Delay in troop withdrawal signaled - Stripes Lite

Page created by Laurie Goodwin
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021

Delay in troop withdrawal signaled
            The Washington Post                   cooperation with allies that also have forces    surgent group that would allow the counter-
   WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden               in Afghanistan, Biden said.                      terror force to stay. Smith also said during a
signaled Thursday that he will agree to              Biden did not address whether he wants        “Foreign Policy” magazine forum that such
leave some U.S. forces in Afghanistan past a      to replace the U.S. military deployment          an agreement may be impossible.
May 1 deadline for withdrawal, but said he        with a small contingent of counterterrorism         As a presidential candidate, Biden
“can’t picture” U.S. troops still on the job      forces as has been recommended by some           pledged to end America’s longest war and
there next year.                                  military leaders. To do so would violate the     wrote that it was past time for U.S. forces to
   Biden cited the logistical challenge of        Taliban’s agreement with the United States,      depart. Secretary of State Antony Blinken
quickly removing U.S. and allied forces this      but a delay in withdrawing existing forces       has said that the United States would prob-
spring, but indicated that he contemplated        could provide a window to negotiate.             ably not start what became the Afghan war
only a short delay in ending the deployment          The Biden administration is seeking a         if faced with the same choices today, but he,
of American battlefield forces after nearly       power-sharing deal between the Taliban           like other U.S. officials, has also said that the
two decades of war.                               and the elected government in Kabul.             country cannot be allowed to again become
   “We will leave, but the question is when          The Taliban has demanded the with-            a lawless haven for terrorists.
we leave,” Biden said during a news confer-       drawal of all foreign forces and warned of a        Former President Donald Trump came
ence at the White House.                          “reaction” if Biden does not fulfill the May 1   closer to ending the war than his predeces-
   Asked whether he expected U.S. forces to       agreement.                                       sors, arguing that U.S. forces were being
still be there next year, Biden replied, “I          About 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Af-         used as little more than police officers and
can’t picture that being the case.”               ghanistan, according to the Pentagon, with       construction crews.
   The administration had already signaled        several hundred more deployed on a short-           Biden appeared to criticize the peace
that it would probably miss the deadline set      term basis.                                      agreement Trump oversaw, which was bro-
by the Trump administration during histor-           At the height of the war in 2010, the Unit-   kered over objections from the U.S.-backed
ic negotiations with the Taliban insurgent        ed States had more than 100,000 troops           government in Kabul, but not the underly-
group. The planned withdrawal has been on         spread across the country, many in combat        ing decision to end the U.S. military deploy-
hold while the Biden administration exam-         daily. More than 2,300 U.S. troops have          ment.
ined terms of the 2020 agreement and con-         been killed in Afghanistan since U.S. forces        “It is not my intention to stay there for a
sidered whether to fully honor the deal.          drove the Taliban from power in a war            long time. But the question is how and on
   “The answer is that it’s going to be hard to   launched after al-Qaida’s September 2001         what circumstances do we meet that agree-
meet the May 1 deadline, just in terms of         terrorist attacks on the United States.          ment that was made by President Trump to
tactical reasons, it’s hard to get those troops      Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., chairman of         leave under a deal that looks like it’s not be-
out,” Biden said in response to a question        the House Armed Services Committee, said         ing able to be worked out to begin with,” Bi-
about the deadline. “If we leave, we’re going     Wednesday that the administration wanted         den said. “How’s that done? But we are not
to do so in a safe and orderly way,” and in       to explore a new understanding with the in-      staying a long time.”

Poor maintenance, training cited in sinking of AAV
            BY WYATT OLSON                           Other contributing factors included a         ion’s Bravo Company, were relieved on Oct.
              Stars and Stripes                   lack of safety boats in the water, waves that    13.
  A fatal accident last summer involving an       were higher than had been anticipated and          Administrative or disciplinary action had
assault amphibious vehicle off the Califor-       poor buoyancy from personal flotation de-        been taken against seven other personnel
nia coast was caused by disregarding prop-        vices, according to a Marine statement.          “whose failures contributed to the mishap,”
er maintenance, improper training and a              Col. Christopher Bronzi, commander of         the Marine Corps said.
failure to evacuate personnel in a timely         the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, was re-        After the sinking, Marine Corps Com-
manner, the Marine Corps said Thursday.           lieved Tuesday “due to a loss of trust and       mandant Gen. David Berger suspended wa-
  Eight Marines and a Navy corpsman               confidence in his ability to command” in         terborne operations for a review of equip-
from Bravo Company, Battalion Landing             connection with the maritime disaster, the       ment, procedures and training.
Team 1/4 died after the vessel sank on July       Marine Corps announced earlier this week.          Inspections on hulls of amphibious vehi-
30. The Marines at the time called it the            The service said Thursday that the com-       cles were ordered to ensure watertightness,
deadliest training accident in its history        manding officer of Battalion Landing Team        bilge pump function and emergency light-
with that vehicle.                                1/4, as well as the commander of the battal-     ing.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                  Friday, March 26, 2021

Special ops deployments down globally
           BY COREY DICKSTEIN                             2020 levels, he said.                                      American troops from Somalia, are under
                 Stars and Stripes                           The decreasing deployment of special op-                review by President Joe Biden’s national
  There are now fewer special operations                  erations forces is representative of several               security team, said Christopher Maier, the
forces deployed around the globe than at                  recent changes. Among them is an attempt                   acting assistant secretary of defense for
any point since the United States invaded                 to reduce the demand on special operators                  special operations and low-intensity con-
Afghanistan in 2001 following the 9/11 ter-               following a culture review last year that                  flict, who testified alongside Clarke on
rorist attacks, the commander of U.S. spe-                Clarke ordered to address high-profile dis-                Thursday. While some of the troops re-
cial operations said Thursday.                            cipline issues among his elite troops. The                 moved from Somalia were relocated to Ke-
  Some 5,000 U.S. special operators were                  smaller deployment numbers are also re-                    nya or other nearby countries, some were
deployed in about 62 countries as of Thurs-               flective of efforts by former President Do-                removed from Africa, a decision Maier said
day, Army Gen. Richard Clarke, the SO-                    nald Trump to scale back U.S. military                     the Pentagon is revisiting. He did not indi-
COM commander, told the Senate Armed                      forces in several countries.                               cate whether he expected additional special
Services Committee. The deployment total                     Some of those Trump administration ac-                  operations troops to return to Somalia, but
represented about a 15% decrease in for-                  tions, including its decision after the 2020               he said he believed there was “significant
ward special operations forces compared to                election in November to remove nearly all                  downside” to the withdrawal.

Biden teases Senate changes to pass agenda
                 Associated Press                         bills to pass with fewer votes may be neces-                  Biden at first backed a modification —
   WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden                       sary for him to achieve some of those goals.               but not elimination — of the arcane proce-
at his first news conference left the door                   “If there’s complete lockdown and chaos,                dural tactic. But he then suggested, at least
open to backing fundamental changes in                    as a consequence of the filibuster, then                   on certain issues, he would go further, say-
Senate procedure to muscle key parts of his               we’re going to have to go beyond what I’m                  ing the filibuster — which requires 60 votes
agenda like immigration and voting rights                 talking about,” he said at the Thursday                    to pass legislation in the Senate — was being
past Republican opposition “if there’s com-               news conference.                                           “abused in a gigantic way” by Republicans.
plete lockdown and chaos.”                                   Despite strong poll numbers, Biden faces                   “I want to get things done. I want to get
   Even as his administration navigates the               headwinds in delivering on his ambitious                   them done consistent with what we prom-
COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting eco-                  legislative agenda. His party’s congression-               ised the American people,” said Biden, who
nomic damage, Biden is grappling with how                 al majorities are narrow, Republican oppo-                 spent decades in the Senate. “I am going to
to deliver on a host of big promises despite a            sition appears entrenched and not all Dem-                 say something outrageous: I have never
razor-thin Senate majority. He teased that                ocrats are aligned in reforming Senate rules               been particularly poor at calculating how to
changes to Senate rules that would allow                  on the filibuster.                                         get things done in the United States Senate.”

Biden warns N. Korea on ballistic missile tests
              BY SETH ROBSON                              already-developed one,” KCNA reported.                     monitors sanctions against North Korea,
                 Stars and Stripes                           The test-firings were the North’s first ma-             and it was expected to take place Friday
   North Korea announced it fired a pair of               jor provocation since Biden took office in                 morning behind closed doors.
guided missiles Thursday — the nation’s                   January. Some experts say North Korea                         North Korea’s Academy of Defense Sci-
first ballistic missile launches in a year. The           aimed to apply pressure on the Biden ad-                   ence, which conducted the launch, said it
move prompted President Joe Biden to                      ministration to boost its leverage in future               was “very successful just as it had been con-
warn of possible “responses.”                             talks.                                                     fidently predicted,” according to KCNA.
   The test of a “newly-developed, new                       “We’re consulting with our allies and                      The missiles “correctly hit the target set
type” of missile was announced Friday by                  partners,” Biden told a news conference                    in the 600-kilometre waters on the East Sea
Pyongyang’s Korean Central News Agency.                   Thursday. “And there will be responses if                  of Korea,” the North Korean agency report-
A day earlier, South Korea, the United                    they choose to escalate. We will respond ac-               ed, using the Korean name for waters also
States and Japan confirmed the launches,                  cordingly. But I’m also prepared for some                  known as the Sea of Japan.
which officials said were ballistic missiles.             form of diplomacy, but it has to be condi-                    The launches come less than a week after
   “The newly-developed, new-type tactical                tioned upon the end result of denucleariza-                Pyongyang fired multiple short-range mis-
guided missiles are a weapon system which                 tion.”                                                     siles in the wake of a visit to Seoul by Secre-
improved the weight of its warhead to 2.5                    The United States has asked for a meeting               tary of State Antony Blinken and Defense
tons while using the core technology of the               of the U.N. Security Council committee that                Secretary Lloyd Austin.

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Friday, March 26, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 3

Tornadoes tear through Deep South
              Associated Press                   traveling roughly 100 miles and causing           news conference that rescue teams were
  OHATCHEE, Ala. — Tornadoes and se-             heavy damage in the city of Centreville,          methodically checking every structure and
vere storms tore through the Deep South,         south of Tuscaloosa.                              assessing the destruction. They’ve found
killing at least five people as strong winds       De Block said it dissipated in Shelby           “heavy, heavy damage” in parts of the city’s
splintered trees, wrecked homes and              County, where another twister had already         historic district, he said.
downed power lines.                              heavily damaged homes and businesses                The bad weather stretched across the
  Multiple twisters sprang from a “super         and devastated the landscape. The county is       southern U.S., raising concerns of thunder-
cell” of storms that rolled over western Ge-     home to suburban Birmingham cities such           storms and flooding in parts of Tennessee,
orgia early Friday after spawning as many        as Pelham and Helena and the unincorpo-           Kentucky and the Carolinas. Emergency
as eight tornadoes in Alabama on Thursday,       rated subdivision of Eagle Point — all suf-       responders hospitalized one person in Sum-
said John De Block, a meteorologist with         fering heavy damage.                              ner County, Tenn., and the Nashville Fire
the National Weather Service in Birming-           Still another of the eight suspected torna-     Department posted photos on Twitter show-
ham.                                             does that hit the state killed five people in     ing large trees down, damaged homes and
  One large, dangerous tornado moved             Calhoun County.                                   streets blocked by debris.
through Newnan, destroying homes there             Coroner Pat Brown identified them Fri-            More than 150,000 people were without
and damaging others in surrounding com-          day to as Joe Wayne Harris, 74; Bar-       power Friday in Ohio and Pennsylvania af-
munities west of Atlanta, meteorologists         bara Harris, 69; Ebonique Harris, 28; Emily       ter 50 mph wind gusts ripped across the re-
said.                                            Myra Wilborn, 72; and James William Ge-           gion. Forecasters reported peak gusts of 63
  A day earlier, one tornado formed in           no, 72.                                           mph in Marysville, Ohio. Some 23,000 cus-
southwest Alabama and carved up the                Stephen Brown, fire chief in the city of        tomers remained without electricity in Ala-
ground for more than an hour Thursday,           Newnan, said during a televised morning           bama, according to

Texas death toll from storm in China denounces
February surpasses 100 people US-Taiwan coast
              Associated Press
   AUSTIN, Texas — Texas officials on
                                                 snowstorm cut a wide swath across the
                                                 state of 30 million people: Some fatalities
                                                                                                   guard agreement
Thursday raised the death toll from Febru-       were nearly as far north as Oklahoma,                           Associated Press
ary’s winter storm and blackouts to at least     while others were close to the U.S.-Mexico           BEIJING — China on Friday denounced
111 people — nearly doubling the state’s ini-    border. State officials said the causes of        an agreement between the U.S. and Taiwa-
tial tally following one of the worst power      “multiple deaths” included motor vehicle          nese coast guards that underscores grow-
outages in U.S. history.                         accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning,             ing ties between Washington and the self-
   The frigid weather also was blamed for        medical equipment failures, exacerbation          governing island democracy.
dozens of more deaths across other South-        of chronic illness, lack of home oxygen, falls       Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua
ern states including Arkansas, Oklahoma,         and fire.                                         Chunying said the pact violated U.S. com-
Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama.                    The most confirmed deaths occurred             mitments to China and called on the U.S. to
   The majority of the Texas deaths are as-      around Houston, where Harris County offi-         “be cautious with its words and actions on
sociated with hypothermia, according to          cials have reported at least 31 victims.          Taiwan-related issues.” Hua also attacked
the Texas Department of State Health Ser-           Among them was Gilbert Rivera, 60, who         support in Congress for a bill calling on
vices. And the dramatic number of new vic-       told relatives after the power went out in his
                                                                                                   Taiwan to be given status at the World
tims is still a potential undercount, as offi-   garage apartment that he was cold but stay-
                                                                                                   Health Organization. Taiwan’s seat at the
cials continue investigating deaths that         ing bundled up. Rivera, who had worked for
                                                                                                   U.N. was handed to China in 1971.
happened around the time the storm               about two decades as a custodian, had a
                                                                                                      “We urge the U.S. side to ... refrain from
knocked out power to more than 4 million         learning disability but reveled in his inde-
customers in Texas.                              pendence and chose to live on his own.
                                                                                                   sending any wrong signals to Taiwan inde-
   Many homes went without power or                 The autopsy determined the cause of            pendence forces, and refrain from encou-
drinkable water for days after subfreezing       death was hypothermia, which occurs               raging and inciting Taiwan to expand its
temperatures, failing power plants and re-       when one’s body loses heat faster than it         so-called international space,” Hua told
cord demand for heat pushed Texas’ elec-         can produce it.                                   reporters at a daily briefing.
tric grid to the breaking point.                    Rivera’s family is among dozens who               In a tweet Friday, Taiwan’s chief repre-
   Texas officials earlier this month put the    have filed lawsuits against electricity pro-      sentative in the U.S., Bi-khim Hsiao, said
initial tally of deaths at 57 but warned it      viders and the state’s embattled power grid,      the memorandum of understanding with
would increase. The toll now officially ex-      the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.        the U.S. was expected to bring closer coop-
ceeds that of Hurricane Harvey in 2017,          The disaster led to a congressional investi-      eration in maritime safety, humanitarian
which was blamed for 68 deaths in Texas.         gation and the ouster of ERCOT CEO Bill           rescue, fisheries enforcement and protec-
   The list of victims from the February         Magness.                                          tion of the marine environment.
PAGE 4     • STRIPES LITE •               Friday, March 26, 2021

Vaccine effort getting help to fight mistrust
        Associated Press                 They’re showcasing Black               County.                                  Union of Albany, The New York
   CHICAGO — His last job was          leaders getting shots, preaching            Newsom said the state would           Times and The Washington Post.
selling cars, but in his new gig,      vaccination benefits at Sunday           start vaccinating anyone 50 and              “The recent reports alleging
working to turn the tide against a     services, holding Zoom meetings          over in a week and anyone 16 and         there was preferential treatment
pandemic, Herman Simmons               where experts dismantle the              older on April 15.                       given for COVID-19 testing are
knows not to be too pushy or over-     myths. Michigan is enlisting bar-           President Joe Biden’s adminis-        troubling,” the statement read.
bearing.                               bershops and salons. Mobile clin-        tration wants all states to make         “While we do not have jurisdic-
   He’s one of more than 50 ou-        ics have been set up to vaccinate        every adult eligible for the vac-        tion to investigate this matter, it’s
treach workers a Chicago hospi-        Kentucky racetrack workers and           cine by May 1.                           imperative that JCOPE look into
tal has enlisted to promote vacci-     California migrant workers.                                                       it immediately.”
nation against COVID-19 in hard-                                                Michigan                                     A spokesperson for the ethics
hit Black and brown neighbor-          Alaska                                      LANSING — Michigan, which             commission, Walt McClure, said
hoods.                                    JUNEAU — Alaska’s state               not long ago had one of the coun-        the commission could not com-
   Their job is approaching            health department is floating the        try’s lowest COVID-19 infection          ment “on anything that is or might
strangers at laundromats, groce-       idea of providing coronavirus            rates, is confronting an alarming        be an investigative matter.”
ry stores and churches, handing        vaccinations to travelers at the         spike that some experts worry                The impeachment investiga-
out educational material and           state’s busiest airports with the        could be a harbinger nationally.         tion’s primary focus remains on
making vaccination appoint-            summer tourism and fishing sea-             In what public health author-         allegations of sexual harassment
ments for those who are willing.       sons looming.                            ities across the U.S. have been          against Cuomo, as well as reports
   “I see myself as my brother’s          The department on Wednes-             warning for months might hap-            that his administration intention-
keeper. I don’t try to force them.     day released a request for               pen around the country, the re-          ally underreported virus deaths
I’m persistent,’’ he said.             information to determine interest        surgence is being fueled by loos-        at nursing homes and glazed over
   Top U.S. health officials say       among potential contractors to           ened restrictions, a more infec-         bridge safety concerns, but the al-
they’re in a race to vaccinate as      provide a one-dose vaccine to in-        tious variant and pandemic fa-           leged preferential testing will be
many people as quickly as possi-       terested travelers in a secure sec-      tigue.                                   explored, Assembly Judiciary
ble as COVID-19 variants spread,       tion of the airports in Anchorage,          While        vaccinations        in   Committee Chair Chuck Lavine
mask and distancing rules are re-      Juneau, Fairbanks and Ketchi-            Michigan are helping to protect          told The Associated Press on
laxed, and Americans crave a re-       kan.                                     seniors and other vulnerable peo-        Thursday.
turn to normalcy.                         Implementing strategies to re-        ple, the upswing is driving up hos-
   As part of these efforts, the Bi-   duce the spread of COVID-19              pitalizations among younger              Texas
den administration announced           through Alaska communities is            adults and forcing a halt to in-per-        McALLEN — Texas Gov. Greg
Thursday it will invest nearly $10     critical with the levels of travel ac-   son instruction at some schools.         Abbott said Thursday that he’s
billion to expand vaccine access       tivity expected between May and             “It’s a stark reminder that this      hoping to increase the number of
in communities of color, rural ar-     October, the document said.              virus is still very real. It can come    Texans getting COVID-19 vac-
eas, low-income populations and           One of the vaccines available         roaring back if we drop our              cines after seeing a drop in people
other underserved communities.         for emergency use is a one-dose          guard,” said Democratic Gov.             showing up for the shot.
Some of the money will go to com-      shot, which the department says          Gretchen Whitmer, who does not              “We’re beginning to see a de-
munity health centers. Funding         its Division of Public Health in-        plan to tighten restrictions on in-      crease in demand for vaccina-
comes mostly from the American         tends to use for such a program,         door dining, sports and other ac-        tions,” Abbott said at a news con-
Rescue Plan.                           subject to availability.                 tivities that were eased in recent       ference Thursday in the border
   While the U.S. is vaccinating                                                months.                                  city of McAllen. “We’re having
roughly 2.5 million people daily       California                                                                        about half — or even less than half
and nearly 1 in 3 adults have re-         SANTA ANA — After weeks of            New York                                 — of the people who signed up for
ceived at least one shot, roughly      sometimes confusing and frus-               ALBANY — The impeachment              avaccine actually show up to get a
that many say they are skeptical       trating restrictions, California is      investigation into New York Gov.         vaccine.”
or won’t get vaccinated.               throwing open its coronavirus            Andrew Cuomo is expanding to                He said that a state program
   “There will be a hardcore that      vaccine program to all adults as         examine whether the governor             that is focusing on getting seniors
never wants to be vaccinated and       the nation’s most populous state         unlawfully used his office to pro-       vaccinated is expanding from ru-
we can’t do anything about that,’’     counts on a long-awaited boost in        vide his family members with             ral areas to more populated ones,
said Dr. Eric Toner, a senior          doses.                                   special access to scarce coronavi-       like Hidalgo County where McAl-
scholar at Johns Hopkins Center           The move is seen as a crucial         rus tests a year ago, a state law-       len is located. Through the pro-
for Health Security.                   step as the state cautiously reo-        maker said Thursday.                     gram, drive-thru vaccine clinics
   He said that number is unlikely     pens an economy stifled for a year          The office of Attorney General        are set up or vaccines are given di-
to prevent effective control of the    by COVID-19 restrictions on busi-        Letitia James, Cuomo’s fellow            rectly to homebound seniors.
virus. To make sure it doesn’t, au-    nesses.                                  Democrat, issued a statement                He said that the significant
thorities are working to change           “There’s not just light at the end    earlier Thursday urging New              number of seniors who are al-
minds and boost access in minor-       of the tunnel; there’s bright light      York’s Joint Commission on Pub-          ready vaccinated has led to an on-
ity communities where skepti-          at the end of the tunnel,” Gov. Ga-      lic Ethics to investigate the al-        going downward trend in the
cism is among the hurdles to vac-      vin Newsom said during a news            leged preferential testing after re-     number of hospitalized people in
cination.                              conference Thursday in Orange            ports were published in the Times        the state.
Friday, March 26, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 5


Family finds dead snake                  “This is a childish thing to do,”   Weather Service said any ashfall      tional funeral pyre, with bodies
                                       Flaten said.                          near Perryville, Chignik and          cremated outdoors on a flaming
inside clothes dryer                     Flaten said he left his job at      Castle Cape was expected to be of     bed of timber. It’s currently legal
                                       Peachtree City’s A OK Walker          trace amounts.                        in only two locations in the U.S. —
FL         GROVELAND — Af-
           ter their clothes dryer
began blowing out a lot of lint, a
                                       Autoworks in November. He said
                                       he was owed the final check and
                                                                               Perryville is 22 miles south-
                                                                             east of the volcano, according to
                                                                                                                   both of them in Colorado, the Sun
                                                                                                                   Journal reported.
Florida family called a repair         had difficulty getting it, even       the observatory. Anchorage is            A bill before the Legislature’s
man who discovered a dead              turning to the Georgia Depart-        about 485 miles northeast.            Health and Human Services
snake rather than a jammed mo-         ment of Labor to receive help.          The observatory earlier this        Committee would allow a non-
tor.                                   Police: Sitter abandoned              month raised the alert level at the   profit that possesses at least 20
   “I was like oh — that’s what                                              volcano to “watch.” It said Tues-     acres to carry out open-air cre-
caused the motor to blow,” Aly-
                                       puppy in dumpster                     day that minor ash emissions          mations and to scatter the ashes
                                                                             continued.                            on the property.
son Pring told Orlando television
station WKMG.
   Repairman Darrell Cobble
                                       NY          BABYLON — A Long
                                                   Island man who was
                                       supposed to be dog-sitting a pup-
                                                                             5 dogs found dead, dozens                A nonprofit called Good
                                                                                                                   Ground, Great Beyond hopes to
stopped by to take a look at what      py was arrested for abandoning
                                                                             of others rescued                     have outdoor funeral pyres on a
                                                                                                                   63-acre forested parcel in Dres-
was causing the problem, the sta-
tion reported.
   “He just stands up, and he
                                       the pooch in a dumpster, police
                                         A woman found the 17-week-
                                                                             AZ         TUCSON — About 45
                                                                                        dogs have been res-
                                                                             cued from a Tucson home where

walks off. He’s like, ‘There’s a       old puppy in a dumster in Baby-       five other canines were found         Missing woman found
dead snake in there,’ ” Pring said.    lon on March 15, Suffolk County       dead, according to authorities.       trapped in storm drain
   Cobble told the station that        police said. She brought the pup         Pima County officials said the
while it’s not common, snakes
can find their way into dryers. He
                                       to an animal hospital and called
                                       911, they said.
                                                                             animals were taken from the
                                                                             home after a welfare check.           FL         DELRAY BEACH —
                                                                                                                              A South Florida wom-
                                                                                                                   an who had been reported mis-
said there is usually a grate that       Officers investigated and de-          They said many of the dogs
prevents snakes and other ani-         termined that Thami Stafyleras,       were only in fair condition. Most     sing March 3 was rescued from a
mals from entering the dryer.          44, had left the dog in the dump-     of the puppies were showing           storm drain after a passerby
But Pring’s central Florida home       ster, police said. Stafyerleras, of   signs of upper respiratory infec-     heard her cries for help, fire res-
did not have one.                      Mineola, was arrested on a            tions and one puppy had open          cue officials said.
   They’ll be keeping an eye out       charge of abandoning an animal.       wounds.                                  “She was lucky,” Delray
now, Alyson Pring said.                  Police said Stafyleras had             Authorities said the conditions    Beach Fire Rescue spokeswo-
“Could’ve been much worse, but         agreed to care for the puppy          in the home were unsanitary with      man Dani Moschella told the
I’m glad it was dead, done, fixed it   while the dog’s owner was away.       an extreme buildup of waste.          South Florida SunSentinel. “I
up and ready to go,” she said.           The puppy, a Pomsky named              They have talked to the woman      don’t know how much longer she
                                       Louie, is in good health and will     who owns the home, but her            would have been OK down
Man receives his final                 be returned to his owner, police      name hasn’t been released.            there.”
                                       said.                                    The Pima Animal Care Center           She was yelling for help as rush
paycheck in pennies                                                          is evaluating the animals. They       hour traffic passed by earlier this
                                       Minor ash emissions
GA          ATLANTA — A Ge-
            orgia man said his
former employer owed him a
                                       reported from volcano
                                                                             will not immediately be available
                                                                             for adoption.
                                                                                                                   week, Moschella said. So far offi-
                                                                                                                   cials don’t know how long the
                                                                                                                   woman, whose name hasn’t been
                                                                             Proposal would allow
pretty penny, $915 to be exact, af-
ter leaving his job in November.
  But Andreas Flaten said he
                                       AK          ANCHORAGE — Mi-
                                                   nor ash emissions
                                       were reported from a remote
                                                                             outdoor funeral pyres
                                                                                                                   released, was in the storm drain.
                                                                                                                      “The idea that somebody
                                                                                                                   might be down there for any
was shocked to see his final pay-
ment: 90,000 oil or grease cov-
ered pennies, at the end of his dri-
                                       Alaska Peninsula volcano, as of-
                                       ficials said trace amounts of ash
                                       fall were possible in some area
                                                                             ME          AUGUSTA — The
                                                                                         Maine Legislature is
                                                                             considering a proposal to create a
                                                                                                                   length of time is disturbing,” she
                                                                                                                   said. “It’s dirty, dangerous,
                                                                                                                   there’s snakes, rats, garbage, dirt
veway earlier this month, news         communities.                          new option for sending off the        and leaves, anything that’s on the
outlets reported. Atop the pile           The Alaska Volcano Observ-         dead — a flaming funeral pyre.        street that washes into a sewer,
was an envelope with Flaten’s fi-      atory reported continued “low-          Anyone who has watched              and it smells terrible.”
nal paystub and an explicit part-      level eruptive activity” at Venia-    “Game of Thrones” or “The                         — From wire reports
ing message.                           minof volcano, and the National       Phantom Menace” has seen a fic-
PAGE 6     • STRIPES LITE •               Friday, March 26, 2021

NCAA tourney shows talent gap evaporating
         Associated Press              Loyola Chicago, and Loyola               Williamson had few scholar-                 “The end of the day,” Wil-
   INDIANAPOLIS — One by               Chicago is in the Sweet 16, is           ship offers and ultimately chose         liamson said, “the respect that
one, the college basketball            evidence of what some coaches            to join a team now led by All-           teams give us before we play,
coaches had filed into the swel-       have predicted for years: A              American forward Cameron                 that doesn’t really concern us.
tering gym on the campus of            once-yawning talent gap be-              Krutwig, a three-star prospect           We’re only focused on winning
Whitney Young Magnet High              tween haves and have-nots has            out of high school in suburban           games and continuing this big
School, dressed in their polos         narrowed to nothing.                     Chicago whose only other offers          run that we’ve been having.”
and windbreakers and sporting             The difference in a top-50 kid        were from Northern Illinois and             Oregon State can relate. The
their school logos, all craning        headed to Duke or Kentucky               American.                                Beavers’ classes have ranked
their necks to get a glimpse of        and an unranked kid heading to              Backcourt mate Braden Nor-            outside the top 50 nationally
one of the best prep prospects to      Loyola might have felt like              ris began his career at Oakland          each of the past two years, ac-
come out of Chicago in years.          night and day 15 years ago.              before he arrived on Chicago’s           cording to recruiting site Rival-
   It was impossible to miss the       Now, the difference is negligi-          north side. Marquise Kennedy    Yet they ran roughshod
6-foot-11 frame of Jahlil Okafor,      ble — if it exists at all.               is perhaps the most coveted              through the Pac-12 tourney to
casually throwing down those              “There’s just more good play-         prospect Loyola has landed in            earn an NCAA invite, then beat
dunks in the warmup line.              ers,” Loyola Chicago coach Por-          years, but even he picked the            Tennessee and Oklahoma State
   It was much easier to miss          ter Moser explained. “Thirty             Ramblers over offers from the            to reach their first Sweet 16
freshman teammate Lucas Wil-           years ago when I got into this in        likes of Bradley, Hofstra and            since 1982.
liamson.                               Texas, to now, you look at it —          Northeastern.                               One of their leaders, sopho-
   A few years later, Okafor has       there’s so many five-star play-             The bluebloods of college             more guard Jarod Lucas, chose
gone from can’t-miss prospect          ers. But it’s across the board.          basketball weren’t beating               to play for the Beavers over Ne-
to one-and-done star at Duke to        Kids are getting better. They’re         down the doors for any of them.          vada and Fresno State.
the riches of the NBA, while           doing more improvement.”                    Not that it bothers them these           “I think at the end of the day
Williamson has become one of              That sheer volume of talent           days. Kentucky and Duke                  it’s all about, there’s a bigger
the darlings of the NCAA Tour-         on high school and AAU teams             didn’t even make the NCAA                plan for all of us,” he said. “Not
nament. The slender guard              is why a kid like Williamson,            Tournament. Kansas and Illi-             a lot of us had the best looks or
with the big game has become           who had every big-name school            nois were sent packing the               the high-majors, other blue
the do-everything star for Loyo-       in his gym to watch Okafor dur-          opening weekend. And the                 bloods, but we all had one
la Chicago, which is once again        ing his freshman year, could             Ramblers, the guys who ousted            coach, one university that be-
making an inspired run through         still get overlooked by just             the top-seeded Illini, moved on          lieved in you. All of us at Oregon
March.                                 about everybody.                         to face Oregon State on Satur-           State have one coach that be-
   That Williamson ended up at            By the time he was a senior,          day.                                     lieved in us.”

NASCAR playing in dirt for first time since 1970
               Associated Press                      chance to re-establish itself as a bucket list           The track is done and Bristol successfully
   Don’t wear white to Bristol Motor Speed-          event.                                                hosted late model racing all last week as a
way this weekend. Pack a pair of goggles and           The buzz hasn't stopped since the race was          tune-up for the event. The Bristol Dirt Nation-
be prepared to get really dirty.                     announced last year, and Bristol, which host-         als drew a handful of current Cup drivers who
   Bristol has trucked 23,000 cubic yards of         ed the World of Outlaws on dirt in 2000 and           wanted to get a look at the surface and they in-
dirt into its famed bullring to host NASCAR's        2001, began the enormous project.                     cluded Kyle Larson, one of the winningest dirt
first Cup Series race on literal earth since           Steve Swift, the senior vice president of op-       racers in the country.
1970. This wild experiment was pushed by             erations and development at Speedway Mo-                 Larson was pleasantly surprised by the
broadcast partner Fox at the same time NAS-          torsports, traveled to 18 different dirt sites in a   track because a weekend of racing at The Dirt
CAR was looking to diversify its uninspiring         150-mile radius to find the perfect native, red       Track at Charlotte, another Speedway Motor-
schedule.                                            Tennessee clay for the job. Swift said he sent        sports property, last November was a dusty
   Speedway Motorsports said it was game —           the samples to “a gentleman out in California         disaster.
elbowing out Tony Stewart and his well-estab-        by the nickname of Dr. Dirt” for analysis.               “I get to race on a lot of different track sur-
lished Eldora Speedway dirt track in Ohio —            Ed Davis, a scientist/farmer/dirt racing en-        faces and dirt and the orange clay is always hit
and offered up “The Last Great Coliseum” for         thusiast at S&E Organic Farms in Bakersfield,         or miss. It's either good, or it's really bad,” Lar-
Sunday's adventure.                                  Calif., whittled the samples down to three for        son said. "How Charlotte was last year, I think
   Once one of the toughest tickets in all sports    this weekend's race.                                  a lot of people were worried. But Bristol, the
with a 55-race sellout streak from 1982                A layer of sawdust was spread over the              car I raced last week, once they let the track
through 2010, Bristol lost some of its luster        0.533-mile concrete oval and then 2,300 truck-        get slick and start getting dark and black, it re-
when its spring race date bounced all over the       loads of dirt were dumped on the track. The           ally widened the groove out and the pace
NASCAR calendar. Fans grew tired of expen-           next layer is soil from the Outlaws races two         slowed down and the racing got really good.
sive local hotel rates and unpredictable             decades ago, followed by dirt from a camp-               “If they continue to let the track get slick, I
weather — it snowed during the 2006 race             ground near the track and a final top layer           think it will be a really good race this week-
weekend — but a dirt race gives Bristol a            from nearby Bluff City.                               end.”
Friday, March 26, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 7

New faces added to women’s Sweet 16
        Associated Press             in a situation where it’s like a     coach a group of them.”               She said it
   SAN ANTONIO — The wom-            big football game, where they           Arizona has made it back to
                                                                                                                  “More and more people are
en’s NCAA Tournament re-             say it’s (Tom) Brady versus Aa-      the Sweet 16 for the first time
                                                                                                                noticing, more and more peo-
gional semifinals field is set       ron Rogers. It couldn’t be fur-      since 1998 when coach Adia
with many familiar faces like                                                                                   ple are watching. I think a lot of
                                     ther from the truth.                 Barnes was playing for the
UConn, Baylor, Stanford and             “It’s two really, really young                                          people will tune in and watch
South Carolina. There’s also         kids, really good players that do                                          this game and that’s exactly
                                                                             Asked how different the feel-
some fresh ones, including Mi-       a lot for their teams.”                                                    what you want for women’s col-
                                                                          ing was to get to the Sweet 16 as
chigan and Arizona.                     Clark has led Iowa back to        a coach as opposed to when she        lege basketball.” — Caitlyn
   The Sweet 16 will tip off Sat-    the Sweet 16. The Hawkeyes           did it as a player, Barnes re-        Clark, Iowa.
urday with a much anticipated        are one of a record four Big Ten     sponded, “coaching is a lot har-      Crowd noise
matchup between UConn and            teams in the regional semifi-        der than playing. Because as a           For the first time in the tour-
Iowa. The schools are led by         nals with. Michigan, Indiana         player, you’re kind of oblivious      nament the NCAAs will allow
heralded freshmen Paige              and Maryland joining them.           to a lot of things. You just kind     the public to attend games.
Bueckers and Caitlyn Clark.             Wolverines      coach     Kim     of go out and play.”                  That will be limited to 17% of
Geno Auriemma, who will be           Barnes Arico is happy to have           Barnes said it is also more        the Alamodome’s capacity per
coaching the Huskies for the         her team in the regional semi-       meaningful and gratifying, get-       game — which is roughly 4,800
first time in the tournament af-     finals for the first time as op-     ting to watch the players being
ter being sidelined with CO-         posed to Connecticut, which is                                             tickets.
                                                                          rewarded for their hard work.
VID-19 the first two rounds,         making its 27th consecutive ap-                                               “We’re in Texas, so, I feel like
                                                                             Some other things to know
couldn’t remember a time             pearance in the round of 16.                                               we’re going to have a lot of
                                                                          about this Sweet 16 field:
when there was so much hype             “Things have changed. You                                               fans,” Baylor forward NaLyssa
around two freshmen.                 could go somewhere else and          Inside the numbers                    Smith said. “People’s families
   “It’s been a while since you      you could have the opportunity         For the first time since 2013       finally start to get to come and
have two kids that have had this     right away to make an impact         three No. 6 seeds advanced to         everybody’s friends and every-
kind of an impact, both on their     and create something that’s          the Sweet 16 with Michigan,           body that weren’t on the ticket
teams and on the game itself         never been done before,” she         Oregon and Texas all reaching         list, they finally get to come and
nationally. To have one is kind      said. “Those kids are different.     the regional semifinals. At the       watch the game. So, it’s about to
of cool. To have two and to be so    They are special in their own        other of the spectrum, for the        be very exciting.”
alike in so many ways?” Au-          right and they wanted to do          third straight tournament all            The first couple of rounds on-
riemma said. “And yet, unfor-        something that has never been        the No. 1 and No. 2 seeds reac-       ly allowed each participant up
tunately, they’re going to be put    done before and I’m thankful to      hed the Sweet 16.                     to six tickets.

MacIntyre battles Johnson to a draw during Match Play
        Associated Press                MacIntyre, who trailed for           Some of the best on the planet     move on were PGA champion
   AUSTIN, Texas — Bob Ma-           most of the front nine at Austin     were eliminated on the second         Collin Morikawa (4), Tony Fi-
cIntyre grew up playing the          Country Club and led for most of     day of round-robin group play.        nau (12) and Viktor Hovland of
rough-and-tumble         Scottish    the back nine, walked away with         Justin Thomas, the No. 2 seed,     Norway (13). In all, 18 players
sport of shinty, and he had more     a mixture of satisfaction and dis-   fell behind big on the front nine     had matches Friday with noth-
than enough fight to give Dustin     appointment.                         for the second straight day and       ing on the line.
Johnson all he could handle             Ultimately, both remained in      couldn’t catch up. Thomas made           Jon Rahm and Ryan Palmer
Thursday in the Dell Technolo-       position to advance out of their     a strong rally against defending      also square off Friday after both
gies Match Play.                     group to the weekend knockout        champion Kevin Kisner before          went to 2-0 in their group. Rahm
   Johnson had to rally late with    stage.                               losing on the 17th hole.              had a harder time than he imag-
an eagle and a clutch birdie to         “Obviously, I was dying to win       Tyrrell Hatton delivered           ined with British Open cham-
send the match to the final hole,    that match,” MacIntyre said. “I      more highlights — not so much         pion Shane Lowry, who was 3
where both players missed bird-      was in such a great position to do   with a shot, but the artful tossing   down with three holes to play
ie chances and settled for a tie.    it. But he threw everything at       of a club and the sarcastic clap-     when the Irishman went birdie-
   Neither the world’s No. 1 play-   me, and I can be proud of finish-    ping of his hands — in losing to      birdie to send it to the 18th, and
er nor the 24-year-old from the      ing there all square. Inside I’m a   Sergio Garcia. The Spaniard,          then showed off those great
tiny town of Oban were sure          little disappointed not to win.      whose American home is in Aus-        hands with a pitch from under a
what to make of it.                  But once we walk away from           tin, won his second match and         tree to 12 feet.
   “It was a tough match,” John-     here and drive back to the house,    thus eliminated Hatton, the No.          He missed the birdie putt and
son said. “Ended up making a re-     it’s going to be, ‘You know what?    8 seed.                               Rahm, who would have had a
ally good halve, and definitely      I can compete with these best           Other top seeds in the 16          putt from the same range, smile
pleased with it.”                    guys on the planet.’”                groups who have no chance to          a sigh of relief.
PAGE 8     • STRIPES LITE •             Friday, March 26, 2021

Late movement as trade deadline passes
        Associated Press             Nikola Vucevic from Orlando, a         their four leading scorers; in ad-   enough assets to their liking.
  Kyle Lowry wound up staying        move that ushered in the start of      dition to the Vucevic move,             Miami was a major pursuer
with Toronto after all. Victor       a big-time rebuild by the Magic.       Evan Fournier was sent to Bos-       for Lowry, and now simply may
Oladipo is finally in Miami, a          “Anytime you trade a player         ton and Aaron Gordon is headed       try to add him again as a free
destination he’s eyed in the past.   like Nikola, it is a tough decision    to Denver. Acquiring Gordon          agent later this year. But the
And Rajon Rondo is headed            to make,” Magic President Jeff         was part of a bold day for the       reigning Eastern Conference
back to Los Angeles, though not      Weltman said.                          Nuggets, who also got JaVale         champions pivoted in time to
with the team he helped win the         Vucevic is the only player          McGee — part of three of the         add Oladipo — a two-time All-
NBA title last season.               from this season’s All-Star            last four NBA championship           Star,     a    21-point-per-game
  The trade deadline has come        Game to be traded at the dead-         teams, two with Golden State
                                                                                                                 scorer this season and someone
and gone. And now, playoff           line. It was a steep price: Vucev-     and last year with the Lakers —
                                                                                                                 only three years removed from
pushes can really begin.             ic and Al-Farouq Aminu went to         through a trade with Cleveland.
                                                                                                                 All-NBA status — from Hous-
  Miami, Denver, the Clippers,       the Bulls for Otto Porter, Wen-          And Toronto made one move
Portland, Dallas, Boston and At-     dell Carter Jr. and two future         of significance, sending Nor-        ton, in exchange for Kelly Oly-
lanta were likely among the          first-round selections.                man Powell to the Portland           nyk, Avery Bradley and a pick
teams feeling convinced that            “Usually, you don’t get too         Trail Blazers for Rodney Hood        swap in 2022.
they improved on deadline day        many chances at All-Star-level         and Gary Trent Jr. But Lowry —          “The actual day, there’s usu-
after a flurry of moves Thurs-       players,” Bulls executive vice         a free-agent-to-be and consid-       ally a lot more hype and then a
day, though the best player — at     president Artras Karnišovas            ered perhaps the biggest prize       lot less action than what is spec-
least this season — might have       said. “And we were fortunate to        on this year’s trade market —        ulated,” Heat coach Erik Spoel-
been landed by the Chicago           get it done.”                          did not get traded, the Raptors      stra said. “That was probably
Bulls. They got All-Star forward        The Magic traded three of           apparently unable to find            true this year as well.”

Knicks beat Wiz, Sabres suffer 16th straight loss
sweep 2-game set                  troit.                         Associated Press
                                                     PITTSBURGH — Kevyn Adams is tasked                 Avalanche 5, Golden Knights 1: Cale Ma-
              Associated Press                     with trying to sift through the rubble of the     kar and Gabriel Landeskog each had a goal
  NEW YORK — Alec Burks scored 15 of               Buffalo Sabres’ lost season.                      and an assist in a four-goal, second-period
his 27 points in the fourth quarter and the          An up-close look on Thursday night when         flurry and host Colorado won to pull even
New York Knicks beat the Washington Wiz-           the team’s general manager was forced to          with Vegas with 45 points atop the West Di-
ards 106-102 on Thursday night to sweep the        serve as head coach after interim Don Gra-        vision.
two-game set.                                      nato and assistant Matt Ellis were placed in         Capitals 4, Devils 3: Evgeny Kuznetsov
  RJ Barrett added 24 points, 10 rebounds          the NHL’s COVID-19 protocol a few hours           scored twice, Alex Ovechkin kept his hot
and five assists for the Knicks. Immanuel          before the opening faceoff provided a             streak going with the 721st goal and host
Quickley had 16 points.                            glimpse of just how far the Sabres have to go.    Washington beat New Jersey for its eighth
  Two days after being in control through-           Jared McCann scored a pair of power-            victory in nine games.
out in a 131-113 victory, the Knicks trailed by    play goals, Casey DeSmith made 36 saves              Stars 4, Lightning 3: Roope Hintz scored
17 midway through the third quarter and            and the Pittsburgh Penguins extended Buf-         on a breakaway with 1:21 left and host Dallas
never led until the fourth.                        falo’s winless streak to 16 straight with a 4-0   beat Tampa Bay for the first time in five
  76ers 109, Lakers 101: Danny Green               victory on Thursday night.                        games this season.
hit eight three-pointers and scored 28 points        Rangers 8, Flyers 3: Mika Zibanejad had            Maple Leafs 3, Senators 2 (OT): Justin
against his former team and visiting Phila-        three goals and three assists for the second      Holl scored at 4:42 of overtime to lift visiting
delphia weathered Los Angeles’ late rally          straight game against host Philadelphia and       Toronto past Ottawa.
for its fourth straight victory.                   Adam Fox had five assists for New York.              Hurricanes 4, Blue Jackets 3 (OT):Sebas-
  Trail Blazers 125, Heat 122: Damian                Islanders 4, Bruins 3 (OT): Anthony             tian Aho scored 1:26 into overtime to give
Lillard made three free throws with a sec-         Beauvillier scored 21 seconds into overtime       visiting Carolina a split of the four-game se-
ond remaining for the final margin, and            and visiting New York overcame a two-goal         ries with Columbus.
Portland survived a wild finish to beat            deficit to beat Boston in the first major            Blackhawks 3, Panthers 0: Kevin Lank-
short-handed host Miami.                           league sporting event in the city with fans in    inen made 41 saves in his second career
  Clippers 98, Spurs 85: Reggie Jackson            attendance since the pandemic shutdown.           shutout and host Chicago beat short-handed
scored 28 points, Paul George had 24 points          A crowd of 2,191 — 12% of capacity — was        Florida.
and 13 rebounds and short-handed Los An-           at the TD Garden to see the Bruins return            Wild 2, Blues 0: Kirill Kaprizov scored to
geles beat San Antonio on the road for its         from a weeklong pause after five players          pad his NHL rookie leads, Cam Talbot made
fourth straight victory.                           went into the NHL’s COVID-19 protocol.            37 saves for his second shutout of the season
  Kings 141, Warriors 119: De’Aaron Fox              Predators 7, Red Wings 1:Rocco Grimal-          and Minnesota beat St. Louis to stretch its
had a career-best 44 points and host Sacra-        di scored four goals to tie Eric Nystrom’s        franchise-record home winning streak to 11
mento beat Golden State.                           team record and lead host Nashville past De-      games.
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