Catholic Cathedral College

Catholic Cathedral College
Catholic Cathedral College
                                              Te Waka Whakapono
                                                Pānui o Te Kura

2019 Theme: Presence - Aroaro
May 3, 2019
Kia ora koutou, Talofa lava, Mālo ē lelei, Kumusta and warm Catholic Cathedral College greetings! This is the first
Panui for Term 2 and it is an privilege to be writing the Principal’s opening message as Acting Principal for this
Term in Tony’s absence.
I hope the Term has started well for you all. Here at school our Term commenced with a student led Resurrection
Liturgy. The students delivered performed narratives of the resurrection of Christ from the Gospel and
concluded with a prayer to honour our risen Lord. The resurrection liturgy was an appropriate way for us to start
our Term and turn our focus to the new life and hope. The resurrection gives meaning and direction and the
opportunity to start over no matter what someone’s circumstances are.
Following our Liturgy we held a Mihi Whakatau to welcome our new students and teacher. Ling He has joined
our College whānau and will be teaching Mathematics. Other staffing changes for the Term include Stephen
Crean and Rachael Hogan stepping up as Acting Deputy Principals and Shirley Dobson as Acting Assistant
Principal. Our Senior Leadership team also consists of Rosemary Madden as our Director of Religious Studies
and Vanessa Shearer as our Executive Officer. It comforting to work with a highly skilled team of people in Tony’s
This week at our Board of Trustee hui, Taryn Caley our Head of the Science Department shared her biannual
report on how science is progressing at Catholic Cathedral College. Whilst Taryn presented a stunning report on
the progress of student achievement in Science, it was the growth in the number of senior student choosing to
take one or more of the science subjects that was a testament to the hard work of Taryn and her team over the
last couple of years. Our students enjoy science and it was good to see these in action this week when I browsed
one of our Year 7 & 8 science classes. The students in Seonaia Zelter’s class have all been working on individual
science projects. The presentation of these projects was impressive and what was more impressive was how the
students were able to tell me about their science experiment and what they had learnt testing their hypothesis.
I learnt a few new things myself from the student’s experiments. Please see the picture of Jemma Bringans with
her experiment write-up later in this panui.
Lastly, when I met with the student leadership team this week they were very excited at the prospect of rolling
out more new initiatives for our College community for Term 2. One of the school wide initiatives for this Term
will be the introduction of a schoolwide morning prayer over our PA system. Our school prayer (see below) will
be led by a year 13 student every day at the start of period one.
I wish you all a safe and restful weekend.
Mā te Atua koutou katoa e manaaki
Lee-Ann Nanai-Stewart
Catholic Cathedral College
School Prayer
                                             Te Kura Inoi - The School Prayer
                                                    E te Atua o te Aroha
                                    We pray for our community of Te Waka Whakapono.
                                          May we grow in Respect for ourselves,
                                                 each other and our world.
                                      May whakaute lead to Service to those in need.
                                    Through manaakitanga may we bring about Justice.
                                     In manatika may we share the Mission and Truth
                                                       of the gospels,
                                              as we are called to live by faith.
                                            This we pray in the spirit of our founders.
                                                       Euphrasie Barbier
                                                 - whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
                                                  Saint Marcellin Champagnat
                                                - whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
                                                      Mary Mother of God
                                                - whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou

Antje Duda – Pastoral Chaplain
Our Aotearoa Easter is in Autumn season, Lord,
when the earth is spent, its bounty poured out in harvest
the in-gathering of grain and fruit and hay,
of kumara and crops rooted in the warm,
patient and provident soil.
We, in our worship, are out of rhythm with our earth:
We celebrate no harvest festival in wonder and thanks
and love.
The earth’s autumn exhaustion echoes
your words from the cross
‘Father I have finished the work you gave me to do’
and autumn rains,
Rangi’s tears, fall on the face of our fields
as Mary’s tears mingled with the blood of your face,
asleep in death, my Lord.
Even as earth, bled of life, lies in exhaustion,
deep down, mysterious,
life-forces stir to revive, to restore the spent fertility;
and then in Easter,
the same revitalizing, re-charging, re-invigorating Spirit works,
even in our weakness and apathy.
E te Atua o te Aroha
In our Autumn-Easter
Re-empower us
Spirit of Life.
Manaaki te Atua ia koutou
Catholic Cathedral College
Polyfest is Happening This Weekend!
Due to the limited capacity of our venue for health and safety purposes we will be utilising a ‘rolling
audience’ approach if it becomes necessary to manage audience numbers during the event. To
support the management of the event we are asking parents, staff and school community to attend
only the section their child/school is performing in. We are also encouraging spectators to bring
picnic/beach rugs, chairs, etc. as the audience will be expected to be seated.
Polyfest date: Saturday 4 May
Where: A&P Showgrounds; Christchurch Riding for the Disabled Arena, the Rugby League fields entrance.
Catholic Cathedral College
Year 9/10 Parent Interviews
A reminder that the Year 9/10 Interviews are next Thursday from 5pm – 7.30pm.
These will be held in the College Hall. If you have not already done so, bookings can be made online at The event code is 8fjzv.
Please bring your student with you. Uniform is not required.

We are delighted to announce the arrival of …………

                                    Noah Benjamin Lever
                                    Born 1st April 2019
                                    3.9kg (right)

                                    Annabelle Mary Sneesby
                                    Born 24 April 2019
                                    4.55kg (left)

                                    Mothers and babies are all doing well. We wish them many joyful
                                    moments in their new life together.

A Reminder – Please DO NOT drive into the school grounds
unless there is a medical reason.
With Winter coming on we appreciate the weather may be colder and wetter but
students still need to be dropped off OUTSIDE the school gates. We thank you in
advance for your co-operation with this.

Jemma Bringans - Science Experiment
Catholic Cathedral College
Lecture by Fr Guy Consolmagno

“ Science and religion are opposed whereas in fact they
help and inform each other. “
This was the message we heard from the Head of the
Vatican Observatory, Fr Guy Consolmagno, who visited
Christchurch on Tuesday 30th of April and spoke to
College students and teachers. In a thought-provoking lecture, he encouraged students to engage with science
in the pursuit of truth. He also advised them to be patient with life when making decisions as the way forward
may not always be clear at the time.
Fr Guy spoke of his joy in Science as way to encounter God. This lecture left us with a new scientific journey to
explore. If you are interested, many of Brother Guys talk are available on YouTube.

Youth UN Movement
Last term Daniel McNeill attended the Canterbury Model United
Nations conference organised by the NZ UN Youth movement. The
theme of this conference was the changing nature of industry,
which resulted in many interesting, thought provoking discussions
and debates.
Catholic Cathedral College
Year 12 Physics Radioactivity Trip
At the end of last term, the Year 12 Physics class
visited the Science Labs at the University of
Canterbury to learn more about Radioactive

                                                            We can safely report that not one of them
                                                            glowed in the dark afterwards.
                                                             Photo credits Keith Milla and Mark Coronel

Careers at Cathedral College – Lincoln University Farm Camp
Over the holidays, Rabobank, Lincoln University & NZ Young Farmers held a four day camp at Lincoln
University. Catholic Cathedral College Science Dept sent 5 students, Paul Baliguat, Vinne Hatcher, Joseph
McNeill, Andrei Pechay and Ralph Rasonabe. During this time the students visited a Dairy Shed at Rakaia
Island (on a Corporate farm). Students got to see the Careers pathways in the agricultural food production and
supply chain. This was just one of many interactive activities and on-site visits. Lincoln University reported
that our students were 'just a delight' to have around.
Catholic Cathedral College
McDonalds Thompson Trophy Basketball Competition
The McDonalds Thompson Trophy Basketball Competition begins next Tuesday night
(7th May), 7.30pm in the Gym. Our Senior A Boys have a home game against Rangiora
New Life School. Supporters welcome!

Sebastian Lipp - Cycling
Over the holidays, Year 12 student, Sebastian Lipp was invited by Cycling
New Zealand to spend a week in Cambridge at Sprint School at the
Avantidrome. He spent time with the Elite NZ track cyclists and was
coached by the NZ Sprint Coach which made for a very exciting first week
of the school holidays.
Sebastian has also been selected to represent New Zealand as part of the
Junior Track Cycling Team at the Oceania Track Cycling Championships in
October. This is a fantastic achievement and we wish him well with his

In the last day of Term 1 our Junior Korfball team won the championship trophy 20-7 against Papanui High
School. Great effort to all and well done to Jeric Santa Rita who received a trophy for most goals scored! A
huge thank you to Mr Jackman for going above and beyond for our juniors. Hard work pays off!

James Sampson – Athletics
Last Sunday James Sampson attended the Port Hills Athletics Club prize giving winning
the following.
Gold medal for Club Champs for U16 boys
Most improved for 14th grade boys with most PB's
Trophy - for showing excellent character and conduct, wore the uniform with pride and
reflects well on the whole club. Dedication and commitment.
A fantastic job considering it was his first season competing in athletics and with a club.
Catholic Cathedral College
Young Vinnies
Last Saturday, our Young Vinnies members Christian,
Erick, Joshua, Sean and Louis volunteered and helped
in the shop of St. Vincent de Paul at Stanmore Rd. as
they do now on a regular basis.
They gave their best effort and man and woman power
in giving the service to the shop, helping managing the
clothes donations, sorting out the food in the storage
and also cleaning around the shop. After all the works
and service, the volunteers never failed to give a smile.
Overall, Young Vinnies is such a good organization that
offers good values and lessons through life

Cesse Castro, Young Vinnies President.

Pictured Right "Our Vinnies volunteering in the Vinnies

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students
MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a
guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to
start university in 2020. The comprehensive list includes
scholarships offered by every university as well as those
specifically available to local students. A list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International university
scholarships completes the list. Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars
available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success.
For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page

Our Lady of Victories Youth Group – Run4Unity
With the events of the last few weeks in Christchurch, Sri Lanka and other places of the world, the Youth
Group of OLV Parish have organised an event "Run4Unity" Sunday, 5th May.
Please see the attached poster.
For organizational reasons, please register !
Catholic Cathedral College
PTA Fundraiser
                    Catholic Cathedral College
             The perfect way to celebrate Mothers' Day
 Give mum the VIP treatment with Entertainment! Packed with thousands of valuable
  offers across dining, retail, attractions and travel, an Entertainment Membership is
                          the gift she can enjoy all year round.

 We think Mum will love it even more for supporting Catholic Cathedral College
                      and knowing it helps a good cause.
Catholic Cathedral College
Term Dates 2019
 Term 1        Tuesday 29 January -     Friday 12th April
 Term 2        Monday 29 April      -   Friday 5th July
 Term 3        Monday 22nd July -        Friday 27th Sept
 Term 4        Monday 14th Oct -         Monday 9th Dec

Coming Events
Sat 4 – Polyfest, 1pm, Chch Riding for the Disabled Arena, entrance Curletts Rd by A&P Rugby fields
Tue 7 – School Cross Country, at College
       - PTA Meeting, 4.30pm, Staff room
Wed 8 – Special Character Meeting, 5pm, C1
Thu 9 – Yr 7/8 Winter Catholic Tournament
       Yr 9/10 Parent Interviews, Hall, 5– 7.30pm
Thu 9/Sat 11 - Careers Expo, Horncastle Arena
Thu 16 – Whanau Hui, 6-8pm, Hall
Sun 19 – Diocesan Youth Mass, 5.30pm, St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral
Tue 21 – Pasifika Speech Competition, 6pm, Hornby High School
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