Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells

Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
Election 2020 Snapshot:
Helping our aerospace and
defense clients make sense
of the U.S. election results
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and
defense (A&D) clients make sense of the U.S. election                                                 aerial systems and increasing cyber                Although Biden has been relatively silent
                                                                                                      warfare, artificial intelligence (AI),             regarding space policy, his administration
                                                                                                      and hypersonic missile capabilities.               is expected to continue President Trump’s
The election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States                                  Moreover, defense spending will continue           ambitious agenda of pushing human
likely will result in significant shifts in U.S. aerospace and defense                                to focus on competition with “near-peer”           exploration of space. Based on the Democratic
                                                                                                      countries China and Russia.                        Party platform, a Biden administration is
industry priorities, revocation of certain Trump administration                                                                                          also likely to leverage space, and in particular
policies applicable to government contractors, strengthened                                           Small businesses are in a good position to         NASA’s budget, for scientific research,
                                                                                                      benefit from some of Biden’s pronouncements
“Buy American” requirements, and increased use of defense                                             that signal support for aerospace and defense
                                                                                                                                                         including to study climate change using
                                                                                                                                                         space-based technologies.
and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)                                              contractors. For example, Biden has signaled an
                                                                                                                                                         Finally, the aviation industry is looking for
budgetary authority to combat climate change.                                                         intention to leverage a “scaled-up” version
                                                                                                                                                         stronger prospects of reimplementation of
                                                                                                      of the Small Business Innovation
                                                                                                      Research (SBIR) program to fund small              pandemic-related support under Biden, to
                                                                                                      businesses and to commercialize cutting-           the extent it does not occur earlier. At this
                                                                                                      edge technology. This bodes well for those         time, the prospects for an economic stimulus
                                                                                                      companies that qualify for the SBIR program        package being passed during the “lame
                                                                                                      and whose technology is of interest to the         duck” session of Congress are uncertain.
                                                                                                      government (e.g., AI, cyber, robotics, advanced    Additionally, Biden’s statements regarding
                                                                                                                                                         increased infrastructure spending
                                                                                                      manufacturing, communication technologies,
                                                                                                                                                         extends to the nation’s airports, which
Government spending priorities                                                                        batteries, and biotech, to name a few).            will be welcomed by both airlines and aircraft
and resulting opportunities and                                                                       The aerospace and defense industry will also       original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
challenges                                                                                            face opportunities and challenges as Biden
                                                     stimulate further merger and                     pivots the government to focus more on
                                                     acquisition (M&A) activity in the                combating climate change. As perhaps
Under the Biden administration, U.S. defense                                                          the largest consumer of fossil fuels and
budgets are expected to face increased pressure,     defense industry as companies look to grow
                                                     revenue and increase competitiveness non-        producer of carbon emissions, the Biden DoD
with the expectation that Biden’s initial defense                                                     is expected to accelerate its research and use
budgets will be no greater than flat                 organically. M&A activity, however, may face
                                                     increased scrutiny under a Biden                 of green technologies, while subjecting its
compared to the current proposed defense                                                              contractors to green requirements. For
budget. It is worth noting that Michèle Flournoy,    administration, pushed by progressive
                                                     Democrats who are seeking more aggressive        example, the department is likely to hasten its
a former undersecretary of defense for policy in                                                      shift to more efficient consumption of energy
the Obama administration and one of the              enforcement of antitrust laws.
                                                                                                      sources at its bases (including use of efficient
leading candidates for secretary of defense, has     Additionally, based on historical experience,    microgrids); increase its focus on compact
publicly criticized the Obama-era budget             we expect there to be increased bid protest      nuclear fusion; and require the purchase of,
sequestration cuts in defense spending. If           and claim litigation activity between            and its contractors to use, environmentally
Flournoy becomes the defense secretary, she is       contractors and their government customers       friendly technologies.
unlikely to support major defense cuts, reflecting   as contractors in low-growth defense
the consensus among defense establishment            environments tend to be less willing to
figures across both parties.                         forego revenue without a strong justification.
While Republican representation in the Senate        And, while spending on certain legacy
is expected to counter calls from progressive        and nuclear programs is likely to face
House Democrats for significant decreases in         increased scrutiny, Biden’s past statements
defense spending, the flat demand is likely to       suggest strong support for unmanned
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
Regulatory changes                               Executive Order 13495 Nondisplacement of          has threatened to respond in kind by                   is one of the world’s biggest markets for U.S.
                                                 Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts         “carouseling” the European products subject            aircraft. At the same time, it may benefit the
                                                 (EO 13495). EO 13495 required contractors         to duties and raising the duties as high as            defense aerospace sector if it leads to more
                                                 to offer a right of first refusal of employment   100 percent. Such an escalation could further          sales to Taiwan and U.S. allies in the Asia-
President-elect Biden is likely to continue
                                                 to certain service employees who worked on        complicate U.S.-EU trade in aerospace and              Pacific region.
the Trump administration’s strengthening
                                                 predecessor contracts.                            other products that are subject to penalty
of regulations focused on contractor                                                                                                                      At the same time, absent any more
                                                                                                   duties. While the sensible thing would be to
cybersecurity and supply chain                   Biden may also reinstate the Obama                                                                       meaningful concessions by China or
                                                                                                   settle the WTO dispute, a settlement poses
security, which include support of the new       executive order that banned federal                                                                      other action-forcing events, the Biden
                                                                                                   technical challenges and has eluded the
rules requiring cybersecurity assessments        contractors from discriminating against                                                                  administration will likely leave the
                                                                                                   parties during 15 years of litigation. If that
and restrictions on the use of certain Chinese   employees on the basis of sexual orientation                                                             Section 301 tariffs and China Phase
                                                                                                   dispute can be settled, a Biden administration
telecommunication and video surveillance         or identity. Also, in a pre-election                                                                     One trade agreement in place for the
                                                                                                   may have an opportunity to work with the
technology. Biden has also signaled,             pronouncement, Biden stated that he                                                                      foreseeable future. There is bipartisan
                                                                                                   European Union to craft new global rules on
however, a strengthened commitment               would “require that companies receiving                                                                  support for a tougher U.S. policy
                                                                                                   aircraft subsidies, or tackle China’s growing
to “Buy American” procurement and                procurement contracts are using taxpayer                                                                 toward China, so any effort to unwind
                                                                                                   aerospace industry.
supply chain requirements. Although the          dollars to support good American jobs,                                                                   the Section 301 tariffs faces serious
Trump administration issued several policy       including a commitment to pay at least            On Biden’s trade policy more generally, it             challenges, at least in the short term.
announcements aimed at strengthening “Buy        [US]$15 per hour, provide paid leave,             remains to be seen who Biden will nominate
American” policies, Biden has been critical of   maintain fair overtime and scheduling             as his trade representative, or for other key          Where Biden’s policies on China
those announcements as ineffective.              practices, and guarantee a choice to join a       administration posts responsible for trade             may differ from the Trump
                                                 union and bargain collectively.”                  and investment policies. Biden has, however,           administration’s are with respect to
In his “Made in All of America” policy                                                                                                                    climate, where the Biden team has
                                                                                                   said that he will not pursue trade agreements
paper, Biden stated a commitment to              For trade and its impact on commercial                                                                   said a Biden administration would
                                                                                                   during his first year in office. Significantly, fast
“[l]everage federal buying power and the full    aerospace, one major development to watch                                                                seek to find common ground,
                                                                                                   track Trade Promotion Authority expires on
range of government authorities, including       is the outcome of the longstanding World                                                                 although it remains to be seen if
                                                                                                   June 30, 2021, which could preclude any new
the Defense Production Act, BARDA, and           Trade Organization (WTO) dispute between                                                                 this is possible. Biden also has
                                                                                                   major trade deals unless Congress renews
federal procurement, to make sure that we        the United States and the European Union                                                                 said that he will work closely
                                                                                                   the authority.
make critical products in America.” Biden’s      over aircraft subsidies, which may or may                                                                with allies to confront China on
pronouncement, if implemented, will              not be settled before Biden takes office.         Elsewhere on international trade, Biden is             trade, national security, and
provide a significant competitive advantage      While the United States has had punitive          expected to continue to put pressure on China.         human rights issues.
to two audiences: 1) those companies in the      duties in effect on US$7.5 billion of EU          For example, Biden is likely to continue to
federal government market that offer U.S.-       aircraft, aircraft parts, cheeses, whiskies,      expand export control restrictions to counter
made products, and 2) potentially countries      alcoholic beverages, woolens, and hand tools      Chinese efforts to acquire strategic technology
with reciprocal trade agreements covering        since October 2019, a WTO arbitrator just         from the United States. He also is likely to
government procurement – if the enhanced         authorized the European Union to impose           maintain or expand sanctions in response
requirements extend beyond strictly U.S.-        sanctions on US$4 billion of U.S. products,       to Beijing’s actions in Hong Kong and its
made end products.                               which they began imposing on November 10.         detention of religious and ethnic minority
                                                 This includes a levy of 15 percent on aircraft.   groups in Xinjiang. Relatedly, Biden is likely
Biden reportedly is eager to repeal several
                                                                                                   to defer action on the Section 301 tariffs
labor-related requirements that Trump            While some member states reportedly               imposed on Chinese goods with respect to
imposed on government contractors. For           supported suspending the duties to                intellectual property/forced technology
example, Biden is expected to rescind the        encourage settlement talks, the European          transfers, as well as restrictions on certain
Trump Executive Order on Combating Race          Union reportedly has decided to go ahead          Chinese-made telecommunications and video
and Sex Stereotyping, which prohibits federal    with the duties instead, while making it          technology items and services. The continued
contractors from conducting certain diversity    clear it is prepared to remove them if the        deterioration of U.S.-China trade, economic
training. Also, Biden is expected to reinstate   case can be settled. This risks a further         and security relations, and the expansions of
Obama-era procurement policies that had          escalation of the dispute, since United States    U.S. export controls pose challenges for the
been revoked by Trump, including former          Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer            U.S. commercial aerospace sector, since China
Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
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                                                                 +1 202 637 5743

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Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells Election 2020 Snapshot: Helping our aerospace and defense clients make sense of the U.S. election results - Hogan Lovells
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