Connected - New Bridge Church

Page created by Randall Keller
Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                             AUGUST 2021

             c o n n ec ted
                                                     learn from the Bible how to treat other people,
              A message from Pastor Mike             and learn the basic Christian values. I am not
             The Next Generation                     sure why parents who are so eager for their
                                                     kids to get involved with sports, music, dance,
It was awesome to see the kids young and old         4-H, and school activities of all kinds; and yet
playing at our “Summer Fest”, water slide and        they seem to have no interest in having their
foam party. It was a perfect sunny afternoon         kids attending anything church or God related.
for getting wet and not too hot nor windy. To        More and more I see the mandate that God
see families enjoying one another and being          has given us in his Word for us as a church,
able to relax and have some meaningful con-          and as parents to reach and teach the next
versations with old and new friends was a real       generation. I love what the Psalmist wrote and
blessing. The burgers and dogs were great            expresses my heart’s desire;
and the snow cones were a big hit. A big                    God, you have taught me from my
thanks goes out to the many workers who              youth, And I still proclaim your wondrous
made it all happen. It was also exciting to see      works. Even while I am old and gray,
all the children here at Science Camp this           God, do not abandon me, while I proclaim
week to learn how we are fearfully and won-          your power to another generation your
derfully made. Another month and summer              strength to all who are to come.
will be history. School starts again and the         Ps. 71:17-18
summer busyness is over. I am looking for-
ward to September and getting more people            Please join me in praying for the next
back into Sunday morning Bible study and             generation and another generation after that so
worship. I can’t emphasize enough how im-            that they may learn of God’s wondrous works,
portant it is for everyone to nd a class or          and his amazing power! Pray that God will
small group to get plugged into. It seems to         send us teachers and leaders to teach his
me more and more parents don’t see the need          Word. Pray that God’s people will develop a
for their children to get into Sunday School. I      desire to come to worship him, study his Word,
strongly believe that it is so important for chil-   fellowship with other believers.
dren to learn Biblical truth, values, and princi-
ples for life. Not to mention having fellowship      In Christ,
that builds friendships. I remember so many          Mike
stories from the Bible that I learn, as a young
child. It used to be that even non believers
wanted their children to attend Sunday
School, Vacation Bible School so they could
Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                               AUGUST 2021

Deacons meeting
This meeting is scheduled for August 8th at 3:30pm.

Pray for Students as They Head Back to School:
Classes for Winterset students will begin on Monday, August 23rd. Be in                    Augus
prayer for the teachers, administration, and school staff as well as the                  Birthdays
students.                                                                                  2 Arthur Mayer
                                                                                          4 Louis Lehmer
                                                                                             Kay Smith
CLT meeting:                                                                                 Emily Tucker
The CLT team chose to move their monthly meetings to the 4th Thursday                     5 Alta Jones
of each month. Reminder: all CLT meetings are open for church members                     9 John Shaull
to attend. This month the meeting will be Aug. 26th at 6:30pm.                           10 Holli Jordan
                                                                                         13 Velva Cole
                                                                                             Natalie Drevet
Ministry Celebration at the Park                                                         16 Ronald Harling
Our next Ministry Celebration will be packed full of FUN. It is our 7th                  18 Jim Smith
                                                                                         22 Laura Reed
annual Church Picnic at the City Park. And after a year of not having the                25 Ethan Safford
                      opportunity to gather for a celebration meal we are                28 Linda Smith
                      pleased to start up this way! So get this exciting                 29 Rachel VanDerLinden
                      potluck on your family calendar. It is AUG. 29th
                      from 5-8pm at the North Shelter House. Catch up
                      on what has been happening at New Bridge Church                August
                      this summer, and what the fall will be bringing.              Anniversarie
                                                                                     4   Micheal & Laura VanDerLinden
                                                                                    12   Ben & Crystal Mayer
                                                                                    16   Richard & Marilyn Cole
Concerns to Consider at New Bridge Church                                           18   Morrie & Dixie Smith
From time to time we all need reminders. Please review the following:               22   Paul & Kelly Heffron
                                                                                    23   Roy & Wanona Dwyer
   !        Missing items - Many items have gone missing over the past year,
                                                                                    28   Tom & Shery Dorman
            including kitchen items, decorations and tools. Exodus 20:15
            “Thou shalt not steal” If you need to borrow something, please
            sign it out and then be sure to return it promptly when you are fin-
            ished with it.
   !        Empty rooms - When you are the last to leave a room, please
            make sure the thermostat is on “run program”, turn off the lights,
            and close the door.
   !        Messes and damages - If you are aware of a mess, or something
            that got damaged, please notify the office staff, and or the custodi-
            ans, ASAP! Larry and Shirley Ham, our custodial couple need to
            know what has occurred, this will allow them to promptly do addi-
            tional cleaning or repairs. ALSO please when you remove a light
            bulb that has burned out PLACE it in the outside dumpster! The
            janitors are finding burned out light bulbs placed back into the
            box of new bulbs.





Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                                         AUGUST 2021

                                      August 2021
      Sunday              Monday        Tuesday            Wednesday                Thursday           Friday          Saturday
1                     2               3                    4                    5                 6                7
                                      * Men’s Bible
                                      Study/Breakfast @
                                      the church 6:00 am

8                     9               10                   11                   12                13               14
* S.S. 9:00 am                        * Men’s Bible                                                                * W. Christian
* Worship Service                       Study/Breakfast                                                              school workday
  10:15 am.                             @ the church
* Deacons 3:30 pm                       6:00 am
* ONE17 5:30 pm

15                    16              17                   18                   19                20               21
* S.S. 9:00 am                        * Men’s Bible                             * The Cupboard    * The Cupboard
* Worship Service                       Study/Breakfast                            4-6:00 pm        9-10:00 am
  10:15 am                              @ the church
* ONE17 5:30 pm                         6:00 am

22                    23              24                   25                   26                27               28
* S.S. 9:00 am        * Winterset     * Men’s Bible        * Deadline for the   * CLT meeting @
* Worship Service       schools &       Study/ Breakfast    Sept. Newsletter      6:30 pm
  10:15 am              starts          @ the church
* ONE17 5:30 pm                         6:00 am

29                    30              31
* S.S. 9:00 am                        * Men’s Bible
* Worship Service                       Study/ Breakfast
  10:15 am                              @ the church
* Ministry Celebra-                     6:00 am
  tion at the Park
  5-8:00 pm
* ONE17 5:30 pm
Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                                                  AUGUST 2021

               Church Life Team                                                                  Velva Cole : There will be a wedding here on September
               June 24th, 202                                                                    25th.
                                                                                                  Meeting adjourned: Notes taken by Dianna Spark
               Eldon Cole, Velva Cole Mike Carlson, Al Ner
               Steve Luneburg, Larry Stout, Dianna Sparks, Jay Saffor                            Ministry Celebration:
               Steve Keller                                                                      June 27, 2021
               Opened in prayer by Eldon Col                                                     Opened by Eldon Cole
                                                                                                 Nominations from the Church Life Team for Vice
               Mike Carlson: Discussion on Winterset Christian Academy                           Moderator: Steve Luneburg, for Assistant Treasurer:
               and their enrollment for fall. Currently they have 39 students
               enrolled for fall. School starts on September 7th and meet the                    Donna Savareid, no other nominations received from
               teacher night is September 2. Preparations for school will                        the floor
               begin on August 23rd. Mike and Dianna met with the direc-                         Motion passed
               tor last night and worked on the building use policy for her
               to sign They would like to use the Fellowship Hall to do                          Eldon reported that there are financial reports available
               their lunch time. They will also be using the sanctuary once                      for anyone to pick up in the foyer
               a month for chapel. Discussion on whether to ask the school
               to pay the custodian for extra hours needed to clean, this will                   Eldon talked about the possibility of buying a large
               be evaluated after school starts. Discussion of reevaluating                      smoker for the church. The cost would be between
               how things are going in December or January. They have                            $1500 and $2000. The money to purchase it will not be
               requested a few more fobs because 4 new teachers have                             taken out of the general fund. If anyone would like to
               been hired                                                                        donate money to help purchase it please give to Eldon
               New people have been recruited to help with children's                            Cole or Steve Keller
               church. The ministry celebration on August 29th will be
               held at the city park                                                             Pastor Mike Carlson
                                                                                                 Talked about upcoming events happening at our church
               Mike will check to see which new of cers need to be                               Plans to have a Summer Fest outreach for kids on July
               reelected at the June ministry celebration. Updates on                            17 from 3-6 pm, teens will use the water slide from 6-8
               the nances will be available for people to pick up in                             pm. There will be food and a water slide. The purpose
               the foyer                                                                         is to promote all of our children's ministries, Science
               Al Neri: A new leak was discovered in the kitchen behind                          Camp will be held July 18-21
               the ice-maker, it has been repaired. There was a leak in the                      The Ministry Celebration in August will be held at the
               roof after the last hard rain and it has been repaired. Al will
               order 2 windows in July to begin replacing windows that are                       city park on August 29th
               worn out. He will be restaining the playground set this                           Bridge Kids and One 7 and Wednesday night prayer
               summer and replacing some of the vinyl that has holes in it
                                                                                                 meeting will begin on September 8th
               Steve Luneburg: The receipts and expenses are both under
                                                                                                 The 9-11 First Responders meal will be held on Sep-
               budget. Memorial money has been designated for some
               painting, plants and helping to pay the summer interns if                         tember 9 at the City Park (CHANGED: to Sept. 9 at
               needed                                                                            the church) from 5:30-7:30pm.

               Steve Keller: Science Camp has been scheduled for July
               19th-22nd , Summer Fest will be held on Saturday, July 17th
               from 3-6 pm for the kids. There will be food and a water
               slide. This event is to promote the children's ministries of
               our church
               Jay Safford: Jolien, the summer intern is working out well.
               She is spending lots of time hanging out with the girls. Sam
               Tucker has a full time job but has been working with the
               boys when he is able to. Youth Camp went well. Discussion
               on doing a love offering for Sam at the end of summer be-
               cause of his limited hours from week to week. The students
               painted the youth Sunday school room












Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                           AUGUST 2021
ONE17 and ONE
        It’s here! Wether we like it or not fall is weeks
away and school starts as I write this. That means it’s
time for Wednesday night programs to start. We are
starting Wednesday September 8th from 6:00-7:30.
        Bridge kids and ONE7 are getting ready to
take off and we need your to help out and serve the
body. Seriously, if you aren’t serving, then something
is missing from the body of Christ. The body isn’t
complete without you serving. God has graciously giv-
en you gifts and abilities to serve and if you aren’t
serving, then the body, is missing something, you!
Men, we need you! Talk to me about how and where
you can serve and help bring the gospel to children or
5th and 6th graders
                                                            Road to Freedom
Science Camp
                                                            Is it just me or do these months roll faster all the time?
        We just nished up Science Camp: Wonderfully         Road to Freedom continues to stay busy and just recent-
Made! This was probably the best week we have ever          ly we celebrated our youngest members birthday and
had. We averaged 45 kids every night! We had 18 new         our oldest. Yes Baby DeAndre is 1 and Mama Marie is
families! That is right, 18 new families that had not       94. What blessings to get to celebrate with both of
been a part of New Bridge Church programs! That is          them.
huge and shows how awesome God is! Let’s pray that          We were also blessed to get to praise and worship with
we can keep in contact with them and they can join us       our dear friends The Loynachans. Wow, talk about
on Sundays.                                                 praising the Lord, Jack, Judy and Jamie do it
        I also want to thank everyone who helped. Jodi      wonderfully with their music and testimonies. Cory
and Gary Wabshaw put in so much work and we                 couldn't be here this year as he had to work and we
couldn’t have done it without them! Thanks to our           definitely missed him. But Jamie can not only sing, she
teachers Lacey Drake, Sarah and Justin Summers, and         can handle their mini sound system. Great job and
Melissa Tucker. Thank you guys for you hard work in         much appreciation to them for sharing the Lord to us
making this week a success. Thank you to the small          thru their music. Marv and I continue to be in
group leaders Jared and Jill Peacock, Shelly Grandstaff,    Winterset on a regular basis and recently enjoyed
Rachel Wetzel and all the youth! The youth in our           visiting with many New Bridge family at the Methodist
church did an amazing job in helping and we couldn’t        Wednesday night supper. Or as Bev calls it the Baptist/
have done it with out them! Thank you all! (I know          Methodist meal. Such fun.
probably missed someone, sorry!) Thanks to John and         We both continue to work full time for Covid Recovery
Sharon Shaull for running our check in. It was crazy        Iowa giving help to those who have been impacted in
with almost 50 kids trying to check in every night!         anyway from the pandemic.
        Thank you fro praying. This was truly an out-       We provide resources to anyone in Iowa that might
reach event and the gospel was shared. Let’s pray that      need help with rent, utilities, food, legal advice, and
the seed of the Good News will continue to grow. Let’s      filing for unemployment among other things Thank
pray that New Bridge Church will continue to be light       goodness we are now in the recovery mode so not quite
in Winterset. Let’s pray                                    as busy. But still available to help where we can. We
                                                            have even referred some that need food to New Bridge
                                                            Church. Thank you for providing.
                                                            Marv will be doing a funeral in Knoxville in a week,
                                                            an uncle of a friend of Barbs from high school, so yes
                                                            Road to Freedom will be on the road again.
                                                            Gods blessings to all of you.
                                                            Pastor Marvin bull Shultz and Barb






Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                             AUGUST 2021

The Cupboard at New Bridge                                   Church Directory:
An urgent call to arms!                                      Has your family dynamics changed?
                                                             Do you have a more recent family
We currently have two positions open on the Cupboard
                                                             photo you would like to have
leadership team, one as the team leader and the other as
note-taker for our meetings. If you are interested, please   placed in our church directory?
let us know.                                                 This fall, Linda Anderson will be
                                                             freshening up our directory.
As you can imagine, the majority of our team of volun-       Please take it upon yourself to grab
teers is not young. As we move forward in this ministry,     one of the directory informational sheets that are
it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain the      placed in the foyer and make any changes that need to
volunteers needed to provide this service to our com-        be made. Address, phone numbers, and especially pho-
munity. If you are looking for a rewarding place to          to updates.
serve, we can guarantee such a place! Being the hands
and feet of Jesus is always a wonderful experience.

We are praying for the person God has for this ministry!
He knows who is listening to His call to serve! Thank         New at New Bridge Church
you for coming to join our wonderful team!                                          We are excited to let you know
                                                                                    that a variety of new DVD’s and
                                                                                    books have been donated over
       Next Cupboard dates:                                                         the last few months to our church
       August 19: 4:00-6:00pm                                                       library. We are always pleased to
       August 20: 9:00-10:00am                                                      be able to notify you of these
                                                                                    opportunities to read a faith
                                                              based book or watch a faith based dvd. So take a few
                                                              moments and glance through our selections. If you
Law Enforcement & Emergency                                   have any questions feel free to check with Dianna
Responder Appreciation Meal will b                            Sparks and she will be glad to help you with your selec-
held at the church, on Sept. 9th from                         tions.
We will once again be reaching into the community to
welcome our “emergency responders, police, firefight-
                       ers etc…” to an appreciation           Church Of ce Updates
                       meal. To make this activity tru-         As the fall activities began to pick up and the church
                       ly successful we need your               is opening more and more, the office hours will begin
                       help!                                    to pick up. Unfortunately, it will still be sporadic and
                       So look for sign-up sheets in            only when there is needed work to accomplish. The
                       the next few weeks for ways              current posted hours will be Monday 10:00-3:00pm &
                       that you can participate.                Wednesday 10:00-3:00pm. But please feel free to
                        We ask that you RSVP by                 CALL the church phone line at 515-462-1050 at any
Sept. 2nd, if you are willing to help.                          time and leave a message and Junell will return a call
                                                                to you as soon as she is able.
    And as in the past, as a good host, you are
            expected to cordially greet
      and eat with our honored guests and
                  their families!




Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                                                                              AUGUST 2021

     Dear New Bridge Church Family                                                                   grateful. As we embark in our upcoming school year keep
                                                                                                     Winterset Chris an Academy in your prayers that we would
                            Philippians 4:14-20 “Yet it was kind of you to share my
                                                                                                     be known for advancing the gospel above all.
                            trouble. And you Philippians yourselves know that in the
                            beginning of the gospel. When I le for Macedonia, no                     Thank you,
                            church entered into partnership with me in giving and re-
                            ceiving, except you only. Even in Thessalonica you sent me               Jessica Sche ers
                            help for my needs once and again. Not that I seek the gi ,
                                                                                                     Winterset Chris an Academy Administrator
                            but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit. I have
                            received full payment and more. I am well supplied, hav-
                            ing received from Epaphroditus the gi s you sent, a fra-
                            grant o ering, a sacri ce acceptable and pleasing to God.
                            And my God will supply every need of yours according to
                            his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be
                            glory forever and ever Amen.”

              Just as the Philippians provided for Paul furthering
     his ministry to advance the gospel, you to have provided aid
     in furthering the gospel through Winterset Chris an Acad-
     emy. I am so grateful and apprecia ve of your generosity in
     allowing Winterset Chris an Academy to be housed in your                                               CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
     building. Without your con nued support we would not have
                                                                                                                    Sunday School - All Ages
     the opportunity to train up the next genera on.
              In 2019, WCA enrolled 15 students. Those students                                                      Every Sunday
     have learned that they have a Savior, Jesus, that died on the
     cross for them, not because he had to but because he chose
     to and loves them. As a result, several of those children have
     proclaimed to accept his truth. Which led to me having the
     opportunity to share that news with their parent leading                                                                   Starts Wednesday,
     their parent to search for con nued ways to disciple their                                                                    September 8
     child. In 2020, WCA enrolled 11 students who learned the                                                                      6:00-7:30pm
     con nued Truth of the gospel. Four of those students ac-                                                                   ages K-4th grade
     cepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Their acceptance has
     led to growth within each family unit at WCA. In 2021, the
     upcoming school year, God has blessed us with 39 students
     and 5 sta members who will carry out the mission of ad-
     vancing the gospel. I am overjoyed with this opportunity that
     God has supplied. Amongst the 39 students who will be at-
     tending WCA a li le less than half are not a ending church on                                                      Starts Wednesday,
     a regular basis. What an opportunity we have to speak truth                                                         September 8
     in love to all these families.                                                                                     6:00-7:30pm
                                                                                                                        5th-6th Grade
             I share all of this with you because, without your
     open hearts and open hands it would not be possible. You
     and your church family has provided a direct avenue to ad-                                                         New Bridge Church
     vance the gospel in the community of Winterset and sur-                                                            1305 W. Je erson
     rounding areas through the work that is being done at Win-                                                           515-462-1050
     terset Chris an Academy. I want to personally thank you for                                        
     your support. God has used your generosity and kindness to
     inspire me in my personal walk with Christ and for that I am

Connected - New Bridge Church
NEW BRIDGE CHURCH WINTERSE                                                       AUGUST 2021

 connected INVESTOR NEWSLETTER ISSUE N°3                                       FALL 2007
 New Bridge Church
 P.O. Box 108
 1305 West Jefferson
 Winterset, IA 50273

                                           Thoughts of encouragement in challenging times:

1305 W. Jefferson St.
P.O. Box 108
Winterset, IA 50273
Mike Carlson
Jay Safford
Contact us:
Facebook: New Bridge Church &
Phone: 515.462.1050
Worship with us:
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Worship Service 10:15 AM

Connected - New Bridge Church Connected - New Bridge Church
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