Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church

Page created by Timothy Lee
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
Deacon's Message
                                         Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling
                   Over the summer we have been using this call to worship:

                        God has been acting in our lives and in the world
                        around us this past week.

                        We have come for this hour of worship to make ourselves more aware of
Our Mission:            God and to give thanks for God’s presence with us.

                        God is here even now, ready to strengthen us and to urge us to greater faithfulness.
Transformed by          Fill us with your goodness, O God. Draw us into the orbit of your activity in
 God’s love for         the world that we might fulfill the purpose for which you created us. Amen.
   the world
through Christ,    The words that have resonated deeply in me are our plea to God: “draw us into the orbit
 we are sent to:   of your activity “.
                   We know that indeed, God does have the whole world in God’s hands. And, in this request,
  BUILD            we are asking God to help us see what God has for us to do. There is a specificity. We
                   acknowledge that God has been acting in our lives and the world around us. We give
                   thanks for God’s presence with us. We are the ones to be strengthened and urged to
                   greater faithfulness. We are the ones invited to respond to God’s “I love you” by fulfilling
 DO JUSTICE        the purpose for which God created us – that purpose of loving God and loving neighbor.

MAKE PEACE         Part of what I love about summer is the chance to experience the vastness of God through
                   the amazingness of creation. A few years ago I was walking along Crater Lake and I
                   remember just the complete thrill of being reminded exactly how very small I am in the
                   overall scheme of things. It wasn’t a sad feeling of pointlessness. It was an
                   acknowledgement that even in a creation as big as this, belonging to a God as grand as
                   ours, I was still seen and known and loved. Not everything was mine to do, and, God was
                   still inviting me to join in the work of love.

                   May this call to worship remind us that even in the vastness of our world and what can feel
                   like an overwhelming, never ending amount of human need, we are not lost to God. We
                   are not lost within our own suffering and we are invited and strengthened to see how God
                   has been acting in our lives and in the world around us. We are called to ever greater
                   faithfulness and given opportunities right in front of us to be drawn into the orbit of what
                   God is up to.
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
PAGE 2                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021

                                  Sanctuary Closure

Dear Friends,

Change is a constant in our human lives, but these last years it seems like it is a wind that
will not stop blowing us in directions we do not choose.

 On Sunday, August 15th , we were thrilled to gather within the Sanctuary to worship
together, and with some amazing technology, we were still able to stream our service to
people at home.

And now, just three days later, I am writing to tell you that because of the worsening the
pandemic situation in our state, Council has made the difficult decision to close the
Sanctuary again. When Council meets again on September 21st , the situation will be re-
evaluated. Our hope is to be able to gather again, in person, in late September.

 This decision was reached after much discussion of the escalating numbers of cases of the
virus and of the Delta Variant. We chose safety for our community as well as compassion for
our medical professionals. Our medical staff, the people who heard the call to care for the
citizens of this state are exhausted. The capacity in our hospitals to care for people is
shockingly low.

 In addition, as you know, not everyone in our community is eligible for a vaccine. Part of
our community, the children we love and miss so much cannot be present among us
without risk. A risk to our children is too great. We want our kids and their families to feel
safe and comfortable, the same as everyone.

 For the sake of our children, our community and our staff members, we will continue to
worship within our homes, seeing the people we love on that phone or that computer
screen, grateful for the technology that holds us together until the day we walk back into the
Sanctuary and see the candles lit and hear the music of the voices around us.

Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

Janis Williams, Council President
On behalf the Central Lutheran Church Council & Staff
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
PAGE 3                                                                SEPTEMBER 2021

                 Central’s Anti-Racism Work Continues
Although we have completed our discussed       Currently this group is focused on two
based on the book, Caste, our work on          things:
being an actively anti-racist congregation
continues. If you would like to join in this   Working to expand our RIC commitment to
process of learning, acting, and reflecting    include serious and real dedication to racial
you do not need to have been with us for       equity as required to keep our RIC status.
the book discussion. Much like how             More information can be found here:
Central’s RIC process years ago was the
foundation for work that goes on to this       typlan/
day, this is the beginning of growing into
what we sense to be God’s call to engage in    Developing a “Land Acknowledgement” for
the work of being actively anti-racist. And,   Central. This will involve deep research,
much like those engaged in the Reconciling     questioning, digging and exploring new
in Christ process at the beginning could not   relationships to better understand the
have foreseen every step that would lead to    history of the land on which Central’s
– from learning hours, to pride booths, to     building resides. More information about
calling our first out LGBTQIA+ rostered        this process can be found here:
leader – we do not know all the steps we
will be taking. We are stepping forward in     indigenous-land-acknowledgment/
faith, knowing that God is present.
                                               Our group will be meeting again in early
                                               September. Please contact Deacon Bonnie
                                               ( if you would
            JOIN US REMOTELY BY                like date/time/zoom link.
            OR DIAL IN BY PHONE!
                                               September 25th Young
           Join Zoom Meeting                Families Worship Outdoors
        Meeting ID: 984 1058 4982              at CLC
             Passcode: Hope
            One tap mobile                     Young families are invited to join Pr.
+12532158782,,98410584982#,,,,*062839# US
                                               Amanda and Dcn. Bonnie on Saturday,
           Dial by your location               September 25th for a kid-centered, fully
         +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)             masked, outdoor worship service. If it’s a
        Meeting ID: 984 1058 4982              clear fall day, we will be on the brick
             Passcode: 062839
                                               patio. If we are blessed with some much
                                               needed rain, we will gather under the
   Zoom live on Sundays 10:15am                covered porch. We will meet at 10:30am
         Catchup or Livestream on              for about 45 minutes.
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
PAGE 4                                                                   SEPTEMBER 2021

A Blessing for Returning to School

God of all knowledge and mystery, guide our minds as we learn and grow. God of all beauty
and wonder, guide our imaginations as we explore and create. God of all that is seen and
unseen, protect our bodies as we gather with others to cooperate and play. God of all love,
guide our hearts as we build community and make peace.

Loving God, thank you for loving us. Help us to be patient through the changes that come
with a new year. Help us to be kind when we are frustrated or when other people struggle.
Help us to see the joy and join the fun that comes from being together. Thank you for the
chance to learn. Bless our teachers and all who work with the school: those who feed us,
those who help us keep the school clean and safe, and those who guide us along the way.

       Why do you give to support the Ministries of Central
                       Lutheran Church?
  "For my wife and me, the act of giving time and money to Central Lutheran Church makes
 our lives richer and fuller. It makes it possible for us to be present with all who usually use
  our building, with each of our staff and all that they do, with every CLC committee serving
the congregation, with every agency seeking justice, and with those who are healing the sick
    and feeding the hungry with whom our congregation is involved. Finally, through that
 portion of our giving that goes to the Synod and the ELCA, our giving enriches and enlarges
our lives by connecting us directly to all that Lutherans are doing around the world. In short,
 we love giving because we love the good it does for our own lives and the life of the world."
                                    – Marta and Leo Tautfest

We love to tell our story and Central needs your support to continue our Ministry and to
continue God’s work. Please email Kevin Charlston at if you would like
to share why you give to support the Ministries of Central Lutheran Church.

How much will you give to support the Ministries of Central Lutheran Church?

Our story belongs to God!
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
PAGE 5                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021

   Central thanks the Synod Endowment Fund for awarding us
                          two grants.

Central was granted $563.00 to assist in covering the costs of our collaborative Vacation Bible
School held with Westminster Presbyterian and Salt & Light Lutheran. In this case the funds
were extremely useful in providing a port-a-potty and handwash station since Covid restrictions
made a 100% outdoor environment necessary.

We have also been awarded $1192.50 in a “Creative Ministry Grant” that we will be using to
make our patio a more welcoming space for neighbors and building users. Outdoor space is at
a premium during this time as being outside greatly reduces transmission of Covid. Vickie and
Deacon Bonnie worked together to write a proposal that would secure funding for sun shades
and some seating in the patio area. We will be working in September and August to set up the

   The CLC Foundation has awarded grants for the 2021 Grant
           Cycle - Mini-Grant applications now open!
The Central Lutheran Church Foundation is currently accepting mini-grant applications for the
remaining $9,833.95 grant award funds. If you would like to submit a mini-grant proposal
please do so by September 15th, 2021. The grant application form can be found by pdf here (1)
or google docs here (2). Please contact Katie Charlston at if you have
questions or need help with this process.

As you most likely recall (but it is helpful to be reminded) the CLC Foundation exists as an entity
for sustainable support of Central Lutheran Church. The funds donated to and managed by the
Foundation are stewarded by a term-limited board of CLC congregation members. The current
members are Jeff Bethke, Karen Jolly, David Nixon, Katie Charlston, Jan Hayden, and Matt
Thomas. Every year, the Foundation calculates the average value of the past 3 years of the total
foundation funds. 4% of that average value is then made available to CLC thusly: First, 10% of
the funds are tithed directly to the CLC general fund. The remaining 90% are distributed via the
annual grant-making process. This year the tithe amount to the general fund was $2,618.44.
The CLC Foundation Board approved the following grants for funding earlier this year:

   $4,000.00 for the sanctuary audio retrofit
   $3,385.00 for exterior door painting
   $3360.00 for an assessment of the condition of the Westside of the church building
   $2.987 Laptop computer for Pastor Amanda and Deacon Bonnie
Deacon's Message Deacon Bonnie Beadles-Bohling - Central Lutheran Church
PAGE 6                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021

                                                                       Join the
                                                                      Social Justice

                         Build Community | Do Justice | Make Peace

Social Justice Coalition (SJC) seeks to fulfill Central’s mission by raising awareness and taking
action. Recent raising awareness activities include the Caste book discussion, and temple
talks on environmental issues and LGBTQIA experiences. Recent actions include advocacy
against Zenith Energy’s transport and storage of tar-sands oil in Northwest Portland,
advocacy in support of HB 2021, setting clean energy goals for the state, and sending
postcards encouraging people to vote. Planned activities you could join this fall include
viewing and discussing films on vexing energy issues, and hearing speakers on the
Palestinian water tragedy. Members bring their passions to the coalition or find new
passions from hearing what other coalition members are doing. We can be more with your
help! Join our next meeting (one quick hour after church, in person or on Zoom) or ask
Vickie Schellert to be on the limited (fewer emails) or complete SJC mailing list by sending an
email to

                                                   PLEASE NOTE
                      "Social Justice Coalition's postcard writing session-- scheduled for
                           after-worship at CLC on September 5th-- is postponed.

                      On Sept 19th SJC will present a short Temple Talk on Immigrant Justice
                                          during Central's worship time..

Needed for direct support and relief to houseless folx living along
the 205 trail in SE Portland:
    Used laundry detergent jugs (see pic) for sharps disposal
    5 gallon buckets for trash removal
    Clean drinking water in bottles or jugs
CLC has a growing relationship with someone providing relief and
support to those living along the trail who has requested these
resources. Please contact Deacon Bonnie
( to arrange pick-up or drop off. The
need is both immediate and ongoing. If you have items to give now,
wonderful. If you are able to get these items in near future, we will be glad to deliver them.
PAGE 7                                                                  SEPTEMBER 2021

       Supporting Our Social
     Jusice Coalition Partners                           Bottle Drop
   The Coronavirus outbreak has made it
   extremely difficult to continue the in-            During this time, we will not be
   person support that CLC offers to several          accepting donations of bottles &
   non-profits: The Northeast Emergency
                                                      cans to the building until it is safe
   Food Program, The Transition Project,
                                                      to do so again. In the meantime,
   JOIN, and Street Roots. The Social Justice
                                                      please request bags from Peter
   Committee is asking that CLC members
                                                      Johnson who may be able to
   donate money or goods directly to the
                                                      arrange to drop some off for you.
                                                      You can find designated bottle
                                                      drop sites near you until we can
                                                      accept donations on site again.
                Transition Project:            Sites can be found online at
    Street Roots:     Thank you for your donations!

                            Member Update: Ruth S.

     While Ruth continues to enjoy receiving cards and notes by mail, all of which
    are read to her, unexpected phone calls may be challenging. Paula asks that all
     callers first telephone the reception desk to schedule calls ahead of time. For
      information on how to reach Ruth by phone, please email/call Vickie in the
                                      church office.

                     Managing Your Giving Online
While the doors are closed, the work continues! While we are still accepting offerings by
mail, we would like to save our volunteers from excessive trips to make deposits, so we
invite you to donate securely online. Please reach out if you have any questions about
getting setup.

   1. Visit the church website at
   2. Click on the Giving link near the bottom of the home page.
   3. Donate one time or recurring with either PayPal using your debit/credit card, or with
   GivePlus by Vanco (same company that operates Simply Giving) using your debit/credit
   card of checking/savings account, or with Facebook using your debit/credit card.
PAGE 8                                                                   SEPTEMBER 2021

                                  Prayer Concerns
           Name                                         Prayer
Fraser R                Ongoing health concerns.

Yayoo S                 Ongoing health concerns.

Faye B                  Prayers for ongoing health problems but she is getting stronger and
                        loves to have company!

Essential Workers       For all essential workers continuing to serve through the ongoing
                        health crisis.

Patra, Audrey, Edie,   For all staff working in clinics and hospitals, putting themselves at
Brigitte, Luis, Scott, risk every day. For their families as they worry and wait.
Amy, Becca, Monica,
and all other medical
providers and hospital
support staff.
                       For support and prayers for Bob and sons as they mourn Diana's
Beloveds of Diana R

                        Prayers for Bruce, the brother of Karen J, for healing and peace.
                        Prayers for a cure for ALS, and for strength, courage, healing and
Chris J.                peace for Chris and her family.

Family and Friends of   For husband Ross and other family, including David, Brigitte and Joe,
Kate N.                 following Kate’s death as a result of cancer.

                        For Marla L’s parents as Nola works to find safe care for Virgil in his
Virgil and Nola S       aging.

                        For patience and healing as she awaits results of medical tests.
Shannon C.
                        Healing after a car accident.
Cindy L.
                        Continued healing for ongoing health challenges.
Gary D.

     Executive                   President: Janis Williams; Vice-President: Marta Tautfest;

     Team &
                                   Secretary: Jennifer Gerlach; Treasurer: Dave Brauer-
                                   Rieke; Council Members: Amy Beadles-Bohling, Chris

     Council                         Brown, Paul Jolly, Leo Tautfest, Karen Jolly, Chris
                                     Bekemeier, Tricia Hirdes, Deacon Bonnie Beadles-
     2021                                  Bohling and Pastor Amanda Zentz-Alo

        We do our best to serve you as a congregation. If you have any questions,
        concerns, or congratulations to share, please contact one of us directly.
PAGE 9                                                                          SEPTEMBER 2021

                             Ministry Assistants
                              SEPT 5             SEPT 12           SEPT 19          SEPT 26

         ASSISTING           LINDA L            MORGAN              PETER           MARIT            LINDA
         MINISTER           BERGMAN             STEWART           JOHNSON           FINKLE         BERGMAN

                             PETER              JANIS             GINNY                             JANIS
          LECTOR                                                                      TBC
                           CHARLSTON           WILLIAMS          FELDMAN                           WILLIAMS

          E-SHUR               TBC                TBC                TBC              TBC

                                                  BEN                                BEN          DCN BONNIE
                             DAWN                                  DAWN
         PRODUCER                               BEADLES-                           BEADLES-        BEADLES-
                             MILLER                                MILLER
                                                BOHLING                            BOHLING         BOHLING

COFFEE                                    Meet Heidi Pierce, Central's new
 HOSTS                       KEVIN            TBD                    TBD
                                                          TBD  Support

                                  Heidi is brand new to the staff at Central and is enjoying her
GREETERS                          time playing the piano and supporting the music and worship
                            HORTENon &         LINDA L She directs the choir and teaches music
                                     Sunday mornings.             TBD               TBD
                                  classes at Riverdale High School, as well as piano lessons out
                                  of her home in NE Portland. She loves spending time making
                                  music and singing with her husband and spending time with
 USHERS                       JANET
                                  close friends and family.
                           JOHNSON &                               GINNY
                                                   TBD                                TBD
                            LEONARD                               FELDMAN
                                                       SHOUT OUT!
                                                Incredible gratitude to
                                                                   PETER OR
  Email from Central - You  LEN  ELLIS
                               can     &
                                               DAVID    O. and his     friend     JEFF BETHKE &
 how many emails you receive  LAUREN
                                by opting in      that  worked hard
                                                   & JANIS
                                                                  JOHNSON to          NOAH
                               ISAAC             WILLIAMS                            GERLACH
         to different groups.Visit             provide speakers & CAROL in HULT
                                                                           our to
                                               Sanctuary as we sought
                                                 to return to in person
Cynthia L        9/03   Katie & Brian S      9/7 14 yrs
Emily J          9/05   Michael & Jennifer N 9/28 25 yrs
Cheryl E         9/07   Al & Kathleen N      9/29 59 yrs
Billie S         9/08
Jon G            9/08
David O          9/08
Peter G
Steve L
Pr. Amanda Z-A
Kevin C
Abigail B        9/16      celebrates our saints
Brigitte N       9/17
Bob R            9/18
Sebastian M      9/19
Katie S          9/20
Peter J          9/21
                        We sincerely apologize if we have missed your birthday
Adalene C        9/22    or anniversary. Please call the church office with the
                                      correct date. 503-284-2331
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Central Lutheran Church
  1820 N. E. 21st Ave.
  Portland, OR 97212

  Change Service Requested

                       The Messenger is the monthly newsletter of Central Lutheran Church.

                                           Sunday Worship at 10:15 A.M.

  Our worship is firmly rooted in the liturgical tradition. We seek to proclaim and celebrate God’s love for the world
through diverse and inclusive music and language. We take community seriously -- including children and connecting
with the world around us. We are a place of welcome for all people. Central Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ

                 Ministers: All Baptized Members
                                                                    Keyboardist/Music Support: Heidi Pierce
                     Pastor: Amanda Zentz-Alo                            (
                                                                           Custodian: Klaus Ferguson
                 Council President: Janis Williams                      (

                 Deacon: Bonnie Beadles-Bohling               Administrator/Building Use Manager: Vickie Schellert
                  (                           (

        WWW.CENTRALPORTLAND.ORG | Email: | Office Phone: 503-284-2331
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