Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust

Page created by Freddie Norton
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
                          2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents

                           Chair Report
                           There has been a marked increase in the numbers of walkers and bike riders visiting the
                           Heritage Forest. So good to see. The trails are now recognised as a major drawcard to
                           Hanmer Springs and in keeping with this the Trusts needs to keep up with providing the
                           infrastructure and an enjoyable experience.

                           During the year the Trust board members attended a workshop to assist preparing a five year
                           plan. It helped the board to expand their horizons and to plan ahead.

                           There have been projects completed and others still in the process. The forest stayed open
                           during the Covid and it provided a boost to many of the locals. The new Snakes ‘n’ Ladders
                           mountain bike trail is popular especially for the young who love the sharp corners. Another
                           trail, to be called the Southern X, will soon open. Both have been designed and made with
                           volunteer labour and my thanks goes particularly to Mark Inglis who gave a lot of his time
                           and energy.

                           The drawcard of the sculptures has been more than the Trust expected and to complete the
                           experience two new sculptures will soon be installed on the Forest Amble. This trail is also in
                           the process of being upgraded to a fully accessible standard which is in line with providing a
                           range of tracks for all people. Because of wind fell damage on the Forest Amble a one
                           hectare section of larch trees were removed. The size of the cleared area has enabled the
                           replanting of coastal redwoods and in time this will become a magnificent grove.

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                           
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
The stakeholders of Ngai Tahu and Rayonier Matariki are very supportive of
                                the Heritage Forest’s recreational assets and of the Trust. This is very much
                                appreciated. The Trust would be very supportive of any moves to further
                                secure the access and recreational aspects of the Heritage Forest. It is truly
                                worthy of more public status.

                                Further work from the Trust involves more information boards in the forest,
                                new seating and maybe an improved entrance. This will all enhance the
                                visitor experience. At the same time there is a need for ongoing track
                                maintenance like re graveling and drainage. Work is carried out with a
                                mixture of Trust funds, Track Network Group assistance, donations and
                                volunteer input.

                                We remember Andy Clayton who was so much part of the Heritage Forest.
                                He truly cared, worked in the forest and guided many children through its
                                web of trails. He is missed.

                                A chairperson is only part of the whole board. All seven members freely
                                contribute their time and varied skills to make the trail experience that it is
                                today. Thank you.

                                Pauline Bennett
                                June 2020

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                                
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
Management Plan 2020 - 2021

                             The Management Plan and the Budget set out the Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust program for the
                             coming year. This is in accordance with Clause 21 of the Trust deed and in keeping of the
                             environmental values of Protective Covenant No 2.

                             The Trust acts on behalf of the Hurunui District Council to maintain the access and recreational
                             values of the Heritage Forest. In carrying out this work and for future planning the Trust
                                    -The increased trail maintenance required with significant post Covid and Sculpture Trail
                             patronage in the forest.
                                    -Acknowledgement the Heritage Forest often has the only trails available to Hanmer Springs
                             visitors (including residents) in times of high fire risk.
                                    -The resultant importance of quality trail maintenance and the need to plan for an increased
                             number of trails.
                                    -To keep improving the visitors’ experience of the forest. To promote health and wellbeing and
                             to provide education.
                                    -To promote dialogue with the stakeholders for securing longer term public accessibility and
                             the conservation of the Heritage Forest.

                             Specific work programs include:
                                  -Extending the mountain bike trail network.
                                  -Upgrading the Forest Amble trail surface to be fully accessible.
                                  -Looking at ways to improve wayfinding including at the entranceway.
                                  -Placing more seating and to provide more education boards.
                                  -Increasing the level of maintenance through contract work and volunteer time.

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                                     
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
Financial Report for the year ending 31st March 2019

                             The HHFT Financial Statements for the year ending March 31st 2019

                             The opening balance was $22,502.50 and the closing balance was $26,538.68.

                             Income for the year was $23,333.91

                             Grants received from the Hurunui District Council ($5,200) and the Hanmer Springs
                             Community Board ($5,000). Pub Charity donated $6,000 towards sculptures. We received
                             sponsorship from local businesses for printing costs for 5000 pamphlets ($1,337.46).
                             Hanmer Business Association donated $280. For work done at Hanmer Events raised
                             $1,515. Interest $329.45

                              Thermal Pools paid retrospectively $1,172 for sale of walking maps prior to 2018. They have
                             now committed to paying a lump sum of $1500 per year instead of per map sale. We
                             received $1,500 for this financial year. We were reimbursed $1,000 for predator traps.

                             Expenses for the year were $19,297.73

                             The main expense over the year was $12,165.31 which covered the sculptures and all
                             surrounding costs (carver, oil, signs, transport etc).

                             Other work included pamphlets, maps and website updates $3,695.35. We purchased 5
                             Good Nature predator (rat and stoat) traps $754.51 plus $1000 payment (see above for
                             reimburse) for traps brought on behalf of the Conservation Trust. $225.40 went toward
                             School Conservation Club badges.

                             Forest Maintenance costs were public liability $732.55, administration costs $356.61 and
                             maintenance and materials $368.

                             Penny Ellis, Treasurer, 2/05/2019

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                   
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
Budget for the 2019/20 year

                                                                        budget for     actual for           budget for
                                                                        2019/20 yr     2019/20 yr           2020/21 yr

                                  Heritage Forest maintenance
                                     Hurunui DC                         5200.00         5200.00             5200.00
                                     HS Community Bd                    5000.00         5000.00             5000.00
                                     Bank interest                       350.00          204.61              200.00

                                 Other Forest Areas & Spec Projects
                                    I Site walking map sales            1500.00         1500.00              1500.00
                                    HS Buss Assoc donations               300.00          560.00               400.00
                                    Hanmer Events                       1000.00           270.00               500.00
                                     Sponsorship for HHF brochure       1500.00        1,335.00              1335.00
                                     Donations incl website                 -           3472.25              1500.00
                                     Donation towards sculpture             -             989.25                  -
                                                                       ------------    ------------         ------------
                                                                      14,850.00       18,531.11            15,635.00

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                                            
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
                                                                     budget for      actual for    budget for
                                                                     2019/20 yr      2019/20 yr    2020/21 yr
                                Heritage Forest maintenance
                                    HS TNGContribu0on (2yrs)         10,000.00      10,000.00      5000.00
                                    Labour, materials & repairs        2000.00         506.27      3000.00
                                    Public Liability Insurance          750.00         732.55       750.00
                                    Administration                      400.00         525.11       500.00

                                Other Forest Areas & Spec Projects
                                   Predator traps                          -           286.50        -
                                   Sculptures, poster, mtce             500.00        4440.80      4500.00
                                   Terrace Rd upgrade s                4000.00         335.00       300.00
                                    Tree Trim road clearance           1500.00            -           -
                                    HHF brochure reprint(15,000)       3000.00        2892.48      3200.00
                                   Rack card print                     2500.00        1597.18        -
                                   Website                                 -           552.00       300.00
                                   Falcon signs                            -           555.86        -
                                   Other                                300.00           -           -
                                   Information signs in Heritage F         -             -         2000.00
                                   Track capital improvements              -             -         2000.00
                                   Herdmans Gate entrance                  -             -         3000.00

                                                                     ------------    -----------    -----------
                                                                     24,950.00      22,423.75      24,550.00

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                                 
Chair Report - Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust
Minutes of the AGM of the Hanmer Heritage Forest Trust held at the Anglican
                                  Church meeting room on Monday 6th July 2020 at 7pm.

                                  Roz Clayton, Pauline Bennett, Mark Inglis, Brent Mahony, Penny Ellis, Clive Lind, Ian Hunter,

                                  Laurie Bennett, Roger Keey
                                  Moved Mark, 2nd Roz. Accepted.

                                  The minutes of the 2019 AGM were taken as read and confirmed as being a true and accurate
                                  record. Moved - Mark, 2nd Ian. Accepted.

                                  Chairman’s Report:
                                  Pauline Bennett presented her report. Moved - Pauline, 2nd Clive. Accepted .

                                  Financial Report:
                                  This was presented by Penny Ellis. Moved Penny, 2nd Brent. Accepted
                                  It was discussed why Hanmer Events income was lower than last year. Agreed it is influenced by
                                  the number of volunteers, and profit of the events.

                                  Budget 2020 - 2021:
                                  This was presented by Pauline. Moved Roz, 2nd Brent. Accepted.

                                  Management Plan 2020 - 2021:
                                  This was presented by Pauline. Moved Mark 2nd Ian. Accepted

                                  Election of Trust Board:
                                  Pauline Bennett, Roz Clayton, Penny Ellis, Ian Hunter, Mark Inglis, Clive Lind and Brent Mahony
                                  were elected unopposed as the Trust Board for the next 12 months.
                                  Moved Roz, 2nd Ian. Accepted

                                  Adoption of changes to the Trust Deed.
                                  These were adopted as described. They will be amended to the Trust Deed.
                                  Charities Commission have been informed of the changes.

                                  General Business:
                                  Thanks were recorded to the Trustees for their commitment during the year. Special mention was
                                  made of Pauline for representing the Trust at Council to get the re instatement of our operational
                                  grant following the Covid 19 pandemic.
                                  Thanks were recorded to ex councillor Jason Fletcher for his long involvement and support of the
                                  Trust. We look forward to welcoming our new representative for HDC.

                                  Meeting closed 7:38pm

2020 Annual General Mee6ng Reports and Documents                                 
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