Eighth        wedding videos for same-sex couples,
male facility. Using Cynthia Osborne          Amendment law in this case.                   as an exemption from compliance
(from John Hopkins) as a consultant,              With great respect to Judge Wood,         with Minnesota’s Human Rights
Wisconsin officials denied gender             this writer believes that the majority        Act, which expressly forbids public
confirmation surgery, largely because         may have the better tactical result on        accommodations from discriminating
Campbell did not meet the “living 12          the advancement of the law in this area,      because of a customer’s sexual
months as a woman” requirement of             although none of the judges specifically      orientation. Telescope Media Group v.
the guidelines for surgery of the World       discusses this. It could well be              Lucero, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 25320,
Professional Association of Transgender       irresistible for granting certiorari that     2019 WL 3979621. The court reversed
Health (WPATH). It appears from               one circuit has ruled that confirmation       a decision by U.S. District Judge John
the decision that Osborne has relaxed         surgery is never required as a matter of      R. Tunheim, which had dismissed
her standards somewhat, at least for          law while another circuit has held that a     the videographer’s suit seeking a
prisoners serving a sentence as long          defendant is answerable in damages for        declaratory judgment and injunctive
as Campbell’s. Experts for the state          denying it. Such a purely legal appraisal     relief against Minnesota’s Department
disputed whether Campbell is a good           could make unwelcome law – while              of Human Rights. See Telescope Media
surgical candidate.                           now Kosilek and Edmo are reconcilable         Group v. Lindsey, 271 F. Supp. 3d 1090
    The question, as framed by the            on their facts – and Gibson has no trial      (D. Minn. 2017).
Seventh Circuit, is whether denial of         record. It may be better to let injunctive        Circuit Judge David Stras, an
confirmation surgery violates the Eighth      cases involving surgery as a treatment        appointee of President Donald Trump,
Amendment on these facts in this case as      for severe gender dysphoria to percolate      wrote for the majority, which included
a matter of law. The majority found that      for a while. ■                                Circuit Judge Bobby Shepard, an
it did not when the denial occurred, and                                                    appointee of President George W.
that the law remains unsettled nationally     William Rold is a civil rights attorney in    Bush. The dissent was by Circuit Judge
and in the Seventh Circuit. It notes that,    New York City and a former judge. He          Jane Kelly, who was appointed by
on the record before it, the First Circuit    previously represented the American           President Barack Obama, and is the
held that confirmation surgery was not        Bar Association on the National               only Democratic appointee now sitting
required by the Eighth Amendment in           Commission for Correctional Health            on the 8th Circuit in either an active or
Kosilek v. Spencer, 774 F.3d 63 (1st Cir.     Care.                                         senior capacity. District Judge Tunheim
2014) (en banc). The Fifth Circuit held                                                     was appointed by President Bill Clinton.
that it is never required as a matter of                                                        Carl and Angel Larsen, who make
law in Gibson v. Collier, 920 F.3d 212,                                                     commercial videos under the corporate
220-21 (5th Cir. 2019). This writer notes                                                   name of Telescope Media Group, decided
that the Ninth Circuit has just affirmed                                                    they wanted to expand their business
a preliminary injunction requiring                                                          into wedding videos, but because of
confirmation surgery. Edmo v. Corizon,                                                      their religious beliefs, they did not want
__ F.3d ___, No.19-35017 (9th Cir.,                                                         to get into this line of work if they would
August 23, 2019) (85-page slip opinion)                                                     be required to make videos for same-sex
– see above in this issue of Law Notes.                                                     weddings. Anticipating that a refusal to

6 LGBT Law Notes September 2019
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
make such videos would bring them             directors like Steven Spielberg. This           Court to overrule its precedents denying
into conflict with Minnesota’s Human          was a specious comparison, not because          religious free exercise exemptions from
Rights Law, they filed an action in           Spielberg is a great filmmaker, but             anti-discrimination laws, while at the
federal district court seeking a ruling       because the Larsens do not produce              same time creating a constitutional
that they had a 1st Amendment right to        feature films or documentaries aimed at         wedge issue for businesses whose goods
refuse such business. They argued that        a public market, in which the content of        or services might be characterized as
making wedding videos is an expressive        the film is the speech of the filmmaker.        “expressive.”
activity protected by the Free Speech         Rather, they make films for hire, in                Even though the Larsens do not
Clause, and that, although the Supreme        order to communicate the message of             presently make wedding videos, and
Court has ruled that people are not           the customer who hires them.                    they do not claim that they have ever
excused from complying with neutral               But Stras was convinced, writing,           been approached to make a video of
state laws of general application based       “The Larsens . . . use their ‘unique skills     a same-sex wedding or threatened
on their religious beliefs, there was an      to identify and tell compelling stories         with prosecution for refusing to do
argument that when a religious free           through video,’ including commercials,          so, the court first determined that
exercise claim is intermingled with a         short films and live-event productions.         they have standing to seek their
claim based on another constitutional         They exercise creative control over the         declaratory judgment, because when
right (in this instance, free speech), the    videos they produce and make ‘editorial         the proposition was presented to
state may be required to accommodate          judgments’ about ‘what events to take           officials of the Minnesota Department
the person claiming constitutional            on, what video content to use, what             of Human Rights, they made clear
protection against enforcement of the         audio content to use, what text to use . .      that a refusal to provide videography
state law.                                    ., the order in which to present content,       services to same-sex couples would be
    Judge Tunheim rejected their              whether to use voiceovers.” In other            considered a violation of the state’s anti-
constitutional arguments, dismissing          words, they exercise their professional         discrimination law. Thus, the Larsens
their lawsuit, and they appealed to the       judgment to make the films ordered              claimed to the satisfaction of the 8th
8th Circuit. Their case presents a parallel   by their customers, but the customers           Circuit panel that they faced a credible
to one of the earliest appellate rulings      who are paying to have the films made           threat of prosecution and had standing
rejecting a constitutional exemption          ultimately determine what the message           to bring the case.
from complying with a state public            of the film will be. The Larsens’ role              Turning to the merits, Stras wrote,
accommodations law on similar facts:          is to translate that message into an            “The Larsens’ videos are a form
Elane Photography, LLC v. Willock,            effective filmic presentation.                  of speech that is entitled to First
309 P. 3d 53 (N.M. 2013), cert. denied,           In describing their contemplated            Amendment protection . . . although
134 S. Ct. 1787 (2014). In that case, the     move into making wedding videos,                the Larsens do not plan to make feature
New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that           they want these videos to “capture the          films, the videos they do wish to
a commercial wedding photographer             background stories of the couples’ love         produce will convey a message designed
who refused to make a photo album             leading to commitment, the [couples’]           to ‘affect public attitudes and behavior.’
for a lesbian couple celebrating their        joy . . . the sacredness of their sacrificial   According to their complaint, they
commitment ceremony did not enjoy a 1st       vows at the altar, and even the following       will tell ‘healthy stories of sacrificial
Amendment free speech or free exercise        chapters of the couples’ lives.”                love and commitment between a man
exemption from a state law banning                “The Larsens believe that the videos,       and a woman,’ depicting marriage as a
sexual orientation discrimination. That       which they intend to post and share             divinely ordained covenant, and oppose
court also rejected the photographer’s        online, will allow them to reach ‘a broader     the ‘current cultural narratives about
claim under New Mexico’s Religious            audience to achieve maximum cultural            marriage with which they disagree.’ By
Freedom Restoration Act, finding              impact’ and ‘affect the cultural narrative      design, they will serve as a ‘medium
that complying with the state’s               regarding marriage.’” Presumably, they          for the communication of ideas’ about
anti-discrimination law would not             hoped to tap into the burgeoning on-line        marriage. And like the creators of
substantially burden the photographer’s       phenomenon of shared wedding videos,            other types of films, such as full-length
freedom of religion. The U.S. Supreme         which seem to have a considerable               documentaries, the Larsens will exercise
Court denied Elane Photography’s              audience. But their representation by           substantial ‘editorial control and
petition to review the New Mexico             Alliance Defending Freedom suggests             judgment.’” He concluded, “The videos
court’s ruling.                               an ulterior motive, that the Larsens            themselves are, in a word, speech.”
    Judge Stras’s opinion based its           have volunteered (or were recruited) to             Stras insisted that applying the
conclusion on a conflation of the Larsens’    be plaintiffs as part of ADF’s strategy         Minnesota Human Rights Act to the
business with the film studies that make      to get a case to the Supreme Court              Larsens’ business “is at odds with the
movies for public exhibition. During          in hopes of broadening the rights of            ‘cardinal constitutional command’
oral argument, the Larsen’s activities        religious business owners to avoid              against compelled speech. The
in making a video were likened to the         complying with anti-discrimination              Larsens to not want to make videos
work of prominent film producers/             laws, and perhaps even getting the              celebrating same-sex marriage, which

                                                                                              September 2019 LGBT Law Notes 7
Big Victory for Trans Health - September 2019 - New York Law School
they find objectionable. Instead, they       Circuit decisions where that court has         Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights
wish to actively promote opposite-sex        used the hybrid rights theory, making it       Commission (2018), in which the
weddings through their videos, which         fair game for litigation within the circuit.   reluctant baker had refused to make a
at a minimum will convey a different         The Supreme Court had articulated it           wedding cake for a same-sex couple. In
message than the videos the MHRA             as a possible exception to the general         that opinion, Kennedy acknowledged
would require them to make.”                 rule in Employment Discrimination v.           that religious and philosophical objects
   Stras insisted that this case fell into   Smith, speculating that had the plaintiff      to same-sex marriage enjoy First
line with various U.S. Supreme Court         been able to claim a violation of some         Amendment protection, but “such
precedents blocking the government           other constitutional right in addition to      objections do not allow business owners
from compelling a private actor to           free exercise of religion, he might have       . . . to deny protected persons equal
express a message they don’t want to         a valid claim. But Stras insisted that the     access to goods and services under a
express, citing, among other cases,          Court’s comments actually related to the       neutral and generally applicable public
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, where         holdings in some prior cases. However,         accommodations law.” Judge Kelley
the Court recognized the Scouts’ 1st         he noted, “it is not at all clear that the     observed,      “That      well-established
Amendment right to ban gay men from          hybrid-rights doctrine will make any           principle should have easily disposed of
serving as volunteer leaders of Scout        real difference in the end” because            this case.”
troops. In that case, the Court said that    the Court was already holding that the            She contested Judge Stras’s attempt
requiring the Scouts to let out gay James    Larsens’ free speech claim “requires the       to “recharacterize Minnesota’s law as a
Dale be an assistant scoutmaster would       application of strict scrutiny.”               content-based regulation of speech.” She
be compelling them to communicate a              The court did reject the Larsens’          argued that the law does not compel the
message of approval for homosexuality.       alternative theories of freedom of             Larsens to communicate any particular
The ruling in that case was by a vote of     association and equal protection. The          message about marriage. “What they
5-4, overruling a 4-3 decision by the New    former claim, if recognized, would             cannot do,” she wrote, “is to operate
Jersey Supreme Court. Stras also placed      render        anti-discrimination      laws    a public accommodation that serves
great weight on the Supreme Court’s          virtually unenforceable, and the latter        customers of one sexual orientation but
ruling in Hurley v. GLIB, holding that       defeated by the general application of         not others. And make no mistake,” she
Massachusetts could not compel the           the MHRA, which did not on its face            continued, “that is what today’s decision
Catholic veterans association that           single out any particular group for            affords them license to do.” She
ran Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade        disfavored treatment. The court also           asserted that the conduct in which the
to include a gay Irish organization          rejected the Larsens’ argument that            Larsens wish to engage if they expand
marching with a banner proclaiming           the law was unconstitutionally vague,          into the wedding video business would
their identity, because that would be        or imposed unconstitutional conditions         involve denying services based on the
forcing a message on to the parade           upon the operation of a business in the        sexual orientation of customers. “That
that the organizers did not want to          state.                                         the service the Larsens want to make
communicate.                                     The court sent the case back to the        available to the public is expressive does
   The consequence of Stras’s analysis       district court with directions to “consider    not transform Minnesota’s law into a
was not only that the Larsens can assert     in the first instance whether the Larsens      content-based regulation, nor should it
their free speech claim, but that the        are entitled to a preliminary injunction,      empower the Larsens to discriminate
court must subject the application of        keeping in mind the principle that ‘when       against prospective customers based
the MHRA to strict scrutiny, placing         a plaintiff has shown a likely violation       on sexual orientation.” The rest of her
the burden on the state to prove that        of his or her First Amendment rights,          opinion takes much inspiration from
requiring the Larsens to made same-sex       the other requirements for obtaining a         Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dissent
wedding videos is necessary to fulfill a     preliminary injunction are generally           from the Court’s holding in Masterpiece.
compelling government interest.              deemed to have been satisfied.”                   Pointing to an earlier ruling, she
   The court also accepted the Larsens’          Judge Kelly’s dissent was several          wrote, “The Supreme Court has already
argument that they should be allowed to      pages longer than the majority                 held that the MHRA is constitutional,
assert a free exercise of religion claim     opinion. “No court has ever afforded           in the process rejecting many of the
“because it is intertwined with their free   ‘affirmative constitutional protections’       same arguments that the court adopts
speech claim,” constituting a so-called      to private discrimination,” she wrote.         today. Just recently, it reaffirmed that,
“hybrid rights claim.” The Supreme           “Indeed, caselaw has long recognized           although ‘religious and philosophical
Court has mentioned that possibility in      that generally applicable laws like            objections [to same-sex marriage] are
some cases, although it remains more         Minnesota’s may limit the First                protected, it is a general rule that such
theoretical than precedential at this        Amendment rights of an individual in           objections do not allow business owners
point because most legal analysts have       his capacity as the owner of a business        and other actors in the economy and in
considered these mentions as not part of     serving the public.” On this point,            society to deny protected persons equal
the holdings in the opinions where they      she cited Justice Anthony Kennedy’s            access to goods and services under a
appear. But Stras pointed out two 8th        opinion for the Court in Masterpiece           neutral and generally applicable public

8 LGBT Law Notes September 2019
accommodations law.’ The Supreme
Court is free to revise or overturn its
                                              2nd Circuit Holds That It Was Not “Clearly
precedents,” she continued. “We are not.      Established” That Sexual Orientation
Rather than disturb bedrock principles
of law, I would affirm the district court’s   Discrimination in Public Employment is
order in full.”
    The state can seek review of              Actionable under the Equal Protection
this decision by the full bench of
the 8th Circuit, but that circuit has         Clause Prior to Obergefell and Windsor
an      overwhelmingly       Republican/      By Arthur S. Leonard
conservative tilt at present. Of the
eleven active judges, only one, Judge             In the course of deciding an appeal by     then assistant coach of the women’s
Kelly, was appointed by a Democratic          some supervisory public employees of a         basketball team, that she would be
president. Trump has managed to place         district court’s refusal to accord them        discharged if she did not resign. She
four judges on the court, where all but       qualified immunity from a discharged           resigned and filed her discrimination
one of the other judges was appointed         employee’s claim of discrimination             charges with the NY State Division of
by George W. Bush, with the senior-           because of perceived sexual orientation        Human Rights and the EEOC. After
most of the active judges having been         (that took place in 2010), a panel of          exhausting administrative remedies
appointed by the first President Bush.        the U.S. Court of Appeals stated in            against the school, she filed suit in
Clinton’s appointees have all died or         Naumovski v. Norris, 2019 U.S. App.            federal court, adding discrimination
retired. Perhaps the state should apply       LEXIS 23891, 2019 WL 3770193 (Aug.             claims under the Constitution against the
directly to the Supreme Court for             12, 2019), that it was not then “clearly       Athletic Director and the Head Coach
review, but who is to say that Justice        established” by the Supreme Court or           of the team as well as the university
Kennedy’s comments, relied upon by            the 2nd Circuit prior to the rulings in U.S.   employer. Norris and Scholl sought
Judge Kelly, would find majority support      v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges            unsuccessfully to get U.S. District Judge
on the Court now that Neil Gorsuch has        that sexual orientation discrimination         David Hurd to dispose of the claims
replaced Kennedy? ■                           is actionable under in a 42 U.S.C. Sec.        against them on grounds of qualified
                                              1983 claim alleging a violation of the         immunity, as part of his overall ruling
                                              Equal Protection Clause.                       on motions for summary judgment, and
                                                  The opinion for the panel by Circuit       this appeal to the 2nd Circuit concerns
                                              Judge Jose Cabranes suggests that it           Judge Hurd’s failure to grant their
                                              might be “possible today that sexual           motions, which he implicitly did by
                                              orientation discrimination in public           denying them summary judgment.
                                              employment may be actionable under                 Naumovski, a single woman in her
                                              Section 1983,” but at the time of the          thirties, became the subject of rumors
                                              conduct challenged in this case “such          concerning her possible relationship
                                              a constitutional prohibition was not yet       with a woman on the team, identified
                                              ‘clearly established’” so the defendants       in the opinion as J.W. Complaints from
                                              were entitled to qualified immunity            other students that Naumovski was
                                              from the claim. In a footnote, Judge           showing favoritism to this woman came
                                              Cabranes acknowledged that as early as         to the head coach and the then-assistant
                                              1996, in Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 634,         athletic director, James Norris, who,
                                              and again in 2003, in Lawrence v. Texas,       according to Judge Cabranes, “states
                                              539 U.S. 558, the Supreme Court “had           that he understood the rumors to refer
                                              already begun to scrutinize laws that          to a relationship of favoritism between
                                              reflected ‘animosity’ toward gays,” but        a coach and a student-athlete, rather
                                              in this case the plaintiff had not alleged     than to a sexual relationship between
                                              “such class-based animosity or desire to       the two.” Norris discussed these rumors
                                              harm.” He also noted that under Engquist       with the Athletic Director, “who
                                              v. Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, 553 U.S.       assured him that the allegations were
                                              591 (2008), the plaintiff could not bring      the baseless fabrications of disgruntled
                                              a “class of one” equal protection case         former members of the Binghamton
                                              “simply on the basis that her termination      Athletics community.” Norris was
                                              was individually arbitrary.”                   promoted to the athletic directorship on
                                                  On March 10, 2010, Binghamton              September 30, 2009.
                                              University’s Athletic Director, James              In response to the persisting rumors
                                              Norris, informed Elizabeth Naumovski,          during the fall term of 2009, Head

                                                                                             September 2019 LGBT Law Notes 9
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