Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts

Page created by Samuel Hines
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your
How to keep pet rabbits
healthy and happy
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your rabbit

                         Are rabbits right for me?                       • Clean ears
                                                                         • Neat teeth in alignment
                         Rabbits are lively and responsive pets,
                         each with their own distinctive characters.     • Healthy fur with good coverage
                         Rabbits can be great fun, but it is a big       • Good gait with no limping
                         responsibility and a long-term commitment       • Healthy appetite and weight
                         to care for them.
                                                                         • Clean bottom
                         Rabbits can be good pets for children           • Good feet with no swellings or cuts
                         provided they are handled with care and
                         always supervised. If looked after properly,    The first few days
                         pet rabbits can live for up to 12 years.
                                                                         Your rabbit will need at least two days
                         Rabbits can even be house trained.
                                                                         to settle into his new hutch before being
                                                                         handled. To start with, stroke and talk to
                         Your rabbits will be completely dependent
                                                                         your rabbit when he is being fed. After two
                         on you. They need affection and attention
                                                                         days you can take him out of his hutch.
                         every day and will require regular and
                         frequent opportunities to exercise. Rabbits
                                                                         It is a good idea to have a chair available
                         shouldn’t be left for any more than 24 hours
                                                                         to sit on, as some rabbits do not like being
                         (ideally no more than 12).
                                                                         picked up at first and will feel more secure if
                                                                         settled on your lap.
                         Pet rabbits themselves are usually
                         inexpensive to buy but setting up the
                                                                         Only let your rabbit out of the hutch for a
                         correct home environment can cost
                                                                         few minutes at first, increasing the time
                         hundreds of pounds plus the cost of
                                                                         each day for a few days to begin with. Soon
                         neutering and regular supplies of good
                                                                         your rabbit will be able to go into the rabbit
                         quality food. Rabbits also require annual
                                                                         run. Rabbits should be vaccinated prior to
                         vaccinations which can be expensive over
                                                                         being allowed to run on grass.
                         time. Pet insurance is highly recommended
                         in case of illness which is another financial
                                                                         Our pet centre team will advise you of the
                         factor to consider.
                                                                         food that your rabbit has been eating, and
                                                                         also what they have had from their breeder
                         Choosing a new pet                              so you can settle them in with the food
                         rabbit                                          they are used to. Avoid giving your rabbit
                                                                         any greens (e.g. cabbage and grass) at all
                         When selecting your rabbit, check these         unless he has been used to eating them.
                         signs that he is healthy:                       Rabbits should not be fed biscuits, cake
                                                                         or wholemeal bread as this may make
                         • Alert and interested in his surroundings      them ill. Carrot should only be given as an
                         • Clean, dry nose                               occasional treat as it is very high in sugar.
                         • Bright, clear eyes
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your rabbit

After four weeks, a small dandelion leaf or    Creating a happy home                            run should be as big as possible but as a       Clean, fresh water should be available at all
small handful grass (as long as vaccinations                                                    minimum have space for your rabbit to           times. Vitamin drops can be added to fresh
have been administered) can be given each      Except during the coldest of weather,            be able to make 3 full hops and be able to      water given each day.
day so that your rabbit’s stomach gets used    rabbits can be kept outside all year round.      stand up fully on his hind legs. Please ask a
to new foods. Too much of anything or too      Choose a sheltered site away from driving        member of our pet team to make sure your        There are two basic types of dry rabbit food,
suddenly can make him ill.                     rain and wind or the midday sun.                 hutch is the correct size before choosing       both of which provide a complete diet, and
                                                                                                your rabbit.                                    are widely available:
Avoid putting your young rabbit in a run for   The hutch should be raised off the ground to
a few weeks, unless the run is on concrete     prevent rising damp and possible problems        Inside the hutch                                • A mix of flakes, grains and pellet
or the grass is completely covered. In those   from rats and other vermin.                      Line the floor of the hutch with a deep         • Pelleted food (which prevents selective
cases, your rabbit can be put in for small                                                      pile of shavings and with shavings topped         feeding)
amounts of time if the weather is good.        A waterproof roof with overhanging eaves         with straw in the sleeping compartment.
                                               will keep your rabbit’s hutch dry. A good        As rabbits urinate heavily, soiled bedding      Other food:
It is important to reduce stress as much       hutch will also contain an enclosed sleeping     needs to be changed daily. They usually use
as possible, particularly in the first two     area with plenty of living space.                the same spot for this and do not normally      • Plenty of good quality, fresh hay should
weeks of your rabbit being in his new                                                           dirty their bedding. It is a good idea to use     be available to help with digestion.
surroundings. Given time, your nervous         When there is very cold weather the hutch        a litter tray in the ‘toilet’ corner to make
                                               should be covered or brought into a shed or                                                      • Fresh, clean fruit and vegetables can
rabbit can turn into a happy and friendly                                                       cleaning easier.
                                               outhouse that offers natural light and good                                                        be given every day. Suitable produce
member of the family.
                                               ventilation without vehicle fumes.                                                                 includes: apple, Brussels sprouts,
                                                                                                A healthy diet and treats                         cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale,
                                               Bubble wrap or foam backed carpet can                                                              parsnip, pear and spinach. Wild plants
                                                                                                A rabbit’s diet should be made up of:             such as dandelion, plantain, chickweed
                                               provide good additional insulation when          • 85% hay or grass
                                               draped over the hutch at night. You can also                                                       and knapweed can also be offered (only if
                                                                                                • 10% leafy green veg                             not taken from busy roadsides). To avoid
                                               buy a special hutch cover if you prefer.
                                               Your rabbit’s hutch will need to last 8 to       • 5% extruded pellets or nuggets (about an        diarrhoea, introduce fresh produce slowly
                                               10 years so consider this purchase wisely.         egg-cup full)                                   if your rabbit is not used to eating it.
                                               Wood will last longer than ply but may                                                           • A mineral lickstone provides essential
                                               need weather-proofing. You can treat the         Rabbits are grazing animals and should            salts and minerals and should be
                                               exterior of the hutch with gloss paint or        have constant access to hay or grass.             available at all times.
                                               polyurethane varnish. Alway check the            Offer pelleted mix in the morning or            • Wood gnaws help to wear down your
                                               product used is suitable and will not harm       evening as too much can cause obesity             rabbit’s teeth keeping them from
                                               your rabbit. The treatment will need to be       and constipation.                                 becoming overgrown.
                                               totally dry before your rabbit can enter.
                                                                                                Any change to your rabbit’s diet should be      • Treat your rabbits with natural sweet
                                                                                                made gradually, over several days. Do not         treats such as fruit e.g. a bite of banana
                                               Hutch size
                                                                                                change from one food to another overnight         or apple, or small chunks of ‘sweet’
                                               • 1.5m (5 feet) for dwarf rabbits                                                                  vegetables such as carrots and broccoli.
                                                                                                as this can cause them great stress.
                                               • 1.8m (6 feet) for other rabbits
                                               It is a legal obligation for owners to provide
                                               suitable housing for their pets. Any rabbit
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your rabbit

                         Poisonous plants                                     then you may be able to progress to gently
                         Your rabbit will be vulnerable to poisonous          placing your hands around the back end
                         plants around the garden and home. If you            and under the shoulders, always supporting
                         have these growing, ensure your rabbit               the legs. This lets him get used to the feeling
                         cannot get to them.                                  of being lifted. Once he’s familiar with lifting
                                                                              you may be able to gently and quickly scoop
                         • All houseplants.                                   your rabbit up using both hands supporting
                                                                              the weight of his body and place him in
                         • Bulbs such as snowdrops, hyacinths
                                                                              your lap. Now you can give him a treat
                           (including grape hyacinths), bluebells,
                                                                              but if at any point your rabbit panics, then
                           crocuses, daffodils.
                                                                              stop handling for the day. Keep trying the
                         • Buttercups, foxgloves, primrose,                   process again until your rabbit becomes
                           delphiniums/larkspur, columbine                    accustomed to you and handling.
                           (aquilegia) hellebore, comfrey, poppy,
                           periwinkle, monkshood, nightshade, ivy,            When placing your rabbit in his hutch, lower
                           privet, holly.                                     him in gently. Never pick up a rabbit by the
                                                                              ears, or by the scruff of the neck.

                         Getting to know you                                  Exercise your rabbit
                         While many rabbits can get used to being             needs
                         handled with time, don’t assume that
                         they always enjoy being handled. Rabbits             Exercise is very important to rabbits for
                         that have been handled between 4 and 8               their health and wellbeing. They will suffer if
                         weeks of age (which is the time spent with           they stay in their hutch all the time.
                         the breeders) are much more amenable
                         to being handled than those who have                 A large run allows rabbits to graze, dig and
                         had little or no human contact during this           binky - which is when a rabbit jumps with
                         key phase.                                           happiness.

                         Daily handling of your rabbit is vital if he is to   Free reign of your house or garden can be
                         feel at ease with the situation.                     given but only with close supervision. There
                                                                              are many potential dangers to your rabbit
                         Remember, a rabbit is a prey animal so it is         and property which need to be monitored.
                         natural for them to fear anything that tries
                         to whisk them off into the air.                      Rabbits will enjoy playing with toys such as
                                                                              balls, tubes, tunnels and boxes. Rabbits love
                         Start by hand feeding one or two of your             to pick up toys and throw them, so light toys
                         rabbit’s favourite treats or fresh produce           are ideal.
                         for the first couple of days. Once he is used
                         to that, slowly progress to stroking him             At night your rabbit must be locked into his
                         while he is feeding. Try stroking his forehead       hutch for security.
                         or back, as these are less sensitive areas,
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your rabbit

Rabbits and other pets                          How your rabbit may                               displaying fear and aggression will need
                                                                                                  time and patience to gain the trust of the
                                                                                                                                                  Potential health issues
Rabbits shouldn’t be kept alone, unless they    behave                                            owner. If your rabbit feels unsafe when         with rabbits
are a house rabbit which will receive lots of   It is important to understand rabbit              first being handled, he will try to avoid the   Flystrike
attention. Company is important to rabbits      behaviour to interpret your pet’s feelings        situation again, which normally means
in preventing psychological and behavioural                                                                                                       This is a serious condition and is quite
                                                about their environment and what may              kicking and struggling to get away.
problems. The best pairing is a neutered                                                                                                          common. It usually happens during hot
                                                need to be altered to make it the happiest                                                        summer weather and is caused by flies
male and female of the same species.            rabbit it can be.                                 If you have a rabbit that doesn’t like to be
                                                                                                                                                  settling on soiled fur under the rabbit’s tail
                                                                                                  handled, spend time on its level, for example
Male rabbits may be kept together if they                                                                                                         and laying eggs. Maggots will then burrow
                                                Normal rabbit behaviour                           sitting on the floor while he runs around
are neutered and taken home at the same                                                                                                           into the rabbit’s skin causing toxic shock
                                                                                                  you. You must gain your rabbit’s confidence
time, however, there is still a chance they     Rabbits that don’t want to be handled, that                                                       and many affected rabbits do not survive.
                                                                                                  and ensure that he associates human
may fight.                                      kick, scratch or show signs of aggression
                                                                                                  contact with positive experiences. Using
                                                are usually scared. In the wild, rabbits                                                          This can be prevented by keeping the hutch
                                                                                                  treats in this respect is ideal.
Females can usually live happily in twos        that feel threatened by predators would                                                           clean, checking your rabbit’s fur daily and
or threes, if they are neutered and kept        normally retreat into their warren for safety.                                                    using a fly repellent spray. Consult a vet
                                                                                                  Some female rabbits may display some
together at the same time and given plenty      If they can’t do this then the last resort                                                        immediately if you spot this problem.
                                                                                                  kind of aggression around the breeding
of space.                                       would be for the rabbit to attack to save its
                                                                                                  season (January to June) when they would
                                                own life.                                                                                         Constipation or diarrhoea
                                                                                                  want to protect their nest and young. This
Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be                                                             is perfectly natural, but is not always the     This may be a sign of a simple dietary
kept together.                                  In the home environment we do not                                                                 disorder or caused by a blockage caused
                                                                                                  case as some females will show no signs of
                                                normally have the facilities for escape into                                                      by eating the wrong foods. For constipation
                                                                                                  aggression at all.
                                                a warm secure warren. A hutch restricts                                                           feed more greens and for diarrhoea
                                                the rabbits’ environment because in the                                                           withhold green foods until the symptoms
                                                                                                  Neutering may reduce some aggression,
                                                wild they would live in a huge network                                                            subside. Both of these conditions can kill
                                                                                                  but only if the cause is hormonal e.g. sexual
                                                of tunnels and dens. This explains why                                                            within 48 hours so veterinary advice should
                                                                                                  aggression towards another rabbit, or
                                                sometimes they react against their owners                                                         be sought as soon as possible.
                                                                                                  females defending their ‘nest’.
                                                because they perceive them as a predator.
                                                This behaviour includes stamping a back                                                           Overgrown teeth
                                                foot or charging and nudging your hand            Rabbit gender and
                                                                                                                                                  Teeth are really important to your rabbit’s
                                                with their nose.                                  neutering                                       health so they must be checked regularly
                                                                                                  Please ask a member of our team to              to ensure they are not overgrown or
                                                This is perfectly normal behaviour and
                                                                                                  confirm the sex of your rabbit before buying.   aligning properly. If unsure, have your rabbit
                                                shouldn’t be confused with aggression. It
                                                                                                                                                  checked by a vet.
                                                sometimes happens when we invade the
                                                rabbit’s territory (even by just reaching in to   Neutered rabbits are easier to toilet train,
                                                                                                  are better behaved and lead less stressful      Grooming
                                                fill the food bowl).
                                                                                                  lives. Neutering also eliminates ovarian,       Regular grooming is essential for long and
                                                Although this is normal behaviour for a           uterine or testicular cancers. This can be      short haired rabbits especially when they
                                                rabbit, it is not considered acceptable,          done by a vet when rabbits reach 4 to 6         are moulting. Grooming equipment should
                                                particularly around children. A rabbit            months of age.                                  be soft and used very carefully as rabbits
                                                                                                                                                  have very delicate skin. There are several
                                                                                                                                                  tools on the market, a rubber pimple
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Caring for your rabbit

                         or soft brush will be great for general         Your new pet checklist
                         grooming but you will need something
                         harder during moulting.                           Large hutch and run
                                                                           Water bottle
                         Stress and fear can not only lead to              Woodchips
                         aggression, but can also cause illness,           Feeding bowl
                         especially in young rabbits. When
                         stressed, their body slows down all               Straw
                         functions and the stomach is less able            Cage disinfectant
                         to digest food. This means the beneficial
                         bacteria found in the gut is taken over           Hay
                         by harmful bacteria causing diarrhoea,            Vitamins
                         bloated abdomen and can sometimes
                         be fatal. If your rabbit is showing signs of      Food
                         stress, seek veterinary advice.                   Brush
                                                                           Mineral lickstone
                         Vaccinations and vet
                         visits                                            Toys
                                                                           Plastic or cardboard
                         We strongly advise that you seek out a
                         good local vet for long term care of your         Tunnels
                         rabbit. Rabbits are classed as Exotics so
                         you will need to find an Exotic Vet or rabbit
                         savvy vet.

                         It is important to have your rabbit
                         vaccinated every year against myxomatosis
                         and two strains of rabbit viral haemorrhagic
                         disease (RVHD1 & 2).

                         Consult your vet about neutering which
                         is essential for the rabbit’s health and
                         wellbeing. Teeth should also be checked

                         Pet insurance for your
                         We highly recommend taking pet insurance
                         for your rabbit as soon as he is settled into
                         his new home.
Caring for your rabbit - How to keep pet rabbits healthy and happy - Notcutts
Help and
further advice
If you have any questions about caring for      It is against the law to release, or allow to
your pet, our fully trained team are happy to   escape, non-native animals or birds. If you
help if they can, or advise on where to find    have trouble caring for any animals contact
more specialist information.                    our team for advice.

Whilst there is a wealth of information
available online, only a professional will
be able to correctly answer your query.
If in doubt, call your local vet for an

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