CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME

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CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
22nd Edition   Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context   5€

                              GUIDE 2021
CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME

    Companies offering HR services: Rankings........................................................... 3

    Labour market ................................................................................................ 4-13
    General overview of the labour market in Slovakia............................................... 4
    Vocational education and training programmes.................................................... 8
    Business and shared service centre sector...........................................................10
    Restaurant business is losing people....................................................................12

    Legislation..................................................................................................... 14-25
    Amended Labour Code reflects the pandemic....................................................16
    Room for improvement in the Labour Code........................................................19
    Employers cannot push employees to get vaccinated.........................................20
    Changes in labour legislation and the most frequent problems of clients..........22
    FAQ: Working in Slovakia.....................................................................................24
    Law firms in Slovakia............................................................................................25

    Who’s Who.................................................................................................... 26-35
    Professionals at HR departments ........................................................................26

    Education....................................................................................................... 36-41
    “Pandemic graduates” join the labour market.....................................................36
    Language learning in the Covid era......................................................................38
    Language schools.................................................................................................40
    Private international schools................................................................................41

    Trends............................................................................................................. 42-51
    Home office will be preserved in some form in the future...................................42
    Skills Revolution survey........................................................................................44
    Human resources sector highlights......................................................................46
    How to find excellent senior leaders....................................................................47
    HR talent: Having an idea is not enough..............................................................48
    HR leader: Focus on learning mindset of potential new employees....................49

    Rankings & contact details.......................................................................... 52-62
    Who’s Who: Professionals at HR companies.......................................................52
    Rankings: Employment agencies..........................................................................54
    Rankings: Executive search firms.........................................................................56
    Executive search firms..........................................................................................58
    Recruitment agencies...........................................................................................59
    Temporary employment agencies........................................................................60
    HR consulting & development.............................................................................61
    Job portals.............................................................................................................62


Career and Employment Guide                                                                                                        © 2021 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part without
                                                                                                                                   permission is prohibited by the law. The authors of the articles published in this issue,
Publisher: Ján Pallo Editor-in-chief: Michaela Terenzani                                                                           represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproduction and
Contributors: Peter Dlhopolec, Nina Hrabovská Francelová, Tatiana Kapitánová, Martin                                               public transmission of articles marked © The Slovak Spectator/Career and Employment
Krekáč, Jana Liptáková, Radka Minarechová, Ján Pallo, Michaela Terenzani                                                           Guide as well as the public circulation of reproductions of these articles in compliance
Copy editors: Anna Fay, Francis Mejia, Vicky Sheppard                                                                              with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media Monitoring is pro-
Cover page: unsplash Layout: Peter Malatinec                                                                                       vided by Newton Media, Slovakia Online, SITA with the approval of the publisher.
Sales executives: Martina Mišíková, Slavomíra Štíbelová                                                                            Advertising material contained herein is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not
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CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
Companies offering HR services: Rankings

                    10 LARGEST HR COMPANIES**                                                                                              10 LARGEST RECRUITMENT AGENCIES**
                                 1. ManpowerGroup                                                                                                                      1. ManpowerGroup
                                 2. INDEX NOSLUŠ                                                                                                                            2. Grafton*
                                      3. Manuvia                                                                                                                      3. ADECCO Slovakia
                                      4. Grafton*                                                                                                                      4. Lugera & Maklér
                                 5. ADECCO Slovakia                                                                                                                    5. GoodCall Slovakia
                                  6. Lugera & Maklér                                                                                                             6. TRANSFER International Staff
                           7. TRANSFER International Staff                                                                                                                   7. Pro HR
                                   8. Maxin’s Group                                                                                                                       8. Edgar Baker
                           9. EUROPERSONAL & FABRIKA                                                                                                                        9. Manuvia
                                   10. PROPLUSCO                                                                                                                             10. AuJob
* acquired Work Service Group included; ** executive search firms are not included in this ranking as they use different methods     * acquired Work Service Group included; ** executive search firms are not included in this ranking as they use different methods
for placements and work with a different scale of clients and positions                                                              for placements and work with a different scale of clients and positions

This ranking of the 10 largest HR companies in Slovakia was created based on five factors, to which we gave different weights:       This ranking of the 10 largest recruitment agencies in Slovakia is based on the total number of placements in 2020 (leased
1) the average number of permanent employees in 2020 - leased employees not included (45% weight); 2) the total number of            positions not included), while white collars have a value double that of blue collars.
placements in 2020 (leased positions not included) while white collars have a value double that of blue collars (27% weight);
3) number of leased employees in 2020 - only permanent employees (10% weight); 4) average sales revenue between the years                                                                                                         FOR MORE DETAILS SEE PAGE 54.
2017-2019 (13% weight); 5) average net profit between the years 2017-2019 (5% weight).

                           10 LARGEST TEMPORARY                                                                                                                   10 LARGEST EXECUTIVE
                           EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES                                                                                                                     SEARCH COMPANIES
                                 1. INDEX NOSLUŠ                                                                                                               1. Amrop Jenewein
                                      2. Manuvia                                                                                                 2. Menkyna & Partners Management Consulting
                                 3. ManpowerGroup                                                                                                                3. Arthur Hunt
                                 4. ADECCO Slovakia                                                                                                             4. HEADSCOUT
                                       5. Grafton                                                                                                                 5. Personality
                           6. TRANSFER International Staff                                                                                               6. TARGET Executive Search
                                    7. Trenkwalder                                                                                                             7. Teamconsult SR
                           8. EUROPERSONAL & FABRIKA                                                                                                      8. BUSINESS ESSENTIALS
                                   9. PROPLUSCO                                                                                                             9. Consilium Consulting
                                  10. Maxin’s Group                                                                                                         10. Pedersen & Partners
* acquired Work Service Group included                                                                                               This ranking of the 10 largest executive search companies is impacted by the following criteria: number of employees active in
                                                                                                                                     executive search in 2020 while a partner has a value double that of a researcher or consultant (30% weight); revenues (30%
This ranking of the 10 largest temporary employment agencies in Slovakia was created based on two factors, to which we gave          weight); the number of filled positions while head representatives have a value double that of other executive search positions
different weights: 1) the number of leased employees in 2020 (66% weight); 2) the number of employees active in personnel            (40% weight).
leasing in 2020 (34% weight).                                                              FOR MORE DETAILS SEE PAGE 54.                                                                                                            FOR MORE DETAILS SEE PAGE 56.

      10 largest HR companies                                    10 largest HR companies                                    10 largest HR companies
  by average 2017-2019 revenue                                 by advertised positions**                                   by number of employees**
  1. Manuvia                                                 1. INDEX NOSLUŠ                                           1. Manuvia                   125
  2. INDEX NOSLUŠ                                            2. ADECCO Slovakia                                        2. INDEX NOSLUŠ                                 122
  3. ADECCO Slovakia                                         3. Grafton*                                               3. ManpowerGroup                                109
  4. ManpowerGroup                                           4. ManpowerGroup                                          4. Grafton*                                      76
  5. Grafton*                                                5. Manuvia                                                5. ADECCO Slovakia                               65
  6. EUROPERSONAL & FABRIKA                                  6. Lugera & Maklér                                        6. Trexima                                       60
  7. PROPLUSCO                                               7. Pro HR                                                 7. Lugera & Maklér                               57
  8. Trenkwalder                                             8. CPL Jobs                                               8. Jenewein Group                                45
  9. Proact People Slovensko                                 9. AuJob                                                  9. Maxin’s Group                                 35
  10. HRQ                                                    10. SYNERGIE Slovakia                                     10. TRANSFER International Staff                 34
* acquired Work Service Group included;                    * acquired Work Service Group included; ** number * acquired Work Service Group included; ** average
                                                           of advertised positions in 2020 on number of permanent employees in 2020 (leased
                                                                                                                                                                                   LARGEST IN hr
                                                                                                              employees not included)

                                                                                                    Financial data
                                                                           black & white               greyscale                                inverse

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

Labour market comes to terms with
the pandemic’s mixed effects

                                                                                                                                                            Photo: tasr
               hile home office be-    practical training in their last year    experiences with remote work.        noted Michal Lukáč, client partner
               came a symbol of the    in school (read more on pages 36-        He expects this to emerge in the     at Amrop Jenewein.
               pandemic’s impact on    37). The months of the pandemic          aftermath of the pandemic in the          Areas of medical equipment,
the labour market in many areas of     have tested the state’s ability to aid   reduction of companies’ office       IT and various industrial sectors
business shortly after the coronavi-   businesses at a time of unexpected       spaces and workforce.                experienced even moderate growth.
rus outbreak, it has since become      need.                                         The past year has brought       On the other hand, hospitality,
clear just how profound the impact          The effects on the unemploy-        about significant changes in the     tourism, and various service provid-
of the past year will be.              ment rate have been uneven across        Labour Code (summed up on            ers have been hit the most. Lukáč
     The first wave in the spring of   sectors, highlighting the need for       pages 16-17), not all of them        expects this fragmentation to last
2020 closed some of Slovakia’s big-    the flexibility and lifelong learn-      related to the pandemic. The most    for a prolonged period of time.
gest production plants for weeks       ing HR professionals had been            closely-watched changes were those        “One year ago, nobody really
on end. The second wave, which         calling for prior to the pandemic.       related to working from home, but    expected the pandemic to last this
fully hit between October 2020         Companies have developed new             in the end lawyers see the adopted   long and therefore it has taught us
and February 2021 and placed           solutions and their employees have       amendment as a wasted opportu-       to be more cautious,” he told The
healthcare professionals under         acquired new skills, which experts       nity in this regard (more on pages   Slovak Spectator. He hopes that the
unprecedented strain, also brought     on human resources expect them to        22-23).                              €6.6 billion Slovakia is expected
the hospitality and tourism sector     benefit from even once the virus is                                           to receive from the European
to a nearly complete halt. The         no longer an issue.                      Mixed impacts                        Union’s recovery fund will have
pandemic has closed schools for             “Workers will operate in            across the market                    a positive influence on the local
months and one of the immediate        a more agile and independent way,”           The Slovak labour market has     labour market.
challenges this poses on the labour    said Sebastián Nemčok, branch            been significantly fragmented into        Amrop Jenewein has observed
market is to take in the school-       manager at the HR company                more or less stabilised areas and    a significant decrease in job offers
leavers who have not had access to     Manuvia, pointing to their recent        into those struck by pandemic,       for employees in the service

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

industry, which was significantly       executed remotely. Specific roles,      when we recorded a positive mood        tion in compliance with hygienic
affected by the pandemic. This          especially in administration, started   across companies as well as HR          measures, so they were not forced
comprises the restaurant and            disappearing, while new job roles       agencies, leading to new recruit-       to curb their operation.
hospitality business, facility          have been created in response to        ment and business expansion as               “The gradually recovering de-
management and marketing.               the challenges and needs posed by       such,” said Nemčok.                     mand from Asian countries added
     Many restaurant and café           the altered work environment.                                                   to this and helped the overall per-
owners did not manage to keep                Executives, especially at the      Jobless rate up                         formance of the Slovak industrial
their workers employed and had to       higher managerial level, were more           The pandemic was expected to       sector, including employment,” said
fire them or close their businesses     risk-averse to discussing further       increase the jobless rate, but in the   Horňák.
altogether, with thousands of           career opportunities and preferred      end the drop that occurred was less          A reduction in employees may
people previously employed in the       to keep their secure roles.             significant than previously thought.    have occurred in the problematic
hospitality sector losing their jobs.        Nemčok of Manuvia has                   Registered unemployment            service sectors like accommodation
Some of these people went on to         observed two fundamental curves         increased, compared with the pre-       or catering services. In other sec-
find a job in production plants;        that seem to have copied the crisis     crisis period, or February 2020, by     tors, for example grocery stores and
they are unlikely to come back to       and expansion in one year. In the       some 3 percentage points, to 7.9        courier companies, there was a high
their previous professions. Read        spring, the severe impact of the        percent.                                demand for new employees.
more about how the sector will          first wave of the coronavirus crisis         “This is considerably less than         “The pandemic situation cre-
handle this issue in our story on       was observed in all segments,           the primary projections of two-         ated a new phenomenon, where
pages 12-13.                            both in the manufacturing and           digit declines,” Matej Horňák, an       some employers in retail, whose
     On the other hand, the             non-manufacturing sectors. In           analyst of the Slovenská Sporiteľňa     stores had to be closed, shared
demand for a highly qualified           the summer of 2020, when the            bank (SLSP), told The Slovak            their employees with food retailers,
workforce on the Slovak labour          infection rate receded for some         Spectator.                              which on the other hand lacked
market remained almost                  time, companies faced the need to            Slovakia as an economy with        a workforce in their stores,” Ras-
unaffected.                             catch up and recover the losses they    a significant share of industry was     tislav Mackanič, client partner at
     The overwhelming shift to          sustained during the first lockdown     also greatly aided by the fact that     Amrop Jenewein, told The Slovak
the digital space boosted demand        in March and April 2020.                industrial companies, after an          Spectator.
for professionals in the IT and              “This trend was reflected in the   initial decline in the second quarter        Nevertheless, the pandemic
digital sectors and jobs that can be    third and four quarters of 2020,        of 2020, found a way to func-           increased the number of jobseekers

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CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

registered at job offices – by some    employers, employees and the self-
76,000 year-on-year – to 219,000       employed, as well as the keeping of
in March 2021.                         workplaces, in Slovakia’s history.
     With more jobseekers ready to          These included several First
find a job, the issue of retraining    Aid schemes, the SOS subsidy and
has gained greater significance once   the Germany-inspired temporary
again. Experts see a major problem     working scheme that became
with regard to existing unemploy-      known as the pandemic kurzarbeit
ment and technological changes in      scheme. In total, the Labour Min-
the underdeveloped higher educa-       istry paid out €1.54 billion and

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Courtesy of VW
tion system. They believe retraining   supported more than 4 million
needs to be better aligned with the    monthly incomes of employees
needs of the labour market and that    as well as the self-employed, Eva
career counselling should be more      Rovenská, spokesperson of the
involved in the process in order to    Labour Ministry, told The Slovak        of April 2021. The rest of the year            “We will see a more
bring regional market needs and        Spectator.                              is expected to be marked by a more       significant creation of jobs only in
jobseekers closer. A more detailed          One of the companies using         vigorous vaccination promotion           2022,” Glasová noted.
view of this issue is available on     the pandemic kurzarbeit scheme is       campaign, to secure a vaccination             This should also be reflected in
pages 8-9.                             the biggest and oldest carmaker in      rate of at least 60 percent of the       the growth dynamics of nominal
                                       the country, Volkswagen Slovakia,       population.                              wages, expected to be at about the
Wages increased                        employing more than 12,000                   This is expected to be linked       same level as in 2020. However,
despite the virus                      people.                                 to legal issues regarding the ability    the assumed stronger inflation will
     Wages developed positively in          “This scheme helped us the         of an employer to demand that            cut a slightly higher share of the
2020, nominal wages increasing by      most to mitigate the impacts of the     employees be immunised against           increase, noted Horňák.
3.7 percent year-on-year and real      coronavirus crisis during the period    Covid. The debate that has yet to             Nemčok of Manuvia expects
wages by approximately 2 percent,      from March to May 2020, when            kick in is outlined on page 20.          a positive trend in economic
noted Horňák. He specified that        production in our plant was halted           The return to full economic         growth and the start of the market
wages decreased in the second          due to an expected drop in demand       operation resembling pre-pandem-         for 2021 and 2022, when many
quarter of 2020 year-on-year, but      for cars and the interruption of        ic times is linked to reforms within     companies could return to at least
this decline was caused by the         the suppliers’ network,” Lucia          the Next Generation EU scheme            75 percent of their pre-Covid
anti-pandemic measures in place,       Kovarovič Makayová, spokesperson        for funding the recovery and             performance.
and the increase of parents staying    of VW Slovakia, told The Slovak         resilience plans of countries. Other          The Labour Ministry assumes
at home with their online-schooled     Spectator. She specified that state     EU funds as well as renewed              that the next development of
children.                              assistance at VW Slovakia totalled      demand and investment activity           wages would depend, apart
     The analyst ascribed the          some €18 million, thanks to which       “will bring a significant impetus to     from the epidemic situation,
positive development partly to         the carmaker managed to maintain        the economic activity of compa-          on development in exports and
an increase in salaries in public      employment and survive this             nies, which will be reflected in the     domestic consumption. It cites
administration.                        demanding period.                       labour market, too,” according to        data from the National Bank of
     “On the other hand, the labour         VW Slovakia and other              Horňák.                                  Slovakia, the country’s central
market was also significantly aided    companies hope that the kur-                 The analyst expects the             bank, showing the return of
by state measures that protected       zarbeit scheme will be preserved in     economy to start recovering as early     exports and private consumption
employment and compensated for         Slovakia.                               as before the first half of 2021 ends,   in the third quarter of 2020 at
part of the wages,” said Horňák. So          “As the pandemic kurzarbeit       after the anti-Covid measures are        approximate pre-pandemic levels.
far, almost €1.3 billion were paid     scheme is not sustainable in the        lifted with the improving epidemic       However, they also indicate
out from the First Aid programme       long term, the Labour Ministry has      situation.                               a significant decline in demand for
between March 2020 and Febru-          prepared a permanent one,” Roven-            SLSP estimates that the un-         services.
ary 2021, while the figure for the     ská said. The scheme will become        employment rate would continue                “This could mean a change
last months is not final and may       effective in 2022.                      to slightly oscillate for some time,     in the habits of Slovak consumers
increase.                                                                      but in the second half of the year       and a longer-term effect of
     In general, the average monthly   Vaccination is the next                 it should start to gradually decline     the pandemic on wages,” said
wage was €1,133 in 2020, an            challenge                               to a level of about 7 percent, with      Rovenská. Given the development
increase from €1,092 in 2019, data          Experts as well as analysts ex-    a further decline to 6 percent in        of wages so far, which shows
from the Statistics Office show.       pect an improvement of the labour       2022.                                    a relatively short-term shock, the
                                       market situation, pinning their              Jana Glasová, an analyst with       Labour Ministry shares the central
Aid packages and measures              hopes on vaccination. That in itself    the, agrees that the situ-      bank’s conclusions that wages will
    In response to the pandemic,       is proving to be a challenge for the    ation on the labour market will          rise again in the coming years.
the Labour Ministry launched           country, with barely one fifth of its   improve during the second half of                            By Jana Liptáková
the biggest financial assistance to    population vaccinated as of the end     2021.                                                             Spectator staff

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
Behind every successful business
          lies a set of skilled people
        Three questions for Zuzana Rumiz, Country Manager, ManpowerGroup Slovakia
RECRUITMENT AGEN-                                                                                                       change of course has accelerated the
CIES IN SLOVAKIA OFFER,                                                                                                 process of automation, digitisation
MORE OR LESS, THE SAME                                                                                                  and the implementation of new
PORTFOLIO OF SERVICES.                                                                                                  technology in different organisa-
TO WHAT DO YOU ATTRIB-                                                                                                  tions. ManpowerGroup has been
UTE THE STRENGTH AND                                                                                                    focusing on these changes for
UNIQUENESS OF YOUR                                                                                                      a long time and conducting a series
COMPANY?                                                                                                                of surveys to map out and quantify
     To our ability to adapt our                                                                                        their characteristics. The Skills
services to the needs of our client.                                                                                    Revolution 4.0 Human Wanted:
Whether a company needs one spe-                                                                                        Robots Need You survey showed
cifically oriented expert or dozens                                                                                     that, despite general opinion,
of employees who meet the specific                                                                                      employers are planning to increase
profile and can start working right                                                                                     or maintain the existing number of
away; whether a client asks us to                                                                                       employees as a result of automa-
manage an entire recruitment pro-                          Zuzana Rumiz, Country Manager                                tion.
cess or needs our help in a sensitive                                                                                         ManpowerGroup is actively
situation of decreasing the number      our clients on how to reorganise or     the competition even in a fast-         building and enforcing the culture
of employees, we are prepared to        set up a payroll and benefit system.    changing job market. The original       of learnability and talent develop-
support them. Of course, we also        They can also provide basic market      digital platforms for evaluating        ment. We advise our clients
offer standard services like Perma-     research or valuable feedback from      candidates’ skills such as DigiQuo-     to support their employees in
nent Placement, Temporary Place-        candidates.                             tient, LearnabilityQuotient, and        continuous learning through new
ment, Outplacement, Recruitment              Within the screening process       SkillsInSight allow candidates to       forms: for example, through short
Process Outsourcing, and a Master       of candidates, our consultants only     find out about their digital savvi-     and narrowly oriented courses that
Service Provider. They are the basis    select the people who fulfill the       ness, their ability to learn and grow   will allow them to maintain their
that we evolve from. We are well        exact requirements of our clients in    during their career, and the level of   qualifications and compete when
aware of the uniqueness of each         order to maximise time efficiency.      success they might achieve in the       technology is significantly changing
company and we take into con-           This way the client only receives       specific job position.                  company business models and the
sideration the individual requests      a selection of candidates who fit the        ManpowerGroup has been an          job market as well.
and possibilities of our clients. We    required profile exactly.               official partner of the European             The What Workers Want #2
are interested in the culture of the         To professionalism. Sup-           Viva Tech conference for several        survey shows the new future of
company, the vision and aspirations     porting the culture of learning is      years, presenting new innovative        the world of work. There must be
our client wishes to achieve, as well   a part of our company DNA. Our          ideas that shape the future of the      more room for workforce flexibility,
as the specifics that distinguish our   employees complete regular train-       world of work. ManpowerGroup            diversity, health and well-being.
client from other companies in the      ing through a unique internal plat-     is a strategic partner of the World
field. The diversity of our services,   form known as powerYou. Other           Economic Forum. Since 2003, it          HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY
many years of experience, and           favorites include “Colleagues2Col-      has been bringing its clients daring    MANAGE THE WORK-LIFE
support from a global background        leauges” training and language          ideas on how to reskill / upskill       BALANCE?
allows us to lead our partners to       courses provided at work.               their employees, move their stra-            For me, the best stress “destroy-
success.                                     To trust. Building a stable        tegy into the digital age or achieve    ers” are my four-legged friends and
     To flexibility. Regular commu-     partnership based on mutual trust       gender equality in the workplace.       a blooming garden. I really enjoy
nication with our clients is a pillar   is the goal we set out to achieve.                                              reading and find happiness in
of our working routine. This way        We do not want to limit our             THE WORLD HAS BEEN                      delicious food with good company.
we are able to ensure a flexible        cooperation and partnership to          IN A RARE SITUATION                     I am aware of the importance of
reaction to any requested changes       simply finding good candidates.         THAT HAS SHAKEN THE                     rest and regaining strength and
in a short period of time. In the       Our ambition is to be a partner         PRIORITIES OF THE ENTIRE                inspiration. That applies to all
current situation especially, we are    and an advisor to our client. We        POPULATION FOR OVER                     working people regardless of their
aware of the need to be flexible and    always strive to find the optimal       A YEAR NOW.                             position or age.
adapt to sudden changes.                solution and come up with fresh         IN WHAT WAYS HAS THE
     To skilled people. Our             ideas through which our clients can     PANDEMIC AFFECTED THE
consultants and sales managers          reach the expected result.              JOB MARKET?
are somewhat of a “right hand” to            To innovations. The global              The pandemic has mainly
our clients. They work as advisors      company ManpowerGroup deve-             accelerated the change of course
and partners simultaneously. As         lops its own technology that allows     the job market has already been
an example, they are able to advise     the company to be a step ahead of       experiencing for some time. This

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

                                                                                                                                                             Photo: Unsplash
Slovakia still lags in further education
              -year-old Monika         registered jobseekers reskilled in     tion, said it sees no problem in        more accessible today, Miroslav
              Gilbertová had been      2019, the official data show.          the Labour Ministry running its         Štefánik from the Institute of
              registered for over a         While the project is consid-      own informal education activities       Economic Research of the Slovak
year at a labour office in Rima-       ered somewhat successful across        through different projects for the      Academy of Sciences pointed to
vská Sobota after losing her job in    the board, with 39.6 percent of        unemployed, including REPAS,            another important improvement:
manufacturing when she tried to        participants returning to the labour   as part of its active labour market     “The decision about a course has
upskill through a month-long small     market within six months in 2019,      policy tools.                           been given to participants.”
business course, covered by the        experts see a bigger problem with            The number of retrained peo-           Instead of one database, there
office, in November 2020.              regard to existing unemploy-           ple that have taken part in the RE-     are several websites people can use
     Although the course she chose     ment and technological changes         PAS programme, which replaced           when searching for a course.
was “not the best” she hopes to        elsewhere in the underdeveloped        the inefficient system based on              Courses on accounting and
sign up for two more, brushing up      further education system.              central procurement of course pro-      carers and security guard training
on her English and reskilling for a         According to Eurostat, 3.6        viders in late 2014, is much higher     courses are most frequently
career in fashion design. She wants    percent of people in Slovakia par-     than in further education initiatives   supported through REPAS,
to start a new life outside Rimavská   took in further education in 2019,     under the Education Ministry, the       though these jobs do not appear
Sobota – one of the least devel-       which is well below the EU-27          Labour Ministry said.                   on the ÚPSVaR’s lists of in-
oped Slovak regions with a current     average of 10.8 percent.                     Since its launch, the state has   demand regional jobs. Conversely,
unemployment rate of about 20               Naming one of the reasons         spent over €35 million on reskilling    operators and drivers are needed,
percent.                               behind the unfavourable stats,         more than 65,000 unemployed             but driving licences are no longer
     “Many are pushed into manu-       Michal Páleník from the Employ-        people outside Bratislava Region        funded.
facturing,” Gilbertová said. “Even     ment Institute said: “Slovakia has     through REPAS. Expenditure on                In this regard, Štefánik
though these jobs are well paid,       long been fighting with the split of   education-related active labour         underlined that ÚPSVaR needs to
everyone has something they would      education between the Education        market policies, however, remains       enhance its control system.
really like to do.” Through the        Ministry and the Labour Ministry.”     low compared to the EU average.              “For instance, a jobless person
REPAS vocational education and                                                It is for this reason the unemployed    who, with the support of REPAS,
training programme, administered       More flexible but                      can often partake in one accredited     obtains a driving licence, which
by the Central Office of Labour,       underfunded REPAS                      course only, ÚPSVaR noted.              allows them to start as a driver in
Social Affairs and Family (ÚPS-             The Education Ministry, which           Apart from the fact that educa-   a regional company, is perhaps
VaR), 6,647 out of almost 160,000      is responsible for further educa-      tion covered by labour offices is       a more ‘successful’ story than a

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

jobless person who leaves for Ger-      as REPAS necessary, but their suc-      ing the costs of further education       when it comes to their intensive
many after a welding course.”           cess depends equally on the will of     providers to rewarding them for          job-search assistance models based
    Despite this, in his 2019 book      the jobless to learn and the quality    results is necessary.                    on one-on-one interviews with
Labour Market in Slovakia 2019+,        of the course. The European Com-                                                 jobseekers.
Štefánik argues the programme has       mission sees REPAS as a useful tool     Adult education                                Looking at examples of
a positive effect on the employment     as well, but it criticised Slovakia     provides possibilities                   other countries, social security
and income of participants, which       for limiting training tailored to            Examples from other EU coun-        mechanisms appear to be needed
is why he considers REPAS to be         low-skilled people and for the low      tries provide an insight into how        to help retrain people for new jobs.
a top project in terms of value for     participation among adults in life-     the state can aid jobseekers.            According to Eurostat, Sweden is a
money.                                  long learning.                               In Ireland, adult participation     European leader in further educa-
                                                                                in learning increased from 6.6           tion, with 34.3 percent of involved
Career counselling                      Social security                         percent in 2009 to 12.6 percent in       adults in 2019. One reason may
and learnability                        mechanisms needed                       2019.                                    be the Swedes’ right to educational
     A jobless person can get access         Andrej Lasz from APZ said it is         Driven by the economic crises       leave from their job if they want to
to a course worth up to €600 to         also crucial to work with employees     of the past, further education           undergo training, without being
increase their employability and        unprepared for Industry 4.0 who         and training (FET) in Ireland,           laid off.
find a job. Those who do not have       could lose their jobs.                  described as the Cinderella of the             Also, the country’s adult
a regularly paying job when they             The Labour Ministry’s ‘Don’t       education system for years, has          education set-up is generous, both
register at a labour office, the over   Lose Your Job, Educate Yourself’        undergone the last major rebuild         in terms of the education offered
50s, and the long-term unemployed       project, which targets this group,      after 2010 when education and            to different groups, from the
(more than 12 months out of work)       was approved in 2019. But more          training were brought under the          unemployed to workers wishing
receive this support most often.        must be done to change Slovaks’         Department of Education and              to change their job, and financing
     Experts, nevertheless, believe     perception of further education,        Skills for the first time in 80 years,   schemes such as a monthly student
career counselling should be more       stressed the OECD, including the        followed by the creation of SOLAS,       allowance, Swedish experts Anders
involved in the whole process to        governance and funding of adult         a FET authority, and the first five-     Stenberg and Anders Forslund
bring regional market needs and         learning.                               year FET strategy alongside other        claim.
jobseekers closer together.                  “We call for the creation of an    reforms.                                       Speaking with The Slovak
     “Labour offices should also        effective system of further educa-           “However, the task is not yet       Spectator, Stenberg said it may be
work as career counselling centres      tion, following the example of          complete, and more work remains          difficult to get political support for
that assist suitable and prospective    European countries, so as to reflect    to be completed if the FET sector        such a large investment programme
candidates in reskilling,” said Juraj   as much as possible the specific        is indeed to become ‘world-class’,”      such as adult education, which
Kadáš of the IT Association of          needs of employers,” Lasz said.         Rory O’Sullivan, chair of the FET        takes decades to show any positive
Slovakia.                                    However, further education,        Committee of the National As-            effects.
     Although retraining courses        including German-inspired educa-        sociation of Principals and Deputy             “One of the best things with
are not suitable for high-qualified     tion vouchers, did not make it into     Principals, stressed.                    a large adult education sector is
IT jobs, they could be for less         Slovakia’s post-Covid recovery plan,          Denmark, just like Ireland         people worry less and see possibili-
demanding positions such as testers     said APZ and the AZZZ. Nor did          and Austria, runs a comprehensive        ties,” he noted.
and IT support. Yet, there are not      the Individual Learning Accounts,       further education website. Both                              By Peter Dlhopolec
many labour office workers who          used in Great Britain, suggested by     Denmark and Austria stand out                                      Spectator staff
follow the current needs of the         the Association of Adult Education
labour market in the IT sector          Institutions (AIVD).
to steer people to the courses, he           But a new lifelong learning
added.                                  strategy is in the works at the
     Zuzana Rumiz from the As-          Education Ministry after a decade,
sociation of Recruitment Agencies       although Klaudius Šilhár from the
(APAS) recommended forklift             AIVD said: “Without political
operator and accounting courses in      support and structures from the
addition to courses focusing on soft    ministry, the actual implementa-
skills, noting learnability through-    tion is questionable.”
out life is imperative.                      Róbert Chovanculiak from the
     “Retraining courses should, as     Institute of Economic and Social
closely as possible, copy the cur-      Studies (INESS) non-governmental
rent changing needs of the labour       think tank sees further education
market,” she added.                     as dysfunctional for two reasons:
     The Federation of Employ-          “A small number of adults are
ers’ Associations (AZZZ) and the        involved in it. Secondly, the quality
                                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Unsplash

Association of Industrial Unions        of further education is in doubt.”
(APZ) consider programmes such          He argues that shifting from cover-

CAREER & EMPLOYMENT GUIDE 2021 - Exploring Slovak labour market trends and human resources in the wider EU context - SME
labour market

Mass layoffs in some BSCs
are not just about labour costs

                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of JCI Careers
       or more than 20 years the       Center Forum (BSCF), which               Slovakia can‘t                          announced layoffs are not due
       business and shared service     advocates for the interests of the       compete with India                      to the short-term impacts of the
       centre sector has silently      sector in Slovakia.                           Martin Kahanec of the Central      pandemic.
grown into the third-most impor-            Rusiňák pointed to Slova-           European Labour Studies Institute            “Slovakia cannot compete,
tant pillar of the Slovak economy,     kia’s position in ratings like the       (CELSI) non-governmental think          and neither do we want it to, with
after the automotive and electro-      Global Competitiveness Index and         tank recalled that in the past inter-   salaries in India, because this would
technical industries.                  the Ease of Doing Business Index.        national companies moved work           mean the reduction of salaries of
     The reports of mass layoffs at    In the latter, Slovakia ranked 45th in   positions from the UK, Germany          people in Slovakia, which I refuse,”
some of the centres and the reloca-    2020, following a steady drop from       and other countries to Slovakia.        Krajniak told the TA3 news chan-
tion of entire departments to India    2014, when it achieved its best          Now, they are moving on.                nel back in January.
have resulted in some fears over the   ranking at 29th.                              This is due especially to chang-        Fullbrook of KPMG said that
sector’s future in Slovakia.                Lygia Fullbrook, who leads          es in the demand for shared service     India, Malaysia and other countries
     In January, Johnson Controls      KPMG’s Talent Solutions services         centres and increased labour costs      of the Asia Pacific are proven to be
and AT&T confirmed that they           in Slovakia and is sector leader for     in Slovakia. Covid may have played      popular options due to lower salary
were scrapping hundreds of jobs in     shared service centers, sees as the      a role too – as a consequence of the    costs.
their Bratislava-based business ser-   biggest problem for the market the       pandemic, it is now more accepted            “These countries are a preferred
vice centres. IBM announced plans      fact that it’s becoming difficult to     that some remote services are pro-      option mainly for less mature SSCs
to scrap 10,000 work positions in      find qualified resources for certain     vided via digital platforms.            focused on more repetitive tasks
Europe, including in Slovakia, in      positions.                                    “These workplaces require          requiring less qualified resources,”
November 2020. The company                  “The fact that we have new re-      a large scope of routine, repetitive    said Fullbrook. “In Slovakia, we
operates shared service centres in     sources on the market is a positive      work, which makes them relatively       should be aiming higher, creating
Bratislava and Košice.                 signal that we should be sending         easy to transfer [to another loca-      centres of excellence and bringing
     “Slovakia continues to be con-    out to the world,” Fullbrook told        tion],” said Kahanec.                   jobs with higher added value.”
sidered a strategic locality within    The Slovak Spectator. “For any                The reshuffles especially affect        Business service centres offer
central and eastern Europe, but it     company looking to open a finance        employees with lower qualifica-         higher than average wages in
has been losing its competitive po-    shared service centre, Bratislava        tions. “These employees can be          Slovakia. Based on a survey the
sition on the global scene,” admit-    is an ideal location as it now has       easily replaced either by a cheaper     BSCF conducted during the first
ted Peter Rusiňák in an interview      immediately available, fully trained     labour force in other countries or      seven months of 2020, the average
with The Slovak Spectator. Rusiňák     and qualified resources brought up       by robots.”                             monthly wage in their member
is an AmCham policy officer and        by a leading multinational corpora-           Labour Minister Milan              companies was €1,850. The aver-
coordinator of the Business Service    tion.”                                   Krajniak said he believed that the      age monthly wage in Slovakia was

labour market

€1,096 in the first three quarters      Controls told the Index magazine.
of 2020, according to the Slovak        Organisational changes were to
Statistics Office.                      impact 532 of the 1,366 people
     “Behind the above-average          employed by the company, with
wages there are specific require-       changes to be concluded by the
ments for these employees like          end of April. As many of the laid
accounting or IT skills, along with     off employees as possible should
mastering one or more foreign           get jobs in other internal positions,
languages,” Nikola Richterová,          noted Marinčáková.

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Pixabay
spokesperson of the biggest job              The services provided by Brati-
portal Profesia, told The Slovak        slava Johnson Controls should be
Spectator.                              partly overtaken by a similar centre
     Fullbrook of KPMG ascribed         in Pune, an Indian city of seven             “Companies needed to re-                Rusiňák considers the BSC
the steady rise in salaries in the      million inhabitants near Mumbai.        evaluate their operation in all the     sector, employing some 37,000
centres over the last years to the                                              countries and Slovakia is not an        people in Slovakia, stable and able
competition between centres.            AT&T to lay off 10 percent              exemption,” he noted.                   to absorb the specialists who will
     “Obviously it was good for our          Another international compa-            The second factor is a long-       become redundant.
economy but it made us less attrac-     ny, AT&T, planned to cancel about       term process within the internal             Richterová of Profesia shares
tive for new prospective investors      300 positions both in Bratislava        transformation of companies             the same opinion, adding that the
in a competitive global marketplace     and in Košice, trade unions said. It    around the globe. The digital au-       situation in the hospitality sector
for shared services,” said Fullbrook.   is about 10 percent of the overall      tomation of processes and internal      significantly affected by the coro-
“I believe that due to the layoffs      number of employees. The com-           restructuralisation is a natural part   navirus pandemic is much more
and also a latent Covid-effect, the     pany remains tight-lipped about         of that, according to Rusiňák.          difficult.
salary levels will stabilise and may    the planned reductions, though.                                                      The business and shared servic-
even decrease slightly.”                     “Reducing our workforce is         Hard-to-replace                         es centre sector published 12,128
     She expects that due to changes    a difficult decision we don’t take      specialists are safe                    vacancies on Profesia in 2020,
happening all over the world,           lightly, and we are working with             Kahanec of CELSI believes          down by 23 percent compared with
companies will have to consider         employee representatives and other      that these companies will keep          the previous year.
making their operations leaner and      key stakeholders to manage the          specialists who cannot be replaced           The website reported the high-
more cost effective. The knowledge,     impact on our people,” the com-         easily, either due to their skills or   est number of vacancies in these
which has been built up over the        pany wrote in its statement for The     the character of their jobs. The        companies in 2016, when they
last 10 years, is a huge asset of       Slovak Spectator in January.            latter include those working with       exceeded 17,600.
Slovakia.                                    They mentioned a focus on          sensitive data or documents that             The most frequently advertised
                                        growth areas and lower customer         cannot leave the European Union.        vacancies at BSCs are in adminis-
Johnson Controls                        demand for some legacy products,             The relocation of some posi-       tration, accounting, client support,
moves jobs to India                     as well as the economic impact and      tions can be good news for the          financial analysis, reporting, back
     The American company John-         changed customer behaviours due         Slovak economy if it is part of         offices and IT.
son Controls confirmed in January       to the pandemic, as the factors that    increasing the added value of work.          “In spite of the announced
that it was moving hundreds of job      impacted the decision to lay off        On the contrary, it is a negative       mass layoffs, shared service centres
positions from its business centre in   people in Bratislava.                   phenomenon if it is a consequence       cannot currently be labelled a dark
Slovakia to India, mainly changing                                              of worse employment conditions          spot in the labour market,” Richter-
financial and accounting positions.     Automation is a factor                  in Slovakia, Kahanec explained.         ová said. BSCs keep searching for
     “There will be an absolute              The primary reason for the lay-    While the first option means that       new staffers, she noted. In the first
reshuffling of several departments      offs at some BSCs is the worsening      the laid-off employees will find jobs   four weeks of 2021, they published
in the upcoming months,” Ivana          global economic situation result-       requiring higher qualification, the     935 job offers.
Marinčáková of the communi-             ing from the coronavirus crisis,        second one will result in higher                            By Jana Liptáková
cation department of Johnson            Rusiňák told The Slovak Spectator.      unemployment.                                                    Spectator staff
                                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Pixabay

labour market

                  The hard-hit restaurant
                  business is losing people
Photo: Unsplash

                             top-rated chef from         they had to operate with signifi-   number dropping down to             businesses conduct themselves
                            a reputable hotel res-       cant restrictions in place. Until   41,000 in the final quarter of      in such a manner.
                            taurant is stuck making      April 26, 2021, they could          the year.                                Oto Kóňa agrees. He noted
                  baguettes, and waiters now deliver     sell meals and drinks through            “The outflow of people is      it would be inappropriate to use
                  food to homes or work as security      a window or offer delivery.         large, but everyone has to feed     a crisis as a means to address
                  guards. Other workers employed in           However, not every business    their own family. Unfortunately,    the structural problems of the
                  the restaurant business have found     is built for this model. A busi-    many expressed that they don’t      gastronomy sector by letting
                  employment in warehouses and           nessman in the gastronomy           want to return to the sector in     a majority of businesses fail.
                  automotive plants.                     sector, Oto Kóňa, outlined          the future,” said Artz.                  “It is hard for honest busi-
                       The catastrophic situation of     that it is not worthwhile for            The situation is also as bad   nesses who paid out hundreds
                  the labour force in the gastronomy     a restaurant in Hnúšťa or           as it is because many businesses    of thousands of euros in VAT,
                  sector was evident even before the     a tourist destination to offer      officially paid their workers       payroll taxes, and are not at fault
                  pandemic. Vojto Artz, a chef and       delivery services or sell draft     only a minimum wage. The            for their deficit, to hear those
                  the president of the Slovak Associa-   beer through a window. This is      government is currently contrib-    things,” he opined.
                  tion of Chefs and Confectioners,       a luxury reserved for businesses    uting to those wages, but lost,
                  stated that there was a shortage of    operating in larger cities.         undocumented salaries cannot        New Employees
                  2,000 professional chefs on the             For this reason, many          be accounted for.                       Bratislava’s Volkswagen plant
                  market.                                entrepreneurs had to fire their          This is also why some say      saw an uptick in employees in
                                                         employees or close their busi-      that the market will be cleared     assembly-line positions in March
                  A heavy blow to                        nesses altogether.                  of businesses that engage in        2021. The plant’s spokesperson
                  restaurants                                 According to the Slovak        dishonest practices. Accord-        Lucia Kovarovič Makayová stated
                      Strict epidemic measures           Statistics Office, in the first     ing to the general manager          that “from recent experiences,
                  have a harsh effect on restau-         quarter of 2020, over 47,000        of the Slovak Association of        we can confirm that we also have
                  rants, pubs and cafés. Over the        people were employed in the         Restaurants and Hotels Marek        assembly job applicants from
                  nine out of 12 months of 2020          gastronomy sector, with that        Harbuľák, only a minority of        the gastronomy sector, with

labour market

several already finding jobs at our     rewards. They also offer a greater      return of customers, as was seen      may not have enough capacity for
company”.                               degree of stability compared to         after the loosening of restrictions   many new customers. Restaurants
     She added that the company         gastronomy.                             after the first wave.                 will have to employ more work-
doesn’t record precise statistics.           The job portal has          The general director of the      ers, but he recommends that they
However, even in previous               registered the re-grouping of the       tourism section at the Ministry of    prioritise quality over quantity so
years, they had applicants, who         labour force. In the past year, it      Transport, Radúz Dula, illustrated    that the gastronomy sector doesn’t
were trained chefs and waiters,         registered significant growth in        this in the increase of VAT           suffer.
becoming long-term employees of         interest for jobs that didn’t require   revenues from the gastronomy               “After opening, we can expect
Volkswagen after retraining.            specific know-how or experience;        business. While during                a boom in visitors. A key factor
     The Kia plant in Žilina            couriers, phone operators and           springtime 2020, businesses           will be how businesses handle
noticed a greater amount of CVs         clerks were listed as examples.         recorded lower numbers and            expanding their workforce so
in the past months than it nor-              “This was caused by job            in June those numbers equaled         that people don’t come with
mally receives. Among them were         applicants who previously               numbers from 2019, July, August       expectations and end up waiting
candidates who used to work in          worked in fields affected by            and September brought records of      for food. Successful people will
gastronomy. Head of PR at Kia           the coronavirus. Transport,             better year-on-year numbers.          profit,” chef Martin Korbelič
Motors Slovakia, Tomáš Potoček,         gastronomy and hospitality                   A survey conducted in Febru-     opined.
stated that the number of em-           weren’t the only sectors that           ary 2021 by the Kantar agency              According to Nikola Rich-
ployees working at the company          had an outflow of employees.            for the non-alcoholic beverage        terová, there are still many job
who had previous experience in          Many desk clerks, service               producer Mattoni 1873 suggests        applicants on the market.
gastronomy didn’t deviate from          workers, and employees who              that over two-thirds of respond-           “We do not expect businesses
the long-term average.                  organised events were also              ents in Slovakia during the           to have a problem acquiring more
     Fluctuation in the company         looking for jobs,” explained the        pandemic miss the ability to eat      workers. There will also be an in-
is at a low level, because above all,   spokesperson of,            out in restaurants.                   terest on the side of students who
employees prefer higher wages           Nikola Richterová.                           It can thus be expected that     are in a difficult situation as well,
and a wide range of benefits, he                                                after these businesses open,          as there are few part-time jobs on
said.                                   Opening without waiters                 people will return to them. The       the market,” she added.
     In general, automotive plants          Restaurants and cafés knew          question is, however, if there is                                     ©Index
are leading employers in Slovakia       that once they where allowed to         someone there to serve them.                         By Tatiana Kapitánová
when it comes to employee               open, they could expect a quick         Artz has fears that the business                      Special to the Spectator

What you need to know about
Slovakia’s new “home office” rules
T        he pandemic, a La-
         bour Code amend-
         ment, further prog-
ress in digitalisation – all these
factors lead to an increased
                                     In addition to these two con-
                                     cepts, there is the option of
                                     “temporary work from home”,
                                     which is applicable during
                                     a state of emergency or an ex-
number of employees work-            traordinary pandemic situation
ing from their homes. This           (and two months after such
naturally gives rise to discus-      a state ends). Employees are
sions about the benefits and         entitled to work from home,
drawbacks of home office.            the nature of the work so
The focus here lies primar-          permitting, and employers are
ily on legal challenges linked       entitled to order home office.
to work from home, and on            However, the Labour Code
topics which the Labour Code         once again fails to specify the
amendment failed to ad-              details of temporary work
dress. Are employers obliged         from home, and employers
to reimburse employees for           and employees are left without
increased costs, or provide          knowing the extent of their
work equipment? What is the          rights and obligations. There-
distinction between occa-            fore, an agreement between
sional and regular work from         the parties is advisable.
home? What lies ahead for the
employers?                           2. A new approach to
                                     scheduling working hours
1. Regular, occasional, or           Based on the adopted amend-
temporary work from home:            ment, employers are entitled
What are the differences?            to schedule working hours
The legal regulation differs         of those employees work-
depending on whether an              ing from home on a regular                            Silvia Beňová
employee works from home             basis. The parties can still                            Junior Associate
on a regular or occasional           agree that the working time
basis. In the case of the latter,    will be set exclusively by the
an agreement between the             employee. In such a case, the     They have to provide, install,   employees working from
employer and the employee            employee will, however, lose      and update the technical         home. Problems occur when
suffices. However, the em-           some employment benefits,         equipment and software need-     employees use their own hard-
ployee’s rights are limited. On      such as wage compensation         ed so that employees can work    ware and software. GDPR
the other hand, regular work         for personal impediments          from home. A specific ar-        standards are set high and, in
from home requires changes           at work and surcharges for        rangement between the parties    some professions, it is techni-
to the employment contract           overtime work. Another op-        is possible too; an employee     cally impossible to achieve
– a new specification of the         tion is flexible working time,    may use their own hardware       a sufficient level of data pro-
place of work performance            where the employee has to be      and software. In such a case,    tection. The solution for that
– which must be signed by            available to the employer at      we recommend the parties         is supplying the employee with
both parties. The parties can        prearranged times, and may        enter into a written agreement   company equipment.
even agree on several such           self-schedule the rest.           on that subject, or amend the
places. The definition of                                              employment contract or the       4. Reimbursement of home
“regular work from home” is          3. Home office equipment          collective agreement. This       office expenses
unfortunately missing in the         & IT security                     is to avoid a situation where    The new regulation obliges an
new amendment. Thus, the             Companies with employ-            the employee uses personal       employer to reimburse its em-
best approach is to assess case      ees working from home on          equipment without the em-        ployees working from home
by case so that there is no          a regular basis have certain      ployer’s consent, relieving      for demonstrably increased
sidestepping of the laws.            equipment-related obligations.    the employer of liability for    costs resulting from the use
                                                                       any damage. The employee         of the employee’s personal
                                                                       cannot claim increased costs     hardware and software. The
                                                                       related to the use of personal   reimbursement, however, does
                                                                       hardware and software.           not occur automatically. First,
                                                                       Employers also should bear       the use of personal equip-
                                                                       in mind the obligation to        ment must be agreed on in
                                                                       ensure the protection of the     the employment contract or
                                                                       data processed and used by       collective agreement. Second,
You can also read