Page created by Max Mitchell
    rights list


HIGHLIGHTS   Andrea Camilleri         Now Tell Me All About You          8

             Giulia Caminito          A Day Will Come                    9

             Paola Capriolo           Marie and Herr Mahler             10

             Bianca Pitzorno          The Dream of the Sewing Machine   11

             Lidia Ravera             Enduring Love                     12

             Flavio Soriga            In My Veins                       13

FICTION      Emanuele Altissimo       Light Stolen from the Day         14

             Mario Baudino            Mussolini’s Violin                15

             Guido Barbujani          Everything Else Is Temporary      16

             Gianfranco Calligarich   Last Summer in Town               17

             Mario Fortunato          Berlin Voices                     18

             Loredana Lipperini       Black Magic                       19

             Salvatore Maira          I Was a Stranger                  20

             Edoardo Nesi             The Story of My People            21

             Roberto Pazzi            Towards Saint Helena              22

             Antonio Scurati          M – Son of the Century            23

MODERN       Corrado Alvaro           Man is Strong                     24

             Alberto Moravia          Two Women                         25

             Alberto Moravia          The Conformist                    26

             Guido Piovene            The Furies                        27

             Guido Piovene            Italian Journey                   28
BOMPIANI             NON FICTION                                                             BOMPIANI               NON FICTION

REFLECTING           Guido Barbujani       The Invention of Human Races                 31   I L L U S T R AT E D   Giancarlo Ascari      Bridges, Not Walls                   51
ON OUR TIME                                                                                  TITLES
                     Stefano Bartezzaghi   Banality. Commonplaces, Social 		            32                          Pia Valentinis
                                           Networks, Semiotics
                                                                                                                    Umberto Eco           History of Beauty                    52
                     Andrea Dusi           How to Fail at Funding a Start-up and        33
                                                                                                                                          History of Ugliness                  52
                                           Be Happy
                                                                                                                                          The Vertigo of the List              52
                                                                                                                                          The Book of Legendary Lands          53
N A R R AT I V E     Francesco De Carlo    My Brexit                                    34
                                                                                                                    Eleonora Matarrese    The Wild Cook                        54
                     Roberta Scorranese    Take Me Where You Were Born.                 35
                                           Going back to Abruzzo
                                                                                                                    Simone Perotti        Atlas of the Mediterranean Islands   55

BOOKS                Mario Baudino         Don’t You Know Who I Am?		                   36                          Sergio Risaliti       Gustav Klimt                         ª56
                     Giampiero Mughini     Oh, the Wonderful Smell of Books!            37
                     Alessandra Sarchi     Happiness of Images, Weight of Words         38
                                                                                             BOMPIANI               YOUTH BOOKS
BIOGRAPHIES          Nicola Attadio        Where the Wind Is Born. Life of Nellie Bly   39
                     Renato Minore         Rimbaud                                      40   CHILDREN               Mario Bellini         Design Explained to Children         59
                                                                                             & YA
                     Luca Scarlini         The Last Queen of Florence                   41
                                                                                                                    Chiara Carminati      Out of Focus                         60
                     Gaia Servadio         The Most Famous Italian in the World.        42
                                           Life and Adventures                                                      Nicola Cinquetti      The Giro of 1944                     61
                                           of Giovanni Battista Belzoni
                                                                                                                    Paolo Di Paolo        Daddy Gugol                          62
PHILOSOPHY           Francesco Tomatis     The Mountain Way                             43
                                                                                                                    Luca Doninelli        The Detective Wickson Alieni         63

RELIGION             Carlo Maria Martini   To Be a Neighbour                            44                          Umberto Eco           Three Tales                          64
SPIRITUALITY                                                                                                        Eugenio Carmi
                     Alberto Porro         How to Survive the Catholic Church           45
                                           Without Losing Your Faith                                                                                                           65
                                                                                                                    Alberto Moravia       Prehistory Stories

                                                                                                                    Wu Ming 4             The Little Kingdom                   66
MODERN &             Roberto Finzi         A Short History of the Jewish Question       46
H I S T O RY         Caterina Roggero      History of Independent North Africa          47                          Nadia Terranova       Homer Was Here                       67
                                                                                                                    Vanna Vinci
NATURE               Tiziano Fratus        Jonah of the Sequoias                        48                          John Steinbeck        Letter to Thom about Love            68

ART & DESIGN         Mario Bellini         Travels, Objects and Projects                49                          Beppe Tosco           The Owl and the Girl                 69
                                                                                                                    Zosia Dzierzawska

SCIENCE              Giovanni Caprara      An Italian History of Space                  50                          Alessandra Valtieri   The Silk Princesses                  70

                             Andrea Camilleri                                                                                        HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                 Giulia Caminito
                             Now Tell Me All about You                                                                                                           A Day Will Come
                             O R A DI M M I DI T E                                                                                                               U N G IO R N O VER R À

Camilleri has written his most intimate                            about him when she grows up. That’s why                           A little village in central Italy at the                            to the mysterious force that holds them
book: a letter to his great-granddaughter to                       he writes this letter, wittily and sincerely                      beginning of the 20th century. Two                                  together. Zari was born in Sudan, forcedly
tell her who he is, to hold hands with her                         recalling a whole life, enlightning the                           brothers and a black nun. The winds of                              kidnapped as a child and converted: very
across time.                                                       moments that made him who he is. From                             change blowing fast. A gripping novel,                              few people know that is the origin of “la
                                                                   a theatre show in front of the Fascist                            full of hope and courage.                                           Moretta”, the little black one, the abbess
What will last of us, in the memories                              hierarch Pavolini and a mafia massacre in                                                                                             of the cloistered convent of Serra, who
of those who loved us? How will our                                Porto Empedocle to the encounters with                            Lupo and Nicola Ceresa are born at the                              with her music and strength is the polestar
life be told to our descendants?                                   his future wife Rosetta and with Elvira                           very beginning of the 20th century, last sons                       of the whole community. The winds of
Andrea Camilleri is writing when his                               Sellerio, each episode is a way of talking                        to the baker of the little village of Serra                         change are blowing too hard: socialist and
great-granddaughter Matilda comes                                  about what makes life worth of living:                            de’ Conti, in the Marche region. Their life                         anarchic ideals open up the boys’ eyes, and
in and starts playing under the table. He                          roots, love, friends, politics, literature                        is tough, just like everyone else’s in their                        then the Red Week of 1914, the Great
realizes he doesn’t want others to tell her                        and doubt.                                                        village of miserable farmers who watch                              War, the Spanish Flu... For Lupo, Nicola
                                                                                                                                     their children die one by one. Rebel Lupo                           and “la Moretta” everything is bound to
                                                                                                                                     and frail Nicola manage to survive, thanks                          change.

ANDREA CAMILLERI                                                                                                                     GIULIA CAMINITO
was born in Porto Empedocle, Sicily, in 1925. He devoted himself                                                                     was born in Rome in 1988. She graduated in Political Philosophy     vivid personality, well known throughout the Italian communities
to theatre and wrote many books, such as the ones dedicated to                                                                       at Roma Tre University. Her mother is an author of books for        in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Her first book, La grande A, was
Commissario Montalbano, which made him famous worldwide.                                                                             children. Her father, a writer as well, is originally form Asmara   published in 2016.
                                                                                                                                     and his grandmother and grandfather met in Assab. Her great-
                                                                                                                                     grandmother drove a truck, sold contraband alcohol and was a

                                                                                                                                                                                                         E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E
                                                                   E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E
                                                                                                                                                                                                         W I N N E R O F T H E 2 0 1 7 B A G U TT A P R I Z E W I T H
                                                                   Rights sold: Greek (Patakis); German (Kindler); Spanish                                                                               LA GRANDE A.
                                                                   (Salamandra); Catalan (Edicions 62); Arabic (Madarek)

                                                                   T H E S P I R I T U A L T E S T A M E N T O F A G R E AT
                                                                   F O R W E E K S I N T H E B E S T S E L L E R L I S T.

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                  Pages: 		    112                                                               BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    240
                                                                   Publication: September 2018                                                                                                           Publication: February 2019
              RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                              RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                 Price: 		    e 16,00
                                                                   Price: 		    e 14,00

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       9
                             Paola Capriolo                                                                                                   HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                           Bianca Pitzorno
                             Marie and Herr Mahler                                                                                                                         The Dream of the Sewing Machine
                             M A R I E E I L S I GNOR M A HL E R                                                                                                           IL SO G N O D ELLA MACCH IN A D A CU CIR E

A great composer harbouring a deep                                   admirers but knowing Gustav has finally                                  Bianca Pitzorno’s grandmother taught                                 town, who defends the job that makes
sorrow. A young girl opening her eyes onto                           found peace after years of interior struggle.                            her how to embroid and to sew and, as                                her independent, and spends her time in
the world. A hut in the woods where to                               She is Marie, the young daughter of the                                  she didn’t use a thimble, predicted she’d                            the sewing rooms of upper class houses.
rediscover silence and music together.                               owner of the Bauernhof where Mahler                                      become an ungovernable woman. Bianca                                 She’ll soon discover she is the involuntary
                                                                     spent his last three summers. Marie, still                               kept on like that, sewing her stories                                recipient of all the hidden secrets of those
1911. Just a few months before premiering                            a child and yet a woman, was his little                                  eccentricly and bravely. In her latest                               families, way more gripping than any
his incredible Ninth Symphony, Gustav                                servant when he retired to the hut in                                    novel the protagonist is a day seamstress,                           feuilleton. But a day will come when she
Mahler dies in Vienna. He is only 51. At                             the middle of the woods to compose his                                   born at the end of 19th century in a small                           will live as a protagonist, too.
the same time, in a village in the Tyrolean                          masterpiece. The two developed a special
mountains, a girl watches over him from                              relationship. Marie could be the only one
afar, grieving as the most ardent of his                             to have understood him.

PAOLA CAPRIOLO                                                                                                                                BIANCA PITZORNO
(Milan, 1962) debuted in 1988 with La grande Eulalia, a collection   viaggiatore. Her works were awarded many important prizes and            was born in Sassari, Sardinia, in 1942. Since 1970 she’s published   col falcone (1982), Speciale Violante (1989), Ascolta il mio cuore
of short stories, and wrote Il nocchiero, Il doppio regno, Vissi     were translated in many countries. She is also an essayist and a         about 50 books both of fiction and non-fiction, of adult and         (1991), Re Mida ha le orecchie d’asino (1996), La bambinaia
d’amore, Una di loro, Qualcosa nella notte, Una luce nerissima,      writer of children’s books. She is a freelancer for “Il Corriere della   children literature. She sold more than 2 million copies in Italy    francese (2004), La vita sessuale dei nostri antenati (spiegata
Il pianista muto, Caino, Mi ricordo e Avventure di un gatto          Sera”.                                                                   and her books have been translated into many languages. She is       a mia cugina Lauretta che vuol credersi nata per partenogenesi)
                                                                                                                                              a translator of many authors, from Tolkien to Sylvia Plath, from     (2015).
                                                                                                                                              David Grossman to Tove Jansson. Among her books, La bambina

                                                                     E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E                                                                               E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rights sold: German (Goldmann); Spanish (Planeta/Espasa)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8 EDITIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   35,000 COPIES PRINTED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25,000 COPIES SOLD

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                     Pages: 		    240                                                                      BOMPIANI    FICTION                                     Pages: 		    240
              RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                  Publication: April 2019                                                               RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                  Publication: September 2018
                                                                      Price: 		    e 18,00                                                                                                                          Price: 		    e 16,00

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
                             Lidia Ravera                                                                                            HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                   Flavio Soriga
                             Enduring Love                                                                                                                         In My Veins
                             L’ A M ORE C HE DURA                                                                                                                  N ELLE MIE VEN E

A novel about the things untold, about                                review. He got offended and she wants to                       An island, two cousins as different as day                             transfusions, that is, from others’ lives and
how love changes through the years                                    apologize. But there is another fault that                     and night, many gambles, a great love, a                               choices. Nothing has been easy for him:
and doesn’t lessen nor weakens: it just                               he is unaware of and she would like to                         vow and their whole lives to forget it.                                not as a child, when he was too intellectual
becomes different.                                                    confess, but doesn’t know how to do it.                                                                                               for his fellow children, not as an adult,
                                                                      She is ready to see him when an accident                       Aurelio Cossu was born in Uta, a village                               too sceptical to fit in the world he works
Emma and Carlo have a date, though                                    stops her or maybe delays her.                                 close to Cagliari. He is a TV author                                   for. His only moments of authenticity are
not a love one. Forty years ago they                                  The tale of a love born out of the feminist                    and travels from Sardinia to Rome and                                  those spent with a mysterious Corsican
discovered love together, twenty years ago                            revolution, a love that endures, resists even                  Milan, bearing a hard legacy in his veins:                             fugitive he finds himself taking food to
their marriage ended: Carlo flew to New                               as they grow apart from one another and                        he suffers from thalassaemia, a blood                                  during a crucial summer that will cast its
York and Emma stayed in Rome. Now he                                  from their youth. What is it that keeps                        disease that makes him dependant on                                    shadow on his life for years to come.
is a famous director and she an out-of-                               them bound? How can love still be present
time idealist. He shot a film about their                             after so many year?
lovestory, she tore it to pieces on an online

L I D I A R AV E R A                                                                                                                 F L AV I O S O R I G A
is born in Turin and became famous in 1976 with her debut novel,                                                                      was born in 1975 in Uta, Cagliari. He debuted in 2000 with            “Per un pugno di libri” and founded of “Sulla terra leggeri”,
Porci con le ali, a real generational manifesto and longseller. She                                                                  Diavoli di Nuraiò (Italo Calvino Prize). With Bompiani he published    a summer literary festival in Sardinia. His works have been
published more than thirty narrative works, three of which (Piangi                                                                   Neropioggia, Sardinia Blues (Mondello Prize), L’amore a Londra e       translated into many languages.
pure, Gli scaduti and Il terzo tempo) are published by Bompiani.                                                                     in altri luoghi (Chiara Prize). He is author of the RAI TV programme

                                                                                                                                                                                                            E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

               BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    416             Rights: Italian Literary Agency                  BOMPIANI    FICTION                                      Pages: 		    280
               RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                 Publication: February 2019                                                    RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                   Publication: May 2019
                                                                      Price: 		    e 18,00                                                                                                                   Price: 		    e 18,00
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
Emanuele Altissimo                                                                                                                Mario Baudino
                            Light Stolen from the Day                                                                                                         Mussolini’s Violin
                            L U C E RUBAT A A L GI ORNO                                                                                                       IL VIO LIN O D I MU SSO LIN I

Two brothers in the mountains. A pain                               granddad are in Aosta Valley, in the                         A group of friends searching for a rare                                of friends, the so-called Pious Convent,
nobody wants to mention. How much                                   chalet their parents bought before dying.                    book, a key to a double mystery. A                                     who pass their time chatting about books,
sorrow can we take in exchange for love?                            Granddad hopes the amazing setting will                      detective story set in the Italian province,                           while drinking Barolo Chinato. But a book,
                                                                    bring peace to Diego, who even manages                       witty and agile.                                                       a very rare book, The Catastrophe of the
“Permissible stress” is the name engineers                          to find a job in a summer camp. Olmo                                                                                                Duce, or a farewell music, ignites their
give to the maximum stress a building can                           is the only one to understand that Diego                     Duccio Tancredi, called “the Boss”,                                    thirst for adventures. A phantom book
stand before collapsing. And what about                             is slipping away in a universe of his, a                     transformed the stationary shop of his little                          about the last days of Mussolini which has
human beings, families and the love that                            delusion that seems to be growing up to                      town into a sanctuary of second-hand,                                  suddenly become most wanted. What’s so
keeps people together?                                              the sky. And he would give anything to                       ancient and valuable books. In the back of                             interesting about it, except the fact that it
Olmo, his older brother Diego and their                             save Diego. A beautiful, gripping debut.                     the shop he usually meets with his group                               can’t be found?

E M A N U E L E A LT I S S I M O                                                                                                 MARIO BAUDINO
was born in 1987 in Turin, where he graduated discussing a thesis                                                                lives in Turin where he works as a journalist for “La Stampa”. He is   che uccide, Per amore o per ridere, Il gran rifiuto, Ne uccide più la
on David Foster Wallace before attending the Scuola Holden.                                                                      author of the collections of poems Aeropoema, Grazie and Colloqui      penna. Bompiani also published Lo sguardo della farfalla (2016)
                                                                                                                                 con un vecchio nemico and of novels and essays, such as Il mito        and Lei non sa chi sono io (2017).

                                           Italian literature hasn’t presented us with such a debut for
                                           years. An intense and measured young narrator.
                                           Fulvio Panzeri, “Avvenire”
                                           A long settlement of score with pain, an intense tale
                                           that Altissimo leads on with delicate involvement and
                                           unadorned style, fast in narrating, essential in dialogues.
                                           Ermanno Paccagnini, “La Lettura – Corriere della Sera”
                                           A moving book, a clean, direct language, a splendidly
                                           written debut.
                                           Valeria Parrella, “Grazia”

             BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    208            Foreign rights: Laura Ceccacci                 BOMPIANI    FICTION                                       Pages: 		    320
             RIGHTS LIST                                            Publication: January 2019   Agency                                         RIGHTS LIST                                               Publication: April 2019
                                                                    Price: 		    e 16,00                                                                                                                 Price: 		    e 18,00

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15
Guido Barbujani                                                                                                                            Gianfranco Calligarich
                             Everything Else Is Temporary                                                                                                               Last Summer in Town
                             T U TT O I L RE S T O È P ROVV I S ORI O                                                                                                   L’U LTIMA ESTATE IN CITTÀ

A quiet man, a thriving trade between                              beautiful wife, a placid ability to ignore his                           A 1973 publishing event that keeps moving                         his time in a boheme of alcohol, run-down
Northeastern Italy and the Balkans.                                own conscience. But when he decides to                                   and involving readers after 40 years.                             hotels, dinners at rich and well-educated
And then music, a young love, a woman                              expand and gets in contact with a group of                                                                                                 friends’, that help him not to starve. He
victim of a recent war, some murky, risky                          unsuspectable mafiosi, he meets Iriljana,                                Leo, a young man from Milan, arrives in                           has no aspiration whatsoever. While all
business: everything collpases, melts,                             a young cellist marked by the Yugoslavian                                Rome in the years following the economic                          his friends want to graduate, get married,
changes. A novel about who we think we                             recent war horrors. She’s twenty years                                   boom. There, in a city drenched in the                            get rich, he doesn’t: it feels better to let
are and who we really are.                                         younger, and Gianni Schuft, the man                                      dolce vita atmosphere, he falls in love with                      himself go in that sweet alienation of
                                                                   who thought he knew how to handle life                                   the unpredictable femme fatale Arianna.                           the city, embodied by Arianna, crazy and
Gianni Schuft’s life is a quiet one. He has                        perfectly, will go down the path that leads                              Going from one job to the other, unable                           irresistible.
a thriving business in the furniture market,                       to his ghosts.                                                           to pass the shadow line of age, he spends
a net of discreet but ruthless coworkers, a

GUIDO BARBUJANI                                                                                                                             GIANFRANCO CALLIGARICH
(1955) worked at the State University of New York in Stony Brook   Prize), Europei senza se e senza ma, Sono razzista ma sto                was born in Asmara, Eritrea, from a family from Trieste. He       Secolo. He was awarded many prizes for his plays. He is author of
and in the universities of London, Padua and Bologna. He now       cercando di smettere (with Pietro Cheli), Contro il razzismo (with       grew up in Milan before moving to Rome where he worked            many novels, among which L’ultima estate in città, Principessa,
teaches Genetics, at the University of Ferrara. He was awarded     Marco Aime, Federico Faloppa e Clelia Bartoli), Gli africani siamo       as a journalist and screenplayer. He wrote many successful        Posta prioritaria, La malinconia dei Crusich (winner of Viareggio-
the Napoli Prize for Italian language and culture in 2014. Among   noi (shortlisted for the Galileo Prize), Il gene riluttante (with Lisa   programmes for RAI and in 1994 was the founder of the Teatro XX   Rèpaci Prize), Tre uomini in fuga.
his books, the novels Dilettanti, Dopoguerra, Questione di Razza   Vozza) and Il giro del mondo in sei milioni di anni (with Andrea
(Hemingway Prize) and Morti e sepolti; the essays L’invenzione     Brunelli).
delle razze (Merck-Serono Prize and shortlisted for the Galileo

                                                                   E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E                                                                             The most beautiful love story of the year.
                                                                   Barbujani assembles, page after page,                                                                                                       “Il Giornale”
                                                                   a powerful, terrible and flawless tale, so
                                                                   engaging that, once one starts reading, it                                                                                                  The true quality of this novel is the way it
                                                                   is impossible to let go.                                                                                                                    enlightens, with a desperate clearness, a
                                                                   “Il Messaggero”                                                                                                                             relationship between a man and a city, that
                                                                                                                                                                                                               is, between crowd and loneliness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Natalia Ginzburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rights sold: French (Gallimard); Hebrew (Keter)

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                   Pages: 		    224                                                                      BOMPIANI    FICTION                                  Pages: 		      180
              RIGHTS LIST                                           Publication: September 2018                                                           RIGHTS LIST                                          First publication: 1973; by Bompiani: September 2016
                                                                    Price: 		    e 16,00                                                                                                                       Price: 		      e 11,00

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
Mario Fortunato                                                                                                                               Loredana Lipperini
                            Berlin Voices                                                                                                                                 Black Magic. Short Stories
                            L E V O C I DI BE RL I NO                                                                                                                     MAG IA N ER A. R ACCO N TI

The portrait of a city through hundreds of                          to get back by falsifying the date on his                               A collection of short stories in which                              life, the lies of a friend, her husband’s
unexpected interwoven stories.                                      papers. From Isherwood and Auden, Hitler                                supernatural events taunt everyday life.                            estrangement, and give her the power
                                                                    and the Reichstag Fire, Thomas Mann’s                                   Women becoming witches and witches                                  of hurting others to fix her present. Lilli
The author depicts the history of Berlin,                           two sons who fled Germany in ’34 and                                    changing into women. Perturbing presences                           confronts her best friend Giulia’s ghost, died
“a city that is not but is constantly                               returned in ’45, to the fall of the Wall told                           possessing the unfathomable truth of                                young and now resolved to take over Lilli’s
becoming”, starting from the memoir of his                          through the experience of a scientist who,                              mystery.                                                            life and be a mother to her daughter.
first trip to Berlin at the age of 28, shortly                      for professional reasons, has the chance to                                                                                                 A collection of short stories whose characters
after losing a friend. The Wall is still there,                     go often to the East and one day decides to                             Cecilia lives in regret after a terrible row                        are depicted on the verge of a life-changing
he stays on the Western side, then moves                            remain there (on the very eve of the fall!),                            withMichele just a few minutes before                               decision, on the border between reality and
over to the East. He meets S., spends                               up to the city’s most recent architectural,                             his death, but she manages find him again                           magic. Loredana Lipperini pays homage to
one night with him at great risk since his                          urban and social transformations.                                       during an obsessing journey into an elevator.                       the genres she loves in a goosebumps-giving
permit has expired, but then manages                                                                                                        Two crystals, bought in a street market,                            book.
                                                                                                                                            show Elena fragments of her family’s secret

M A R I O F O R T U N AT O                                                                                                                  LOREDANA LIPPERINI
has published the following books with Bompiani: Luoghi naturali,   and Super Mondello- Città di Palermo Prizes), Quelli che ami non        is a journalist and a writer and the voice of “Fahrenheit” on Rai
immigrate (with Salah Methnani), I giorni innocenti della guerra    muoiono, Tre giorni a Parigi, Le voci di Berlino, Noi tre and Tutti i   Radio 3. For Bompiani she also published L’arrivo di Saturno.
(finalist for the 2007 Strega Prize and winner of the Mondello      nostri errori.

                                                                    E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E                                                                             E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

             BOMPIANI    FICTION                                     Pages: 		    192                                                                      BOMPIANI    FICTION                                  Pages: 		    240
             RIGHTS LIST                                             Publication new edition: September 2019                                               RIGHTS LIST                                          Publication: April 2019
                                                                     Price: 		    e 10,00                                                                                                                       Price: 		    e 18,00

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19
Salvatore Maira                                                                                                                           Edoardo Nesi
                            I Was a Stranger                                                                                                                          The Story of My People
                            E R O ST RA NI E RO                                                                                                                       STO R IA D ELLA MIA G EN TE

Two young workers in the Northern Italy                            Adele, a young nun, sick with doubts, is                            The story of a broken dream. An Italian                                  where the money earned in a carefree,
building yards. A nun in crisis. A tough                           coming back to Italy for her grandmother’s                          epic recalling many American stories.                                    high-spirited, even ill-mannered way was
tale of immigration, violence, of drowned                          funeral. She opens her nana’s empty house                                                                                                    openly displayed in luxury goods. Then
and saved.                                                         to an Egyptian family, who has just been                            Once upon a time the Italian Provinces                                   came the gurus of globalisation saying that
                                                                   evicted. Saro and Adele meet and together,                          were rich, happy and very productive.                                    things had to change, going on television
Saro and Karim: one is from Sicily, one                            united by their love for what is right and                          They traded with foreign countries, were                                 to sponsor markets in China and claiming
from further away. They meet at the                                pure, try to heal, carrying each other’s                            on intimate terms with the Big Ones                                      the old model – where things were going
station in Milan and start working together                        cross every day. A sorrowful novel, brutal                          abroad, and were proud of having not                                     well – was going badly. This is “the story
in the building yards of Northern Italy,                           but graceful, about a certain violent and                           only a national but also a communal                                      of my people”, the people of a happy and
sleeping in garages. Almost slaves. Just like                      suspicious Italy, about some parts of our                           identity. There was a time when even the                                 intelligent province, sacrificed in the name
Bashir, their cook and protector, who lost                         country living in endless defence from                              idiots could money in a nation where the                                 of globalisation.
his wife and child while crossing the sea.                         what is different.                                                  GNP increased by two figures per year,

S A LV AT O R E M A I R A                                                                                                              EDOARDO NESI
was born in San Cataldo, Sicily, and taught at the La Sapienza     festa, Amor nello Specchio, Valzer, that were awarded important     was born in Prato in 1964. Bompiani published Fughe da fermo,            fermo, translated David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest and has been
University in Rome. He wrote many essays, about baroque theatre,   prizes in many international festivals. For Bompiani he published   Ride con gli angeli, Rebecca, Figli delle stelle, L’età dell’oro e Per   carrying on his family’s textile company.
about cinema and literature, about Svevo, Pirandello and Verga.    also his first novel, Diecimila muli (2016).                        sempre. He wrote the screenplay and directed the movie Fughe da
He screenwrote and directed movies such as Donne in un giorno di

                                                                   E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E                                                                              NEW EDITION

                                                                   Praise for Diecimila muli:                                                                                                                   WIN N ER O F 2011 STR EG A PR IZE

                                                                   A great epic novel, with many genres piling up.                                                                                              Rights sold: Spanish (Salamandra), World English (Other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Press); Turkish (Alfa Yayinlari); Slovenian (Cankarjeva zalozba);
                                                                   This book is real fun and reminds us that                                                                                                    Macedonian (Ars Studio)
                                                                   Italy has yet to face its Nuremberg trials.
                                                                   “la Repubblica”
                                                                   A thick and engaging novel, crowded with
                                                                   a myriad of characters and stories that, like
                                                                   Chinese boxes, tell of an epic endeavour,
                                                                   where black misery intertwines with hope
                                                                   for a new future.
                                                                   “Il Venerdì”

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                  Pages: 		    400                                                                   BOMPIANI    FICTION                                       Pages: 		    162
              RIGHTS LIST                                          Publication: January 2019                                                          RIGHTS LIST                                               New edition: March 2019
                                                                   Price: 		    e 19,00                                                                                                                         Price: 		    e 12,00

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  21
Roberto Pazzi                                                                                                                             Antonio Scurati
                             Towards Saint Helena                                                                                                                      M – Son of the Century
                             V E R S O S A NT’E L E NA                                                                                                                 M – IL FIG LIO D EL SECO LO

A man who can’t surrender and thinks he                              very early on October 14th, 1815: his last                           A grand, ambitious work that leads us to                            a novel? Yes, were he not the man who, more
can change the course of the events even                             night on board after months of sailing.                              revive the twenty years that changed Italian                        than any other, marked Italian history in the last
if the ship he’s on vanishes in the fog. A                           A beautiful stowaway visits him in his                               history forever. A journey through Fascism to                       100 years. Many essays and papers have been
historic novel presenting us with a human                            dreams – or maybe not: Eugénie, the                                  refound our consciences beyond any ideology.                        written about every aspect of his figure, but
portrait of Napoleon.                                                heroin of his never-published novel, or                                                                                                  nobody ever investigated his life as if it were a
                                                                     his mother and all the ghosts embodying                              He is like a beast. He feels the time is coming.                    novel, a novel in which nothing is fiction. Nor
The isle of Saint Helena is to appear in                             the memories of the great events he was                              He smells it. He can smell a tired country, tired                   its characters, from Mussolini to D’Annunzio,
front of him at the break of dawn, but                               protagonist of.                                                      of its politicians, moderate and reasonable. He                     from Margherita Sarfatti to Matteotti, nor the
Napoleon shuts himself in his cabin                                                                                                       is smart and strong, although syphilitic, sensual                   dialogues and the words you are going to find
                                                                                                                                          and brave, deeply ambitious – this way he was                       in these pages. By narrating Fascism as a novel,
                                                                                                                                          described by a Public Security report in 1919.                      although a documentary one, and for the first
                                                                                                                                          He is Benito Mussolini, former socialist leader                     time from the inside, without any political or
                                                                                                                                          thrown out of his party, political agitator, head                   ideological lens, Scurati reveals a long forgotten
                                                                                                                                          of a little opposition newspaper. A character of                    reality.
ROBERTO PAZZI                                                                                                                             A N T O N I O S C U R AT I
lives in Ferrara. He is a writer translated into many languages.     L’erede (Viareggio Prize finalist), Cercando l’Imperatore (Bergamo   was born in 1969 in Naples and teaches Comparative Literatures      many languages: Il bambino che sognava la fine del mondo (2009,
A university professor, he worked for “Il Corriere della Sera” and   Prize, Hemingway Prize, Selezione Campiello Prize), La principessa   at the IULM university in Milan, where is head of the Master in     shortlisted for the Strega Prize), La seconda mezzanotte (2011), Il
then for many other newspapers, in Italy and abroad, among which     e il drago (Premio Strega finalist), Conclave, La trasparenza del    Storytelling. He also works for “La Stampa” and is author of many   padre infedele (2013, shortlisted for the Strega Prize) and Il tempo
“The New York Times”. He is author of many novels, among which:      buio.                                                                essays. He’s been writing novels since 2002. His Il sopravvissuto   migliore della nostra vita (2015, Viareggio Prize and Selezione
                                                                                                                                          was awarded the 2005 Campiello Prize and Una storia romantica       Campiello Prize).
                                                                                                                                          the 2008 Mondello Prize. Among his many books, translated into

                                                                                                                                                                                                              A novel Italy had been awaiting for for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              decades. A true masterpiece.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Roberto Saviano

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rights sold: Croatia (Fraktura); World Spanish (Alfaguara/
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Penguin Random House); Germany (Klett-Cotta); UK (4th
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Estate); USA (HarperCollins); Brazil (Intrinseca); Netherlands
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Podium); Hungary (Mulvelt Nep); Poland (Sonia Draga)

                                                                                                                                                                                                              TWELVE ED ITIO N S
                                                                                                                                                                                                              140, 000 CO PIES PR IN TED

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                     Pages: 		    240                                                                  BOMPIANI    FICTION                                   Pages: 		    848                    Rights: The Italian Literary Agency
              RIGHTS LIST                                             Publication: February 2019                                                        RIGHTS LIST HIGHLIGHTS                                Publication: September 2018
                                                                      Price: 		    e 17,00                                                                                                                    Price: 		    e 24,00

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            23
CLASSICS                     Corrado Alvaro
                                                                                                                    CLASSICS                        Alberto Moravia
                             Man Is Strong                                                                                                          Two Women
                             L’ U O MO È F ORT E                                                                                                    LA CIO CIAR A

A suprising novel. Alvaro’s most visionary                           brutal dictatorship. By pretending to          A 20th century Italian classic. In his story                                prepares to enter Rome, Cesira packs a
and less known work.                                                 promote a fair and strong society, the         of two women, Alberto Moravia depicts                                       few provisions, sews her life savings into
                                                                     regime controls every part of private          an intimate portrayal of the anguish and                                    the seams of her dress, and flees South
This dystopic novel, published in 1938,                              lives, instilling fear and guilt. Even love    destruction brought by war, as devastating                                  with Rosetta to her native province of
was censored beacause of its description                             is considered dangerous because it draws       behind the lines as it is on the battlefield.                               Ciociaria, a poor, mountainous region
of a totalitarian society way darker and                             away from collective good. But it will                                                                                     famous for providing the domestic servants
scarier than the one depicted by Orwell                              be his love for Barbara, daughter of a         A daughter and her mother fight to survive                                  of Rome. For nine months the two women
some years later in 1984. After a civil war                          couple of “people’s enemy”, that will bring    in Rome during the Second World War.                                        endure hunger, cold, and filth as they
between “partisans” and “gangs”, engeneer                            Dale on the verge of death, after being        Cesira, a widowed Roman shopkeeper,                                         await the arrival of the Allied Forces.
Dale witnesses the establishment of a                                suspected, persecuted and convicted.           and Rosetta, a naïve teenager, beautiful                                    But the liberation, when it comes, brings
                                                                                                                    and devoted. When the German army                                           unexpected tragedy.

C O R R A D O A LV A R O                                                                                            A L B E RT O M O R AV I A

(San Luca, Calabria, 1895 – Rome, 1956) was a writer, journalist                                                    pseudonym of Alberto Pincherle (Rome 1907-1990), was a writer, a            Gli indifferenti, La ciociara, La romana, Racconti romani and La
and poet and, above all, an intellectual of strong civic, ethic                                                     journalist, an essayist, a travel reporter and a playwright. He is one of   noia. In 1952 he was awarded the Strega Prize for his short stories,
and cultural sensitivity, which made him able, in the Thirties, to                                                  the most important Italian novelists of the 20th century. He contributed    blacklisted by the Church. Many of his novels have been made into
denounce the evil that was spreading throughout Europe.                                                             to newspapers such as “La Stampa”, “Corriere della Sera” and                films, including La ciociara by Vittorio De Sica, Il disprezzo by Jean-Luc
                                                                                                                    “L’Espresso”. Among his most famous books translated worldwide:             Godard and Il conformista by Bernardo Bertolucci.

                                                                     The importance of a novel such as Corrado                                                                                   N EW ED ITIO N O N O CCASIO N O F B O MPIAN I’S
                                                                                                                                                                                                 90 TH AN N IVER SARY
                                                                     Alvaro’s Man Is Strong, arguably the most
                                                                     intriguing dystopia of Italian 20th century,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 FR O M TH IS N O VEL TH E MO VIE
                                                                     can be detected by considering the year                                                                                     B Y VITTO R IO D E SICA STAR R IN G
                                                                     of its publication only: 1938, seven years                                                                                  SO PH IA LO R EN AN D J EAN -PAU L B ELMO N D O
                                                                     before Animal Farm and nine before 1984.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rights sold: Albanian (Dituria); French (Flammarion); Serbian (Plato);
                                                                     Massimo Onofri, “Avvenire”                                                                                                  Spanish (Debolsillo)

                                                                     Rights sold: World English (Vagabond Voices)

               BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    288                                              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                          Pages: 		    384
               RIGHTS LIST                                            Publication: July 2018                                        RIGHTS LIST                                                  New edition: February 2019
                                                                      Price: 		    e 12,00                                                                                                       Price: 		    e 12,00

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
CLASSICS                        Alberto Moravia                                                                                                          MODERN
                                                                                                                                                         CLASSICS                      Guido Piovene
                                The Conformist                                                                                                                                         The Furies
                                I L C O NF ORM I S T A                                                                                                                                 LE FU R IE

One of Moravia’s masterpieces. The life                                     disappear, to be just like any other. But,                                   The novel Guido Piovene loved most. A                                in the years of the economic boom. In the
and desire for normalcy of a government                                     as it always happened in history, the price                                  prediction of the obscure evils of Italian                           background, the city of Vicenza, beloved
official during the Fascist period.                                         to pay for being part of a society is terribly                               society during the boom years.                                       and rejected. Guido Piovene wrote a
                                                                            high, in terms of freedom. Moravia tells                                                                                                          merciless analysis of the existential and
Published in 1951, this novel is the                                        us the story of a honeymoon in Paris,                                        This novel, first published in 1963 after                            ideological chimeras and ghosts of him
portrayal of a very common character                                        of a political crime and of a man and his                                    a fourteen-year narrative silence from                               and his contemporaries, using an almost
and moral attitude: conformist and                                          world, and moreover of what a modern                                         Piovene, is a jab into fears, illusions and                          nouveau roman technique that enhances
conformism. Contemporary man,                                               conformist has to pay for becoming part of                                   disillusions, passions and treasons, of the                          memory in a decaying world.
according to Moravia, only wants to                                         a non-existent society.                                                      20th century Italian intelligentsia, depicted

A L B E RT O M O R AV I A                                                                                                                                GUIDO PIOVENE
pseudonym of Alberto Pincherle (Rome 1907-1990), was a writer, a            Gli indifferenti, La ciociara, La romana, Racconti romani and La              (1907-1974) was a journalist, a writer and one of the most          Indro Montanelli in 1974. Among his works, investigative journalism,
journalist, an essayist, a travel reporter and a playwright. He is one of   noia. In 1952 he was awarded the Strega Prize for his short stories,         prominent intellectuals of Post-War Italy. He worked for “Corriere   essays, novels and travel reportages.
the most important Italian novelists of the 20th century. He contributed    blacklisted by the Church. Many of his novels have been made into            della Sera” and “La Stampa”, before founding “Il Giornale” with
to newspapers such as “La Stampa”, “Corriere della Sera” and                films, including La ciociara by Vittorio De Sica, Il disprezzo by Jean-Luc
“L’Espresso”. Among his most famous books translated worldwide:             Godard and Il conformista by Bernardo Bertolucci.

                                                                             NE W E DI TIO N ON OCCASION OF BO MPIAN I’S                                                                                                      Rereading it now, this novel confirms his
                                                                             9 0 TH A NN IVERSARY, WITH AN IN TRO D U CTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              magmatic nature and presents the reader
                                                                             BY L OREN ZO PAVOLIN I.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with an unfinishedness that redeems itself
                                                                             F ROM T HIS N O VEL TH E MOVIE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in memorable pages, among the purest and
                                                                             BY BE RN ARD O BERTO LU CCI STAR R IN G                                                                                                          most sublime Piovene ever wrote.
                                                                             JE A N- L OUIS TRIN TIG N AN T, STEFAN IA                                                                                                        TuttoLibri, La Stampa
                                                                             S A NDRE LLI, DO MIN IQU E SAN DA
                                                                             A ND P I E RR E CLÉMEN TI.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A great novel, still fresh and able just
                                                                             Rights sold: Albanian (Botimet Toena); German (Wagenbach); Hebrew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              like no other to penetrate our present’s
                                                                             (Penn Pubilshing); Japanese (Kobunsha); Korean (Moonji Publishing);                                                                              issues. Magmatic, volcanic, obsessive,
                                                                             Norwegian (Solum); Polish (Foksal); Serbian (Plato); Spanish                                                                                     autobiographical.
                                                                             (Debolsillo); Turkish (Kolektif Kitap); US English (Steerforth)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Il Sole 24 Ore

                BOMPIANI    FICTION                                          Pages: 		    334                                                                          BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    352
                RIGHTS LIST                                                  Publication: 1951                                                                         RIGHTS LIST                                            Publication: July 2019
26                                                                           Price: 		    e 14,00                                                                                                                             Price: 		    e 12,00                                            27
CLASSICS                      Guido Piovene
                              Italian Journey
                              V I A G GI O I N I T A L I A

The renowned reportage on a changing                                 areas, Piovene visited every corner of
country by a great intellectual.                                     Italy, even the furthest away ones. An
                                                                     unprecedented challenge, that gave birth
Guido Piovene’s fame will always be                                  to a seminal book in Italian history, true as
linked to this book, Italian Journey, that,
                                                                                                                                            Non Fiction
                                                                     a photograph, detailed as an accusation.
on the verge of 1950s, became the most                               Piovene looks at a country which is going
famous literary guide to the country.                                through economic miracle and postwar
From Bolzano to Sicily, from big cities                              reconstruction, a place both remote and
to unknown little villages and neglected                             still vividly recognizable.

 (1907-1974) was a journalist, a writer and one of the most          Indro Montanelli in 1974. Among his works, investigative journalism,
prominent intellectuals of Post-War Italy. He worked for “Corriere   essays, novels and travel reportages.
della Sera” and “La Stampa”, before founding “Il Giornale” with

                                                                     A W O R T H LY R E D I S C O V E RY O F A C L A S S I C

              BOMPIANI    FICTION                                    Pages: 		    912

              RIGHTS LIST                                            Publication: June 2017
                                                                     Price: 		    e 13,00

ON OUR TIME                 Guido Barbujani
                            The Invention of Human Races
                            L’IN VEN ZIO N E D ELLE R AZZE

The word “race” is fashionable again.                              classifying races to the most updated
But do we know what it really means?                               studies on DNA. Genetics succeeded in
                                                                   discovering the first steps of human race
How much do social and cultural                                    evolution, from our African origins up to
differences depend on our genes?                                   today, and these discoveries prove wrong
This book, through a very fascinating                              the 19th-century idea that humanity be
critical and historical journey, shows                             fragmented into biologically distinct
us the milestones in the centuries-old                             groups, groups that we would call “races”
debate about biological basics of human                            in regard to other species.
diversities, from the first attempts at

(1955) worked at the State University of New York in Stony         delle razze, Europei senza se e senza ma, Sono razzista ma sto
Brook and in the universities of London, Padua and Bologna. He     cercando di smettere (with Pietro Cheli), Contro il razzismo (with
teaches Genetics at the University of Ferrara. He was awarded      Marco Aime, Federico Faloppa e Clelia Bartoli), Gli africani siamo
the Napoli Prize for Italian Language and Culture in 2014. Among   noi (shortlisted for the Galileo Prize), Il gene riluttante (with Lisa
his books, the novels Dilettanti, Dopoguerra, Questione di Razza   Vozza) and Il giro del mondo in sei milioni di anni (with Andrea
(Hemingway Prize) and Morti e sepolti; the essays L’invenzione     Brunelli).

                                                                   WINNER OF THE MERCK-SERONO PRIZE

                                                                   SHORTLISTED FOR THE GALILEO PRIZE

             BOMPIANI    NON                                        Pages: 		    240
             RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                    Publication: June 2018
                                                                    Price: 		    e 11,00

ON OUR TIME                 Stefano Bartezzaghi                                                                                        REFLECTING
                                                                                                                                       ON OUR TIME                  Andrea Dusi
                            Banality. Commonplaces,                                                                                                                 How to Fail at Funding
                            Social Networks, Semiotics                                                                                                              a Start-up and Being Happy
                            B A N AL I T À . L UOGHI C OM UNI , S OC I A L NETWOR K , SEMIO TICA                                                                    CO ME FAR FALLIR E U N A STARTU P ED ESSER E FELICI

Banality is our fixation. We want to escape                        relationship with banality, ours and others’.                       “Failure isn’t the end of it all, it is a                         keep our feet on the ground: nine start-ups
it but this escape itself makes us more and                        We should face it, know it, be frank with                           lesson to start over. There is no such                            out of ten don’t survive their first three
more banal.                                                        it. We should befriend banality. He is also                         thing as fault, just mistakes not to make                         years of activity. The optimistic rhetoric
                                                                   convinced that social networks are the                              again.” A former startupper, now a happy                          of success has the best of it and we can’t
We both despise and are attracted to                               perfect “habitat” to face it and get to know                        businessman, tells us that one can learn a                        find any trace of those start-ups that didn’t
commonplaces, and our idea of success is                           it. Which doesn’t mean that all today’s                             lot from those start-ups that didn’t make it.                     make it, especially in those countries, like
that everybody can notice how we avoid                             banality can be found there nor that                                                                                                  Italy, where failure is lived as a personal
them. Stefano Bartezzaghi does not agree.                          everything appearing there is banal. They                           An old garage, a hint of genius, some                             shame, a social stigma. On the contrary
He thinks that we got our bogeyman                                 are just the perfect field of investigation.                        good luck and a revolutionary idea, and                           Andrea Dusi tells us that is by studying
wrong: we should establish a good                                                                                                      then money, success, happiness: an idea                           our and others’ failures that we learn what
                                                                                                                                       seemingly so easy and seducing feeding                            mistakes to avoid and what examples to
                                                                                                                                       the golden myth of Silicon Valley-like                            emulate. And who knows, maybe also how
                                                                                                                                       start-ups. Reality, instead, should make us                       to he happy.

STEFANO BARTEZZAGHI                                                                                                                    ANDREA DUSI
teaches Semiotics and Creativity Theories at IULM University in    and the first crossword history, L’orizzone verticale (2007). For   after working as a consultant (for Roland Berger and Arthur       technologies. He is advisor of several technological initiatives and
Milan, where he also directs the Master in Journalism. He writes   Bompiani he also published Parole in gioco (2017).                  D. Little) and failing his first start-up in 2004, funded Wish    he invested in more than one hundred of start-ups as a business
for “La Repubblica” and published many linguistic games, puzzles                                                                       Days, best known for the gift-boxes Emozione3. In April 2016 he   angel. He is funder and president of the political group 10 Volte
                                                                                                                                       sold his company to Smartbox for millions of euros. In 2017 he    Meglio.
                                                                                                                                       funded Impactschool, an NGO preparing students to exponential

              BOMPIANI    NON                                       Pages: 		    128                                                                 BOMPIANI    NON                                      Pages: 		    112
              RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                   Publication: February 2019                                                       RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                  Publication: April 2018
                                                                    Price: 		    e 16,00                                                                                                                  Price: 		    e 14,00

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        33
NON FICTION                 Francesco De Carlo                                                                                       N A R R AT I V E
                                                                                                                                     NON FICTION                   Roberta Scorranese
                            My Brexit. Diary of a Comedian                                                                                                         Take Me Where You Were Born.
                            in the Right Place at the Wrong Time                                                                                                   Going back to Abruzzo.
                            L A M IA BRE X I T. DI A RI O DI UN C OM I C O N EL PO STO GIU STO                                                                     PO RTAMI D O VE SEI N ATA
                            A L M OM E NT O S BA GL I AT O

An Italian comedian’s rundown life                                   England to understand its society and the                       A memoir, a novel, a reportage narrating                          putting together past and present, so that
in Brexit London.                                                    differencies and unthinkable analogies                          Abruzzo in many unusual ways. Ten                                 the earthquake do not erase memory: even
                                                                     with his fatherland, but also his new                           years after the devastating earthquake of                         in that mysterious and wonderful land
Francesco has a dream: to become a                                   condition as a foreigner, a stranger. From                      L’Aquila, an homage to a wonderful land                           future is not imaginable without past.
comedy star. But in Italy he doesn’t get a                           his first shows in the comedy clubs to the                      by one of its daughters.                                          Between memories and magic, thousands
chance. So he translates his monologues                              Fringe Festival in Edimburgh, to his first                                                                                        of incredible stories take life in front of the
into English, packs up and goes to London,                           success, from Covent Garden to the SoHo                         Roberta Scorranese sets off from her own                          reader’s eyes.
the European capital of comedy. It’s June                            Theatre and the BBC, hovering above it all                      roots to tell us about her own Abruzzo,
2016 and just when Francesco decides to                              is the ghost of Brexit, that should become
set off for the UK, UK decides to leave the                          effective in March 2019, an inexorable
EU. If Francesco wants to hit the big time                           countdown to Francesco’s ambitions. What
he has to do it quickly, because in less than                        will happen to his career? Will he remain
two years he might be invited to leave the                           in UK or go back to Italy? And what will he
country. So he starts a journey through                              learn from this once-off experience?

F R A N C E S C O D E C A R L O 		                                                                                                   ROBERTA SCORRANESE
was born in Rome in 1979. After working for four years at            had his debut in UK (BBC), Spain and South Africa (Comedy       was born in Valle San Giovanni, Teramo, Abruzzo. She lives in
the European Parliament he became a radio speaker and TV             Central). He told his experience in London through a RAI 3 TV   Milan and is a journalist of “Il Corriere della Sera” where she
screenwriter. He is the first Italian comedian to have performed     programme, “It’s All Brexit Fault”, and is to lead a stand-up   writes about cultural themes. This is her narrative debut.
abroad in 16 nations and took part in the most important world       comedy for Netflix.
festivals, from UK and Canada to South Korea and Dubai. He

                                                                   E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

                                                                   Francesco De Carlo is the best face we
                                                                   have seen for a long time. My Brexit is true
                                                                   news and it’s well written and well shot.
                                                                   He was given that brilliant, creative flair
                                                                   we grew unaccostumed to.

              BOMPIANI    NON                                         Pages: 		    240                                                             BOMPIANI    NON                                     Pages: 		    200
              RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                     Publication: March 2019                                                      RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                 Publication: March 2019
                                                                      Price: 		    e 13,00                                                                                                             Price: 		    e 17,00

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 35
ON BOOKS                      Mario Baudino                                                                                                BOOKS
                                                                                                                                           ON BOOKS                      Giampiero Mughini
                              Don’t You Know Who I Am?                                                                                                                   Oh, the Wonderful Smell of Books!
                              L E I NON S A C HI S ONO I O                                                                                                               An ideal library of a XXth century child
                                                                                                                                                                         CH E PR O FU MO Q U EI LIB R I

A fascinating inquiry about pseudonyms                            Lorenzini) and Alberto Moravia (born                                     The sentimental autobiography of the most                              the most famous or those regarded as
and the authors who chose their own:                              Pincherle), Joseph Conrad and Pablo                                      passionate bibliophile in Italy, narrated                              masterpieces, but the oblique, hazardous
how? why?                                                         Neruda, to Voltaire, Umberto Saba, Pessoa                                through his personal and sometimes                                     and neglected ones. He describes them
                                                                  and Romain Gery (born Roman Kacew,                                       impudent 20th century library.                                         in the form they had when they first were
Money, snobbery, superstition, self-                              winner of two Goncourt Prizes, one of                                                                                                           published, because that is the moment
marketing, love: for many reasons,                                which as Émile Ajar), to Elena Ferrante,                                 A book celebrating books, the paper ones.                              when a book comes to life. All together,
throughout history, writers and poets                             Mario Baudino tells us all about the                                     Giampiero Mughini chose some of his                                    they make up an ideal library: arbitrary,
changed their names and chose a                                   reasons and the consequences that lead to                                most beloved books from his Italian 20th                               subjective and brazen.
pseudonym. From Carlo Collodi (born                               choose a nom de plume.                                                   century library section: not necessarily

MARIO BAUDINO                                                                                                                              GIAMPIERO MUGHINI
lives in Turin, where he works as a journalist for “La Stampa”.                                                                             is a writer and journalist. He has been writing for “il manifesto”,
He published books of poems, essays and novels, among which                                                                                “Paese Sera” and “Panorama”. He lives in Rome.
Bompiani published Lo sguardo della farfalla (2016).

                                                                  A wonderful and penetrating insight on the                                                                                                      You should take whatever page
                                                                  psycological process that leads to chose a                                                                                                      by Mughini and put it in a school
                                                                  pseudonym.                                                                                                                                      anthology to show new generation how
                                                                  “Il Messaggero”                                                                                                                                 Italian language can be heated up,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  hammered, bent and sandpapered.
                                                                  Funny and thrilling, it aims to investigate                                                                                                     Camillo Langone
                                                                  the use of pseudonyms through the
                                                                  centuries.                                                                                                                                      Rights sold: Arabic (Dar Al Amada)
                                                                  “La Stampa”
                                                                  Foreigh rights sold to: Simplified Chinese (Beijing United Publishing)

              BOMPIANI    NON                                     Pages: 		    144                                                                       BOMPIANI    NON                                          Pages: 		    192
                                                                  Publication: September 2017                                                            RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                      Publication: March 2018
              RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                                                                                                                                                                 Price: 		    e 15,00
                                                                  Price: 		    e 12,00
36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        37
ON BOOKS                      Alessandra Sarchi                                                                      BIOGRAPHIES
                                                                                                                                                  Nicola Attadio
                              Happiness of Images, Weight of Words.                                                                               Where the Wind Is Born.
                              L A F EL I C I T À DE L L E I M M A GI NI , I L P E S O DELLE PARO LE.
                                                                                                                                                  Life of Nellie Bly
                                                                                                                                                  D O VE N ASCE IL VEN TO . VITA D I N ELLIE B LY

By a writer known for her fiction, a literary                         moment of exchange between those               The life of a brave and clever woman who                          Nobody has ever heard of anything like
essay about the relationship between                                  two dimensions of creativity and from          way before social network era understood                          that, but her project of writing under
writing and painting for five authors of                              1960s authors began looking at those           writing can keep us united and change                             cover about Blackwell Island, the women
Italian 20th century.                                                 experiments with nostalgia: from Pasolini,     our world.                                                        asylum of New York City, persuades Mr.
                                                                      a chameleonic himself, to Moravia, who                                                                           Cockerill and Mr. Pulitzer. It will result
As fascinating as a novel, as thorough as                             kept drawing till his death, to Calvino, who   September, 1887: a young girl knocks at                           in an investigative reportage that will
an academic essay, this book is neither the                           affirmed that a painter is happier than a      the door of John Cockerill, director of                           change journalism for ever. Nellie Bly
first thing nor the second: it is, though, a                          writer. Sarchi gives us a vivid portrait of    Joseph Pultizer’s “The New York World”.                           will become the nightmare of politicians
recognition of her author’s most beloved                              times rich in ideas and contaminations,        She wants to be a reporter. No woman                              and conformists, will travel around the
themes, as she has been travelling from                               enlightening parallels and cross-references    before has ever dared that much. Her                              world, will live loves and failures, sure
literature to art for years. The fourth                               among the arts.                                name is Elizabeth Cochran, she is 23 and                          that journalism should make readers’ lives
decade of the 20th century was a thriving                                                                            is writing for a Pittsburgh paper under the                       better.
                                                                                                                     penname Nellie Bly. A woman reporter!

ALESSANDRA SARCHI                                                                                                    N I C O L A ATT A D I O
is a writer and an art historian. She is author of L’amore normale,                                                  lives and works in Rome. He is author and host of “Vite che non
La note ha la mia voce (Selezione Campiello Prize 2017), both                                                        sono la tua” on Radio 3. This is his first book.
published by Einaudi. She lives in Bologna.

                                                                                                                                                                                       LONGLISTED FOR 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                       VIAREGGIO-RÈPACI PRIZE
                                                                                                                                                                                       SHORTLISTED FOR 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                       A L E S S A N D R O M A N Z O N I I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                                                       L I T E R A RY P R I Z E
                                                                                                                                                                                       5 EDITIONS, 10,000 COPIES

                                                                                                                                                                                       An honest and brave work.
                                                                                                                                                                                       “Il Messaggero Veneto”
                                                                                                                                                                                       Attadio retraces sympathetically
                                                                                                                                                                                       a legendary figure’s life.”
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rights sold: German (Orell Füssli Verlag)

              BOMPIANI    NON                                         Pages: 		    224                                             BOMPIANI    NON                                     Pages: 		    204
              RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                     Publication: March 2019                                                                                          Publication: March 2018
                                                                      Price: 		    e 17,00
                                                                                                                                   RIGHTS LIST FICTION
                                                                                                                                                                                       Price: 		    e 16,00

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  39
                             Renato Minore                                                                                                BIOGRAPHIES
                                                                                                                                                                        Luca Scarlini
                             Rimbaud                                                                                                                                    The Last Queen of Florence
                                                                                                                                                                        L’U LTIMA R EG IN A D I FIR EN ZE

A biography of the rebel maudit poet. A                              Renato Minore takes us on a journey                                  Princesses, abbesses, mignons, cardinals,                              slipping out of their hands. They were
passionate work of research as powerful as                           through the life of the enfant prodige poet                          artists, musicians, scientists, writers: a                             erotomaniac, most religious, obsessive
a novel.                                                             par excellence, who has been obsessing                               travel into the court of the last Medicis in                           collectors. In Palazzo Pitti and all the
                                                                     and seducing all the ones who came after                             Palazzo Pitti, Florence.                                               other many villas, splendour and disaster
From the inextinguishable fire of                                    him. This book lets us know Rimbaud’s life                                                                                                  walked hand in hand: from 1620 to
adolescence to mature age thinking, from                             and poetry thanks to a fascinating narrative                         The Renaissance prime of Medician                                      1737 wrong ambitions, suicidal dynastic
Charleville in the Ardennes to Ethiopia,                             construction.                                                        Florence has been told many times. But                                 choices, unlikely alliances followed one
                                                                                                                                          much less known are the last lords of the                              another, just to save a lineage doomed to
                                                                                                                                          city. The Last Queen of Florence talks                                 extition that would soon be replaced by
                                                                                                                                          about them, the last Medicis: bizarre and                              the Lorenas.
                                                                                                                                          fickle characters, chasing a world that was

R E N AT O M I N O R E                                                                                                                    LUCA SCARLINI
was born in Chieti in 1944. A writer, a poet and a journalist, he    amori, Nella notte impenetrabile, Il dominio del cuore, translated   is a writer, a playwriter, a performance artist and a storyteller.     Lustrini per il regno dei cieli, Un paese in ginocchio, La sindrome
works for RAI and writes for “Il Messaggero”. He is author of many   into many languages.                                                 He teaches narrative techniques at the Scuola Holden in Turin.         di Michael Jackson, Andy Warhol superstar, Memorie di un’opera
books among which Rimbaud, Leopardi. L’infanzia, le città, gli                                                                            He worked for Rai Radio Tre and curated many exhibitions about         d’arte, Bianco Tenebra, Teatri d’amore.
                                                                                                                                          links among art, music, thatre and fashion. Among his books,

                                                                     WINNER OF THE 1991 SELEZIONE
                                                                     CAMPIELLO PRIZE                                                                                                                           E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

                                                                                                                                                                                                               There couldn't be a best writer than
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Scarlini to evoke such a parade of ghosts
                                                                                                                                                                                                               who, once we come to know them, won't
                                                                                                                                                                                                               leave the reader's mind very easily.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               “La lettura”

              BOMPIANI                     NON                       Pages: 		    192                                                                   BOMPIANI    NON                                           Pages: 		    320
                                           FICTION                   Publication: February 2019                                                         RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                       Publication: August 2018
                                                                     Price: 		    e 11,00                                                                                                                         Price: 		    e 18,00

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 41
                             Gaia Servadio                                                                                                 PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                                                                                                        Francesco Tomatis
                             The Most Famous Italian in the                                                                                                             The Mountain Way
                             World. Life and Adventures                                                                                                                 LA VIA D ELLA MO N TAG N A

                             of Giovanni Battista Belzoni

The story of the Italian Egyptologist who                          which the famous one of Seti I, the so-                                 A fascinating journey teaching us not only                           mountain as horizon and verticality,
inspired George Lucas to create Indiana                            called “Egyptian Sistine Chapel” and the                                how to contemplate mountains but also                                tradition and experience, he faces
Jones.                                                             entrances to the pyramid of Khafre and                                  how to live it and listen to it.                                     existential, ecological and political-
                                                                   to the Abu Simbel temple. Gaia Servadio,                                                                                                     economical questions: a path he
Giovanni Battista Belzoni was one of                               with the passion and rigor that made her                                Francesco Tomatis keeps his enquiry                                  personally experienced among with
the greatest Egyptologists in history.                             biographies of great Italians famous, tells                             on mountain landscape’s physical,                                    many other mountain lovers before him
No wonder George Lucas took him as                                 us the incredibly adventurous life of one of                            metaphysical, natural, cultural, political                           (alpinists, writers, mountaineers, poets
a model for his Indiana Jones: during                              the main and more fascinating protagonists                              and spiritual dimension. By reading                                  composers and painters).
three archaeological expedition, between                           of modern-day archaeology, a man who in
1816 and 1819, he discovered about ten                             his days was known to be the most famous
tombs in the Valley of the Kings, among                            Italian in the world.

GAIA SERVADIO                                                                                                                              F R A N C E S C O T O M AT I S
was born in Padua in 1938. A painter, journalist and writer, she   La storia di R, and biographical essays, like Luchino Visconti, la      was born in Carrù, Cuneo, in 1964. He teaches Theoretical            published with Bompiani Filosofia della montagna, Come leggere
lives between Italy and the UK. She worked for “Il Mondo”,         Donna del Rinascimento and Gioacchino Rossini. Una vita. She            Philosophy at Salerno University and Kung Fu at the Chang            Nietzsche, Dialogo dei principi, Libertà di sapere.
“La Stampa”, “Il Corriere della Sera”, RAI and BBC. Among her      was made a Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana.                      School. Scientific warrantor of Mountain Wilderness International,
works, narrative books, such as Tanto gentile e tanto onesta and

                                                                   E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

              BOMPIANI                    NON                       Pages: 		    384                   Rights: MalaTesta Literary Agency                 BOMPIANI    NON                                        Pages: 		    704
                                          FICTION                   Publication: April 2018
                                                                                                                                                         RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                    Publication: March 2019
                                                                    Price: 		    e 16,00                                                                                                                        Price: 		    e 20,00
42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          43
& RELIGION                  Carlo Maria Martini                                                                                    PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                                                                   & RELIGION                    Alberto Porro
                            To Be a Neighbour to the Last.                                                                                                       How to Survive the Catholic Church
                            Men and Women Who Stopped                                                                                                            Without Losing Your Faith
                            Thinking about Themselves                                                                                                            CO ME SO PR AVVIVER E ALLA CH IESA CATTO LICA E N O N PER D ER E LA FED E

The fifth volume of Cardinal Martini’s                          themselves because experienced God’s                               A funny manual for those who can’t feel                                 listen to the sermon, to exchange “the
opera omnia collects all his writings about                     force in them so that their willingness,                           their heart beating anymore when they                                   sign of peace”, to get married in church,
charity, some of them never published                           their unstoppable energy, their ability to                         hear ‘Catholic Church’.                                                 to invite priests over to dinner, to baptize
before.                                                         listen and to go towards their neighbour                                                                                                   your sons and daughters, to send your
                                                                might create a new humanity. That’s the                            A collection of practical advice to survive                             children to Sunday school, to help the
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini did know                           powerful teaching of Martini, who just                             Catholic Church (which theoretically                                    priest, to chat with nuns, to make your
the risks in the word “charity”: “Many                          completely tuned in to his neighbour:                              stands for you but practically barely stands                            children go to mass, to obey your priest, to
people would just think of some act of                          gaoled, handicapped, sick, poor people,                            you) and an index of dangers to thwart,                                 give donations.
human compassion [...] uneffective at                           foreigner, migrants, drug addicts and                              such as: to go to mass on Sundays, to
really changing history.” This isn’t the real                   terrorists, with whom Martini had been
deepest testimony of those Christian men                        corresponding regularly for many years.
and women who stopped thinking about

C AR D INA L C A R L O M A R I A M A RT I NI                                                                                       ALBERTO PORRO

(1927-2012) graduated in Holy Scripture summa cum laude         together with other specialists of different Christian Churches,   (Milan, 1958) has been working in the book world for thirty years.
at the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, where he became first       of the widely read Greek New Testament (fourth revised edition,    He lives in a family community close to Milan with his wife and five
Deacon of the Faculty of Holy Scripture and then Rector from    1993). On December 29th, 1979 Pope John Paul II named him          children. He had all the jobs he could imagine as he thinks that
                                                                                                                                   habit is a very dangerous phenomenon.
1969 to 1978. In that same year he was nominated Rector of      Archbishop of Milan, a pastoral commitment that was to last
the Pontificia Università Gregoriana. Among his numerous        twenty-two years, leaving a deep mark on the ecclesiastic and
scientific publications there is the critical edition, edited   civil Milanese community.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          E N G L I S H S A M P L E T R A N S L AT I O N AV A I L A B L E

             BOMPIANI    NON                                    Pages: 		    960                                                                  BOMPIANI    NON                                           Pages: 		    112
             RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                Publication: September 2019                                                       RIGHTS LIST FICTION                                       Publication: April 2019
                                                                Price: 		    e 25,00                                                                                                                        Price: 		    e 12,00

44                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      45
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