EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023

Page created by Randall Diaz
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023
White Bear Lake Area Schools
PROGRAMS                       Handbook
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023
Normandy Park Early
                                                                                                        Preschool Sites
    Childhood Education Center
    Phone: 651-653-3100, Fax: 651-653-3155                                                             Birch Lake Elementary (BL)
    Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm                                                   1616 Birch Lake Avenue
                                                                                                       White Bear Lake, MN 55110
       WBL Early Childhood Mission Statement                                                           Lakeaires Elementary (LK)
       Helping all children reach their greatest potential by providing the best                       3963 Van Dyke St
       possible environment for growth and development and strengthening                               White Bear Lake, MN 55110
       families and communities.                                                                       651-653-2809
                                                                                                       Normandy Park
                                                                                                       Education Center (NP)
    Phone Numbers                                                                                      2482 County Road F East
                                                                                                       White Bear Lake, MN 55110
    EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SUPERVISOR                                                               Oneka Elementary School (OE)
    Darcy Rodriguez...................................................................651-653-3102     4888 Heritage Parkway North
                                                                                                       Hugo, MN 55038
    EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPERVISOR                                                       651-288-1800
    Angela Drange.....................................................................651-653-3101
                                                                                                       Otter Lake Elementary (OT)
    EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM SPECIALIST                                                                 1401 County Road H2
    Nicole Mersch......................................................................651-653-3118    White Bear Lake, MN 55110
    Deana Gallagher...................................................................651-653-3100     Tamarack Nature Center (TAM)
                                                                                                       5287 Otter Lake Road
    ADMINSTRATIVE ASSISTANT                                                                            White Bear Lake, MN 55110
    Megan Hodgin......................................................................651-653-3100     651-653-3100

    NURSE                                                                                              Vadnais Heights Elementary (VH)
    Cathy Foster.......................................................................651-653-3103    3645 Centerville Road
                                                                                                       Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
    CHILD STUDY SECRETARY/ HEALTH ASSISTANT                                                            651-653-2858
    Deb Tacheny.......................................................................651-653-3106
                                                                                                       Willow Lane Elementary (WL)
    PSYCHOLOGIST                                                                                       3375 Willow Ave
    Aleta Schulte.......................................................................651-653-3104   White Bear Lake, MN 55110
    Amy Galyon........................................................................651-653-3136

EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023
WBLAS Early Learning Philosophy

                                            Parent Aware Rated                         Early Childhood Screening
                                            WBLAS Preschool Program is a four-star     Early Childhood Screening is required
                                            Parent Aware rated Program. Parent         by the state of Minnesota for all
                                            Aware is a statewide quality rating        children prior to entering kindergarten.
                                            system for programs that demonstrate       Screening offers a snapshot of each
                                            best practice for early education.         child’s health and development
                                            Programs that receive a four-star rating   and provides families with valuable
                                            are the highest quality programs in        information about their child. Screening
                                            the state.                                 children between ages three and four,
                                                                                       allows time for intervention (if needed)
                                            Serving All Children                       before the start of Kindergarten. For
A Place to Learn and Grow                   We are an inclusive community.             this reason, we require Early Childhood
White Bear Lake Area Preschool              Our commitment to diversity and            screening within the first 90 days of
provides a safe and nurturing               inclusion creates a culture of equity      the start of the preschool year. White
environment for a child’s first school      for children and families. We celebrate    Bear Lake School District provides the
experience. Daily activities help           our differences and we recognize that      screening at no charge to families.
children develop social and emotional       children bring their own unique cultural   Screenings are held at Normandy Park
skills that are a key for future school     strengths to our classrooms.               on Fridays throughout the school year.
success. Licensed teachers provide                                                     Please contact our main office at
a variety of meaningful hands-on
                                            Special Education
                                                                                       651-653-3100, if you have any questions
                                            Special education services are provided
learning experiences in the areas of                                                   regarding screening.
                                            for children on IEPs within our program.
reading and math readiness, science
                                            Preschool teachers, Special Education
and social studies, art and sensory,
                                            teachers and Specialists work together
music, and dramatic play. Our language
                                            to support all students.
arts curriculum is aligned with the
district’s kindergarten curriculum so       Family Engagement
our preschoolers will be well prepared      Meaningful family engagement in
for learning to read and write.             children’s learning supports school
                                            readiness and later academic success.
Play Based Learning
                                            Here are some ways for you to support
Play is the foundation upon which all
                                            you student:
preschool learning is built. As such,
free-choice play times are incorporated       • Attend your child’s preschool
into our preschool day, as well as              orientation meeting at the
guided play-based learning activities           beginning of the year
that are designed to teach children a         • Ensure your child’s regular
specific skill. Children will experience        attendance at school
hands-on and creative activities that
                                              • Attend conferences twice a year
will stimulate their learning while
                                                with your child’s teacher
allowing the freedom to explore
their environment and express their           • Read the communication that
creativity. This play-based learning            comes from your child’s teacher,
philosophy is supported by our guiding          and reach out if your child
curriculum: the Creative Curriculum             needs support
for Preschool.                                • Attend school events throughout
                                                the year
Conscious Discipline
                                              • Consider joining our White Bear
White Bear Lake Early Childhood
                                                Lake Area Schools Early Childhood
uses Conscious Discipline, which is an
                                                PTA. For more information, visit
innovative social-emotional learning
and classroom management framework.
Conscious Discipline teaches children
self regulation skills for everyday life.
This is taught by helping children to
identify and name their feelings, and
use breathing and calming strategies
to regulate.

EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023
Tuition                                    Transportation                             Safety

    Tuition payments are based on a yearly     Student Drop off and Pick up               Cold Weather Policy
    amount divided into nine equal parts.      Drop off and pick up procedures will       Outdoor time is an important part
    Payment is due on the first day of each    be explained by your child’s teacher       of the school day for our children.
    month. Automatic monthly payment           at the beginning of the school year. If    Please make sure that your child is
    deductions are an option through your      you are picking up your child early from   dressed appropriately for the weather.
    Eleyo account. You also have the option    school, you will need to go through the    Boots, snow pants, jackets, hats and
    to pay the entire annual bill at the       front office of your school building.      mittens are a must during the winter
    beginning of the year.                     Children will be released to parents       months. While most Minnesota days
                                               or authorized persons listed on the        are great for outside play, district staff
    Online Payment                             emergency form. If someone different       will monitor the weather and keep
    Monthly bills will be sent to the email    is picking up your child from school,      children indoors on days where weather
    address that you provided when you         please notify the teacher. Please be       conditions make it unsafe to play
    created your Eleyo account. Follow         aware that photo identification is         outdoors. The district’s temperature
    the instructions given in the email to     required to enter all White Bear Lake      guidelines for outdoor recess and play
    submit your payment                        School buildings.                          is -10 degrees (air temp or windchill).
    Mail or In Person Payment                                                             Your child’s teacher will communicate
                                               Pick Up and Drop Off From Busing           more about cold weather policies as
    If you are paying by check, make           Staff members will meet children at
    checks payable to WBL Early Childhood                                                 winter approaches.
                                               the bus when they arrive at school and
    Program. Then submit payment to:           bring children to the bus at the end of    Emergency Contact Information
    Normandy Park Education Center             each school day. Parents/Caregivers are    Emergency contact information is
    2482 County Road F East                    responsible for walking children to the    required prior to the start of each
    White Bear Lake, MN 55110                  bus when they leave home and meeting       school year and needs to be updated
                                               the bus when children arrive home.         with the teacher when there are
    Withdrawing From the Program               Please be ready for the bus 5 minutes      changes. Be sure to inform all
    You are required to provide our office     before the scheduled time.                 individuals listed on the emergency
    (at Normandy Park) with notice of                                                     form that they have been named as
    withdrawal from the program two            Bus Schedules                              potential caregivers in your absence.
    weeks before the first of the month.       Bus schedules will be sent to families     You will be notified in the event that
    If notice is not received, the following   about 5 days before the start of the       your child experiences an accident or
    month’s tuition will be charged. If        new school year.                           a sudden illness that makes remaining
    withdrawing from preschool, please call                                               at school inadvisable, and you will be
    651-653-3102.                              Late Pick-Up Policy
                                               If you are more than 10 minutes late       asked to pick up your child, or send
    Late Tuition Charges                       to pick up your child, or if your child    someone listed on the emergency form
    It is important that tuition be paid on    receives transportation and no one is      to pick them up.
    time. However, we understand that life     home to receive the child, they will be    Mandated Reporters
    sometimes intervenes. We provide a         brought back to school and late fees       State law requires that all school
    grace period of 10 days for each tuition   will be assessed.                          employees report suspected abuse
    payment. After 10 days, a late fee of        • First incident: warning and            and neglect to the local county social
    $15 will be assessed to your account.          reminder of the pick up policy.        service.
    Not paying your tuition will result in
    termination from the program.                • Second and subsequent incidents:       School Closing Information
                                                   copy of our late pick up policy        Closings are announced on the radio
    Absence Due to Vacation, Illness or            and charge of $20.00 for the           (WCCO- 830 AM), local TV stations and
    Inclement Weather                              first 15 minutes and $1.00 per         on the district website. In addition,
    No tuition reductions or reimbursements        minute thereafter.                     parents will also be notified by a School
    will be made for absences for preschool.     • If late pick ups continue, you         Messenger phone call, email and/or
                                                   will be asked to set up a meeting      text message.
                                                   with the program administrator.
                                                   Consistent late pick ups may           Fire, Tornado and Lock Down Drills
                                                   result in termination from the         Children and staff participate in
                                                   program.                               fire, tornado and lock down drills
                                                                                          periodically throughout the year.
                                               If no one picks up the child at the
                                               dismissal time of class, first the
                                               caregiver/parents will be called and
                                               then all emergency contacts will be
                                               called. If staff cannot reach anyone
                                               after 45 minutes, and do not hear
                                               from an adult responsible for the
                                               child, the police will be notified.
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023

Toileting                                     Meals
Children must be independent with             You will receive more specific
toileting without the use of a pull-up or     information from your child’s teacher
a diaper to attend preschool classes.         at the beginning of the year.

Backpacks                                     Students at Elementary School Sites
Your child should bring a backpack to         Students will have access to school
school everyday, labeled with their           lunch and will be issued a food service
name. Please make sure that their             PIN to use when eating school breakfast
backpack is large enough to fit all of
their belongings, including outdoor
                                              and lunch. This number will stay with
                                              your child throughout their school years   Health
gear, extra clothes and a folder for          in White Bear Lake Schools.
school communication and art work.
Please check your child’s backpack            Students Attending Full Day Classes at
everyday!                                     Normandy Park                              Illness/Absences
                                              Students will need to bring lunch from     If your child is ill, or will be absent for
Preschool Attire                              home each day and eat breakfast            any reason, please contact your child’s
Children should be comfortably dressed        before arriving at school.                 teacher and let them know. When a
for play. They will be exposed to many                                                   child becomes sick during class time,
kinds of materials including finger paints,   Rest Time                                  the parent will be called at the phone
mud, water, playdough, etc. Please            Preschoolers work hard! As such, they      numbers provided on the emergency
recognize that your child will occasionally   need downtime to recharge their            form. Refer to the “Is My Child Well
get messy, and dress them accordingly.        minds and bodies. Having a designated      Enough to Go to School?” flier to help
If your child wears a dress or a skirt, you   rest time gives them a chance to           make a decision about when a student
may want to put shorts on underneath.         decompress. All full day students will     should stay home or attend school.
Students often sit criss-cross on the         have a rest time built into their daily
floor and play outside or in the gym          schedule. Students will bring a blanket    Immunization Record
daily. Good shoes are important! Please       or beach towel to create their own         Any child entering a Minnesota public
have your child wear comfortable shoes        space on the floor for rest. During        school must provide a statement from
without a slippery sole to school. They       rest time, teachers will turn off the      a physician or public clinic indicating
should be able to take them off and           lights and often quiet music will be       the child has recieved age appropriate
put them on again by themselves. Also,        played. Students are expected to be        immunizations.
accidents happen, so we ask that you          quiet during this time so that their
keep a complete change of clothing for        friends who need to sleep are able to
                                                                                         If mediation is necessary during school
your child in their backpack (in a gallon     do so. Having rest time encourages
                                                                                         hours, it will be administered by the
sized ziplock bag). Please label all of       preschoolers to slow down, relax, and
                                                                                         school nurse, and in compliance with
your child’s belongings with their name.      as a result better process what they
                                                                                         appropriate law and school district
                                              have learned that day!
Snacks                                                                                   administrative procedures. The
All classes (with the exception of            Conferences                                following must be provided before a
Tamarack) will have a snack time built        Conferences are held twice a year. Each    medication (either prescription or over
into their schedule each day. Teachers        teacher will send out communication        the counter) may be administered to a
will communicate snack procedures for         about scheduling conferences. Please       student at school:
each class at the beginning of the year.      plan to attend; you will hear valuable       • A signed order from the licensed
Students drink water with their snacks.       information about your student’s               prescriber stating the name and
Please send a labeled water bottle to         progress and some ideas about what             dose of medication, times and
school with your child everyday.              you can work on at home to support             duration for administration.
                                              your child’s learning and development.
                                                                                           • A written authorization from a
                                              Behavior                                       parent/guardian
                                              Preschool teachers are trained in            • Medications must be sent in the
                                              Conscious Discipline and incorporate           original container or pharmacy
                                              strategies that foster a positive              labeled container
                                              learning environment for all students.
                                              If challenging behavior(s) occur on a      Allergies
                                              continuous basis in the classroom, the     If your child has allergies, an allergy
                                              teacher may consult with a specialist,     plan should be completed by your
                                              in partnership with families, to develop   child’s physician and a copy should
                                              and implement targeted supports to         be provided to the health office at
                                              prevent the challenging behavior(s).       your child’s preschool site. Please
                                                                                         talk with your child’s teacher and
                                                                                         the school nurse about any necessary
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS - White Bear Lake Area Schools Preschool Parent Handbook 2022-2023
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