Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club

Page created by Jerry Erickson
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club

Building Better Humans
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
WELCOME                                                                     FULL DEVELOPMENT OF
                                                                            YOUR CHILD
The Northern Districts Gymnastic
Club (NDGC) has a proud history
spanning over 45 years in providing
                                        Our Purpose
                                          Assist parents and their
                                                                            Fine Motor
                                                                            Strengthen co-ordination through the development
various gymnastics services for the         children to develop             of smaller movements that occur in the wrist, hands,
community of Western Australia.               positive physical,            fingers feet and toes.
                                            emotional, cognitive
We are the largest not-for-profit          and social growth and
                                          help teach the skills that        Cognitive
club in WA and have been awarded                                            Strengthen the brain through listening
the number 1 ‘Club of the Year’ for         will lead to a full and
                                                purposeful life             and following a set of instructions,
7 years straight (2013 - 2019).                                             learning patterns and solving puzzles.
The achievement of this
recognition is due to our core                                              Hand/Eye Co-ordination
purpose, which we carry                                                     Our range of activities, games improve
throughout all Recreational and       Gymnastics is a sport that caters     the tracking of moving objects to build
Competitive programs with our         for every age, gender and ability.    on full body co-ordination.
1500 members annually.
                                      For younger children Gymnastics       Social Sharing
We believe gymnastics helps           is not only a full body activity,     We focus on developing social skills
our members to challenge              but helps develop essential life      through interaction and co-operative play.
themselves in all aspects of life     skills, to aid them in their growth   Build on mannerism and communication
and look forward to continuing this   and progression through life’s
challenge to our new upcoming         various stages from socialising to
members.                              schooling, general health and well-
                                                                            We strengthen balance, posture and
                                                                            eye movement through the range of
                                                                            activities and tasks offered.

                                                                            Cross Patterning
                                                                            We offer a range of physical activities
                                                                            that cross the midline of the body to help
                                                                            build core strength.

                                                                            Gross Motor
                                                                            Build on physical skills that require the whole
                                                                            body such as running, jumping, rolling, spinning,
                                                                            climbing, handing through our range of activities.

                                                                            Help build on the perception of your own
                                                                            position in space, through your brain’s receptors.
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
HELPING CHILDREN GROW                                                              WHAT TO WEAR TO GYMNASTICS?
The participation and development of our gymnasts is supported and                 Bare feet are the only feet for          at times and will be climbing, we
recognised by Gymnastics Australia.                                                gymnastics. It always allows your        recommend clothing that is fitting
                                                                                   child to experience a variety of         and does not restrict movement.
We encourage our gymnasts to progress through skills at their own pace.            different surfaces and textures
Our system is not based on age or competition against others but rather            whilst ensuring safety.                  Hair must be tied back and off the
on the individual gymnast’s achievements on the below key areas.                                                            face and there is NO jewellery to
                                                                                   As children will be upside down          be worn at any time.
We offer continual activity and participation that is varied, challenging and
appropriate for the growth and development stage of a gymnast.
                                                                                   DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOUR
                                                                                   Our classes aim to build structure       Children should wait for their
FOUR F’S IN GYMNASTICS                                                             and develop key mannerisms and           turn, say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’
                                                                                   social behaviour that carries over       and there is to be NO pushing or
                                                                                   outside of class.                        shoving. Children are encouraged
FUN - in a safe,                                            FITNESS - develops                                              to keep their hands to themselves
non-threatening                                             an understanding of    Children are expected to stay in the     unless otherwise instructed.
and equitable                                                general health and    gym and in the groups during their
environment.                                                         well-being    session, even if only watching.          We want all children to have
                                                                                                                            FUN and be SAFE!

                                                                                   ARRIVING TO AND
progression of lead
                                                          FRIENDSHIP - with an
                                                         emphasis on belonging,
                                                                                   FROM CLASSES
up drills and skill                               positive and productive social   Please aim to arrive 5 minutes
learning                                            interaction, recognition and   before class commences to reduce
                                                            awareness of others    distraction to others and avoid
                                                                                   upsetting the child to enter the class
                                                                                   after it has started.

                                                                                   Bags and shoes can be placed in

KEY AREAS OF                                                                       pigeonholes at the start of class,
                                                                                   drink bottles can be placed in
RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICS                                                            the coaches bucket at the start
                                                                                   of class.

                                                                                   After class please leave
                                                                                   promptly to cater for the next
                                                                                   group of children and parents.

                                                                                   We kindly ask all children take
                      Physical              Skill                                  their shoes on and off in the
  Safety                                                            Fun            reception area to allow smooth
                      Activity          Development
                                                                                   transition between classes.
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
KINDERGYM                                       RECREATIONAL
                      Ages 2 to 5                                     Ages 5 to 8

                      Our Kindergym program is created             Our Recreational program is
                      to provide guided discovery and free         developed to further progress children
                      exploration circuits to facilitate skilled   skills in gross motor, vestibular and
                      learning and foundations of movement.        cross patterning such as handstands,
                                                                   forward rolls, cartwheels to name a
                      KinderGym focuses on movement based          few.
                      activities such as balancing, sliding,
CLASS TIMETABLE       rolling, running, swinging, jumping and      These classes promote and develop          CLASS TIMETABLE
                      lots more! These challenging activities      co-ordination, flexibility, strength
Tumble Tots           assist your child’s development of           and body awareness using Dominant          Junior Recreational
= 45mins              coordination, confidence and creativity.     Movement Patterns in gymnastics.           = 60mins
Weekdays                                                                                                      Weekdays &
                      Offered in two classes, we have set          Children will have full use of all         Saturdays
                      target skills for children to achieve        apparatus including beams, vault,
KinderGym             throughout the year. Parent participation    bars, tramp, mini tramp and a fully
= 60mins              is required for this class.                  sprung floor to allow them to learn the    Recreational
Weekdays &                                                         fundamentals of gymnastics.                = 60mins
Saturdays             2 & 3 year classes (Tumble Tots) build                                                  Weekdays &
                      on this foundation whilst the 4 & 5 year     These classes are designed to facilitate   Saturdays
                      old classes (KinderGym) transition skills    keeping fit, healthy and having FUN!
For full up-to-date   through to our Junior Recreational           Children can explore the world of
timetables, please    Program.                                     gymnastics in a non-competitive,           For full up-to-date
visit our website                                                  inclusive way.                             timetables, please      There is no parent participation in the                                                 visit our website
class-timetable/      4 & 5 year old classes so children need      Our Recreational program caters for
                      to be confident enough to participate        children attending full time school        class-timetable/
                      without mum or dad on the floor.             and is an independent program
                                                                   that can lead into our Competitive
                                                                   programs, Women’s and Men’s Artistic
                      Kindergym is much more                       Gymnastics, Sports Aerobics and
                      than helping children
                      jump around, getting                         These classes are
                      fit and creating little                      designed to facilitate
                      gymnasts. It’s about                         keeping fit, healthy
                      foundations for life!                        and having FUN!
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
FREESTYLE GYM                                  TEENGYM
                      Ages 9 to 13                                   Ages 12 to 15

                      Suitable for beginners or those with        Teengym provides teens with an
                      some experience, our Freestyle Gym          avenue to stay involved in gymnastics.
                      program is designed for boys and            Aimed at 12 to 15 years old, this is a
                      girls aged 9 to 13 years, to provide full   mixed boy/girl class.
                      development in functional movements,
                      through its high energy, fast, skill-       Suitable for beginners or more
                      based classes. Perfect for kids with a      experienced athletes, this program is
CLASS TIMETABLE       lot of energy!                              designed to assist and further develop       CLASS TIMETABLE
                                                                  skills in strength or flexibility they may
Freestyle             Children will develop new skills on         require for other sports.                    Teengym
= 90mins              traditional gym apparatus including                                                      = 120mins
Weekdays &            beams, bars, floor, tumble track            Teengym focuses on building                  Weekdays
Saturdays             and foam pit which enables them to          new skills in traditional gymnastic
                      strengthen their physical skills, build     apparatus including beams, bars, floor,
                      character and cultivate discipline,         tumble track and foam pit, along with
                                                                  physical skills that build character and     For full up-to-date
                      developing confidence building skills
For full up-to-date                                               develop confidence.                          timetables, please
                      with a focus on parkour, core strength,
timetables, please                                                                                             visit our website
                      co-ordination and fitness.
visit our website                                                 There is a focus on parkour activities      Freestyle gym is great for those            to improve strength, co-ordination and       class-timetable/
class-timetable/      wanting something different and             fitness via functional movement.
                      is challenging and rewarding with
                      a focus on fun in a supportive and
                      nurturing environment.

                      Our coaches are highly qualified and
                                                                  This program is
                      experienced to ensure child safety is       designed to assist
                      maintained and guide children through
                      basic skills allowing them to further       and further develop
                      these skills to higher levels.
                                                                  skills in strength or
                                                                  flexibility they may
                      This program is
                                                                  require for other
                      designed to provide
                      full development in
                      functional movements.
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
                      ADULT                                     Schedules and timetable are subject to change, please check our website
                      Strength & Conditioning          for up-to-date timetables.

                      Being active and maintaining a healthy
                      lifestyle as you get older is important
                      to sustain general well-being.
                                                                TERM DATES & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
                                                                Our classes follow the WA School Term dates (
                      There are plenty of physical activities
                                                                au/future-term-dates) and we do not run any classes on public holidays.
                      to undergo in order to build on a
                      more positive health, however not
CLASS TIMETABLE       all activities focus on full functional
Strength &
= 60mins
                      Our Adult classes are designed to
                      strengthen, mobilise and condition the
                      whole body promoting a more positive
                      emotional and mental health.
                                                                 Dream - Believe - Succeed
Class Packages        Suitable for beginners or more
5 Classes (3 mths)    experience participants our classes
                      provide an environment that is
10 Classes (6 mths)
                      challenging and fun.
20 Classes (9 mths)
                      Our activities cater to all levels of
                      strength, flexibility and skills and
                      allows the participate to push the
                      boundaries in a safe manner built on
For full up-to-date   their individual progression.
timetables, please
visit our website      Designed to
                      strengthen, mobilise
                      and condition
                      the whole body
                      promoting a more
                      positive emotional
                      and mental health.
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
                                                                             SCHOOL HOLIDAY
Annual Registration Fees                                                     PROGRAM
KinderGym 2, 3 & 4 Yrs		 Annual Registration fee of $60 applies to
				each member.

Recreational 			 Annual Registration fee of $100 applies to
				each member
                                                                             Our holiday program is an out of
*All annual fees include Club Subscription and Gymnastics WA                 school care program, giving children
Registration for that year. It is a requirement of your membership with      from the age of 4 - 13 years the
NDGC that all members must be registered with Gymnastics Australia and       chance to experience a variety of fun
Gymnastics WA                                                                challenges and gymnastics based
                                                                             activities.                               Full Day     $60.00
KinderGym                                                                    Our qualified and experienced
                                                                                                                       Half Day     $45.00
KinderGym fees for our 2 & 3 years old are unique to NDGC. Classes are       coaches ensure that children enjoy        3 Days       $165.00
charged by a 10 class card. This card is valid for a period of 4 months.     themselves by offering the following      4 Days       $180.00
Each time you attend a class, your card is punched.                          activities.                               5 Days       $210.00
                                                                             •   Basic games. gymnastic                *AM Half day only for 4 year
KinderGym fees for our 4 & 5 years old are based on the school term.
                                                                                 challenges                            olds. Prices are per child
Terms that are affected by public holidays will be pro-rated accordingly.
You will not be charged for public holidays.
                                                                             •   Moves, music, dancing, lunch
                                                                                 and rest
*A building and equipment levy is included in all fees. Re-enrollment is a                                             For bookings
must for each term and is not done automatically.                            What to Bring
                                                                             NDGC will provide morning and
Recreational                                                                 afternoon tea. For those attending a
Recreational fees (this includes Freestyle and Teengym) are based on the     full day, you will need to bring lunch.
                                                                             Everyone needs to bring a drink bottle.
                                                                                                                       to complete
school term. Terms that are affected by public holidays will be pro-rated
accordingly. You will not be charged for public holidays.                                                              an online form
                                                                             What to Wear
*A building and equipment levy is included in all fees. Re-enrolment is a                                              or contact one
must for each term and is not done automatically.                            Girls: Leotard or t-shirt and shorts.
                                                                                                                       of our friendly
                                                                             Boys: T-shirt and shorts. No cargo
                                                                             pants or jeans. No items with zips        team on
Non Attendance                          Come & Try Classes
                                                                             which may catch.
                                                                                                                       (08) 9240 6861
                                                                             No jewelery is permitted.
We offer a makeup lesson for any        Trial classes are recommended for
missed classes. These can only be       all new members. Bookings must be    Long hair should be tied back.
used within the same term of non-       made in advance.

Terms & Conditions Apply                Terms & Conditions Apply
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
                           Available on SUNDAY only                   Brenton Treacher

                                                                      Penny Farac
                           NDGC also offer birthday parties to        Accounts Manager
                           children aged 3 to 13 years.     
                           Our qualified and experienced
10am to 12pm                                                          Pauline Baker
                           coaches ensure that children enjoy
12.30pm to 2.30pm          themselves in our safe and friendly        Registrar
3pm to 5pm                 environment.                     

PARTY OPTIONS              By booking a party with NDGC, you8.30
A. 10-15 children          can sit back and relax knowing that        Diane Nobes
                           children will be entertained at our        Customer Service
B. 16-20 children
                           fantastic club.                  
C. 21-30 children
* Minimum of 10 children   Our Activities                                                     CONTACT US
                                                                      Janet du Plooy
                           Children participate in a variety of       Schools Co-ordinator
                           fun filled gymnastic activities that are
                                                                                                   RECEPTION HOURS
For bookings               suited to their age group. We provide
visit                      2 coaches for each party and all our
                           coaches have a current ‘Working with
                                                                                                   School Term Hours
                                                                                                   Mon     9am to 5.30pm                Children Check’                                                         Tue     9am to 5.30pm

to complete                What to Bring                                                           Wed     9am to 5.30pm
                                                                                                   Thu     9am to 5.30pm
an online form             Our parties run for 2 hours. Please                                     Fri     10am to 5pm
or contact one             ensure you provide the following:
                                                                                                   Sat     8am to 11am
                           •   Party food/cake
of our friendly            •   Drinks                                                              School Holiday Hours
team on                    •   Esky for cold items                                                 Mon     8.30am to 5pm

(08) 9240 6861             •   Party supplies                                                      Tue     8.30am to 5pm
                           •   Tea & Coffee for adults (optional)                                  Wed     8.30am to 5pm
                                                                                                   Thu     8.30am to 5pm
                           Food and drinks cannot be consumed
                           in the gym training area.                                               Fri     8.30am to 5pm
                                                                                                   Sat     CLOSED
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
5 Whipple St, Balcatta WA 6021
     PO Box 797 Balcatta 6914
(08) 9240 6861 |
Building Better Humans - PROGRAM INFORMATION GUIDE - - Northern Districts Gymnastic Club
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