Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...

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Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
 Cheltenham Arts Council: awards _ funding _ publicity _ events listings

                        June – September 2021

            Cheltenham Children’s Choir
Church Recording • Gloucestershire’s Forgotten Legend
             Local events and festivals
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...

                        Advertising Charges                                                                                     Dear Readers
                                            HALF PAGE ADVERT                                                                    The first week of June 2021 is National        last few issues, is starting to fill up
                                                                                                                                Volunteers’ Week (www.volunteersweek.          again – hooray! We have another great
                              £25 for CAC members or £75 for non-members
                                                                                                                                org) – a chance to recognise the               selection of articles for you in this
                                            FULL PAGE ADVERT                                                                    fantastic contribution of volunteers to        issue, including the tale of a forgotten
                                                                                                                                our communities and to say thank you.          hero of Cheltenham, and a fascinating
                              £50 for CAC members or £150 for non-members                                                       Where would CAC’s 50-odd member                item about Church Recorders in
           Please contact for more information.                                              organisations be without volunteers?           this area (and no, that doesn’t mean
                Submissions must be with us by the following dates for consideration                                            Over the last 18 months or so, it has          schoolchildren playing hymns on a
                                                                                                                                been particularly hard to keep things          plastic descant…)
                                             for the next issue:
                                                                                                                                going, to maintain enthusiasm and              There’s some exciting news from the
                       End of November deadline for Feb/May Issue                                                               a sense of community, so thank you             Holst Museum, plus four new radio
                              End of March deadline for June/Sept Issue                                                         and congratulations to all volunteers          plays from Parrot Productions and a
                                End of July deadline for Oct/Jan Issue                                                          as we finally emerge blinking into the         host of activities being organised by
                                                                                                                                sunshine after a long period of gloom.         the Christian Arts Festival. There’s
                                                                                                                                There is a lot to look forward to! As          also news of a competition from the
                                                                                                                                I write, the Jazz Festival is starting         Gloucestershire Writers’ Network –
                                                                         COVER IMAGE: Cheltenham Illustration Awards            its online event, and the Music                the deadline is the end of June, so get
                                 CONTENTS                                2019 successful entrant Lu ChenE                       and Literature Festivals have some             writing!
                                                                                                                                wonderful programmes planned                   Our “Meet the Members” section this
COS 21 TASTER                                                        2                                                          for us later in the year (www.
                                                                         An exhibition of the 2019 CIA entries will be
                                                                         held at Chapel Arts from 9th-26th June,
                                                                                                                                                                               time features the Gloucestershire
CHELTENHAM CHILDREN’S CHOIR                                          3
                                                                         The deadline for 2021 entries is 16 June.
                                                                                                                       September’s          Gardens and Landscape Trust, and
Twenty Years of Church Recording in Cheltenham                       4                                                          Heritage Open Days, with the theme of          we also hear from CAC’s newest
Gloucestershire’s Forgotten Legend                                   5
                                                                         for more details.
                                                                                                                                Edible England, will also be a highlight       member organisation, the Cheltenham
2021 Competition: Signposts                                          7
                                                                                                                                ( Best of         Children’s Choir.
                                                                         RIGHT: Illustration by Carly Gillham,                  all, the Listings section of Perspectives,
ALL CHANGE AT THE HOLST BIRTHPLACE MUSEUM                            8   University of Gloucestershire illustration                                                            Alongside the announcement of the
                                                                                                                                which has been rather empty in the
LISTINGS                                                      10-12
                                                                         student and Cheltenham Illustration Awards
                                                                                                                                                                               date of our AGM is some good news
ON THE VERGE                                                       13    successful Entrant.                                                                                                about grants, so watch out
                                                                                                                                                             for further information on
CHELTENHAM CHRISTIAN ARTS FESTIVAL                            14-15
Meet the members                                                   16
                                                                                                                                                                                            Our very best wishes
                                                                                                                                                                                            for a happy and fun-
                                                                                                                                                                                            filled summer. If only
                                                                                                                                                                                            CAC could influence the
Perspectives is produced three times a year.                                                                                                                                                weather…
The next issue will span October 2021 – January 2022.                                      Cheltenham
                                                                                           Arts Council
Submission (ads and events) must be with us by the end of JULY for                                                                                                                                             Rachel Tedd
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PERSPECTIVES EDITOR
consideration for the next issue. Please email event details to          PERSPECTIVES TEAM                                                                                                                                  EDITOR Rachel Tedd      DESIGN Chantal Freeman
                                                                         LISTINGS Alice Hodsdon ART CONSULTANT NIKI WHITFIELD
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
2 Art                                                                                                                                                                          Music 3

                                                                                                   CHELTENHAM CHILDREN’S CHOIR
                                                                                AN UPDATE FROM OUR NEWEST MEMBER ORGANISATION

                                                                               heltenham Children’s Choir is an
                                                                               open-to-all children’s community
                                                                               choir, welcoming all young people
                                                                               who love to sing.
                                                                          The choir is split into three choirs - Little
                                                                          Lyrics (5-8 year olds), Vocalise (8-11 year
                                            Laure Filho
                                                                          olds) and Harmonise (11-14 year olds). From
                                                                          the moment the children walk through the
                                                                          door, we aim for everyone to feel happy,
                                                                          welcomed and at ease, whether you are an
                                                                          old friend or a newcomer.
                                                                          Throughout the challenging year that
                                                                          we have had, the Children’s Choir has
                                                                          continually adapted and enjoyed singing
                                            LEFT: Sarah Baker
                                                                          together each week, thanks to the use of        Harmonise CHOIR in Rehearsals
                                                                          technology. The children were able to see
                                                                          their friends, albeit on screen, chat, have     We are delighted to report that Cheltenham
                                            gabrielle moulding            fun and sing. As one parent said, “Their        Children’s Choir are now back to in-person
                                                                          smiles lit up the screen and our lounges”.      Saturday morning rehearsals. With efforts
                                                                          In Summer 2020, we held movie nights (via       put in to always keeping the children safe,
                                                                          Zoom) to showcase the children’s work.          we are working towards a very exciting
                                                                          Everyone had submitted videos which we          new venture, this time, live on stage! (See
                                                                          collated into a fantastic evening! Dressed      Listings for more information).
                                                                          up and popcorn at the ready, we all watched     To sum up our year, one parent said, “The
                                                                          the children perform on screen.                 sense of CCC community has grown
                                                                          Christmas came round and the Children’s         through 2020 and we have loved being part
                                                                          Choir took part in a musical advent             of it!”.      Amber Smith, Choir Leader
                                                                          calendar, were chosen to launch BBC
                                                                          Radio Gloucestershire’s Virtual Christmas
                                                                          Market, and were part of a national virtual
                                                                          Choir Show.
                                                                          As life enters a new phase, we have made
               lella dey                                                  some wonderful memories of our lockdown
                                                                          year – so far we have not mentioned
                                                                          our ‘Zoom bake-off’, Zoom-bingo or our
                                                                          Saturday Spotlight. Although apart, Zoom
                                                                          Choir allowed the children a sense of
                                                                          normality, and the families got an insight
                                                                                                                          VOCALISE CHOIR in REMOTE Rehearsal
                                                                          into the Choir fun.

                    Some recent work by Cheltenham Open Studios artists

perspectives                                                                                                                                              CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
4 H E R I TA G E                                                                                                                                                                            History 5

                    TWENTY YEARS OF CHURCH RECORDING IN CHELTENHAM                                                    GLOUCESTERSHIRE’S FORGOTTEN LEGEND
                    PAUL FOSTER OF THE ARTS SOCIETY TELLS US MORE                                         A TALE BY PHIL JONES (CHELTENHAM WRITERS’ CIRCLE)

     W                                                                                             T
            hen I told a friend I was a church      250 pages of text and the other records             he horseman, no ordinary horseman,          to win the Grand National two years in
           recorder, he asked if it meant           about 150 pages - plus lots of photos. Each        leant from his highly-strung cob to          succession. Black Tom’s thesis was that ‘the
           playing Vivaldi at evensong. But         record took two or three years – except for        wave to the pikewoman at the gate on         post is the place to win; lie away from the
           my fascinating hobby over the            Bishop’s Cleeve, which at times we thought         the toll road up Cleeve Hill and then        other horses’.
     past twenty years has been to research         we’d never finish!                             proceeded on up at a walking pace. He’d
                                                                                                                                                    George won the Grand National for the
     and document the contents of historic          We were able to specialise in a variety of     been to the market in Cheltenham and
                                                                                                                                                    first time in 1856 riding Free Trader, a 25-1
     local churches. This is the story of the       subjects. Church memorials may entail          was riding back towards Emblem Cottage,
                                                                                                                                                    outsider. He claimed victory at the post
     Cheltenham Church Recording Group.             studying family history or heraldry back       his house high on the hill. Fate, however,
                                                                                                                                                    in line with Black Tom Oliver’s guiding
                                                    to the Tudors, on one occasion consulting      had decreed that he was never to make it
    ... beautiful carving, ranging                                                                                                                  principle. A bonfire
                                                    a (very helpful) member of the Heraldry        safe home.
                                                                                                                                                    was lit on Cleeve
    from medieval work to Arts                      Council; and a knowledge of Latin is handy.    Just as he reached the Rising Sun Hotel, his     Hill, a gesture that
                                                    There is fine old silverware, some of it       hat blew off. A young lad ran to get it and,     was to be repeated
    and Crafts. Textiles range
                                                    kept in the Cathedral Treasury for security.   as he passed it back, the horse panicked. It     each time he won.
    from home-made kneelers to                      In stonework and woodwork one finds            turned and set off back down the hill, once
                                                    beautiful carving, ranging from medieval                                                        Between George’s
    elaborate vestments...                                                                         again passing the pikewoman but, this
                                                    work to Arts and Crafts. Textiles range                                                         first and second wins
                                                                                                   time, at a crazy gallop.
                                                    from home-made kneelers to elaborate                                                            times were changing. Steeplechasers had
                                                    vestments. Stained glass windows may be        The rider clung on until the animal’s mad        always been hunters or cavalry horses but
     The background: the Victoria and Albert
                                                    very old or very new, and they often tell      charge ended when it caught its foot in          now people were beginning to introduce
     Museum and The Arts Society (formerly
                                                    a family story in their dedications. Then      a drain at Southam and fell, throwing its        horses that had originally been bred for
     NADFAS) have a nationwide programme
                                                    there are organs, tower clocks, mass dials,    rider. The horseman’s head hit a stone,          the flat. Stevens’ second win was in 1863.
     to produce detailed “church records” for the
                                                    wall paintings, bells and peal certificates    fracturing his skull. The people who went        He rode a little mare called Emblem
     libraries of the V&A, the Church of England
                                                    and the parish papers held in Gloucester       to his aid carried him into Mrs Villar’s         that was owned by the Earl of Coventry.
     and Historic England as well as for county
                                                    Archives. We have both struggled with          farmhouse across the road. Afterwards they       Lord Coventry had faith in his horse and
     archives and the churches themselves.
                                                    new technology and benefitted from the         carried him home where he died 24 hours          bet heavily on her. Emblem was the 3-1
     Nearly 2,000 such records have been
                                                    growing online records available.              later, leaving a widow and a son of twelve       favourite before the race but, when the
     produced, and the programme has just
                                                                                                   years.                                           punters saw how ‘small and scratchy’ she
     migrated to a dedicated Church Recording       The highlights? At Guiting Power, we were
                                                                                                                                                    was, the odds lengthened and she started
     Society with the same aim: recording the       bowled over by a beautiful but decaying        Thus, in a freak accident, the world lost
                                                                                                                                                    the race at 7-2 second favourite. Lord
     riches within local churches.                  Victorian altar frontal and through the Arts   George Stevens, one of its greatest ever
                                                                                                                                                    Coventry, however, had the last laugh as he
     After a few years with the Painswick group,    Society’s Heritage Volunteers scheme we        jockeys. Stevens still holds the record for
                                                                                                                                                    watched Emblem come in 20 lengths ahead
     which worked on churches such as Avening       formed a team of embroiderers to restore       the greatest number of wins in the Grand
                                                                                                                                                    of her nearest challenger, easing up at the
     and Winstone, I joined the Cheltenham          it to its former glory. At Bishop’s Cleeve,    National, although few seem to have heard
                                                                                                                                                    line. His Lordship pocketed £4,000 pounds
     Group which started life some twenty years     we were able to capture the details of the     of him today.
                                                                                                                                                    as a result.
     ago and cut its teeth on small churches at     layout church during the major reordering
                                                                                                   George Stevens was born in Cheltenham in
     Shipton Sollers and Whittington. At the        of recent years. But just spending time with                                                    The following year, Stevens rode Emblem’s
                                                                                                   1833. His first job was as a barber but racing
     time we were preparing to tackle the very      the many precious old objects has been a                                                        sister Emblematic. This was another
                                                                                                   seemed to be in his blood. He was soon
     large parish church at Bishop’s Cleeve.        tonic in itself.                                                                                lean, fit little mare dubbed ‘a rat’ and ‘a
                                                                                                   accepted to train as a jockey by William
     Since then we have worked on churches          The team will take a break now and switch                                                       wretch’ by the gamblers on the course.
                                                                                                   Holman’s racing stable on Cleeve Hill.
     at Guiting Power, Tredington, Swindon          to more informal and varied projects as                                                         Once again they got it wrong. Emblematic
     Village and Dumbleton. You may judge the       Arts Society’s Heritage Volunteers. And I      He learnt quickly, particularly from ‘Black      won by three lengths. Once again, Lord
     effort we put into this work from the fact     shall do something different!                  Tom’ Oliver, another Cheltenham jockey           Coventry’s judgement was rewarded and he
     that the Bishop’s Cleeve record had some                                       Paul Foster    who, before Stevens, was the only one            won big sums of money by the standards

perspectives                                                                                                                                                            CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
6 History                                                                                                                                                                                            COMPETITION 7

   of the time. This year though, he gave          was last at Beechers the first time round                                           2021 COMPETITION: SIGNPOSTS
   a significant portion of his winnings to        with Stevens playing his usual waiting                                       GLOUCESTERSHIRE WRITERS’ NETWORK
   George Stevens as a reward. Stevens chose       game but this time George Holman on The
   to invest the money in a smallholding on        Doctor was being just as canny. These two

   Cleeve Hill and established his own racing      horses, along with a mare called Primrose,                    he challenges of the last twelve
   stable there at Emblem Cottage.                 were neck-and-neck as they came to the                                                                     THEME              Signposts
                                                                                                                 months have seen us taking more
                                                   last. Primrose clipped the fence and the                      advantage of the great outdoors to           POETRY JUDGE        Carrie Etter
   Not long after this, the Earl and the jockey
                                                   other two fought it out along the flat. There                 jog, to mountain bike, to hill run, but      PROSE JUDGE         Debbie Young
   parted company. The Earl considered that
                                                   were never more than a few inches in it but              above all to walk, trailing the parks, tracks
   Stevens had lost his nerve and the jockey                                                                                                                  FIRST PRIZE         £200 in each category
                                                   Stevens’ strength and timing enabled him to              and bye-ways of our beautiful county.
   was never to ride in Lord Coventry’s colours                                                                                                                                   Runners up prizes: 3
                                                   bring The Colonel home by a neck in one of
   again. Stevens said, though, that he would                                                               Research has shown that walking in                                    runners up in each
                                                   the finest finishes ever seen at Aintree.
   give his eye-teeth to prove his Lordship                                                                 particular is hugely beneficial to our                                category will receive a
   wrong. It would be five years before he could   It was George Steven’s fifth victory,                    mental health, thought processes and                                  £20 book token
   do that.                                        adding to the impressive total achieved                  imagination because when we walk, it
                                                   by Cheltenham jockeys. Between them,                     seems we can adjust our pace to match
   Stevens married into a horseracing family
                                                   Tom Oliver, William Archer, father of Fred,              that of our thinking, something which is
   and one of his wife’s uncles not only owned                                                                                                                Prize-winners and highly commended
                                                   William Holman, Tommy Pickernell and                     more difficult at a faster speed. Perhaps
   a racing stable in Shropshire but also a                                                                                                                   entrants will be invited to have their
                                                   George Stevens rode twelve Grand National                it was not by chance that so many of
   steeplechaser named The Colonel. George                                                                                                                    entries published in the competition
                                                   winners. A year later, in 1871, George                   our great poets and writers were also
   Stevens went over to the stable to train                                                                                                                   anthology. All winners and highly
                                                   Stevens won the Licensed Victuallers Plate               enthusiastic ramblers. People are unique
   the horse. In 1869, The Colonel started the                                                                                                                commended will receive a copy of the
                                                   in the Cheltenham Grand Annual Meeting                   in their view of the world, what grabs
   National as a mere 13-1 fourth favourite but                                                                                                               anthology.
                                                   in what was to be his last race. Six weeks               their attention and the significance they
   George took him through in the last mile
                                                   after that Stevens was dead, killed in that              attribute to it and so we are hopeful that
   to win at a canter by three lengths. The
                                                   fall from his horse.                                     this time spent in contemplative strolling
   Sporting Life reported that, “Never was                                                                                                                    CLOSING DATE        Midnight, 30 June 2021
   there more elation on a jockey’s face than      So there you have George Stevens, arguably               will provide you with the inspiration             ENTRY FEES          £3 one entry
   George’s as he passed the post.”                one of the finest steeplechase jockeys of                to enter our competition and that your                                £5 two entries
                                                   them all, and all but forgotten today. He                interpretations of the theme ‘Signposts’                              £7 three entries
   The next year, the Cleeve Hill connection                                                                will be as varied and wild and individual as
                                                   rode in fifteen Grand Nationals without
   was even stronger. A horse called The                                                                    the landscapes and urban scenes that you
                                                   falling once, he won five times and was,
   Doctor was being trained at Holman’s                                                                     have encountered.
                                                   ironically, killed at the age of 38 in a freak
   stables and it rapidly emerged as favourite.
                                                   accident riding home one evening from
   A great race was in the offing and the crowd
                                                   Cheltenham market.
   weren’t to be disappointed. The Colonel

                                                                                                             For further details please see our website

                                                                                                                                                                             Sponsored by

                                                                                                                                                                              Good luck !
                                                                                                                                   Supporting local writers
                                                                    Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2019
                                                                    successful entrant
                                                                    My Stories of Inquietude by Heng Zeng

perspectives                                                                                                                                                                       CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
8 H e r i ta g e                                                                                                                                                                    H e r i ta g e 9

                         AN UPDATE FROM MIKE JENKINSON

    A    fter lots of market research and a fair
         amount of internal debate, the Holst
         Birthplace Trust has embarked on an
    exciting transformation of four Clarence
    Road into the Holst Victorian House.
    As the only Victorian house in
    Cheltenham open to the public, we are
    reaching out to a wider audience of those
    interested in Victorian social history, while
    retaining the key attraction of Holst and
    his music. We hope to provide a more
    immersive experience for visitors, with
    narratives around the residents who lived
    in the house, including the Holst family.
    The aim is for visitors to feel that they are
    stepping back in time into a real Victorian

    There is much to do, but thankfully                                                             the word, attending our events, and
    Covid-19 has actually given us the space to                                                     coming to explore the Museum in the
    think about the change and plan properly.                                                       autumn. We’d be delighted to see you
    It’s an ambitious project, so we won’t be                                                       there.
    delivering it in one go. We have scheduled                                                                                                 Cheltenham Arts Council will be holding
                                                                                                    Meanwhile, you can keep in touch by
    some infrastructure work for next year,                                                         following us on Twitter, Facebook or the    its AGM at 7.30pm on Thursday 10th
    depending on external funding. However,                                                         Website. We are reopening on 19 May.          June 2021, and it will be by Zoom
    we will be launching the first phase to                                                         You can also support us by becoming               videoconference again.
    coincide with Heritage Open Days (10-19                                                         a Volunteer at the Museum. If you’d
    September). There will be lots of events at     railings to their original colours.                                                           Member organisations will receive
                                                                                                    like to know more please email us at
    that time: in the Museum, in public spaces                                                                                                   an email with the details and joining
                                                    Next year we hope to return the hallway
    (pandemic permitting) and also online;                                                                                                                instructions soon.
                                                    to its original look and feel, install period
    I think we are all now quite used to talks                                                      Thank you.
                                                    lighting and soundscapes, revamp the                                                       Grants from both the Trafford Memorial
    given via Zoom!                                 Holst Museum rooms on the ground floor,                                                        Fund and Cheltenham Borough
    So what changes can you expect? At              and provide an audio-visual virtual house                                                  Council will be available to successful
    launch we will have a new logo and              tour that visitors can access on a phone or
                                                                                                                                                applicants immediately after the AGM
    branding; new interpretative material           tablet. Visitors will also have better access
                                                                                                                                                and will be transferred electronically
    and visitor guide; a redesigned website; a      to Holst archive material using smart                    @HolstMuseum
                                                    digital technology.                                                                                   wherever possible.
    changed visitor pathway passing through
    a succession of period rooms; and new           Given these uncertain times it is a mark of                                                     We are also pleased to say that
    films which set the scene and showcase          the confidence and energy of the Trustees,        WEB              there will be another round of grant
    some of our key exhibits. We are also           Staff and Volunteers that we have pushed                                                   applications this autumn – watch out for
    working on a redecoration of the house          ahead with the project. We hope that we                                                            further details in August.
    exterior, returning the front door and          can count on your support by spreading

perspectives                                                                                                                                                     CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
10 LISTINGS                                                                                               EVENTS 9                                                                                                          LISTINGS 11

                                                                                                                        Molly Abbott & Jill
                 LISTINGS: EVENTS DIRECTORY JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2021                                                       Hamilton Wed 30 Jun-
                                                                                                                        Mon 5 Jul,
   VISUAL ARTS                become an important part At The Gardens Gallery,                                          Claudia Araceli, Wed 7- Sat
                              of the cultural landscape                      Montpellier Gardens:                       10 Jul,
  Cheltenham Open Studios for artists and art lovers
  COS Group Show,                                                            2pm-5pm on Wednesdays,                     Emma Yorke, Sun 11- Mon
                              alike, engaging people                         from 10am Thu-Mon,                         12 Jul,
  Fri 4- Sun 13 Jun, Gardens with the original art
  Gallery, Montpellier,                                                      closed on Tuesdays,                        Nigel Calvert: Art-Glass,
                              made here. For more info             
  with the postponement       about COS, please visit                                                                   Wed 14- Mon 19 Jul,
  of the main art trail until cheltenhamopenstudios.                                                                    Christine Hobson:
  September, COS members                                              Unity: Into a New Chapter
                                                                             2021, Wed 16- Mon 21 Jun,                  Wednesday Group, Wed
  host a group show this                                                                                                21- Mon 26 Jul,
  June. For more info                                                        Andrew Dawes & Michael
                                                                             Paul: Space and Faces,                     Junction 12 Art Group,
  about COS, please visit
                                                                             Wed 23- Mon 28 Jun,                        Wed 28 Jul- Mon 2 Aug,
  cheltenhamopenstudios.                                                                                                                Abigail Scriven: A Brush
                                                                                                                        With Watercolours, Wed
                                BY ARD SU WWW.ARDSU.COM                                                                 4- Mon 9 Aug,
  see cotswoldartclub.
  com for details of the                                                                                                Caroline Hill: Diverse
  restart of Saturday artist                                                                                            Image and Form, Wed 11-       ANTHEA MILLIER, CHELTENHAMOPENSTUDIOS.ORG.UK

  demonstrations                                                                                                        Mon 16 Aug,
  Sea Nature Exhibition,                                                                                                Bob Meredith: Old and the      MUSIC                                            rehearsal space at the Tithe
  Leanne Courtney-Crowe,                                                                                                New Arts and Crafts, Wed                                                        Barn, Bishop’s Cleeve,
  Fri 11- Thu 17 Jun, 9.30am-                                                                                           18- Mon 23 Aug,               Cheltenham Children’s                             please see www.cleeve-
  5pm daily (closing 1pm                                                                                                Anthony Davie, Wed 25-        Choir, now back in person                for latest or
  on 17th), Dove Gallery,                                                                                               Mon 30 Aug                    after singing together                            search CleeveHarmony on
  Winchcombe, selection                                                                                                                               online, three groups,                             Facebook
                                                                                                                        Claudia Araceli, Wed 1-
  of work by local artist                                                                                                                             please see cheltenham                             Cheltenham
                                                                                                                        Mon 6 Sep
  with inspiration based on                                                                                                                  for                          Opera Society: Der
                                                                                                                        Cheltenham Art Club, Wed      details                                           Rosenkavalier, Wed
  nature. Floral, sea work
                                                                                                                        8 - Mon 13 Sep                Cleeve Harmony                                    9 Jun, time tbc, Zoom
  and abstracts in various
  sizes and mediums. www.                                                                                               Jan Whitton: Pastel and       Rehearsals, Wednesdays,                           lecture by Simon Rees,                                                                                                   Brush, Wed 15- Mon 20 Sep     via Zoom, 7.30pm, a fun,                          for further info see
                                                                                                                        Cheltenham Group              friendly ladies’ a cappella                       cheltenhamoperasociety.
  Cheltenham Open
                                                                                                                        of Artists Autumn             choir. Our songs can                    
  Studios21, Sat 25 Sep-
                                                                                                                        Exhibition, Wed 22 - Mon      be learnt by non music
  Sun 3 Oct, artists open
                                                                                                                        27 Sep                        readers and range from
  their doors to the public
                                                                                                                        Caroline Hill: Workshop       old ballads to modern hits.
  in this celebration of the
                                                                                                                        Portraiture and Sculpture,    New members welcome.
  visual art being made in
                                                                                                                        Wed 29 Sep- Sat 2 Oct         We’re planning our safe
  the area. Meet the artists,
                                                                                                                                                      return to our regular
  view their work, learn
  about their practice. Now
  a biennial event, COS has                                                                                                                           RACHAEL THOROGOOD, CHELTENHAMOPENSTUDIOS.ORG.UK

perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                               CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
12 LISTINGS                                                                                                                                                                        T H E AT R E 1 3

   Cheltenham Children’s       STAGE                       info: 01452 627811,
                                                                                                                               ON THE VERGE
   Choir: Summer                                           cheltenhampoetrysociety            A QUARTET OF NEW RADIO PLAYS BY PARROT PRODUCTIONS
   Showcase, Sun 20 Jun,       Tuckwell Open Air 
   6pm, streamed from The      Theatre Festival, Tue       Cheltenham Poetry

   Bacon Theatre with a        3- Sun 15 Aug, Tuckwell     Society Workshop, Tue             ocal theatre fans may remember            3.      Face the Music, by David Elder. This
   virtual audience, please    Amphitheatre, cinema,       3 Aug, 7-10pm, Rosalind           previous plays by Parrot Productions,             play, set in 1908, tells the story of
                               theatre, music and family Room, Parmoor House,                which have included Lou Beckett's                 a difficult period in the life of the
   book tickets at https://
                               show favourites. Tickets                                      Bletchley Girls (previously called                composer Gustav Holst. Having just                                      Lypiatt Terrace, further
                               online at bacontheatre.                                   Secrets, Lies and Spies), Rotten Luck, and            received the results of a prestigious
   summershowcase/                                         info: 01452 627811,           The Parrot, The Poet and The Philanderer,             music competition, Gustav hopes
   Cheltenham Opera   or call 01242 258002 cheltenhampoetry
                                                                                         and David Elder’s The Making of Miss                  this will be the major break-through
   Society: Garsington         Promenade Productions,
                                                                                         Brown.                                                he’s been looking for.
   Opera, June, various        details of pre-audition     Cheltenham Civic
                               rehearsals for The                                        Bletchley Girls stage production was          4.      Big Blue Things, by David Elder. Set
   dates, Der Rosenkavalier,                               Society: Heritage Open                                                              in the aftermath of the devastating
                               Snow Queen (opening                                       cancelled due to Covid, but an audio
   ticket allocation tbc,                                  Days, September, this                                                               Gloucestershire floods of 2007,
                               night 31 Jan 2022)                                        version was included in the 2020
   for further info see                                    year’s national theme is      Gloucester History Festival, where it was             this play tells the story of two
   cheltenhamoperasociety.     will be posted on the       ‘Edible England’. Please                                                            Cheltenham residents who try to
                                                                                         listed as one of the Festival's highlights.                      society’s website www.      see for                                                           cope with the ‘new normal’, making
                                                                                         The Making of Miss Brown was premiered
   Cheltenham Bach             promenadeproductions.       details                       in the 2020 Stroud Film Festival where it             daily trips to collect water from those
   Choir, Sat 3 Jul, 7.30pm, from September        Holst Birthplace Museum:      was well-received (see article in Spring              “big blue things” that have suddenly
   Tewkesbury Abbey,           onwards                     Conversation Piece? A         2021 issue of Perspectives).                          appeared on the town’s streets.
                                                                                                                                               However, while carrying on with
   a selection of choral                                   double Holst Portrait,        This year Parrot Productions are
                                LECTURES & MEETINGS                                                                                            their new routines, a different type of
   favourites from Handel to                               Tue 7 Sep, 6.30pm, talk       producing four short (10-minute) radio
                                                                                                                                               challenge suddenly arises.
   Rachmaninov. Admission                                  by Adrian Barlow. Keep        plays which, despite comprising different
                               Friends of the Wilson,                                    topics, have a common theme of ‘On the
   free but tickets must                                   an eye on our website for                                                   The plays, which have received financial
                               Mon 21 Jun, 10.30am,                                      Verge’ that links them together. They
   be booked in advance,                                   details:                                                   support from the Cheltenham Arts
                               Zoom talk: Herbert                                        comprise:
   retiring collection for                                 uk                                                                          Council, are expected to be made
                               Ponting: Scott’s Antarctic
   local charities. See                                    Cheltenham Poetry             1.   Forbidden Music, by Lou Beckett. The     available during this summer both as
                               Photographer and Pioneer for                                  Society Workshop, Tue              play explores how the Nazis lost the     podcasts and via local radio community
                               Filmmaker, with Anne
   details                                                 7 Sep, 7-10pm, Rosalind            war but still had a major influence      channels.
                               Strathie, £5, see https://
   Cheltenham Chamber                                      Room, Parmoor House,               in repressing many 20th century
   Orchestra, Sat 18 Sep,                                  Lypiatt Terrace, further           composers. One man tries to redress
   7.30pm, St Andrew’s                                     info: 01452 627811,                the wrong but to do it he has to
                               Friends of the Wilson,                                         convince a major music label to take
   Church, Montpellier,                                    cheltenhampoetry
                               Mon 5 Jul, 10.30am, Zoom                                       on a series of composers who are now
   Baroque music including                       
                               talk: Battle of Tewkesbury                                     dead and whom most people have
   Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.                                 Cheltenham Local
                               anniversary, with Steve                                        never heard of.
   www.cheltenhamchamber                                   History Society, Tue 21
                               Goodchild, £5, see https://                               2.   We Can't Be, by Lou Beckett. This             Further details will be posted on the                                        Sep, 7.30pm, Young Zamiel
                               www.friendsofthewilson.                                        play, closer to home, tells the story         Parrot Productions websites
   Holst Birthday Concert,                                 Gripeall: Cheltenham’s
                                                                      of two young women who decide
   with the Oriel Singers,                                 ‘crafty, crabbed, selfish’
                               Cheltenham Poetry                                              Cheltenham needs a statue of a                WEB
   Sat 25 Sep, St Andrew’s                                 newspaper proprietor and
                               Society Workshop, Tue                                          woman and the lengths they'll go to
   Church, Montpellier, for                                hotelier, Samuel Young             achieve that.
                               6 Jul, 7-10pm, Rosalind
   confirmation and details                                Griffith, with Mark Davies.
                               Room, Parmoor House,
   see                                  See
                               Lypiatt Terrace, further

Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...
14 EVENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                   EVENTS 15

                             CREATIVE ARTS FOR EVERYONE

          here’s nothing like abstinence
          to remind us of what we took for
          granted! But we’re getting back on
          track – how thrilling to be able to offer
     live experiences once again, to challenge,
     entertain, celebrate and engage.
     We are hugely appreciative of an award
     from Cheltenham Arts Council, which
     we don’t take for granted! The funding
     is supporting our textile banner project
     Challenge: for our textile banner project,       CHRISTIAN ARTS FESTIVAL TEXTILE BANNER
     many people are immersed in making
     eye-catching banners with fabric,                On and The Bean Baker Band, and an
     stitching and recycled bits and pieces,          Open Mic Competition. The Open Mic
     portraying messages of hope and raising          Competition is for music and comedy
     questions.                                       acts and is open to everyone, all ages.
                       What is beauty? Who            Or is there another performance you
                       cares and why? How             could bring to the mic? There will be
                                                      prize money and an opportunity to
                       can destruction lead to
                       hope? Have you got a           perform live on stage. Contact nikki@
                                                                                                                      “Destresstival” programme, offering live
                                                                                                                      music at lunchtimes on campus for the           EVENTS
                       vision of how the world                                       enjoyment and relaxation of staff and           Other events include
                       can be restored? The           Celebrate: By the time you read this,                           students during the pressurizing exam
                       project aptly reflects our                                                                     period.                                         Nature’s Gallery
                                                      we will have celebrated with different
     2021/22 theme: “Eden, Restoring Paradise:                                                                                                                        Saturday 26 June 3pm, Barnwood Park,
                                                      audiences the ‘new freedom’ in our                              Engage: Nothing has stopped us
     Beauty, Care, Destruction, Restoration”.                                                                                                                         Gloucester Arboretum - a creative stroll with
                                                      glorious Cheltenham parks with Music                            reimagining how we do things. The “Inspires
     It will continue until November 2021                                                                                                                             Forest Church to focus on art that is nature
                                                      in the Park, Comedians in the Sunshine                          Sessions” and Octopus Creative Workshops,
     to mark the International Climate                                                                                                                                through willow windows.
                                                      and Arts Extravaganza and Demos. How                            live-streamed through Facebook, Twitter
     Conference. Five exhibitions are being           amazing for our creatives to once again                                                                         Cheltenham Open Studios
                                                                                                                      and YouTube, are proving a great success
     planned to exhibit the banners both in           share the skills which have taken years                                                                         We will also be part of Cheltenham Open
                                                                                                                      and are available via our website: www.
     Cheltenham and around the country from           of practice to refine. Our hope is that                                                                         Studios, 25 September – 3 October 2021, at
                                                                                                             Also, it’s not too
     July 2021.                                       having been tucked away for so long                                                                             the Hub Gallery, Christ Church, Cheltenham
                                                                                                                      late to be enlightened and encouraged
     Entertain: As restrictions continue to           with cancelled events and exhibitions,                          by our Sermon Slam where five finalists
                                                      lockdown will have awarded them the                                                                             Christian Arts Festival
     be lifted, we are remaining positive that                                                                        came head to head online with a 3 Minute        We are planning the Christian Arts Festival
     our Festival of Stars (Recreational Land,        gift of time to explore new and fresh                           Message for our judges. See if you would
                                                      expressions of creativity which they may                                                                        2022 launch at Cheltenham Town Hall on
     Whaddon), can take place on Saturday                                                                             have chosen the winner of the first prize       Sunday 27 March 2022.
     4 September 2pm – 10pm. How exciting             not otherwise have developed.                                   and the People’s Vote!
     to be able to stage a live, fresh air,           A new departure for us is the privilege                         cheltchristianarts                              We continue to need donations especially
     green space music and comedy festival            of collaborating with the University of                                                                         for our online workshop leaders - donate:
     with choirs, arts and sports activities,         Gloucestershire during this summer                                                                    
     Caribbean food, groups such as Folk              term as part of their Students Union                                                                            christianartsfestival

perspectives                                                                         CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK   perspectives                                                         CHELTENHAM ARTS COUNCIL.CO.UK
Cheltenham Children's Choir Church Recording Gloucestershire's Forgotten Legend Local events and festivals - Cheltenham Arts Council: ...

                                              MEET THE MEMBERS

            he Gloucestershire Gardens and
            Landscape Trust was founded in
            1991 as a charity aiming to raise
            awareness of the immense value
       of the historic landscapes, parks and
       gardens in the county for the benefit of
       present and future generations, and of
       the risks to their continued existence for            Dr Anthea Jones, one of our members,
       our delight. How prescient considering                which reproduces with commentary
       how greatly we have valued our local                  the 18th century engravings of
       parks during the past year! The Trust                 Gloucestershire country houses by
       seeks to support the protection and                   Johannnes Kip.
       conservation of these sites throughout
                                                             During the winter, several lectures are
       the county, both through research and
                                                             held at St Luke’s Hall, Cheltenham, or
       by establishing close cooperation with
                                                             via Zoom as appropriate, whilst in the
       owners as well as local and national
                                                             summer members can apply to join
       bodies concerned with historic gardens
                                                             group visits to private gardens often
       and designed landscapes. As an affiliated
                                                             not normally open to the public. Our
       member of The Gardens Trust, expert
                                                             research team, which meets regularly
       members of GGLT are in a position
                                                             at Gloucester Heritage Hub, very
       to study and comment upon planning
                                                             much welcomes new members with an
       applications which impinge on historic
                                                             interest in contributing to research into
       sites in Gloucestershire.
                                                             one of the wonderful historic gardens
       Our regular newsletter keeps members                  or designed landscapes in the county.
       abreast of developments and our                       GGLT is a very friendly organisation and
       beautiful journal, The Wider View, now                we are, of course, always delighted to
       appears annually offering in-depth                    welcome new members or guests to our
       articles by members of GGLT and others.               lectures.
       The Trust is an important sponsor of a
                                                                                          Elise Forbes
       recently published book by

           Details of our organisation and events can be found online –


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