Earl Warren High School Band Handbook - "The Purple Pride from Northside" 2013-2014

Page created by Frank Edwards

Earl Warren High School
     Band Handbook

"The Purple Pride from Northside"

                                Raul Rodriguez
                                 Danika White
                                 Daniel Asgari

Table of Contents
Administration and Staff     3           Uniforms                         18-19

Philosophy and Objectives,   4-5                  Marching                        18

Course Descriptions          6-7                  Pep Rally                       19

Marching Band                8-10                 Concert                         19

       General Description   8                    Solo/Ensemble                   19

       Rehearsal Dress       8           School Instruments and Lockers           20

       Stand Rules           8           Rules and Consequences                   21-23

       Costs                 9                    General Rules                   21

       Attendance            9-10                 Travel                          22

Color Guard                  11-16                The Commandments                22

       General Description   11                   Consequences                    23

       Purpose               11          Student Leadership                       24-

       Membership            11                   The Team                        24

       Try-outs              12                   Leadership Responsibilities     25-26

       Twirlers              12                   Demotion and consequences       26

       Costs                 13          Communication                            27

       Grades                13          Grades                                   28-30

       Rehearsals            13                   Grading Scale                   28

       Attendance            14                   Make-Up Work                    29-30

       Probation             14          Band Boosters                            31-33

       Dismissal             15                   Executive Board                 31

       Officers              16                   Committee Chairperson(s)        31

Concert Bands                17                   Fundraising                     32

       Music                 17                   Chaperone Responsibilities      32-33

       Solos and Ensembles   17          NISD Code of Conduct                     34-37

       Private Lessons       17

Earl Warren High School
                                                           9411 Military Drive West
                                                         San Antonio, Texas 78251
                                                        Main Office: (210) 397-4200
                                                         Band Hall: (210) 397-4281

Administration and Directors________________
                                  Dave Empson

                               Vice Principal
                              Lourdes Medina

                              Academic Dean
                               Delisa Ramos

                             Assistant Principal
  Jody Noblett      Valarie LeCure     Ryan Purtell          Joshua Rodriguez

                           Director of Fine Arts
                              James Miculka

                 Warren High School Fine Arts Coordinator
                               David Nanny

                              Band Directors
                              Raul Rodriguez
                               Danika White
                               Daniel Asgari

                                Band Name
                      “The Purple Pride from Northside”

 School Colors: Purple & Silver                       School Mascot: Warriors

Introduction, Philosophy, and Objectives__
The Warren High School Band Handbook has been established to encourage musical
and educational excellence and outstanding citizenship in our program. This handbook
will set goals, establish procedures, and explain the importance of the band experience.
All guidelines set by this handbook are expected to be followed by all band members.

All band members should read this handbook and keep it throughout their high
school career. The Acknowledgment page should be signed and returned by both
the student and the parent. New handbooks will only be given to incoming freshmen
and when an update is issued.


The philosophy of this band program is based on a commitment to excellence in music
and education. Our members will strive for quality in all performance areas. Band
members will know that a good education is the most important part of their lives. Part
of their education will include learning both self-respect and discipline. We will instill
pride in our students individually, for the band, and the school. A sense of community
and civic responsibility will be developed by participation in community activities.
Through a student's band experience, they will know the importance of working together
in a large group. Short and long term goals will be set and through hard work will be
accomplished. The Band experience at Warren High School will be a positive
experience for everyone.

Goals and Objectives

The Warren High School band goals and objectives will be consistent from year to year.
We will strive for excellence in all of our endeavors.

All instructors will promote the musical qualities of the program. It is the responsibility
of the students to learn and demonstrate mastery of the essential elements of our

The following goals are set forth to challenge the members of the band:
   1. All performances will be musically satisfying and entertaining to both the
       audience and performers.
   2. We will strive to earn a first division rating at all UIL competitions.
   3. All members will attend as many civic functions as possible to promote the
       organization and develop civic responsibility.
4. Members are to take advantage of the many opportunities given to enter
   competitions and attend clinics and concerts to improve their musical
5. For a larger percentage of our students to participate in our private lesson

Course Descriptions___________________________
Marching Band is open to students in grades 9-12 with band experience and director
approval. Marching band will meet every day after-school. Attendance to events such
as football games, marching band contest, pep rallies, parades and other functions is
required. A fee will be required of each participant to cover the cost of shoes; shirts,
meals, gloves etc. and must be paid before the student may participate. This class
will adhere to the eligibility policies set forth by UIL and the State of Texas.

Symphonic Band is open to students in grades 9-12 with band experience and director
approval. Placement is based on a playing audition. Students enrolled in band will
explore and play a wide variety of music from different eras and genres. The Symphonic
Band is the select group of students that perform music of the highest quality. Students
in the Symphonic Band must learn the music and audition for the TMEA Region Honor
Band and attend extra rehearsals in the spring. Attendance at all concert and UIL
contest and pre-contest concert is required. This class will adhere to the eligibility
policies set forth by UIL and the State of Texas. Students who are not willing to meet
the strict standards and obligations of this organization will be placed in the Concert

Concert Bands are open to students in grades 9-12 with band experience and director
approval. Placement is based on a playing audition. The Concert Bands are ability
based and allow the student more time to work on their playing abilities. Students
enrolled in band will explore and play a wide variety of music from different eras and
genres. If instrumentation allows two of the three Concert Bands will attend UIL contest
in the spring. There will be outside rehearsals with these ensembles. Students not
attending these scheduled rehearsals will not be allowed to perform and may not be
allowed to sign up for band the following year. Attendance at all concert and UIL contest
and pre-contest concert is required. This class will adhere to the eligibility policies set
forth by UIL and the State of Texas.

Jazz Band is open to students with an interest in playing and performing jazz music.
Students enrolled in this class will be given the opportunity to play a wide variety of
jazz music in both competitive and non-competitive performances. They will also have
the opportunity to try out for the TMEA Region Jazz Band. This class will adhere to the
eligibility policies set forth by UIL and the State of Texas.

Applied Instrumental Techniques is open to any band student interested in bettering
themselves as a musician. Students in this class are required to audition for All-Region
band. They will also participate in the wind section of full orchestra as instrumentation
requires and every other year will serve as the pit orchestra for the all school musical.

Percussion Techniques is required of any student participating in the battery or front
ensemble of the marching band. In addition, students who are not participating in
marching band will participate in the class as well. The class is designed to teach the
fundamentals of percussion performance to all percussionists in the Warren band
program. More mature musicians will be reassigned to a concert band in the spring
while others will continue to develop their skills culminating in a percussion ensemble
concert in May.

AP Music Theory is open to students who are either planning to major in music in
college or who are seeking a much deeper understanding of the structure of music. The
curriculum will cover the equivalent of the first year of college aural skills and music

Color Guard/Winter Guard is open to any student enrolled at Warren High School. No
experience is necessary. The color guard unit is used to enhance the visuals of the
marching band. The use of flags, silks, and other props will be used extensively
throughout the season. Members of the Color Guard are required to rehearse outside of
the school day and a minimal fee will be required to participate at any event in which the
marching band participates. Students participating in fall guard class will be expected to
participate in the winter guard season as well. This class will adhere to the eligibility
policies set forth by UIL and the State of Texas. A fee will be required of each
participant to cover the cost of shoes, costumes, shirts, warm-ups, meals, etc. and must
be paid before the student may participate.

Marching Band_________________________________
The Warren High school marching Band is a quality organization made up of students
from all grade levels and ability levels. Although this band functions primarily during
football season, there are scheduled events during the spring such as Fiesta.
All marching band members will attend all events even if they do not have a
spot in the show (alternates). This includes but is not limited to football
games, pep rallies, and parades.

The Warrior Marching Band will have a number of alternates. Alternates are students
who do not show improvement in their marching or playing fundamentals. A student,
who is continually late and/or absent to rehearsal, and/or a discipline problem, will serve
as an alternate.

Summer rehearsals are just as important as the rehearsals during the school year. It is
during these rehearsals that we learn most of the show and the music for the season.
When school starts, the marching band will rehearse Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday after-school from 5 -7pm. Friday morning we will rehearse from 7-8am
with the dance team. Students will be given the opportunity to change into school
clothes and eat breakfast at the school cafe. Please refer to the section on absences
and tardies in regards to these rehearsals.

Marching Rehearsal Dress

Students should dress appropriately for marching rehearsals and wear sunscreen,
sunglasses, and hats. Shorts must be dress code length and midriffs and underwear
should not show when you raise your arms or bend over. Low top tennis shoes are
required in order to be able to march properly. Toms, boat shoes, slides or flip flops
will not be accepted.

Stand Rules

These rules apply to football games and marching contests:
   1. Uniforms must be zipped and snapped when in public. No make-up, nail polish,
      or earrings will be worn when in uniform.
   2. Do not eat or drink anything other than water when in uniform.
   3. No movement from section to section and movement within the section should be
      kept to a minimum.
   4. You must check with Mr. Rodriguez if you need to go to the restroom. You must
      go with a chaperone. No one will be allowed to go during the 1st half so please
go before we meet for warm-up.
   5. No "Outsiders" (relatives, friends, etc.) are allowed in the Band Section.
       Occasionally, we will allow graduates of the band to visit but you are still
       responsible for playing at the appropriate time.
   6. Mr. Rodriguez will determine when the water breaks will happen.
   7. Mr. Rodriguez will determine what and when we will play. Be Prepared!
   8. Everyone must have his or her own flip folder. No sharing!
   9. Dancing during the cadences should be kept to a reasonable minimum in order
       to protect the horns.
   10. Be attentive during the playing of the National Anthem and both School Songs.
   11. No cell phones or iPods may be used during the game. This includes pre-game

The following items and fees are required and must be paid by JULY 13TH
Item                  Cost                     Item                  Cost
Band Show Shirt       $15.00                   Band Polo             $20.00
Band Shorts           $12.00                   Band Towel            $7.00
Marching Shoes        $35.00                   Water Bottle/Holder   $10.00
Flip Folder           $7.00                    Cleaning Fee          $45.00
Concession Fee        $25.00                   Operational Fee       $100.00
Gloves                $7.00                    Fees are subject to change
The following fees are optional
Band Meals (9)        $72.00                   Duffel Bag            $35.00
Lyre                  $7.00                    Percussion Fee        $35.00
NISD Instrument       $30.00                   Booster Club          $10.00
Rental                                         Membership
Lyre                  $7.00                    Fees are subject to change

We cannot teach an empty spot in the show or an empty chair in a rehearsal, therefore
your attendance is critical to the success of the organization. Every effort should be
made to schedule appointments, tutoring sessions, and other activities outside of
rehearsal time. Due to repeated abuse of tutoring as an excuse to miss rehearsal,
tutoring and school meetings will not be excused absences as per state acceptable
rehearsal guidelines. All tutoring and meetings must be handled outside of rehearsal
time. Missed rehearsals may also result in removal from the show for that week’s
performance or the season.

With such a large group, emergencies will arise from time to time and we are willing to
work with you if you let us know ahead of time. If you miss a rehearsal, you must notify
Mr. Rodriguez ahead of time and bring a note upon your return. If for some reason you
cannot notify Mr. Rodriguez ahead of time it is even more important to bring a note
explaining your absence. Failure to do so on a consistent basis could jeopardize your
position in the program. Students who miss performances and contests will be removed
from the program. Remember, you have made a commitment to this program and you
must follow through with your obligations.

As with the absences, if you must be tardy to a rehearsal, you must let us know ahead of
time. If you are detained in another class or office, please call the Band Hall and let the
directors know so that you will not be marked absent. You must also bring a note from
the teacher, administrator, doctor, etc. If you do not follow these rules during class, you
will be sent to the office for a tardy slip. A tardy to a performance could result in
receiving a failing grade for the performance because you may not be allowed to
If you must leave a rehearsal or performance early, you must notify the Mr. Rodriguez
ahead of time and then again when it is time to leave. As with all other absences, you
must bring a note upon your return.
At the beginning of each season, a schedule will be made available to the students and
parents. It is your responsibility to make the appropriate arrangements to fulfill your
obligation to the organization. This includes transportation to and from the meeting site
(Band Hall, stadium, etc.). The directors will always inform you (and your parents) of the
approximate return time. You must make arrangements to be picked up at the
appropriate time at the end of rehearsals and performances. You must understand
that Students, who are not picked up within thirty minutes of the end of rehearsal or
upon our return, will be left on their own at the school. Parents need to make every
effort to pick up their child in a timely manner for the safety of their child.

Students are encouraged to practice at the Band Hall after school. Parents are
encouraged to follow up with the directors to make sure their child is practicing and
not just "hanging out" or leaving the Band Hall. The Band Hall phone number is 397-
4281, 397-4282 or 397-4247.

Color Guard
The color guard provides visual enhancement for the field show. The guard will use a
variety of equipment in performances. The members must demonstrate proficiency on
their equipment in order to be allowed to perform. Tryouts for captain of the guard will
be held in May each year. Members of the guard will be responsible for some
expenses during the year (Fiesta uniform, Fall/Spring Uniform, Glove, Shoes, Make-
up, hair accessories).


The purpose of these organizations shall be to give students at Warren High School the
opportunity to:

A.    Perform with the band at football games’ halftime shows, and any assigned
      athletic event throughout the year.
B.    Perform with the band at UIL Marching contests, and any other contest the Band
      Director(s) chooses to enter.

C.    Render service to band events at various school and community functions.
D.    The Guard is a part of the band and is under the direction of the Band Director(s)
      and the Guard Instructor.
E.    Perform at Winter Guard Contests.
F.    Develop good leadership abilities
G.    Develop physically, mentally, and morally.
H.    Learn to work for the good of a group rather that one’s self.
I.    Learn to accept and fulfill responsibilities.


A.    Any student may participate in Color Guard/Winter Guard that meets the
B.    Certain medical conditions may disqualify a candidate from participating. The
      Director(s) will base their decision on recommendations made from a Certified
      Attending Physician and Warren high school administrators.
C.    Each member will give their time to participate in required activities throughout
      the year. The individual should not hold a job that will interfere with these
      activities. Work is not an excuse for missing practice or leaving early,
      including summer practices/camps.
D.    Each member will have the opportunity to participate in fund-raising through the
      Band Boosters to raise money for trips. Members must meet all financial
E.    Color Guard/Winter Guard parents must be willing to support the member in
      complying with all rules and regulations of this organization.
F.    Color Guard/Winter guard parents must accept the financial responsibility of their
      child participating in this organization. Approximate cost is spelled out above per
      year, excluding trips with the band and winter guard costs. The cost for first year
      guard members may be higher as they will need to purchase more
      equipment/clothing that existing members will already have.
G.    Guard members are subject to the dress code in the student handbook as well as
      any additions deemed necessary by the Director.
H.    Anyone who has withdrawn from the Guard for any reason may participate the
      following school year. Readmission will be based upon the member’s record at
      the time of withdrawal and the circumstances of the withdrawal. However, they
      may not tryout for officer.


A.    Tryouts

      1. Tryouts will be held as deemed necessary by the Director and held in the
      2. Any tryouts held will be arranged by the director.
      3. Members must be of freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior standing and
         enrolled or pre-enrolled at Warren high school.
      4. Students must have a signed parental permission turned in by the assigned
      5. Students must have no record of serious disciplinary problems. Those
         resulting in assignments to ISS, etc. will be reviewed by the director.
      6. Members must maintain satisfactory conduct in classes for the current year.
         Unsatisfactory conduct will be reviewed by the Director and must have
         citizenship recommendation by the student’s assistant principal.

B.    Twirlers
      1. The Warren Band Program does not generally feature twirlers.
      2. For an individual to try out for a twirling position with the band they must be a
         member of the color guard and must attend and earn a I division rating at
         Region UIL Twirling Competition.

C.    Cost

The following items and fees are required and must be paid by JULY 13TH.
Guard Uniform        $130.00              Guard Shoes          $35.00
Body Tights-Ladies $17.00                 Water Bottle/Holder $10.00
Warm-Ups             $60.00               Band Show Shirt      $15.00
Band Polo            $20.00               Band Towel           $7.00
Guard Equipment      $35.00               Compression Shorts $17.00
Fee                                       - Men
Gloves               $12.00               Rehearsal Leotard    $12.00
Duffle Bag           $30.00
Concession Fee       $25.00               Operational Fee      $100.00
The following items are optional
Booster              $10.00               Meals (9)            $72.00
All fees must be paid by July 13th        Fees are subject to change

D.    Grade Requirements

      1. Grades will be checked each UIL grading period. During marching season,
         grades will be checked weekly.
      2. Failure to pass all classes at the end of the UIL grading period will result in
         Ineligibility (cannot perform). NO PASS, NO PLAY! (HB72)

      3. Any officer/leader on grade probation (ineligible) will lose all officer privileges
         as set by the Director.

E.    Rehearsals

      1. You must attend Color Guard Camp as well as Band Camp. Dates will be set
         by the Director. Additional practices/classes may be scheduled. Any day
         missed during the entire summer practice and summer camps, without prior
         permission from the Director, will result in that member becoming ineligible to
         perform in the first two performances of football season, and/or Meet the
         Warriors, depending on the days missed and as set by the Director.
      2. You must attend all Band practice before or after school during the marching
         season, as well as guard practice set by the Director. Failure to attend
         practice without proper notification and/or permission will result in not

performing in that week’s half-time show at the football game and
        participating in the pep rally.
     3. During Winter Guard, you must attend all practices set by the Director. Any
        missed practice or habitual tardiness, without prior permission from the
        Director will result in not performing in the next Winter Guard Contest.
     4. Additional practices may be called if the Director(s) deem it necessary for the
        quality of the performance.

F.   Attendance/Absences

     1. Members must be able to attend ALL scheduled practices before and/or after
        school during the school year, as well as summer practices/camps.
     2. Members must be at practice, band class, and in school on the day of a
        football game, pep rally, contest, or performance in order to perform
        (reference Student Handbook), even if due to an illness.
     3. Every member must be enrolled in the Band class during the fall and spring
     4. When a member is absent, it is their responsibility to call another member to
        find out what they are required to do on the day they return. Absence is not
        an excuse for being unprepared.
     5. Unexcused Absence from one day of practice during the week will restrict the
        member from the performance (15 minutes late to practice or more
        constitutes an absence). This includes half-time shows, marching contests,
        winter guard competitions, and spring concert performances. Mr. Rodriguez
        will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
     6. If it proves necessary for a guard member to be absent from school or
        practice they MUST notify the Director in advance.
     7. If a guard member becomes ill or leaves school before the end of the school
        day, they must notify the Director in person.
     8. Not attending scheduled sports games, band contests, or performances will
        be excused only with a parental note and prior notification to Director.

G.   Probation

     1. Any member who fails to maintain a passing average in all classes at the UIL
        grading period will be ineligible to participate until the next UIL grading period,
        if they are passing all classes at that time. (HB 72)
     2. Members on grade probation will be required to participate in class as well as
        after school practices. However, they may NOT participate in performances.
     3. Any officer on probation will lose all officer privileges.
4. A member may be placed on probation for any infraction of the Constitution at
          the discretion of the Director(s) if it is deemed necessary.
       5. Any member who displays irresponsibility in practice or performance, an
          inappropriate attitude or inappropriate language will be placed on probation
          set by the Director(s).
       6. Members who participate in public display of infection while in uniform and at
          games, contests, competitions, etc. will be placed on probation.
       7. Members who must be sent home from practice by the Director (for reasons
          other than illness) will be put on probation for a length determined by the
       8. At the end of the probation period, if the problem has not been corrected, the
          parent will be contacted and the member will be dismissed from the guard.

H.     Dismissal

       1. Violation of District Policy or Student Handbook is ground for dismissal. Color
          Guard establishes rules of conduct – and consequences for misbehavior that
          are stricter than for students in general. You are representing the school and
          the way you conduct yourselves should exemplify that.
       2. Expulsion from school will terminate membership automatically.
       3. Members caught drinking, smoking, or using illegal drugs, in or out of uniform,
          at school sponsored functions will be dismissed and parents will be
       4. Any member who is on grade probation three times during the year will be
       5. Any member that is assigned to ISS three times during the year will be
          dismissed. Circumstances resulting in the ISS assignments will be reviewed
          and dismissal of the member will be at the discretion of the Director and
       6. Members caught stealing will be dismissed and parents will be contacted.
       7. Members caught fighting will be dismissed from the squad. Fighting will be
          defined as physical violence against another person or “shouting matches”.
       8. There will be no refund on uniforms/equipment ordered for members who
          drop out or are dismissed from the Guard.

*Since the Director is directly responsible to the principal for the welfare of this
organization, he/she shall have the authority to make decisions necessary for the welfare
of this organization. Any action that needs to be taken concerning a situation not
covered by this constitution or, in extreme cases, in opposition to stated policies will be
the responsibility of the Director with consultation of the administration when necessary.


A.    Tryouts for officers will be held in the spring/summer of each year.
B.    Requirements for officer tryouts will be designated by the Director each year.
C.    Candidates for officers must have at least one year of color guard experience.
D.    Candidates had to participate in the band marching season of that year and
      winter guard program.
E.    Officers must commit to both Fall Guard and Winter Guard.
F.    Candidates must be willing to accept and fulfill responsibilities.
G.    Candidates must be able to give as much time as needed and demanded by the
H.    Officers are expected to be ideal models for other members, have knowledge of
      equipment use, color guard skills and be willing to perform duties assigned by
      the Director.
I.    Act as a representative of Color Guard when requested.
J.    Officers must maintain a good relationship with the Director(s) and other officers.
K.    Be responsible for equipment, props, and uniform inspections as assigned.
L.    Failure to fulfill responsibility and duties can result in dismissal from office.
M.    Candidates must have been eligible every grading period of their tryout year.

Concert Bands

The students are given copies of the music to be performed each semester. They are
also given a folder to keep the music in. It is the responsibility of each student to keep
up with their folder of music and method books. If the students have to share a method
book it must be kept in an easily accessible place in case someone is absent. Books
and music must be turned in when called for in order to keep the library in order.
Students will be charged the appropriate fees for lost music and books.

Solos and Ensembles

All students enrolled in a Warren Performing Ensemble MUST participate in the spring
solo and ensemble festival. Literature must be chosen by Thanksgiving and prepared
for performance by the last Saturday in February. Solos and ensembles may be
performed with Smartmusic or with an accompanist. If the student chooses to use an
accompanist they are responsible for paying that individual by the day of their

Music is provided by the Warren program if the student chooses to perform something
that we have in our library or wish to add to our library. However, we reserve the right
to not purchase a piece that will not be usable by an adequate number of students.

Private Lessons

Private lessons are strongly encouraged for all students in the Warren Band program.
Each student can benefit from the one-on-one instruction that comes with private
instruction no matter what type of player they may be. Lesson costs are set by the
individual teacher with-in the acceptable NISD rate schedule and are collected by the
individual teacher according to their policies and practices. A complete list of lesson
teachers and their contact information is posted on the “Lesson Board” at the front of
the band hall or you may request a list from Ms. White.

Marching Uniform Guidelines

Your uniform is the biggest reflection of you and your band. We are all extremely proud
of our band and our uniform. They will be worn to reflect this pride. In addition, they
must also last. Proper care is a must to achieve this. The following guidelines have
been set up to insure that we all care for and wear our uniform in a proper, presentable
manner. Please read this document carefully and keep it handy for further reference.

You will be issued a coat, hat, plume, gauntlets, and garment bag. You are responsible
for providing black socks, the approved marching shoe, and black gloves. The uniform
will be worn in its entirety at all times. You are to wear your band shirt under your coat
and it must be completely zipped unless otherwise instructed. You must wear your
band shorts under your band pants. Your hat must be kept in its case when not being
worn. You must bring your hat case to all football games. You must keep your plume in
its case when not worn. A cleaning schedule will be set up at a local cleaner.

Your trouser length is measured at 3” from the ground. This length must be consistent,
no exceptions will be made. Your coat and trousers must be neat and unwrinkled.
Hanging the uniform properly will keep the pants' crease in place. Do not attempt to
press your uniform at home.

No one is allowed to wear jewelry or body piercings with the exception of their class ring
while in uniform. Ladies may not wear any make-up, this includes fingernail polish. Both
men and women must wear hair up under the hat; no exceptions. Gentlemen are
required to shave any facial hair for performances. If there is a personal problem with
this, we will handle it on an individual basis.

Please be sure that you have good hygiene habits. Use deodorant. Do not wear heavy
perfume, scented lotions or cologne when in uniform as the fabric will pick up the scent
and/or be discolored. Be very careful not to spill anything on the purple jackets. If an
accident occurs, notify the uniform chairperson and they will have it cleaned

Inspection will take place prior to all performances. You will suffer the following
consequences if the above guidelines are not followed:

   1. You will run (1) lap after marching rehearsal for each violation that you have. If
      you miss rehearsal you will run your laps during band class.

2. If we see that your uniform is extremely messy, (wrinkled, dirty, dirty gloves,
      wrong socks, etc...) we may ask you to go home or sit in the stands and not

   3. If violations continue, your uniform will be taken away from you.

Each individual is responsible for their uniform. You will have to replace it and/or any
missing or damaged parts of your uniform at your expense.

Pep Rally Uniform

The pep rally uniform consists of the band polo, blue jeans without holes, and tennis
shoes. No jackets may be worn during the pep rally except in the case of the nighttime
pep rally.

The Concert Uniform

The concert uniform for the ladies consists of a black dress, (provided by the school)
black hose, and black shoes. (You provide these items) Hair must be neat. Minimal
jewelry and make-up may be worn (no lipstick or gloss). The concert uniform for the
gentlemen is a black tuxedo, black bow tie and cummerbund, (provided by the band)
tuxedo shirt, black socks, and black shoes. (You provide these items). If a student does
not march they will be assessed at $10.00 cleaning fee for these items. If the student
has paid their marching band cleaning fee these items are covered.

Solo and Ensemble Uniform

Students are asked to dress nicely for these performances. A pair of khakis, a nice
shirt, and a nice pair of shoes is appropriate for the gentleman. Ladies may wear a
dress, slacks or other appropriate attire with a nice pair of shoes. Please be
conservative in length. If you have any questions please consult a director ahead of

School Instruments and Lockers
School Instruments

The school provides large instruments, percussion equipment, and smaller instruments
on a limited basis. The student and parents must sign a contract that states they will be
responsible for any damage that occurs to the instrument while it is checked out to
them. If an instrument is lost or stolen while checked out to a student, they are
responsible for turning in a police report and possibly the replacement cost. The
contract is given to the student at the time the instrument is issued. Other than the
concert tubas, students will not share instruments unless given permission by a director.

 All students must provide their own mouthpieces and accessories (valve oil, reeds,
etc.). The fee school instrument use is $30.00 per instrument per year.


Lockers with locks are provided for storage and security. Instruments and cases should
be locked in the locker when not in use. The students may keep other items in the
locker provided there is room but the priority is the instrument. All lockers must be
locked at all times.

Lockers are assigned by a director or designated student leader. No student may
change lockers without permission of said person.

It is the student’s responsibility to do the following:

       1. Notify a director if the locker or lock is broken or not working for some
       2. Notify a director if the student’s instrument(s) do not fit in the locker assigned
          to them.
       3. Immediately clean up any spills. i.e. Valve oil, deodorant, etc.
       4. Understand that a band locker may be opened by a director at any time.

Rules, Commandments, and Consequences____
The following basic rules apply to everyone in the organization:
   1. Band directors, clinicians, instructors, and parents are to be addressed as Mr.
       __________, Sir, Ms. ___________________, or Ma'am.
   2. No one is allowed to tamper with any equipment, including but not limited to
       percussion instruments, the piano, stereo, and color guard equipment.
   3. All furniture must be in its proper place and room. At the end of each rehearsal,
       the chairs and stands must be put away. If you move it to a different room, you
       must bring it back to the Band Hall.
   4. All instruments are to be kept in their locker and the lock must be locked. Empty
       cases should not be left in the hall but locked in the locker.
   5. All music folders should be returned to the shelves after rehearsal. Music left on
       the stands or the floor will be thrown away and the student will be charged for a
       new copy.
   6. No one is allowed in the library or color guard locker without permission.
       Students are not allowed to use the copier without permission.
   7. Students who are not members of the band are not allowed in the Band Hall
       without the permission of one of the directors.
   8. No running, wrestling, or fighting in the Band Hall. Anyone involved in a fight will
       be referred to school officials for disciplinary action. This could result in dismissal
       from the program
   9. Anyone caught stealing will be turned over to the school authorities. Stealing
       band equipment, uniforms, money (band or students') will result in dismissal from
       the program.
   10. All school rules in the Student Code of Conduct apply to all band members. This
       includes the dress code rules.

Special rules during school hours:

   1. When the tardy bell rings, all students should be in the Band Hall with their
      instrument, music, and supplies. Students will be sent to the office for a tardy slip
      if they consistently fail to be on time.
   2. Students will be attentive to announcements during class time and will stand for
      the pledge and moment of silence.
   3. Students must get permission from a director and return with a pass if they want
      to come to the Band Hall during another class. You must be prepared to do
      something constructive (i.e. practice).
   4. Students are not allowed to use the computers without permission. If you wish to
      practice with a Smart Music computer after school, please let a director know at
      the end of class so as to avoid conflicts with other students. A sign-up sheet for

each computer will be made available.

Bus/Trip Rules

These rules apply to trips to football games, contests, and Fiesta activities. Special rules
are given to the students attending the trip to Florida.
   1. Band members may not change bus assignments once they have been finalized.
   2. All members are expected to behave in a socially acceptable manner as set by
       the band directors. No loud talking, singing, etc.
   3. Do not take valuables (iPod, purses, etc.) since the buses may not always be
       locked and there is no one else to take care of them.
   4. If there is assigned seating, you must stay in that seat.
   5. No flash photography at night since this is a hazard for the driver.
   6. Everyone must ride the bus to the event. If you wish to return with your parents
       or legal guardian, you must check out with a director and we must see you
   7. No one will change clothes on the bus unless instructed to do so by the directors.
       You may remove your jacket during the ride but as you exit the bus you must be
       in full uniform (zipped and snapped).

The Band Commandments

   These commandments are posted in the Band Hall and provide a summary of the
   above rules.
   1. The Band Director is always right.
   2. Respect and obey Officers and Section Leaders.
   3. No talking during rehearsal.
   4. Do not leave your seat without permission.
   5. No bad language –EVER.
   6. No horseplay in the Band Hall.
   7. The Band Hall is your home-keep it clean.
   8. No hugging or kissing in the Band Hall.
   9. If you are on time, you are late.
   10. Have your horn out by the tardy bell.

Miscellaneous Rules

   1. The following rules cover circumstances and situations not covered above.
   2. No gum chewing or eating in the band hall under any circumstances.
   3. No piercings are allowed any time you are in uniform. Only earrings may be worn
during class. Tongue rings are prohibited at all times.
   4.   Do not write on stands, lockers, or restroom walls. Report any incidences of this
   5.   No pictures or stickers are allowed in or on the lockers.
   6.   Only school issued locks will be used on the instrument lockers.
   7.   Students must sign out for metronomes and tuners and return them in a timely
   8.    Keep locker Room Clean and Follow Locker Room Guide lines.


The following consequences will be applied at the discretion of the directors to any
violations to the rules listed above.
    1. Conference with student.
    2. Laps to run, push-ups, sit-ups.
    3. Written assignment.
    4. Loss of computer privileges.
    5. Clean up duty in the Band Hall.
    6. Call to parents.
    7. Conference with parents.
    8. Discipline referral.
    9. Dismissal from the program.

Student Leadership
                   Drum Majors
           Edward Trejo, Head Drum Major
        John Paul Chabot, 1st Asst. Drum Major
        Marianna Morales, 2nd Asst. Drum Major

               Band Council Officers
               Mikaela Hall, President
            Adriana Garza, Vice President
              Garrett Smith, Secretary
              Monika Lopez, Historian

                  Section Leaders

            Woodwind Section Leaders
            Flute Section- Victoria Lorea
           Clarinet Section- Anisa Castillo
          Saxophone Section- Rob Peterson
                Brass Section Leaders
           Trumpet Section- Wesley Penny
             Horn Section- Sarah Duffey
           Baritone Section- Jonathan Butler
           Trombone Section- Justin Brown
           Tuba Section- Mykaela Woodruff
                Percussion Captains
             Drumline Captain- Eric Lopez
                Pit Captain –Ka Tai Ho

               Color Guard Captains
              Captain- Jante Escereno
            Co Captain- Stephanie Gomez

Student Leadership Responsibilities

Student leaders are critical to the success of the Warren High School Band
program. Student leaders are the section leaders, officers, drum major, color
guard captain, and drumline captain. Section leaders, officers, and drumline
captain are to be appointed by the directors and must be members of the
Symphonic Band. The drum major and color guard captain must try out for their
positions each year. The student leaders should reflect the best the band has
to offer and serve as role models for all other band members. They serve as a
link between the band and the directors. Failure to fulfill the responsibility of the
position will result in dismissal from the position and possibly dismissal from the
program. The chain of command in the band program is Band member, Section
Leader/Drumline Captain/Color Guard Captain, Drum Major, Band Directors.

The duties of the student leaders are as follows:

   1. Section leaders
         A. Serve as a role model for all students in playing, marching, and
         B. Help to teach music and marching.
         C. Report attendance problems, behavior problems, instrument
            problems, uniform problems, etc. to the directors.
         D. Collect grade checks in a timely manner and turn them into the
         E. Help with distribution, maintenance, and collection of uniforms.
         F. Help with copying and distribution of music.
         G. Keep the Band Hall area neat and clean.
         H. Other duties as assigned by the directors.

   2. Officers
          A. Serve as a role model for all students in playing, marching, and
          B. Assist the section leaders and directors as needed.

   3. Drumline Captain
         A. Serve as a role model for all students in playing, marching, and
         B. Fulfill the duties of section leader as listed above.
         C. Lead the section in warm-ups for pep rallies, football games,
            parades, etc.
         D. Maintain a professional attitude throughout the section during
football games.
        E. Keep the percussion room neat and clean, including securing all
           sticks, mallets, etc.

  4. Drum Major
        A. Serve as a role model for all students in playing, marching, and
        B. Fulfill the duties of section leaders as listed above.
        C. Call section leaders to pass along information to the rest of the band.
        D. Be sure all equipment is ready for marching rehearsal,
           including podium, metronome, Long Rangers, yard markers,
        E. Be sure all equipment is returned to the Ball Hall after each
           marching rehearsal.
        F. Maintaining order during rehearsal.

 5. Color Guard Captain

        A. Serve as a role model for all students in performing, marching, and
        B. Fulfill the duties of section leaders as listed above.
        C. Maintain an inventory of flags and other, equipment.
        D. Report any damage to flags or equipment to the director.
        E. Keep the color guard closet neat and clean.
        F. Warm up the guard at rehearsals, football games, parades, etc.
        G. Maintain a professional attitude in the guard in the stands.


     1st Offense: Warning
     2nd Offense: Band Hall Clean Up
     3rd Offense: Your name will not be announce as a part of the leadership team at
                  that week’s performance
     4 Offense: You will not perform at that week’s performance(s)
     5th Offense: Removal from your leadership position

It is vitally important that we be able to communicate with both parents and students.
It’s also vitally important that students and parents take part in helping us to
communicate as quickly and efficiently as possible. The band directors and band
boosters will communicate in the following ways:

CHARMS: https://www.charmsoffice.com Group e-mails will originate from this site.
You must have an e-mail to receive this information. There will also be items posted in
news and handouts. You may access your student’s booster balance here as well as
any information that we provide to your student. The calendar is available for synch
with your phone or computer in this location.

TEXT MESSAGE: Sign- up to receive text messages by dialing 469-251-1151.
Message is @WarrenBand. It will ask you for your name. Your respond to that and you
will be set up. We will be able to send messages out to you without seeing your number
or vice versa. Remember that standard messaging rates apply based on your plan.

TWITTER:     “@thepurplepride” and follow us on Twitter.

BAND WEB SITE: https://www.gowarriors.org You will find our calendar and
announcements in this location. You may also access pictures from the year and handy

BOARDS: Classroom announcements are made daily at the beginning of each
rehearsal. Announcements and schedules are also posted on the classroom bulletin
boards and white boards. Students are responsible for paying attention to this

Grading, Make-up Work, Late Work, and
Grading Policy

Grades will fall into one of four categories in all Band/Guard classes: Daily
Grade, Sectionals, Performance Assessments, and Written Assessments.
Participation grades are defined as active participation in class and dressing out,
Sectionals are defined as attendance to Morning, Marching. Performance
assessments are defined as football games, marching band festivals, UIL
Marching Contest, UIL Concert/Sight-Reading Contest, etc. see bullet 3. Written
assessments are defined as written music theory test, Written assessment of
fall/spring routine and evidence of outside practice including but not limited to
practice cards and out of class Smart Music sessions. Test grades come from
playing tests given in class and selected performances such as region auditions,
contests, solo/ensemble and concerts.

Grading Policy

Category 1: Daily Grade
            Active Participation in Class: 10 points
            Dressing Out: 10 points

Category 2: Sectional
            Morning Sectionals: 100 points
             Marching Rehearsals: 100 points
            Pep Rallies: 100 points
            If a student is late by 15 minutes grade will go down to 80 points.
            If a student is late by 30 minutes grade will default to 70 points
             If student was held by teacher a note must be submitted.

Category 3: Performance Assessment (Every Thursday or as set by the
            Football Games (Group): 100 points
            Marching Contests/Festivals (Group): 100 points
            Memorization of Show Music/Scales (Individual): 100 points
            UIL Marching/Concert-Sight Reading (Group): 100 points
            All Region Auditions (individual): 100 point
            Solo and Ensemble (individual): 100 points
            Show Routine by the Counts (Color-Guard Individual): 100 points
Show Routine Music (Color-Guard Individual): 100 points
            Winter Guard Routine by the Counts (Individual): 100 points
            Winter Guard Routine with Music (Individual): 100 points
            Winter Band Concert: 100 points
            Spring Band Concert: 100 points
            Winter Guard Parent Showcase: 100 points

Category 4: Written Assessments (completion of every movement)
            Written Music Theory (Individual): 100 points
            Written assessment of Fall Routine: 100 points

Make-up Work

Students who miss class will be expected to make-up any work that is missed
during the time of the absence. If they are absent for a medical reason such as
getting braces, surgery, broken bones etc. the time allowed to make-up the work
will be adjusted pending a doctor's release. Depending on the type of illness or
injury, the director may choose to assign written work in lieu of the standard
playing assignments. In all other cases, the students are expected to complete
playing assignments (know their part) at the specified deadline (modifications to
the music are made at the director's discretion).

Late Work

For the most part, we do not have assignments that can be turned in late.
However, during marching season, students are informed that if they do not turn
in grade checks on time, they will be required to run a lap around the practice
field during the water break at rehearsal.


Students who make 85 or lower on a playing test in a concert band class will
have one week from the day of the test to replay the test for the director. The
retest must be played out of class time (before or after school).

Semester Exams

Semester exam grades are earned as follows:

   1. In the fall, Symphonic Band members must learn the three etudes for the
      Region Band auditions. A schedule for learning the music will be posted. If
the student attends the audition, he/she will earn a grade of 100 no matter
   what their chair placement is. If they do not attend the tryouts, they must
   play the three etudes for the head director no later than the last bell on the
   last day of the semester. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 1 point.
   In the spring, all students must perform a solo with the Smart Music
   accompaniment by the date specified by the directors. Solos performed
   without accompaniment will result in a grade no higher than 70. Again,
   failure to perform a solo will result in a grade of 1 point.

2. In the fall, the Concert Band members will be graded on playing the major,
   minor, and chromatic scales. As with the etude schedule for Symphonic
   Band, the concert Band will have a schedule for learning the scales. In the
   spring, the students must perform a solo with Smart Music
   accompaniment. Solos performed without accompaniment will result in a
   grade no higher than 70. Failure to perform a solo will result in a grade of

3. In the fall, the members of the color guard class will perform the marching
   show routine in groups of 2 or 3 with counts/music and attend the Winter
   Concert. In the spring, the members of the color guard will perform the
   winter guard routine and attend spring concert.

Warren Warrior Band Boosters, Inc._______
The Warren Band Boosters organization was established to promote the band program
and help with the financial needs of the band program. Any band parent or legal
guardian is welcome to join. Dues are $10.00 and a criminal background check form
needs to be filled out. The meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00
in the Band Hall. The September and October meetings are at 7:30 due to marching

                                 Executive Board

President: Sid Guajardo                        1st Vice President: Robert Carbah
2nd Vice President: Christie Tran              Secretary: Wendy Johnson

Treasurer: Susan Collins                    Parliamentarian: TBA

                          Committee Chairperson

Band Meals: Lisa Moya, Chair                          Open, Co-Chair

Banquet: Gwen Hall, Chair                             Andrea Trejo, Co-Chair

Chaperones: Gracie Deaton, Chair                      Don Deaton, Co-Chair

Concessions: John Moya, Chair                         April Slater, Co-Chair

Spring BBQ: Eddie Trejo, Chair                        John Moya, Co-Chair

Hospitality: Gwen Hall                                Andrea Trejo, Co-Chair

Membership: Gwen Hall

Roadies: Jimmy Johnson, Chair                         Wendy Johnson, Co-Chair

Spirit Items: Helen Coignet, Chair                    Twyla Heindl, Co-Chair

Enchilada Dinner: Karen Gardner, Chair                   Patty Deleon, Co-Chair
                                                         John Moya, Co-Chair

Uniforms: Marcia Brown, Chair                            Hilda Castillo, Co-Chair

The Warren Band Boosters will sponsor fundraisers several times throughout the year.
All band students are expected to participate in these fundraisers since they will benefit
from the profits. Before each fundraiser, it will be announced as to whether the profit will
go to the Band Boosters Account or the individual student accounts. At the beginning of
the year, the students and the parents will sign a form stating that they agree to be
responsible for any items or tickets that are issued to them. In order to receive full credit
(profit) on each fundraiser, the money must be turned in by the deadline established at
the beginning of the fundraiser. All money must be turned in before participating in the
next fundraiser. Items may be turned in unsold for full credit as long as they are
received by the deadline. No items may be returned after the deadline. Your
account will be assessed.

Chaperone Responsibilities:

1.   Assist with getting the band to and from events safely and in an orderly manner.
2.   Be firm but fair in deciding when to enforce disciplinary action. (If a problem arises,
     please go directly to the head chaperones, not the directors. Remember that the
     directors and drum majors are in charge of the band in the stands at the games.)
3.   Abide by the NISD Secondary School Dress Code. (NO SHORTS)
4.   Upon arrival, check in with the head chaperones in the Band Hall.
5.   Check student names off as they enter the bus.
6.   Please address students on an individual basis if possible.
7.   Must have completed a NISD volunteer Background check Form.

Items needed when loading the bus:

1.   Medical Kits (Nurse Responsibility or Head Chaperone if nurse is unavailable).
2.   Permission Forms (Nurse Responsibility or Head Chaperone if nurse is
3.   Bus backpack (clipboard, radio, name tag, bus sign in, masking tape, pen,
     highlighter, student bus list.)

While On the Bus, students should:

1.   Remain Seated
2.   Keep uniform on (May take off jacket)
3.   Keep noise down
4.   Use Appropriate language
5.   Keep all objects and body parts inside bus
6.   Leave the bus in full uniform (including hat box and instrument out of case. If rain is
     evident, cases may be brought into the stand.)

At the Game/Event:

1.   No bus is to unload until all buses are stopped
2.   Chaperones align themselves equally in the stands along the sides of the band.
3.   Water will be given after the pre-game music. (Tubas and percussion usually get
     water before returning to the stands.)
4.   Students are not allowed to have food, candy, gum, or drinks other than water.
5.   No socializing with spectators in or under the stands.
6.   1st half restroom breaks are only given on an Emergency basis and must be
7.   Refill student water bottles before half time show is finished
8.   Students go in groups of 5 to the restroom during the 3rd quarter and must be
     escorted. Please do not take more than 3 from any one section at a

After the Game:

1.   Chaperones will return to the buses at the 2minute warning.
2.   Head chaperones will check the stands for items that are left behind.
3.   Empty the water coolers near you and return to the trailer.
4.   Check names off as students enter the bus. (Students who do not ride the bus
     back to school must have a parent note and the adult responsible for taking them
     home must sign the bus list.)

Back at the Campus:

1.   Clear the bus of all trash and belonging
2.   Return found items to the Band Hall
3.   Return Bus Backpack ( clipboard, radio, name tag, bus sign in, masking tape, pen,
     highlighter, student bus list)


Northside provides comprehensive extracurricular programs for the benefit of NISD
students. The underlying belief is that that participation in an extracurricular program
can provide students the opportunity to learn responsibility, dedication, leadership, hard
work, respect for rules, respect for authority and many other positive qualities.
Regulations are established to promote these qualities and to help build and maintain
strong programs. It is recognized that some of the expectations for students
involved in extracurricular activities exceed the expectations for the general student
body. These students are expected to follow district policies and all program-specific
procedures set by the district and the school. Violations of the rules will result in
corrective and/or disciplinary action. The facts and circumstances will be taken into
consideration when determining consequences for rule violations.

It is the desire of Northside coaches, directors and sponsors to educate and counsel our
students on the harmful effects of a violation of this Code of Conduct and the potential
consequences inflicted upon themselves, their families, and their respective teammates
should they choose to breach the Extracurricular Code of Conduct. It is also the intent
of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct to provide a clearly defined course for our
students to follow and instill a belief that a one time infraction need not result in a
permanent pattern in life.

In all instances of an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct the student will be
provided due process. The process for determining a violation of the Code of Conduct
will be established by the principal onhis/her campus. Any student involved in an
extracurricular activity who is found to be in violation of any of the infractions mentioned
below will face disciplinary action.

Once guilt has been determined, the General Guidelines for Student Discipline as
outlined in NISD Board Policy FO (Local) will be used when possible and applied to all
cases concerning the Extracurricular Code of Conduct. The following penalties will be
administered throughout the district when infractions occur:

No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off school premises, use, possess,
distribute or be under the influence of tobacco.

A first offense will result in 2-week suspension of the student from game competition or
extracurricular participation. If there are not 2 weeks remaining in the particular sport
season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of

extracurricular activity. A contract will be required.

A second offense will result in dismissal of the student from the extracurricular program
for the remainder of the school year in which the infraction occurred. Another contract
will be required.

A third offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high
school extracurricular programs.


No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off campus, sell, give, deliver, use,
possess or be under the influence of alcohol.

The first offense will result in a 4-week suspension of the student from game
competition or extracurricular participation. If there are not 4 weeks remaining in that
particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport
season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required.

The second offense will result in dismissal of the student from the extracurricular
program for the remainder of the school year. Another contract will be required.

The third offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high school
extracurricular programs.


No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off campus, sell, give, deliver, use,
possess, or be under the influence of any controlled or otherwise illegal substance.

A first offense will result in a 6-week suspension of the student from game competition
or activity. If there are not 6 weeks remaining in that particular sport season or activity,
the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular
activity. A contract will be required.

A second offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high
school extracurricular programs.

THEFT (on campus)
Any extracurricular participant guilty of theft on campus will face the following
consequences: A first offense will result in a 3-6 week suspension of the student from
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