Charlton Mackrell Primary School

Page created by Jesse Vega
Charlton Mackrell Primary School
Charlton Mackrell Primary School

 ‘The one who gets wisdom loves life.’ Proverbs 19:8

 Newsletter 17.09.2021
Congratulations to our first award winners of this academic year. We have Readers of the
Week, Stars of the Week, Headteacher’s and Bee Kind Awards. Please see photos of our
awards and activities this week at the end of the newsletter or on our website twitter feed.
Wildfire: Thomas, Edie, Olivia, Taylor and Jack
Hurricane: Fia and James
Rainbow: Brodie and Barnaby
Headteacher’s Award: Emily and Arthur
The children are back into learning mode and enjoying the topics this term. There has been
lots of writing, maths and sport this week. The cricket coach was a huge success with all the
children from preschool to Year 6 having sessions on Tuesday. The clubs have been well
supported, with many oversubscribed, so a positive second week back. Thank you also to
Wildfire Class who led our collective worship on Thursday about the qualities of generosity.
Forest School for Reception children
This starts on Thursday 23rd September. Kim Headley, our Forest School Leader and Abi
Burrell will be taking the reception children to Hallr Woods every Thursday afternoon.
Children need to bring forest school clothes to change into. Please ensure clothes cover
arms and legs and are suitable for the weather, along with some wellies. A separate letter
with further details will be sent.
Sports Fixtures
Look out for letters about sports fixtures. The sports fixtures are on the calendar on the
school website and on the dates below. Some require selection for a team like football and
netball, while others like the fun runs and cross country are open to all children in that key
stage. You just turn up and take part for the running activities.
This week in preschool we have been exploring our "All about me" topic, making new
friends and learning their names through ring games. We have been singing a new song
called, ‘We're all Special’ and talking about our feelings with the help of a wonderful book
called "In my heart". Our amazing new climbing frames both indoor and outdoor have been
a hit, the children have challenged themselves to see who can climb the highest showing
great determination.
Charlton Mackrell Primary School
The Friends AGM
Dear CM Families,

The Friends of Charlton Mackrell School and Preschool Committee are holding their Annual General
Meeting (AGM), virtually via Microsoft (MS) Teams video call:

 Thursday 23rd September, 2021

 19:00 - 20:30
As parents / carers of children at CM school and preschool, we are all ‘Friends’ but if you would like
to be involved in raising money, or join our committee to offer an extra pair of hands at events,
please email us and we can send you the MS Teams meeting link:

Or message us via our Facebook page:

Friends of Charlton Mackrell Primary School & Preschool

Our aim, as always, is to keep funding raising up, to ensure the children have the best extra (and
special!) experiences throughout the academic year. So if you have any ideas or experience in
fundraising that you’d like to share, we’d love to see you at the meeting and hear your thoughts!

We will also be voting people into the posts of:

⭕ Committee Chair

⭕ Committee Vice Chair

⭕ Committee Treasurer
... so if you fancy any of those roles, we would love to hear from you!

If you are an existing Friends committee member, we will email you the MS Teams meeting link in a
separate email.

If you have any queries or questions, do get in touch!

Thank you,

Lydia Carmichael-Brown

Chair - Friends of CM School and Preschool
Hallr Wood Open Day – This Weekend!

September 19, 2021 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hallr Wood, West Charlton, Somerton, Somerton TA11 7AL, UK
We are having our annual Open day during Green Week. We are keen to empower local
people to play their part in tackling our environmental crisis. We will have a variety of
activities and trails, as well as our usual displays of green wood working and crafts. Parking is
at TA11 6BN. Walking and cycling is encouraged with a free cup of tea for all cyclists.
Disabled parking is available on site, please book it in advance email
Small charge to come (£2 adults, £1 children) which will go towards Toilet Twinning our
compost toilet with a toilet in Uganda. The woodland cafe will be open with refreshments
Charlton Mackrell Primary School
(please bring your own cup if possible) and there will also be a Folk Song workshop with Dora
Darling. More info

Harvest Service

Our Harvest Service will be held in church at 9am on Tuesday 5th October and everyone is
welcome to join us. If your child is able to bring in a food donation that would amazing. Our
Open the Book ladies are also going to start their wonderful collective worships again in
church – dates to follow.

 The Lord’s Larder Food Bank supports and works alongside 60 statutory
 agencies that work with those to help alleviate local poverty, hardship, and

All this would not be possible without the generosity of all those who happily
support the Lord’s Larder. If you would be interested in donating food for this
Harvest, please consider the following;- All food items need to be, unopened, in
good condition and well IN DATE,

List of Food Items
Tins of Macaroni Cheese
Tinned Tomatoes
Packets of Savoury Rice
Jars of Pasta Sauce
Jars of Cooking Sauce
Cat Food
Empty Plastic Bags
Tinned Mince, Tins of Hot Dogs,
Tinned Tuna, Tinned Meat Pies,
Tins of Stewed Steak,
Tins of Meatballs, Tins of Curry, Tins of Chilli Con Carne,
Tins of Corned Beef, Tins of Ham,
Packets of Instant Potato,
80 Teabags, Coffee,
 Cereal Bars,
Porridge Oats, Meat Paste,
Packets of Biscuits,
Packets of Cream Crackers,
Bags of Sugar - small and large,
Cartons Long Life Milk,
Cartons of Fruit Juice, Squash,
Tins of Mixed Vegetables,
Tins of Peas, Tinned Carrots,
Tins of Potato, Tinned Ravioli, Tins of Spaghetti
Tins of Sweet Corn,
Tins of Beans and Sausages,
Charlton Mackrell Primary School
Packets of Noodles, Couscous,
Cup a Soup,
Tins of Fruit, Rice Pudding, Jelly, Jars of Jam, & Instant Custard.

Items can be brought into school between now and 5th October. The children will then
carry them over to the church for the service.
We have been asked to advertise this community event - Save the Children Pop-Up
Artisan stall holders offering a wide and exciting range of goods. Café serving tea, coffee,
cake and delicious home-made lunches at Manor Farm, Mill Lane, Charlton Mackrell, TA11
Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd October 2021 10am to 4pm daily.

Dates for the diaries
Mondays 27th September, 4th October and 11th October – Year 5/6 Football and Netball leagues.
Tuesday 28th September – KS1 (Years 1 and 2) fun run at Long Sutton 4pm start
Tuesday 5th October – Harvest Service in church at 9am followed by harvest breakfast in school – all
parents welcome to the church.
Thursday 7th October – Cross Country Key Stage 2 (Years 3/4/5/6) at Hambridge 4pm start
Thursday 14th October – Cross Country Key Stage 2 (Years 3/4/5/6) at Long Sutton 4pm start

Half term – 25th October to 31st October

Tuesday 2nd November – Parent’s Evening
Wednesday 3rd November – Parent’s Evening
Tuesday 9th November – Year 5/6 sports all athletics at Huish 4 – 5.30pm
Thursday 11th November – How to help your child learn to read workshop in school
Friday 19th November – BBC Children in Need – Own clothes – donations.
Tuesday 30th November – Year 4/5/6 Badminton Tournament at Huish 4 – 5.30pm
Friday 3rd December – Year 4/5/6 Indoor Basketball taster festival at Huish 4 – 5.30pm
Monday 6th December – Flu vaccinations (ONLY those with consent)
Friday 17th December – Break up for the Christmas holidays
Charlton Mackrell Primary School Charlton Mackrell Primary School Charlton Mackrell Primary School Charlton Mackrell Primary School Charlton Mackrell Primary School Charlton Mackrell Primary School
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