Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette

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Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
Century                                      As the University celebrates 100 years

                                             of women’s sports, a handful of
                                             prominent former student-athletes
                                             recall their athletic triumphs and
                                             hurdles—and the paths they both
                                             followed and paved. By Dave Zeitlin
Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
Captains of Penn’s women’s teams in 1940
                                                                                       show off their uniforms and equipment.

      ot long after the Penn men’s bas-    forgotten,” declares a page from the Uni-     Few records exist from that 1921–22
      ketball team captured the 1920       versity’s 1922 women’s yearbook. “For       season—the women’s basketball team’s
      national championship, members       who would imagine last year that we         first of intercollegiate competition—
      of the University’s newly formed     would be able to invite teams to come       but the yearbook does boast of fi ve
      women’s team were enjoying a dif-    play us, as we did George Washington,       victories, including its “big game” over
ferent kind of hoops delight.              Adelphi, and Pittsburgh? The first fine       the University of Pittsburgh. “Basket-
  “The thrill of seeing our first printed   exaltation that we felt when we first saw    ball is not all,” the yearbook continued.
basketball schedule still lingers—the      those ‘Penn beat Pitt’ tags and knew they   “Hiking, fencing, swimming—all our
sight of the Penn–Pitt game is not yet     referred to us, still is with us.”          sports are flourishing.”
Photograph courtesy Penn Archives                                                             Jul | Aug 2021 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE 31
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The women’s basketball team played six games
                                                                                          in 1938, including two away from home in which
                                                                                          teas were “held for the Pennsylvania women
                                                                                          after the game.”

  The groundwork for these achieve-           competition to intramural activity. And     and joining Ivy League competition
ments had been laid just one year ear-        once it returned to intercollegiate play    while records and statistics were main-
lier—and about 40 years after women           after about a decade, games were local      tained and preserved. But it took even
began to earn degrees from the Univer-        and the stakes seemingly small. In the      longer for many women to be properly
sity—with the foundation of the Wom-          campus history series book University of    recognized for their athletic skills.
en’s Athletic Association. Led by physical    Pennsylvania, a photo of the 1938 wom-        To paint a picture of some of these strug-
education instructor Margaret Majer           en’s basketball team accompanies a pas-     gles and triumphs, we’ve spotlighted a
(who left Penn in 1924 to marry Olympic       sage describing its season as four home     handful of the University’s most promi-
gold medalist John Kelly and whose fu-        games and two away games, including a       nent female athletes over the past half-
ture children would include Olympic           quote from the 1939 women’s yearbook        century, spanning several different de-
rower Jack Kelly C’50 and the actress         that explains “the inconvenience of out-    cades and sports, all of whom have pushed
                                                                                          their programs forward—beginning with
                                                                                          a “double All-American” who arrived on
                                                                                          campus at a transformational time.

                                                                                          Olympic Ambitions
                                                                                          “The word may not yet have gone forth
                                                                                          from Weightman Hall, but the Penn ath-
                                                                                          lete who received the highest national
                                                                                          recognition last year is a woman.”
                                                                                            So reads the opening paragraph of a
                                                                                          feature story in the Gazette’s December
                                                                                          1972 issue titled “Meet Penn’s Double
                                                                                            After describing some of Julie Staver
                                                                                          CW’74 V’82’s feats in field hockey and la-
                                                                                          crosse, the author Susie Adams CW’72
                                                                                          continues, with more than a hint of be-
                                                                                          mused bitterness: “Why are her achieve-
                                                                                          ments secret? Because, first of all, being
                                                                                          a woman athlete at Penn is like being a
Grace Kelly), the association paved the       of-town games was more than compen-         teetotaler at a cocktail party; it’s unusual,
way for the creation of several women’s       sated by the graciousness of the oppo-      gauche, but tolerable if kept quiet. It isn’t
teams and funding for new facilities.         nent-hostesses who held teas for the        just that Penn alumni haven’t heard of
  A century later, the University’s Divi-     Pennsylvania women after the game.”         Julie; unless they play on teams with her
sion of Recreation and Intercollegiate          Over the next few decades, women          or sit beside her in a Russian lit course,
Athletics is honoring the 100th anniver-      continued to fight for an athletic perch.    even Penn students draw a blank when
sary of the Women’s Athletic Association      Top athletes like Penn Athletics Hall of    you mention the star in their midst.”
and the official start of women’s athletics   Famers Cynthia Johnson Crowley CW’52          An All-American in field hockey (1973)
at Penn. The celebration will include old     (softball/basketball/badminton) and         and lacrosse (1973, 1974) who played on
photos, interviews, and video montages        Penny Teaf Goulding CW’65 GEd’65            numerous US national field hockey and
at pennathletics.com, as well as special-     (field hockey/softball/basketball/la-       lacrosse teams throughout the 1970s and
ly made patches on the uniforms of            crosse/badminton) played for multiple       ’80s, Staver’s place in Penn Athletics lore
Penn’s 16 varsity women’s teams—some          Penn teams, a stark contrast to the high-   is now secure. The Julie Staver Award,
of which have risen to championship-          ly specialized nature of sports today.      which Penn presents annually to the
level prominence.                               It wasn’t until the 1970s—when Title      outstanding athlete who competes in
  But it hasn’t been an easy road to get      IX of the federal Education Amend-          both of her sports, has ensured that.
there, and title aspirations haven’t always   ments of 1972 prohibited sex-based dis-       But Staver, now a veterinarian in Read-
been possible. About five years after its      crimination—that women’s sports began       ing, Pennsylvania, doesn’t sugarcoat
founding, the Women’s Athletic Associa-       to more closely resemble the men’s          what her athletic experiences were like
tion shifted its focus from intercollegiate   game, with teams earning varsity status     at the time. “I came to Penn when wom-
32 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE Jul | Aug 2021                                                                      Photograph courtesy Penn Archives
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Julie Staver CW’74 V’82, left, and Alicia McConnell
                                                                                              C’85 dominated their primary sports—field hockey
                                                                                              and squash, respectively—and also lacrosse even
                                                                                              though neither had played it before getting to Penn.

                                                made a huge difference,” bringing better        Even if there wasn’t always much fan-
                                                access to trainers, physical therapists,      fare, other women followed Daniel and
                                                and full-time coaches. At Penn, Staver        Staver to the Olympics, including fencer
                                                played under Ann Sage, a pioneering           Mary O’Neill C’86 and a slew of rowers
                                                head coach at Penn who helped build           from Anita DeFrantz L’77 to Susan Fran-
                                                both the field hockey and lacrosse pro-        cia C’04 G’04 [“Gold, Again,” Sep|Oct
                                                grams, and then spent a couple of years       2012] to Regina Salmons C’18, who has
                                                as her assistant after graduation.            been tapped to join Team USA this sum-
                                                  Staver also continued to play on the        mer in Tokyo.
                                                US national field hockey team after              “There are always battles to be fought,”
                                                graduating (picking that over lacrosse        Staver says. “But it’s awesome to be a
                                                because she couldn’t handle traveling         part of that history.”
                                                for both) and even after starting at Penn’s
                                                School of Veterinary Medicine in 1978.
                                                She initially planned to hang up her
                                                cleats after the 1980 Summer Olympics,
                                                the first in which women’s field hockey
                                                was a sport. But after the US boycotted
                                                the Games, which she notes was “devas-
en’s athletics wasn’t very well support-        tating for lots of people,” she decided to
ed,” she says. Whether that meant shar-         hang on for four more years, through her
ing uniforms, buying her own equip-             vet school graduation and the beginning
ment, or playing games on Hill Field,           of her career as a veterinarian.
“where sometimes you had to fight with             Staver ended up serving as cocaptain of
the intramural guys to get off the field         the US field hockey team at the 1984
and out of the way,” it was a battle to         Olympics in Los Angeles, helping the
simply get through a full (all-local, non-      Americans capture the bronze medal
Ivy) schedule, let alone win games.             thanks to a unique ending. After finishing
  Of course, this wasn’t a problem exclu-       the round-robin tournament tied with
sive to Penn. Growing up in rural central       Australia for third place in points and
Pennsylvania, Staver played field hockey         goal differential, the US team was called
and basketball at Lower Dauphin High            back out onto the field—from the stands,       Best of the Best
School because those were the only two          where the players had been wearing street     Alicia McConnell C’85 enjoyed her own
sports offered for girls. It wasn’t until ar-   clothes—to face Australia in a tie-breaking   Olympic experiences, having worked as
riving at Penn—a school she chose because       shootout, which the US won. “We thought       the director of training sites and com-
she wanted to be in a city—that she             we were out of it,” Staver says.              munity partnerships for the US Olympic
learned how to play lacrosse. “I kind of had      Staver isn’t the only Penn athlete to       Committee in Colorado. And she almost
a knack for it,” says Staver, who quickly got   medal at the Olympics, which has a rich       certainly would have reached the highest
called in to play for the US national team.     Olympic tradition for both men and wom-       mountaintop as a competitor too … if
  Ivy League competition for field hock-         en [“Penn in the Olympics,” Jul|Aug 2012].    only squash were an Olympic sport.
ey and women’s lacrosse didn’t begin            One of her classmates, swimmer Elie Dan-        Nevertheless, McConnell is considered
until 1979–80 (the first Ivy League cham-        iel CW’74, won gold, silver, and bronze at    one of the greatest American squash
pionships in women’s sports were held           the 1968 Olympics before arriving at          players of all time, dominating the rack-
before that, beginning with rowing in           Penn—and then bronze in 1972. (A Gazette      et sport through the 1980s—before, dur-
1974) but Staver still detected changes         feature, from the May 1973 issue, paints a    ing, and after her time at Penn.
from the time she arrived at Penn until         picture of another superstar athlete over-      “Around Weightman Hall, she has been
she left. As a senior, she got the chance       looked. “No school even approached me,”       called ‘the kind of player Penn gets once
to take on future Ivy League rival Princ-       Daniel told the Gazette about her lack of     every 10 years,’ although Ann D. Wetzel,
eton for the first time, and to play games       recruitment. “I was a gold medal winner.      the women’s squash coach, considers it
inside Franklin Field, which “was a big         Football players, they get wined and          more like once in a lifetime,” reads a line
deal for us.” She also notes that “Title IX     dined, and they’re a dime a dozen.”)          from an old Gazette article, which also
Photographs courtesy Penn Athletics                                                                   Jul | Aug 2021 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE 33
Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
touted her ability to beat most men on       joining the US national lacrosse team on      wrapping up a 20-year run with the US
the court, generally to their confusion.     a UK tour. “We’re not talking a lot of        Olympic Committee, which followed a
“Some guys think that it invalidates them    money—maybe $500 here and there,”             stint in the 1990s teaching squash at the
as an athlete to have a woman better than    she says. But it helped pay her tuition,      club where she first learned the game,
they are,” McConnell told the Gazette        which she couldn’t otherwise afford.          the Heights Casino in Brooklyn.
while she was a Penn student. “But it        Even still, she needed a last-minute stu-        She’s promoted squash everywhere she’s
doesn’t at all. They’re good the way they    dent loan to graduate on time. “It’s dif-     been, and while the sport is still not lucra-
are, but I just happen to be better.”        ferent today,” she says, bemoaning her        tive, she’s pleased to see American stars
  Making her way in a man’s world was        struggles despite the attention she           have a better chance at making a living at
a theme for McConnell. Growing up in         brought the University as the top squash      it than she did. She also likes—albeit with
Brooklyn Heights, she recalls “going into    player in the country. “I think female        a pang of jealousy—that University City
the backdoors of men’s clubs” to play        athletes now feel more empowered.”            has become a hub for American squash
tennis and, when it rained, going inside       Money continued to be an issue for Mc-      with a new US center opening at Drexel
to try out squash. “I just got hooked on     Connell after she graduated and went          and the Penn Squash Center recently un-
squash,” McConnell recalls. “I could hit     overseas, where there were more oppor-        dergoing $20 million renovations.
hundreds of balls in a row against the       tunities to find training partners and            “It would’ve been fun to have a shot play-
wall. Somehow my coaches convinced           compete in tournaments. To make ends          ing full time now,” admits McConnell, who
me that that was fun.” Crushing the ball,    meet, she’d crash with friends, drive rath-   serves on the Penn squash advisory board,
finding the right angles, wrong-footing       er than fly when possible, and buy her         heads Penn Alumni’s regional club in Ire-
her opponents—she loved it all.              own equipment. She rose to No. 14 in the      land, and has mentored Penn athletes.
  A two-time national junior squash          world rankings, winning easily and often,        “But I just love seeing the growth of
champion while in high school, McCon-        but her travel expenses usually negated       women’s sports,” she adds. “It’s a confi-
nell decided to come to University City      her earnings (about $18,000 in her best       dence booster for women to really ap-
after playing in a tournament at Penn’s      year, as she recalls). And without trainers   preciate what your body can do, what
Ringe Courts, which, she notes, “had the     and coaches to support her, the physical      your mind can do. What’s most important
best squash setup at the time.” Like         demands took a toll—so she quit the sport     is the friends you make, the life experi-
Staver a decade earlier, McConnell also      when she was still at the top of her game.    ences you have, and the skills you learn
gravitated to lacrosse when she got to         “Alicia McConnell used to dream of be-      through the sport. You don’t realize that
campus. Though she had never played          ing the Billie Jean King of women’s           when you’re playing—at least I didn’t.”
the sport before, she not only made the      squash and turning the sport into a mul-
Quakers’ varsity squad under Anne Sage       timillion-dollar enterprise,” opens an il-    Never Stop Running
but also rose to the US national team.       luminating article in the February 1, 1989,   (and Jumping)
She tried a little field hockey too, for a    edition of the New York Times. “Now the       Like Staver, McConnell, and other star
semester. “I just loved sports,” McCon-      seven-time national champion is quitting      athletes who came before her, Ruthlyn
nell says. “If somebody gave me a chance     the game, disillusioned, disheartened,        Greenfield Webster Nu’92 had an op-
to play, I was like, ‘OK. Why not?’”         and, for the most part, broke.” The article   portunity to compete at the highest
  But squash was her No. 1 sport, and        ends with a quote from McConnell, who         level after graduating. But hampered by
she was No. 1 in squash. She won both        said: “It didn’t seem fair to me that here    a hamstring injury and ready to move
the intercollegiate and national singles     I was, number one, and still buying my        on to a career in nursing, she turned
championships as a member of Penn’s          own skirts. Over in Australia, everything     down an invitation to jump at the 1992
varsity squash team, bringing home in-       is taken care of. … I feel used by squash.    US Olympic Trials for track and field.
dividual titles for the Quakers in 1982,     Through squash, I lost my whole identity.”      “I decided I was done,” says Greenfield
1983, and 1984. (Two other Penn wom-           McConnell is more comfortable in her        Webster, who immediately began work-
en’s squash players would later wear the     own skin these days. Long after strug-        ing as a nurse at NYU Langone, where
crown of national singles champion—          gling with her self-confidence at Penn         she’s remained for the last 29 years. “I
Jessica DiMauro C’99 G’00 in 1996 and        while “becoming more aware of my              said to myself, I’ve done everything I
Reeham Salah EAS’19 in 2018.) McCon-         sexuality,” and being “too afraid” to fully   can. I’m leaving on top of everything. Ivy
nell would have gone for the clean sweep     come out to all her teammates, she now        champion. School record holder. Captain
as a senior but lost her amateur status      lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her wife       of my team. I’m good.”
when she accepted prize money playing        and their English bulldog and pug. She          A four-time Heptagonal Games cham-
in squash tournaments in Europe after        moved there about three years ago after       pion in the triple jump who graduated
Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
Ruthlyn Greenfield Webster Nu’92 is a national,
                                                                                             regional, and world champion in Masters track
                                                                                             and field.

with program records in that event for                                                       of the top runners in Penn history—and
both indoor and outdoor track and field,                                                      arguably one of the best women athletes
Greenfield Webster certainly left behind                                                      the University has ever seen in 100 years.
a strong legacy at her alma mater.                                                           The school record holder in the 800 me-
  But, as it turned out, she wasn’t done.                                                    ters and the 1,500 meters and a two-time
  About 15 years after graduating, she                                                       national runner-up in the 800, Akins
heard about Masters track and field for                                                       helped bring the women’s track and field
athletes over 35 years old. Intrigued, she                                                   program to new heights with several
started hopping, skipping, and jumping                                                       overall team wins at the Heptagonal
in her Yonkers, New York, backyard—                                                          Championships and its first-ever distance
and, from there, to Italy, Finland, France,                                                  medley relay championship at Penn Re-
Brazil, and other countries where the                                                        lays [“Penn Relays at 125,” Jul|Aug 2019].
biggest Masters events were held.                                                            And like Greenfield Webster, Akins is
  Reinvigorated by an opportunity that                                                       Black. Last summer she wrote about race
wasn’t always available to women of a                                                        and an experience she had with racism
previous era, she added more medals to                                                       for Runner’s World (which was later re-
her collection, earning the trifecta she                                                     published by Penn Nursing magazine).
set out for as a national champion, re-                                                      Now a professional runner, Akins has her
gional champion, and world champion.                                                         sights set on the Olympics. “I absolutely
But it didn’t come easy.                                                                     adore Nia,” Greenfield Webster says. “She
  At the 2013 World Masters Athletic                                                         has a special place in my heart.”
Championships in Brazil, she won gold in                                                       Getting the opportunity to see Akins—
the women’s triple jump for her age group                                                    or any other Penn alum—in the Olym-
(40–44), despite competing with a menis-        support her in her Masters endeavors.        pics would be quite the thrill for Green-
cus tear in her right knee. At the 2019         “It’s a lifelong thing for me.”              field Webster, who has no plans to stop
North, Central America and Caribbean               She also has a lifelong connection to     traveling the world to run and jump
Region of World Masters Athletic Cham-          her alma mater, feeling a particular af-     herself. COVID-19, of course, enforced a
pionships in Canada, she brought home           finity for Franklin Field, where she’s        pause as she dealt with the far more se-
triple jump gold in the next age bracket        competed at the Penn Relays from high        rious implications of a once-in-a-centu-
(45–49)—after sustaining a left foot plan-      school events to 40-and-older Masters        ry global pandemic. “For the first time
tar fasciitis injury that knocked her out of    relays. “I talk about Penn like you think    in my career,” the New York nurse says,
the 100-meter and 200-meter dash events,        I owned the place,” she says. She cur-       “this was something that actually scared
and other Team USA sprint relays.               rently serves on the Penn track alumni       me.” She also devoted extra time to sup-
  “I’m crazy,” she laughs. “You would           board, conducts Penn Alumni inter-           porting and comforting her two daugh-
think it would make me stop, right? But,        views, and was named the 2018 Friar of       ters, including one who missed her
no. It really sort of motivates me more.”       the Year. A painting of her jumping          graduation, prom, and other teenage
It’s gotten to the point, she says, where       adorns the lobby wall inside Penn Nurs-      rites of passage as a 2020 Yonkers High
she actually gets worried when she’s not        ing’s Claire M. Fagin Hall, she says. “Can   School graduate.
hurt. “I’m so used to competing with            I tell you how amazing that feels to me?”      But she managed to still train the entire
injuries that it doesn’t really faze me like       Greenfield Webster is particularly         time, and after turning 50 this year, is
it probably should—because I’ve been            proud of her nursing degree. When she        primed to dominate another age group
doing it since college.”                        first got to Penn, she recalls hearing that   (50–54). How long can she keep going
  She credits her Penn coaches, Betty           many nursing students drop out of the        from there? “The way these knees are act-
Costanza and Tony Tenisci, for helping          track program because it’s too time-         ing up, I don’t know if I’m gonna make it
her push through a hamstring injury to          consuming to balance both. “For me,”         to 90,” she says. “But I’m gonna try.”
successfully defend her Heps/Ivy League         she says, “it was like, Challenge accept-
triple jump title and develop her raw           ed.” She later learned that she was the      Palestra Lifer
talent. Sometimes, that included tough          first Penn track and field record holder       Although basketball has the deepest roots
love and a little bit of yelling, but “I love   to graduate from the nursing school.         of any of the Penn women’s athletic pro-
those two like they gave birth to me,”             But she wouldn’t be the last. Nia Akins   grams, it wasn’t until the turn of the mil-
Greenfield Webster says, noting they still       Nu’20 GNu’20 recently graduated as one       lennium that it reached the next level.
Photographs courtesy Penn Athletics                                                                  Jul | Aug 2021 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE 35
Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
Diana Caramanico W’01 LPS’11 still holds the
                                                                                             Penn, Big 5, and Ivy League scoring records.

  And that was because of Diana Cara-                                                        2003, and actually played Texas Tech in an
manico W’01 LPS’11.                                                                          exhibition just a few months after the
  The only men’s or women’s player in                                                        NCAA tournament. Even more surprising,
Penn basketball history to score more                                                        Texas Tech fans who made the trip to
than 2,000 career points, she currently                                                      France recognized her (despite the lack of
holds the Penn, Big 5, and Ivy League                                                        any programs or rosters in the arena) and
records for most career points with                                                          began a “Let’s Go Penn!” chant. “I almost
2,415. She also holds Penn records for                                                       started crying right there on the court,”
career rebounds (1,207), and steals (201),                                                   says Caramanico, who was missing home
among other all-time marks, and was                                                          at the time. “It was just what I needed.”
named the Ivy League Player of the Year                                                        Almost 20 years since her basketball
three straight seasons.                                                                      career ended, Caramanico is back home
  And she capped it all off in 2001 by                                                       and “living the dream,” having built a life
leading the Quakers to their first-ever Ivy                                                   in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, with her hus-
championship and NCAA tournament                                                             band Geoff Owens C’01, a former men’s
berth, completing a stunning turnaround                                                      basketball center she met in college, and
from when she arrived on campus with                                                         their two athletic children, ages 12 and 9.
nine other freshmen recruits. Not surpris-                                                   And she’s far more recognizable at the
ingly, the young and inexperienced team       In a narrow come-from-behind win over          Palestra, where she’s a regular visitor,
was picked to finish dead last in the Ivies.   Yale, Greenberg was ejected for arguing        than in any French gym. “That’s like my
“But we had all come from winning pro-        with the refs. In another nail-biter, Car-     second home,” she says. “Our kids have
grams,” Caramanico says. “No one told us      amanico recalls former men’s basketball        known for years you don’t wear orange
we were supposed to lose.”                    star Mike Jordan C’00 “herding hun-            [Princeton colors] at the Palestra, and you
  In her freshman year, the Quakers fin-       dreds of shrieking kids down under the         try to avoid orange in general.”
ished a respectable 13–13 overall and 8–6     basket to bother” a Dartmouth player             She also believes her Penn education
in the Ivy League, good enough to come        shooting potentially game-winning free         helped her navigate a few career changes,
in fourth place. The next season, they        throws with no time left on the clock.         from playing basketball professionally
finished third. As a junior in 1999–2000,      She missed one, allowing Penn to run           and trying out for the WNBA ... to working
Caramanico and the Quakers began to           away with the win in overtime.                 in international sales for AND1 … to start-
take off, winning 18 total games under          The Quakers ended up clinching the Ivy       ing a business on mental toughness train-
the leadership of first-year head coach        title with a few games left in the season      ing for athletes … to now teaching at her
Kelly Greenberg, who had replaced Julie       but saw their long-awaited celebration         alma mater, Germantown Academy.
Soriero and implemented an up-tempo           curtailed because Harvard had “hid any-          Penn, she notes, “set me up for success
style that suited the 6-foot-2 Caramani-      thing we could stand on to cut down the        for the rest of my life.” Likewise, Cara-
co’s ability to run the floor.                 nets,” Caramanico recalls. They made up        manico helped set Penn women’s bas-
  Heading into her final season with a         for it with a home win over rival Prince-      ketball up for success, elevating the
smaller group of classmates but still a       ton to cap off a perfect Ivy season and roll   standard so that Ivy titles became more
strong class that included Erin Ladley        into the NCAA tournament with an               regular and star players followed the
C’01 (who would join Caramanico in the        NCAA-best 21 game winning streak.              legacy she carved. Three years after she
1,000-point club), Penn had all the piec-       The Quakers flew to Lubbock, Texas,           graduated, one of her former teammates
es to make a run. Caramanico remained         to take on Texas Tech in front of approx-      and fellow Penn Athletics Hall of Famer,
confident even after the team lost five of      imately 14,000 hostile fans—a long way         Jewel Clark C’04, led the Quakers back
its first six games. What followed was 21      from the “out-of-town” games around            to the NCAA tournament. More recently,
straight victories, many of them memo-        the Philadelphia area in the 1930s when        Alyssa Baron C’14, Sydney Stipanovich
rable for different reasons.                  tea was served afterwards. They lost, by       C’17, Michelle Nwokedi C’18, Eleah Park-
  The beginning of the streak included        a wide margin, 100–57, but the experi-         er C’21, and Kayla Padilla W’23 have
a win over Air Force that was played in       ence on the national stage was eye open-       grabbed the torch and helped turn Penn
an almost empty Palestra due to a snow-       ing and formative for both Caramanico          into a perennial Ivy League powerhouse.
storm. About a week later, Caramanico         and the Penn program.                            Yet the University’s marquee program,
scored 42 points against Albany, which          Caramanico went on to play profes-           in many ways, is the same one that used
remains a program single-game record.         sional basketball in France from 2001–         to pluck players from other Penn teams
36 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE Jul | Aug 2021                                                                        Photograph courtesy Penn Athletics
Century - The Pennsylvania Gazette
Ali DeLuca Cloherty C’10 never lost an Ivy League
                                                                                               game in four seasons and made three trips to the
                                                                                               NCAA final four.

even if they had never before played the        but accomplished something perhaps             Waxman C’08 (also a two-time National
sport … and now has legitimate nation-          even more remarkable by capping off its        Goalkeeper of the Year and a recent Penn
al championship aspirations every year.         fourth straight sweep of the Ivy League—       Athletics Hall of Fame inductee) and
                                                an achievement that would have been            Melissa Lehman C’08 (who went on to
New Frontiers                                   unimaginable in previous years and de-         keep winning titles as a longtime Penn
Perhaps the best way to chart the growth        cades. “When I came here, the Prince-          assistant coach). But DeLuca—who still
of women’s sports over the last 100 years is    tons and Dartmouths were killing us,”          holds the program record for career
through lacrosse—and, more specifically,         Brower Corbett told the Gazette in 2007.       goals with 148—became the first player
through Ali DeLuca (now Cloherty) C’10.         “It was, ‘Can we hang with them for 20         in school history to be a finalist for the
  Like Caramanico a decade earlier, De-         minutes?’ These girls were not recruited       Tewaaraton Award, given annually to
Luca joined a program that did not have         by those programs, and they didn’t be-         the best lacrosse player in the country.
a championship tradition. But by the            lieve they could beat them.”
time she left, Penn had not only ascend-          For Penn to move so swiftly from Ivy
ed to the top of the Ivy League but ad-         also-ran to Ivy powerhouse—and remain
vanced all the way to the national semi-        on that perch to this day with 11 league
finals three times, including one trip to        titles since 2007—is something DeLuca
the national championship game.                 wears like a badge of honor. “When I talk
  “I wanted to be a part of the story,” De-     to people who know Ivy League athlet-
Luca says. “And every woman on that team        ics, they’re stunned,” she says of her
at the time felt the same way. We would         spotless 28-0 record against conference
always joke because in 2007 they kept re-       foes. “No one does that. It’s incredible.”
ferring to us as this Cinderella story. And     Among the former Ivy athletes she talks
we did not think of ourselves like that.”       to about it is her husband, former Brown
  DeLuca credits Karin Brower Corbett,          football player Colin Cloherty. They live
the team’s head coach since 2000, for be-       in Silver Spring, Maryland, with their
ing “the foundation of that shift” and in-      two toddler sons who are usually hold-
stilling in her players a mindset that “we      ing a ball or a stick. (Her two sisters also
were an elite team that deserved to be          went to Brown, where they played la-
amongst what people considered the top          crosse. “Brown’s a great place but Penn’s
teams in the country.” The Quakers hadn’t       obviously better,” she says.) She also likes
qualified for the NCAA tournament since          to bring it up with her former team-
1984 or won the Ivy League since 1982           mates, many of whom she’s remained
when they did both in 2007, soaring to a        close with. She says she is consistently         She didn’t win it but believes a Penn
No. 2 ranking in the country before losing      impressed by where they’ve gone in their       women’s lacrosse player will hoist that
to Northwestern in the final four.               careers since graduating. “We’re sort of       trophy eventually. She’s equally confident
  Penn got a measure of revenge against         used to winning,” says DeLuca, who             in Brower Corbett’s ability to navigate the
Northwestern—which won five straight             works for National Geographic’s Cre-           unique challenges of two straight lost
national titles from 2005 to 2009—by up-        ativeWorks. “Being super competitive           pandemic seasons and lead the Quakers
setting the Wildcats during the 2008            and strong-willed translates profession-       back to the final four—and beyond.
regular season. But that ’08 campaign           ally after you’re done with lacrosse.”           “There’s no doubt in my mind,” she says,
once again ended with a loss to Northwest-        Just the same, some of DeLuca’s fond-        “that we’ll win the national champion-
ern, this time in the national title game.      est lacrosse memories include dance            ship one day.”
So close to reaching the pinnacle of college    parties in the locker room before games,         From field hockey to track to soccer,
sports, it would be the most difficult defeat   and the entire team chanting “Giant            softball, squash, and more, other Penn
of DeLuca’s career. “It’s still hard now to     Chicken” to get pumped up—and no one           programs keep raising the bar too. And as
even take that loss,” she says, although a      knowing exactly why. “To an outsider           they move into a new century, the dreams
double overtime defeat to Northwestern          looking in,” she says, “it was probably        will remain tantalizing, the goals never
in the 2009 semifinals, on a “totally lucky”     like the weirdest and craziest thing.”         greater—a 100-year climb from feeling
goal, was almost as excruciating.                 Several of DeLuca’s teammates earned         like nobody was paying attention to trying
  The Quakers fell one win short of four        major accolades at Penn, including All-        to make sure nobody can look away.
straight trips to the final four in 2010,        American nods for goalkeeper Sarah
Photograph courtesy Penn Athletics                                                                     Jul | Aug 2021 THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE 37
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