Guardians Parents and - A guide to help you support your child as they make course and career decisions - QUT

Page created by Calvin Dean
Guardians Parents and - A guide to help you support your child as they make course and career decisions - QUT
Parents and
 A guide to help you support your child as
 they make course and career decisions
Guardians Parents and - A guide to help you support your child as they make course and career decisions - QUT
Frequently asked questions
How can I help my child with                How are students chosen for                  Elite Athlete Entry Program offers
career decisions?                           university places?                           a selection rank adjustment for
You want your child to make the right       For most courses, applicants are             eligible elite athletes. Apply via
choices about their future. However         selected on the basis of their OP or         QTAC. Scholarships and support with
they may have many different interests,     selection rank as there are usually more     managing study may also be available
or be unsure about which post-school        people applying than the number of           (separate application required).
pathway to take. It’s OK for your child     places available. The Australian Tertiary    Year 12 Subject Scheme provides
to not know what they want to do after      Admission Rank (ATAR) will replace           selection rank adjustments if your child
school, and many young people change        the OP for Queensland students who           has completed specific school subjects,
their mind, and their course or career,     graduate from high school in 2020 or         or a university subject while at school.
further down the track.                     beyond. The published OP/selection
                                            rank/ATAR from the previous year is an
Assist your child by encouraging them                                                    What subjects should my child
                                            indication only. Each year, thresholds       study at school?
to explore different careers, and acting
                                            are determined by the number of
as a sounding board to help them                                                         For most courses QUT has an assumed
                                            places available in the course, the
weigh up their options. There are many                                                   knowledge scheme, so we don’t use
                                            number of applicants for the course,
resources you can access.                                                                specific school subjects as entry criteria
                                            and the standard of applicants (OP/
Talk to teachers, school guidance                                                        for our courses. Your child should
                                            selection rank/ATAR). Courses may be
officers and people who work in their                                                    complete the assumed knowledge
                                            easier or harder to get into from year
field of interest.                                                                       subjects while at school, or through a
                                            to year, depending on their popularity.
                                                                                         bridging program prior to commencing
Visit universities for events such as       The threshold does not indicate the
                                                                                         university; otherwise they may struggle
QUT Open Day on 28 July, or attend a        academic difficulty of the course.
                                                                                         with their studies. QUT’s Bachelor of
career expo in your area.                   Applicants to QUT who receive an OP          Education courses have prerequisite
Investigate courses, entry requirements     1–5, equivalent ATAR, selection rank         subjects which must be completed to
and careers by talking to staff and         of 93 or better, or have a completed         gain entry to the course. For details
students at events or by using the QTAC     International Baccalaureate Diploma          about assumed knowledge and
Guide or QUT website.                       with a score of 33 or better, are            prerequisite subjects check the online
                                            guaranteed a place in QUT courses            course information.
Get expert help with tools developed
                                            participating in the OP Guarantee.
by professional career practitioners.
The Match My Skills quiz will provide       Some courses have additional entry           I’m worried my child won’t get the
you with a personalised list of career      requirements, such as submission of          school results they need. What
                                            a portfolio, interview or audition, or       should we do?
areas and courses to match your child’s
interests and skills, as well ideas on      suitability statement.                       Your child can list up to six course
future-proofing their career. Visit                                                      preferences on their QTAC application.
                                            QUT’s Oodgeroo Unit offers an                                                               Their top preferences are for the
                                            entry program that recognises life
                                                                                         courses they really want to study—
Or take part in a free online course to     experiences, study undertaken, skills,
                                                                                         remember course thresholds can
help with career decision making at         commitment and potential. If your child
                                                                                         change from year to year. Lower          identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait
                                                                                         preferences should include courses
your-career                                 Islander on their QTAC application and
                                                                                         they are likely to gain entry to and lead
                                            includes a QUT course in their first
Explore careers, industries and                                                          to an alternative career interest area,
                                            three QTAC preferences, Oodgeroo
employment data using websites such                                                      or can be used as a pathway to their
                                            Unit staff will contact them.
as or                                                  chosen course.
Try it first with the START QUT program.    What are selection rank
High-achieving high school students         adjustments?
can experience university and study up
                                                                                         Entering uni in 2021 or
                                            Your child may be eligible for selection
to two university subjects in the same      rank adjustments, making them more
classes as current QUT students.            competitive for a course offer. The          There are changes to subjects and
                                            maximum possible adjustment is 10            the qualifications we’ll consider
How will my child apply to uni?             selection ranks (equivalent to 5 OPs).       for entry. Visit
For most Queensland universities,           Educational Access Scheme provides           starting-uni-in-2021
as well as some TAFE and private            a selection rank adjustment for
provider courses, your child will apply     applicants who have experienced
online through the Queensland Tertiary      difficult circumstances such as financial
Admissions Centre (QTAC) website. Year      hardship, educational disruption,
12 students receive the QTAC Guide          home environment, English language
through their school. Your child can list   difficulty or personal illness/disability,
up to six course preferences and will       that have negatively impacted on their
usually have time to make changes to        studies. Apply via QTAC. If your child
the order of their preferences or add       is eligible under the financial hardship
new courses. Some courses have earlier      category and enrols to study at QUT,
application deadlines.                      they will also receive a guaranteed
                                            $3500 Equity Scholarship.
How can another course help my                      How are course offers made?                     What if my child doesn’t like their
child gain entry to their preferred                 QUT makes offers via QTAC. Your child           course?
course?                                                                                             It’s OK for your child to change their
                                                    will receive an email from QTAC if they
If your child misses out on their                   receive an offer. Your child will receive       mind or course after they have started
preferred course they can undertake                 only one offer and it will be for their         their degree; many of our students do.
other study as a pathway to gain a new              highest eligible preference. They can           QUT’s career educators and online
selection rank.                                     choose to accept their offer, reject            learning modules can assist with this
Studying for one year full time in a                their offer, or conditionally accept their      decision and process. We encourage
degree course is the most effective way             offer and be considered for later offer         students to seek advice early in the
to gain a more competitive selection                rounds. Your child must respond to              semester to avoid academic and
rank. By receiving a passing grade for              the offer by the deadline, or they could        financial penalties.
all subjects in that year, they will have           miss out on taking up the offer or being
a selection rank of 93 (equivalent to an            considered for later offer rounds.              How much does university cost?
OP 5). Higher selection ranks can be                For most courses, QUT allows domestic           Most domestic undergraduate
achieved with higher university grades.             students to defer their course for one          places at QUT are partly funded by
A completed advanced diploma will                   year. Your child should still apply for their   the government. Students study in
lead to a minimum selection rank                    course and then defer their offer to hold       a Commonwealth supported place
of 93 and a completed diploma will                  their place for the following year.             and pay a contribution towards the
give a minimum selection rank of 87                                                                 cost of their course. In 2019, student
(equivalent to an OP 7).                            Can I talk to someone about my                  contributions range from $6566 to
                                                    child’s course offer, enrolment or              $10 958 for a standard full-time year.
A TAFE/QUT dual award may be an                     progress?
option. Students commence their                                                                     Many students defer payment with a
                                                    QUT staff are happy to provide general          government HECS-HELP loan. HECS-
studies at TAFE and on completion of
                                                    information such as key dates, how to           HELP loans are repaid when students
their diploma, advanced diploma or
                                                    enrol, etc. If you have specific questions      begin their career and their income
associate degree, they automatically
                                                    such as the classes your child has              passes a certain level ($45 881 for
gain entry to the QUT course with
                                                    enrolled in, or their results, we’ll need       the 2019–20 income year). Students
advanced standing (credit) granted
                                                    your child’s permission. They can               also pay a student services and
for their completed studies. Dual
                                                    provide permission by completing the            amenities fee to cover non-academic
awards are available in the areas of
                                                    third party authorisation form.                 services. The maximum fee in 2019 is
business, construction management,
engineering, games and interactive                                                                  $303. Citizenship conditions apply to
environments, human services,                                                                       Commonwealth supported places and
information technology, nursing,                                                                    HECS-HELP.
science and social work.

   Help with important decisions
   When deciding what to do I went to my parents first
   and they suggested possible courses. Then I booked an
   appointment with my school guidance counsellor and we
   looked through booklets and added sticky notes so I’d
   know what to research. Using Match My Skills was a way
   for me to work out if my personality suited the courses I
   was considering. Online research was definitely helpful
   and attending open days and career expos with my
   parents allowed me to ask questions.

   Samantha Ballinger
   Business and creative industries

              Check out the
              Match My Skills quiz.
What financial help is available?                  educators, group support sessions and                   and pitch them to real-world clients
QUT offers a range of scholarships for             online resources. Your child can also get               in a boardroom setting; paramedic
students who are high achievers, from              advice from one of our 1500+ trained                    students participate in a training
a low-income background, from rural                students who have the skills and                        exercise with emergency services staff
or remote areas, identify as Aboriginal            capabilities to help other students with                where they assess and plan responses
or Torres Strait Islander, have excelled           questions and advice.                                   for simulated trauma and road
at sport or are studying in a particular                                                                   accident situations.
                                                   At QUT, your child won’t fall between
discipline area.                                   the cracks. We reach out to students                    We recognise that many jobs of the
QUT students can also access short-                who need extra support via phone or                     future will be created through start-
term emergency loans, financial                    email to arrange personalised help                      up companies. Our students have
counselling and other assistance. There            and referrals to services. There are                    opportunities to develop and explore
is a contact person in each faculty to             also many experienced people and                        their entrepreneurial vision through
help students in financial need.                   services at QUT to help students,                       teaching programs and student
                                                   including health and medical services,                  activities. More founders of start-ups
                                                   personal counselling, accommodation                     have studied at QUT than any other
What support is available for my
child?                                             assistance, career planning, course                     Queensland university. (Startup Muster
                                                   advice and financial support.                           Report 2018).
At QUT, we offer a free network of
services across all areas of the student           If your child has a disability, injury or               Your child can also attend group
experience to support your child to                health condition, encourage them to                     sessions or discussions on résumé
succeed. QUT’s language and learning,              contact QUT’s Disability Services before                writing, employability and other job-
and maths, science and IT support will             they start studying at QUT to ensure                    seeking skills. The QUT UniHub portal
ensure your child has every chance                 support is in place for the start of their              can be used to find part-time and full-
for academic success. Your child will              course.                                                 time work.
also be supported to develop their
career and employability skills, and               How does QUT prepare my child
be provided with many opportunities                for the world of work?                                  Stay up-to-date
for their leadership, personal and                 We ensure students have opportunities                   Visit our website for parents and
professional development.                          in their courses to gain practical                      sign up to receive updates at
Support is embedded directly into                  work skills and make contacts in              
your child’s course, ensuring they                 their profession through real-world
receive help that is tailored and                  projects and industry experience.
timely. Additional help is also available          For example, advertising and public
through drop-in sessions with specialist           relations students develop campaigns

Ask us
QUT staff are ready to help.                       International students                                  Information in this publication was correct at the
                                                   This publication has been prepared                      time of publishing. The university reserves the right
                                                   for Australian students and those with                  to amend any information and to cancel, change or
                                                                                                           relocate any course. For the latest information visit
                                                   permanent resident status, and is not
                                                   suitable for international students. For
                                                   information for international students,
                                                                                                           QUT is committed to sustainability. The paper
HiQ—how can we help you?                           visit
                                                                                                           used in Parents 2020 has the credentials:
Live chat
                                                   CRICOS No.00213J
24/7 answers
Phone 07 3138 2000                                 © QUT 2019 23837

                               The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara, as the First Nations owners of the
                               lands where QUT now stands. We pay respect to their Elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We recognise that these
                               lands have always been places of teaching, research and learning. QUT acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and
                               Torres Strait Islander people play within the QUT community.
Key dates for parents
and guardians of
Year 12s
Friday 13 December 2019
Senior Education Profile mailed
This includes the Senior Statement,
Queensland Certificate of
Education, Queensland Certificate
of Individual Achievement and
Tertiary Entrance Statement.

Saturday 14 December 2019
Year 12 students can access their
results online
If you need advice, contact us at

Tuesday 17 December 2019
QUT Real Decisions event
Gardens Point campus
Advice for your child while they can
still make changes to their QTAC
course preferences.

Monday 23 December 2019
QUT offers via the QTAC website
Offers will be made to some
applicants on the basis of their OP/
selection rank.

Tuesday 7 January 2020
Change of course preferences
Final date to make changes to
QTAC preferences for mid-January
offer round.

Wednesday 15 January 2020
QUT offers via the QTAC website
QUT will make offers on the basis
of OP/selection rank. Further offers
may be made in the top-up offer
round in late January subject to
course availability.

17–21 February 2020
Orientation is an essential part of
getting started at QUT.

24 February 2020
Classes commence
Congratulate yourself and your
child on taking the next step in their

QTAC dates are subject to final
approval and may change. Visit
Key dates for parents
and guardians of
Year 12s
If your child is in Year 12 you have a
busy year ahead. To keep on top of
key dates, detach this slip and keep
it somewhere handy.

Sunday 28 July 2019
QUT Open Day
Register now

Thursday 1 August 2019
QTAC applications open

Tuesday 3–Wednesday 4
September 2019
Queensland Core Skills (QCS) test
Year 12 students will sit the QCS
test, which provides information
used to calculate OPs.

Friday 20 September 2019 (5pm)
Deadline for some creative
industries courses
Final date to apply to QTAC and
register for an audition or submit
your portfolio for acting, dance,
dance performance, fashion, music,
visual arts, and related double

Monday 30 September 2019
Due date for on-time QTAC

Friday 15 November 2019
QUT offers via the QTAC website
Offers will be made in courses
where OP/selection rank is not
a factor, or where an applicant
already has a sufficient selection
rank from qualifications other than
Year 12.

Friday 13 December 2019
QTAC deadline
Final date to apply to QTAC and
submit documents for the mid-
January offer round.
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