Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)

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Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
Criminal Investigative Failures
  Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
                                                                                              © brandXpictures

        art one of this article     the human mind. Individuals         for patterns in, or drawing

P       focused on cognitive
        biases and how they can
contribute to criminal investiga-
                                    often use heuristics—and suf-
                                    fer from biases—when dealing
                                    with probability. Police officers
                                                                        inferences from, a small number
                                                                        of incidents. For example, an
                                                                        analyst examines the dates for
tive failures. Part two presents    find it particularly hard to think   a series of 15 street robberies
probability errors and organiza-    probabilistically. Because of       and observes that none of the
tional traps that can lead inves-   their street experiences, they      crimes occurred on a Thursday.
tigations astray. It also offers    prefer black and white, rather      Is this pattern meaningful?
recommendations and addition-       than shades of gray. Probability    Probably not. With only 15
al strategies that investigators    errors in criminal justice most     crimes, chances are at least one
may find helpful.                    often occur in the forensic sci-    day of the week will be free of
                                    ences but also can happen in        robberies.
PROBABILITY ERRORS                  criminal profiling.                       Skeptics often say they do
Probability and Psychology                                              not believe in coincidences.
                                       Coincidences and the
    Anyone who has spent a             Law of Small Numbers             However, when looking for
few hours watching people                                               patterns within large numbers
gamble will realize that prob-         A common problem with            of items (i.e., events, suspects),
ability is a difficult concept for   probability results from looking    coincidences are inevitable.

12 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
The comparison of Presidents         While the similar crime char-                  a child murderer. Amongst other
Kennedy and Lincoln provides         acteristics suggest a link, more               details, the profile estimates the
a well-known example. The            detailed examination reveals                   offender=s age and his vehicle
list of remarkable similarities      important inconsistencies. One                 type, derived from automobile
is strictly the product of chance    victim was a 3-year-old male,                  insurance data. Using the pro-
(with 43 U.S. presidents, 903        manually strangled, his body                   file, investigators evaluate two
possible comparisons are pos-        found in a dumpster 100 yards                  suspects—one matches both
sible) and cherry picking (not-      from his house. The other vic-                 the age and vehicle criteria, and
ing similarities, while ignoring     tim was a 14-year-old female,                  the other only the age. Who
differences).                        strangled with a rope, her body                is the better suspect vis-à-vis
     What role does coincidence      found dumped in a river 20                     the profile? Actually, they are
play in major crime investiga-       miles from her home.                           equal. Derived from the age
tions? If enough suspects are                                                       estimate, the vehicle type is not
looked at, by sheer chance,              Double Counting                            an independent profile element
some will circumstantially ap-           Extracting two elements of                 drawn from the crime scene (as
pear guilty. A few people will       a crime from a common source                   opposed to a vehicle sighting
just be in the wrong place at the    and then erroneously treating                  by a witness). Treating age and
wrong time. Efforts to solve a       them as separate aspects can                   vehicle type as two separate
crime by “working backwards”         mislead a criminal investiga-                  match points constitutes double
(i.e., from the suspect to the       tion. A rumor heard from more                  counting.
crime, rather than from the          than one person does not neces-
crime to the suspect) are suscep-    sarily verify the information as                   Conjunction Fallacy
tible to errors of coincidence. If   both individuals may have re-                      The conjunction fallacy
you look hard enough, you can        ceived it from the same source.                occurs when investigators as-
usually find some sort of con-        Consider a behavioral profile of                sign a higher probability to the
nection. These types of errors
often are seen in the proffered
“solutions” to such famous
cases as Jack the Ripper.
     Coincidences can be a trap
when offender modus operandi
and similar fact evidence are
used for crime linkage pur-
                                       “    In major cases,
                                           particularly those
                                            involving large
                                        numbers of personnel
poses. Trawl search problems           and extending over long
occur when only similarities,          periods of time, internal
and not differences, are exam-            rumors can pose a
ined.1 Comparisons of common             significant problem.
similarities (e.g., vaginal inter-
course in rape crimes) lack util-
ity, while misspecifications of
similarities can be misleading.
Consider two juvenile murder
strangulations involving body
                                             Dr. Rossmo, a former detective inspector in charge of the Vancouver, British
                                      Columbia, Police Department’s Geographic Profiling Section, is currently a research
                                       professor and director of the Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation in
                                             the Department of Criminal Justice at Texas State University in San Marcos.
transportation and concealment.

                                                                                                            October 2006 / 13
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
overlap of two events than to ei-   at only 38 percent. The prob-        proportions of 16, 20, and 20
ther event separately. Probabili-   ability that the offender was        percent, and female offender
ties are combined by multiply-      driving such a vehicle is only       proportions of 9, 10, and 16
ing them together, resulting in a   28 percent (the probability the      percent. According to the 2000
product smaller than either ini-    witness actually saw the vehicle     census, the U.S. population is
tial probability (given noncer-     times the probability of witness     75 percent white and 49 percent
tainty).2 Conjunction fallacies     accuracy). This does not mean        male. So, while disproportion-
have occurred in DNA match-         his information is not valuable.     ately male, the only reason
ing, offense-linkage analysis,      Obviously, suspect vehicles that     most serial killers in the United
and crime forecasting.3 Imagine     are gray domestic vans should        States are white is because most
that a witness reports seeing a     be prioritized and investigated.     of the population is white. More
vehicle flee a nighttime gas sta-    The problem only occurs when         important, all else being equal,
tion robbery in which the clerk     other suspect vehicles (e.g., blue   serial killers are less likely to be
was shot dead. He states that he    imported SUVs) are ignored.          white in predominantly black
had only a quick glimpse but is                                          or Hispanic areas.
reasonably sure the vehicle was

a gray domestic minivan. How                                             Errors of Thinking
much weight should be placed                                                 Research has identified
on this description?                        A lack of                    two errors related to the issue
     This question has two parts.       understanding of                 of probability within the court
First, what is the probability        base rates can lead                context, the prosecutor’s fallacy
the witness actually saw the           to misinterpreting                and the defense attorney’s fal-
offender’s vehicle? In major           research findings                  lacy.5 The prosecutor’s fallacy
crime cases, especially those             and forensic                   occurs when people equate
involving significant publicity,             results.                     the probability of the evidence
the public’s desire to help or                                           given guilt with the probability

become involved is high, but                                             of guilt given the evidence. Put
their information often proves                                           simply, while all cows are four-
unreliable. A generous assump-                                           legged animals, not all four-
tion gives the witness a 75         Base Rates                           legged animals are cows. This
percent chance of actually hav-          A lack of understanding of      error (known as transposing the
ing seen the robber’s vehicle.      base rates can lead to misinter-     conditional) can occur in both
Second, how accurate is his         preting research findings and         forensic science and behavioral
vehicle description? The wit-       forensic results.4 Consider the      profiling. This is illustrated by
ness provides three descriptive     oft-quoted fact, “Serial killers     the investigation into two bomb
elements. Assigning witness         are usually white males.” While      explosions that killed 21 people
accuracy probabilities of 70        technically correct, at least for    and injured 182.6 Police officers
percent to the make, 90 percent     the United States, this statement    detained a group of men travel-
to the type, and 60 percent to      is incomplete. To understand         ing to a funeral and had their
the color (under some street-       it properly, the relevant base       hands examined for traces of ni-
lights, blue looks gray) puts the   rates also must be considered.       troglycerine. A forensic scientist
likelihood that the witness saw     Three different studies of serial    testified at their trial that he
a gray American-made minivan        murderers found black offender       was “99 percent certain” the

14 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
defendants had handled explo-        to the individual probabilities            Organizational momentum,
sives. It was later disclosed,       multiplied together) is very low.     the inability to change direction
however, that many other sub-        Consequently, the second part         in the midst of a major investi-
stances could produce positive       of the argument—that the evi-         gation, is the converse problem.
test results, including nitrocel-    dence is useless—is incorrect.        To redirect and shift its focus
lulose found in paint, lacquer,                                            from an established theory of a
playing cards, soil, gasoline,       ORGANIZATIONAL                        crime or a particular suspect is
cigarettes, and soap. The de-        TRAPS                                 particularly difficult when an
fendants had played a game of                                              agency has to admit publicly
                                     Inertia, Momentum,                    that the original direction was
cards on the train shortly before
                                     and Roller Coasters                   wrong. But, staying the course
their arrest. Their convictions
were overturned on appeal,               Conservative in nature, law       in light of compelling evidence
partly as a result of the foren-     enforcement agencies can suffer pointing in a new direction
sic evidence being discredited       from bureaucratic inertia, a leth- can prove catastrophic. Police
because the scientist had trans-     argy or unwillingness to change, must strike a balance between
posed the conditional.                                            © Corbis stability and responsiveness.
    The defense attorney’s fal-                                            The mistaken witness report
lacy occurs when evidence is                                               of a suspect white van in the
considered in isolation, rather                                            sniper attacks in the Washing-
than in totality. This type of                                             ton, D.C., area serves as an
error happened during O. J.                                                example. “It begs the ques-
Simpson’s preliminary hear-                                                tion, did we publish composite
ing. The prosecution presented                                             pictures because witnesses saw
evidence that blood from the                                               the white van, or did we see the
murder scene, when analyzed                                                white van because we published
using conventional grouping                                                the pictures? We should’ve paid
techniques, matched the ac-                                                more attention to the descrip-
cused, with characteristics                                                tion of the Caprice and given it
shared by 1 in 400 people. The                                             as much creditability as the van,
defense argued that an entire        evolve, or act. Change is disrup- but we didn’t. In hindsight, it
football stadium could be filled      tive and requires effort, energy, was a mistake made in the emo-
with people in Los Angeles who       time, and money. Most depart-         tion of the moment. But, with
also would match; therefore, the     ments, however, have many             all that we had set in place, we
evidence was useless.7 While         competing demands with few,           should’ve done better.”9
the first part of the defense         if any, spare resources. Inertia           Detectives working high-
argument regarding the number        can slow an agency’s response         pressure murder cases often re-
of matches is correct, only a        to a new crime problem, as the        fer to investigative roller coast-
limited number of those people       Green River Killer case dem-          ers, the ups and downs resulting
had relationships with the vic-      onstrated.8 Police admitted that      from the pursuit of prime
tims and even fewer had any          they had no idea what they were suspects. A problem can occur if
reason for wanting to kill them.     getting into when they began          suspect “Jones” emerges dur-
The probability of an individual     their investigation, which took       ing the investigation of prime
filling all three categories (equal   20 years to complete.                 suspect “Smith.” Investigators

                                                                                            October 2006 / 15
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
typically see the viability of a    the Washington, D.C., area (the   and, therefore, receive most of
new suspect relative to exist-      shooters drove a blue sedan). In  their information secondhand.
ing ones, so if Smith is the best   addition, some red herrings can        Investigators need to out-
current suspect, then Jones is      result from mischief or greed.    line their assumptions. If an
relegated to a secondary status.    During the Yorkshire Ripper       assumption later turns out to be
When Smith is cleared, what         inquiry in England, investiga-    invalid, then everything follow-
happens to Jones? At best, Jones    tors received three letters and   ing from it must be rethought.
stays a secondary suspect; at       a cassette tape from a person     As the human mind does not
worst, he will be overlooked        claiming to be the killer.12      automatically reevaluate infor-
altogether. Often discovered in     Experts analyzed the voice on     mation, specific organizational
cold case murder investigations,    the tape and concluded that the   procedures must be established
such suspects are obvious to the    speaker likely came from the      to address this issue. Document-
fresh eyes of new observers not     same area postmarked on the       ing assumptions facilitates this
subject to the psychological and    letters. The tape was not from    process and protects investiga-
organizational pressures that                                         tions from “creeping credibil-

may have affected the original                                        ity,” which occurs when an idea
investigators.                                                        or theory gains credence from
                                                                      the passing of time, rather than
Red Herrings
and Rumors                               Fatigue, overwork,           from supporting evidence. A
    In high-profile cases, the
                                    and stress, all endemic possibility hardens into a prob-
                                       in high-profile crime           ability and then crystallizes into
constant media attention brings                                       “certain fact.”
forth a flood of public informa-         investigations, also
                                       can create problems                 Investigation teams must
tion, some of it relevant, most                                       understand their knowledge
of it not. During the 3 weeks of      for police personnel.           base. They can assess valid-
the Washington, D.C., sniper                                          ity only if they know the data

case, for example, authorities                                        source. Otherwise, the informa-
received 100,000 calls, and                                           tion may be a solidified rumor
more than 500 investigators                                           or the product of creeping cred-
pursued 16,000 leads.10 In          the killer, however, and the      ibility. Some teams catalogue
such situations, the police run     focus on this location—75 miles case information using three
the risk of landing a red her-      north of where the real offender factors that can facilitate effec-
ring. Witness misinformation,       lived—hurt the investigation.     tive information sharing, allow-
compounded by organizational             In major cases, particularly ing everyone (both present and
reluctance to accept that the       those involving large numbers     future) to work from the same
witness may be wrong, has sent      of personnel and extending over foundation.
several high-profile investiga-      long periods of time, internal
                                                                           1) What they know (facts).
tions down the wrong path.11        rumors can pose a significant
    Suspect vehicle sightings       problem.13 A solidified rumor           2) What they think they
appear particularly problematic     is gossip that has hardened into       know (theories or
and include several infamous        “fact” and taken as such by the        conjectures).
examples, such as the white         investigative team. Most vulner-       3) What they would like
box truck/van seen so often         able are detectives who later          to know (key issues requir-
during the sniper shootings in      join a prolonged investigation         ing additional data).

16 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
Strategies to Help Avoid
Ego and Fatigue                                          Investigative Failures
    Ego, both personal and
organizational, can prevent an             Encourage investigators to express alternative, even
investigator from adjusting to             unpopular, points of view and assign the role of
new information or seeking                 devil=s advocate to a strong team member.
alternative avenues of explora-            Consider using subgroups for different tasks and
tion. For example, a homicide              facilitate parallel but independent decision making.
sergeant in a large metropolitan           Recognize and delineate assumptions, inference
area told the author that his              chains, and points of uncertainty; always ask, “How
detectives could decide within             do we know what we think we know?”
5 minutes of arriving at a crime
                                           Obtain expert opinions and external reviews at
scene who had committed the
                                           appropriate points in the investigation.
murder and would be correct
95 percent of the time. While              Conduct routine systematic debriefings after major
impressive, the remaining 5                crime investigations and organize a full-scale
percent equates to more than               “autopsy” after an investigative failure.23
one missed call every month.               Encourage and facilitate research into criminal
Therefore, detectives must have            investigative failures and how they might be prevented.
the flexibility to admit their
mistakes and avoid falling into
the ego trap inherent in usually
being right. Stubbornness often     the dominant theory, occurs in           3) Uniformity pressures:
coincides with ego and proves       highly cohesive groups under             conformity pressures (those
equally problematic.                pressure to make important de-           who disagree with the domi-
    Fatigue, overwork, and          cisions. First suggested after the       nant views or decisions are
stress, all endemic in high-pro-    disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion          seen as disloyal); self-cen-
file crime investigations, also      in Cuba,16 the main symptoms             sorship (the withholding of
can create problems for police      of groupthink include three              dissenting views and coun-
personnel. Research has shown       fundamental aspects.                     terarguments); shared illu-
that sleep can significantly             1) Power overestimation:             sions of unanimity (silence
improve insightfulness.14 “It’s         belief in the group=s in-            is perceived as consent, and
necessary to be slightly un-            vulnerability (resulting in          an incorrect belief exists
deremployed if you are to do            unwarranted optimism and             that everyone agrees with
something significant.”15 Tired-         risk taking); and belief in          the group’s decision); and
ness dulls even sharp minds.            the morality of the group=s          self-appointed mind guards
Critical assessment abilities           purpose (leading to ignoring         (individuals who elect to
drop in overworked and fa-              the ethical consequences of          shield the group from dis-
tigued individuals, who start to        decisions).                          senting information).
engage in what has been termed          2) Close-mindedness: group           Groupthink has several
“automatic believing.”                  rationalizations; discredit-     negative outcomes that spell di-
                                        ing of warning signs; and        saster for a major investigation.
Groupthink                              negative stereotyping of the     Victims of this trap selectively
    Groupthink, the reluctance          group’s opponents (e.g., evil    gather information and fail to
to think critically and challenge       or stupid).                      seek expert opinions.17 They

                                                                                          October 2006 / 17
Criminal Investigative Failures - Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two)
neglect to critically assess their Prosecutors and judges, as well      “without fear or favor.” That
ideas and examine few alterna-     as police officers, can fall prey     task, integral to both public
tives, if any, and do not develop  to these traps.21 Training is an     safety and justice concerns,
contingency plans.                 important first step, but insuf-      must be conducted in an unbi-
                                   ficient by itself. Effort and         ased and professional manner.
RECOMMENDATIONS                    vigilance also are required. Law     When it is not, the result is un-
    Police investigations can      enforcement agencies need to         solved crimes, unapprehended
significantly benefit from the       create formal organizational         offenders, and wrongful convic-
thoughts and opinions of inde-     mechanisms to prevent these          tions. Understanding what can
pendent experts. The British       subtle hazards from derailing        go wrong is the first step toward
Home Office, frustrated over the criminal investigations.                preventing a criminal investiga-
lack of progress in the Yorkshire                                       tive failure.

Ripper murder inquiry, formed
an external review committee                                            Endnotes
that included a civilian forensic                                           1
                                                                              D.M. Risinger and J.L. Loop, “Three
scientist who studied the loca-      Police investigations              Card Monte, Monty Hall, Modus Operandi
tions and times of the crimes            can significantly               and ‘Offender Profiling’: Some Lessons
and correctly concluded where            benefit from the                of Modern Cognitive Science for the Law
the killer lived (despite the mis- thoughts and opinions                of Evidence,” Cardozo Law Review 24
leading letters and cassette tape                                       (2002): 193-285.
                                          of independent                    2
                                                                              There is an assumption of indepen-
mentioned earlier).18                          experts.                 dence of events.
    Outside review also can                                                 3
                                                                              “Crime Analysis Challenge,” Crime

play an important role. Police                                          Mapping News 4, no. 3 (2002): 9-13.
procedures in the United King-                                              4
                                                                              B. Robertson and G.A. Vignaux, In-
dom require an independent                                              terpreting Evidence: Evaluating Forensic
                                   CONCLUSION                           Evidence in the Courtroom (Chichester,
review of unsolved homicide                                             England: John Wiley and Sons, 1995); and
cases after 1 year.19 This pro-         Thankfully, most criminals      A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, “Evidential
duces two results. First, knowl- are not masterminds, and, in           Impact of Base Rates,” in Judgment Under
edge of this policy prompts de-    many cases, the criminal in-         Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, eds.
tectives to leave no possibilities vestigation is a straightforward     D. Kahneman, P. Slovic, and A. Tversky
                                                                        (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University
unexplored. Second, external       process. However, a major            Press, 1982), 153-160.
reviewers are more apt to notice crime “whodunit” can be chal-              5
                                                                              Supra note 4 (Robertson and
mistakes and omissions. This is lenging and difficult. Certain           Vignaux).
the same basis as scholarly peer factors identified with cognitive           6
                                                                              Supra note 4 (Robertson and Vig-
review, a foundation of scien-     and organizational failures (low     naux); and B. Woffinden, Miscarriages
                                                                        of Justice (London, England: Hodder and
tific research.                     information levels, limited re-      Stoughton, 1988).
    As a final warning, research sources, and pressure to obtain             7
                                                                              Supra note 4 (Robertson and
has suggested that even when       quick results) 22 are all too com-   Vignaux).
individuals are aware of these     mon in these investigations.               C. Smith and T. Guillen, The Search
problems, they still find them           The criminal investiga-         for the Green River Killer (New York,
                                                                        NY: Penguin Books, 1991).
difficult to overcome. The dan-     tion process plays an important          9
                                                                              B.J. Karem and C. Napolitano, “In
gers are especially great in high- and special role in countries        a Room with Madness,” Playboy, March
profile cases of horrific crimes,    governed by the rule of law.         2003.
                               20                                           10
such as sex or child murders.      Its function is to seek the truth,          Ibid.

18 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
11                                            16
       A. Campbell, The Campbell Inquiry            Yale research psychologist Irving        in Crime Science: New Approaches to
Report: Bernardo Investigation Review         Janis.                                         Preventing and Detecting Crime, eds. M.J.
(Toronto, ON: Government of Ontario,                Department of Justice, Canada, FPT       Smith and N. Tilley (Cullompton, England:
1996).                                        Heads of Prosecutions Committee Working        Willan Publishing, 2005), 191-207.
    12                                                                                           23
       R.H. Doney, “The Aftermath of the      Group, Report on the Prevention of Miscar-            For example, the Vancouver, British
Yorkshire Ripper: The Response of the         riages of Justice (Ottawa, 2004).              Columbia, Police Department assigned a
United Kingdom Police Service,” in Serial           S.S. Kind, The Scientific Investigation   deputy chief constable to review thor-
Murder: An Elusive Phenomenon, ed. S.A.       of Crime (Harrogate, England: Forensic         oughly what happened, as well as what
Egger (New York, NY: Praeger, 1990),          Science Services, 1987); and The Sceptical     failed to happen, after a problematic serial
95-112.                                       Witness (Harrogate, England: Hodology,         murder case.
       Studies of rumor propagation have      1999).
shown that as a rumor spreads, its dramatic         While many other factors are
components are exaggerated, while its         involved, it is perhaps worth noting that      Over the course of his 21-year policing
qualifiers diminish or disappear altogether;   homicide clearance rates in the United         career, the author worked assignments
see, T. Shibutani, Improvised News: A         Kingdom are over 90 percent compared           in organized crime intelligence, emer-
Sociological Study of Rumor (Indianapolis,    with 63 percent in the United States.          gency response, patrol, and crime pre-
IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966).                        20
                                                    R.J. Heuer, Central Intelligence         vention. His interest in the subject of
       U. Wagner, S. Gais, H. Haider, R.      Agency, Center for the Study of Intelli-       criminal investigative failures originates
Verleger, and J. Born, “Sleep Inspires        gence, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis     from various unsolved major crime
Insight,” Nature 427 (2004): 352-355.         (Washington, DC, 1999).                        cases for which he has consulted. Cur-
       Dr. James Watson, Nobel Laureate          21
                                                    Supra note 17; and P. de C. Cory,        rently, he is working on a book on the
in Medicine and codiscoverer of DNA=s         The Inquiry Regarding Thomas Sophonow          topic. He thanks those detectives who
molecular structure, commenting on the        (Winnipeg, MB: Queen=s Printer, 2001).         willingly discussed what went wrong in
importance of unstructured time in               22
                                                    P. Stelfox and K. Pease, “Cognition      their investigations and dedicates this
thinking.                                     and Detection: Reluctant Bedfellows?”          article to them.

                                                                                                  Snap Shot

        Call of the Wild
            The sound of sirens at the scene of an accident attracted and confused two coyotes.

        Photos submitted by Peter A Marchica, III and taken in Joshua Tree, California.

                                                                                                                    October 2006 / 19
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