Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International

Page created by Ruth Sanchez
Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International
Evangelical Mission to the Unreached                                                            Evangelical Mission to Uruguay

                                        PROCLAIMING THE TRIUMPHS OF THE GOSPEL

Volume LXIV                                                      August 2021                                                       Number 8

                                                  Rick Projects 2021 (sort of)
                                                        by Ken Jensen, assistant director of EMU
                                                  It was fifteen years ago that my brother,        from our churches in Uruguay who gave of
                                                  Rick Jensen, made his first work trip            their vacation time or simply took time off
                                                  to Uruguay. During my visit to Camp              from their regular jobs to assist the USA
                                                  Emmanuel in Guazuvirá, Uruguay, the              work team – including filling our bellies
                                                  preceding February to attend the Workers’        with delicious food!
                                                  Conference and Family Camp, it became
                                                  abundantly clear that the water system at        Another inaugural event that year which
                                                  camp needed a major overhaul. When I             had a lasting effect on Camp Emmanuel –
                                                  returned home in March, I contacted my           and the EMU ministry in Uruguay – was
                                                  brother, who works in the maintenance            the entry of Pedro and Pati Donzé into the
             Ken & Joan Jensen                                                                     mission. Pedro has been the brains and
             Assistant Director                   department at the Wilds Christian Camp
                                                  in Brevard, NC, asking his advice and            powerhouse behind the development of
                                                  assistance. He agreed to visit Camp              the camp since then, and he and Rick have
Along the Way . . .                               Emmanuel with me in May 2006 to review           worked hand-in-glove together for fifteen
There are two accompanying articles               the problems and possible solutions. Thus        years now.
concerning Camp Emmanuel in Uruguay               began a string of journeys to Uruguay by         As was the case with almost everything in
included in this issue of the EMU                 Rick to oversee a vast host of major and         the world in 2020, COVID changed, or at
Newsletter. Though both deal with the             minor projects at Camp Emmanuel. Over            least rearranged, the Rick Projects Work
camp in Guazuvirá, I wanted to keep the           the years, these trips, which henceforth         Team. The government of Uruguay closed
messages separate. One article deals with         included men and women that Rick knew            down entry of non-Uruguayans into Uruguay
camp workdays, two of which have already          through the Wilds, became known as the           from March 2020 to the end of the year, and
transpired and the last to be held in August.     Rick Projects Work Team. During that             that prohibition is continuing through 2021.
It is a blessing to see how church members        initial ten-day work trip, we were not able      If you were receiving this EMU Newsletter
in some of our Uruguay churches have              to complete the enormous project, so Rick        last year, you know about the number of
given of their time to help with needed           and I, along with a plumber friend from          projects that were accomplished during
maintenance at the camp. The second               Brevard, returned to the camp in October         October 2020 and in the months afterward
announces the Rick Projects 2021 for Camp         of that year to finish. At that time, October    – all projects previously designed and
Emmanuel repair and maintenance, which            also became the designated month for             approved by Pedro and Rick.
will require a substantial influx of dollars      these work trips. During each of these
to initiate and complete. Speaking from           almost two-weeks of work at the camp, the        However, though Rick was unable to be in
experience, if I read about these two event       majority of workers were men and women           Uruguay, the Lord “just so happened” to
categories in just one article, there is better                                                                        (continued on page 3)
than a 50-50 chance I would come away
with incorrect conclusions. So, for the sake
of those on my sub-level of understanding,
the workdays and work-weeks are being
sundered to emphasize the blessings of one
and the financial needs of the other.
The rest of the subjects in this Newsletter
are far less apt to be confusing – maybe.
There are many updates to tell you about.
First, the Crowleys are back home in
Ban Lung following their two weeks of
quarantine in Phnom Penh. Also, Savannah
McPhail, the GFA missionary who arrived
in Cambodia with the Crowleys, is pretty
much settled into her new living quarters
in the town of Ou Reang Ov, Tbong
                                                   Rick’s first work trip to Camp Emmanuel              Rick Jensen & Henry Castro at
                     (continued on page 3)                        in May 2006                              Camp Emmanuel in 2019
Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International
Page 2
                              Camp Emmanuel Work-day Opportunities
                                                   by Ken Jensen, assistant director of EMU
In addition to the Rick Projects Work                                                               with campers as in bygone days, Pedro came
Team this year, the camp leaders decided                                                            up with another plan that complies with
to institute what they have labelled Camp                                                           the state rules but allows at least some use
Work-day Opportunities. These are one-day                                                           of the camp facilities. Individual churches
events when volunteers from our Uruguay                                                             have started holding 2-3 day camps this
churches meet at Camp Emmanuel to                                                                   winter in Uruguay. Gethsemani Church from
accomplish a list of projects that can be                                                           Montevideo held a youth camp July 2-4,
accomplished in a day or two. So far this                                                           and Siloé Church and Emmanuel Church of
year, two such events have been held: one in                                                        El Cerro will be doing the same in August.
May and one in June. The third is scheduled                                                         These churches are well under the max
for August.                                                                    Above: Henry         allowable capacity of the camp, and do not
                                                                             installing the A/C     require a full staff to be on site.
On the first of these workdays, eighteen
people from three of our churches donated                                     unit for the new      Pedro and Henry have asked prayer for their
their time and effort. The new additions to                                       Cabin 9.          wives, too. Henry’s wife works in a medical
the pavilion complex received their first                                        Left: Henry        clinic in the city of Pando, about twenty-five
coat of sealer; the fire hydrants around the                                  reinstalling one      miles from Camp Emmanuel. She works
property were cleaned, repainted, and some                                   of the refurbished     twelve-hour shifts each day, and the drive
new ones added; certain buildings received                                     gas hot water        home has been difficult for her at times.
a new coat of paint; and the grounds were                                           tanks           Sometimes she is so tired after her shift
cleared of limbs and leaves.                                                                        that she has to stop along the way home to
                                                                                                    take a nap. There are no rest areas or secure
Fewer people showed up for the June                                                                 places for her to stop, but falling asleep at
workday, but much was accomplished,               supply to mitigate the damage caused by           the wheel is not a better option! The Castros
including a                                       the extremely hard (mineral filled) water.        would very much like for her to aquire work
second coat                                       It is amazing how fast metal parts in the         at a closer clinic.
of stain on                                       plumbing system corrode and clog.
the pavilion/                                                                                                        Pedro Donzé informed
snack shop.                                                                                                          us that Pati has been
Furniture was                                                                                                        experiencing a lot of
also assembled                                                                                                       leg pain as a result of a
for the newly                                                                                                        back operation. She is
completed Dorm                                                                                                       doing some better, but
9. Some new                                                                                                          her sleep has been very
security lighting                                                                                                    much interrupted. Pain and
was added, and                                                                                                       tiredness lead inexorably to
the fire hydrants                                                                                                    discouragement. Pray that
got a second layer                                                                                                   she will get relief from the
of paint. (These                                                                                                     pain and be able to sleep
metal boxes tend                                         Removing the old roof above the bathrooms/lobby             soundly again. †
to rust quickly    A young lady painting                                   of the chapel
when neglected.) one of many “fire boxes”
                                                  The roofs on cabins 7 and 8
Henry Castro wrote an informative letter          were recovered. The old asphalt
about other repair and maintenance                roofing had to be removed and a
activities that he, Pedro Donzé, and Marcos       new “liquid membrane” material
Gomez have accomplished. Several of the           was installed. (This is basically
dorm gas water heaters needed cleaning,           layers of plastic with a thick
repainting, and new anodes installed.             sealer.) Also, the roofs over the
Retention and security valves were also           bathrooms in the chapel required
added to the tanks for safety purposes. One       stripping and reapplication.
of the tanks was so far gone that it will have
to be replaced. Henry is hoping to install        Although the government
                                                  regulations still prevent weeks     Marcos Gomez leading the singing at the campfire service
a water conditioning system to the water                                                      for the Gethsemani Church youth group

 These two photos show the sealing of the treated lumber of the finished pavilion & kiosko. At right is the original pavilion; at left is the new.
 The kiosko sells snacks, camp shirts, hats, & other items. Ping-pong tables, foosball tables, & other game tables are set up under the pavilion.
Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International
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Rick Projects 2021 (sort of)                        runoff needs to be shunted away from            eat on this porch, grill, heat water and
(continued from page 1)                             the foundations.)                               soups, and do a myriad of other things
                                                   • Repair the floors in the girls’ cabins         there. The porch is already covered but
arrange for Henry Castro and his family to                                                          is completely open to the weather – and
move to Camp Emmanuel as the new camp               - $3,840 (This is for 3 of the 4 girls’
                                                    cabins.)                                        flies. It would be wonderful to have this
caretaker. Rick and Henry have worked                                                               area screened in and improved.)
together during many of the October work           • Gutters for the chapel - $1,220
teams, and many times Rick has told me             • Security Cameras - $6,760 (Most of the
that Henry is one of the most competent             current cameras are old, and the salty air
handyman he has ever worked with.                   is hard on them.)
Earlier this year, Pedro, Henry, Marcos            • Fencing around the water tanks - $910
Gomez, Rick, and Jeff Davis came together           (About 4 years ago, two very large water
on a conference call to hammer out the              storage tanks were installed outside the
projects to be accomplished for the 2021            wellhouse to replace the ancient water
Rick Projects. Though not in on the decision        tower tank. The tanks are on a large,
making, I am familiar with what most of             above-ground concrete platform with
these projects involve and would like to give       connecting pipes underneath. I’m sure
you some insight and/or explanation for             it’s a fun place to hide or play, but it
their being included on the list. (These are        could be dangerous.)                               Concrete/stone tables & benches
not presented in any order of importance.)         • Fencing for the front of the camp -            • Concrete/stone tables and benches for
                                                    $2,956 (I am not sure what this entails.)        the camp site - $268 x 10 – (This kind of
  • Replace the kitchen ceiling and exhaust
                                                   • Maintenance of the children’s play              table and benches have been purchased
   fans - $2,041 (The government is
                                                    area - $975 (Almost every piece of               at various times for the camp over the
   requiring these improvements.)
                                                    “equipment” is made of treated lumber.           years, but not this quantity. This material
  • New sidewalks around the perimeters of                                                           holds up very well in the salty, sandy
   the cabins - $8,209 (The cabins do not           The wear-and-tear from use and
                                                    weather necessitate yearly repairs and           environment, and they last for many
   have gutters, and the terrain is sandy, so                                                        decades. The table and benches sets have
                                                    replacements to some extent.)
                                                                                                     always been a centerpiece for camper
                                                   • Repair of the dining room fireplace -           fellowship and Bible study.)
                                                    $2,266 (This fireplace and chimney are
                                                    on the outside of one of the walls of the    I mentioned above that the Rick Projects are
                                                    dining room. It has never been replaced,     usually undertaken in October. HOWEVER,
                                                    and – I am told – smoke can be seen          this year it was decided to begin the work in
                                                    oozing from the cracks in the chimney.       September. So, there is not a lot of lead-time
                                                    The chimney has also begun to slightly       to raise funds. Pedro and the camp oversight
                                                    lean away from the dining room wall.         committee will have to prioritize these
                                                    The fireplace and chimney need to be         projects as monies are made available. A
                                                    disassembled, a new foundation laid, and     team of Uruguayan workers is already being
                                                    then rebuilt.)                               assembled to accomplish as many of these
                                                                                                 tasks as are funded.
  The water storage tanks on the platform          • Remodeling the back porch/open-fire
         that need to be fenced in                  grill area - $12,054 (The kitchen staff      Thank you for considering what part you
                                                                                                 can have in these worthy projects. †

ALONG THE WAY . . .                              be quarantined indefinitely. The Jensens
(continued from page 1)                          remained at the guest house, as they needed
                                                 to get other business done. Thankfully, the
Kmum Province, a bike ride away from             government basically ignored the guest
the Hancocks’ house. She is in Cambodia          house. However, when the Jensens returned
to help this family of seven primarily           home to Oyadao in the northeast, they
with homeschooling and assisting Becky           self-quarantined for two weeks in their
Hancock with the children. Savannah’s            house. This separation and the government’s
schedule, Tuesday to Saturday, is to be at       continued mandates against meeting in large
the Hancocks’ house from 8AM to 6PM.             groups has delayed the community checking
Homeschooling started for the three eldest       of the translation of the Book of Genesis.
children in July. For those of you who enjoy                                                      Above: Work continues on the Labansiek
reading a well written missionary letter, I      You may remember that EMU was helping            Church in Ban Lung, where the Pastors’
highly recommend Savannah’s e-prayer             with some of the cost of building a church               School will be housed.
letter by contacting her at smcphail@            in Ban Lung that would also house the              Below: The main builder (far left) &
gfamissions.org.                                 Pastors’ School, started by JD Crowley.          members of the building committee on the
                                                 JD sent some photos and gave an update on               2nd floor sanctuary level.
Josh and Amy Jensen’s family traveled to         the construction. COVID restrictions have
Phnom Penh for family business and to see        greatly impeded the building’s progress, but
the Crowleys at the Christian & Missionary       it is basically “in the dry.”
Alliance (CMA) guest house. Unfortunately,
an expat missionary arrived at the guest         Also, news from the Bixbys in Sarcelles,
house who had tested positive for COVID          France, is that a final agreement for
and was not allowed to check in at the           purchase of the Bible Baptist Church
official quarantine hotel. Instead, the family   building was signed with the owners. This
was accepted at the CMA guest house and          is all part of the legal steps for buying a
given a full floor to seclude themselves.        building. The congregation now has the
The Crowleys left the capital immediately,       funds, which includes some small loans, to
fearing the guests at the CMA house would                           (continued on page 4)
Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International
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(continued from page 3)
be able to pay for the sanctuary. The final       Tom and Connie Chapman, are planning             expenses. The goal is to raise $20,000 as a
closing will be at the end of this year. This     to drive down from Pennsylvania, where           result of their 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike
has been a very long and often frustrating        they are spending part of their furlough         ride, and 26.2 mile run marathon. As of this
process, so this milestone is a blessing.         with their youngest daughter, Karen, and         writing a few days before the attempt, just
                                                  her family. We don’t yet have a date to have     over $18,000 has been pledged. Although
The Bixby family visited the Pessac church        them over, but we trust our schedules allow      Tim and Lynnette are no longer with EMU,
in Bordeaux, where the Coles minister,            our getting together. Tim’s family returns to    we love this faithful couple and pray that
for ten days in July. Besides renewing            Perú on September 9; because of COVID,           this amazing goal will be reached.
friendships, Tim preached and did some            we do not have a return date for Tom and
teaching at the church. The family is now         Connie to Antofagasta, Chile.                    Jeff Davis is currently on a trip to Alaska,
back home in Sarcelles, north of Paris.                                                            July 22 to August 3, where he has been
Ruth’s mother was able to travel to France        Billy Judson informed us that the 360            speaking at various churches and speaking at
to spend a few weeks with the Bixby family        Church Leaders Conference in India will          the reginal Fundamental Baptist Fellowship.
at the end of July and into August.               be held August 25-28. Because of COVID           We hope to have a report of his travels in
                                                  lockdowns across India, the conference           the next newsletter. (You can see photos of
A newsy prayer letter from Alexis                 will be held virtually. Over the last many       Jeff’s trip posted on his Facebook page.)
Shoemaker in Lima, Perú, informed us of           months, Billy received 23 half-hour Bible
the happening in Perú on July 28. The runoff      teaching sessions from nine Christian            As an FYI, Steve Erkens is now working
elections for president of the country in         leaders in the USA. These sessions were          a full-time job in Greenville, SC, and the
June was won by a far left-wing candidate,        translated into Talugu and Hindi, along with     family hopes to be able to move into their
who will be inaugurated on the 28th. That         transcripts in all three languages. Hopefully,   new townhouse on August 11. All five are
same date happens to also be the 200th            a report on the conference can be presented      adjusting well to being back in the States.
anniversary of the independence of Perú.          in the next EMU Newsletter.                      (And our first grandchild now has his
There will be fireworks – hopefully only                                                           learner’s permit!)
peaceful ones! In spite of many continuing        At the end of August, Ted Allston will
COVID regulations, small groups at the            resume his overseas travels. He plans to         Thank you for reading this far – assuming
church in Lima are able to meet, and several      be in Kenya for a Bible conference August        you didn’t just read the first paragraph and
people have been added to the body of             27 to September 18. There will be other          skip to the last! We very much appreciate
believers in recent months. Alexis continues      Americans traveling with them. Ted’s knee        your interest in and support of the various
her ministries among children, teens, and         is doing much better, though still not back to   ministries of EMU International. COVID
ladies, as well as teaching an English class      full range of use. Pray for continued healing.   continues to restrict gatherings in many
to draw in unchurched people.                                                                      places, but the Word of God continues to be
                                                  Tim Chevalier, who was with EMU for a            preached and taught through various means.
Tim and Cheryl Chapman’s family is in             while but had to resign for health reasons,      Thank you for your prayers! †
the States from Lima, Perú. Their base of         was able to finally receive a much-needed
operation is in Midland, MI, where their          operation for an old shoulder injury. The
sending church and Cheryl’s mother are            surgeon said that the problems with the right
located. The Tim Chapmans plan to be in           shoulder were about as bad as it gets! Tim
the Greenville, SC, area later in August          has many months of recovery and rehab
to bring their oldest daughter, Lauren, to        before him. We are not sure when he will
Bob Jones University for enrollment in            be able to return to work. Some men at
her first semester of college. Joan and I are     our church, Hampton Park Baptist Church,         Email: office@emuinternational.org
scheduled to be with this dear family on the      are holding a Tri-For-Tim marathon on            Website: www.emuinternational.org
day after they arrive in Greenville. It will be   the last Saturday of July. This triathlon is     Phone: (864) 268-9267
good to see them again! Also, Tim’s folks,        being held to raise money for Tim’s post-op
Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International Rick Projects 2021 (sort of) - EMU International
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