Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter

Page created by Yvonne Elliott
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
                Tir Glas
A new vision for Lampeter

Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Traditionally, ‘tir glas’ can be translated as ‘green land’
    and conveys a green and fertile landscape similar to
    the one in which Lampeter is located. It portrays a
    prosperous agricultural region whose land is both
    natural and productive.

    ‘Glastir’ is also the name of a sustainable land
    management scheme in Wales launched by the Welsh
    Government in 2012. Its goals include ‘combating climate

    change, improving water management and maintaining
    and enhancing biodiversity.’

    The Centre’s name also relates to Storïau’r Tir Glas, a
    series of short stories published by D.J. Williams from the

                                                                  Tir Glas
    village of Rhydcymerau, that depicts the resilience and
    kindliness of the farming communities of the Lampeter
    area and the northern parts of Carmarthenshire at the
    beginning of the last century.

                                                                  A new vision for Lampeter

2                                                                                             3
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
A new vision                                                  As a result of the recent pandemic, the University is currently
                                                                  reimagining the future potential of Lampeter and the role of the
                                                                  University in supporting an integrated vision for the town.

    for Lampeter
                                                                  Having participated in a number of public events in recent years to
                                                                  consider the future direction of Lampeter, the University is convinced
                                                                  that it has a real opportunity – in partnership with others – to develop
                                                                  an entity that focuses on the relationship between itself and the
                                                                  surrounding natural and rich environment.

                                                                  With that in mind, the University intends to establish Canolfan Tir Glas
                                                                  on its campus in Lampeter during 2021.

                                                                  This centre – which will promote the local food industry, local
                                                                  sustainability, resilience and enterprise within a rural context – will
                                                                  focus on strengthening the economic infrastructure of Lampeter and
                                                                  its hinterland, providing the town and area with a clear focus in terms
    “An enterprising and distinctive region
                                                                  of identity and brand.
    delivering economic growth driven by
    innovation, skills, connectivity and more
                                                                  A core part of the scheme is to work closely with neighbourhood
    productive jobs supporting prosperous and
                                                                  discount food retailer Aldi to develop the concept of a food village
    bilingual communities.”
                                                                  on part of Pontfaen fields. As a net carbon zero company, and with a
                                                                  clear ambition to cut single use plastic and source as much produce
                    (A Vision for Growing Mid Wales April 2020)
                                                                  locally within Wales, Aldi’s business practices align with the principles
                                                                  underpinning the University’s aims for Canolfan Tir Glas.
    “We have focused on a strategy that will
    aim to re-invigorate the local economy and
                                                                  With the sale of the land to Aldi, the University would also be in a
    provide a prosperous, healthy, safe and
                                                                  position to invest significantly in a new food and hospitality training
    affordable environment in which the citizens
                                                                  centre in the centre of Lampeter and a rural enterprise centre on its
    of Ceredigion can live and work and which
    will aim to try and retain our young people in
    well paid jobs.”
                                                                  The scheme is underpinned by economic regeneration, with the aim
                                                                  of creating new jobs, attracting many more visitors to the town and
      (Cllr. Elen ap Gwyn Leader of Ceredigion County Council –
                                                                  increasing the number of further and higher education students
    Ceredigion County Council’s Corporate Strategy 2017-2022)
                                                                  studying in Lampeter.
    “To support a future growing population, we
                                                                  The University sees the establishment of Canolfan Tir Glas as a
    need to be able to continue to invest in our
                                                                  significant development and a clear indication of its long-term
    places, making them attractive and affordable
                                                                  commitment to the Lampeter Campus. Indeed, it can envisage this
    for our people to live and work alongside
                                                                  development leading in time to the establishment of the campus as a
    growing the visitor economy sustainably.”
                                                                  leading centre for sustainable education within the United Kingdom.
                                                                  That would be a fitting and appropriate way of celebrating the
        (Boosting Ceredigion’s Economy: A Strategy for Action)
                                                                  University’s bicentenary in 2022.
4                                                                                                                                             5
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
The Vision
                                                             The University recognises the              The aim is to launch the Centre in                Food Market. It would also be
                                                             importance of engaging itself              2021 ensuring that within a year it               possible to partner with other
                                                             with the local community and,              would offer a range of post-16 courses            resilience centres such as The
                                                             with that in mind, the intention is        in business and enterprise, food,                 Resilience Centre in Lydney,
                                                             to locate the proposed Centre in           rural tourism and hospitality, all of             Gloucestershire.
                                                             three specific places in the town.         which would be delivered through a
                                                             The Centre’s headquarters will             sustainability prism.                          The vision is long-term and one that
                                                             be established on the University                                                          requires financial investment from
                 The University intends to see Canolfan      campus, while it will also have a          The Centre will also provide short             several sources over a period of time.
                                                             prominent presence in the town             courses in the form of micro-credits
                 Tir Glas maintaining an eco-system in       centre in the form of an innovative        with a view to upskilling and raising          The University will work closely with
                 the Lampeter area that will support rural   training centre with a food village        the confidence of the existing                 Ceredigion County Council, Lampeter
                 infrastructure and act as a catalyst for    to celebrate and showcase local            workforce in Ceredigion and Mid Wales          Town Council and other partners to
                                                             produce near the proposed Aldi             as a whole. The intention would be to          attract funding from various funds to
                 promoting a tourism economy with a clear    food store on Pontfaen fields. These       offer these courses in 2022.                   develop the Canolfan Tir Glas initiative,
                 focus on food and hospitality.              will all be interconnected providing                                                      ensuring that it acts as a catalyst
                                                             a unique opportunity for the town          Canolfan Tir Glas’ headquarters on             for further developments across
                                                             and the University to work together        the campus will initially house three          Ceredigion in the areas of food and
                                                             strategically for the benefit and          specific entities, namely:                     hospitality.
                                                             prosperity of the local economy for
                                                             years to come.                             1.	A Learning and Research Centre             There will be a real opportunity for the
                                                                                                            for promoting small businesses in          scheme to bid for significant funding
                                                             Over the past 10 years, the University         a rural context with a particular          from the Mid Wales Growth Fund in
                                                             has made significant investment in its         focus on the food and hospitality          due course, with the aim of injecting
                                                             campus infrastructure and academic             industries. There will be an               new life and energy into the economy
                                                             offer in Lampeter. Its vision is to            opportunity to develop a rural             of Lampeter and the surrounding area.
                                                             develop a unique Lampeter offer by             enterprise hub within the Centre
                                                             working closely with the community,            with specific space allocated to           With the current pandemic having
                                                             developing skills levels within                setting up and supporting micro-           changed people’s attitudes towards
                                                             the region, creating employment                businesses;                                the environment, health and
                                                             opportunities and attracting further                                                      wellbeing, and with an increasing
                                                             investment to the town. The realisation    2. 	A University of Gastronomy              emphasis from the Welsh Government
                                                             of the vision for Canolfan Tir Glas is           similar to the one developed at the      on the key principles of the Well-
                                                             facilitated by capital investment from           University of Pollenzo in Italy - that   being of Future Generations Act, the
                                                             Aldi in relation to Pontfaen fields. A           would work in close partnership          establishment of the Centre will be
                                                             key factor in choosing Aldi as a partner         with Food Centre Wales in Horeb;         a timely and welcome development
                                                             was its commitment to the vision as                                                       both locally and nationally.
                                                             well as its corporate responsibility       3.	The Wales Centre for Resilience
                                                             credentials, promoting sustainability,         and Harmony that would work
                                                             health and equality.                           closely with locally rooted
                                                                                                            organisations such as the Lampeter
                                                                                                            Resilience Hub and the People’s

6                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Aims and Objectives
    Aims                                 Objectives

	To establish Lampeter as a major       T o provide a range of Level 3-8       T o increase the number of further       T o establish the idea of a food         co-participation in the areas of       T o maximise and improve the
   centre for promoting healthy and         qualifications on the Lampeter           and higher education students              village in Lampeter linking the          food, rural tourism and enterprise;      quality of hotels and places to
   sustainable communities within a         Campus that would support the            in the region;                             development in Pontfaen with the       To establish ‘food’ as a brand for      stay for visitors to the town and
   rural context;                           food and hospitality industries in    	To increase the region’s                   importance of healthy eating and         the future development of 		             surrounding area.
 To strengthen the infrastructure of      Ceredigion and beyond;                   qualification levels;                      keeping fit;                             Lampeter town;
   the town and surrounding area’s        To develop a quality workforce        	To organise residential conferences      To establish a training centre in     	To increase the number of visitors
   economy creating new jobs within         for the local economy by upskilling      of national and international status       the town where the emphasis              to the town throughout the year;
   the food and hospitality sectors;        and professionalising where 		           in the areas of food, hospitality and      would be on introducing the public     To develop attractions in and
 To develop Lampeter as a tourist         necessary;                               rural tourism on campus;                   to a range of local produce and          around the town relating to the
   destination, with a particular         To retain the area’s young people     To promote sustainability as a             sustainable methods of cooking;          food industry that would attract
   focus on the food industry and           in Ceredigion;                           key feature of student life on the       To establish local/county networks      more visitors to the area;
   celebrating local produce.                                                        Lampeter Campus;                           in the name of the Centre that
                                                                                                                                would promote collaboration and

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Canolfan Tir Glas
     1. The Pontfaen Proposal
 Food village
 Sporting and
 Community facility
 The Pontfaen development is an exciting
 opportunity to create a new commercial
 venture that will help bring Lampeter back
 to life and drive economic growth in the area.
 It will be a starting point for realising a bold
                                                     The Pontfaen development will enable the University to:
 vision for the town, enabling the University and
 other interested parties to apply for significant
                                                     - 	work closely with Aldi to            future;
 funding from both regional and national funds
                                                           establish a food village on    - 	invest in a high quality
 in future years.
                                                           the site where there will be       training centre for local food
                                                           an opportunity to showcase         and produce in Lampeter
                                                           and celebrate local food           town centre;
                                                           produce;                       - 	further invest in the annual
                                                     - 	work closely with Aldi to            Food Festival held on the
                                                           complement the local food          University grounds;
                                                           offering and opportunities     -	invest in a permanent home
                                                           for collaboration and              for Canolfan Tir Glas on the
                                                           increased employment               University campus;
                                                           opportunities.                 -	upgrade the remaining
                                                     - 	invest in the pavilion – a         playing field at Pontfaen
                                                           grade 2 listed building            which will be for the use
                                                     - 	ensuring that it will be             of University students and
                                                           seen as a civic place and a        local sports clubs.
                                                           community resource in the

10                                                                                                                             11
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
PROPOSED MASTERPLAN                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shared site access to foodstore,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            multi-purpose pavilion and sports pitch,
                                                                          Primary pedestrian access                                                                                                                         recreation space and Food Village
     DRAFT Option 4 190866-0604 26/01/21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Existing bellmouth removed and
                                                                        ROAD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            footpath raised
                                                         PONT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Existing site entrance converted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        shared pedestrian footpath and cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        way. (No vehicular access)

        Event and exhibition pods linked with
        the food and nutrition industry to
        showcase Welsh produce to coincide
        with associated academic activities



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DISAB MER/






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Proposed Aldi foodstore and associated




        Informal routes delineated by short cut






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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1315 AREA

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ding E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ng Loa US



        Improved multi-purpose grassed pitch


        to accommodate rugby and football





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Electric charging points for community

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and visitor use


                                                                                                                                                                                                               F PA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       G (7n


                                                                                                                                              Overflow Pavilion Parking?
        Existing Listed pavilion to be
        extensively refurbished to form a                                                                                                                                                            Nature

        community hub for the Food Village
        and sport/recreation uses.                                                                     PAVILION


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        New pedestrian access in south-east
        Foodstore                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       corner linking to leisure centre. (No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        vehicular access)
        119no. (INC. 7no STAFF SPACES)

                                                  0                            50                75                          100 m

                                                  Scale 1:1000 at A3

                                                                                    DRAFT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 P o n tfa e n R o a d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              L a m p eter                       13
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Canolfan Tir Glas               With the sale of the piece of land to Aldi,
                                     the University would be eager to invest
                                     financially in a further venture in Lampeter

     2. Town Centre Restaurant,
                                     town centre. The intention would be to work
                                     with businesses or organisations in the town
                                     to establish a high quality training centre

     Retail and Training Hub
                                     in the field of local food and produce. This
                                     development will be a means of:

                                  -	bridging between the University and the local
                                  -	providing accredited courses in the fields of
                                     food and hospitality;
                                  -	providing work experience for students of the
                                     proposed University of Gastronomy;
                                  -	attracting visitors to the town from near and
                                  -	developing and maintaining local networks in
                                     the fields of food and hospitality;
                                  -	providing cookery courses and exhibitions
                                     to the local community with a focus on local
                                  -	holding master classes whereby it would
                                     be possible to attract nationally and
                                     internationally renowned chefs to Lampeter to
                                     talk about their craft;
                                  -	sharing information about local businesses
                                     focused on food and drink production;
                                  -	displaying and selling locally produced food;
                                  -	engaging with Coleg Ceredigion and Ysgol Bro
                                     Pedr ensuring appropriate provision/ training
                                     for their students who are considering a career
                                     in food and hospitality;
                                  -	supporting the intention of establishing
                                     Lampeter as a centre with national expertise
                                     in the field of food.

14                                                                                     15
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Canolfan Tir Glas
                              Canolfan Tir Glas’ headquarters will be located in         The Centre will house:
                              a refurbished building on the University campus
                              subject to external grant-funding. The aim is to see the   -	offices and lecture rooms of varying sizes;
                              Centre offering a range of qualifications in areas such    -	new micro-businesses that will focus on

     3. Campus Headquarters
                              as business and enterprise, food, rural tourism and           regenerating the rural economy;
                              hospitality by the academic year 2022/23 and thereby       -	conferences of national and international status in
                              supporting Ceredigion County Council’s Economic               the field of sustainability in its broadest sense;

     Enterprise Hub
                              Strategy and the strategic priorities of the Mid Wales     -	An Enterprise Hub that will support and advise
                              Growth Deal.                                                  those wishing to set up a business locally;
                                                                                         -	a University of Gastronomy that will offer training of

     Learning and Research                                                                  international quality in food and cooking;
                                                                                         -	Wales Centre for Resilience and Harmony that
                                                                                            will offer training and advice on how to develop

     Wales Centre for                                                                       resilience in various contexts with a clear focus on
                                                                                            implementing sustainable approaches at all times.

     Resilience and

16                                                                                                                                                   17
Canolfan Tir Glas A new vision for Lampeter
Why this
     In its current Corporate Plan, Ceredigion County                                                                                                                                      Town Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                         Restaurant, Retail                       Campus
     Council has identified ‘boosting the economy’ as                                                                                                                                    and Training Hub                       Headquarters
     its top priority. The County Council’s new Economic                                                                       Pontfaen
     Strategy outlines how it intends to achieve that, and                                                                     Proposal

     underlines the close relationship between economic
     prosperity and the county’s natural assets.

 It is emphasised that Ceredigion          education college, the universities      Looking to the future, therefore, it is    The Growing Mid Wales Partnership         regional economic strategies, UWTSD         hub for the whole of Ceredigion and
 has ‘many unique qualities and it is      and local training initiatives is more   clear that rural tourism and the food      recognises this by noting that there      has identified specific opportunities       be home to its county and regional
 important that we celebrate these         important than ever.                     industry will have key roles to play       is a real opportunity ‘to utilise our     to contribute to the County Council’s       teams. With a little initiative, the land
 qualities and use them to build                                                    in the process of regenerating and         natural assets and resources to           strategic priorities over the next          between Ysgol Bro Pedr and Pontfaen
 new opportunities.’ It is further         The Council notes that over 7000         boosting Ceredigion’s economy.             develop a unique selling point that       decade.                                     fields can easily be envisaged as home
 emphasised that Ceredigion will           Ceredigion residents are now                                                        strengthens tourism in the region.’ It                                                to a sports village that would include
 be seen to grow in confidence ‘as it      employed in the tourism, food and        With the impact of Covid-19 weighing       further underlines that ‘Mid Wales has    The establishment of Canolfan Tir Glas      quality playing fields, a 4G training
 increasingly uses its assets – natural,   hospitality industries. Similarly, the   heavily on us for years to come, people    higher levels of sustainable practice     in 2021 will enable it to contribute to     pitch, an indoor bowling centre and a
 physical and people – to develop          Growing Mid Wales Partnership            will be more likely than ever to invest    built on the strengths of our natural     the regeneration of Lampeter town           dedicated running track.
 and grow the economy.’                    recognises that 6.6% of employment       in holidays in rural areas, where they     and institutional assets – offering the   and become a catalyst for a range of
                                           in Ceredigion and Powys is associated    will feel safe, healthy and contented,     opportunity for the region to excel       associated developments across the
 The County Council recognises that        with the sale of food or drink           far from the pollution of the big cities   in tourism focused on sustainability,     area.
 its ability to generate economic          (compared to 5.8% across the UK)         and towns.                                 the circular economy, in addition to
 growth will depend to a large extent      while there has been an increase of                                                 supporting health and wellbeing           Looking to the future, there is potential
 ‘on having a motivated, multi-skilled     11.5% in employment related to the       On this basis, Ceredigion’s economy        actions.’                                 to link the proposed food village – with
 workforce to work in the enterprises      food industry in Mid Wales between       should benefit greatly from its                                                      its emphasis on healthy eating and on
 that will drive that growth’. It is       2010 and 2017 (compared to the 9.9%      geographical location, natural             By being involved in local discussions,   the richness of local food products –
 highlighted that the need for close       increase seen across Wales over the      resources and welcoming nature.            considering comments from                 with a new development in the field of
 collaboration between the local           same period.)                                                                       community groups and considering          sport, fitness and physical education,
 education service, the further                                                                                                a number of recently published            where Lampeter would act as a central

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
                                                                                                               The types of benefits that might be expected from
                                                                                                               realising the vision are noted below, which include:

                                                                                                               •	offering a long-term solution to the economic
                                                                                                                  development of Lampeter and the surrounding area;
                                                                                                               •	creating around fifty new quality jobs in three
                                                                                                                  different places in Lampeter town;
     If the vision outlined above is to be realised,                                                           •	having a positive impact on employment elsewhere
     the University will be required to establish a                                                               in the town;
     strategic partnership with several partners                                                               •	raising the profile of Lampeter as a regional food
     in Ceredigion and beyond.                                                                                 •	attracting more visitors to the town, thus boosting
                                                                                                                  the local economy;
                                                                                                               •	supporting local businesses involved in the food and
                                                                                                                  hospitality industries;
                                                                                                               •	strengthening the relationship between the town
                                                       The partnership with the County Council will be            and the University;
                                                       key and what is proposed will need to align closely     •	establishing a working relationship between the
                                                       with its strategic priorities for the next decade and      University and Food Centre Wales in Horeb;
                                                       beyond. Similarly, the Centre will need the fullest     •	offering a range of specific educational qualifications
                                                       support of the Growing Mid Wales Partnership,              in Ceredigion for the first time;
                                                       ensuring that its aims and objectives meet some of      •	providing local education and training for those
                                                       the priorities of the whole region. By establishing        wishing to remain in Ceredigion;
                                                       these partnerships and through strategic                •	establishing relevant networks where businesses
                                                       collaboration between them, Canolfan Tir Glas              can support each other;
                                                       could be a significant development for both the         •	establishing a clear focus for the future marketing
                                                       University and the town of Lampeter.                       and promotion of Lampeter town and district;
                                                                                                               •	promoting new micro-businesses within the food
                                                                                                               •	securing further investment in the Lampeter Food
                                                                                                               •	securing alternative funding and support for
                                                                                                                  community events from Aldi;
                                                                                                               •	stimulating further economic activity in and around
                                                                                                                  the town relating to the food and hospitality
                                                                                                               •	attracting national attention to Lampeter together
                                                                                                                  with external funding for other food industry related
                                                                                                                  projects within a rural context;
                                                                                                               •	stimulating other developments in the town that
                                                                                                                  could have a focus on sport, health, wellbeing and

20                                                                                                                                                                      21
Contact details

     Gwilym Dyfri Jones
     Provost of Lampeter and Carmarthen Campuses

     Emyr Jones
     Head of Estates Development

     Hywel Davies
     Research, Innovation and Enterprise Office

                                                   Tir Glas
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