Page created by Terrence French
                               REGISTRATION REVIEW
 A monthly publication featuring the latest information from the pesticide registration/license issuance office. If you
           are receiving this via E-mail there is no fee. If you receive a hardcopy, the fee is $12 per year.
                                 For more information or to report address changes,
                            Please Call (615) 837-5340, or E-Mail JOHN.EWELL@TN.GOV

                                                                                                            May 2013
Applying Pesticides in TN
                                                               Apprentice Termite Technician School
In Tennessee you must be licensed and chartered before
you can apply pesticides for a fee - even if you use non-re-                doing training at TDA
stricted pesticides that you can buy at your local Wal-Mart.
The only exception to this is a Spot-Treatment Only - Lawn
Maintenance certification; a Limited Herbicide Applicator
certification category for those who only wish to spot-spray
with glyphosate in ornamental beds or in areas in conjunc-
tion with hand-weeding or mechanical weed trimming.
Either a category 3 certification or LHA certification will be
required, proof of liability insurance of at least $300,000
and a certification number displayed in the applicator’s
vehicle plus on any trailer used in the business. A person
operating under this special Limited Herbicide Applicator
certification is not authorized to advertise the application
of herbicides or any other pesticide application nor su-
pervise the application of any pesticide by an uncertified        This comprehensive course is designed for those
person. To prepare for the Limited Herbicide Applicator        beginning or needing just a refresher course in the area
exam, one must study the ‘Core’ Applying Pesticides Safely                    of structural pest control.
plus be able to read a pesticide label. You must send in
proof of insurance along with your certification application 2013 Apprentice Termite School Dates
first to John Ewell. He can be reached at 615-837-5340 or
fax 615-837-5012.                                                               June 11th, 12th & 13th

You do not have to be licensed and chartered to ap-                        September 17th, 18th and 19th
ply plain fertilizer, but you would need to be if you apply
fertilizer impregnated with a herbicide or other pesticide      If you have questions regarding registration, please
(‘weed & feed’) due to the pesticide in the product.                  Contact Jerry Seabolt at (615) 837-5178.

The license exam dates for 2013 are: July 16th & 17th,
October 8th & 9th. The Board always meets on the Mon-
day before the license exams. The HLT, HRI, FUS, FUM,
WEC, AQW, AGE & PHMC are given on the first day and the
rest of the exams-the WDO, GRC & BDC are given on the         INSIDE THIS ISSUE
second day. The License Exam application is available
to download from the website. You must qualify to take               Applying Pesticides in Tennessee
a license exam. On the website there are several ways
to qualify to take the license exam. All study materials             2013 Apprentice Termite School Dates
comes from UT-Knoxville and can be ordered by calling
865-974-1286 or by going to their website. http://psep.              Upcoming Recertification Schools
utk.edu/secondlevel/materials.htmdvv AER – Aerial Ap-
                                                                     New products in Tennessee and Label Changes
plicator LHA - Limited Herbicide Applicator
                                                                     2013 License Exam Dates

                                                                                                                       Page 1
Category Codes
                                                                                   (CORE is included as a part of all exams.)
                                                                        C01 – Agricultural                C10 – Demonstration/
                                                                        C02 – Forest                      C11 – Wood Preservative
                                                                        C03 – Ornamental/Turf             C12 – Dealer
                                                                        C04 – Seed Treatment              C13 – Marine Paint
                                                                        C05 – Aquatic                     C14 – Microbial
                                                                        C06 – Right-of-Way                C15 – Trainer, WPS
                                                                        C07 – Structural                  C16 – Sewer Treatment
                                                                        C08 – Public Health
                                                                         AER – Aerial Applicator          LHA - Limited Herbicide

                                                                           Pesticide Certification Core Study Material was updated
                                                                          January 1, 2010. It can now be obtained by mailing form &
                                                                                                  payment to:
                                                                                    UT Pesticide Safety Education Program
                                                                                       2431 Joe Johnson Dr, 205 PSB
   Certification exams are given in the Bruer Building located in the
       Ellington Ag Center, 440 Hogan Rd, Nashville, Tennessee                            Knoxville, TN 37996-4560
                                                                        Phone (865) 974-7138                    Fax (865) 974-8868
                                          APPLICATOR CERTIFICATION SCHOOLS
                                          The following have been approved for recertification credits:
ITV Initial Core Only                  5/1/13       Various Locations   Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286          4(C01 through C14 & C16)

ITV Initial Core Plus                  5/1/13       Various Locations   Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286          4(C01,C02,C04,C05,C08,
                                                                                                              C11,C13,C14,C16) 5(C06)
Clemson Seminar Day 1                  5/1/13       Florence, SC        Ruth Green 423-775-6509               5(C02,C03,C06,C10,C12)

Clemson Seminar Day 2                  5/2/13       Florence, SC        Ruth Green 423-775-6509               2(C02,C03,C06,C10,C12)

Harrell’s Seminar                      5/7/13       Memphis, TN         Mickey Lovett 731-333-6189            3(C03,C10,C12)

Al Invasive Plant Conf                 5/8/13       Columbiana, AL      Stephen Enloe 334-740-9621            1(C03,C05) 5(C02,C10,C12)

Orkin Annual Pest Meeting              5/8/13       Knoxville, TN       Gary Saunders 865-981-1225            4(C08) 6(C07,C10,C12)

2013 Dremc Workshop                    5/9/13       Shelbyville, TN     Jim Barnhart 931-680-5811             5(C02,C03,C06,C10,C12)

Pesticide Management II                5/11/13      Nashville, TN       Bill Randles 615-767-6013             6(C03,C06,C10,C12)

Fly Control & Spider                   5/14/13      Memphis, TN         John Fortino 901-754-8507             2(C07,C08,C10,C12)

MTGCSA                                 5/14/13      Nashville, TN       Jim Uden 615-591-8286                 1(C03,C10,C12)

Commercial Pest Control                5/22/13      Nashville, TN       Phil Hurst 615-837-5404               7(C07,C08,C10,C12)

TPCA Region 6                          5/28/13      Kingsport, TN       Donna Weems 423-358-3052              1(C07,C08,C10,C12)

KPMA Education                         5/30/13      Greenup, KY         Ray Hardebeck 859-431-5611            7(C08) 8(C07,C10,C12)

ITV Initial Core Only                  6/5/13       Various Locations   Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286          4(C01 through 14 & C16)

ITV Initial Core Plus                  6/5/13       Various Locations   Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286          4(C01,C02,C04,C05,C08,
                                                                                                              C11,C13,C14,C16) 5(C06)
Pesticide Labels II                    6/8/13       Nashville, TN       Bill Randles 615-767-6013             6(C03,C06,C10,C12)

*Apprentice Termite School             6/13/13      Nashville, TN       Jerry Seabolt 615-837-5178            17(C07,C10,C12)

2013 Weed Tour                         6/20/13      Jackson, TN         Dr. Larry Steckel 731-425-4734        3(C01,C04,C10,C12)

                                                                                                                                         Page 2
TPCA Region 6                       6/25/13     Kingsport, TN        Donna Weems 423-358-3052             1(C07,C08,C10,C12)

 Tobacco Beef & More                 6/27/13     Springfield, TN      Barry Sims 615-382-3130              3(C01,C04,C10,C12)

 ITV Initial Core Only               7/3/13      Various Locations    Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C01 through C14 & C16)

 ITV Initial Core Plus               7/3/13      Various Locations    Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C01,C02,C04,C05,C08,
                                                                                                           C11,C13,C14,C16) 5(C06)
 Pesticide Formulations II           7/13/13     Nashville, TN        Bill Randles 615-767-6013            6(C03,C06,C10,C12)

 HLT License Training                7/15/13     Nashville, TN        Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C06) 8(C03,C10,C12)

 PHMC License Training               7/15/13     Nashville, TN        Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C07,C08,C10,C12)

 GRC License Training                7/16/13     Nashville, TN        Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C07,C08,C10,C12)

 WDO License Training                7/16/13     Nashville, TN        Darrell Hensley 865-974-1286         4(C07,C08,C10,C12)

 TPCA Region 6 Safety                7/23/13 Kingsport, TN            Donna Weems 423-358-3052             1(C07,C08,C10,C12)

 Fire Ant Control & Solitare         7/25/13     Maryville, TN        Gary Stockton 865-984-4652           1(C07,C08) 2(C03,C10,C12)
Rosters and exam applications should be submitted using current forms. These can be found by going to TDA website www.tn.gov/agri-
culture and clicking on Downloadable Forms. When submitting rosters, please use TN ID numbers if possible.
Please make sure to write legibly – If we can’t read it, We can’t enter it!
*Potential points-contingent upon actual sessions attended. No more than 75% of one’s total point requirement can be from only one
** Various Locations, Please call contact person for further information
“You can also search online schools by entering the words “various” or “statewide” under “city” on the website: www.tn.gov/agriculture
and click on Online Pesticide System.

***TDA is developing an e-newsletter. If you would like to receive this newsletter you will need to provide TDA an e-mail address for that
purpose. You will have the option to un-scribe if you don’t want to continue to receive the newsletter.
Pest Control Professionals: On April 14, 2011 Governor Haslam approved the changes for House Bill 1240 regarding 62-21-102
(22) which now reads as listed. This change became effective on April 14, 2011.
 “Under the direct supervision” means any application or sale of a pesticide by a certified applicator acting under the instructions and
control of a private applicator, commercial applicator or commercial pest control operator who is available if and when needed, if the ap-
plicator or operator is physically present or in the direct communication by conventional means of communication.

**Certification Information: Anyone holding an active certification MUST have accrued at least 1 ceu in that category BEFORE Octo-
ber 21, 2013, because you cannot earn all your required ceu’s in only one certification year. Even if you became certified in October of
last year, you still MUST earn 1 ceu before October 21, 2013. Applicators becoming certified after October 21, 2013, within the 3rd year
of the certification cycle, must earn ceu’s at more than one meeting because you cannot earn more than 75% of your total point require-
ment at any one school. If you should have any questions, please give our certification section a call.

@School attendance registration is now online! If your school has been submitted in time for a confirmation letter to be sent to
you before your school is held, then you will see at the bottom of the confirmation letter an option to register your school’s attendees on
the day of the meeting, via the internet, and will be able to automatically generate the paper form (one copy must be sent to TDA while a
second copy is for your records). This option does not apply to schools approved for multiple dates at various locations. All you need is an
internet-connected computer and a printer at your school’s registration desk. Your secure login and password are included in the con-
firmation letter. PLEASE NOTE: If you are not using @School, you are still required to submit the necessary hand-written roster, just like
always. Also, if the roster is NOT entered on the actual date of the meeting or if technical problems occur, you must submit your written
roster as usual by mail or by fax 615-837-5012. @School points will be credited within 24 hours online.


(d) No permit or renewal of a permit shall be issued to an applicant for a permit under the foregoing authorities until all
fees required by this part are paid in full.

(e) (1) Unless otherwise stipulated in this part, if any part of any fee imposed under this part is not paid within fifteen (15)
days of the due date, a penalty of five percent (5%) of the amount due shall at once accrue and be added to the amount
due. Thereafter, on the first day of each month during which any part of any fee or any prior accrued penalty remains
unpaid, an additional penalty of five percent (5%) of the then unpaid balance shall accrue and be added to the unpaid bal-
ance. In addition, the fees not paid within fifteen (15) days after the due date shall bear interest at the maximum lawful
rate from the due date to the date paid.

                                                                                                                                       Page 3
Master Commercial Pest Control School

This school sponsored by The Middle Tennessee Pest Control Association (MTPCA) in association with the TN Dept. of Agric.(TDA).

This is a comprehensive course designed for those engaged in the performance of commercial pest control activities.

Subjects to be covered are Flies, German Roaches, Stored Product Pests, Rodents, Ants, equipment maintenance, and inspection tech-
niques. You will be awarded CEU points in category 7 (Industrial, Institutional, Structural, and Health Related Pest Control) for participat-
ing in the training.

See attached registration form for additional information.

                                        CUSTOM PESTICIDE APPLICATORS - NEW & CHANGES

Enviromental Technologies, 4352 BellHwy, Jackson, TN 731-697-7900 Ch# 4721 Arthur Perry Butler (SPC)
Outdoors Unlimited, Inc, 1211 Timber Creek Dr. Murfeesboro, TN 615-642-0757 Ch#4722 Johnathan Burke Skelton (HLT)
Cullex Partners LLC DBA Mosquito Authority of West TN, 3650 Oakley Avenue, Memphis, TN 901-500-7681 Ch# 4724 David B.
Parker (GRC)
Essential Pest Control, 2518 Lyndon Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 423-987-0173 Ch# 4725 Mark Ketterer (GRC)
Optimus Pest Solutions, LLC, 114 Natcor Dr, Dover, TN 931-305-1566 Ch# 4726 Matthew K. Sisemore (GRC, WDO)
Dac Lawn care of Tennessee DBA Weedman, 246 Rockland Rd, Unit 104, Hendersonville, TN 615-649-0702 CH# 4727 James C.
Evans (HLT)
Utral Green, LLC, 1459 Rochester Drive, Murfreesboro, TN615-717-7456 Ch# 4728 Caleb Ault(HLT)

                                                  Key for Custom Applicators

   WDO = wood destroying organism		             FUS = fumigation soil		            HLT = horticultural lawn & turf
   GRC = general pest & rodent control          FUM = fumigation		                 PCC = pest control consultant
   WEC = weed right-of-way			                   BDC = bird control		               HRI = horticultural interior
   AQW = aquatic weed                              AGE = agriculture ground        SPC = special		            AER = aerial

                                       NEW PRODUCTS IN TENNESSEE & LABEL CHANGES
 (Basf Corp) Fastac EC (EPA reg 7969-298) RUP; AI= alpha-cypermethrin; seasonal use and preharvest interval to control various
 (Control Solutions) Quali-Pro ABBA CS (EPA reg 53883-294) AI= abamectin; control leafminers, mites, aphids, whiteflies, and thrrips
 on ornamental plants
 (Direct AG Source, LLC) Bifen 2 AG Gold (EPA reg 83222-1) RUP; AI= bifenthrin; controls various insects on ornamentals and trees
 (Helena Chemical) Seed Shield Beans (EPA reg 100-1384-5905) AI= thiamethoxam; insecticide with three fungicides
 (Nufarm Americas) Kilter (EPA reg 228-717) RUP; AI= imidacloprid; for agricultural use to control various insects
 (Ortho) Home Defense (EPA reg 1021-2570-239) AI= cyclopropanecarboxylate; dual-action bed bug killer protects for up to 2 weeks
 (Rainbow Treecare) Xytect 10% (EPA reg 74779-11) AI= imidacloprid; systemic for tree injection on forest and ornamental trees
 (RedEagle International, LLC) Acephate 97 DF (EPA reg 85678-26) AI= acephate; control pests on selected agricultural crops and
 non-crop areas
 (United Phosphorus) Hawk-I 75WSP (EPA reg 70506-257) AI= imidacloprid; foliar and systemic insect control in turgrass, ornamen-
 tals, fruit and nut trees and interior plantscapes
 (Whitmire Micro-Gen) Termidor Foam (EPA reg 499-563) AI= fipronil; kills termites and various insects for use around structures and
 limited spot treatments
 (Willowood, LLC) Imidacloprid 4SC (EPA reg 87290-26) AI= imidacloprid; for control of various insects in pest management that may
 vector diseases and maintenance of plant health
                                                 Herbicides & Plant Growth Regulators
 (FMC Corp) Authority Elite (EPA reg 279-3442) AI= sulfentrazone; soil-applied for control of susceptible broadleaf, grass and sedge
 (Makhteshim Agan) Outflank (EPA reg 66222-252) AI= flumioxazin; control grasses & suppression of weeds in cotton and various
 (United Phosphorus) Starfighter L (EPA reg 8970506-280) AI= oxadiazon; preemergence for control of annual grasses and broadleaf
 weeds in turf, nurseries and ornamentals
 (Willowood, LLC) Paraquat 3SL (EPA reg 87290-35) RUP; AI= paraquat dichloride; control of weeds and grasses and a harvest aid

                                                                                                                                         Page 4
Fungicides, Rodenticides, & Other Pesticides
(Arysta LifeScience) Fortix (EPA reg 66330-409) AI= fluoxastrobin; broad spectrum fungicide for the control of various diseases in
(Control Solutions) Martin’s Systemic Fungicide RTS (EPA reg 53883-184) AI= propiconazole; prevents and controls diseases on
roses, flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs
(Prime Source, LLC) Trin-Pac Select (EPA reg 89442-7) AI= trinexapac-ethyl; for turf growth management
(Syngenta) Maxim Quattro (EPA reg 100-1352) AI= fludioxonil; seed treatment for control of fungal diseases of field corn, sweet corn,
and popcorn
(Valent) Rizolex (EPA reg 59639-178) AI= tolclofos-methyl; fungicide seed treatment and seedling protection

   AI = active ingredient				                           IGR= insect growth regulator                RTU = ready-to-use
   EPA reg = EPA Registration Number		                  PCO = for pest control professionals        RUP = restricted-use pesticide
   HLT = lawn and/or outdoor ornamental use             (name in parenthesis) = Registrant          WSB = water soluble bags

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age,
 disability, or military service in its policies or in the admission or access to or treatment or employment in its programs, services, or

                          Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Authorization No. 325390, 600 copies per
                         month, October, 2009. This document was promulgated at a cost of $0.25 per copy.
                                               Tennessee Department of Agriculture
                                                  Division of Regulatory Services
                                                          P O Box 40627
                                                        Nashville TN 37204

                                                                                                                                     Page 5
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