cookie program
 2o22 TRooP guide
resources at

your fingertips
                    2022 Cookie Resources                                                          GSHS Cookie Swap Facebook Group
                    Any additional information you may need for the                                Swap extra cookies, search for needed cookies and
                    Girl Scout Cookie Program.                                                     connect with other Girl Scout Cookie volunteers!

                    Built By Me Cookie Planner                                                     GSHS Council Website
                    Help girls build the best Girl Scout Cookie Season                             Visit our site to find procedures, forms, manuals and
                    ever! In four steps, you’ll create a plan for girls to                         other helpful information.

                    Digital Cookie                                                                 Little Brownie Bakers

                    Girl Scouts can set up their own personalized pages,                           Find girl activities, marketing ideas, cookie facts,
                    take credit card payments and ship cookies directly                            program resources and clipart to help girls prepare
                    to their customers.                                                            for the cookie program from our official cookie
                    eBudde                                                                         Little Brownie Bakers YouTube Channel
                    Your Command Center for managing the cookie                                    Check out our library of inspiring videos featuring
                    program. Watch “How to” videos, download forms,                                real girl stories and cookie tips.
                    clipart, virtual rally information, order cookies, track
                    girl activity and order girl rewards.

                    Girl Scouts of the USA                                                         Volunteer Blog
                    Locate info on the Girl Scout Cookie Program and                               Check out the volunteer blog for exciting girl
                    national cookie badges and pins.                                               activities and booth ideas.

Booth Sale Recorder App                             Digital Cookie App                                  eBudde App
Download this free app in the iPhone App            Girls can take orders and payments on the go        Download this free app in the iPhone App
Store or through Google Play. Make booth            with the Digital Cookie Mobile App, available for   Store or through Google Play.
record keeping a snap!                              free on both the App Store and Google Play.

    Android               iPhone                         Android                iPhone                       Android                iPhone
table of contents

                                                    Resources At Your Fingertips                   Inside Cover
                                                    Table of Contents                                         1
                                                    Five Key Skills and Cookie Stats                          2
                                                    Digital Marketing and Social Media Tools                  3
                                                    Secrets to a Successful Program                           4
                                                    Cookie Introductions                                    5-6
                                                    New Troop Information                                     7
                                                    Cookie Program Checklist                                  8
                                                    Six Steps to Support Her Pathway to Success               9
                                                         1 - Get Yourself Set For a Great Season          10-22
                                                         2 - Meet with Girls and Families                 23-26
                                                         3 - Tap Into the Power of eBudde                 27-28
                                                         4 - Help Girls Succeed as Cookie Entrepreneurs 29-39
                                                         5 - Recognize Achievements                       40-41
                                                         6 - Need to Know Information                     42-48

Our Girl Scout Cookie Program is much more than a fundraiser. It’s a fun way for girls of all ages to
earn money that fuels their dreams and it’s a powerful, hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial

The countless, exciting possibilities – from new business opportunities, to a healthier planet, to a
more beautiful world – begin with the skills girls learn and the action they take today. Girls will learn
firsthand the ins and outs of running their own cookie business, even “branding” their enterprise for
maximum impact.

Everything girls do in Girl Scouting is designed to help them become leaders in their daily lives and
prepare for their bright futures!

girl scout cookie program
2o22 troop guide
Troop Cookie Managers are an invaluable part of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Volunteers like you are the
champions, role models and cookie coaches who help girls discover their amazing potential and take steps toward
achieving their goals.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls develop 5 key skills:

   as she sets cookie goals   as she decides how her   as she takes orders and     as she learns to talk       as she is honest and
     and makes a plan to       troop will spend the      handles customers’       and listen to all kinds     responsible every step
         reach them                cookie money                 money             of people while taking            of the way
                                                                                       cookie orders

The number one reason people buy Girl Scout Cookies is to support Girl Scouting!
All of the proceeds – every penny – from the Girl Scout Cookie Program are used to benefit girls within our local council. This
revenue is used to fund major council initiatives like supporting and building membership, creating and sustaining innovative
girl programming, maintaining and improving camp properties, providing volunteer training and offering a platform that allows
troops’ funding for trips, activities and community service projects.

When customers purchase Girl Scout Cookies, they directly support the GIrl Scout Leadership Experience for girls in their

 2o21 gshs top cookie sellers                                   2o21 Girl Scouts Heart of the South cookie stats

                                                                  per girl average by program level:            troops selling:
  Total      NAME                TRoop #
12,383       Caitlin A.           10266                          Daisy: 271           Cadette: 3 43                     481
                                                                 Brownie: 312         Senior: 47o
11,154       Emily D.             13922                          Junior: 354          Ambassador: 1,328         packages sold through
 8,775       Jasmine T.         10339C                                                                              digital cookie:
 4,411       Alanna A.           11231S                                  per girl average: 3 48                       21o,316
 4,061       Micahya B.           10121
 3,682       Lilly P.             40135                              girls selling:              average troop profit:
 3,296       Natalie C.           10381                                 2,318                               $1 ,298
 3,203       Zakiya Y.            13135
 3,155       Makayla T.         10339J4                                  boxes donated:                        boxes sold:
 3,138       Brylan A.            40178
                                                                             18,288                            8o5,596
digital marketing
   and social media tools
                                                                              Online Tips and Ideas
                                                                              Help girls build online marketing skills and learn
                                                                              about e-commerce with the support of online tools
                                                                              like the Digital Cookie platform. We’ve also got

                                                                              inspiration for engaging girls in virtual activities!
                    Social Media Shareables
                    How can you help tomorrow’s female                        Digital Marketing Tips
                    entrepreneurs promote their Girl Scout Cookie™            for Cookie Entrepreneurs and Families
                    businesses? We’ve got all the social resources            Girls of all ages should partner with their parents or
                    you need on
                     • Resources are easily searchable by category,           guardians to develop a plan to safely market their
                        including cookie news, special promotions,            cookie business online. Get started using
                        holiday themes, profile pictures and more.            this resource available at
                     • Each post includes a professionally designed           digitalmarketingtips.
                        graphic and customizable message.
                     • New posts are added throughout the year.
                                                                                   MAKE IT VIRTUAL!
                                                                              Find familiar in-person resources with a tech
                                                                              twist, along with several new digital ideas. These
                                                                              strategies help girls reach their goals in virtual
                                                                              environments when in-person is not an option.

Girl Scouts Heart of the South: #girlscoutshs
Girl Scouts of the USA: #girlscouts
Additional Hashtags: #GirlScoutCookieSeason, #CookieBoss, #GirlScoutCookies

 • Like us on Facebook to receive marketing ideas, up-to-date cookie
  information, and more!
 • Tag us and use the hashtags in your pictures of cookie booths
  to help promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Twitter & Instagram
Twitter: @girlscoutshs
Instagram: @girlscoutshs
  • Tag us and use hashtags to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
  • Post a countdown to the start of the Girl Scout Cookie Program!

secrets to a
successful program
A great Girl Scout Cookie season is led by girls ... but it is inspired by you, the adult volunteer. You are
one of the program’s most valuable resources, and girls’ success is directly driven by your commitment.

Your encouragement, coaching and guidance are key ingredients for a successful leadership experience
for every Girl Scout! As a volunteer, you’ll introduce girls to new experiences. You’ll be their cheerleader,
guide, and mentor, helping them develop crucial skills and confidence to launch them into a lifetime of
leadership. Since our goal is to always be friendly and helpful, here are secrets for a successful and FUN
Girl Scout Cookie Program:

           Use resources wisely!
           •   Hold a virtual parent meeting and get the parents involved!
           •   Are some parents in sales or business? Invite them to share their story with your girls and teach them some
               tips and tricks!
           •   Anyone in finance? Ask them to handle troop finances!
           •   Someone has a large vehicle? Add them as a cookie pick-up only user in eBudde.
           •   Have a mom in marketing or a crafty dad? Recruit them to help the girls create their bling’d-out booth display!

           climb with courage!
           •   Motivate your girls before and during the program.
           •   Find creative ways to take your Cookie Program online!
           •   Attend your community’s or council’s Cookie Rally to get your girls ready and excited for the new cookie
               season! You can even host your own Troop Cookie Rally in-person or virtually!
           •   Check out for great program planning and goal-setting activities.
           •   Use the activity and cookie badges for planning meetings and activities with the girls.
           •   Make signs and decorations for your cookie booths.

           did it even happen if you don’t have receipts?
           •   Keep accurate records of your girls’ orders and booths throughout the season!
           •   Create a binder or accordion file to collect and organize all cookie materials.
           •   Use page protectors or other folders to organize your girls’ money/product receipts (tip: use a page protector
               per girl and keep receipts in order by date!).
           •   Update eBudde daily when parents check out cookies from you or when you receive money from parents.
           •   Double check your receipts before issuing them for accuracy (or have another volunteer proof your receipts).

           keep the momemtum going throughout the program!
           •   Encourage parent/guardians to complete the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin with their Girl Scout(s).
           •   Sign up for council-sponsored booths or find that special spot to hold independent booths! If you are
               scheduling booths on your own, be sure to add them to the My Sales section of the eBudde Booth Scheduler.
           •   Promote Troop-to-Troops and Gift of Caring or purchasing cookies for personal gift giving as alternatives for
               customers who don’t eat cookies, have too many cookies, etc.
           •   Visit corporations and businesses for Milk and Cookie Breaks, an opportunity to support the girl’s goals.
           •   Make cookie bundles: Chocolate Lovers, Traditional, Peanut Butter lovers, etc.
           •   Print recipe cards or have samples to promote the new cookie.

introducing...                adventurefuls!
a huge welcome to our newest addition,
 the adventurefuls cookie!

Adventurefuls™ are an indulgent brownie-
inspired cookie with caramel flavored crème
filling and a hint of sea salt.

The addition of Adventurefuls™ gives Girl
Scouts a line-up of nine cookies, one more
than the traditional eight. Both bakers, Little
Brownie and ABC, are carrying Adventurefuls™
this season.

new troop getting started?
here’s how!
To start your troop’s cookie program right, we strongly suggest every Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) host an
information meeting! Use this time to set expectations, provide due dates and hand out materials. This is
also a great time to get your troop excited by setting goals, learning about the five skills and and getting to
know this season’s cookie line up.

What the TCM needs from parents*
      Completed parent permission form                                                    STEPS TO BECOMING A
      Current girl registration for the 2021-2022 membership year                        TROOP COOKIE MANAGER
                                                                                 •   No outstanding debt.
      Updated parent contact info for your own records                           •   Complete Registration/Renewal
*Do not distribute program materials until you have collected the items above.       (
                                                                                 •   When submitting volunteer registration, you will be
                                                                                     sent an email to complete your background check
What the TCM provides to each family/Girl Scout                                      from Sterling Volunteers.
(These items come from your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator.)                    •   Complete Background Check - Check status on
       Family Guide                                                                  MyGS.
                                                                                 •   Complete your Troop Product Program Manager
       Paper Order Card                                                              Agreement.
       Money Envelope                                                            •   Attend Training through your Service Unit or GSHS.
       Goal Getter Order Card                                                    •   Submit a Troop ACH and Bank Info Form to
                                                                                 •   Service Unit Cookie Coordinator will allow access
Important information to review                                                      to eBudde.
Important Dates:
 • December 15, 2021 - Official start of Digital Cookies
 • December 26, 2021 - Girls can begin taking in-person orders
 • February 11, 2022 - Booths begin
 • March 17, 2022 - Deadline to complete allocations in eBudde
 • March 23, 2022 - ACH Shortage Information and Outstanding Balance form submitted if full balance is
    not collected

Participant Expectations:
  • Set early and consistent deadlines for parents - money should be in your troop bank account and
       available for withdrawal 24-48 hours before the ACH sweeps. Keep in mind that if your troop accepts
       checks, they take longer.
  • Consider collecting money prior to releasing additional cookies to parents.
Cookie Ordering and Distribution
  • Set expectations for getting additional cookies. When/if a girl needs more cookies, how many days
       in advance to they need to let you know? Establish how you would like parents to request additional
       cookies (text, phone, email), etc.
Participating in the Cookie Program
  • In-person/paper order card
  • Virtual/Digital Cookies
  • Booth opportunities
  • Volunteer opportunities – helping TCM throughout cookie program
  • Social media guidelines – girls and families can post online in public groups, but may not post in buy/
       sell/trade groups or on sites like Craigslist, etc.
cookie program
  Confirm that your troop is active, and all participating girls are registered with GSUSA.
  Submit Troop Product Program Policies and Procedures form, ACH form, financial report and bank statements to
  Download the eBudde App.
  Log into eBudde ASAP and update your contact information, add troop cookie pickup only users and familiarize
  yourself with the database.
  Verify in eBudde ASAP that all of your troop’s registered, participating girls are listed.
  Hold a cookie meeting to collect permission forms, hand out girl order cards, and explain deadlines and set
  Set up your troop’s Digital Cookie website once you receive your registration link and ask your girls to do the
  Promote Troop-to-Troops, Gift of Caring, and use of Digital Cookie to maximize your orders.
  Sign up for booths or enter troop booths through the eBudde Booth Scheduler.
  Enter your troop’s initial cookie and reward orders into eBudde by January 17 at midnight. Select your delivery
  Accept delivery of your initial order cookies. Be sure to print out your delivery confirmation and match it to your
  delivery ticket.
  Sort all product and prepare receipts for each girl before anyone picks up their cookies. This will help you identify
  any issues. Complete a receipt for each cookie pickup, sign and date it. Give one copy to the Girl Scout and keep
  one copy.
  Place additional cookie orders into eBudde and pick them up at your local cookie cupboards. Add trusted
  individuals as a troop cookie pickup only user so they can pick up their additional cupboard orders and save you
  time. Make sure they have downloaded the eBudde App to sign electronically for cookies at the cupboard.
  Prepare for your cookie booths! Get your bling together and a schedule for girls and their families. Review booth
  rules and etiquette.
  Make sure you have money deposited to meet all ACH sweep dates: February 23 - Half Payment and March 28
  - Final Payment. If you don’t have the money deposited, submit the ACH Shortage form along with Outstanding
  Balance Forms, if applicable.
  Submit your Final Girl Rewards in eBudde.

                                  Need additional eBudde training?
Check out the Microburst Training videos in the eBudde Help Center or the Just-In-Time eBudde Trainings
           on page 10 for more helpful tips on how to get the most from your cookie season.

6 steps to support her
pathway to success
There’s only one way to have a successful Girl Scout Cookie Program, and that’s to plan for it! In the
remainder of the this manual, you’ll find everything you need to plan, build, and celebrate a successful
program for 2022 -- all organized into six simple steps.


  1                                       2
        Get Yourself Set for a                 Meet with Girls and
        Great Season                           Families

        • Primary Contacts                     • Key Dates
        • Council Cookie Training              • Family Cookie Meeting
        • eBudde Volunteer Training            • Cookie Story Sharing
        • Built by Me Cookie Planner           • Girl Stories
        • Girl Scout Badge Portfolio           • Girl Scouts My Cookie Friend
        • Council Cookie Forms                 • Girl Scouts Cookie Rookie
        • Volunteer T-Shirt                    • Goal-setting Activities
        • Cookie Program Calendar              • Cookie Badges and Entrepreneur Pins
        • Troop & Service Unit Proceeds
        • Troop Cookie Finances
        • Getting Cookies
        • Preparing for Delivery
        • Cookie Cupboards

open for business

3                                         4
        Tap into the Power of                  Help Girls Succeed as
        eBudde                                 Cookie Entrepreneurs

        • eBudde Mobile                        • Google Resources
        • eBudde Quick Guide                   • Cookie Rally Guide
        • eBudde Troop Tab Key                 • Volunteer Shareables
                                               • Digital Cookie Platform
                                               • Cookie Booths
                                               • eBudde Booth Scheduler
                                               • Outside the Booth Ideas
                                               • Cookie Donations
                                               • Cookie Participation Options


 5                                        6
        Recognize Achievements                 Need-to-Know

        • Key Dates                            • Extra Notes
        • Recognizing Girls                    • Emergency Procedures
        • Send “Thanks”                        • Pro Tips for Cookie Success
        • Celebrate Achievements               • Cookie Program Glossary
        • 2022 Reward Line Up

                1                   GET YoURSELF SET FoR
                                    A GREAT SEASoN
PRIMARY CONTACTS                                    The Girl Scout Cookie Program is led by girls, but getting all the right tools in place
                                                    starts with you.
Service Unit Volunteer:

                                                    We’ve got tools, resources, trainings, tutorials and helpful info to guide your
_________________________________________________   planning to make this a successful and fun volunteer experience.
Troop Cookie Manager and other volunteers:
                                                    Cookie Program Training will prepare volunteers to lead and support girls through
                                                    the Girl Scout Cookie Program. You’ll learn important program guidelines, tips and
_________________________________________________   tricks, and more -- everything you need to help girls have a super successful cookie
                                                    COUNCIL COOKIE TRAININGS
                                                    The following Cookie Trainings are available via Zoom for Troop Cookie Managers.
                                                    Please register to receive the meeting ID and password. If you cannot attend a training,
                                                    recordings will be uploaded to the 2022 Cookie Resources within 24 hours after the
_________________________________________________   training.

                                                    Cookies 101 - The Basics
Notes:                                              Tuesday, November 16 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.
                                                    Cookie Program Training
                                                    Sunday, December 12 - 3 p.m.
                                                    Register here.

_________________________________________________   Tuesday, December 14 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.
                                                    Starting Your Sale
                                                    Thursday, January 6 - 6:30 p.m.
_________________________________________________   Register here.

                                                    Digital Cookies
                                                    Tuesday, January 11 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.
                                                    Entering Girl Orders/Rewards/Delivery
                                                    Thursday, January 13 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.

_________________________________________________   Booth Scheduler
                                                    Tuesday, January 18 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.
                                                    Cookie Delivery
                                                    Thursday, January 27 - 6:30 p.m.
COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATION                         Register here.

800-624-4185                                        Allocating Cookies and Digital Cookies
                                                    Tuesday, February 22 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.
                                                    Finalizing Your Program
CHAT ONLINE AT GIRLSCOUTSHS.ORG                     Tuesday, March 8 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                    Register here.

get yourself set for
a great season
                                                                                              COUNCIL COOKIE FORMS

                                                                                              2021-2022 Troop Product Program
                                                                                              Manager Agreement and Policies

                                                                                              2021-2022 ACH Authorization and
                                                                                              Bank Info

                                                                                              Product Program Proceeds
                                                FOR GIRLS
                                                                                              2022 Cookie Program Parent/
                                               GIRL SCOUTS’ NATIONAL                          Guardian Permission and
                                               PROGRAM PORTFOLIO                              Responsibility Form
                                               Girls can earn Cookie Business and Financial
                                               Literacy badges and Cookie Entrepreneur        Girl Scout Cookie/Council-
                                               Family pins for every year they participate
                                               in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Check out
                                                                                              Sponsored Product Sale: Safety
GIRL SCOUTS® BUILT BY ME                       the Girl Scout Badge Explorer or search the    Activity Checkpoints
COOKIE PLANNER                                 Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) for badges by grade
Create a custom plan for the cookie            level. More information is on page 26.         Goal Getter Order Card
season—online, in just minutes! Choose
from a menu of options that fit your group’s   What it includes:
interests and schedules. It’s as simple as
                                                                                              Selling Cookies Safely Guide
                                                • Badges and pins that girls can
taking a short quiz!
                                                   earn through participation in the
                                                                                              2022 Girl Initial Order Summary
                                                   cookie program
What it includes:
                                                • Requirements for earning pins or badges
 • Digital questionnaire                                                                      2022 Cookie Program Girl Balance
                                                • Poster
 • Customized plan with links to resources                                                    Sheet
                                               Where you’ll find it:
Where you’ll find it:
 •                                                      ACH Shortage Form
                                                                                              2022 Cookie Outstanding Balance
                                                                                              Due March 23, 2022

                                                                                              Troop Cookie Program Evaluation
A place for Girl Scout Cookie volunteers
                                                                              VOLUNTEER SHIRT
to swap extra cookies, search for needed                                      Match your girls with this Climb with Courage
cookies and to connect with other Girl Scout                                  shirt!
Cookie volunteers.                                                            Adult Small - XL $8 (+$2 for 2X, 3X)

Where you’ll find it:                                                         Due to this being a girl reward, there is a
 •                                                   maximum of three volunteer shirts per troop.

                                                                              ORDER Due Monday, March 21, 2022

december 2o21
    Sunday           Monday           Tuesday          Wednesday          Thursday        Friday        Saturday
                                                                      1               2             3               4

                5             6                   7                  8               9             10               11
                                                                                                        Digital Cookie

               12             13                  14                 15              16            17               18
   Digital Cookie                      Troop Cookie Girl Scout Cookie                                   Digital Cookie
   Parent Access                   Program Training   Program Starts                                              Day
                                        at 6:30 p.m.       with Digital
    Troop Cookie                      Register here.   Cookie Orders
Program Training
        at 3 p.m.
   Register here.

               19             20                 21                 22               23            24              25

               26             27                 28                 29               30            31
       Girls Start
In-Person Orders

january 2o22
   Sunday              Monday              Tuesday           Wednesday           Thursday             Friday              Saturday

               2                    3                   4                  5                   6                  7                    8
                                                                                  Troop eBudde
                                                                                   Starting Your
                                                                                     Sale & Q&A
                                                                                    at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                  Register here.
               9                   10                  11                 12                13                   14                   15
                                          Troop eBudde                          Troop Required       eBudde Booth         Digital Cookie
                                         Webinar: Digital                         Forms Due to          Scheduler                   Day
                                          Cookies/ Q&A                                 Council*       Open to View
                                            at 6:30 p.m.
                                          Register here.                         Troop eBudde          Girls Submit
                                                                               Webinar: eBudde     Initial Orders to
                                                                               Entering Orders/              Troops
                                                                                   at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                 Register here.
              16                    17                  18                19                  20                 21                    22
                      Troops Submit      Fall Product PGA                        eBudde Booth                             eBudde Booth
                        Initial Cookie      Reward Booth                             Scheduler                                Scheduler
                        & Rewards in        Site Picks due                              Round 1                                  Round 2
                    eBudde - Locked       to Council by 10                     Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.                       Jan. 22 at 12 p.m.
                     out at Midnight                  a.m.                      through Jan. 22                          through Jan. 24
                                                                                   at 11:59 a.m.                             at 9:59 a.m.
                                           Troop eBudde
                                          Webinar: Booth
                                             at 6:30 p.m.
                                           Register here.

              23                    24                 25                   26              27                    28                  29
                       eBudde Booth                            eBudde Booth     Troop eBudde         eBudde Booth
                           Scheduler                                Scheduler Webinar - Cookie            Scheduler
                              Round 3                                 Round 4    Delivery/Q&A               Round 5
                    Jan. 24 at 10 a.m.                       Jan. 26 at 6 a.m.    at 6:30 p.m.     Jan. 28 at 1 p.m.
                      through Jan. 26                         through Jan. 28   Register here.      through Jan. 30
                          at 5:59 a.m.                           at 12:59 p.m.                          at 8:59 p.m.
               30                  31
  eBudde Booth           Troops Print                           *Forms due to council are: Troop Product Program Manager
      Scheduler              Delivery                          Agreement and Policies, ACH Authorization and Bank Info
        Round 6         Confirmation                           Form, and financial report and bank statements. If financial
Jan. 30 at 9 p.m.                                              reports and bank statements were not submitted through the
through Feb. 1 at       Large Order                            VTK by September 30, 2021, contact Customer Care at info@
       9:59 p.m.      Memphis Area                   

february 2o22
Sunday            Monday               Tuesday           Wednesday             Thursday             Friday            Saturday
                                                  1                   2                    3                 4                   5
                                        Large Order         Large Order          Large Order      Memphis Area        Memphis Area
                                      Memphis Area        Memphis Area         Memphis Area         Count-N-Go          Count-N-Go
                                        Count-N-Go          Count-N-Go           Count-N-Go
                                                                                                                       Jackson Area
                                       eBudde Booth                             eBudde Booth                            Count-N-Go
                                           Scheduler                                Scheduler
                                              Round 7                                 Round 8                          eBudde Booth
                                     Feb. 1 at 10 p.m.                        Feb. 3 at 11 a.m.                            Scheduler
                                    through Feb. 3 at                        through Feb. 5 at                               Round 9
                                           10:59 a.m.                               11:59 a.m.                       Feb. 5 at 12 p.m.
                                                                                                                    through Feb. 7 at
                                                                                                                            8:59 a.m.
          6                     7                  8                    9                  10                11                  12
                  eBudde Booth          Service Unit         Service Unit        Service Unit      Booths Begin        Cookie Booth
                      Scheduler          Cookie and           Cookie and          Cookie and                            Weekend #1
                       Round 10           Cupboard             Cupboard            Cupboard        Cookie Booth
                 Feb. 7 at 9 a.m.         Deliveries           Deliveries          Deliveries       Weekend #1
               through Feb. 9 at
                       9:59 p.m.                           eBudde Booth
                    Service Unit                             Open Round
                     Cookie and                          Feb. 9 at 10 p.m.
                      Cupboard                            through End of
                      Deliveries                                 Program
          13                  14                   15                  16                   17               18                  19
Cookie Booth                                                                                       Cookie Booth        Cookie Booth
 Weekend #1                                                                                         Weekend #2          Weekend #2
                                                                                                     Girls Submit      Digital Cookie
                                                                                                  1/2 Payment to
                                                                                                           Troops                Day

          20                  21                   22                 23                    24               25                  26
Cookie Booth         Troop ACH         Troop eBudde        Troop ACH 1/2                           Cookie Booth        Cookie Booth
 Weekend #2       Authorization             Webinar:       Payment from                             Weekend #3          Weekend #3
                       and Bank       Digital Cookie/         Troop Bank
                      Info Form            Allocating           Accounts
                   1/2 Payment       Cookies/Q&A at
                       Shortage             6:30 p.m.
               Information Due         Register here.
                     to Council
          27                  28
Cookie Booth
 Weekend #3

march 2o22
Sunday              Monday           Tuesday           Wednesday             Thursday              Friday        Saturday
                                                   1                  2                     3                4              5
                                                                                                  Cookie Booth   Cookie Booth
                                                                                                   Weekend #4     Weekend #4

           6                    7                 8                   9                    10               11             12
Cookie Booth                         Digital Cookie                                               Cookie Booth   Cookie Booth
 Weekend #4                           Girl Delivery                                                Weekend #5     Weekend #5
                                      Option Ends

                                      Troop eBudde
                                     Finalizing Your
                                        at 6:30 p.m.
                                      Register here.

          13                   14                15                  16                  17                 18              19
Cookie Booth        Girls Submit                                             Troops Submit
 Weekend #5       Cookie Balance                                            Rewards Order
                         to Troop                                               in eBudde -
  Last day for                                                               Troops Locked
Digital Cookie        Red Wagon                                            out of eBudde at
        Orders        Submission                                                   Midnight
                                                                              Troops must
                                                                               have cookie
                                                                             deposited into
                                                                                troop bank
           20                  21                22                   23                   24               25              26
                 Volunteer T-Shirt                             Troop ACH
                  Order Deadline                                Shortage                         Early May
                       to Council                      Information and        After 3/23 if no
                                                                                                 Rewards begin shipping
                                                         Balance Forms         balance forms     to Service Unit Cookie
                                                         due to council.
                                                                               are submitted,
                                                                              the TCM will be
                                                         All information      responsible for    Mid-May
                                                                 must be
                                                                                 payments of     Service Unit disperses
                                                                           outstanding debts
                                                       through the ACH      owed by parents.     rewards to Troops
                                                          shortage link.                         Late July
           27                  28                                                                Super Troop Proceeds
                  Troop ACH Final                                                                Paid via ACH
                    Payment from                                                                 Friday, September 9
                       Troop Bank
                         Accounts                                                                Passport Bucks Expire

troop proceeds
TROOP PROCEEDS                            OPTION A                                           OPTION B
Troop proceeds are based on               WITH REWARDS                                       EXTRA PROCEEDS OPTION (EPO)
the Per Girl Average, which is            Daisy, Brownie and Junior troops MUST              Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops
                                          take this option.                                  may choose Option A or Option B.
the average number of boxes
participating girls sell in your troop.
                                          PGA                   PROCEEDS PER CASE            PGA             PROCEEDS PER CASE

How to determine Troop Per Girl           1-199                 $8.40                        1-199           $9.24
Average (PGA):
Divide the number of boxes sold by        200-399               $9                           200-399         $9.84

the number of girls participating in
                                          400+                  $9.60                        400+            $10.44
cookies for your troop.
Example: 1,200 boxes sold ÷ 10 girls      SUPER TROOP           Additional $.60*             SUPER TROOP     Additional $.60*
participating = 120 PGA

eBudde will automatically calculate
your PGA on the Sales Report tab.

These rules apply to the Extra
Proceeds Option (EPO):
 • Girls within troops choosing
   the EPO will only earn patches
   (initial and additional orders.) For
   each girl that reaches the 800+
   box level, she will then begin
   accumulating rewards at each
   level she obtains thereafter.
 • EPO troops can earn all Troop
   PGA rewards.
 • The troop must be registered
   with the council as a Cadette,
   Senior or Ambassador troop.
 • The choice made is for the entire
   troop. GIRLS, not adults, must         SERVICE UNIT PROCEEDS                              The council does not encourage
   make the troop’s choice.               Service Units have the potential                   troops to cover a parent’s debt
 • EPO option MUST be marked              to receive a total of $0.05 per box                to ensure the proceeds bonus
   in eBudde on the settings tab          ordered within their SU if they                    for the Service Unit. If a troop
   PRIOR to entering girls’ initial       have no outstanding debts.                         remits payment for a parent’s
   orders. No changes will be made                                                           outstanding balance, then the
   after initial order is submitted.                                                         troop is responsible for collection
                                          SERVICE UNIT (SU) PROCEEDS
                                                                                             of this debt.
*Super Troop proceeds will be paid        $.03    Automatic Service Unit Proceeds
out to troops in July via ACH after                                                          NOTE: Service Unit proceeds will
qualifications have been met. View        +$.01     5% SU Initial Order Increase & No Debt   be held until all unregistered girls
Super Troop qualifications.                                                                  participating in the Cookie Program
                                          +$.01     3% SU Final Total Increase & No Debt     are registered for the current
                                                                                             membership year, all troops have at
                                          $.05      Potential Service Unit Proceeds
                                                                                             least two fully screened and approved
                                                                                             volunteers, and Service Unit ACH
                                                                                             form, budget, financial report and
                                                                 17                          bank statements are submitted.
troop cookie finances
AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH)                                                         Troops that do not make GSHS aware of
Girl Scout troops must have an active troop bank account to participate in council     account shortages by the deadlines will
product programs, and are required to have an ACH Authorization and Bank Info          be responsible for any and all insufficient
Form with a voided check or bank letter attached from the troop account.               fund fees associated with the transaction.
                                                                                       Troops that disregard the first ACH draft
All ACH authorization forms must be submitted to the council by January 13, 2022       will not receive additional cookies from
for the Cookie Program.                                                                cupboards.

GSHS will complete two (2) drafts for Cookies from troop accounts.                     Once the drafts are complete and
Troops are required to have funds available in their troop account according to the    confirmed by the bank, payments
deadlines below:                                                                       will be uploaded in eBudde and will
                                                                                       appear on each troop’s Payments Tab.
                                                                                       Payments will also be recorded on the
          HALF PAYMENT                               FINAL PAYMENT                     Sales Report in eBudde. Should a troop
        FEBRUARY 23, 2022                            MARCH 28, 2022                    have an overpayment, the overpayment
  • ACH 1/2 payment amount will be            • Cookie Managers can view               amount will be electronically deposited
    listed on the Sales Report tab in           amount due by clicking on the          in the account provided at the end of the
    eBudde. A reminder email will be            Sales Tab Report in eBudde. The        program.
    sent prior to the ACH pull date.            final payment will be listed at the
  • Cookie Managers can view amount             bottom of the report, listed as        It is at the Troop Cookie Manager/Leader’s
    due by clicking on the Sales                Amount You Owe Council. The total      discretion whether the troop will accept
    Tab Report in eBudde. The half              due is minus the Half Payment ACH      personal checks or not. If they choose to
    payment amount will be displayed            draft, and troop proceeds.             do so, those checks will be deposited into
    in the left-side Cookie section of        • Digital Cookie payments will be        the troop account and the troop will be
    the Sales Report.                           deducted from the balance due.         responsible for collecting on any checks
  • Digital Cookie payments will be           • An email will go out as a reminder     that are returned for insufficient funds,
    deducted from the balance due.              to troops to look for the bank         closed account, etc.
  • Payment shortage information                transaction.
    should be submitted through the           • Payment shortage information           RECEIPTS
    ACH Shortage Information link no            should be submitted through the        Receipts are to be used for ALL
    later than FEBRUARY 21, 2022 by             ACH Shortage Information link no       transactions (both product and money). It
    5 PM.                                       later than MARCH 23, 2022 by 5         is imperative that you use receipt books,
  • Please note that transactions can           PM.                                    and keep all copies of receipts until after
    take between 24 to 48 hours to            • Troop final payment will be            the Cookie Program.
                                                deducted from troop’s bank
    show on the troop bank account.
                                                account on MARCH 28, 2022.             Make sure signatures are obtained from
    FROM 1/2 PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE.                                                       both parties when ANY type of exchange
                                                                                       occurs, whether it is product or money. If
                                                                                       there are discrepancies, the paperwork will
 Prior to the Final Payment ACH, troops should collect all money for cookie            verify the transaction in question.
 orders and booths and deposit it into the troop’s bank account.
                                                                                       For product transfers between troops,
 If an emergency arises and a troop does not have all of the funds available for the   you may indicate a receipt number. Please
                                                                                       keep it simple (i.e. “to Troop 10819”, or
 drafts, troop volunteers must submit information through the ACH Shortage Form
                                                                                       the date of the transaction) and easy to
                                                                                       distinguish between each transfer.

 Shortage information should include the following: amount short for draft,            Council, service unit and troops can reserve
 amount available for draft, if parent or troop debt, reason for shortage, and         the right to require payment up front for
 outstanding balance forms along with proper documentation for parent debt.            product. See Product Program Policies and
                                                                                       Standards for more information.

Troop cookie finances
CONTACTLESS PAYMENT                              EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES                  
Use the contactless payment option through       In case of theft documented by a police              GSHSCookieSwap
the Digital Cookie Mobile App. You can scan      report we would expect the loss to                   and post a message in case
a customer’s card with your phone camera         be covered by personal insurance. If                 another troop needs the
to capture their payment information             so, additional time will be allowed to               inventory.
securely into the Digital Cookie Mobile App      collect from the insurance company.
without ever touching their card.                If not covered by insurance and not            If product remains at the end of the
                                                 documented, payment in full is expected        program, complete an Outstanding
Use Venmo, Cash App or other similar             by the due date; however, payment              Balance Form on the parent and submit
money sharing apps (such as Facebook Pay)        arrangements can be made. The Troop            it, along with all documentation through
to give customers additional no-contact          Cookie Manager should contact the              the ACH Shortage Information link.
payment options.                                 Service Unit Cookie Coordinator for
                                                 further information or assistance.             OVER-ORDER OF COOKIES
TROUBLE COLLECTING                                                                              If you have over-ordered product, notify
If a troop is unable to collect money            HANDLING A PROBLEM                             your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator or
from a parent, the Troop Cookie                  When you become aware of a potential           the council immediately. If you wait until
Manager should keep a record of                  problem in a troop, contact your Service       the end of the program, it is much more
all contacts attempting a resolution             Unit Cookie Coordinator to document            difficult to find someone that needs the
and contact the Service Unit Cookie              the problem. Circumstances that may            product and it is most likely too late for
Coordinator. If further assistance               require additional time or special             anyone to help.
becomes necessary, the Troop Cookie              arrangements will be handled on a case-             • Encourage your girls to set a higher
Manager must complete an Outstanding             by-case basis. These may include serious              goal (booth and additional orders,
Balance Form by March 23, 2022                   illness or death in family, fire, theft and           door to door, etc.).
and attach a signed permission slip,             auto accidents.                                     • Set up additional booths. Troops
receipts and all documentation of                                                                      can even set up booths after
correspondence and amount due.                   PICKING UP COOKIES                                    the “end date” of the program
Troops should never assume parent                If a parent/girl fails to pick up product in          (with the permission of the store
debt.                                            a timely manner, DO NOT WAIT to notify                managers).
                                                 your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator or             • Notify cupboards in your area of
Girl Scout parents/guardians granting            the council. If you wait until the end of             your extra product.
permission for their girl to participate,        the program, it is much more difficult to           • Contact other troops in your area
and volunteers handling funds, are               find someone that needs the product                   to see if they need extra product
accountable for forwarding payment for           and it is most likely too late for anyone             or would be willing to swap
products to the troop and to the council.        to help.                                              inventory.
                                                      • Have other girls in the troop help           • Go to the
Girl Scouts Heart of the South                          with the product (booth and                    groups/GSHSCookieSwap
reserves the right to use available                     additional orders, door to door,               and post a message in case
alternatives to insure proper collection                etc.). Be sure to transfer product in          another troop needs that
of funds. Following contact by council                  eBudde to the appropriate girl for             inventory.
representatives regarding overdue                       her to receive credit.
funds, the account will be turned over                • Contact other troops in your area
to a collection agency or the courts for                to see if they need extra product.
action.                                               • Go to the GSHS Cookie Swap
                                                        Facebook page,

  Money mondays
  Troops can have a lot of cash floating with their girls’ parents. TCMs are
  financially responsible for all cookie money. Protect yourself and your
  troop’s financial integrity. Set the expectation to collect money from girls/
  parents every Monday. After a weekend of booths, work together to get
  that money into the bank account and safeguard it. Do not let cash linger
  without collecting and depositing it promptly and frequently.

getting your cookies
Armstrong Relocation
3927 Winchester Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118

                           • After submitting the Troop Initial Cookie order in eBudde, Troops will be
                             reminded to go to the Delivery tab to select their delivery date and time.
                           • Go to the Delivery tab and choose the Count-N-Go delivery date desired
                             from the drop down menu.
                           • Then click on the desired time slot.
                           • Available slots will be white; unavailable slots will be gray.
                           • If troops are attempting to sign up for time slots and there are no available
JACKSON: FEBRUARY 5          spots, contact or 800-624-4185.
                           • Troops that have over 200 cases in their initial order will be required to
Averitt Express              select two or more simultaneous time slots.
2093 Express Drive         • Troops that have over 400 cases in their initial order will be required to
Jackson, TN 38305            select multiple simultaneous time slots, and given the opportunity to select
                             an earlier pick up time between Monday - Thursday. Council will contact
                             eligible troops after they have entered their order, and selected their pick
                             up slots. The council will update eBudde with the new pick up information.
                           • Click the “Submit my Info” button at the top left. The delivery information
                             will not be saved unless it is submitted.
                           • Prior to their pick-up date (but after 1/31/22), troops will need to print the
                             delivery confirmation from the delivery tab in eBudde to take with them
                             to delivery. This will recap the order in cases, by variety, delivery date/time
                             and also tell an estimate of how many vehicles to bring.

                          If combining multiple troop orders for pickup (no more than three troops at one time),
                          follow these instructions:
                          •     Submit cookie order for Troop A on the initial order tab. On the delivery tab, select
                                “Some other troop (or my SU)” and submit.
                          •     Submit cookie order for Troop B on the initial order tab. On the delivery tab, select
                                “Some other troop (or my SU)” and submit.
                          •     On Troop C, submit cookie order on the initial order tab. On the delivery tab, select
                                “Someone from my troop”. When asked if you will be picking up for more than one
                                troop, select “yes” and enter the troop numbers into the fields provided. This will
                                combine all troop orders for a total pickup case count.
                              • Choose the Count-N-Go delivery date desired from the drop down menu.
                              • Then click on the desired time slot and submit.

getting your cookies
COUNT-N-GO DAY OF PROCESS:                             • If they replied with a 1 to confirm    • For orders requiring multiple vehicles:
  1.  Masks are required.                                pick up, this will also trigger a           •   Have all vehicles needed for pick
                                                         confirmation email to the troop.                up arrive together.
  2.  Count-N-Go is for troop initial
                                                       • If they replied with a 2 they
      orders only, not individual girls.                                                             •   Bring an extra person to be the
                                                         will stay with their council
  3. Troops need to bring or have                        representative to discuss issues                designated “counter” so they do
      access to their Troop Delivery                     with their count. There will be a               not have to get in and out of the
      Confirmation that includes a                       recount station if quantities are               vehicle as they are moving in the
      unique Troop Code and phone                        questioned. Troops will need                    line.
      number for pick-up. These are                      to move out of the line, unload,            •   The first vehicle will be filled
      available to print beginning                       count and reload their own
                                                                                                         to capacity before loading any
      January 31.                                        cookies.
                                                                                                          subsequent vehicles.
  4. Troops will need to arrive at their
      scheduled time with all vehicles        COUNT-N-GO DAY OF TIPS:
                                                                                               SERVICE UNIT DELIVERY
      needed for pick-up. Troops will         • Girl orders are not separated into
                                                                                               Your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator will
      not be allowed to begin pick-up           individual vehicles.                           contact you to pick up the troop/girls’ cookie
      process until all vehicles have         • Have all vehicles cleaned out with             orders between February 7-10, and rewards
      arrived at the site.                      minimal passengers.                            in May.
  5. Troops will stop at the Check-           • Delivery agents will be loading the
      In station to receive further             cookies. You do not need extra people           • Bring a copy of your Delivery
      instructions.                             to do this.                                       Confirmation when picking up product.
  6. One troop member will text their         • Pay close attention during the loading          • Count and recount the items before
      Troop Code from the Delivery              process. The loaders load fast. Be aware          signing for them.
      Confirmation to 225-398-3281.             of what is being loaded into your vehicle       • When dispersing items to girls, have
      They will receive a confirmation          and make sure you get an accurate                 each parent count and sign for their
      back stating they have been               count before moving to the next station.          orders.
      checked in.
  7. At the Check-In station, troops will
      receive their initial order rewards.
  8. They will then be directed to a pick-       how many cases
      up line.
  9. A council representative will follow
                                                 of cookies can
      them through the pick-up process           your car carry?
      and assist with counting.
  10. Cookies will be set up in an
      “assembly line” style with one or
      two varieties of cookies at each
      station. Troops will count the cases
      as they are being loaded by variety
      into their vehicles. Cars will move
      through the line to receive all cases
      ordered of each variety at each
  11. Once all cookies are loaded, the
      council representative will release
      the cookies in eBudde to the troop.
  12. The troop will receive a text stating
      their cookies have been released.
      To confirm their pickup respond
      via text with 1 and for additional
      help respond back with 2.
preparing for
               prepare for delivery
               •     Make sure your Troop forms have been submitted (Troop Product Program Manager Agreement, ACH form, financial report
                     and bank statements).
               •     Recruit parents as soon as you know the dates.
               •     Choose the right Cookies Cars - based on cased ordered. Don’t bring too many to avoid car clogs in delivery queue.
               •     Bring no children please!

               picking up your troop’s order
               •     Arrive at your designated time and location. Be on time! Success is based on staggered arrival.
               •     Count cookies as you load: Slow down the pace if need be, to ensure accuracy.
               •     Verify count and sign for cookies: Once you leave, shortages are troops’ responsibility.
               •     Promptly report all shortages and overages: Report issues to SUCC/Council within 36 hours. We will try to correct, but there
                     are no guarantees.

               after picking up your troop’s order
               •    Recount (and report if necessary): Count cookies to make sure all are out of your vehicle. If numbers are off, report the
                    problem immediately!
               •    Sort: Sort by girls’ orders. Count the extras, this should match the extras in the order to cover booth and surplus. If quantities
                    don’t match, recheck girls’ orders.
               •    Store: Put cookies in a clean, dry location. Troop is responsible for any damages after delivery.
               •    Pick up reminder: Notify girls/parents to pick up their cookies. Ensure they have the address and correct time.

               when girls/parents pick up
               •     Meet with parents individually. Group pickups can become confusing and unorganized.
               •     Prepare Receipt or Girl Balance Sheet for each girl.
               •     Parents should count, verify, and sign: Have parents count and verify number matches order in eBudde. Parents sign receipt
                     verifying cookies were received. If possible, use extra cookies to fill orders from Goal Getter forms. Don’t forget to get signed
                     receipts for additional cookies.
               •     Remind parent/guardian when money is due: Use ACH schedule for collection.
               •     Additional cookies: Record additional packages on Girl Balance Sheet. Be sure additional orders are posted on eBudde by girl
                     for proper credit.

Helpful Info                                                                               restock throughout the season
You need to know:                                                                           • Ordering packages for booths isn’t an exact science, but here are
 • Troops are responsible for counting and                                                    average order percentages per cookie variety, so you can get an
   verifying the total number of cases.                                                       idea of how many you should order.
 • When in doubt, recount.                                                                  • These are overall council percentages and could vary depending
 • Wait until you’re sure about your case count                   22.75%                      on your area.
   to sign the receipt.                                                      21.75%         • *This is a new cookie and is expected to be a good performer, but
How to have a smooth pickup experience:                                                       this percentage may vary.
 • Know exactly how many cases you ordered
   of each variety.
 • Arrive at your scheduled pickup time.
 • Make sure you have enough vehicles to load
   your order (see chart).                                                            12.25%
 • Line up your vehicles at the same time.                                                       10.5%
 • Check in and receive your pickup ticket.                                                                   10%
 • Give your pickup ticket to the loader and                                                                            9%*
   count cases as they’re loaded in.
 • Sign for your order and take your receipt.
cookie cupboards
Additional cases of cookies for         CANNOT BE RETURNED AT ANY              To ensure availability of cookies at
booths and in-person orders will                                               your cookie cupboard, please place
                                        POINT OF THE PROGRAM.
be available through council Cookie                                            your cupboard orders in advance.
Cupboards beginning February 7                                                 If you do not place your order
                                        Troop leaders, troop cookie
through March 13.                                                              by the below dates, we cannot
                                        managers, or other authorized
                                                                               guarantee the availability of all
                                        representative, will accept through
Each cupboard sets its own hours                                               cookie varieties.
                                        the eBudde app or sign a receipt
of operation. A list of cupboard        acknowledging the financial
locations, contact information,                                                Cookie Booth Weekend 1
                                        responsibility for cookies picked up
hours of operation, as well as the                                             February 11 – 13
                                        from cupboards.
assigned cupboard location number                                              Place Order By: February 7 at 9 a.m.
will be provided by email prior to      Cookie cupboard pick-ups will be
cookie delivery and is available at                                            Cookie Booth Weekend 2
                                        added to the troop’s total on eBudde
put the links to the cookie page on                                            February 18 – 20
                                        and payment in full will be expected
our website and the 2022 cookie                                                Place Order By: February 14 at 9 a.m.
                                        for all cookies picked up along with
resources.                              the troop final paperwork.
                                                                               Cookie Booth Weekend 3
Please, remember, that just like you,                                          February 25 – 27
                                        ORDER AND PICK UP YOUR                 Place Order By: February 21 at 9 a.m.
our Cookie Cupboard Managers            COOKIES FROM THE SAME
are volunteers. Their time and
                                        LOCATION                               Cookie Booth Weekend 4
private lives are just as valuable as
                                        Please do not place your order with    March 4 – 6
yours. Be respectful of their hours
                                        one cupboard location and pick up      Place Order By: February 28 at 9 a.m.
of operations and strictly adhere to
                                        from a different cupboard. Each
                                        cupboard is stocked individually,      Cookie Booth Weekend 5
                                        based on the orders placed for that    March 11 - 13
Cases from the cupboards can be
                                        week.                                  Place Order By: March 7 at 9 a.m.
mixed varieties equaling 12 boxes.
Please be specific regarding boxes
                                        Please do not place your order
or cases when placing orders with
                                        with multiple cupboard locations.
the cupboards.
                                        This hinders our ability to properly
                                        manage cupboard inventory and
PLACE CUPBOARD ORDERS ON                causes over-ordering.
Place cupboard orders for pick-up       Pending orders that have not been
at your local cupboard through          picked up within 5 days of order
eBudde or the eBudde app.               placements or 2 days within pick up
                                        date will be removed from eBudde.
Use the Transactions tab on eBudde
to enter your order at a specific
cupboard. That order will then
show as “pending” on the troop and
cupboard Transactions tab. Once
the order has been picked-up, the
cupboard manager will verify the
number of cookies picked up and
remove the “pending” status from
the order. This will then lock the

             2                      Meet with girls
                                    and families
Troop meeting:


Family meeting:


          Sunday, December 12
   Digital Cookie – Parent Access Open
       Wednesday, December 15
    Digital Cookies - Girl Orders Start
         Saturday, December 18
           Digital Cookie Day #1
          Sunday, December 26
        Girl In-Person Orders Start

           Friday, January 14*
   Girl Submits Initial Orders to Troop
          Saturday, January 15
          Digital Cookie Day #2
   Monday-Thursday, Jan. 31-Feb. 10
          Troop Cookie Delivery
                                                    Girls with big goals might want to follow up on their family meeting with a Cookie House Party, and you
           Friday, February 11                      can provide a blueprint for this fun event that gives girls an opportunity to take orders by the case.
               Booths Begin
           Friday, February 18*
   Girls submit 1/2 Payment to Troops               When families understand the importance of the Girl Scout
    Friday-Sunday, February 18-20
   National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend               Cookie Program, they give it their full support and help
          Saturday, February 19                     girls do everything it takes to be successful. As a volunteer,
           Digital Cookie Day #3
          Saturday, February 26                     you play a key role in helping families understand the
           Red Wagon Saturday                       importance of the cookie program.
           Tuesday, March 8
Digital Cookie “Girl Delivery” Option Ends          Before the cookie season begins, you can help girls plan a
           Sunday, March 13
                Booths End                          family meeting that introduces their parents or guardians to
           Sunday, March 13                         the program. When planning your family meeting in-person
    Last day for Digital Cookie Orders
           Monday, March 14                         or virtually here are some key areas to cover.
  Girls submit cookie balance to Troop
           Monday, March 14
    Red Wagon Submission Deadline

           Friday, September 9
                                                        HELPFUL INFO
           Passport Bucks Expire                        GAIN THE SUPPORT OF FAMILIES EARLY ON

 *Individual troops may provide alternate                     Host a short meeting in-person or virtually with families so girls can kick off the
                   dates                                year with their families. At the meeting, adults can complete permission forms and
                                                        sign up to help. This is a great time to go over health and safety guidelines.

points to cover at
your family cookie meeting
The Girl Scout Cookie Program
                                          HoW THE CooKIE CRUMBLES
can keep you busy and it’s easy to
lose sight of what’s important. A
great way to keep things focused
and positive is to put taking cookie
orders in the context of something
                                          With 100% of cookie proceeds staying local, talk with parents about
bigger and more important.
                                          how every box of cookies benefits girls.
MATERIALS, DATES AND                       GIRL SCOUT COOKIES $5               •   Girl, Troop, Service Unit Rewards: $.91
DEADLINES                                     • Cost of Cookies: $1.13         •   General Management: $.53
Pass out the Family Cookie                    • Girl Program: $1.07            •   Property Management: $.32
Guide, Goal-Getter Cards, money               • Membership Support: $1.03      •   Bad Debt: $.01
envelopes and your contact
information in a timely manner.
                                       ROLL OUT THE REWARDS                         If your troop and families will be
COMPLETE TROOP PAPERWORK               The 2022 rewards are awesome!                participating in person, such as
This is a great time for you to        Show the parents the rewards and             booths, discuss the Selling Cookies
review the council’s Cookie Program    explain:                                     Safely Guidelines. Families who
Parent/Guardian Permission              • Reward levels and how they’re             are not comfortable with in-person
and Responsibility Form and               cumulative                                order taking can still give their
have parents sign it. Girls cannot      • Per Girl Average (PGA) and what           girl a great cookie experience
participate without signed forms.         it means                                  by participating through Digital
                                        • Extra Proceeds Option                     Cookies, and contactless deliveries
ASK FOR HELP                            • Plans for Troop Proceeds                  like porch drop-offs.
If everyone pitches in, the program     • Super Troop Status and how to
will run more smoothly. Ask for           achieve it                                TALK ABOUT THE MONEY
volunteers to help count and sort                                                      • Receipts, Receipts, Receipts
cookies when they arrive, commit to    HAVE GIRLS SET THEIR GOAL                         - for ALL transactions, both
working a cookie booth, or passing     Are they aiming for the large plush?              money and product. Write
out rewards when they come.            To surpass their achievement from                 receipts when parents receive
                                       last year? The Apple Watch or Magic               cookies, and when they submit
REVIEW THE RULES                       Springs Getaway? Whatever it is,                  money.
Troops and parents are financially     have them write it down and map                 • Keep receipts until program is
responsible for all cookies they       out a plan on how they’ll achieve it.             over in case of a mistake.
receive.                                                                               • Give a firm deadline for 1/2
                                       DISCUSS SAFETY AND                                cookie payment and final
Girl Scout Cookies cannot be           PARTICIPATION                                     payment leaving you enough
returned to the council once           Discuss with parents their level                  time to make deposits. ACH
signed for. Advise parents of          of comfort in how they plan to                    Half Payment is on February
this policy and plan troop orders      participate. Troops and families                  24 and the Final Payment is on
accordingly. Troops can always         should adhere to all CDC, state and               March 28. Explain Outstanding
get more cookies from their local      local health guidelines, including                Balance Forms. All unpaid
Cookie Cupboard.                       wearing masks, socially distancing                debts should be submitted
                                       and contactless payment.                          to the council, according to

Cookie resources and tips
for girls
For Girl Scout Cookie™ entrepreneurs, getting set for business means learning how to think like an
entrepreneur. Motivate and inspire girls of all levels to do just that with fun learning activities from the Cookie
Business Badges. As girls take their learning home, the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin encourages the whole
family to get involved and offer support.

         G IR L SCO
                      UTS   ®

FOR YOUNGER GIRLS                                                                                 FOR GIRLS AND FAMILIES

                                                GOAL-SETTING ACTIVITIES                           GIRL STORIES
Use this resource to help young girls learn     Teach girls everything they need to know          Get everyone inspired with stories of
about setting goals, get to know different      about reaching high goals, while having           girls who are leading boldly as cookie
cookies, gain confidence, learn how to speak    loads of fun.                                     entrepreneurs and shining brightly as
to customers, and more.                                                                           a result.
                                                      These downloadable crafts can be
What it includes:                               done together or individually—online or                These resources were originally
 • Fun video                                    in-person—to help girls track their progress      designed for in-person use, but can also work
 • Volunteer guide                              through the season.                               with digital tools. Consult your council for
Where you’ll find it:                                                                             approved video-conferencing platforms.
 •, Girls section       What it includes:
                                                 • Quick, inspiring ideas for making              What it includes:
                                                   the most of Girl Scout Cookie Season            • Video and editorial profiles of girls
                                                Where you’ll find it:                                 who have improved their communities
                                                 •, Volunteers                and gone on fun adventures with their
                                                   section                                            cookie earnings.
                                                                                                  Where you’ll find it:
                                                           G I R L S C O U TS
                                                                                ®                  •, Girls, Teens
                                                                                                     and Videos sections

                                                                                                  COOKIE ENTREPRENEUR
                                                                                                  FAMILY PIN COLLECTION
                                                GIRL SCOUTS® MY COOKIE FRIEND                     Encourage families to support girls as they
SHARE HER COOKIE STORY*                                                                           learn to think like entrepreneurs and run
                                                Girls love earning the newest mascot plush!
       Encourage girls in your troop to share   Pump up the excitement by encouraging             their own cookie businesses. Girls can
their inspiring Girl Scout Cookie™ stories      girls to explore our mascot’s official website.   earn all 13 pins in the collection—one
with the world for a chance to be featured      We designed it to be educational and              unique pin for every year they participate.
on Girl Scouts’ “Think Outside the Cookie       inspirational!
Box” gallery, the Girl Scout blog, Facebook,                                                      What it includes:
Twitter, Instagram and more.                    What it includes:                                  • Activity sheets to help girls at all levels
                                                 • Fun facts                                       • Tips for families
What it includes:                                • Games                                          Where you’ll find it:
 • Online form to submit her cookie story        • Videos                                          •
Where you’ll find it:                            • Activities and crafts
 •              Where you’ll find it:
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