Ecole St. Mary School Continuous Improvement Plan 2020 2021

Page created by Carolyn Lewis
Ecole St. Mary School Continuous Improvement Plan 2020 2021
Ecole St. Mary School Continuous Improvement Plan
                                 2020 - 2021
A Holy Spirit Catholic School – A Christ-centered learning community where students are cherished and achieve their potential.

Mission Statement: Ecole St. Mary School Community will provide a quality Catholic education meeting the spiritual,
educational and emotional needs of all students.
Ecole St. Mary School has focused our goals on Holy Spirit Catholic Schools strategic priorities:

   1.   Staff and students will grow in their faith and experience the richness of Catholic Education.
   2.   High quality instruction rooted in sound research and effective assessment practices to support growth for all learners.
   3.   First Nations, Metis and Inuit education for all.
   4.   Foster a culture of wellness that is foundational to support learning.

  Priority One                 Staff and students will grow in their faith and experience the richness of Catholic Education.

  Goal:                        Strategies:                                                        Measures:

  By the end of January,       O   Staff and Student Retreats – to focus on new theme,            O   Accountability Pillar
  85% of our school’s              “Making Our Mark, Journey of an Intentional Disciple”.         O   TTFM
  population will be able      O   Visuals throughout the school                                  O   Thought Exchange
  to explain what the          O   Include a component on our new Faith Theme in every            O   Data Notebooks (to include a section
  current year`s faith             newsletter                                                         related to Faith)
  theme is in comparison       O   “Weekly assembly” to preview the gospel will also              O   Religion outcomes
                                   continue to include components from the previous faith         O   ‘Completion’ of prayer journals as per
  to last year’s.
                                   theme as well as introducing students to the new theme,            teacher’s request.
                                   while focusing on “Graciousness” as well as “Gratitude”.
  At the end of each           O   Developing a ‘new language’ for our 7 habits that relates
  week, all students               to the Fruits of the Spirit.
  attending will have          O   Morning prayer for staff on Mondays and Fridays. Monday
  heard and be able to             prayer to include Weekly Reflection provided by Joann,
  present an                       while Friday prayer is to include the upcoming Sunday
  interpretation of the            gospel.
                               O   Finding ways to connect our parish and youth ministry
  upcoming weekend
                                   while recognizing the limitations within our current
                                   pandemic situation.
                               O   All staff delivering the new religion curriculum, “Growing
                                   in Faith, Growing in Christ’, will attend PD sessions to in-
                                   service or re-introduce them to the program.
                               O   Staff participation in completing the Faith Inventory –
                                   intentional revisiting of the themes.
Priority Two               High quality instruction rooted in sound research and effective assessment practices to support
                           growth for all learners.

Goal:                      Strategies:                                                       Measures:

Numeracy – By the end O        6th year of school-wide implementation of Jump Math           O   Common Math Assessment
of the year, Ecole Saint       program.                                                      O   Anecdotal notes and observations
Mary will increase the   O     Review of Common Math Assessment at both the                  O   Data Notebooks
number of students in          Divisional and school level (limited to grades 4-6)           O   Eluminate reporting
the acceptable standard O      Within the CRM and/or grade level meetings, teachers will     O   ISPs for coded students
of the common math             be provided time to discuss specific strategies to enhance
                               overall learning.
assessment by 5%.
                         O     Mathletics and Zorbits being offered as a complement to
                               all teachers (significant increase in the amount of
                               subscriptions as a number of staff wish to offer it to all
                           O   Utilize learning coaches to assist in developing strategies
                               and investigating alternate options.

Literacy- By the end of    O   F&P Benchmark assessment to be completed for all              O   F&P Benchmark Assessment
the year, every student        students in the English program by end of October.            O   Divisional Assessment
will have increased at     O   Guided Reading Program for English and GB+ for French.        O   Anecdotal notes and observations
least one grade level in   O   Utilize learning coaches to instruct all staff on how to      O   Data Notebooks
their reading level.           properly incorporate F&P beyond the LLI.                      O   DRA
                           O   Provide additional staff coverage to support GB+              O   Eluminate reporting
                           O   Continue to build on strategies developed within the CRM      O   ISPs for coded students
                               over the last two years, particularly as they relate to
                           O   Small group instruction within the class appropriate to the
                               level of the student.
                           O   Success to be based on individual achievement.
Priority Three            First Nations, Metis and Inuit education for all.

Goal:                     Strategies:                                                          Measures:

By the end of the year,   O   Establishing culturally relevant events within the school,       O   Common Assessments
staff, students and our       both during the instructional day and non-instructional          O   TTFM
community will have           time. Orange Shirt Day – September 30, 2019.                     O   Accountability Pillar
come to a better          O   Continue to examine the importance of Heritage Days,             O   Thought Exchange
understanding of the          specific to the region in which we live.                         O   Attendance Reports
foundational              O   Homeroom teachers to contact First Nations, Métis and
                              Inuit families to offer assistance in booking interviews.
knowledge about First
                          O   Offer a Blackfoot Language and Culture class, opposite FSL,
Nations, Metis and
                              to all students who wish in grades 4-6. Within our present
Inuit.                        circumstance, all students in our grades 4 & 5 English
                              programs are getting both FSL and Blackfoot Language and
                          O   Utilize the First Nations, Métis and Inuit worker to present
                              to all classes. Develop bi-weekly topics that any teacher
                              can sign up for.
                          O   Staff to continue to incorporate knowledge from
                              participation in ATA workshops. In addition, ESM will
                              participate in the Dr. Louie presentation on Nov. 20 (one
                              of four PD days).
                          O   Utilize the First Nations, Métis and Inuit worker in
                              conjunction with the Family First Facilitator and Divisional
                              principal to create a link with the homes and ensure that
                              students are in attendance.
                          O   Continue to investigate ways to celebrate students as they
                              complete their grade 6 year and make their way to junior
                          O   Utilize the talents of the Division principal to assist in the
                              development of ideas and plan of action.
                          O   Continue to expand on the knowledge of staff, students
                              and our greater community in relation to the new TQS
                          O   FNMI worker has been asked to include a component of
                              First Nations spirituality for our staff retreat.
                          O   Staff participation in the completion of the Inventory –
                              intentional revisiting of the conditions.
Priority Four            Foster a culture of wellness that is foundational to support learning.

Goal:                    Strategies:                                                          Measures:

Respond to the varying   O   Share with our community the re-entry plan that focuses          O   TTFM
needs placed on the          on the safety of all, as well as the efforts to mitigate risks   O   Accountability Pillar
community in light of        and allows for appropriate measures in regards to contact        O   Thought Exchange
the pandemic.                tracing.                                                         O   Attendance Reports
                         O   Continue to investigate entrance and exits to At Home            O   Anecdotal notes and observations
                             Learning as demanded by the parents/guardians.
                             Investigate alternatives for those who do not ‘qualify’ for
                         O   Utilize the support services offered within the school and
                             the Division: FSLC, FNMI Support Worker, FFF (will need to
                             hire for this position), Director of Health and Wellness, and
                             various services as an extension of both the Mental Health
                             Capacity Grant (BREATHE presentations), and Nutrition
                             Grant (breakfast program).
                         O   Ensure staff is also aware of the various resources
                             available to them.
                         O   Keep the lines of communication between Division, School
                             and Alberta Health Services as open as possible.
                         O   Place ‘compassion’ before curriculum, particularly as many
                             of our students had varying experiences to complete the
                             previous school year.
                         O   Continue to provide instruction at a student’s ‘just right
                             level’, and define success based upon individual
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