Page created by Anthony Moore
nerdslot inc              issue 3


  “design AND PROGRAMMING is
            the new
 							medicine and law”

 fashion               sports
 WHAT’S HOT             How far
 AND                  canyoung
 WHAT’S NOT           eagles fly?
“You are as happy as you
     make up your mind to be.”
																 ~ Abraham Lincoln
                                                   Editor’s Note

                                              The team is so amazed by the
                                              turnout of events. The previous
                                              edition was the “bomb”, with
                                              over 400 downloads in less than
                                              a week. We owe it all to our
                                              ever dedicated readers.

                                              With the launch of our web-
My part in preserving the                 1   site and social media pages, we
Environment... 		 I.C Romario                 have been able to reach out to
                                              more people and it is a dream
                                              come true. We are very excited
              THE INTERVIEW               3   to bring you the third edition
                 A day in the life of a       which has so much to offer
                  graphic designer            and a stepping stone from the
                                              first two.

               I Am AFRICAN               5   ValourWeekly magazine, Is-
                                              sue 3, has new and exciting
               I am black and bold.           articles to feed your desire for
                  Proudly african             autentic thrilling news.

the bigger picture                        8
Aim past the benchmark!

Fashion corner                        10
Know your shoes !!

sports                                13      For feedback and suggestions,
                                              do well to contact us via
A peek into the world of soccer               our mail -
food & recipe                         15      or call 08123231874,
Enjoy a wide variety of meals

                                         MY PART
  I.C                                    IN
ROMARIO                                  PRESERVING
                                         THE ENVIRONMENT

 I have come to realize that our environment        is the right thing to do. It has been discovered
 is unhealthy. Owing to the fact that our envi-     that waste even down to tires are taking over
 ronment has given us abundant treasures and        our streams and this is undoubtfully wrong. In
 made life more comfortable for our dynamic         the case of a storm drain, I shouldn’t pour waste,
 lifestyle. It has also been neglected which has    oil and fluids as this chemical will eventually
 prompted my resolve to do the little I can to      end up in our streams. Removing stagnant wa-
 save it and make it more habitable.                ter is also very important as this helps to put
                                                    away the malaria parasite-mosquito.
 a tree is my top priority. Carbon dioxide is a     I NEED CLEAN LAND TO CONVINIENTLY
 greenhouse gas and research has it that it is      GO ABOUT MY DAILY ACTIVITIES. Recy-
 one of the many gases that affect our climate,     cling of the materials I use will go a long way
 depleting the ozone layer which results in the     of boosting a healthier environment. Littering
 plunging of ultraviolet rays into the earth sur-   the environment with waste is only an eyesore
 face and giving rise to skin diseases like can-    and poses a great threat to the environment as a
 cer that cost millions to recover from. Luckily,   whole. Using rechargeable batteries is ideal be-
 the trees absorb this gas for their own meta-      cause most ordinary batteries contain harmful
 bolic activities. I do not also have to burn my    substances that when not disposed properly is
 wastes as this also releases mold spores, soot     extremely harmful to the surroundings.
 and contaminantes that may result in respira-
 tory problems.                                     OUR ENVIRONMENT IS WHERE WE
                                                    DWELL IN. It is where we build our mansions
 WATER IS LIFE, It plays a major role in our        and drive fancy cars. It is only appropriate for
 environment. Our drainage system shouldn’t         me to play my own part in securing a healthier
 be a waste disposal site. I do not need to         environment because if I don’t I will be the one
 throw my trash into the gutters as this can        at the receiving end. I advocate for a greener en-
 block the waterways and increase the risk of       vironment and I believe it is possible.
 flooding. Throwing my trash in the waste bin

Valour | 1

             “Kcee shuts down
             Owerri township stadi-
             um for legend real deal
Valour | 2
                                                  iTell us about yourself
  Cool, calm, collected, always quick to re-      May we know you?
  ply with a smirk. The qualities best describe      Yeah, my name is Ezenwa Chukwuemeka
  Ezenwa Chukwuebuka popularly known as           Anthony but most people know me as Sharpy
  Sharpy Emmy. He sits with ValourWeekly to       Emmy. I am an entrepreneur, into graphic de-
                                                  signing and entertainment. I’m also a tourist.
  talk about what Sharpy Emmy is all about, his
  views, opinion and aspirations.
                                                  So what exactly is Sharpy Emmy?
                                                      Sharpy Emmy is a movement, whose main
  Good day
                                                  purpose is to inspire creativity in all spheres
    Good day
                                                  of life.
Valour | 3
How did it all start? it’s not just you?              So who is your competition?
  No, we are a group of individuals trying to chan-     Who do you see as your competition?
  nel our resources into empowering creativity.            Basically, I don’t really see anyone as my com-
                                                        petition in school. I’m not trying to limit my work
  How did it all start?                                 to just school. We are a big family here, trying to
     Well, before I came into FUTO, I was more of       share ideas, showing love, you understand. I don’t
  a rapper. I was into music and Sharpy Emmy was        see any competition, the field is large enough.
  my stage name. But I didn’t want to mix my mu-
  sic with graphic designing, so I chose to go with     How has it been, handling both business and aca-
  the name SHOC work in the graphic designing           demics?
  world. SHOC meaning “Sharpy home of creativ-             it’s never really easy you know, but I always like
  ity”. Then after gaining admission into FUTO, I       to look for balance in everything I do. My motto is
  decided to focus more on my graphics designing,       speed, satisfaction and quality. Once I get a job, I
  and just stock with the name Sharpy Emmy, so          try to do it as fast as possible. I don’t like procrasti-
  that’s how it all started.                            nating stuff.

  How big is Sharpy Emmy then?                          Where do you see Sharpy Emmy in the next five
     I’m not in position to say, put since you’ve       years?
  put it to me, I’d say very big. The movement has         I see myself in the entertainment industry. I see
  been able to empower some students, like last         Sharpy Emmy movement making a huge statement
  year, we had a selfie challenge, where the winner     in the music and entertainment industry.
  was awarded a vintage shirt of his choice at SKB
  stores; and also a free photo session at Deezey       Would you like to go back to music?
  Media. So, in my view, I think Sharpy Emmy               I still do music. I still rap; I produce music too,
  movement is quite big.                                but right now, I’m just focusing more on graphic
  That’s cool, I wish won that, where was I?nmn I
  that; where was I?** (laughs) **                      Can’t wait for Sharpy Emmy to explode ooh…
                                                            **haha…** me too
  let’s talk about graphics designing. What is the
  graphic deisgn market like in Futo? now. What         it was nice having this interview with you
     Highly lucrative. You know the world today            Yeah, same here. I had a great time.
  is all about packaging, which all boils down to
  graphic designing. I heard someone say that ”de-      Hope we get to work together in the future?
  sign and programming is the new medicine and             That’ll be a real pleasure.
  law”. Every day, I get calls from different people,
  offering jobs and all. I’m a very busy person now,
  due to the nature of the graphics designing job.

Valour | 4
I am
     I am not African because I have a dark skin colour. Some Africans are light skinned (our
      unique diversity in colours). I am African because I am mentally intelligent, physically
       strong and willing to take on anyone and anything that stands in my way to progress.

      I am African because I believe in the cultures , tradition and heritage of my forefathers
     which I strive to boaster with technology each and every day. I am African because I am
     hospitable to everyone regardless of their tribe and religion because Africa has taught me
                          one thing; “diversification is the beauty of life”.

     I am African because I can withstand the harsh condition of life and still build an artifi-
     cial lake in the dry desert. I am African because I was naturally blessed by God almighty
                                       to excel anywhere I find

     Next time someone wants to know more about Africa, I don’t need to tell him much be-
                           cause Africa lives in me. Africa is not just a
     continent with over a billion people but rather a strong belief that you can be whatever
                         you choose to be regardless of the conditions
                                     starring you at the face.

                                           #I love Africa

                                                                  By - Eximus4Africa

Valour | 5

                 THE BIGGER PICTURE
   It’s the human nature to misinterpret an idea      Unlike profit oriented business people stick
                                                      to value creating businesses longer.
   or a concept and entrepreneurship is one of
                                                      Let’s look at Facebook, since the start of Face-
   those concepts that have been misinterpreted.
                                                      book, there has been at least a thousand other
   People see entrepreneurship as the process
                                                      social network, some even better than Face-
   of building a business to make a profit but it
                                                      book, but Facebook is still dominating. Why?
   goes beyond that. Entrepreneurship is actu-
                                                      Because when people needed to connect with
   ally the process of creating value. When you
                                                      one another Facebook acted as the bridge.
   stop creating value, you are no longer an en-
                                                      The idea now is to look beyond profit or
                                                      fame. Try to figure out what the society is
   The issue is that most people who venture
                                                      desperately in need of now. Value creating
   into business are profit oriented and it is not
                                                      business turn out to become big enterprises
   going to get them far. When you are profit
                                                      that dominate nations while profit oriented
   oriented, your business will will most likely
                                                      business just make wave for the now. Don’t
   meet it’s end. But those who create value are
                                                      sell people what they want, but rather make
   appreciated for generations.
                                                      them want what you sell. Go to them with the
   Today, there are lots of profit oriented busi-
   neses around and very few are value creating                 Learn That Skill!!!
   ones. Some might say what’s the difference?          Graphic Designing

   You are offering a product or service and           In a student setting, g
                                                                               raphic designing is o
                                                       the easiest skills one                         ne of
                                                                              can pick up and it’s lu
   people are paying but if another person offers      too. It doesn’t take m
                                                                              uch to learn, just a la
                                                       your creative mind.                           ptop and
   that product at a better quality and more af-
                                                       Graphic designing is
   fordable price they run from you.                                          always been overlook
                                                      means to earn while                           ed as a
                                                                             in school for reasons
                                                      yet to discover why. Y                       I’m still
                                                                              ou find only a few sele
                                                      elites taking it up pro                         cted
                                                      You must have definit
                                                                             ely heard the like of S
                                                     okhan, Sharpy Emmy                             ha-
                                                                            , blueprints media an
                                                     They are all students                          d so on.
                                                                            who just love express
                                                     creativity through gr                         ing their
                                                                           aphics designing and
                                                     have made a name fo                           they
                                                                           r themselves through
Valour | 6
Students Thought

                         ‘‘VC FOR FUTO
                           A FEMALE
   Some of you have silently thought about
   this, others have discussed it in great de-
                                                   Nedu: It’s a welcomed idea.

   tail at debates and get togethers, majority     Emeka: I feel she would be more com-
   have laughed over it saying it might never      passionate towards the needs of FUTO
   happpen. Most definitely it has crossed the     students.
   minds of most FUTO students and lectur-
   ers.                                            Amara: I think it’s high time we see deci-
                                                   sion making in FUTO from a woman.
   It is a simple question with a complicated
   answer. Valour had a mini survey asking         Ikenna: I don’t think she can bear the
   random FUTO students their thoughts on          burden.
   the topic “A FEMALE V.C FOR FUTO?”
                                                   What do you think? Will a female VC be
   Some students were eager to give their          best for FUTO?
   opinion, others hadn’t given it much
   thought and definitely you have the seri-
   ous ones who could care less about FUTO
   administration (rolls eyes) we wish them
                                                       Share your opinon via our
   5.0gpa shaa..
                                                               Facebook page at
   Here are some of the replies we got                facebook.com/valourweekly
                                                      Dont forget to like the page!!
   Chidera: It’s unanswerable

   Romario: It’s a NO-NO.

   Ossai: It’ll make a huge statement in the ac-
   ademic sector, but it won’t change much.
Valour | 7

              This weeks quiz on Valour is a little tricky, you have to be really smart to win it!
      Below are clues to different places in FUTO. Use the clues given to find the missing place.
     Some of the combined clues might result to one place so pay attention to all the hints for
                                                         each place. Goodluck. Have fun thinking!!

             1. ______ + _______ = 4 letters containing a double vowel + opposite of “bottom”
                                                                      Hint: - two different words
                                                                   - The first word ends with “T”

                      2. _______ + _______ = “a very pale blue colour” + “an edge of a river”
                                                                    Hint: - two different words

             3. _______ + _______ = rhymes with “dove” + “the grounds at the front or back
                                                                                  of a house”
                                                                   Hint: - two different words
                                                    -Get the correct pronounciation of “dove”

                                            4. _________ = “a misdeed” + “past tense of eat”
                                                                               Hint: one word

                                                     5. ________ = “an academic conference”
                                                                              Hint: - one word
                                                                           - Contains 7 letters

                6. _________ + _________ = “another form of sit” + synomym for “difficult”
                                                                           Hint: - two words
                                                                     - Use a dictionary. #lol

                                    To win the #1000 Recharge Card, follow the steps below;

                                                   -Follow us on Instagram @ ValourWeekly
                               -Like our Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/valourweekly
                            -Send your answers, Instagram and Facebook ID to 08123231874

Valour | 8
                                     Artiste of the week
                                     South African Award winning Rapper Cassper Nyovest
                                     could not hide his feelings any longer as he took to
                                     Twitter handle to Rain praises on Nigerian Star Musi-
                                     cian Wizkid.
                                     He wrote on his Twitter handle that ” Wizkid inspired
                                     me so much, I know we doing 2 different Genres of
                                     music but i dream of a day where SA Hip Hop travels
                                     the World like that”

 Ben Larson, a manager at Spiga Biotech. He works for Eliz-
 abeth, the estranged mother of his wife, Laura. In reality, he
 is a climate refugee from the Red Zone outside Milwaukee
 whose real name is Aaron, who has infiltrated the Green
 Zone, assuming the identity of Ben Larson to search for his
 childhood love Elena, who through a series of unfortunate
 circumstances has become an executive a high-end, inden-
 tured prostitute who works at a Spiga “executive club” called
 Arcadia, an exclusive brothel for senior Spiga executives.           Movie of the week

                                  A Nigerian novelist is following in the steps of Chidiamaka
                                  Adiche by taking her literary work to TV.
                                  Nnedi Okorafor, has just sold the rights of her novel , ‘Who
                                  Fears Death’ to HBO. The network which is behind hit TV se-
                                  ries, ‘Game of Thrones’’ will develop it into a TV series.
                                  The 43 year old Nigerian born, American novelist holds a PhD
                                  in English from the University of Illinois, Chicago. She is also a
                                  past winner of Wole Soyinka’s Prize for Literature in Africa.
                                  The series is going to be executive produced by George RR
                                  Martin. He is also the co-executive producer of ‘Game of

 Davolee X MR Bee X Pelepele X Rhymes bobo X
 Tpops smallz & Hwealth – Pray For Ikorodu. Word
 on the street in Ikorodu is that, a once peaceful me-
 tropolis is now a lions den where families are been
 slaughtered on a daily basis for ritual purposes by a
 fraternity movement called (BADDO).
 Before the scourge consumes us all, This is wake up            Music of the week
 call appealing to the Government to assist in fighting
 this barbaric act before the scourge consumes us all.
Valour | 9

                                                      The oxford is one of the most popular

                                                      styles due to its ability to go with just about
                                                      everything. For general everyday wear, stick
                                                      to a dark brown or black standard leather.
   The derby is very similar to the oxford,           it should be worn for formal occasions or
   only difference being that both facing and         with dressed up outfits
   the quarter is stitched on top of the vamp
   which is the opposite for an oxford shoe, this
   construction which is called open lacing”
   gives the derby a wider fit compared to ox-
   ford. The derby’s are also formal dress shoes      THE MONKSTRAP
   thst should be appropriately worn with cor-
   porate attires.

                                                      The monkstrap serves as an intermediate
                                                      between the oxford and the derby in terms
   THE LOAFER                                         of formality, featuring a similar shape expect
                                                      for the lacing in which the eyelet closure is
                                                      replaced by a strap and buckle closure.
                                                      replaced by a strap and buckle closure.

   The loafer is a moccasin inspired shoe that                         FASHION TIP
   is recognized easily by its slip on styling. The   It would only be appropriate if we give the
   loafers often feature a saddle, or decoration,     most basic rule in fashion; “the color of your belt
   that consists of a plane strap, a strap with a     must be the same with the color of your shoe”.
   slit, a metal bit or tassels. These dress shoes
                                                      This rule applies when you tuck in your shirts
   could be worn with semi-formal attire and
   also with corpoate outfits                         in for a cooperate or a casual look. It makes no
                                                      difference if the shirt is not tucked in.
Valour | 10


 Built like a standard oxford, the dress boot
 is generally of the same shape with a longer        The brogue simply refers to the decora-
 shaft, it often features *** broguing on the toe    tive perforations in various patterns on the
 and along its seams and rises over the angle.       dress shoes. Any shoe and toe style can have
 These are not necessarily worn with suits but       brogueing. Brogueing is most often seen on
 more likely a shirt tucked into skinny jeans.       oxfords, derbys and monkstraps shoes . It is
 This is one of the best ways to rock the dress      available in four different toe caps.
 boots, it is definately a semi-formal shoe.

 CHELSEA BOOT                                        CHUKKA BOOT

 The Chelsea boot can easily add a cool touch
 to jeans, but can also give a slightly attractive   Chukkas are ankle length boots with two
 look to tailored suits. A pair in polished leath-   or three pairs of eyelets on each side of a
 er can be paired either formally or casually.       lace up closure. It is either worn casually or
 While you may want to reserve your suede            semi-formlally but with nice jeans.
 pair to casual or semi formal outings only.

                                   SHOES              VINTAGE

                                                     These guys have been in the game
                                                     for quite some time, and they are not
  These are bad guys, out to destroy your            showing any signs of going away any-
  fashion image. It would take the high-             time soon.
  est level of fashion technicality to pull
  of something good with these guys on.              You could rock them with blazers
  For your own fashion safety, don’t wear            and chinos trousers for the classic
  them.                                              semi-formal look, or you could sim-
                                                     ple wear them with jeans for that cool
                                                     look. Please, brother if you are not a
                                                     fashion guy, run away from these.
Valour | 11
Valour | 12
Valour | 12

              How far can young eagles fly?

 The National football team, the super eagles as     The future of the most experienced and older
 they are known as currently are enjoying their      players in the team, like John Mikel Obi, Brown
 best run of form over the past two years.           Ideyi, and Odion Igholo are now in jeopardy
                                                     due to their move to Asia.
 After failing to qualify for two consecutive AF-
 CON tournament, the eagles are in pole posi-
                                                     The team will now have to depend on the expe-
 tion to qualify for the coming mundiod in Rus-
                                                     rience of players like Carl Ileheme, Leon Balia-
 sia next year, as they seat on top of their group
                                                     gun, Elderson Echujile, Ahmed Musa, Kenneth
 having won their first two games.
                                                     Omeruo and Ogenyi Onazi, though the last two
 Much credit has been given to the current tech-     players named are not aged above 25yrs.
 nical adviser, Gernot Rohr, due to his tactical
 brilliance, and his ability to attract young for-   Let’s just hope that the world cup ticket would
 eign groomed players to the squad.                  be the price we have to pay for having a very
                                                     young squad.
 The young player add youthful energy and flair
 to the team, but their lack of experience can
 prove costly to the national team.
 The current National team boasts of the young-                         This is                  FOOTBA
                                                                                  a  s i                      LL MAT
                                                                    on the               m  ple gam                      H
 est squad in Africa, and one of the youngest in                             fans ab
                                                                                         i lity to
                                                                                                       e, whic
                                                                      numbe                        r            h focu
 the world. The inclusion of player like Noah                                  r of th               emem               ses
                                                                                            e playe          b er
                                                                                                     rs in th the jersey
 Saranin Bazee(21), Tyronne Ebuchi(21), Isaac                                              questio            e game
                                                                                                     n .                in
                                                                  The pr
 Success(21), Uche Agbo(21), Chigozie Awa-                     name       ocess i
                                                                      with th s simple, su
 zum(20),and Stephen Odey(19) to the team                       into th        e corre                bstitut
                                                                       e equa                spond            e playe
                                                                                tion an             ing jer            rs
 already having established players squad mem-                                                d solve        sey nu
                                                              This w                                   . Simp         mber
                                                                     eek we                                    le righ
 bers such as Etebo(22), Kelechi Iheanacho(21),             team i            t a k e                                  t?
                                                                   n the o             a  look a
                                                                           ngoing                  t the P
 Alex Iwobi(21), Wilfred Ndidi(20), William                                             FIFA c              ortugu
                                                           Equati                i n              onfede             ese
                                                                  on; (R             Russia                 ration
 Troost(23) and Moses Simon(21), hardly leaves                            o
                                                                SQRT naldo + Pep
                                                                                                .                   cup
                                                          Send y      ( Ande                   e)/Bein
 room experience.                                                our an         g  omes +                 ado Si
                                                                         swers                  Ruipat            ra +
                                                                                  to our                 neto)
                                                                            and an            F aceboo
                                                                                       swer               k page
Valour | 13

 We all love food, virtually meals with great taste. I’m sure we all care of what we eat, since we don’t
 just shove anything we see out there into our mouth. So here are some simple but awesome meal reci-
 pes you could try out.

 Oatmeal Cookies
 Recipe for 3 Dozens
 2 sticks of butter
 ¾ cups brown sugar
 ½ cup of granulated sugar
 1 egg
 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring
 1 cup of flour
 1 teaspoon of baking soda                             1 teaspoon of grounded nutmeg
 1 teaspoon of grounded cinnamon                       3 cups of oats
 In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar until creamy
 In a separate bowl add the egg and vanilla and beat together
 In another bowl add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg, then mix properly
 With oat in a separate bowl add all the prepared mixtures from the above procedures and stir
 Form dough into any shape of your choice, put in a pan and into the oven
 Heat for about 8-9 minutes and voila! You have your crunchy oat meal cookies.
Valour | 14

 Turmeric Rice Recipe (Yellow Rice)
 Now the wonderful thing about this rice is that you don’t need any tomato stew to make it.
 2-3 cups of parboiled rice
 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder (known as yellow ginger in Naija)
 1 teaspoon of curry powder
 1 teaspoon of black pepper
 1 small red onion
 2-3 cups of chicken stock
 A small quantity of red pepper
 A handful of green peas

 Cooking Procedures

 Pour prepared chicken stock into a sizeable pot
 Add turmeric powder, curry powder and black pepper
 Cover and cook till it boils
 Add parboiled rice, stir and make sure the water is on the same level with the rice
 Add salt as needed and cook on medium heat
 One water is almost dry, add dried pepper (remove all the pepper seed), bell pepper, onion
 and green peas
 Stir the rice with spatula to mix properly with the vegetables.
 And you have yourself Yellow rice.

Valour | 15

                                               “A FRUIT A DAY...”

      T he importance of fruits in our daily diet cannot be overemphasized.
      The minerals and vitamins contained in each fruit helps provide anti-

       bodies with the essential minerals for proper functioning of the body.

      Fruits ease bowel movement thereby preventing constipation which

         makes it easy for us to do number 2, if you know what I mean. #lol

      Each fruit contains its own minerals and has a particular part of the body

              it helps function properly, so no fruit is better than the other.

                              Carrots are Good for the eyes.

      So instead of stuffing down that whole plate of carbohydrate, why not

                    have a bowl of fruit, to help you remain healthy.
Valour | 16

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