BOARD MEETING PROCEDURES - Lompoc Unified School District

Page created by Corey Dixon
The official copy of the agenda is posted at the entrance to the Education Center for Lompoc Unified
School District, 1301 North “A” Street, Lompoc, CA 93436. The agenda is posted 72 hours in
advance of a regular meeting. The agenda and attachments may also be viewed online at and will be posted by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to a Tuesday Board meeting. For
a special Board meeting, the agenda is posted 24 hours in advance. Members of the audience may
comment on any item on the agenda provided they have been recognized by the Board President.
Persons wishing to comment should contact Shirley Edwards (, 805-742-
3320) by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. It is requested that commenters identify themselves
prior to making comments at the meeting and include the SUBJECT of their address. In order that
proper attention may be given to each item on the agenda, the chair may limit the time allotted to each
speaker. Citizens’ opinions on Board issues are always welcome. However, the Board may not
discuss or take action on any item not on the agenda.

All Board meetings are conducted in accordance with Education Code Section 35145.5 and Board
Bylaw BB 9320. Please contact the Superintendent of Schools at least 24 hours prior to the meeting
to request additional disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or
services, which are required in order to participate in the public meeting.

Members of the public are advised that all PAGERS, CELLULAR TELEPHONES, and any OTHER
COMMUNICATION DEVICES are to be turned off upon entering the Meeting.

                            This meeting will be held via Zoom.
                                  Topic: LUSD Board Meeting
                                   June 22, 2021 5:30 p.m.
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BOARD AGENDA                              -2-                           June 22, 2021

                           BOARD OF EDUCATION
                              June 22, 2021

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Lompoc Unified
School District will be held via Zoom (link above) on Tuesday, June
22, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. (A closed session will be held at 4:30 p.m.)

     1.   CALL TO ORDER


          The Board will consider and may act upon the following items in closes session.   Any
          action taken will be reported publicly during the open session.
          (a)    RE: Conference with Legal Counsel                      - Anticipated
                 Litigation - Significant exposure                      to litigation
                 pursuant to Government Code Section                    54956.9, subd.
                 (d)(2): Six cases (RESOURCE PERSON:                    Mr. Price)

          (b)    RE: Labor Negotiations - Pursuant to Government
                 Code   Section 54957.6  (RESOURCE  PERSON:  Mr.

          (a) Public report of any action taken in closed session
               (closed session agenda item 3 “a”) which must be
               reported out - Government Code Section 54957.1
               (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Schuler Jones)

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (b)    Public report of any action taken in closed session
                 (closed session agenda item 3 “b”) which must be
                 reported out - Government Code Section 54957.1
                 (RESOURCE PERSON: Dr. Heath)

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____
BOARD AGENDA                          -3-                        June 22, 2021

          (a) RE: Call to Order

          (b)   RE:   Pledge of Allegiance

          (c)   RE:   Establish Quorum

          (d)   RE:   Adoption of Agenda for June 22, 2021


          (e)   RE: Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting                    of
                June 8, 2021


          (a) RE: Courtesy to Visitors             (Please refer to the Board Meeting
                Procedures on page 1 for instructions on public comment. The Board
                may not discuss or take action on any issue not on the agenda, except
                to ask questions or refer matters to staff.)

          (b)   RE:   Vandenberg Space Force Report

          (c)   RE:   Superintendent’s Report

          (d)   RE:   Board Member Reports

          LUSD Gladiator Awards
          According to Theodore Roosevelt, “It is not the critic
          who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man
          stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them
          better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in
          the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and
          blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short
          again and again, because there is no effort without error
          and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the
          deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;
          who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best
          knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who
          at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring
          greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold
          and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
          This quote was the inspiration for the LUSD Gladiator
          Awards. This year’s LUSD gladiators are; Susie Reilly,
          Becky Sausker, Hannah Carroll, Suzy Kingsley, Patty Luna,
BOARD AGENDA                    -4-                 June 22, 2021

          Lupe Araujo, Shannon Filburn, Christine Madden, Aurora
          Osua, Gary Dimitratos, Rudy Escarzega, Claudia Terrones,
          Gerry Hernandez-Mendoza, Francisco Galvan, and Margarita
          Reyes. Congratulations and thank you to the 2020-2021
          LUSD Gladiators!

          Nancy Kramer – Help Desk Technician
          The Lompoc Unified School District would like to
          recognize Nancy Kramer as this month’s Outstanding
          Employee. Nancy has worked in Lompoc Unified School
          District for the past fourteen years, the last seven as
          the Help Desk Technician. During her time in the
          District, Nancy has made a positive impact everywhere she
          has been stationed. Nancy is always willing to assist all
          employees with a positive attitude and patient approach.
          Nancy has been steadfast in her willingness to do what is
          necessary so staff can access tech to ultimately help our
          students. For that, we want to say THANK YOU to Nancy
          and recognize her for her outstanding work ethic and

          (a) RE: Presentation of Technology Plan
               Ian Trejo from Information Technology and Services
               will present the Technology Plan for school years
               2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.

                Copies of the Technology Plan have been provided to
                Board members. Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Trejo) BOARD GOAL #3

     9.   REPORTS
          (a) RE: Report on the Local Control Accountability Plan
               (LCAP), LCAP Budget Overview for Parents and Annual
               Updates for Lompoc Unified School District
               Christina Giguiere from Education Services will
               report on the LCAP to include the 2021-2022 budget
               overview for parents, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
               annual updates, and 2021-2022 LCAP.       (RESOURCE
               PERSON: Ms. Valla)

          (b)   RE: Lompoc Unified School District Local Indicators
                for 2020-2021
                Lompoc Unified School District is required to
                annually report the progress within the Local
                Indicators Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to the
                local governing board at a regularly scheduled
BOARD AGENDA                     -5-                June 22, 2021

                meeting and through the evaluation rubrics web-
                based system (California School Dashboard).

                Christina   Giguiere will report on Conditions for
                Learning    (Priority 1, 2, 7), Pupil Outcomes
                (Priority   4) and Engagement (Priority 3, 5, 6).
                (RESOURCE   PERSON: Ms. Valla)

          (c)   RE:   Lompoc  Unified   School  District   Student
                Recognition/Senior Awards for the 2020-2021 School
                Each year, LUSD high schools conduct senior awards
                programs.    The recognition received by these
                students is an indication of their outstanding
                ability and excellent achievement.      This is a
                commendation to the students and staff of the
                Lompoc Unified School District.

                A list of awards and recipients for the 2020-2021
                school year has been provided to Board members.
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo)

          (d)   RE: Instructional Minutes for 2021-2022 (ATTACHMENT
                Attached is the schedule of instructional minutes
                for Lompoc Unified School District for the 2021-
                2022 school year. The state minimum requirements
                are listed in bold type at the top of each column,
                followed by the instructional minutes for each
                school in the District by grade level. (RESOURCE
                PERSON: Ms. Valla)

          (e)   RE: Enrollment Report and Enrollment vs Attendance
                vs ADA Report (ATTACHMENT B)
                Attached is the Enrollment Report for the ninth
                school month ending on May 14, 2021. The enrollment
                was 9,065.
                This represents a decrease of 14 from the eighth
                school month and a decrease of 172 from the first
                day of school of the 2020-2021 school year.

                The second attachment is the Enrollment vs
                Attendance vs ADA Report that compares enrollment,
                attendance percentage and ADA for the previous five
                school years. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo)
BOARD AGENDA                          -6-                                            June 22, 2021

           (Consent items are grouped to be acted upon by the Board with a single
           action. If Board members wish to act separately on an item, a request
           should be made to remove the item from the consent list.)

           (a)   RE: Approval of Commercial Warrants
                 A copy of the warrant listing has been sent to each
                 Board member. Additional copies are available upon
                 request.   It is recommended the warrants shown on
                 the list be approved for payment.         (RESOURCE
                 PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2

           (b)   RE: Personnel Items (ATTACHMENT C)
                 It is recommended the attached Personnel Items be
                 approved. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

           (c)   RE: Acceptance of Donations
                 The following donations have been offered to the
                 Trevor McDonald, Bree Valla, Doug Sorum, Brian Jaramillo and Shirley
                 Edwards: A donation of a $500 GRIT scholarship, which was awarded to
                 Melanie Nunez, Lompoc High School senior.

                 American Legion Auxillary: A donation of $50 to Los Berros VAPA for
                 the purchase of school supplies.

                 It is recommended the donations be accepted and
                 that letters of appreciation be sent to the donors.
                 (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2

           (d)   RE: Ratification of April 2021 Payrolls
                 It is recommended the April 2021 Payrolls                                                 be
                 ratified as follows:

                 General Fund. . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . .   $4,565,554.70
                 Adult Educ. Fund. . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . .   43,739.88
                 General Fund. . . . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .       $1,517,364.35
                 Adult Educ. Fund. . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   19,393.43
                 Bond Building Fund. . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .    0.00
                 Deferred Maint Fund . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . . . 0.00
                 Child Nutrition Services Fund   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 174,842.99

                 COMBINED TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             $6,320,895.35
                 Payroll Burden/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              2,260,828.17
                 GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             $8,581,723.52
                 (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2
BOARD AGENDA                         -7-                                            June 22, 2021

          (e)   RE: Ratification of May 2021 Payrolls
                It is recommended the May 2021 Payrolls be ratified
                as follows:
                General Fund. . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . .   $4,651,236.40
                Adult Educ. Fund. . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . .   54,569.04
                General Fund. . . . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .       $1,544,142.40
                Adult Educ. Fund. . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   19,620.01
                Bond Building Fund. . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .    0.00
                Deferred Maint Fund . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . . . 0.00
                Child Nutrition Services Fund   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 174,283.72

                COMBINED TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             $6,443,851.57
                Payroll Burden/Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              2,272,310.34
                GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             $8,716,161.91
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2
          (f)   RE: Declaration of Surplus Property (ATTACHMENT D)
                Site administrators and District Business Services
                personnel have determined that the supplies and
                equipment listed on the noted attachment are no
                longer suitable for District use.           It is
                recommended that the Board declares these items as
                surplus. The Purchasing Manager is thus authorized
                to sell or otherwise dispose of the equipment in
                accordance with the California Education Code,
                Section 17545-17547. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum)
                BOARD GOAL #2

          (g)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Advanced Refrigeration Heating
                & Air Conditioning
                It is recommended the Board approves the extension
                of an existing contract with Advanced Refrigeration
                Heating    and   Air   Conditioning    to   perform
                preventative    maintenance    and    reports    on
                refrigeration and kitchen equipment at all school
                sites and the Central Kitchen for the 2021-2022
                school year.

                The fiscal impact to the District is estimated to
                be $33,000 and will be funded by Fund 13: Cafeteria

                Copies of the contract have been provided to Board
                members. Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4
BOARD AGENDA                    -8-                 June 22, 2021

          (h)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Buellton Union School District
                It is recommended the Board approves the 2021-2022
                Child Nutrition Services Contract between the
                Lompoc Unified School District and the Buellton
                Union School District.

                There is no negative fiscal impact to the Child
                Nutrition Services department.     Buellton Union
                School District will be invoiced for the number of
                lunches ordered each day at the rate of $2.87 per

                Copies of this document have been provided to the
                Board members.   Additional copies are available
                upon request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD
                GOAL #2

          (i)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Manzanita Public Charter School
                It is recommended the Board approves the 2021-2022
                Child Nutrition Services Contract between the
                Lompoc Unified School District and the Manzanita
                Charter School.

                There is no negative fiscal impact to the Child
                Nutrition Services Department. Manzanita Public
                Charter School will be invoiced for the number of
                meals delivered each day at the rate of $2.40 per
                breakfast and $3.65 per lunch.

                Copies of this document have been provided to the
                Board members.   Additional copies are available
                upon request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD
                GOAL #2

          (j)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Lompoc Valley Middle School ASB
                Child Nutrition Services recommends the Board
                approves the agreement to pay student workers
                during the lunch period, they will be paid minimum
                wage. LVMS ASB will assign student workers from
                student clubs for one-month assignments as part of
                their fundraising efforts for the 2021-2022 school
BOARD AGENDA                    -9-                 June 22, 2021

                The fiscal impact will not exceed $5,000 and will
                be funded by Child Nutrition Services. (RESOURCE
                PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (k)   RE: Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Lompoc High School ASB
                Child Nutrition Services recommends the Board
                approves the agreement to pay student workers
                during the lunch period, they will be paid minimum
                wage. Lompoc High School ASB will assign student
                workers   from   student   clubs   for   one-month
                assignments as part of their fundraising efforts
                for the 2021-2022 school year.

                The fiscal impact will not exceed $7,500 and will
                be funded by Child Nutrition Services(RESOURCE
                PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (l)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Cabrillo High School ASB
                Child Nutrition Services recommends the Board
                approves the agreement to pay student workers
                during the lunch period, they will be paid minimum
                wage. Cabrillo High School ASB will assign student
                workers from student clubs for two-week assignments
                as part of their fundraising efforts for the 2021-
                2022 school year.

                The fiscal impact will not exceed $6,000 and will
                be funded by Child Nutrition Services. (RESOURCE
                PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (m)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School   District   (LUSD)   and  American   Eagle
                Staff recommends the Board approves the agreement
                with   American   Eagle  Enterprises  for   annual
                maintenance and repair services of the gym
                bleachers at Cabrillo High School, Lompoc High
                School and Lompoc Valley Middle School. The term
                of the agreement is from July 1, 2021 through June
                30, 2022

                The fiscal impact to the District is $6,985 and
                will be funded by Maintenance Funds.
BOARD AGENDA                   -10-                 June 22, 2021

                Copies of the proposal have been provided to Board
                members.   Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (n)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District (LUSD) and CAME Security Alarms
                It is recommended the Board approves the agreement
                with CAME Security Alarms for fire alarm monitoring
                during the 2021-2022 school year.

                The fiscal impact will be $5,400 and will be funded
                by Maintenance Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (o)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District (LUSD) and Dude Solutions, Inc.
                It is recommended the Board approves the agreement
                with Dude Solutions Inc. for the renewal of the
                Maintenance Work Order System during the 2021-2022
                school year.

                The fiscal impact is $7,062.70 and the funding
                source is Maintenance Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (p)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Izzy’s Professional Pest
                It is recommended the Board approves the agreement
                with Izzy’s Professional Pest Management for
                District-wide pest abatement services. The term of
                the agreement is from July 1, 2021 through June 30,

                The fiscal impact to the District is approximately
                $20,100 and will be funded by Maintenance Funds.

                Copies of the proposal have been provided to Board
                members.   Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4
BOARD AGENDA                   -11-                 June 22, 2021

          (q)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Lompoc Fire Equipment Services
                It is recommend the Board approves the agreement
                with Lompoc Fire Equipment Services Inc. for fire
                extinguisher service. The term of the agreement is
                from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

                The fiscal impact to the District is $8,500 and
                will be funded by General Funds.

                Copies of the proposal have been provided to Board
                members.   Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (r)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Mission Linen & Uniform
                It is recommended the Board approves the agreement
                with Mission Linen & Uniform Services for laundry
                services of M&O uniforms. The term of the agreement
                is from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

                The fiscal impact will not exceed $20,000 and will
                be funded by General Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (s)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Mission Linen & Uniform
                It is recommended the Board approves the agreement
                with Mission Linen & Uniform Services for laundry
                services for Transportation Department uniforms.
                The term of the agreement is from July 1, 2021
                through June 30, 2022.

                The fiscal impact will not exceed $6,000 and will
                be funded by Transportation Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4
BOARD AGENDA                   -12-                 June 22, 2021

          (t)   RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Richard Oberly Jr.
                Staff recommends the Board of Education approves
                the agreement with Richard Oberly Jr. for District-
                wide wildlife management control services. The term
                of the agreement is from July 1, 2021 through June
                30, 2022.

                The fiscal impact to the District is approximately
                $7,150 and will be funded by Maintenance Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4
          (u)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and ZP Abrego Construction, Inc.
                Staff recommends the Board of Education approves a
                contract with ZP Abrego Construction, Inc. for
                inspection services for PROJECT: B5-21 LA CAÑADA

                The fiscal impact to the District is not to exceed
                $14,500. The funding source for this project is
                IEEEP Grant Funds.

                Copies of the proposal have been provided to Board
                members.   Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (v)   RE: Approval to Contract Services with Lindamood-
                Bell Learning Processes
                The District wishes to obtain Board approval to
                contract services with Lindamood-Bell Learning
                Processes to provide training and online support
                for LUSD staff during the summer of 2021 and
                throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Two separate
                online workshops will be held: Visualizing and
                Verbalizing Online Workshop and Seeing Stars Online

                The fiscal impact for each contract is $17,550. The
                total fiscal impact will not exceed $35,100 and
                will be funded from ELO Grant Funds.
BOARD AGENDA                     -13-                       June 22, 2021

                Copies of the contracts have been provided to Board
                members. Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
                GOAL #3

          (w)   RE:   Approval to Renew Contract Services with
                Family Service Agency
                The District wishes to obtain Board approval to
                renew contract services with Family Service Agency
                (FSA)to provide school-based counseling services
                for LUSD students for the 2021-2022 school year.

                It is recommended that       the   Board      approves   the
                contracts as presented.

                The fiscal impact of the FSA contracts being
                submitted for approval will not exceed $232,023,
                and will be funded from various funding sources as
                shown below:

                Contract     Fiscal Impact   Funding Source

                LUSD         $106,513        Medi-Cal

                Fillmore     $   5,000       Site Title I

                Miguelito    $ 39,683        Site Title I &
                                             Supp/Concentration LCFF

                LHS          $ 49,081        Site Title I

                BFCDS        $ 31,746        Supp/Concentration LCFF

                Copies of the contracts have been provided to Board
                members. Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
                GOAL #4

          (x)   RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
                School District and Family Service Agency
                Education Services is requesting Board approval for
                a contract between Lompoc Unified School District
                (LUSD) and Family Service Agency for three Family
                Support Services (FSS) Family Advocates.
BOARD AGENDA                   -14-                 June 22, 2021

                The FSS Family Advocates will be part of a school
                and District team that will focus on family
                engagement. The FSS Family Advocates must have a
                working knowledge of community resources and will
                provide    appropriate   referrals   to   social,
                educational and health services. In collaboration
                with the District, the FSS Family Advocates will
                participate in school and program events during
                traditional and non-traditional hours to conduct
                outreach, build relationships and enhance service

                The fiscal impact is $225,180. Two specialists will
                be funded through the Learning Communities for
                School Success Program (LCSSP) and one specialist
                from the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant
                (ELO) Funds. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
                GOAL #2

          (y)   RE:   Approval of Agreement between Maple High
                School and Dr. Joanne Nelson
                Maple High School is requesting Board approval for
                an agreement and MOU with Dr. Joanne Nelson, a
                licensed family therapist, for therapeutic services
                for the 2021-2022 school year. During the term of
                this agreement, Dr. Joanne Nelson will provide
                school-based therapist and support services to
                students and families of students at Maple High

                The fiscal impact is $32,500 to be paid in two
                installments and will be funded with Comprehensive
                School Improvement Funds.

                Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
                members.    Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (z)   RE: Approval of Renewal of Agreement between Maple
                High School and Hunnyfly Yoga Studio
                Maple High School is requesting Board approval for
                the renewal of the agreement with Hunnyfly Yoga
                Studio for the 2021-2022 school year.
BOARD AGENDA                  -15-                 June 22, 2021

               The fiscal impact is $5,000 and will be funded with
               Comprehensive School Improvement Funds.

               Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (aa) RE: Approval to Purchase SIS (Student Information
               System)Hosting through Aequitas
               The IT Department is requesting Board approval to
               transition from hosting our own student information
               system (SIS) to having Aequitas host it for us.
               Currently, our SIS requires three servers for
               operation and backup, an F5 load balancer and
               several types of licensing. With Board approval,
               Aequitas will host the SIS for LUSD and the
               hardware and licensing will no longer be necessary.

               The fiscal impact will not exceed $48,576 and the
               funding source is General Funds.
               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Trejo) BOARD GOAL #3

          (bb) RE: Approval to Purchase Chromebooks through CDW-G
               The IT Department is requesting approval to
               purchase Chromebooks. LUSD has 8,700 Chromebooks
               that will expire in September and needs to purchase
               additional Chromebooks to retain the 1:1 Chromebook
               to student ratio.

               The fiscal impact will not exceed $497,900 and the
               funding source is COVID Funds.
               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Trejo) BOARD GOAL #3

          (cc) RE: Approval to Purchase Locking Charging Station
               for iPads from School Outlet
               The IT Department is requesting Board approval to
               purchase locking charging stations for iPads
               through School Outlet.
BOARD AGENDA                   -16-                 June 22, 2021

               Locking charging stations will be provided to
               teachers using iPads in their classrooms. It will
               allow teachers to easily lock and charge student

               The fiscal impact for one hundred(100) locking
               charging stations will be $18,068.01. The funding
               source will be COVID Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Trejo) BOARD GOAL #3

          (dd) RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
               School District and Nora Guerra
               Education Services is requesting Board approval for
               an agreement between Lompoc Unified School District
               (LUSD) and Nora Guerra, an educational consultant.
               The purpose of the contract is to create and
               implement a three-year plan for increasing family
               engagement at the school and District level.

               The fiscal impact is $22,400 for 180 hours of
               service. Travel expenses are additional and not to
               exceed $6,000. The funding source is the Learning
               Communities for School Success Grant Funds.

               Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOAL
          (ee) RE:   Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Valley
               Middle School and Curriculum Associates
               Lompoc Valley Middle School requests the Board’s
               approval   of   an   agreement   with   Curriculum
               Associates, LLC for the 2021-2022 school year.
               Curriculum Associates will provide two days of
               professional   development   to  staff   for   the
               implementation of the i-Ready program and analysis
               of student data and progress.

               i-Ready is an adaptive curriculum that combines
               both online and teacher-led instruction. It is a
               predictor of SBAC success and is a highly effective
               tool for remediating reading and math skills. The
               program will be used for LUSD at-risk students in
BOARD AGENDA                  -17-                 June 22, 2021

               Reading Improvement, Math Intervention, and Special
               Education that have been targeted based on a number
               of data points.

               The fiscal impact is $15,590 and will be funded
               with Site Title I Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to the Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (ff) RE:     Approval of Agreement with Illuminate
               Education   Services   recommends  the  Board   of
               Education approves the three year agreement with
               Illuminate Education for the purchase of DnA
               Assessment   Software   Licenses  and   trainings.
               Illuminate provides comprehensive assessment, MTSS
               collaboration   and   management,  and   real-time
               dashboard tools for data-driven educators.

               The fiscal impact is $83,515 for year 1 and will be
               funded with the    Expanded Learning Opportunities
               Grant Funds in 2021-2022 and $71,275 in years 2 and
               3 to be funded with LCFF Supplemental and
               Concentration Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to the Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (gg) RE: Approval of Agreement with NWEA
               Education   Services  recommends   the  Board   of
               Education approves the agreement with NWEA for the
               purchase of licenses that contain access to MAP
               Growth.   NWEA is a research-based not-for-profit
               organization that creates academic assessments for
               students pre-K-12.

               The fiscal impact is $92,467.50 and will be funded
               with LCFF Supplemental Concentration Funds.
BOARD AGENDA                  -18-                 June 22, 2021

               Copies of the quote have been provided to the Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (hh) RE:   Approval of AVID College Readiness System
               Services and Products Agreement
               The District requests Board approval of the AVID
               College Readiness System Services and Products
               Agreement (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) for Lompoc
               Valley Middle, Vandenberg Middle, Cabrillo High,
               Lompoc High, and Maple High Schools. Included in
               the agreement is Manzanita Public Charter School
               (MPCS). MPCS will be billed for their share of the

               The AVID College Readiness System consists of AVID
               Elementary, AVID Secondary and AVID for Higher

               The fiscal impact is $26,520 and will be funded
               through    Supplemental   Concentration    Funds.
               Manzanita will be billed for their portion of the
               cost, which is $3,125.

               Copies of the service agreement have been provided
               to the Board members.       Additional copies are
               available upon request.    (RESOURCE PERSON:   Ms.
               Valla) BOARD GOAL #1

          (ii) RE: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
               between Lompoc Unified School District (LUSD) and
               the University of CA, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
               Education   Services   recommends  the   Board  of
               Education approves the three year MOA with the
               University of California, Santa Barbara. UCSB will
               work on implementing the Destination College
               Advising Corps (DCAC) and Mathematics, Engineering
               Science Achievement (MESA) programs. The mission
               of the K-12 programs is to increase college
               attainment for underrepresented, first-generation
               college, and low-income students by fostering a
               college going culture.
BOARD AGENDA                  -19-                 June 22, 2021

               Three years would allow the District to more
               accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the
               program. Programs will be at Lompoc High School for
               year 1 and Cabrillo High School will be added in
               year 2.

               The fiscal impact is $65,000 for year 1 and will be
               funded with Title I Funds. The fiscal impact for
               Years 2 and 3 will be $130,000 each and also funded
               with Title I Funds.

               Copies of the MOA have been provided to Board
               members. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1

          (jj) RE:   Approval of Renewal of Renaissance Learning
               Implementation Services
               Education   Services  recommends  the   Board  of
               Education approves the renewal of the Renaissance
               Learning subscription renewal for the period July
               1, 2021 – June 30, 2022.

               The fiscal impact is $100,939.46 and will be funded
               through Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant and
               Supplemental Concentration Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to the Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL

          (kk) RE: Approval of Purchase of iMac Computers for CTE
               Program at Cabrillo High School
               Pupil Support Services is requesting Board approval
               for an additional twenty-one (21) iMac computers
               from Apple Inc. for student use in the CTE Graphic
               Arts program at Cabrillo High School. Currently,
               the Cabrillo Graphics lab is using approximately
               seven-year old Apple iMac computers. While the
               computers    are   usable    in   many    classroom
               environments, they cannot support the current
               graphics applications from Adobe software for
               graphic student assignments. Apple has introduced a
               new processor, the M1, and all of the software used
               in the class is transitioning to functioning with
               the M1 chips.
BOARD AGENDA                  -20-                 June 22, 2021

               The fiscal impact will be $36,164.41. The funding
               source will be Strong Workforce Program (SWP) Grant
               Funds for the CTE Graphic Arts Pathway at Cabrillo
               High School.

               Copies of the price quote have been provided to
               Board members. Additional copies will be available
               upon request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo)
               BOARD GOAL #1

          (ll) RE: Approval for Renewal of Administrative Software
               Applications, Inc. (ASAP) Software License for
               Lompoc Adult School and Career Center (LASCC)
               Lompoc Adult School and Career Center (LASCC) is
               seeking Board approval for the renewal of database
               software to manage student information.         The
               Administrative Software Applications, Inc. (ASAP)
               license is for the 2021-2022 school year.

               The fiscal impact is $5,716.80 and will be funded
               through LASCC California Adult Education Program
               (CAEP) A104 Funds.

               Copies of the ASAP price quote have been provided
               to Board members. Additional copies are available
               upon request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo)
               BOARD GOAL #1

          (mm) RE:   Approval of Contract between Lompoc Unified
               School District (LUSD) and FIRST 5 Santa Barbara
               County, Children & Families Commission for Early
               Learning Implementation Project Grant
               Lompoc Adult School and Career Center (LASCC) is
               requesting Board approval for a contract between
               Lompoc Unified School District (LUSD) and FIRST 5
               Santa   Barbara    County,  Children    &  Families
               Commission.     Through    the    Early    Learning
               Implementation Project Grant, a four-year, $600,000
               grant in effect July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025,
               LASCC will implement the elements of LUSD’s Early
               Learning Plan to help close the learning gap and
               create a Kindergarten readiness network. Primary
               strategies to be implemented include the following:
               develop and strengthen the existing network of
               local agencies and stakeholders, identify and
               pursue   additional    funding streams    to   meet
BOARD AGENDA                  -21-                 June 22, 2021

               identified needs through grant writing, achieve
               vertical articulation of early learning providers,
               implement best practice professional development
               for early learning professionals, and implement
               parent education cohorts that support children on a
               cradle to college/career continuum.

               Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
               members.    Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1

          (nn) RE: Approval for Dream Catcher Enterprise Software
               for Lompoc Adult School and Career Center (LASCC)
               Lompoc Adult School and Career Center (LASCC) is
               seeking Board approval for Dream Catcher Enterprise
               Software: Dream Catcher Life & Career Coaching Labs
               (Dream Catcher).     The Dream Catcher software
               features structured, focused learning experiences
               that help students develop self-knowledge and
               skills to make definitive career and academic path
               decisions based on students’ purpose and values.
               The Dream Catcher license is for the 2021-2022
               school year.

               The fiscal impact is $9,700 and will be funded
               through LASCC California Adult Education Program
               (CAEP) A104 Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members.   Additional copies are available upon
               request.  (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1

          (oo) RE: Approval of Agreement Between Lompoc Unified
               School District (LUSD) and Child Abuse Listening
               Mediation (CALM)
               Board approval is requested for the agreement
               between LUSD and CALM for Mental Health Services at
               Clarence Ruth for the 2021-2022 school year. CALM
               will deliver a model of trauma-informed mental
               health services and evidence-based interventions to
               students in TK through 6th grade. The program will
               engage students, families, teachers, administrators
               and   school   staff   to   build   trauma-informed
               classrooms and school communities to create
               learning environments that are supportive of the
BOARD AGENDA                  -22-                 June 22, 2021

               social-emotional needs of all children by providing
               services   in   person   and/or   through   virtual
               platforms. CALM will provide one full time School-
               Based Therapist and an average of six weekly hours
               of supervision and program oversight by the
               Clinical Supervisor and Program Manager.

               The fiscal impact will be $119,508 and will be
               funded from Expanded Learning Opportunity Funds.

               Copies of the agreement have been provided to the
               Board. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOALS #1 and #4

          (pp) RE: Approval of Turnitin License Renewal
               Lompoc High School requests Board approval for the
               purchase of Turnitin license renewals for the 2021-
               2022 school year.        Turnitin is a database
               that universities and      high   schools use    to
               submit essays or research papers. The Turnitin
               website checks the documents for unoriginal content
               and plagiarism. The results can be used to identify
               similarities   to   existing    sources   or   used
               in formative assessment to help students learn how
               to avoid plagiarism and improve their writing.

               This is a one-year extension of 1,425 licenses at
               $4.50 each and one campus fee of $695. The total
               fiscal impact is $7,107.50 and will be funded
               through Site Title I Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members.   Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1

          (qq) RE: Approval of Neapod License Renewal for Lompoc
               High School
               Board approval of the renewal of Nearpod licenses
               at Lompoc High School for the 2021-2022 school year
               is being requested. Nearpod is a digital tool that
               allows teachers to use, modify or create engaging
               and interactive digital lessons directly linked to
               California State Standards in all content areas.
               The lessons allow teachers to engage learners in a
               variety   of   ways   and    to   monitor   student
BOARD AGENDA                  -23-                 June 22, 2021

               understanding of the concepts in real-time. In
               addition to core content, Nearpod also has modules
               in the areas of digital citizenship, college &
               career exploration and a variety of other topics.

               The fiscal impact of the renewal is $10,100 and
               will be funded through Site Title I Funds.

               Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
               members.   Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1

          (rr) RE:   Approval of Contracts with District Legal
               The District requests approval from the Board of
               Education for legal services for the 2021-2022
               school year from the following firms: Dannis
               Woliver Kelley (DWK), Lozano Smith, and Griffith &
               Thornburgh. Each firm provides legal expertise in
               specific areas of the law.
               Copies of the legal contracts have been provided to
               Board members.    Additional copies are available
               upon request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. McDonald) BOARD
               GOAL #4

          (ss) RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
               School District and Reaching Terms, LLC
               Business Services recommends the Board of Education
               approves the contract with Reaching Terms, LLC.

               The consultant shall provide collective bargaining
               and conflict resolution services to Lompoc Unified
               School District beginning July 1, 2021. Services as
               described will be offered at an hourly basis ($150
               per hour). Additionally, the District shall
               reimburse the contractor for incidental expenses
               (daily meal expenses shall not exceed $75 per day,
               lodging expense shall not exceed $250 per day and
               automobile   expenses  shall   be   based  on   the
               applicable Internal Revenue Service mileage rate in
               effect) incurred by the Contractor in relation to
               the performance of services. The funding source is
               General Funds.
BOARD AGENDA                  -24-                 June 22, 2021

               Copies of the agreement have been provided to Board
               members. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (tt) RE: Approval of Agreement between Lompoc Unified
               School District and Channel Islands Roofing, Inc.
               It is recommended the Board approve the proposal
               with Channel Islands Roofing Inc. for gutter
               replacement of Portables P7 and P8 at Cabrillo High

               The fiscal impact will be $5,700 and will be funded
               by Maintenance Funds.

               Copies of the proposal have been provided to Board
               members.   Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #4

          (uu) RE:   Approval of 2021-2022 Agricultural Career
               Technical Education Incentive Grant Application
               The LHS Agricultural Department requests Board
               approval   for   submittal    of   the   2021-2022
               Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive
               Grant application. The goal of the grant is to
               maintain high quality, comprehensive agricultural
               vocational programs in California’s public school
               system to ensure a constant source of employable,
               trained and skilled individuals. Schools must meet
               the quality criteria in order to qualify for the
               funding.   The application includes the required
               quality criteria and budget. The grant amount is

               Copies of the grant application have been provided
               to the Board. Additional copies are available upon
               request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
               GOAL #1
          (vv) RE: Approval of the Local Control Accountability
               Plan (LCAP), 2021 LCAP Budget Overview for Parents
               for Lompoc Unified School District
               Following a report earlier in the meeting, the
               2021-2022 LCAP and LCAP Budget Overview for Parents
               are presented for the Board’s approval.
BOARD AGENDA                   -25-                 June 22, 2021

                Copies of the LCAP have been provided to Board
                members.   Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOALS
                #1, #2, #3 and #4

           (ww) RE:   Approval of Out-of State Travel for Shannon
                Cottam to attend American School Counselors
                Association (ASCA) All In Conference
                Board approval is requested for Shannon Cottam, Los
                Berros Elementary School counselor, to attend the
                ASCA All In Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada July
                11-13, 2021. The conference is designed to provide
                school counseling professionals with four days of
                inspirational    keynote   sessions,    informative
                breakout sessions, in-depth looks at hot topics in
                the school counseling profession and networking

                The total cost of the trip, including registration,
                travel, per diem and lodging, will be approximately
                $1,728. Expenses will be paid with Los Berros Site
                Title I Funds. (RESOURCE PERSONS:    Ms. Valla and
                Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOAL #3

           Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

     12.   ACTION
           (a) RE: Final Adoption of 2021-2022 Budget
                In addition to a budget presentation by Mr. Sorum,
                the Lompoc Unified School District Board of
                Education held a public hearing on the 2021-2022
                District budget at the Board meeting on Tuesday,
                June 8, 2021.

                Pursuant to Education Code Section 42127, school
                districts are required to adopt a final budget by
                July 1 of each year. The budget must be developed
                in accordance with standards and criteria for
                fiscal accountability as adopted by the State Board
                of Education.

                It is recommended the Board adopts the 2021-2022
                Budget for the Lompoc Unified School District.
BOARD AGENDA                         -26-                  June 22, 2021

                Copies of the budget and completed Budget Criteria
                and Standards have been provided to Board members.
                Additional copies are available upon request. The
                budget is also available on the District website.
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (b)   RE: Students Recommended for Readmission
                Two students who were expelled by the Board of
                Education of the Lompoc Unified School District are
                applying for readmission and will be recommended
                for readmission due to the fact that all the terms
                of their Rehabilitation Plans have been met.
                Case number:   1920-1206A
                Case number:   1920-0309A
                (RESOURCE PERSON:           Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOALS #1
                and #4

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (c)   RE: Adoption of Resolution for the Establishment of
                Fund 08 - Student Activity Special Revenue Fund
                (ATTACHMENT E)
                Staff recommends the Board of Education adopts the
                attached Resolution authorizing the establishment
                of a restricted government fund known as Fund 08 -
                Student Activity Special Revenue Fund as authorized
                by Education Code 48930, 48933(b), and 48938.
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2
          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (d)   RE:   Adoption    of  Resolution  to   Adopt   Local
                Guidelines      for     Implementing     California
                Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)(ATTACHMENT F)
                Staff recommends the Board of Education Board
                adopts the attached Resolution to adopt local
                guidelines    for    implementing  the    California
                Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Public Resources
                Code Section 21082 requires all public agencies to
                adopt objectives, criteria, and procedures for (1)
                the evaluation of public and private projects
                undertaken or approved by such public agencies, and
                (2) the preparation, if required, of environmental
                impact   reports and      negative declarations in
                connection with that evaluation. The Lompoc Unified
BOARD AGENDA                      -27-                June 22, 2021

                School District must adopt its local guidelines   for
                implementing CEQA to make them consistent with    the
                current provisions and interpretations of CEQA    and
                the State CEQA Guidelines. (RESOURCE PERSON:      Mr.
                Sorum) BOARD GOAL #2

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (e)   RE:    B5-21 La Cañada Elementary School IEEEP
                Portable Classroom Project
                This project, if awarded, included the removal and
                safe-off of the existing portable located at the
                District Office Education Center (1301 North A
                Street, Lompoc, CA) and relocation and installation
                at   La   Cañada   Elementary,   including   power,
                communications, fire alarm, new ramp, and other
                work indicated in the contract documents.

                As the estimate for the project was $150,000, the
                District conducted an informal bid process for the
                project pursuant to the procedures required by
                CUPCCAA. Bids were sent to applicable contractors
                on the District’s CUPCCAA list and sent to the
                required trade journal on May 17, 2021, at least
                ten (10) days before bid opening, followed by a
                mandatory pre-bid conference on May 28, 2021.

                The bids were opened on June 14, 2021. There was
                one (1) bidder who submitted the following bid:

                Contractor                      Total Bid
                Kies and Son Construction       $294,372

                As the bid   exceeds the amount of the IEEEP Grant of
                $150,000,    the District must reject all bids and
                rebid the    project. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum)
                BOARD GOAL   #4

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____
BOARD AGENDA                    -28-                  June 22, 2021

          (f)   RE: Adoption of Resolution - Making Findings for
                Basis of Award and Approving Internet Services
                Contract Under Public Contract Code Section 20118.2
                (ATTACHMENT G)
                The District requires an Internet Service Provider
                to provide dedicated internet access product
                offered at speeds of 10 Gbps, 20 Gbps, 40 Gbps and
                100 bps. The requested service is to include layer-
                2 Ethernet access from a customer location to an
                Internet Service Provider Internet gateway router,
                24 x 7 monitoring and notification and availability
                of technicians who fully support and monitor the
                service (collective, “Internet Services”). The E-
                Rate   Program   provides   schools   funding   for
                telecommunications, internet access, and internal
                connections based on the District’s Free and
                Reduced Lunch count, and staff anticipates the E-
                Rate Program to cover 80% of the proposed contract
                cost for the Internet Services.

                Pursuant to Section 20118.2 of the Public Contract
                Code,   the    Internet   Service   qualifies    as  a
                technology services contract authorized to be
                procured through competitive negotiation as set
                forth in the statute. On December 9, 2020, the
                District    posted   and   issued   E-Rate   Year   24
                (2021/2022) Q4-21 E-Rate Year 24 Internet Service
                Provider RFP (“RFP”), and proposals were accepted
                until January 15, 2021.      District staff received
                two proposals submitted in response to the RFP and
                evaluated these proposals in accordance with the
                District’s evaluation factors, including price and
                their   relative     importance.      Under    Section
                20118.2(d)(7) of the Public Contract Code, if award
                is not made to the lowest priced vendor, the Board
                must make a finding setting forth the basis for the

                It is recommended that the attached Resolution be
                adopted in order to make statutory findings in
                connection with approval and/or ratification of the
                contract with Comcast Business Communications, LLC.
                (RESOURCE PERSONS: Mr. Trejo and Mr. Sorum) BOARD
                GOAL #
BOARD AGENDA                   -29-                 June 22, 2021

          (g)   RE: Approval to Utilize Piggyback Contract for
                Direct Purchase of Classroom Furniture Needs -
                Torrance Unified School District Agreement: Bid
                #10-04.09.19 - Classroom & Office Furniture
                (ATTACHMENT H)
                Staff recommends the Board of Education approves
                the use of the attached Resolution extension, which
                allows LUSD to utilize the Torrance Unified School
                District Agreement: Bid #10-04.09.19 – Classroom &
                Office Furniture.

                Torrance Unified School District Agreement: Bid
                #10-04.09.19 – Classroom & Office Furniture assists
                schools and governments in procuring competitively
                bid classroom and office furniture and eliminate
                much of the cost and time associated with the

                California Public Contract Code (PCC) 20118
                authorizes school districts to order against
                competitive   bids   (commonly   referred   to   as
                “piggyback”) prepared by other school districts and
                public agencies, provided such authority is granted
                by the Board of Education and the originating
                agency at the time of the bid preparation and award
                of contract. Pursuant to PCC 20118, these public
                agencies include any corporation or agency,
                including any county, city town or district.

                At the December 15, 2020 meeting the Board adopted
                the Resolution for use of the piggyback bid. The
                contract has been extended through May 5, 2022. The
                extension is attached for your information. This
                will permit the Education Services Department to
                purchase 21st Century flex-space mobile student
                desks, chairs, stools, teacher desks, mobile books
                bin storage center, storage bins and flex-space
                conversation mats with Lakeshore. This classroom
                furniture will be used at Fillmore Elementary
                School and La Cañada Elementary School for two
                additional rooms.

                The fiscal impact of classroom furniture will not
                exceed $27,877.20. The funding source will be CARES
BOARD AGENDA                   -30-                 June 22, 2021

                Copies of the quote have been provided to Board
                members. Additional copies are available upon
                request. (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD
                GOAL #1

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (h)   RE: Approval of 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
                (ATTACHMENT I)
                Board approval is requested for the attached
                proposed calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
                The 2023-2024 calendar has been reviewed by
                administration, approved by the Lompoc Federation
                of Teachers (LFT) and ratified by the California
                School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 257.
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD GOAL #2

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (i)   RE: Approval of Assistant Superintendent Employment
                It is recommended that Mr. Doug Sorum be approved
                as Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
                for a three-year contract.

                Government Code Sections 53260-53264 apply to
                contracts of employment with the chief executive
                officers of various local agencies including school
                and community college districts.       As pertinent
                here, Section 53262 provides that the contract of
                employment     of    the     District     Assistant
                Superintendent,   Business    Services,   shall  be
                ratified in an open session of the governing board.
                (RESOURCE PERSONS: Mr. McDonald and Ms. Valla)
                BOARD GOALS #1 #2 and #4

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (j)   RE:    Approval for Submission of Provisional
                Internship Permit
                Requests for Provisional Internship Permits may be
                submitted by employing agencies to the Commission
                on Teacher Credentialing to solve a temporary
                certification or assignment problem, when the
                employing agency finds there is an insufficient
                number of    certificated persons who meet the
BOARD AGENDA                   -31-                 June 22, 2021

                specified employment criteria for a position, or
                for other compelling reasons.

                It is recommended that a Provisional Internship
                Permit be requested for Avery Everling, who has
                been assigned as a Special Education teacher at Los
                Berros VAPA. (RESOURCE PERSON:    Ms. Valla) BOARD
                GOAL #1

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (k)   RE:    Approval for Submission of Provisional
                Internship Permit
                Requests for Provisional Internship Permits may be
                submitted by employing agencies to the Commission
                on Teacher Credentialing to solve a temporary
                certification or assignment problem, when the
                employing agency finds there is an insufficient
                number of certificated persons who meet the
                specified employment criteria for a position, or
                for other compelling reasons.

                It is recommended that a Provisional Internship
                Permit be requested for Madeline Gravitt, who has
                been assigned as a Special Education teacher at the
                Education Center. (RESOURCE PERSON:     Ms. Valla)
                BOARD GOAL #1

          (l)   RE: Approval for Submission of Variable Term Waiver
                Requests for Variable Term Waivers may be submitted
                by employing agencies to the Commission on Teacher
                Credentialing to solve a temporary certification or
                assignment problem, when the employing agency finds
                there is an insufficient number of certificated
                persons who meet the specified employment criteria
                for a position, or for other compelling reasons.

                It is recommended that a Variable Term Waiver be
                requested for Marjorie Ledgerwood, who has been
                assigned as a Special Education APE teacher at
                Lompoc High School. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla)
                BOARD GOAL #1

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____
BOARD AGENDA                           -32-                        June 22, 2021

          (m)   RE: Approval for Submission of Variable Term Waiver
                Requests for Variable Term Waivers may be submitted
                by employing agencies to the Commission on Teacher
                Credentialing to solve a temporary certification or
                assignment problem, when the employing agency finds
                there is an insufficient number of certificated
                persons who meet the specified employment criteria
                for a position, or for other compelling reasons.

                It is recommended that a Variable Term Waiver be
                requested for Scott Ricardo, who has been assigned
                as a Special Education APE teacher at Lompoc Valley
                Middle School. (RESOURCE PERSON: Ms. Valla) BOARD
                GOAL #1

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (n)   RE: Adoption of Board Policy - 0000 Series -
                “Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive
                Plans” (ATTACHMENT J)
                The Board Policy listed below has been updated due
                to changes in the Education Code. It is presented
                here for a second reading and adoption.
                BP/          New/
                AR           Revised          Title
                BP 0420.42   Revised          Charter School Renewal
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOAL #5

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

          (o)   RE: Adoption of Board Policy, Administrative
                Regulation and Exemplar - 1000 Series - “Community
                Relations” (ATTACHMENT K)
                The Board Policy, Administrative Regulation and
                Exemplar listed below were revised.      They are
                presented here for a second reading and adoption.
                BP/          New/
                AR/E         Revised          Title
                BP 1330      Revised          Use of School Facilities
                AR 1330      Revised          Use of School Facilities
                E 1330       Revised          Civic Center Fees
                (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Sorum) BOARD GOAL #5

          Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____
BOARD AGENDA                             -33-                        June 22, 2021

           (p)   RE: Adoption of Board Policies, Administrative
                 Regulations and Exemplar - 5000 Series - “Students”
                 (ATTACHMENT L)
                 The Board Policies, Administrative Regulations and
                 Exemplar listed below are being revised or added
                 due to changes in the Education Code. They are
                 presented to the Board for a second reading and
                 BP/           New/
                 AR/E          Revised                Title
                 BP 5113.1     Revised                Chronic Absence and Truancy
                 AR 5113.1     Revised                Chronic Absence and Truancy
                 AR 5113.11    Added                  Attendance Supervision
                 BP 5145.7     Revised                Sexual Harassment
                 AR 5145.7     Revised                Sexual Harassment
                 AR 5145.71    Revised                Title IX Sexual Harassment
                                                      Complaint Procedures
                 E   5145.71   Added                  Title IX Sexual Harassment
                                                      Complaint Procedures
                 (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOAL #5

           Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____

           (q)   RE: Adoption of Board Policy and Administrative
                 Regulation   -   6000   Series  -   “Instruction”
                 (ATTACHMENT M)
                 The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation
                 listed below are being revised due to changes in
                 the Education Code. They are presented here for a
                 second reading and adoption.
                 BP/           New/
                 AR            Revised          Title
                 BP 6142.8     Revised          Comprehensive Health Education
                 AR 6142.8     Revised          Comprehensive Health Education
                 (RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Jaramillo) BOARD GOAL #5

           Motion_____Second_____Roll Call Vote_____


           Date                Time                          Location
           June 29, 2021*      5:00 p.m.                     Zoom
           August 10, 2021     5:30 p.m.                     Zoom
           *Special Board Governance Workshop
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