The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan

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The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
The right drivers for
whole system success


                            FEBRUARY 2021
The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
Acknowledgements                                                       Contents
I thank the Stuart Foundation for funding our system work in           2   Introduction
California – a remarkable foundation that stays the course.
To the magnificent Deep Learning gang at the core of our global        8   Wellbeing and Learning vis-à-vis
competencies work: Joanne Quinn, Bill Hogarth, Jean Clinton,               Academics Obsession
Max Drummy, Mag Gardner, Bailey Fullan, Miguel Brechner,
Claudia Brovetto, Tom D’Amico, Lynn Davie, Margot McKeegan,            20 Social Intelligence vis-à-vis
Georgina Lake, Tony Stack and many more. To the system crowd              Machine Intelligence
of thinkers, doers, and supporters: Eleanor Adam, Bruce Armstrong,
Athina, Bruno & Liz from SA, Cecilia Azorin, Carol Campbell,           27 Equality Investments vis-à-vis Austerity
Davis Campbell, CEWA,WA leaders, Michael Chechile, Claudia
Cuttress, Mark Edwards, Charles Fadel, Josh Fullan, Mary Jean          32 Systemness vis-à-vis Fragmentation
Gallagher, Avis Glaze, Andy Hargreaves, John Hatttie, Peter Hill,
Terry Jakobsmeier, Mike Jancik, Lyle Kirtman, Dalton McGuinty,         36 To change a paradigm
John Malloy, Ed Manansala, Steve Martinez, Jal Mehta, Sandra
Milligan, Steve Munby, Pedro Noguera, Charles Pascal, Glen
Price, Santiago Rincón-Gallardo, Claude St Cyr, Pasi Sahlberg,
Andreas Schleicher, Laura Schwalm, Geoff Scott, Brendan Spillane,
Michael Stevenson, Sue Walsh, Derek Wenmoth, Jay Westover,
Barbara Watterston, Jim Watterston, Greg Whitby. And to the
thousands of practitioners around the world who have helped form
the foundational base of our system work. To my family, Wendy
and all, who are supportive in every which way. To Tony Mackay
of CSE for remembering our 10th Anniversary, and sponsoring the
new ‘drivers’ paper.

I take responsibility for any final formulations in this paper, but
I could not have done this without the active support of many.

ISSN 1838-8566 ISBN 978-1-925654-56-1
© 2021 Centre for Strategic Education, Victoria.
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Produced in Australia by Centre for Strategic Education
Mercer House, 82 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Editorial Team: Tony Mackay, Keith Redman,
Murray Cropley, Andrew Miller
The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
The right drivers for
whole system success

This paper is intended to provide a          for transforming the status quo. Most
comprehensive solution to what ails the      significantly, it generates conditions
current public school system and its place   that are conducive to pursuing the very
in societal development – a system that is   paradigm that I outline in this paper.
failing badly in the face of ever complex
                                             I won’t focus in detail on the pandemic
fundamental challenges to our survival,
                                             itself except to set the context for radical
let alone our thriving as a species. What
                                             change. The immediate consequence is
follows is a ‘big’ proposal. Once started
                                             chaos, impressively captured by Nicholas
the ‘four drivers’ feed on each other as a
                                             Christakis (2020) in his analysis, Apollo’s
system in motion. Most important, the
                                             Arrow: The Profound and Enduring
timing is right.
                                             Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended            Live. Using past pandemics and current
virtually every aspect of humanity as        developments Christakis analyses what he
we know it, shaking current civilisation     labels as ‘the immediate pandemic period’,
to its foundation. Amidst the death and      ‘the intermediate pandemic period’ and
destruction is a disruption so fundamental   ‘the post-pandemic period’ – a time span
that it loosens and discombobulates the      covering 2020 to 2024. In practical terms,
system in a way that creates openings        humans will grapple with chaos, survival,

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The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
innovative breakthroughs, destructive            On one occasion, after a very productive
      elements, and more. The best stance we           workshop in Melbourne, the organisers
      can take is to know that almost everything       (the Centre for Strategic Education)
      will be different. In short, this prolonged      observed that our ideas were really hitting
      ambiguity creates a tangible opportunity         the mark, but that these proposals were not
      to make positive change happen.                  at all like the actual policies that were in
                                                       place. They asked if I would do a paper on
      A necessary immediate priority is to
                                                       the subject. Because we had been grappling
      address the first order upheaval. Our deep
                                                       with these ideas we quickly came up with
      learning team offered an early analysis
                                                       the title ‘Choosing the Wrong Drivers’
      and framework in a report we released in
                                                       theme. The paper (Fullan, 2011) focused
      June 2020 called Education Re-imagined:
                                                       on four pairs of drivers, which were
      The Future of Learning (Fullan et al).
      We are working on an update that will            ƒƒ accountability (vs capacity building);
      be available by mid-2021. These reports          ƒƒ individual (vs group quality);
      call for attending first to wellbeing; for       ƒƒ technology (vs pedagogy); and
      addressing basic needs like food, safety,
                                                       ƒƒ fragmented (vs systemic).
      shelter, access to resources; for using the
      opportunity to move toward what I later
      call ‘global competencies’ (character,
      citizenship, collaboration, communication,
      creativity, critical thinking). Above all, we
      recommend avoiding a ‘loss of learning’
      mindset that would take us back to
      traditional learning – to a system that we
      know was not working for the vast majority
      of students.
      What then would the new model look
      like? I start back a decade ago. The current     The focus of the 2011 paper was very
      year, 2021, is the 10th anniversary of a         much on how policies and strategic actions
      popular policy article I published entitled      seem to be dominated by assumptions akin
      Choosing the Wrong Drivers for Whole             to the wrong drivers. It was not that they
      System Reform (Fullan, 2011). System             had no merit, but rather that they did not
      reform is about the whole system – a state,      serve to ‘lead’ system change. The paper
      province, national entity. A driver is a         was a big hit, particularly in Australia,
      policy – a wrong driver is a policy that         the US and the UK. Practitioners instantly
      does not work or makes matters worse. Our        recognised that they were on the wrong
      team had been working actively on system         end of the policy stick (and I think many
      reform since 1997 when we assessed the           policy makers did as well, but they did
      English National Literacy and Numeracy           not have an alternative). At the time,
      Strategy, followed quickly by the Ontario        I was not paying much attention to the
      reform (2003 onward), advice and capacity        new Asian front runners in the OECD’s
      building in California, Victoria and             PISA assessment of literacy, numeracy
      other places. We had also spent a decade         and science results: Hong Kong, Japan,
      conducting hundreds of workshops across          Singapore, Shanghai and South Korea
      Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom,          (more about them later).
      Canada and more.

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The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
Over the past decade the ‘wrong drivers’       The pandemic phenomenon itself may
paper was received favourably in many          serve to accelerate the solutions as we find
local jurisdictions (schools and local         silver linings and golden pockets, precisely
authorities) and even garnered some            because of ever-growing dissatisfaction
interest at the policy level (in California,   with the status quo, and the new openings
and Victoria for example). However,            that COVID-19 dissolution unveils. The
the analysis never carried the day in          timing is also propitious because we have
reformulating system change. One reason        gained an understanding of so much
was that the spotlight was mostly on           more in the past five years about learning,
what was ‘wrong’; second, the so-called        technology, people and the most powerful
right drivers did not represent a coherent     levers for positive transformation. The
theory; third, the right drivers were never    pandemic has caused us to take two or
complete enough to influence the rapidly       more steps backwards and, indeed, has
growing complexity of society in the 21st      exposed fundamental flaws in our learning
century – they were never strong enough        systems. COVID-19 could turn out to be the
to affect inequality, which is endemic to      catalyst needed to leap forward, but only
the system we have come to have. Joanne        if we act forcefully on what I call the ‘right
Quinn and I got a start on the solution in     drivers’.
our book, Coherence: The Right Drivers in
                                               The model for education currently in place
Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems,
                                               is badly out of date. Correspondingly, a
but the ideas did not go widely or deeply
                                               new and better education system would be
enough for system change (Fullan and
                                               one of the very few avenues for surviving
Quinn, 2016).
                                               in the short run, let alone thriving in
The question now is whether 2021 might         the longer future. Thomas Kuhn (1962),
be the best time for getting the ‘right        in his book The Structure of Scientific
drivers right’ and, of course, what would      Revolutions, made the case that scientific
the drivers be? There are several reasons      models, or paradigms as he called them,
why the time is now: global society is         sometimes run their course. He said that
rapidly worsening and has been for some        two conditions are necessary for change
time; there is climate collapse, galloping     to happen: one is that the current system
inequality, deepening mistrust and             becomes ‘catastrophically ineffective’
increased stress for adults and the young      (which, I would argue, is now the case);
alike; all of this prior to the COVID-19       the other requirement is the presence of
pandemic (see Fullan and Gallagher, 2020).     an alternative paradigm to take its place.

                                               My conception of a driver
                                               is a force that attracts power and
                                               generates motion on a continuous
                                               basis. The four drivers in question
                                               are not travelling down a divided
                                               highway. Instead, they form
                                               a constellation of stars that give
                                               each other energy and purpose.
                                               They represent a single, integrated
                                               model that generates continuous

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The four right drivers, in combination –         1. Wellbeing and Learning (essence)
      what I have called ‘the human paradigm’,         2. Social Intelligence (limitless)
      constitute the proposed new model for
                                                       3. Equality Investments (dignity), and
      governing the future of education (see
      Figure 1). My conception of a driver is a        4. Systemness (wholeness).
      force that attracts power and generates          They are the human paradigm and presently
      motion on a continuous basis. The four           constitute a work in progress. We have
      drivers in question are not travelling down      barely begun to tap their potential.
      a divided highway. Instead, they form a
                                                       A fascinating analysis of the evolution
      constellation of stars that give each other
                                                       of America, from the late 1800s to
      energy and purpose. They represent a
                                                       the present, was recently released by
      single, integrated model that generates
                                                       sociologist Robert Putnam with Shaylyn
      continuous development.
                                                       Garrett (2020). Their book is titled The
      The four new wrong drivers are not               Upswing: How America Came Together a
      completely wrong. It is just that if left        Century Ago and How WE Can Do It Again.
      alone they take us in a negative direction.      Using thematic evidence about economics,
      Let’s name them and give them nicknames          politics, society and culture, the authors
      (in parentheses).                                make the case that the US has gone through
      1. Academics Obsession (selfish)                 periods of
      2. Machine Intelligence (careless)               ƒƒ ‘I-ness’ (self-centredness) – 1870s to 1890s;
      3. Austerity (ruthless), and                     ƒƒ ‘We-ness’ (concern for others) – 1900 to
      4. Fragmentation (inertia).                         1970s; and back to the present period of
                                                       ƒƒ excessive ‘I-ness’ – late 1970s to the
      They have been operating for 40 years,
      and with ever-growing intensity. Together
      they are the ‘bloodless paradigm’, lacking       Reading the tea leaves, Putnam and
      care, empathy, and civic awareness – the         Garrett speculate that 2021 onward
      things that make us humans. The new right        could be another ‘We’ period. In many
      drivers, by contrast, capture and propel the     ways the prospect of the right drivers in
      human spirit. Again these are offered with       combination makes such a positive case.
      nicknames.                                       So, what are the new more promising right
                                                       drivers for system change?

      Figure 1. The Drivers

             The Right Drivers for Whole System Success
         The Human Paradigm                                        The Bloodless Paradigm

         Wellbeing and Learning                                       Academics Obsession
             Social Intelligence                                     Machine Intelligence
           Equality Investments                                               Austerity
                 Systemness                                               Fragmentation

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The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
For each pair of drivers we will start            The drivers feed on each other, and as such
                   with the wrong drivers – what they are            stimulate reciprocal action. The difficulty
                   and how they have taken root in the last          will be how to get the right drivers
                   four decades. They do not really form a           started into action in a way that drives
                   deliberate system, but in effect they rely on     coordinated, sustained action. This is the
                   each other.                                       focus of this paper.
                   ƒƒ Academics1 Obsession favours the elite.        I express the pairs of drivers with the
                      The privileged in turn figure out and          interjection: vis-à-vis. The latter means ‘in
                      exploit the narrow academic assessment         relation to’ not ‘versus’. I make this point
                      system.                                        to note that the drivers are not always
                   ƒƒ Machines have a life of their own,             in opposition to each other but can form
                      because the market system and big              complementary pairs, provided that the
                      companies inherently and relentlessly          right driver is the lead. Put another way,
                      contribute to their endless expansion.         the ‘wrong drivers’ can be helpful as long
                      Rapacious growth is their habit.               as they are in support of the right drivers
                   ƒƒ Austerity evolves naturally in a system        – something that is eminently doable if
                      where the rich take the lion’s share of        we position the right drivers as dominant.
                      profits and all others are left with little.   The primary recommendation in this
                                                                     paper consists of a radical shift in focus
                   ƒƒ Fragmentation by default favors inertia,
                                                                     toward the powerful right drivers as a set,
                      and deepens existing systems of
                                                                     while paying attention to the wrong or
                      prejudice and discrimination.
                                                                     ‘supporting’ drivers in order to reposition
                               This is the current state of          them to contribute in the way that they
the drivers are not            affairs – a system destined to        should. For example, technology has a great
always in opposition to        run itself into the ground.           deal to contribute – potentially. In one
each other but can form         The four right drivers, by           sense a large part of the problem is that
                                                                     humans have fallen behind, not just that
complementary pairs,            contrast, have the potential to
                                change the dynamics radically.       technology has become more powerful.
provided that the right
                                In a real sense they are our         Galloping inequality (in resources and
driver is the lead.
                                only hope to alter the current       opportunity) has raced ahead since the end
                                catastrophic pathway toward          of the 1970s, despite considerable new
                   destruction, and possible denouement.             expenditure directed at equity. Over these
                   The set of right drivers requires a depth         forty years the goal of greater equity has
                   of understanding and action across many           made little net difference on the system,
                   levels. To achieve this kind of radical           save for a few ‘positive outliers’. There
                   change we will need to appeal to four             is no discernable impact because the
                   different constituencies that I will label        solutions tried were piecemeal. As such
                   locals, regionals, staters (state and federal),   they did not seriously attack inequity.
                   and globals (leaders who work across              I will take this up more directly when
                   countries).                                       we get to Right Driver 3, ‘Equality
                   ƒƒ Locals include students, parents and           Investments’. The economic system
                      community members.                             that has resulted in rapidly increasing
                   ƒƒ Regionals are district and municipal staff.    economic inequity is not the only
                                                                     system that prevents many people from
                   ƒƒ Staters are state-level and federal players.
                                                                     achieving fundamental equality. ‘Systems’
                   ƒƒ Globals are those who act across entities      of colonial, racial, gender/sexual, class
                      (and, of course, they will come from the       domination, and others, also contribute
                      other three groups).                           importantly. In short, there are multiple
                                                                     ‘systems of oppression’ at work.

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Some of the breakthroughs will be                 activating the right drivers, and the answer
                        achieved through political actions and            is everyone (see Right Driver 4). More
                        uprisings. At the same time, we need to           helpfully, any group or subgroup can and
                        examine how the system itself (defined            should take action within and connecting
                        as everyone in it) might be changed               drivers, seeking allies all the time,
                        through actions arising from mounting             leveraging new developments consistent
                        dissatisfaction at all levels of the current      with the set of drivers.
                        situation and its trajectory. One ray of
                                                                          In the conclusion I will revisit the big
                        hope is our tentative finding that all
                                                                          question of what are the prospects for
                        students can benefit from better education,
                                                                          radical change in trends of the kind
                        especially those who are currently
                                                                          envisaged by Putnam and Garrett? The
                        most disconnected. (Fullan, Quinn and
                                                                          world is now in a precarious state, which
                        McEachen, 2018). They have the most
                                                                          is to say that the future could go either
                        emotional experience and connection to
                                                                          way: the collapse of society – the current
                        what is wrong, and as such can be major
                                                                          trajectory – or the transformation of the
                        sources of personal and collective action
                                                                          global system along the lines of the four
                        required for positive change. Emotion and
                                                                          right drivers. The key agent for the future
                        new dignity may be the most powerful
                                                                          prosperity of humankind and the planet
                                     force and hope for change that
                                                                          is the activation of a new learning system
                                     we have. The four right drivers,
                                                                          built on the evolutionary advantage that we
  The four right drivers,            in integrated concert, represent
                                                                          possess but are in danger of squandering.
  in integrated concert,             potentially powerful system
                                                                          First, we dig into learning itself, which has
                                     change in action.
  represent potentially                                                   been badly distorted over the past 50 years
  powerful system change             As we work through the model         or more. We are palpably losing ground on
  in action.                         I will start in each case with       the measures that matter.
                                     a discussion of what is wrong
                                     with the wrong driver in
                         question, followed by a consideration of
                         how the right driver would work. Wrong
                         drivers on balance reinforce the status quo.
                         Each right driver may initially move at a
                         different pace, but sooner than later they
                         must converge, gaining additional strength               We now turn to the
                         from the interaction between and among                   drivers themselves
                         the set.
                         As part of mounting the right drivers,                   starting with the first
                         we can also take steps to turn the wrong                 pair: Wellbeing
                         drivers into better supporting roles. The net
                                                                                  and Learning.
                         effect would be the acceleration of positive
                         change and new breakthroughs. One
                         troubling question is who is responsible for

7 /                      CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
Wellbeing and Learning
vis-à-vis Academics Obsession

Academics Obsession                                their colleagues; where they influence
                                                   their own environments (in school, in the
Let me frame the argument clearly, because         community, in their world); and where
some of it is nuanced. The pervasive               student voice and agency are not so much
obsession with academic grades and                 ‘permitted’, but are deliberately activated
degrees, and corresponding elite rewards           as a natural byproduct of the culture built
at the expense of other people (and I              in the school and the system as a whole.
will show at the expense of the ‘winners’
themselves) results in narrow learning             In the meantime, Academics Obsession
that severely distorts what people learn           prevails, involving both the learning
and need in the 21st century. Even those           system and the related assessment of
students who are ‘successful’ are not              learning outcomes. Sandra Milligan is a
prepared for life. Instead, my argument            Professor and Director of the Assessment
will be that by integrating wellbeing              Research Centre at the Melbourne Graduate
and academics we establish learning as             School of Education. In her current
something that prepares all students for the       research she brought together a large
ever-complex world we live in. In the next         number of young people who were in Year
section (Wellbeing and Learning) we will           11 or 12, or were recent secondary school
establish the key relationship between the         graduates, and asked them ‘to what degree
United Nations’ Sustainable Development            did your 12 years of schooling fit you for
Goals (SDG) – Goal 3 (Good health and              what you are doing now or expect to do’?
wellbeing), and Goal 4 (Quality education).        As Milligan reports, ‘they were virtually
In effect, they become integrated partners         unanimous in saying that their schooling
as codrivers to transform the current system.      was far too narrow for what they are doing
                                                   now, and expected to do in the future;
As wellbeing has come more to the fore,            and that their schooling was dominated
there is an initial tendency to treat it as ‘the   by academics and narrow subject focus’.
absence of ill-being’. Programs to treat ill-      When asked what they really valued, they
being, like anti-bullying, drug and alcohol        described part-time work, community
treatment programs, and stress reduction,          activities and other supplementary
are essential, but they are reactive to            experiences beyond school. It was these
obvious wrongs in the culture of the school        ‘out of school’ experiences, they said,
and society. They are not programs to              that gave them the know-how, attitudes,
promote wellbeing itself. The latter speaks        values, skills and confidence – things that
to students finding school as a place where        they felt they did not get at school, and
they feel good about themselves and the            that were really valuable to set them up for
person they are becoming; where they have          future challenges (Milligan, 2020a; see also
opportunities to develop or strengthen             Milligan, 2020b).
positive values in themselves and in

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The right drivers for whole system success - 01 CSE LEADING EDUCATION SERIES - Michael Fullan
Heather Malin is the Director of Research        in the US has driven a wedge between the
      at the Stanford University Center on             middle class and the rich. He documents
      Adolescence. In several studies Malin            how elaborate elite education produces
      (2018) probed students about education           ‘superordinate workers’ who privilege
      and their purpose at school. At best she         their positions in the job hierarchy, within
      found that students were out to get good         which ‘the new elite invests its income
      grades, go to university and get a good job.     in yet more elaborate education for its
      At the end of several studies Malin              children. And so the cycle continues’
      concluded that only about 24 per cent of         (p 11). Over time the gap between the
      senior high school students ‘have identified     superrich and the middle class increases as
      and are pursuing a purpose for life’ (p 1).      the former is driven upward and the latter
                                                       downwards, to the current point where ‘the
      Let’s capture what is happening here.
                                                       academic achievement gap between rich
      Academics Obsession is not a primary
                                                       and middle-class school children is now
      intrinsic motivator for most students (nor
                                                       markedly greater than the achievement gap
      even for many of the apparently successful
                                                       between middle-class and poor children’
      ones). We will see shortly that wellbeing
                                                       (p 26). By 2018, for example, the rich/
      (purpose, meaning, belongingness, control,
                                                       middle class income gap became nearly
      making a contribution) is of greater
                                                       double what it was in 1970 (p 135).
      intrinsic interest, which in turn can lead
      to deeper academics. Let’s stick with the        Few of us will feel sorry for the academic
      ‘successful’ group for a moment. We move         elite but Markovits documents how these
      to the exceedingly successful students in        elite schools have suicide rates four times
      the US, based on Daniel Markovits’ (2019)        the national average, and that ‘54 per cent
      The Meritocracy Trap. Markovits describes        of students displayed moderate to severe
      how extreme elitism over the past 40 years       symptoms of depression and anxiety’ (p 42).

9 /   CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
Incidentally, we see this phenomenon in         to virtually zero on the average since
                     the top PISA/OECD performers in Asia            the late 1970s. It does not take a genius
                     (South Korea, Shanghai) where parents           to know that during this same period
                     push their children (or may not have to as      inequality has galloped ahead at an ever-
                     their offspring fall in line) to study and go   increasing speed. It does take some insight
                     to after-hours prep schools in order to get     to know that the remedy for this is not
                     into elite schools (and indeed go to second     focusing only on the ‘individual’ to get
                     tier prep schools in order to get into better   a better education. It is the system that
                     prep schools). Anxiety, stress and suicide      needs fixing: ‘the rhetoric of rising now
                     rate have all increased dramatically in the     rings hollow’ says Sandel (p 25). Thus,
                     past decade with many young children            ‘of children born in the 1940s almost
                     studying 4 or more hours per day beyond         all (90 per cent), earned more than their
                     their in-class time. The point is that          parents; of children born in the 1980s, only
                     Academics Obsession harms everyone up           half surpassed their parents’ earnings’ (p 75).
                     and down the system. Markovits concludes        Sandel concludes that the meritocratic
                     that ‘the excessive and ruthless training       ideal, fixed and narrow and unfair as it is,
                     through which meritocracy makes the elite,      generates ‘morally unattractive attitudes’;
                     does not elevate the human spirit as much       ‘among the winners, it generates hubris;
                     as crushes it’ (p 116). The negative spinoff    among the losers, humiliation and
                     damages the whole system.                       resentment’ (Sandel, p 25). Let this toxic
                                                                     mix percolate for a few decades, and you
                                In the same vein, and deeper,
                                                                     have Donald Trump (or Brexit etc).
                                Michael Sandel (2020) exposes
                                The Tyranny of Merit. Sandel         Let’s talk ‘wrong driver’ here. Inequality
Those who succeed               starts with a similar point to       under the circumstances of extreme
at the bad game do              Markovits, that the system           meritocracy is not due mainly to a failure
not necessarily go              is rigged to favour the elite        of education; it is more a failure of the
unscathed. Sandel calls         (eg, two-thirds of attendees         system in place (both in ground rules
this group ‘wounded             at Ivy League schools come           and in content). Don’t make your strategy
winners’.                       from the top 20 per cent of          hinge on telling those not succeeding to get
                                the income scale, and so on).        better at a bad game! Of course, we want
                                The ‘admissions obsession’           people to go to college and succeed, but my
                   says Sandel ‘has its origins in the growing       conclusion is that the current system can
                   inequality of recent decades’ (p 12). Above       never accomplish this on any scale (but the
                   all else, and come hell or highwater, elite       four right drivers can).
                   parents wanted ‘the meritocratic cachet that
                                                                     There is more. Those who succeed at the
                   admission to elite colleges confers’ (p 1).
                                                                     bad game do not necessarily go unscathed.
                     During the recent prolonged period (the         Sandel calls this group ‘wounded winners’.
                     forty years since 1980) this Academics          There is a long list of anxiety-ridden, high-
                     Obsession and its societal correlates served    stress impacts on students who do find
                     the super elite well. Since the late 1970s in   themselves playing the bad game, leading
                     the US ‘most of the nation’s income gains       to the following conclusion, cited by Sandel.
                     have gone to the top 10 per cent, while the
                                                                        In spite of their economic and social
                     bottom half received virtually none. … In
                                                                        advantages, they experience among the
                     real terms the median income for working-
                                                                        highest rates of depression, substance
                     age men, about $36,000, is less than it was
                                                                        abuse, anxiety disorder, somatic
                     four decades ago’ (Sandel, p 22). We also
                                                                        complaints, and unhappiness of any
                     know that the rate of mobility (doing better
                                                                        group of children in this country.
                     than your parents), after 30 years of steady
                     movement upward (1945–1975) flattened              (2020, p 179)

                     The right drivers for whole system success                                                        / 10
What about those who become apparently           practical as well as academic wisdom.
       successful adults, ending up as CEOs,            There are a few who succeed despite
       cabinet members, and other prominent             their circumstances, but they tend to be
       leaders? Again there are exceptions, but         exceptions that prove the rule. Overall,
       let’s start with the question: ‘Are smart        we are less well-off societally because
       highly educated people good at life?’ (It’s      we have not benefited from the mobility
       a rhetorical question). The proportion of        that could have accompanied these four
       elected government members who have              decades of the development of human and
       university degrees has been rising for the       social capital. More broadly, the ‘sorting
       past forty years. In the UK, 88 per cent         role’ of Academics Obsession produces
       currently have university degrees, and           leaders in all sectors who are unlikely to
       most of them came from private schools           be balanced in the cognitive and wellbeing
       (Sandel, 2020, p 101). President Obama           qualities that are essential for leading
       followed the same pattern, with all but          in the 21st Century (see Fullan, 2020).
       three cabinet members holding advanced           Of course, additional criteria beyond
       degrees.                                         academic achievement are used in making
                                                        appointments of leaders. We can see this
       Here is the nuanced part. They are smart,
                                                        at work in President Joe Biden’s minority
       but are they good at life – their own and
                                                        appointments of Vice President Kamala
       those whose lives they are expected
                                                        Harris, and Secretary of Education Miguel
       to improve? Let’s say most are proven
                                                        Cardona. But why not make qualities, such
       ‘academically’, but are they good system
                                                        as character, citizenship, empathy, part of
       leaders – mobilising and improving the
                                                        a core education in the first place so that
       lives of the greater population? Here is
                                                        the pool of candidates becomes wider and
       Sandel’s conclusion (2020, p 90).
                                                        deeper? Why not be guided by right driver
          Having well-educated people run               1, rather than by its narrow counterpart?
          the government is generally desirable,        Why not produce scores of graduates who
          provided they possess sound judgment          are ‘good at learning, and good at life?
          and a sympathetic understanding of
                                                        Until we make this shift we will never
          working people’s lives – what Aristotle
                                                        achieve equity. One reason that increased
          called practical wisdom and civic virtue
                                                        equality has barely budged, despite 50
          – but history shows little connection
                                                        years of investment, is that the wrong
          between prestigious academic
                                                        drivers, including Academics Obsession
          credentials and either practical wisdom
                                                        have prevailed over this period. Academics
          or an instinct for the common good
                                                        Obsession serves to undercut equity. A case
          in the here and now.
                                                        in point is Lewis and Diamond’s (2015)
       Even more nuanced, educated people               in-depth study of Riverview High School,
       who did not come from struggle can be            a diverse US school overtly committed
       cognitively empathetic, but not necessarily      to serving all of its students. Despite the
       ‘emotionally’ empathetic in relation             espoused goals of equality, 90 per cent of
       to people in difficult circumstances.            Whites end up in four-year universities
       Moreover, and to complete the point,             compared to 50 per cent of Blacks, and
       we have had little mobility for 40 years,        Latinx2 students. Lewis and Diamond
       so we have not benefited from people             found that ‘It is … in the daily interaction
       who were successful because they came            (read culture) among school policy,
       up the hard way – parents sacrificed, son        everyday practice, racial ideology and
       or daughter benefited, who in turn raised        structural inequality that contradictions
       their children – which, in effect, created a     emerge between good intentions, and bad
       pathway and pipeline of people who have          outcomes’ (p xix).

11 /   CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
On a larger scale in higher education,          not an instrument for improvement when
                      both Kirp (2019) and Tough (2019) found         it is combined with high-stakes punitive
                      massive subtle and blatant barriers for         accountability. People are rarely motivated
                      minorities, from the time they might have       by being judged, and impossibly so if
                      contemplated post-secondary education           the judgement does not contain possible
                      through admissions, all the way through         lines of solutions. Jal Mehta from Harvard
                      their experiences until they ‘didn’t            nailed this problem (2013) in his The
                      graduate’ (only 40 per cent graduated           Allure of Order, drawing the conclusion
                      within six years).Tough concludes that          that ‘standards and accountability are a
                      higher education that presumably sets out       weak technology to produce the outcomes
                      to be a ‘powerful engine of social mobility’    policymakers seek. Improving teaching
                      ends up functioning as something closer         and learning requires the development
                      to the opposite: an obstacle to mobility, an    of skill and expertise; simply increasing
                      instrument that reinforces a rigid social       expectations (even when accompanied
                      hierarchy and prevents them from moving         by evidence) does little to bring about
                      beyond the circumstances of their birth’        results’ (p 7). I won’t continue to flog
                      (2019, p 19–20).                                a horse that I wish was dead, but for a
                                                                      more comprehensive and detailed review
                                 Here is one more example of
                                                                      see Daniel Koretz’s (2017) The Testing
                                 how insidious the barriers are.
higher education that                                                 Charade. The subtitle of his book says it
                                 Linda Nathan (2017) was the
presumably sets out to           founding head of the Boston
                                                                      all: ‘Pretending to Make Schools Better’.
be a ‘powerful engine            Arts Academy, a secondary            Some jurisdictions have tried to combine
of social mobility’              school committed to preparing        testing with strategies that address teacher
ends up functioning as           disadvantaged minority               skill and expertise necessary to get better
something closer to the          students for university. Many        results. This can work on a small scale
opposite                         did graduate and went to             where some schools, not doing very
                                 university, where they then          well, learn from others that are being
                                 encountered various non-             more successful. Because there are a
                    academic obstacles (lack of support,              few successful jurisdictions (sometimes
                    bureaucratic subtleties, and the like) that       called ‘positive outliers’) it can give us
                    resulted in a high drop-out rate. Nathan          encouragement. This, however, is truly
                    (2017) provides the bridge to our ‘right          a case of ‘exceptions’ proving the rule.
                    driver’ when she laments: ‘what all the talk      At the end of the day the rule – high-stakes
                    about grit seems to miss is the importance        standardised tests that become ends in
                    of putting children’s experience front and        themselves – will always come to dominate,
                    center. … When the emphasis on grit ends          because it takes such heroic effort to
                    up as a stand-alone pedagogy, the context         overcome it. It will never get to scale.
                    of a student’s life and family circumstances
                                                                      Let’s take Australia as a case in point.
                    is ignored’ (p 76).
                                                                      Since 2008 Australia has had a national
                                                                      program called NAPLAN (National
                      Testing                                         Assessment Program: Literacy and
                                                                      Numeracy) with annual tests at Years 3, 5,
                      As we move through the Academics
                                                                      7 and 9. For the past dozen years schools,
                      Obsession phenomenon we must explicitly
                                                                      on the whole, have shown little or no
                      address the role of testing. Compounding
                                                                      improvement (I would argue for reasons
                      and reinforcing the dismal current system
                                                                      directly related to the wrong drivers). In
                      is how the ‘external assessment of learning’
                                                                      2019 the government commissioned a
                      powers Academics Obsession (grades,
                                                                      prominent team of researchers to conduct
                      advanced courses, external tests). Testing is

                      The right drivers for whole system success                                                     / 12
a review and make recommendations for            Australia has the same problem. There
                      improvement. The researchers, staying            exists a ranking based primarily on Year
                      within their mandate, recommended that           12 assessments called ATAR (Australia
                      the tests be made in Years 3, 5, 7 and 10        Tertiary Admission Rank) which does
                      (the latter preferred over Year 9), and          indeed rank all prospective students with
                      be extended to include science literacy          a number that influences admissions.
                      (McGaw, Louden and Wyatt-Smith, 2020).           Professor Sandra Milligan and her team at
                      Such tinkering with the system reinforces        Melbourne University wrote a paper called
                      my point: preoccupation with academic            Beyond ATAR: A Proposal For Change
                      (NAPLAN) scores will narrow the                  (O’Connell, Milligan and Bentley, 2019)
                                   curriculum, without addressing      in which they argued that ATAR favours
                                   the motivation of students or       narrow academics, while overlooking other
  Fortunately SAT  and             those that teach them.              qualities that could assess the learning
  ACT tests are now losing          The same issues continue to face
                                                                       potential of students (such as credentialling,
  favour, as more and                                                  learner profiles and the like).
                                    students in the US, England
  more tertiary institutions        and other jurisdictions. Asia      When the stakes are so high some people
  are seeking more                  is more complex. By and large      will do anything to game the system
  qualitative criteria for          they have been successful in       including cheating, and illegal behaviour.
                                    the academic domain but, as        Then there is the collateral damage of
                                    I noted earlier, at a price. One   narrow curriculum, high stress, and the
                                    could say that their cultures      abuse of privilege. If you bundle all of this
                      enabled more Academics Obsession,                together as Andy Hargreaves (2020a) did in
                      but they too recognise the limits with           a recent review of large-scale assessments,
                      more anxiety, stress and the kind of             you find that ‘high-stakes testing’, and even
                      dysfunctional intensity that Markovits           mid-stakes testing, encounter a series of
                      (2019) described in the ‘meritocracy             problems that undercut the improvement
                      trap’ about the US (see also Ng (2016)           agenda, and the efficacy of the assessment.
                      on Singapore). When you add the matter
                                                                       To sum up:
                      of high-stakes narrow entrance tests to
                      post-secondary institutions (such as SAT         1. Academics Obsession preempts a better
                      [Scholastic Aptitude Test], and ACT3 in the         learning agenda, whether at K–12 or a
                      US), Academics Obsession completes the              higher education, leaving most students
                      assault on equity and meaningful learning.          out of the game;
                      Paul Tough’s (2019) chapter ‘Fixing the          2. even those who are ‘successful’ are not
                      test’ is a horror story of distortion, as           well served;
                      students and parents seek expensive              3. the most important education goals
                      tutors, and other means for getting higher          (such as the set of global competencies
                      scores at all costs, in order to gain access        I shall shortly introduce) are barely
                      to select universities. Even one of the             addressed;
                      tutors whose livelihood depended on such         4. the strategy of assessing outcomes per se
                      students seeking his services told Tough            hardly ever leads to improvement; and
                      that he tells colleges the opposite, namely,
                                                                       5. we need a system that streamlines
                      ‘downplay standardised tests in favour
                                                                          external assessments while retaining
                      of more nuanced evaluations of students’
                                                                          the ability to monitor the system with
                      ability’ (p 103). Fortunately SAT and ACT
                                                                          better measures of engagement and
                      tests are now losing favour, as more and
                      more tertiary institutions are seeking more
                      qualitative criteria for admissions.             In short, we need a new primary driver!

13 /                  CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
Wellbeing and Learning                         emphasis on grades and academics is not a
                                                                    motivator for most students.
                     In our ever-complex and contentious
                     world we can no longer afford to separate      By contrast, she argues a need to ‘imagine
                     wellbeing and learning. For one thing          a curriculum that is structured in such a
                     wellbeing is learning. As complexity in        way as to strengthen students’ sense of self
                     the world has evolved, Wellbeing and           and their sense of inclusion in a supportive
                     Learning represent an integrated concept.      community’ (p 142) – and then her killer
                     You cannot be successful on one without        conclusion.
                     the other. They feed each other in a way          It is frustrating to know that the kind of
                     that success begets success. As we will see,      learning involved to pass standardized
                     advances in the neuroscience of learning          tests does not bolster students’ sense
                     favour the seamless integration of the two        of urgency and belonging, and there is
                     elements. All of this augurs well for the         little room for the learning that would.
                     point I made earlier, that wellbeing is far
                                                                       (Nathan, 2017, p 158)
                     more than the absence of ill-being.
                    One key reason that Wellbeing and Learning      In sum, Academics are valuable, and
                    should be a strong right driver pertains to     Deep Learning all the more so, but for
                    what I called above intrinsic motivation.       the majority of students in 2021 stressing
                    Academics, at least at the beginning, is an     academic learning is not the starting point.
                    extrinsic motivator – a means to an end.        In this section I present some of the basic
                    As complex and as challenging as life           elements of a Wellbeing and Learning
                    has become, it is unlikely that the initial     model that will be required. The other
                    attraction to learning will be academics        three ‘right drivers’ in subsequent sections
                                 per se. Linda Nathan (2017)        will fill in the full paradigm shift that will
                                 was getting closer to the          be essential. One of our team members is
As complexity in the             primary truth when she             the neuroscientist and child psychiatrist
world has evolved,               observed that superficial
Wellbeing and Learning
represent an integrated
concept. You cannot
be successful on one,
without the other.

                     The right drivers for whole system success                                                      / 14
Jean Clinton. I engaged Dr Jean in a             The solution must be specific,
       conversation about what might be the best        comprehensive and succinct if it is to
       starting definition of wellbeing. Here it is:    become a viable replacement to the current
                                                        system. In Kuhn’s (1962) terms the solution
          People become good at life when they
                                                        must represent a practical alternative to
          feel safe, valued, and have a sense of
                                                        the present failing system. We and others
          purpose and meaning. There is a need
                                                        have been developing such an alternative
          to be engaged in meaningful activities
                                                        since 2014. Essentially, the new paradigm
          that contribute to the wellbeing of
                                                        consists of core competencies that integrate
          others. In the face of adversity, being
                                                        learning and wellbeing, and that provides
          able to navigate to the resources that
                                                        the components for implementation, such
          you need to get out of the situation –
                                                        as effective pedagogy and assessment of
          known as resilience – is an essential
          component. To get there one needs
          to identify values, goals and needs           The Center for Curriculum Redesign (CCR)
          as well as personal strengths. The            recently completed a review of the field
          competencies you need to achieve this,        as they analysed the curriculum from
          I think are the 6Cs [more about this          22 jurisdictions from around the world
          shortly] as long as compassion and            (Taylor et al, 2020). They identified 12
          empathy are emphasised.                       competencies in total: 4 skills (creativity,
                                                        critical thinking, communication,
          (Personal communication, 2020;
          see also Clinton, 2020)                       collaboration), 6 elements of character
                                                        (mindfulness, curiosity, courage,
       The current system is miles away from            resilience, ethics and leadership), and
       addressing the Wellbeing and Learning needs      2 of metalearning (metacognition and
       of students. Sociologists Jal Mehta and          growth mindset). Across the 22 systems
       Amanda Datnow (2020) after considering           the authors found that most jurisdictions
       public schools in the perspective of the last    ‘named’ the 12 competencies in their
       100 years conclude that there is a ‘Yawning      official curriculum policy documents;
       gap between how schools are organised vs         about a quarter contained reference
       how youth learn’, with the former falling        to ‘progressions’ of the competency;
       woefully short with respect to                   but when it came to ‘pedagogy’ and
       ƒƒ opportunities to do work that has             ‘assessment’ there was zero reference
          purpose and meaning;                          in the policy documents. Thus, the
                                                        curriculum goals appeared in the policy
       ƒƒ strong connections to adults and peers
                                                        documents but there were no pathways
                                                        to implementation! In the words of the
       ƒƒ need to be viewed in asset-based ways;
                                                        authors: ‘none of the 22 jurisdictions had
       ƒƒ their identities needing to be valued; and    publicly available documents that included
       ƒƒ their wanting the opportunity to              pedagogies (and assessments) targeting
          contribute to the world.                      the 12 competencies’ (p 7). This does not
                                                        mean that there were no schools using the
       Right Driver 1 replaces Academics
                                                        competencies, but it did mean that there
       Obsession with a foundational focus on
                                                        was no ‘system presence’ relative to the
       wellbeing and learning. Both wellbeing
                                                        new paradigm.
       and learning have suffered because of their
       separation. Combining them generates an          In our own work we have gone further
       interactive force that represents a powerful     in this direction. After seven years of
       new unified learning proposition that            development our work has been field
       becomes the centrepiece for contending           tested, well received and covers a lot of the
       with and transcending the growing                territory (Quinn et al, 2020). In this paper
       complexities now facing humankind.               I will not compare the fine details (how

15 /   CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
many Cs should there be, which ones, etc)          elements in combination – includes
except to say that CCR’s framework and             using and developing further what
ours are essentially compatible.                   is known about the neuroscience of
                                                   learning such as: ‘student as inquirer
Fundamentally, CCR and ourselves shift
                                                   and knowledge builder’; ‘learning
the main purpose of learning to Wellbeing
                                                   connects meaningfully to student
and Learning with respect to how to thrive
                                                   interest and voice’; ‘connects students
in and improve in the complex world we
                                                   to the world with authentic problem
live in. The common elements to this new
                                                   solving’; ‘making mistakes and learning
approach include.
                                                   from them strengthens learning’;
ƒƒ You need to start with and develop              ‘collaboration and other forms of
   students’ intrinsic motivation to learn         connecting with other people and
   in a dynamically complex world.                 ideas’: ‘enhances neural pathways and
   Central to this is the constellation of         learning’, and so on.
   purpose, meaning, belongingness,
                                                ƒƒ Such Wellbeing and Learning applies to
   connectedness and contribution to
                                                   all students, including a commitment
   the world. A key theme derived from
                                                   to equality for all. Modern learning
   this cluster of motivators is centred on
                                                   is quality learning that sticks with
   ‘Engage the world Change the world’ –
                                                   you. We also find that such Deep
   a theme we discovered by working with
                                                   Learning is good for all students, but
   students; one which became the sub-
                                                   is especially good for students who
   title of our first book (Fullan, Quinn and
                                                   are disconnected. What we need to
   McEachen, 2018).
                                                   do additionally is to partner with
ƒƒ Deep Learning is the process of                 systems that are committed to explicitly
   developing, understanding and using             addressing the multiple ‘systems of
   the 6 Cs, which we call the global              prejudice’ currently at work. The
   competencies: Character, Citizenship,           ensuing breakthroughs will be good for
   Collaboration, Communication,                   students, their families, and the world.
   Creativity and Critical Thinking. It is
   worth noting that the so-called 21st         In our Deep Learning model Wellbeing and
   century skills (the latter 4 Cs) have been   Learning are essential and inseparable.
   around for at least 30 years; and have       Together they are ‘the right driver’. It is
   failed to go anywhere. Yes, the timing       crucial to note that our paradigm (and
   may have been premature, but more            that of CCR’s) are comprehensive and
   tellingly we have found that character       integrated in the same unified model.
   and citizenship are ‘foundational skills’
   that are catalytic to making a difference              Figure 2. Four Elements
                                                            of a Learning Design
   in the world – qualities not included in
   the original four 21st century skills, and
   characteristics directly related to the                         l
                                                                ica               L
                                                                              Par ear
   intrinsic motivation of contemporary                      og es               tn
   students.                                                   tic                  e
                                                     Pr ag

                                                                                      ni ship
                                                                                        ng s


ƒƒ The 6Cs includes developing socio-
   emotional and academic knowledge
   and skills, through effective pedagogy                               Learning
   and assessment of progress. Our model
                                                       L e v Dig


   consists of Four Elements of a Learning
                                                                                     n m in g


   Design (see Figure 2): pedagogical                           g                     ar

                                                           it a i n g              L e i ro
   practices, learning partnerships,                           l                      v
   learning environments and leveraging                                            En
   digital. This Learning Design – the four

The right drivers for whole system success                                                       / 16
Our NPDL model contrasts with other              A large part of the new solution consists
                        current wellbeing models such as Social          of reducing the reliance on standardised
                        Emotional Learning (SEL). Adding SEL             tests and replacing them with a built-in
                        is useful to a point but represents an           system of formative assessment, linked to
                        incomplete conception of wellbeing which         periodic summative tests on key indicators.
                        includes equity, and a greater sense of          Someone observed that when the chef
                        purpose, meaning, and connection to the          tastes the soup it is formative, and when
                        world. Academic obsession is so powerful         the customer tastes it, it is summative.
                        that we run the risk of ‘bolting on’ SEL’ to     Formative assessment concerns ideas, data
                        improve academic performance instead             and action that improve learning as an
                        of developing a single, powerful new             ongoing process; summative assessment
                        learning system. Wellbeing and Learning          is periodic stocktaking about how much
                        must become the new foundational driver          has been learned over a given amount
                        that includes greater equality, knowledge,       of time. Historically in education there
                        engagement, and spiritual connection in          has been a dearth of data about ongoing
                        the world.                                       improvement. While individual teachers
                                                                         routinely gather information, it is not
                       After all, we are talking about a paradigm
                                                                         widely shared, and is not valued for the
                       shift where one model replaces another.
                                                                         purpose of accountability. Any attempt
                       We think the conditions for doing
                                                                         to change that through imposition is
                                    this are becoming more
                                                                         likely to fail. With imposition, both
                                    favourable. As stated earlier,
                                                                         internal development and usable external
  In order for this                 we are integrating learning
                                                                         knowledge become compromised. The key
                                    and wellbeing – UNESCO’s
  transformation to                                                      to success is to have a system that monitors
                                    Sustainable Development Goals:
  happen teachers and               SDG 3 (health/wellbeing), and
                                                                         and intervenes to help with respect to
  students will have to             SDG 4 (education) in a single
                                                                         continuous improvement. A reminder
  shift to a new mode of                                                 here is that these assessments encompass
                                    model. Literacy (including
                                                                         both wellbeing and academic learning.
  learning and assessing.           digital and financial) and
                                                                         Thus, we have developed tools that
                                    numeracy are part of basic
                                                                         enable the teacher to assess progressions
                                    education for everyone. Most
                                                                         on a rubric that ranges from ‘limited
                       of all we know that students and teachers
                                                                         evidence’ to ‘emerging’, ‘developing’,
                       (and eventually parents) love to learn and
                                                                         ‘accelerating’ or ‘proficient’, according
                       live in the new paradigm. In our ‘go slow
                                                                         to the four or so dimensions that define
                       to go fast’ mindset we have found that after
                                                                         each of the 6 Cs (see Quinn et al, 2020).
                       some initial capacity building the rate of
                                                                         Teachers use the rubric to track whether
                       quality change accelerates.
                                                                         students are progressing from lower to
                        Still, it is going to take a massive effort to   higher embodiment of the competency
                        unseat ‘narrow Academics’ as the primary         in question. They can then take action
                        driver, because the latter has a stranglehold    accordingly. Whatever the measure,
                        on how schools are organised, what is            formative, continuous improvement is
                        taught currently, and how it is assessed.        the driver.
                        This obsession with Academics and related
                                                                         In order for this transformation to happen
                        testing severely limits the possibility of
                                                                         teachers and students will have to shift
                        major change. The shift that we are talking
                                                                         to a new mode of learning and assessing.
                        about will require state-level change in
                                                                         As part and parcel of learning the 6Cs,
                        policy, which in turn will be more likely to
                                                                         teachers and students will need to know
                        happen when there are elements of support
                                                                         the new global competencies curriculum
                        throughout the system – at the bottom,
                                                                         well enough to assess progress reliably
                        middle and so on.

17 /                    CSE Leading Education Series #01 February 2021
and systematically. Teachers and students        in detail: clarifying and understanding
                      cannot reach a high level of thinking and        learning intentions, eliciting evidence,
                      action if they don’t know what progress          feedback that moves learning forward,
                      looks like. In short, the capacity of teachers   activating learners as instructional
                      and their students to validate their             resources to one another and activating
                      standards and assessment practices must          learners as owners of their own learning
                      be central to any suggestion that formative      (Wiliam, 2018). Taken together, these
                      assessment should drive the system. Social       elements represent a major change in most
                      Intelligence (Right Driver 2) will play a        schools in the culture of learning. My only
                      major role in these developments.                issue is the need to apply this thinking to
                                                                       the global competencies.
                     Returning to the new research and
                     development, Sandra Milligan (2020a               COVID-19 provides a serendipitous
                     and b; Milligan et al, 2020) and her              opportunity to rely less on standardised
                     colleagues are explicitly engaged in these        tests and more on formative assessment by
                     new formative assessments that focus              teachers in groups (thereby overlapping
                     on continuously assessing students with           with Driver 2, ‘Social Intelligence’). In
                     respect to the new competencies (as do            many jurisdictions, external tests by and
                     our own assessments of progressions of            large have been temporarily suspended.
                     learning the 6Cs, Quinn et al, 2020).             The worry is that when things settle
                     At the same time, Milligan et al are striving     there will be pressure to focus only on
                     to conduct ‘outcome assessments’ in               ‘making up for lost ground’, which lands
                     the form of portfolios of credentialling          us back in the land of Wrong Driver 1. The
                     progress with respect to the global               opportunity presents itself to revamp the
                     competencies. Our only quarrel is that she        assessment system in favour of formative
                                  does not include ‘character’         assessment, while reducing the reliance
                                  and ‘citizenship’, which are         on an external assessment system. The
COVID-19 provides                 foundational in our framework        net effect could stimulate the motivation
a serendipitous                   (and we would say to the             of learning through leveraging formative
                                  learner as citizen). Whatever        assessment, lessening early punitive
opportunity to rely less          the case, formative assessment       actions, focusing on growth and the like.
on standardised tests             focusing on ‘learner profiles’       Ironically, formative assessment, well
and more on formative             and ‘public displays of work’,       done, also serves summative monitoring
assessment by teachers            or other forms of credentialling     and related outcomes. Overall, there
in groups.                        represents a major advancement       must be deliberate action to create a new
                                  relative to Right Driver 1.          framework built on the four right drivers
                                  Such assessment should               and their synthesis.
                     include summative measures of ‘global
                                                                       Primary Right Driver 1 brings to the fore
                     competencies’ as outcomes, as we and
                                                                       attention and resources on Wellbeing
                     others like Milligan are now addressing.
                                                                       and Learning related to the global
                      Other prominent researchers have arrived         competencies. This will be the best way
                      at the conclusion that formative assessment      to motivate students (and their teachers),
                      is the driver toward better outcomes.            and the best link to the basics of literacy,
                      Dylan Wiliam (2020) stresses that the focus      numeracy and other subjects. At the same
                      should be on ‘curriculum, pedagogy, and          time the focus on Wellbeing and Learning
                      assessment, in that order’. In his basic         forces us to consider all students. We have
                      textbook Wiliam (2018) describes his system      a once-in-a-generation opportunity to attack
                      as embedded formative assessment. The            the ‘systems of inequity’ that I identified
                      power of formative assessment is laid out        earlier.

                      The right drivers for whole system success                                                      / 18
You can also read