St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303

Page created by Erica Mccormick
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
St.Thomas More Church
                   374 Middlesex Road • Darien, Connecticut • 06820
                                                    (203) 655-3303

 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord • April 14, 2019
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
WWW.STMDARIENCT.ORG                                                       PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD                                                   APRIL 14, 2019

       Saint Thomas More Church                                                                                              FROM THE RECTORY
                            Parish Office Hours                                                                                  This week Christians should be making a
                    9:00AM to 3:00PM Monday - Thursday                                                                           determined effort to find time to focus their
                                                                                                                                 thoughts, imagination and prayers on the
                         9:00AM to 1:00PM Friday
                                                                                                                                 sacredness of these days. We define
                                                                                                                                 ourselves by what we chose to believe, and
Liturgical Schedule                                                                                 whether we choose to live according to
Saturday Vigil Mass .......................................................................... 4:30PM                            those beliefs. As self professed Catholics our
Sunday Masses .......................7:30AM, 8:45AM, 10:00AM Family Mass                                                         core belief is that we are children of God
                      11:30AM Choir Mass (during school year) & 5:15PM                                                           and find ourselves enslaved to sin and death.
Confessions .................................................... Saturdays 3:45PM-4:15PM                                         We are unable to free ourselves from our
                                  Sundays 8:15AM-8:45AM & 4:45PM-5:15PM                                                          bondage by our own power. But Jesus, the
Baptisms ........................................... Sundays 12:30PM (by appointment)                      divine Son of God, humbled himself to become man, born of the
Daily Masses (Monday-Saturday) ................................................9:00AM                      Blessed Virgin Mary. Now by uniting ourselves to Christ the God-
Eucharistic Adoration ...........................First Fridays 10:00AM-5:00PM                              man we can unite our humanity with his divinity. By following the
                                                                  Blessed Sacrament Chapel                 Way he lived, believing in the Truth he professed we share in the
                                                                                                           fullness of Life that comes from the Father, the only power
Parish Staff                                                               known to us by which we can conquer sin and death.
Rev. Paul G. Murphy, Pastor ........................................... 655-3303 ext 12
Rev. John Connaughton, Priest-in-Residence................655-3303 ext 18                                  The fullest celebration of Easter is participating in the three day
Rev. Mr. Gauthier Vincent, Deacon............................................ 219-9275                     celebration of the Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the
Anna Bauts, Business Manager...................................... 655-3303 ext 25                         Easter Vigil. Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper. The
Office Manager ................................................................. 655-3303 ext 10           priest washes the feet of twelve parishioners imitating Christ's
Susan Lattimer, Administrative Assistant ....................... 655-3303 ext 24                           acts of love in humble service to others. The solemn procession of
                                                                                                           the Blessed Sacrament from the main altar to a beautifully
Faith Formation K-5                                                            decorated altar of repose evokes the image of Jesus instituting the
Maria Hillman, Director................................................... 655-3077 ext 14                 gift of the Eucharist, his walk to the Garden of Gethsemane where
Geraldine Flynn, Administrative Assistant .....................655-3077 ext 23                             he spent the night before his arrest in prayer. The traditional visit
                                                                                                           to seven churches that evening is a way for us to keep vigil with
Faith Formation 6-8                                                           Jesus and answer the request he made to his disciples that night,
Jennifer Sommer, Coordinator........................................ 655-6295 ext 15                       "Can you not pray with me one hour?" We are supporting him
Betsy Reilly, Administrative Assistant ............................. 655-6295 ext 21                       with our prayers during that agonizing hour in which our sins
                                                                                                           passed before his eyes and the devil tempted him to abandon the
Youth Ministry                                                                 Cross.
Susan Lattimer, Coordinator ........................................................655-3303
                                                                                                           The starkness of the Church on Good Friday stripped of all her
Music Ministry                                                              decorations except the Crucifix reminds us of the emptiness of
Galen Tate, Music Director/Organist.............................. 655-3303 ext 19                          the world without Christ and the somber and sacred tone that
                                                                                                           should mark the day Christ died for our sins. Our coming forward
                                                                                                           to venerate the cross with a kiss is a public display of our love for
Happiness Preschool                    
                                                                                                           Christ and a humble act of thanksgiving to him for his willingness
Maria Hillman, Director................................................... 655-6053 ext 14
                                                                                                           to suffer and die for our sins.
Geraldine Flynn, Administrative Assistant .....................655-6053 ext 23
                                                                                                           When we enter the dark church on Holy Saturday for the Easter
Adult Faith Formation                                                                                      Vigil and then see the darkness banished by the lighting of the
Jim Davis, RCIA................................................                    Paschal candle, then gradually watch the church become a glow
Maryann Knag, Tuesday Bible Study ..........................                                with light through the spreading of that one tiny light to each
                                                                                                           parishioner's own candle, we have a powerful image of the light of
Outreach & Ministries                                                                                      Christ's resurrection shining in the world and the power of
Women’s                               Christ's resurrection to banish the darkness of sin and death from
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Patty Catino ...............                                   our lives.
Bereavement, Lillian Toll ............................................................... 966-9367
                                                                                                           I encourage all of our parishioners to mark this Holy Week by
Lay Leadership                                                                                             participating in all of the Catholic Church's rituals, especially by
Joseph D. Roxe, Parish Trustee .................................................... 655-9908               participating in the rites of the Holy Triduum. I make that
Brian D.Young, Parish Trustee...................................................... 972-1178               recommendation particularly to our parishioners who have never
Mary Jo Dyer, Finance Council Chairperson..........                                      experienced the fullness of the celebration of Holy Week and
                                                                                                           Easter in this way. And whether we are able to attend all of the
Other Contacts                                                                                             Church's Holy Week liturgies let us at least commit ourselves to
Parish FAX .................................................................................... 655-6478   marking this week as a sacred time. What we say and do should be
Faith Formation & Happiness Preschool FAX ...................... 655-8901                                  a sign that this is the week we recall that our Savior Jesus Christ
Parish E-mail.......................................................                suffered and died for us and the for the salvation of the world.
Parish Media (Website/Bulletin).............
                                                                                                                                                             God Bless, Fr. Paul
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
APRIL 14, 2019                                             PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD                           WWW.STMDARIENCT.ORG

           CHURCH RENOVATION UPDATE                                                                    MASS INTENTIONS
                         What's going on over in the Church?                                    Saturday, April 13
                The focus of the renovation activities has been on                    9:00 AM   Don Caglianese               The Bumgardner Family
                the installation of the infrastructure to support                     4:30 PM   Edwin J. McGuinn Jr               The Giesen Family
                the numerous systems inside the building which
                were inefficient and obsolete. That work continues                              Sunday, April 14
and there has been a great degree progress to report, the              7:30 AM                  George Higgins    The Fallon Family
following are a few highlights.                                        8:45 AM                  Robert Eldredge
                                                                                                              Ruth and Bob Byrnes
                                                                      10:00 AM                          Angelo Calleppi and Family
                                                                                                Anne and Stephen Cappelli
•   EverSource, the electrical utility company, completed the 11:30 AM                                      Chris and Gene Cronin
                                                                                                Mary McCullagh
    installation of a large power transformer that now provides
                                                                       5:15 PM                  Kathleen Glen Doyle
                                                                                                          The Erin Hannon Family
    permanent power to the building. The power is distributed to
    the building electrical circuit panels.                                                     Monday, April 15
•   More than a mile of electrical conduits and wiring are in place 9:00 AM Jon O'Connor                    Judy and John McCarty
    and wired.
                                                                               Tuesday, April 16
•   The temporary power line that spans from the Rectory over
    to the outside of the church building can now be removed.          9:00 AM Carmine Gallo                              Phil Gallo
•   New high efficiency LED light fixtures have been installed in              Wednesday, April 17
    the ceiling.
•   Over 7000 square feet of sheetrock is being on the ceiling and 9:00 AM Jim Malone                    Rick and Cathy Burkhardt
    walls in the Nave and Narthex.                                             Thursday, April 18
•   The new energy efficient Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
                                                                        8:00PM The People of the Parish
    system ductwork is completed; the large cooling units are
    located on the roof in the rear of the building are installed and          Friday, April 19
    work continues to make them operational. A new boiler and           3:00PM The Passion & Veneration
    oil storage tanks are installed in the heating equipment room.             of the Cross
•   A large wood platform which serves as a base for the
    Sanctuary floor marble is completed.                                       Saturday, April 20
•   New roofing material has been installed on the rear of the          8:00PM The People of the Parish
    building.                                                                  Sunday, April 21
•   The main entrance and the pediment above has been enclosed
    with plywood to protect the finish work being performed 7:30 AM The People of the Parish
    inside.                                                            8:45 AM The People of the Parish
•   The new stained glass windows are in the final stage of 10:00 AM The People of the Parish
    manufacturing. Rohlf Studios, located in Mount Vernon NY is 11:30 AM The People of the Parish
    producing the windows. Rohlf Studios was contracted by the
    Archdiocese of New York to restore all the stained glass in St.          HOLY WEEK AT ST.THOMAS MORE
    Patrick's Cathedral in NYC several years ago.
If you missed the opportunity to contribute to our Church
Renovations and would like to participate, please contact the
Parish Office at 655-3303 or

Be sure to visit our Flickr page by going to or scan the                   RECONCILIATION MONDAY ✝ April 15, 2019
above QR code to see the progress of our church renovations.                                     Confessions from 3:00PM to 9:00PM
                                                                                            St. Aloysius Parish, 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan
                             AT T EN T ION                                                         St. John Parish, 1986 Post Road, Darien
      Please be extra careful driving and walking in the                                    St. Matthew Parish, 216 Scribner Avenue, Norwalk
    parking lot due to the ongoing construction activities.
                                                                                                HOLY THURSDAY ✝ April 18, 2019
                           STEWARDSHIP                                                              8:00PM Mass • Parish Hall
                                                                                            Seven-Church Pilgrimage • 9:30PM-11:00PM
                                                                                                  GOOD FRIDAY ✝ April 19, 2019
           Blessings for                                                              Passion & Veneration of the Cross • 3:00PM • Parish Hall
              April 7                Actual        Budget         Variance
                                                                                            Stations of the Cross • 7:30PM • Parish Hall
    Weekly Offertory                 $21,006         $26,914         -$5,909
                                                                                                  HOLY SATURDAY ✝ April 20, 2019
    Month-to-Date Offertory          $21,006         $26,914         -$5,909                         8:00PM Mass • Parish Hall
    FY-to-Date Offertory            $761,266       $845,020        -$83,755                     EASTER SUNDAY ✝ April 21, 2019
                                                                                        Masses at 7:30AM • 8:45AM • 10:00AM • 11:30AM
The chart above details our weekly, monthly and fiscal year-to-date offertory             Easter Sunday Masses will be celebrated in the
contributions. Also, please remember St.Thomas More Parish in your estate planning.    Darien High School Auditorium, 80 High School Lane
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
WWW.STMDARIENCT.ORG                                  PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD                                         APRIL 14, 2019

            SEVEN-CHURCH PILGRIMAGE                                          Tuesday Bible Study Group
                                                                                          You are invited. Come pray, read and ponder with us
All parishioners are invited to join Father Paul on a special Seven-
                                                                                          as we study Sacred Scripture and experience the
Church Pilgrimage on Holy Thursday, April 18. We will visit 7
                                                                                          “words of Eternal Life”! We meet in the Rectory
local churches following the 8:00PM Mass at STM. Main altars are
                                                                                          Annex on Tuesdays from 9:30AM to 11:00AM.
stripped; all crosses are either removed or covered, and the
                                                                                          (Check the STM website for all dates.) This group is
blessed sacrament is placed in a tabernacle on the altar of repose.
                                                                                          presenting an original 16 week curriculum entitled,
The reason for this worldwide tradition to visit local churches is
                                                                             “Mary, the Mother of God and Our Mother”. We continue with
to spend time and prayer in commemoration of Jesus’ night in
                                                                             “Mary in History”, “Mary and the Catechism of the Catholic
prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane. If you would like to go on
                                                                             Church”, “Appearances of Mary and her Messages”, Titles of Mary,
this pilgrimage an itinerary and directions to all of the churches
                                                                             Statues and Depictions”, “Mary and the Mysteries of the Rosary”,
will be distributed Holy Thursday evening at the Blessed
                                                                             “Mary and Some Mystics: Private Revelations”; “Mary and You”. All
Sacrament Chapel.
                                                                             are welcome - Bible beginners to Bible scholars. Led by Catholic
                                                                             Scripture scholar, Maryann Knag, MAT, MAR, she teaches under
          ADULT RELIGIOUS FORMATION                                          the Magisterium and has been leading groups in CT and RI since
Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion                             2004. For more information contact Maryann at 213-4809 or

                                                                             Tuesday Bible Study can now be seen on                ! Scan the QR
                                                                             code above to visit her channel.

                                                                                HAPPINESS PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION
                                                                                                    We are in the process of registering for
                                                                                                    this coming school year!! We have our
                                                                                                    Drop Off Twos Program (which we have a
                                                                                                    few one day Friday spots left in), our 3s, 4s,
                                                                                                    and PreK programs which are filling up
                                                                                                    quickly. If you would like a tour of our
                                                                                                    Preschool please call and arrange one soon.
                                                                                                    In addition to our classes, we offer after
                                                                             school enrichment of Karate, Gymnastics, Soccer, Multi Sports,
                                                                             Bookworms (Art and Literature) and Yoga as a before school
Pictured above from left to right: Father Paul, Kelly Whipple, Audry Vulha   enrichment class. In addition our enrichment during school hours
(sponsor),Vickie Coghlin, and Jim Davis (RCIA Coordinator)                   is varied and includes Music, Animal Embassy, Godly Play and for
                                                                             the 4s and PreK, weekly Spanish lessons. Please call Maria Hillman
The Rite of Election, traditionally held on the first Sunday of Lent,        at 655-6053 to schedule a tour.
is a celebration of the Lord’s choosing of men and women, who
with the help of the Church acknowledge God’s election of them               COMMUNION TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND
for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at
Easter. The Call to Continuing Conversion marks the final period             If you know of someone who, due to illness or physical
of preparation for Christians of other faiths to be received into            limitations, cannot attend Mass, and would like to receive the
full communion with the Catholic Church. On Sunday, March 10,                Eucharist, contact the parish office to arrange a home visit by a
the St. Thomas More RCIA team participated in this diocese-wide              priest or one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: of-
celebration at St. Theresa Church in Trumbull. Over 250             or 655-3303.
catechumens and candidates from over 37 parishes attended this
service celebrated by Bishop Caggiano. We offer our prayers and              ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT
support to Kelly Whipple and Vickie Coghlin as they prepare for
the Easter Sacraments and full communion with the Church.                    & DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS
Working Through Bereavement                                                           Friday, May 3, 2019 - 10:00AM-5:00PM
           How do you live with grief so that you can turn                   On First Fridays the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration
           unhappiness into gratitude and even to joy? NEW DAY               on the altar of the Chapel from 10:00AM-5:00PM. At 4:45PM,
           is a unique program that helps to find meaning to all             following the Litany to the Sacred Heart, we celebrate
           facets of your loss and to take necessary steps to                Benediction before reposing the Blessed Sacrament in the
           move forward into your life well lived. Beginning                 tabernacle. To be with Him will reassure you that because of his
           Wednesday, April 24, for nine consecutive Wednesdays,             glorious resurrection you have nothing to fear. To adore Jesus in
           join trained and experienced bereavement facilitators             the Eucharist is to receive and enjoy the gift of his eternal real
with others bearing their loss to begin this most important                  presence. The Eucharist is Jesus' gift of himself to us. He is truly
journey. Meetings are held from 7:30PM to about 9:00PM in the                there, in the tabernacles of the world, in the form of simple bread
Rectory Annex. Positively confidential, this non-denominational              consecrated into his sacred body, blood, soul and divinity. From
program is offered free of charge to the surrounding community.              there he offers us the comfort of his company and the gift of his
Registration is required. Please call Lillian Toll at 966-9367.              love. Spending time with Him will remind you that he loves you
                                                                             so much he willingly laid down his
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
APRIL 14, 2019                                PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD                        WWW.STMDARIENCT.ORG

                                                                                  AROUND THE DIOCESE
                                                                   Shepherds Mentoring
                                                                   Want to make a REAL Difference? Join the Shepherds’ team! Each
                                                                   spring, dozens of deserving Bridgeport and New Haven area
   Join your fellow Parishioners who are using                     incoming high school students and their families come to
                                                                   Shepherds seeking the great opportunity to join the Shepherds
                  Online Giving                                    program. What’s needed are people! People who share the desire
                     Enroll at:                                    to make a difference in the life of someone else. We call these
                             people Shepherds mentors and sponsors. Sign-up now to join the
                                                                   Shepherds team! You won’t regret it! You will make a difference!
          or the Parish Office: 655-3303                           Contact Dan McAuliffe, Executive Director to find out how you
                                                                   can make a difference too! Email or
           Thank You For Your Support!                             call 367-4273.Visit

                                                                   2019 Wedding Jubilee Mass and Concert
                                                                   On Sunday, May 5 at 3:00PM at St. Theresa Church (Trumbull),
                                                                   Bishop Caggiano will celebrate the 2019 Wedding Jubilee Mass.
                                                                   This Mass is for couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50+
                                                                   year anniversaries. Mass will be followed by a concert by the
                               GET THE                             Diocesan Youth Choir. To register, visit:
                               FREE APP                            faith-formation. There is no cost to attend. RSVP by April 25.
                                                                   Middle School Youth Rally - Saturday, May 4
                                                                   Open to all students grades 6-8, this Diocesan event will be held
                                                                   at All Saints Catholic School in Norwalk from 9:30AM-2:30PM.
Our Parish Q2 FY2019 Financial Report is now available. Copies     Nationally known speaker & musician Steve Angrisano will give
of the report can be found in the back of the Parish Hall or you   the keynote. The day includes: Music, Lunch, Games, Confession,
may access it online:                    Service Project and Adoration! $25.00 per student. Register
                                                                   online by April 23 at
  ANNUAL BUNNY BRUNCH & EGG HUNT                                   Questions? Call the Office of Faith Formation at 416-1670.
Over 200 people attended the Bunny Brunch. Children enjoyed
the Danny Magic Show & the egg hunt. How wonderful to see
our Parish so vibrant! A special thank you to Cara Rachinsky and
Sarah Caras for all their help organizing this fun event.

                                                                   Sexual Abuse Hotline
                                                                   As a part of the investigation into clergy sexual abuse of minors
                                                                   and the Diocesan response, a hotline has been established for
                                                                   those who wish to communicate with the Judge and his team.
                                                                   Survivors or any others affected by abuse are encouraged to
                                                                   contact the hotline to discuss past incidents of abuse or their
                                                                   experience with the Diocese in regards to such abuse. The
                                                                   hotline can be reached as follows:
                                                                   • ONLINE:
                                                                   • TOLL-FREE CALL: English USA/Canada 833-990-0004
                                                                   • TOLL-FREE CALL: Spanish USA/Canada 800-216-1288
                                                                   • E-MAIL:
                                                                   When contacting the hotline, an individual may or may not
                                                                   choose to identify him or herself. Reports of sexual abuse of a
                                                                   minor not previously reported should be directed to the
                                                                   Department of Children and Families Care line at 800-842-2288
                                                                   or to your local Police. In addition, the Diocesan Safe
                                                                   Environment Office encourages survivors who have not reported
                                                                   abuse to call 650-3265 or 241-0987.
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
WWW.STMDARIENCT.ORG                                 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD                                              APRIL 14, 2019

 SAINT THOMAS MORE FAITH FORMATION                                                            CONFIRMATION NEWS
  Office Hours: Monday through Thursday • 10:00AM-5:00PM                    On behalf of Fr. Paul Murphy and our entire St. Thomas
                                                                            More family, Congratulations to our 2019 Confirmation
                    FIRST COMMUNION                                         Candidates!
First Eucharist Celebrations by class. Should your class date
present a problem for your family please email us as soon as
possible. Maria Hillman:

           Saturday, April 27  Saturday, April 27
                10:00am             12:30pm
            Sunday Classes     Wednesday Classes
          Mrs. Gina Gromeleski   Mrs. Cristi Mohr
            Mrs. Trish Leahy    Mrs. Kerry Merkt
                 Sr. Rosna
           Saturday, May 11     Saturday, May 11
                10:00am             12:30pm
           Monday Classes      Thursday Classes
            Mrs. Karyn Hall     Mrs. Lisa Schofield
          Mrs. Elizabeth Duffy   Mrs. Felice Marcy
           Mrs. Adrienne Kelly

                   MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS
Quote of the Week
Palm Sunday is like a glimpse of Easter. It’s a bit joyful after being
somber during Lent.” - Laura Gale                                           Jack Alexander Matthew Baliotti        Keith Michael Roy Kulis
                                                                            Brendan Michael Aloysius Barrett       Brenna Catherine Kunz
              YOUTH GROUP CALENDAR                                          Mark Joseph Elmo Bennett               Anthony Francis Lamendola
                                                                            George Allen James Biolsi              Amelia Jane Cecilia Lancaster
Following the 5:15PM Mass, the Youth Group meets from 6:15PM                Katherine Elinor Margaret Bloomer      Cian Padriag Lawrence LeVine
to 7:45PM in the Parish Hall. All high schoolers are welcome to             Lewis Paul Anthony Bremer              Sofia Anabel Teresa Llovera
                                                                            Theodore Patrick Francis Callery       Andrew Blake Christopher Logsdon
join at any time and are encouraged to come to the events on the            Victoria Francesca Veronica Caruso     Tyler John Thomas Lombardo
YG calendar.                                                                Lucas Alberto Luke Cepeda              Connor Robert Brendan Lombra
                                                                            Quinn Honora Catherine Connolly        Robert Charles John Paul MacLehose
 Sun.   April 14    Mass & No YG - Palm Sunday                              Cole Thomas Christopher Conway         Katelyn Grace Anne Mancini
                                                                            Christopher David Thomas Cope          Luke Givens William Maruszewski
 Sun.   April 21    No 5:15PM Mass & No YG - Easter                         Annie Terese Cornell                   Mac Charles Patrick McGahren
 Sun.   April 28    Mass & YG Visit to St. John Fisher Seminary             Lily Carolina Catherine Cowles         Anne Catherine Joan Melich
 Sun.   May 5       Mass & YG Mtg                                           Maggie Rose Anne Crotty                Owen Robert Patrick Miller
                                                                            James Prentis Christopher Culliton     Victoria Grace Catherine Moore
                                                                            Lindsey Thayer Christina Darby         Michael Vincent Patrick Mostofi
                                                                            Sophye Ellen Anne Davey                Anders Choisy Patrick Mueller
                                                                            Christian Thomas Albert Davidson       Finnegan James Patrick Murphy
                                                                            Jennifer Rose Camilla Davis            Jonathan Edward Christopher Nawrocki
                                                                            Anna Catherine Debano                  Adam Alexander Lawrence Nelson
                                                                            Ava Elizabeth Cecilia de Castro        Katherine D. Rose Nemec
                                                                            Matthew James George Della Russo       Caroline Crossley Anne Nicholls
                                                                            Davis Wesley Bartholomew Depp          Mimi Susannah Frances Novak
                                                                            Dylan James Gabriel DeRiso             Kiera Roe O'Brien
                                                                            Paige Mary Helena Domenici             Cooper Maximilian Osinski
                                                                            Lucy Bernadette Duggan                 Andrew Martin Bernard Pasierb
                                                                            Thomas Vincent Dupont                  Olivia Lynn Melangell Perkins
                                                                            Lane Lucy Durkin                       Katherine Jane Anne Pombar
The Youth Group, Fr. Paul and Fr. John visited the Sisters of Life in       Connor Terrance Patrick Fagan          Eduardo Sebastian Paul Raz Guzman
Stamford for dinner, Adoration and Night Prayer. All enjoyed speaking       Ava Rose Ann Faugno                    Matthew Nicholas Stephen Riccardi
with the sisters and learning about their mission especially their vow to   Peter Sullivan Christopher Ferguson    Jillian Cecilia Roche
protect the sacredness of human life.                                       Michelle Ruth Mei Bernadette Ferrone   Miranda Gillian Brigid Roche
                                                                            Danielle Alexa Cecilia Fiordaliso      Ryan Joseph Richard Roderick
                                                                            Matthew Xavier Fisher                  Benjamin Rodney Albert Ruddy
Visit to St. John Fisher Seminary - April 28                                Thad Samuel Sebastian Hall             Gregory John Anthony Saba
Following the 5:15PM Mass, Fr. John has arranged for us to visit            Cillian Aengus Patrick Hallinan        Aidan Michael Michael Schuck
                                                                            Marc Emmett William Heissan            Caleb Joseph Sebastian Seiden
the St. John Fisher Seminary in Stamford for a brief tour and               Josephine Elizabeth Herbert            Craig James Matthew Sheehan
Eucharistic Adoration. Pizza will be served. This is a great event          Quincy Thomas Patrick Hughes           Ryan Grant Matthew Smith
and you will hear how priests discern their vocation and                    Charles James Thomas Hughes            Alexandria Annarose Margarita Vairo
strengthen their spiritual & pastoral formation. Please email               Andrew Devin Lawrence Jaroch           Thomas Clinton Peter Warnock to sign up. Permission form can be found                 Lili Beatrice Teresa Jordan            Benjamin Daniel Christopher Wychulis
                                                                            Anne Caroline Keating                  Khrystos David Francis Yika-Nacarino
on the STM website.                                                         Jack Malcolm Michael Kelley            Nicholas Jihwan Christopher Yoo
St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303 St. Thomas More Church - 374 Middlesex Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 (203) 655-3303
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