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CIVIL LITIGATION - - Notes (April 2022)
Arthur S. Leonard

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    As a blood crisis diminishes the
blood supply within the United States, it
is incumbent upon policy makers to find
a way to mitigate any further damage.
One notable solution is to further reduce
or eliminate the MSM deferral period.                                                       attempts have been made to persuade
Seventeen other countries have moved                                                        the district court judges assigned to this
away from such a deferral, and the            CIVIL LITIGATION NOTES                        case after Judge Walker retired (and
United States should join that growing        By Arthur S. Leonard                          came out as gay) to unseal the video and
list. With proper planning and publicity,                                                   make it public were unsuccessful until
                                              Arthur S. Leonard is the Robert F. Wagner
an elimination of the deferral could                                                        2020, when the district court granted
                                              Professor of Labor & Employment Law
create an immediate jump in blood                                                           the request as ten years had passed
donations and end the current crisis.         Emeritus at New York Law School.              since the trial; the court authorized
    Men who have sex with men can                                                           availability of the video recording on
contribute to the ADVANCE study by            U.S. SUPREME COURT – On March                 the internet, and a divided 9th Circuit
                                              30, 2022, the Supreme Court docketed a
visiting its website and finding a location                                                 panel rejected proponents’ appeal on
                                              petition for certiorari by the proponents
near them. We should all do what we                                                         grounds of standing, finding that the
                                              of California Proposition 8, which
can to end this blood crisis and expand                                                     proponents had failed to demonstrate
                                              voters approved in 2008 to amend the
eligibility for blood donations. ■                                                          any tangible injury from the unsealing
                                              California Constitution to overrule a
                                                                                            of the video. The dissent argued that
                                              California Supreme Court marriage
Corey L. Gibbs is an LL.M. Candidate                                                        intangible injury to reputation also
                                              equality decision issued earlier that year.
in New York Law School’s Tax Program.                                                       should count for standing purposes.
                                              Hollingsworth v. Perry, No. 21-1304.
                                                                                            Now those of the proponents still intent
                                              The constitutionality of Proposition 8
                                                                                            on keeping the video from public view
                                              was successfully challenged in Perry
                                                                                            have asked the Supreme Court to step
                                              v. Schwarzenegger, 704 F. Supp. 2d
                                                                                            in. The first question presented, going
                                              921 (N.D. Cal. 2010) (holding that
                                                                                            to standing, is whether “the breach of
                                              Prop. 8 violated both the due process
                                                                                            Judge Walker’s binding promise to
                                              and equal protection clauses of the 14th
                                              Amendment, affirmed on other grounds,         Petitioner, upon which they reasonably
                                              sub nom Perry v. Brown, 667 F. 3d 1078        and detrimentally relied, cognizably
                                              (9th Cir. 2012). The proponents filed a       injures them,” which could give them
                                              cert petition, which was granted, only        standing to appeal the district court’s
                                              for the Supreme Court to decide, 5-4,         order. The second question is “Whether
                                              that the proponents did not have standing     the video recordings that Judge Walker
                                              to appeal the trial court’s ruling when       solemnly promised Petitioners would
                                              official state defendants decided not         not be made public may now be ordered
                                              to appeal. See Hollingsworth v. Perry,        publicly released over their objection.”
                                              133 S. Ct. 2652 (2013). Prior to the          Charles Cooper, who was the lead
                                              trial in this case, Chief District Judge      trial attorney for the Proponents (who
                                              Vaughn Walker announced his intention         intervened to defend Proposition 8
                                              to have the trial simulcast to various        when then-California Attorney General
                                              courtrooms, as the district courtroom         Jerry Brown declined to do so), is the
                                              in San Francisco was too small to             lead attorney on this certiorari petition.
                                              accommodate the enormous number of            There is some irony to this, because
                                              people interested in attending, but the       some years after the trial Cooper
                                              proponents protested and eventually the       attended the same-sex marriage of his
                                              Supreme Court ruled against Walker’s          daughter, and indicated that although
                                              plan. Then he announced that he               he did not believe that the Constitution
                                              intended to have a video recording made       requires the states to allow same-sex
                                              of the trial for his own use and, when the    couples to marry, he has no personal
                                              proponents protested again, he stated         objection to same-sex marriage.
                                              on the record in open court that the
                                              recording would not be made public but
                                              instead would be preserved under seal.        U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, 5TH
                                              Although the transcript of the trial was      CIRCUIT – He keeps coming back
                                              public, the recording remains under seal.     from Mexico, and they keep deporting
                                              At various times since the trial, various     him. In Garcia v. Garland, 2022 WL

                                                                                                April 2022 LGBT Law Notes 23
764077, 2022 U.S. App. LEXIS 6521           he submitted the 2007 and 2018 State          Higginson was appointed by President
(5th Cir., March 14, 2022), the court       Department County Reports on Mexico           Barack Obama.
rejected petitioner’s claim that because    in his motion to reopen and points out
the Notice to Appear he received did        that the 2018 report mentions violence
not specify the time and date of his        targeting LGBT persons in its preamble        U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, 9TH
removal proceedings, he was entitled        while the 2007 preamble does not.” But        CIRCUIT – Tempest in a teapot, or
to a do-over of the proceedings and the     the court asserted that “comparison of        serious 1st Amendment matter? In Riley’s
BIA’s refusal to reopen the proceedings     the preambles of the reports is not a         American Heritage Farms v. Elsasser,
was erroneous. The court notes that         ‘meaningful comparison’ between the           2022 WL 804108 (9th Cir., March 17,
he came to the U.S. in 1994, received       country conditions at both times . . .        2022), a 9th Circuit panel decided that
“voluntary administrative departure”        and Garcia has not provided evidence          a serious 1st Amendment issue – that
in 2001, returned to the U.S. “without      that the reports themselves show more         could not be determined on summary
having been admitted or paroled,”           than the continuation of a trend of           judgment – had been raised by James
then sent a notice to appear in 2004        discrimination and violence against           Patrick Riley, the operator of Riley’s
leading to an order of removal by an        LGBT individuals in Mexico. Nor does          American Heritage Farms and a person
Immigration Judge in 2007, which was        the 2019 report contain information           willing to tweet controversial right-wing
affirmed in 2008, he was deported in        specific to the treatment of HIV positive     views. Riley claims that the Claremont
2010, but he found his way across the       individuals.” The court also said that        Unified School District put his business
border without being formally admitted      other documents Garcia submitted were         providing     historical     reenactments
yet again. According to Judge Stephen       no more helpful to his case. But the real     for tourists and school groups on its
A. Higginson’s opinion for the court,       issue from Garcia’s perspective is that       banned list in retaliation for some of
the Notice to Appear in the current case,   his situation has change with his HIV         his tweets about which the District
which mentioned “a date to be set” and      diagnosis, but, said the court, “a change     received complaints from one parents
“a time to be set” for the hearing was      of personal circumstances cannot alone,       and another member of the public.
sufficient to comply with regulations.      without further support from other            Every year from 2001 to 1017, several
Petitioner’s second motion to reopen        changed conditions, qualify as changed        classes from various elementary schools
alleged that “he was recently diagnosed     country conditions.” Here is an example       in the District took field trips to Riley’s
with HIV and was receiving antiviral        of rigid bureaucratic thinking – perhaps      American Heritage Farms. In August
treatment.” He asserted that “country       induced by a literalistic reading of the      2018, Mr. Riley, the proprietor, using
conditions and his own personal             statute and regulations. But this seems       his individual Twitter account, posted
circumstances had changed since 2007        to be the nature of our refugee laws: even    comments that would be offensive to
and that because of his diagnosis,          if a realistic assessment of current facts    some people, about Senator Elizabeth
he would be perceived as a member           would support a conclusion that sending       Warren, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,
of the LGBT community and would             a particular person back to his home          Black Lives Matter, and gender
accordingly face a substantial risk of      country at this time would place him in       diversity. After a parent complained
persecution and/or torture on account       danger, that is essentially irrelevant to     to a teacher and suggested the district
of his membership in the particular         the issue whether the agency abused its       should not send field trips to Mr. Riley’s
social groups of: (1) ‘homosexuals in       discretion in finding based on the record     establishment, the matter ascended to
Mexico (imputed),’ (2) ‘individuals         before it that petitioner had not sustained   supervisory levels and the word went
in Mexico who are HIV positive’; and        his burden of showing changed country         out to the District Schools to think about
(3) ‘HIV positive men in Mexico’”.          conditions in order to justify reopening      alternatives to Riley’s establishment, as
The Board of Immigration Appeals            his case. The court concluded that            a result of which field trips to Riley’s
denied this petition to reopen as well.     because the petitioner had failed to          were cancelled. A local newspaper
The BIA found no change in country          show that the BIA abused its discretion       reported about the controversy that
conditions during the specified time        in denying his motion to reopen his case,     Riley’s posts had stimulated on
and no evidence sufficient to support       the court would not “reach his claims         Twitter and Facebook. Riley’s lawyer,
asylum or withholding claims based          concerning his eligibility for asylum         Thomas Eastmond, sent a letter to
on his described social groups. “Garcia     and withholding of removal. Petitioner        James Elsasser, the superintendent
has not carried his burden here,” wrote     is represented by Naimeh Salem of             of the School District, as well as to
Judge Higginson. “In support of his         Houston, TX. If he is removed again,          various board members, alleging that
argument that he has shown changed          is there any doubt he will attempt to         an unconstitutional policy banning
country conditions, Garcia says that        return if physically able to do so? Judge     field trips to Riley’s in retaliation for

24 LGBT Law Notes April 2022
his tweets should be rescinded. The           Donald J. Trump. As such, the panel           based on age, sexual orientation and
District disclaimed having a formal           is not representative of the majority         marital status in violation of the
policy; its position was that having been     ideological balance on the 9th Circuit,       California Fair Employment and
advised of Riley’s tweets, principals         where 18 active judges were appointed         Housing Act, and intentional infliction
and teachers decided against the field        by Presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden,       of emotional distress. These claims
trips. Is there a First Amendment issue       while 13 active judges were appointed         arose out of the common nucleus of
here? Riley thought so and filed suit.        by Presidents G.W. Bush and Trump.            facts alleged in the discrimination claim
The district court dismissed the School       Perhaps an en banc petition may change        against the company. District Judge
District as a defendant on sovereign          the result in this case. As Judge Ikuta       John W. Holcomb found that the facts
immunity grounds, but litigation              noted, there is no 9th Circuit controlling    alleged were sufficient under California
continued against the Superintendent          precedent on the 1st Amendment issue          law to state a claim against Heesch, and
and some board members. The district          as resolved by the panel in this opinion,     granted Randall’s motion to remand
court decided that these defendants           which is why the individual defendants        the case to state court, but denied
were entitled to qualified immunity as        enjoy qualified immunity from the             Randall’s request for attorneys’ fees
to monetary damages. But Riley was            damages claim.                                for representation in opposition to the
most interested in prospective injunctive                                                   removal motion. Randall is represented
relief, which would not be barred by                                                        by Mark Shipman Stiffler, Donald R.
immunity. However, former President           CALIFORNIA – In Randall v. Automatic          Holben, Paul H. Duvall, and Nia K.
Trump’s least favorite district judge,        Data Processing, Inc., 2022 WL                Perkinsm, of Donald R. Holben and
Jesus G. Bernal, concluded that there         843460, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 51639           Associates APC, San Diego, CA. Judge
was no evidence that the defendants           (C.D. Calif., March 21, 2022), Thomas         Holcomb was appointed by President
had a “policy” prohibiting future field       Randall, a California resident who is a       Donald J. Trump.
trips to Riley’s, so there was no need        gay man, sued his former employer and
for injunctive relief. The 9th Circuit        his former supervisor for discrimination
panel, in an opinion by Judge Sandra S.       because of age and sexual orientation,        DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA – Janice
Ikuta, joined by Judges Mark J. Bennett       failure to prevent discrimination and         Coclough was employed by Akal
and Ryan D. Nelson, found that under          harassment, and wrongful termination          Security, Inc., to work as a Court
9th Circuit precedents Riley and his          in violation of public policy. All of         Security Officer under its contract
establishment should be treated as the        Randall’s claims are stated solely under      providing security for the federal
equivalent of government employees for        state law, but the employer removed           courthouses in the District of Columbia.
First Amendment purposes, meaning             the case to federal court on diversity        She is a lesbian but was not out at
that the Supreme Court’s Pickering            grounds, noting that it is not a resident     work, and kept her sexual orientation
balancing test should be used to              of California for jurisdictional purposes.    a secret. Nonetheless, she claims there
determine whether the government’s            Randall did not want to be in federal court   were rumors about her and that she
concerns outweighed the Plaintiff’s 1st       and moved to remand the case, claiming        was perceived as gay by court security
Amendment rights. The court found             that because his supervisor, Wendy            workers and court officials. She was
that there is a genuine issue of material     Heesch, was a California resident, there      discharged by Akal after the U.S.
fact whether the plaintiffs’ First            was not complete diversity between the        Marshall service sent them a written
Amendment rights have been violated;          parties, so the case was not removable.       demand to remove her from working
although the individual defendants            ADP objected that Heesch was a “sham”         in the court where she was assignment.
enjoy qualified immunity against              defendant, and her citizenship should be      She claimed that her discharge by Akal
monetary damages because the court            disregarded for purposes of diversity.        was in retaliation for sexual harassment
could find no controlling precedent on        At a hearing on the contested remand          complaints she had made, and that
point to this fact pattern, on the issue of   motion, ADP asserted that the facts           Akal could have transferred her to
prospective injunctive relief, “there is a    alleged by Randall against Heesch were        another assignment. Akal presented
genuine issue of material fact whether        insufficient to state a claim against her.    evidence that Coclough as the subject
the school officials are maintaining          Randall, disagreeing, claimed that he         of various complaints by coworkers
an unconstitutional, retaliatory policy       could allege additional claims and facts      alleging that she was subjecting other
barring future patronage to the vendor.”      if he was granted leave to amend. The         employees to a hostile environment.
Judge Ikuta was appointed by President        court granted leave and Randall filed         Her lawsuit asserted violations of Title
George W. Bush. Judges Bennett and            an Amended Complaint, adding two              VII and the D.C. Human Rights Act by
Nelson were appointed by President            additional causes of action: harassment       her employer, and she asserted claims

                                                                                                April 2022 LGBT Law Notes 25
against her former supervisors under           motions in Scutt v. UnitedHealth            because of a disability and rejected the
the D.C. Human Rights Act. Chief U.S.          Insurance Co., 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS        motion to dismiss as to this claim. But
District Judge Beryl A. Howell granted         45445, 2022 WL 787992 (D. Haw.,             the court dismissed a “common rule”
the defendants’ motion for summary             March 15, 2022), this case is one of ten    claim under state law, as well as a Title
judgment and the plaintiff’s motion to         cases that Jason Scutt, a transgender       VI claim. State law claims of medical
seal certain exhibits she had submitted        woman, has filed pro se “pertaining         malpractice and defamation were also
in response to defendants’ motion. The         to her dissatisfaction with transgender-    dismissed. The complaint lacked the
opinion in Coclough v. Akal Security,          related medical care and health insurance   factual allegations necessary to ground
2022 WL 768469, 2022 U.S. Dist.                coverage.” This particular complaint        diversity jurisdiction over those claims.
LEXIS 43693 (D.D.C., March 13, 2022),          focuses on whether Scutt’s rights were      Since the federal court’s jurisdiction
focuses first on problems occasioned           violated in the matter of transportation    thus depended on Scutt’s ADA claim,
by the submission of heavily redacted          services she needed in connection with      the court focused on whether these other
documents by plaintiff in opposition           her gender reassignment procedures.         claims could remain in the case under
to defendants’ motion, which the               She alleges that “she was unable to         supplemental jurisdiction, and found that
court found should have been handled           utilize transportation services because     they fell outside the nucleus of operative
differently by plaintiffs’ counsel. As         LogistiCare and UHC would not               facts in the federal claim, and thus
a result, the redacted documents were          communicate via email or text message       must be dismissed. The defendants also
virtually useless to the court in fulfilling   to accommodate her hearing loss and         sought to have the entire case dismissed
its role of determining whether there          tinnitus, and that she could not equally    for Scutt’s failures to comply in every
were disputed issues of material fact          benefit from these services due to her      detail with the magistrate judge’s orders
that would prevent a grant of judgment         hearing problems and body/gender            in this case, but, wrote Judge Otake,
as a matter of law. The court’s solution       dysphoria.” Judge Otake confronted          “the Court declines to exalt form over
was to limit the factual assertions by         defendants’ argument that “gender/          substance. The Court must liberally
the plaintiff in opposition to the motion      body dysphoria” is not a disability         construed pro se pleadings and ‘a pro se
to those made during the discovery             within the meaning of the Americans         complaint, however inartfully pleaded,
process that were thus part of the record      with Disabilities Act (ADA), which          must be held to less stringent standards
accessible to the court. Ultimately,           specifically excludes from coverage         than formal pleadings drafted by
Judge Howell concluded that plaintiff          “gender identity disorders not resulting    lawyers,” citing Erickson v. Pardus, 551
was misconstruing the options open to          from physical impairments.” The court       U.S. 89 (2007). But the court reminded
her employer when it received a written        noted that “courts have yet to settle the   Scutt that she “must comply with all
communication from the U.S. Marshall’s         question of whether gender dysphoria        statutes, rules, and orders and her failure
Office to take her off the contract which      results from physical impairments,          to do so may result in the imposition of
governed the security for the courts, and      thereby excepting it from the foregoing     sanctions, including but not limited to
furthermore, as far as a perceived sexual      exclusion, and the answer is not as clear   dismissal.” The court rejected Scutt’s
orientation claim went, the defendants         cut as LogistiCare and UHC suggest,”        request for permission to amend the
had presented well documented claims           citing Doe v. Penn. Dep’t of Corr.,         complaint to add both an Affordable
of misconduct by the plaintiff in her          2021 WL 1583556 (W.D. Pa. Feb. 19,          Care Act claim and additional factual
treatment of co-workers that provided          2021), but decided that the court did       allegations to persuade the court that her
legitimate grounds for its action. The         not have to rely on this ground for ADA     gender dysphoria should be considered
opinion is long and detailed concerning        coverage because there was no doubt         a disability. Judge Otake was appointed
the factual allegations of both sides and      that Scutt’s hearing impairment would       by President Donald J. Trump.
may make interesting reading, but does         count as a disability. The court found
not merit extended treatment here on           no connection between “body/gender
questions of law. Plaintiff is represented     dysphoria” and the transportation           ILLINOIS – In Brownlee & Fleming v.
by Darrell Chambers, Silver Spring,            issues raised by the complaint, as the      Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
MD, and Douglas Stuart Rosenbloom,             accommodation problem concerned the         Chicago, 2022 WL 602652, 2022 U.S.
Takoma Park, MD. Judge Howell was              hearing impairment! After determining       Dist. LEXIS 35640 (N.D. Ill., March 1,
appointed by President Barack Obama.           that the transportation services at issue   2022), U.S. District Judge Franklin U.
                                               come under the public accommodation         Valderrama issued a lengthy amended
                                               provision of the ADA, the court             opinion working his way through
HAWAI’I – According to U.S. District           concluded that Scutt had “sufficiently”     the defendants motion for summary
Judge Jill A. Otake, ruling on dismissal       alleged denial of public accommodations     judgment on a plethora of claims

26 LGBT Law Notes April 2022
arising under Title VII and the Illinois      their criminal history transcript and by     cisgender woman, A.B. John Doe is the
Gender Violence Act and tort law. (The        filing an objection to the name change       stepparent but not the adoptive parent
original opinion sparked a motion for         petition. The plaintiffs sued Cook           of A.B.’s children, R.M. (son) and J.M.
reconsideration by the Archdiocese,           County State’s Attorney Kimberly M.          (daughter). John Doe kicked R.M. out
which caused the court to issue an            Foxx and two Cook County state court         of the house for various reasons, and
amended opinion.) The two plaintiffs,         judges, seeking that the court order them    R.M. ended up couch-surfing for a
Esther Brownlee and Joanie Fleming,           not to enforce this provision, since all     while with other adults. A case manager
were employed as outreach workers by          the plaintiffs come within its scope and     for the Indiana Department of Social
Catholic Charities providing emergency        have been deterred from filing name          Services advised law enforcement, and
services to homeless and at-risk people       change petitions reflecting their gender     a detective arrested John Doe and A.B.
in Chicago. They asserted claims based        transition because of the provision. In      for child abandonment. R.M. informed
mainly on allegations of harassment by        granting defendants’ motion to dismiss,      the detective that John Doe was a
a male co-worker and by a contractor of       Judge Kness explained that contrary to       transgender person whose former name
the employer, alleged flaws in the way        the allegation in plaintiffs’ complaint,     was Barbara. In this case, John Doe and
their complaints were dealt with, and         the statute does not prohibit name           A.B. v. Gray, 2022 WL 602919, 2022 U.S.
retaliation claims as well. The Law Notes     changes for any group of people, but         Dist. LEXIS 35568 (N.D. Ind., March
connection here relates to Fleming,           instead authorizes the State’s Attorney      1, 2022), they claim that Gray and the
a lesbian married to another woman,           to require updating of records and to        case manager shared this information
but the decision does not focus in any        advocate that a change not be granted,       with the IDSS case worker and others,
significant way on her sexual orientation,    leaving the decision in the hands of the     including A.B., A.B.’s sister, and foster
so we will not go into great detail on this   state court judge. Judge Kness noted the     parents with whom A.B. and J.M.
lengthy opinion. As to Fleming’s claims,      defendants’ 11th Amendment sovereign         were placed. The suit claims that Gray
the court granted defendants’ summary         immunity argument, but ultimately            violated 14th Amendment privacy rights,
judgment motion on Title VII sexual           granted the dismissal motion based           4th Amendment unreasonable seizure
harassment regarding the contractor’s         on lack of standing of the plaintiffs –      (the arrest), and intentionally inflicted
alleged conduct and a retaliation claim,      none have applied for a name change          emotional distress under Indiana tort
but denied the motion regarding sexual        and none have been turned down –             law. Plaintiffs claim that prior to the
harassment by the co-worker. Those            and specifically noting, as well, that       disclosures by Detective Gray and
interested in the excruciating details are    the judicial defendants enjoy judicial       the case worker, neither A.G., nor her
referred to the published opinion as cited    immunity. Plaintiffs argued that in          children or her sister (and of course
above. The plaintiffs are represented by      name change cases the judges would           not the foster parents) knew that John
Uche O. Asonye and Renee Christine            be acting in an administrative capacity      Doe was identified as female at birth
Fell, Asonye & Associates, Chicago,           rather than a judicial capacity and thus     lacked male genitalia – the information
IL. Judge Valderrama was appointed by         would not enjoy immunity, but Judge          disclosed by Gray and the case worker.
President Donald J. Trump.                    Kness disagreed, finding that the judges     U.S. District Judge Damon R. Leichty
                                              are acting in their judicial capacity when   granted summary judgment in favor of
                                              ruling on petitions for name changes,        defendants, finding that “no reasonable
ILLINOIS – In Ortiz v. Foxx, 2022 WL          as the statute leaves it up to the judges    jury could find for John Doe and
991965, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61121           to decide whether to deny a petition         A.B.” While conceding that a privacy
(N.D. Ill., March 31, 2022), U.S. District    due to the objection of the State’s          argument could be made, in this case
Judge John F. Kness ruled that the            Attorney. Plaintiffs are represented by      both defendants are public officials, so
federal district court lacked jurisdiction    the Transformative Justice Law Project       qualified immunity shelters them from
over litigation by a group of transgender     of Illinois, Chicago, IL; and Alexandra      liability unless they violated a clearly
plaintiffs seeking a declaration that         Joelle Block, Brian D Straw, Martin S.       established constitutional right. Judge
a provision of Illinois’ name-change          Kedziora, Gregory Edward Ostfeld, of         Leichty found that it was not clearly
statute was unconstitutional. The             Greenberg Traurig LLP, Chicago, IL.          established in binding case law that a
statute provides that a State’s Attorney      Judge Kness was appointed by President       constitutional right of privacy would
may react to the filing of a name-            Donald J. Trump.                             protect against disclosure of knowledge
change petition by a person who has                                                        about a person’s gender identity in a
been convicted of a felony, certain sex                                                    case such as this, and that based on the
crimes, or an identity-theft offence          INDIANA – “John Doe” is a                    evidence in record concerning the state
by requiring the petitioner to update         transgender man who is married to a          of Detective Gray’s knowledge when he

                                                                                               April 2022 LGBT Law Notes 27
made the arrest for child neglect, it was     her supervisor didn’t follow up on her       KENTUCKY – Chief U.S. District Judge
supported by probable cause. The court        complaint, she contacted the Kentucky-       Greg N. Stivers granted the employer’s
rejected this argument by plaintiffs:         based legal department, which began          motion for dismissal or summary
“John Doe and A.B. also claim that            an investigation or her report, but the      judgment in Thomas v. Haaland, 2022
there is a ‘clear trend in the caselaw that   company terminated her for “violating        WL 801284, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
[the court] can say with fair assurance       a company guideline.” She claimed that       45573 (W.D. Ky, March 15, 2022).
that the recognition of the right by a        white male employees who received            The judge was dealing with a pro se
controlling precedent was merely a            warnings for “more serious violations”       complaint that went through three
question of time,” relying on such cases      had not been terminated. She sued in         rounds of amendment, by a heterosexual
as Lawrence v. Texas, U.S. v. Windsor,        state court alleging a violation of the      man claiming his termination as a
and Obergefell v. Hodges. “Though a           KCRA, and the company removed                Visitor Use Assistant at a national park
case directly on point is not required for    to federal court citing diversity of         violated his rights under Title VII and
a right to be clearly established,” wrote     citizenship. The company’s dismissal         the Americans with Disabilities Act. The
Judge Leichty, “this generalized trend        motion alleged, among other things, that     court found that the complaint failed to
toward recognizing rights for same-           retaliation based on opposition to sexual    allege actionable discrimination against
sex relationships is not tailored to the      orientation discrimination was not           the plaintiff for being heterosexual
disclosure of private information and         actionable because the KCRA does not         or having a disability. The defendant
does not demonstrate that a sufficient        ban sexual orientation discrimination.       asserted that plaintiff was discharged
consensus had been reached on the             Judge Hale found that Kentucky courts        because of his conduct which had
right to keep one’s sexual preference or      have followed Title VII precedents in        alarmed a visitor to the park, and the
gender identity private from disclosure       construing the KCRA, and that federal        court found that the complaint did
to family or foster parents by state          diversity cases upon which the company       not allege facts that would support an
authorities during an investigation.” The     relies predate the Supreme Court’s           inference that his dismissal was due to
plaintiffs are represented by Russell W.      decision in Bostock v. Clayton County,       his sexual orientation as a heterosexual
Brown, Jr., of King Brown & Murdaugh          140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020), interpreting         man. Judge Stivers was appointed by
LLC, Barrister Court, Merrillville,           Title VII’s ban on sex discrimination        President Barack Obama.
IN. Judge Leichty was appointed by            to     include      sexual     orientation
President Donald J. Trump.                    discrimination claims. The stated
                                              legislative purpose of the KCRA is “to       LOUISIANA – In Henderson v. Board
                                              provide for execution within the state of    of Supervisors of Southern University,
KENTUCKY – Does Kentucky’s Civil              the policies embodied in . . . Title VII,”   2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 52279, 2022 WL
Rights Act (KCRA), which does not             citing Ky. Rev. Stat. Sec. 344.020(1)        875592 (M.D. La., March 23, 2022), a
expressly forbid discrimination because       (a). “The Supreme Court’s decision in        suit alleging that a high school senior
of sexual orientation but does ban sex        Bostock and Kentucky courts’ reliance        was subjected to student-on-student
discrimination, give rise to sexual           on federal law when interpreting the         harassment because of his sexual
orientation discrimination claims as a        KCRA support a finding at this stage         orientation and the school violated
matter of statutory interpretation? Ruling    in the litigation that the KCRA protects     Title IX by an inadequate response to
on a motion to dismiss a diversity case,      individuals from discrimination based        the situation was dismissed without
U.S. District Judge David J. Hale finds it    on sexual orientation,” wrote Judge Hale.    prejudice by U.S. District Judge John
appropriate to deny a motion to dismiss       Thus, “opposing” such discrimination         W. deGravelles, who allowed the
an employee’s claim that she suffered         comes under the protection of the anti-      plaintiff 28 days to file an amended
retaliation because she opposed sexual        retaliation provision of the statute. The    complaint if the necessary additional
orientation discrimination, in Cimbalo        court also rejected other arguments by       facts could be alleged sufficient to meet
v. BASF Corporation, 2022 WL 696798,          the employer, denying the company’s          pleading requirements as specified in
2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40575 (W.D.             motion to dismiss both the original          the opinion. In a footnote, the judge
Ky, March 8, 2022). Kerry Cimbalo             and the amended complaints on these          remarked that the defendants were not
was hired to oversee human resources          grounds. Cimbalo is represented by           disputing that harassment based on
at BASF’s Quincy, Florida, worksite.          Thomas Robert Coffey and John                sexual orientation could be actionable
She brought to management’s attention         Morgan McGarvey, of Morgan Pottinger         under Title IX., citing Bostock and
allegations that the manager at the           McGarvey-Louisville, Louisville, KY.         the Biden Administration’s indication
site “was demonstrating racial, sexual        Judge Hale was appointed by President        that all federal sex discrimination
orientation and gender hostility.” When       Barack Obama.                                laws should be construed consistently

28 LGBT Law Notes April 2022
with the Supreme Court’s ruling that           the Supreme Court’s Iqbal and Twombly       classes via public transit, as he did not
discrimination because of sexual               decisions, demand sufficient factual        have a car. He fell in love with another
orientation is covered by all federal          specificity in complaints to support        student who also lived in the university
sex discrimination laws. In addition to        all the elements of the cause of action,    housing, his first real gay relationship,
the harassment claim, plaintiff asserted       not just a conclusory assertion. The        but it turned out his new partner was
that the student, J.T., suffered retaliation   constitutional claims in the complaint      HIV positive and infected him, which
for complaining about the harassment,          were added to try to get at the school      he claims “completely upended” his life,
that his equal protection rights were          director and the assistance principal       and especially his hopes to join Bowie’s
also violated by the treatment of his          on individual claims, since only the        football team, since the school doctor
situation by school officials, and that        school itself can be sued under Title       who diagnosed him told him he would
his 1st Amendment free speech rights           IX. The court held that the individual      be disqualified on medical grounds. He
were violated when he was punished             defendants could not be sued in their       confided in the V.P. for Student Affairs,
for a verbal altercation with a teacher        official capacities on these claims,        who had been sympathetic in finding
about a month later. The judge’s opinion       only in their individual capacities, and    him housing, for which he had applied
methodically addresses each claim,             that the complaint failed to show that      late. His relationship with the other
laying out the 5th Circuit precedents          they had violated a well-established        student collapsed in raucous arguments
for proof and specifying how the               constitutional right based on the factual   in the university housing, and he was
complaint fell short, usually in terms         allegations of the complaint and thus       required to go to counseling. Then after
of factual specificity. After the school       they enjoyed qualified immunity from        police raided the suite in which he was
gave J.T. approval to graduate early,          individual liability. However, as noted,    living with several other students and
another student added him to the senior        the court gave the plaintiff four weeks     found marijuana (which he asserts did
class group text, and the complaint            to file an amended complaint. The suit      not belong to him and which he had
alleges that “almost immediately” his          was filed by J.T.’s mother on his behalf.   never used), he lost his housing and was
classmates “sexually harassed J.T. by          Representing the plaintiff are Jill L       suspended from school by order of the
sending derogatory remarks in reference        Craft and William Brett Conrad, Jr., of     same V.P. in whom he had confided. He
to his sexual orientation” on the text,        Ms. Craft’s firm in Baton Rouge, LA;        pursued his case through the school’s
characterizing this as “cyberbullying.”        and Kaitlin Aubrey Wall, of Erlingson       appellate     process      unsuccessfully.
However, wrote the judge, pleading a           Banks, PLLC, also of Baton Rouge, LA.       Although he was eventually allowed to
harassment case requires more than             Judge deGravelles was appointed by          resume attending classes, he was barred
asserting conclusions. The complaint           President Barack Obama.                     from the housing. These experiences
lacks specifics. What were the                                                             adversely affected his grades. He claims
derogatory remarks? How many were                                                          that “none of the other people involved
there? How frequent were they? After           MARYLAND – For an extensive tale of         in actually smoking marijuana were put
school officials were notified by J.T.,        woe and an unhappy ending (dismissal        out of their student housing” and that
the assistant principal told one of the        of the case), see Carter v. Bowie State     “none of the other roommates or other
students involved, who “threatened             University, 2022 WL 717043, 2022            students involved were suspended from
J.T.,” but exactly how he was threatened       U.S. Dist. Lexis 42650 (D. Md., March       school as a result” of the marijuana raid.
was unstated. J.T. was then removed by a       9, 2022). Tavion Carter, an African         He also claimed that he was the “only
student from the senior class group text       American gay man, grew up in Las            student who lived in this CMRC room
as a result of which he alleges he was         Vegas, raised by a single mother. He        who was known to be homosexual” and
excluded from senior class activities. The     says he was basically on his own once       “the only student who had HIV.” He
verbal altercation with a teacher which        he was 17, and moved to Maryland when       claims he was expelled from the housing
led to his discipline occurred a month         he was 20 after his mother was sent to      and barred from returning, even to get
later, and once again the complaint is         prison. He was essentially homeless         his HIV meds, and was “the only student
not specific about the altercation and         and moved into a shelter as he was          suspended as a result of the incident.”
asserted that J.T. suffered discrimination     finally coming to grips with his sexual     He claims violations of Title IX and the
without specifying how his treatment           orientation. He applied to Bowie State,     Americans with Disabilities Act, as well
differed from other similarly situated         a historically black university, and        as state law claims, asserting generally
students. Those interested in full details     managed to secure university-connected      that the people involved with making
of the court’s analysis should consult the     housing having found shelter life too       these decisions knew he was gay and
opinion. Civil pleading requirements as        dangerous for a gay black youth, and        HIV-positive, and that the V.P. had not
applied in the 5th Circuit (and pursuant to    having found difficulty in getting to his   taken steps to protect his interest or

                                                                                               April 2022 LGBT Law Notes 29
advise him of his legal rights. He was        alleged that a co-worker “continuously       is represented by Paul V. Bennett, of
granted in forma pauperis standing on         subject [him] to national origin-based       Columbia, MD. Judge Griggsby served
the lawsuit. Although counsel is listed       and perceived sexual orientation-based       on the Court of Claims for several
on this opinion dismissing his case, the      discriminatory harassment,” and alleges      years by appointment from President
loss seems to be attributed largely to        that other employees who were not from       Barack Obama, and was appointed to
failure to plead facts sufficient to state    Sierra Leone or were not perceived as        the district court last year by President
a claim under either statute, and part        gay “were not mistreated as [he] was         Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
of the opinion is devoted to dismissing       by Defendant TCA, even though they
supplementary state law claims on             all had Patterson as a supervisor.”
sovereign immunity grounds and also           Complaints to supervisors allegedly          NEW MEXICO – De Anza Angel Dimas
claims against individuals, as the civil      failed to invoke appropriate measures        was a high school senior attending
rights statutes in question only run          against the harasser. As usual in hostile    Pecos High School in 2019. She was a
against the school, not individuals. He       work environment cases, the court found      member of the girls’ basketball team,
won a symbolic victory in defeating the       that the facts as alleged by Conteh were     and she was dating another member
defendant’s claim of untimely service,        not sufficiently “severe or pervasive” to    of the team. On January 4, 2019, the
the court noting that while his petition to   adversely affect his terms and conditions    team members got on a bus to go to a
proceed in forma pauperis was pending,        of employment, since they focused on         tournament. Before the bus could leave,
his time for serving the defendant with       just a few offensive statements, such        the high school’s Athletic Coordinator
his complaint was tolled. Ultimately,         as “I don’t like Africans” or “he has        asked Dimas and her girlfriend to get
the court concluded that his factual          no kids; he must be gay.” In terms of        off the bus, then questioned them. Flores
allegations were insufficient to plead        discrimination claims against DPC,           asked Dimas whether she “thought it
discrimination and retaliation claims         the court found that because there was       was appropriate for her and to be sitting
against Bowie State. Counsel listed           no direct evidence of discriminatory         in the same bus seat with her same-sex
on the opinion is Wanda J. Dixon of           intent, plaintiff had to satisfy the         girlfriend.” He told her that “students
Largo, MD. Judge George J. Hazel was          McDonnell Douglas test for alleging a        involved in dating relationships could
appointed by President Barack Obama.          constellation of facts that would support    not sit together on the bus or cohabit the
                                              an inference of discriminatory intent,       same rooms during overnight trips.” He
                                              one factor of which is alleging that the     then allowed Dimas back on the bus,
MARYLAND – Alusine Conteh, an                 plaintiff satisfactorily performed their     where other students asked her “why she
immigrant from Sierra Leone, was              job. In this case, although he identified    had been taken outside, separated, and
employed as a protective security             himself in the complaint as an excellent     asked to sit elsewhere.” In the ensuing
officer by two companies, Diversified         employee, the court faulted him for not      lawsuit, she claims to was “highly
Protection Corporation (DPC) and              citing concrete evidence of satisfactory     humiliated, disrespected, and distressed
Triple Canopy, Inc. (TCI), working            job performance. The court also stated       at being forcibly ‘outed’ before her
at one location in Silver Spring MD           that “he has not alleged facts to show       teammates and the other students.” She
and another in White Oak MD. His              that defendants undertook any of the         sent a written complaint against Flores
supervisor was the same man employed          identified adverse employment actions        to school administrators, but the school
by both companies, Alan Patterson, and        because of his national origin or            superintendent, Fred Trujillo, responded
Patterson reported to the same director at    perceived sexual orientation.” As to his     that it was the school’s policy to separate
both worksites. In Conteh v. Diversified      retaliation claim, the court asserted that   students based on dating relationships.
Protection Corporation, 2022 WL               “he fails to allege any facts to show that   Amidst continuing controversy, the
874937, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 53182           the deciding officials who undertook         school abandoned the policy in August
(D. Md., March 24, 2022), U.S. District       the adverse employment actions at issue      2019, after Dimas had graduated, but
Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby granted the          knew of” the complaint he had made           coaches raised the issue with her as the
employers’ motion to dismiss Conteh’s         to supervisors, and the judge faulted        basketball season continued. She sues
perceived sexual orientation and national     plaintiff for not identifying the dates      under Title IX, the 14th Amendment, the
origin discrimination claims, as well         on which his complaints were made in         New Mexico Constitution and Human
as hostile environment and retaliation        order to establish a causal connection       Rights Act, and common law invasion
claims against DPC, but allowed a             between the complaints and the adverse       of privacy against the School District,
discrimination claim to go forward            employment actions based on temporal         the High school, Flores and Trujillo,
against TCI. Judge Griggsby found             proximity, as there was no other             initially in state court but removed by
that in the claim against TCI, Conhet         direct causation evidence. Plaintiff         defendants based on the federal claims.

30 LGBT Law Notes April 2022
U.S. District Judge Kea W. Riggs ruled        federal government under Title IX was         that Kelly had failed to prove that
on motions for judgment on the pleading       not sufficient to exhaust administrative      she and Circe had a plan to adopt and
by defendants in Dimas v. Pecos               remedies under the NMHRA, and here            raise a child together that continued
Independent School District Board of          Dimas never filed a complaint with the        “unabated” after the termination of
Education, 2022 WL 816501, 2022 U.S.          NM Human Rights Commission. All               their relationship, and thus that Kelly’s
Dist. LEXIS 48105 (D. N. Mex., March          dismissals were with prejudice accept         claim did not come within the second-
17, 2022). The court dismissed the Title      the NMHRA claims, which can be                parent ruling of Brooke S.B. The
IX claims against Flores and Trujillo         refiled if administrative remedies are        Appellate Division affirmed this ruling
because Title IX is only actionable           first exhausted. Dimas is represented         in K.G. v. C.H., 79 N.Y.S.3d 166 (N.Y.
against educational institutions, not         by Derek V. Garcia, Albuquerque, NM;          App. Div., 1st Dept., June 26, 2018),
individuals. The defendants argued            and Michelle Garcia, New Mexico               but opined that it could not decide the
that Title IX does not apply to sexual        Legal Aid, Santa Fe, NM. Judge Riggs          issue of “whether equitable estoppel
orientation discrimination claims, but        was appointed by Donald J. Trump.             could establish standing of the former
by now that ship has sailed. Judge Riggs                                                    partner, warranting remand to the trial
noted that even before the Supreme                                                          court.” In K.G. v. C.H., 113 N.Y.S.3d 475
Court’s Bostock decision in 2020, many        NEW YORK – In a decision made on              (N.Y. Co., Jan. 18, 2019), Justice Nervo
courts had begun to construe Title IX         January 10, 2022, but not published           set out at the request of the parties the
as extending to sexual orientation and        until February 18, 2022 in the NY Law         criteria he would use to determine
gender identity discrimination claims,        Journal, N.Y. Supreme Court Justice           whether Kelly had standing to seek
but Bostock, albeit a Title VII case,         Frank Nervo ruled in K.G. v. C.H. (also       custody or visitation on an equitable
would be followed as a precedent under        sometimes listed as Kelly G. v. Circe         estoppel theory. In Kelly G. v. Circe H.,
Title IX. However, taking literally           H.), 2022 NYLJ LEXIS 119 (N.Y. Co.)           117 N.Y.S.3d 171 (App. Div., 1st Dep’t,
the statutory prohibition against             (apparently not officially published as       Dec. 17, 2019), the Appellate Division
discrimination under Title IX, Judge          of the end of March 2022), that Kelly         rejected Kelly’s objections to some
Riggs ruled against Dimas on the Title        G., the former partner of Circe H., is not    aspects of Justice Nervo’s equitable
IX claim “for failure to plausibly plead      entitled to legal recognition as a parent     estoppel criteria, and affirmed Justice
the fourth element” of a Title IX claim.      of A., a child who was adopted by Circe       Nervo’s award of $200,000 in interim
She wrote, “Plaintiff fails to allege,        H. more than a year after the parties had     counsel fees to Circe. There would
beyond conclusory statements, any             terminated their relationship. This case      be continuing wrangling about fees
deprivation of educational benefits or        received substantial press attention at       as the case progressed, Justice Nervo
access.” Thus, her allegations “fall short    various stages in the litigation, which       eventually embracing the view that
of stating a claim under Title IX against     has been ongoing since September 1,           Kelly should bear total responsibility
Defendants PISD and Pecos High                2016, when K.G. petitioned the court          for the cost of this litigation to Circe.
School.” As to claims under the New           for legal standing as a parent of A.,         As summarized in an unpublished order
Mexico Constitution, and the invasion         including custody and visitation. K.G.        issued by the court on December 1, 2021,
of privacy claim, the court found that        did not originally assert an equitable        Kelly’s failure to pay ordered interim
there was no waiver of state sovereign        estoppel claim, instead claiming to           fees led the court to order that she be
immunity from being sued on these             be a parent pursuant to the N.Y. Court        fined $2,700,458.09, “representing the
claims in federal court. Under New            of Appeals’ then-recent opinion in            amount of unpaid judgments under the
Mexico jurisprudence, “a governmental         Brooke SB v. Elizabeth CC, 28 N.Y.3d 1        January 18, 2021, and March 31, 2021
entity of New Mexico may not be sued          (2016). Circe maintained throughout the       orders, with interest, and $15,000.00 in
unless the plaintiff’s cause of action        litigation that Kelly was never a parent of   respondent’s counsel fees” in bringing
fits within one of the exceptions to the      A., and that in fact when Circe decided       the application for an order of contempt,
immunity granted to governmental              to go ahead with the adoption after the       and ordering detention if Kelly persisted
entities and public employees” in the         parties had ceased their relationship,        in defying the court’s orders regarding
New Mexico Tort Claims Act, which             Kelly had expressly foresworn any             fees. Most recently, as noted in the first
is strictly construed, so both claims         desire to be the legal parent of the child,   sentence above, Justice Nervo issued
were dismissed. Her claim under the           although she had contact with A. as a         an extensive opinion published in the
New Mexico Human Rights Act was               “friend” or at times “godmother” or           NY Law Journal on February 18, 2022,
also dismissed, this time for failure to      “babysitter.” In K. v. C., 51 N.Y.S. 3d       setting out all the record evidence in
exhaust administrative remedies. The          838 (N.Y. Co., April 11, 2017), Judge         great detail pertinent to the equitable
court held that filing a complaint with the   Nervo ruled after an extensive trial          estoppel theory as applied to this case,

                                                                                                 April 2022 LGBT Law Notes 31
even though Kelly had moved to abandon        NEW YORK – U.S. District Judge Mary          the D.C. court stayed its case through
that theory, since she had not agreed         Kay Vyskocil granted the government’s        April 18, 2022, the purported effective
that a dismissal at this point should bar     motion to dismiss Family Equality v.         date of the pending rulemaking. In any
her from raising the issue in the future.     Becerra, 2022 WL 956256, 2022 U.S.           event, Judge Vyskocil decided to grant
Justice Nervo opined that finality was        Dist. LEXIS 59066 (S.D.N.Y., March 30,       the government’s motion to dismiss this
important, and so a full ruling on the        2022), which is a challenge by several       case, not on grounds of mootness but
equitable estoppel theory was necessary.      LGBT social service organizations            instead on grounds of standing (an issue
The opinion decisively rejects the            to    the     Trump     Administration’s     raised by the government initially).
application of equitable estoppel on the      announcement that the Department             The judge found that the co-plaintiffs
evidentiary record in this case. Those        of Health and Human Services (HHS)           in lacked Article III standing to bring
seeking a full accounting of Justice          would not enforce provisions of a 2016       this case, concluding that they “have
Nervo’s determinations on the merits          Obama Administration rule concerning         not suffered an involuntary material
are referred to his 2017 decision and this    non-discrimination in programs funded        burden on established core activities.”
January 10 decision as published in the       by grants from HHS. The Obama                The plaintiffs argued that as a result of
NY Law Journal on February 18, which          Administration had included “sexual          the non-enforcement announcement,
as of the end of March was available on       orientation” and “gender identity”           they incurred various expenses in
Lexis but not on Westlaw. The Appellate       in the rule as forbidden grounds of          responding to it, but the judge found
Division has conditionally granted a          discrimination. The plaintiffs – Family      that such expenses did not count for
stay of Justice Nervo’s December 23,          Equality, True Colors United, Inc.,          purposes of establishing individual
2021, fee awards, “on condition that          and Services & Advocacy for GLBT             standing under Article III, and that
petitioner-appellant perfect the appeal       Elders (SAGE) – filed suit claiming          the organizations’ “ability to carry out
of the September 2022 Terms of this           that this announcement, titled “Not of       responsibilities has not been impeded.”
Court.” In his January 10 ruling, Justice     Non-Enforcement,” was in an attempt          Plaintiffs are represented by Karen
Nervo stated that Circe’s counterclaim        to rescind or modify the “2016 Grants        Loewy, Lambda Legal, Washington,
for costs and attorney fees was severed,      Rule” without going through the              DC; Kristen Paige Miller, Sean Lev, and
“and proceedings thereunder shall             requirements of the Administrative           Jeffrey Benjamin Dubner, Democracy
continue unabated.” Counsel listed on         Procedure Act, and was thus invalid.         Forward Foundation, Washington, DC;
the 2017 merits decision were Nancy           After the Biden Administration took          Robin Thurston and Sasha Buchert,
Chemtob, of Chemtob, Moss & Forman            office, Judge Vyskocil received a            Washington, DC. Judge Vyskocil
LLP, for Kelly, and Bonnie Rabin, of          letter from the parties “advising that       was appointed by President Donald J.
Cohen Rabin Stine Schumann LLP, for           a pending final rulemaking would             Trump.
Circe. Counsel listed on the Appellate        roll back the 2016 Grants Rule,”
Division decision of 2018, in addition        mooting this case. This would be as
to those listed for the trial court ruling,   part of President Biden’s instruction        NORTH CAROLINA – In Fuenffinger v.
were Roberta A. Kaplan and John C.            to all federal agencies to review and        Ecigcharlston, LLC, 2022 WL 951619,
Quinn of Kaplan & Co., for Circe, and         update their discrimination policies,        2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 58732 (D.S.C.,
Gretchen Beall Schumann, Tim James,           particularly in light of the Supreme         March 30, 2022), Angela Fuenffinger
and Lindsay Pfeffer of Cohen Rabin            Court’s ruling in the Bostock case           had filed an EEOC charge against
Stine Schumann LLP for Kelly. Counsel         that policies banning discrimination         her employer alleging discrimination
for Kelly listed on the Appellate             because of sex should be interpreted to      on the “basis of race, color, religious
Division’s Dec. 17, 2019, ruling is Eric      ban discrimination because of sexual         discrimination,    and      retaliation”
Wrubel of Warshaw Burstein LLP,               orientation or “transgender status.” This    asserting, among other things, a hostile
with Bonnie Rabin of Cohen Rabin              case was stayed in February 2021 in          work environment claim, according
Stine Schumann LLP listed as counsel          anticipation of administration action,       to her amended complaint. But the
for Circe. We thank Justice Nervo             but “the proposed new rulemaking was         complaint’s statement of facts includes
for sending us the slip opinion for his       challenged in a different action” in the     the following: that Plaintiff’s co-
January 10, 2022, decision, as it had not     D.C. District Court, Facing Foster Care      worker made “negative comments
come to our attention because Westlaw         in Alaska v. HHS. In that case, defendants   about homosexuals” and “homophobic
has been our primary source for               stipulated that the effective date of the    comments about Plaintiff” such as “I
locating cases of interest in Law Notes,      new rulemaking would be extended to          can’t believe you are bisexual.” The
as a result of which it was not reported      August 2021, so this case was further        magistrate judge assigned to make
in our March issue.                           stayed. But in subsequent developments,      a report and recommendation on a

32 LGBT Law Notes April 2022
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