Clinical Presentation and Factors Leading to Complications of Deep Neck Space Infections at CHUK

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Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

Original article

Clinical Presentation and Factors Leading to Complications of
Deep Neck Space Infections at CHUK

Isaie Ncogoza1*2, Eric Munezero1, Jean Paul Mvukiyehe3, David Shaye4
1Department  of Ear Nose Throat, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda,
Kigali, Rwanda
2University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK), Kigali, Rwanda

3Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine and

Health Sciences, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda
4Department of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston,

Massachusetts, United States

*Corresponding author: Isaie Ncogoza Department of Ear Nose Throat, College of Medicine
and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda. Email:
Deep neck space infection (DNSI) mostly arise from the local extension of dental, tonsils
and parotid gland infections. Early diagnosis and management is the key to avoid
associated complications.
Our study aimed at evaluating the clinical presentation and factors related to
complications of DNSIs at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali.
This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University teaching hospital of Kigali
from September 2017 to November 2018. It enrolled 66 participants.               Patient
information was recorded using a questionnaire and analyzed using Epidata 3.1
software. The data were processed using SPSS 16.0. Comparison of categorical variables
were performed using the chi-square test. Associations with p-values=0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Males accounted for 35 (53%) of DNSIs. The majority (97%) presented with neck pain
and 21% with a history of tooth extraction. The submandibular space was the most
involved in 33 (50%) cases. The average duration of symptoms at presentation was 11
days. Delayed consultation and advanced age (>40years) were associated with
complications and hospital stay with (p value=0.022) and (p=0.015) respectively.
Neck pain on background of tooth extraction is the most common presentation of
patients with DNSIs. Delayed presentation and advanced age are central factors for
complications and longer hospital stay.
Rwanda J Med Health Sci 2021;4(1):8-19
Keywords: Deep neck space infections, presentation, complications.

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

Background                                                gland infections, trauma to the aero-
                                                          digestive tract, and benign and
Deep neck space infections (DNSIs)                        malignant neck tumors. Dental
are defined as infections in potential                    infections are associated with the
spaces and fascial planes of the neck,                    majority of DNSIs while the etiology
characterized by rapid progression                        of DNSIs is not identified in 20-50%
and                   life-threatening                    of cases.[6] Clinical presentation of
complications.[1–4]                                       DNSIs vary according to the neck
The fascial planes are of two types:                      space involved. Common symptoms
superficial    and     deep     layers.                   include dysphagia, odynophagia,
According to the relationship with                        pain, neck swelling, respiratory
the hyoid bone, deep neck spaces are                      difficulties, fever and features of
classified as follows: There are                          inflammation          on       physical
spaces localized above the hyoid                          examination.[11,12] Medical history
bone level including the peritonsillar,                   may reveal comorbidities such as
submandibular,       parapharyngeal,                      previous      dental     diseases     or
buccal, parotid and masticatory                           procedures, upper respiratory tract
spaces. There are also spaces that                        infections (URTIs), maxillofacial or
involve the entire circumference of                       neck trauma, immunosuppressive
the neck and these include the                            drug           intake         (steroids,
retropharyngeal,               danger,                    chemotherapy), HIV, Diabetes and
prevertebral and carotid sheath, and                      Tuberculosis.
the anterior or pre-tracheal visceral                     The presence of comorbidities
spaces below the hyoid bone.[5–7]                         predispose to complications of
                                                          DNSIs.[3,13–15]        and      delayed
Globally, the incidence of DNSIs                          consultation        predisposes       to
decreased significantly following the                     complications and high morbidity
widespread use of antibiotics for                         and mortality rate.[7,11,15]
infection, development of new
diagnostic       modalities      and                      Diagnosis of DNSIs is based on
improvement in oral hygiene.[8]                           clinical    assessment.        Needle
However, DNSIs continue to be a                           aspiration (proof puncture) is a
significant   health   problem     in                     useful and cost efficient diagnostic
developing countries, resulting in                        tool as it helps to differentiate an
significant      morbidity       and                      abscess from cellulitis. Furthermore,
mortality.[7,9,10]                                        proof puncture has been reported as
                                                          an effective initial treatment for
The common etiological factors of                         pediatric     neck      abscesses.[16]
DNSIs    are    dental     infections,                    Microbiology reveals mixed bacterial
pharyngotonsillar infections, salivary                    flora    including   gram     positive

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

organisms (streptococcus viridans,                        and inappropriate management have
staphylococcus aerius) and gram                           shown to be the factors leading to
negative organisms (Escherichia coli,                     complications.[10,12,16] There are
haemophilus influenza). Anaerobic                         very few studies published on DNSIs
germs      are    responsible      for                    in sub-Saharan Africa.[18–20] yet it
fulminating    necrotizing   fasciitis                    is the region of the world where poor
which is severe complication of                           oral hygiene and other social
DNSIs.[5]                                                 economic factors contributing to the
                                                          development of DNSIs are identified.
Imaging helps in delineating the
                                                          There is no published data about
exact anatomical extent of DNIs and
                                                          deep neck spaces infections (DNSIs)
detecting            complications.[7]
                                                          in Rwanda nor the East African
Ultrasonography is useful as initial
                                                          region. The aim of the study was to
or alternative modality for evaluation
                                                          evaluate the clinical presentation
of abscess collection or cellulitis and
                                                          and     factors    related   to   the
assist    in   drainage      by    good
                                                          complications of deep neck space
localization of the abscess. However
                                                          infections at CHUK.
the exact localization of the
infections focus is often difficult with                  Material and Methods
this modality.[9] The CT scan with
contrast is a modality of choice as it                    This was a cross-sectional study
helps in identifying the extent of the                    conducted at the University Teaching
infections and differentiates cellulitis                  hospital of Kigali (CHUK) from
from abscess.[7] The role of MRI in                       September 2017 to February 2018. It
DNSIs is limited by long acquisition                      was approved by the Research Ethics
times, high cost, unavailability in                       Committee of CHUK and CMHS-IRB.
most places and the unstable general                      Patients were enrolled into the study
status of these patients.                                 after giving their written informed
The treatment of DNSIs consists                           consent. The study enrolled 66
mainly of IV antibiotics, incision and                    patients    who     consulted     the
drainage of the abscess and airway                        department of Otorhinolaryngology
maintenance.[9,13]       Delays     in                    at CHUK with confirmed deep neck
diagnosis and treatment can result                        space infections (DNSIs).
in life-threatening complications,
namely,      airway      compromise,                      The data was collected using a pre-
necrotizing fasciitis, mediastinitis                      established     questionnaire.    The
and sepsis.[17] Elderly patients,                         following information was recorded:
delayed consultation, associated                          demographic            characteristics
comorbidities, odontogenic infections                     including age, gender, comorbidities,
                                                          risk factors, clinical symptoms and

                                                                                                       10 8
Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

signs,    timing    of    consultation,                   Table       1.                 Demographic
microbiology     results,    diagnostic                   characteristics
modalities,     treatment      options,
complications and hospital stay.                             Variables Frequency Percentage
Time for consultation was classified                         Gender            (n)    (%)
into three categories: Early (7days).Data     was
                                                             0-10                 22    33.3
recorded using Epidata 3.1 software.
                                                             11-20                 9    13.6
Data processing and statistical                              21-30                11    16.7
analyses were performed using SPSS                           31-40                 8    12.1
16.0. Comparisons of categorical                             41-50                 4      6.1
variables were performed using the                           >50                  12    18.2
chi-square test. The limit of                                Origin
significance was established at p ≤                          Rural                51    77.3
0.05.                                                        Urban                15    22.7

Results                                                   Table 2 shows clinical presentation,
                                                          timing         for      consultation,
                                                          complications and hospital stay of
The distribution of demographic
                                                          patients of DNSIs. The majority of
characteristics is shown (Table 1).
                                                          patients with DNSIs presented with
Males accounted for 35(53%) and
                                                          severe pain in 97%, neck swelling in
females 31(47%). The predominant
                                                          95.5% and fever in 72.7%. The mean
age group was 0-10 years accounting
                                                          period of time since the onset of
for 33.3% of all DNSIs, followed by
                                                          symptoms was 10.82 ±7.69 days
the group of more than 50 years
                                                          with a minimum of 2 days and
(18.2%). The majority of cases were
                                                          maximum of 45 days. The majority
from rural areas.
                                                          (40.9%) presented after 7days of
                                                          onset of symptoms while only 25.8%
                                                          consulted for features of DNSIs
Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

Ludwig’s       angina      was      found      in         Table 2. Presentation, timing for
13.63%.                                                   consultation, complications and
                                                          hospital stay
Tooth extraction or infection was the
most prevalent of predisposing                             Variables                  Frequency Percentage
factors in 21.21% cases followed by                                                       (n)       (%)
tonsillitis  or     pharyngitis    in                      Symptoms
                                                           Pain                       64               97
9(13.63%). In the majority of cases
                                                           Swelling                   63               95.5
(70.4%) the diagnosis was made by                          Fever                      48               72.7
needle aspiration and imaging was                          Odynophagia                29               43.9
done by using ultrasound (15.5%)                           Signs
and contrast CT scan (11.3%). Needle                       Tenderness                 64               97
aspiration and CT scan were used                           Fluctuation                61               92.4
                                                           Trismus                    26               39.4
together in 4% and the majority of
                                                           Pus discharge              21               31.8
patients were treated by incision and                      Location
drainage    with     antibiotics   in                      Submandibular              33               50
60(90.9%) cases.                                           Ludwig's Angina            9                13.63
Out of 66 cases of DNSIs, 14 (21.2%)                       space                      9                13.63
had complications and Necrotizing                          Parapharyngeal
                                                           space                      8                12.13
fasciitis represented the majority
                                                           Others                     7                10.6
with 8 out of 14 cases (66.7%),                            Timing for
followed by upper airway obstruction                       presentation
in 4 out of 14 cases (28.6%). The                          Early
mean hospital stay duration was                            presentation
10.23 days (SD±11.64, range 0-60)                          ( 7days)                  27               40.9
                                                           Septic shock               2                14.3
                                                           Fasciitis                  8                57.1
                                                           Upper airways
                                                           obstruction                4                28.6
                                                           Hospital stay
Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

Factors associated with occurrence                        The advanced age (>40 years) was a
of complications of DNSIs are shown                       significant factor of complications of
in table 3. Delayed consultation                          DNSIs (p=0.015).
(>7days) was significantly associated
to the presence of complications

Table 3. Factors associated with complications of DNSIs
                                 Any complication              None             p value

  Duration of symptoms

  ≤7 days                        3 (9.7%)                      28 (90.3%)

  >7 days                        11 (33.3%)                    22 (66.7%) 0.022

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

Table 4. Factors associated with the duration of hospital stay

                         Hospital stay
Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

symptoms was 10.82 days (SD±7.69,                         consistent with what have been
range 2-45). Findings in Brazil                           found      in      Nigeria    where
demonstrated similar duration of                          submandibular location was the
onset, with an average of 8 days.                         most prevalent with 43.9%.[10] The
Symptoms at arrival were neck pain                        submandibular space is the first
(97%), swelling (95.5%) and fever                         deep neck space to be affected by
(72.7%).[3] In a South Korea study                        spread of infection of dental origin.
findings were consistent, with                            This finding serves to emphasize the
symptoms of DNSIs were neck                               importance of dental hygiene, and
swelling (74.7%), neck pain (41.1%)                       DNSIs can be thought of as an
and fever (14.6%).[21] Duration of                        extreme complication of poor oral
symptoms being nearly 10 days                             hygiene.
implies a delay to access care.
Exploring the reasoning for delay,                        Dental extractions or infections were
either patient or health system                           the most common predisposing
factors would be an area of future                        factor associated with DNSIs with
research. Decreasing the time of                          14(21.21%). Many studies identified
onset to time to seek care would                          odontogenic origins to DNSIs, citing
likely    decrease      complications,                    odontogenic sources in 28%, 12%,
morbidity and mortality. Physical                         70.6%,        and       92.7%      of
exam revealed that tenderness was                         cases.[7,11,17,21] This is common
the most common finding in 97% of                         for low income countries with
patients with DNSIs, followed by                          inappropriate equipment for basic
fluctuation (92.40%). These findings                      dental care, delayed extractions, a
are similar to what have been found                       lack of dentists, and high numbers of
in Brazil where the main physical                         patients with poor oral hygiene.
finding    of   DNSIs     were   neck
swelling(84.6%)                   and                     Contrast CT scan is the gold
tenderness(76.9).[5] Reports from                         standard method of diagnosis for
India found that pus discharge in the                     DNSIs.     In our setting, needle
oral cavity was 44.23% at arrival.[13]                    aspiration was the predominant
Initial physical exam findings should                     modality of diagnosis in 70.4%, while
inform district level practitioners                       CT scan was used in only 11.3%.
who can be aware of symptoms of                           This may be a result of increased wait
DNSIs.                                                    times for CT scan, higher associated
                                                          cost, inability to acquire contrast,
The submandibular space was the                           and the need for immediate diagnosis
most common site involved in our                          in patients with DNSIs. In fact,
study (50%) followed by the                               needle aspiration is rarely mentioned
peritonsillar space (15%). This is                        in the literature as a diagnostic

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

modality of DNSIs. It is recalled as a                    of presentation was significantly
modality of surgical treatment under                      associated with duration of hospital
ultrasound guidance.[2] A study                           stay (p value=0.027). [11] This is
done in South Africa has mentioned                        consistent with our findings whereby
that needle aspiration can be used                        the delayed care influenced the
for both diagnosis and treatment of                       occurrence of complications and
DNSIs.[22]     Adoption of needle                         longer hospital stay.
aspiration as the primary and
immediate mode of diagnosis has                           Conclusion
assisted to increase speed of
treatment, namely incision and                            Neck     swelling    and  pain    on
drainage.                                                 background of tooth extraction are
                                                          the most common risk factors for
In our study, 14 (21.2%) of patients                      patients   with    DNSIs.    Delayed
had complications and the majority                        presentation and advanced age are
of them were necrotizing fasciitis                        associated with higher levels of
(57.1%),    followed     by     airway                    complications     of    DNSIs    and
obstruction (28.6%) and septic shock                      prolonged hospital stay.
(16.70%). In Latvia, a study
performed      found      11.4%     of                    Conflict of interests
complications        with       airway                    No conflict of interests to declare.
obstruction representing 27.9%.[17]
Delayed consultation and advanced                         Acknowledgement and funding
age were significantly associated with                    None
complications (p value=0.02 and
0.015 respectively). Patients in these                    This article is published open access under the
age    groups      should     warrant                     Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
                                                          NoDerivatives (CC BYNC-ND4.0). People can copy
additional concern when presenting
                                                          and      redistribute  the   article  only   for
with DNSIs.                                               noncommercial purposes and as long as they give
                                                          appropriate credit to the authors. They cannot
                                                          distribute any modified material obtained by
The mean hospital stay was 10.23
                                                          remixing, transforming or building upon this
days (SD±11.64, range 0-60), which                        article.                                    See
was in agreement with other reports             
in the literature. [7,21] The duration
of symptoms prior to consultation
and presentation of complications
were significantly associated with
hospital stay (p value=0.007 and
0.022      respectively).   A   study
performed in Nigeria found that time
Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021

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